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S/390 IBM

Hardware Management Console

Operations Guide
Version 1.5.1

S/390 IBM
Hardware Management Console
Operations Guide
Version 1.5.1


Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page ix.

First Edition (March 1999)

This edition, GC38-0600-00, applies to the IBM Hardware Management Console Application, Version 1.5.1.

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 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.

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Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Electronic Emission Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Trademarks and Service Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Safety Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
World Trade Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

IBM Agreement for Licensed Internal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Statement of Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
How to Use this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Using the Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
What's New in Version 1.5.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx

Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Starting the Hardware Management Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Hardware Management Console Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Selecting Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Opening an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Performing a Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Monitoring Your Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Unacceptable Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
About Activation Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
CPC Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Defined CPCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Defined Director/Timer Consoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Undefined CPCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Undefined Director/Timer Consoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
User-Defined Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Hardware Management Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Optical Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Active Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Console Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
View Console Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
View Console Service History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Save/Restore Customizable Console Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Customize Console Date/Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Change Console Internal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Analyze Console Internal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Backup Critical Console Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Perform a Console Repair Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
View Console Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Customize Automatic Logon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 iii

User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Customize User Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Customize Product Engineering Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Hardware Management Console Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Enable Hardware Management Console Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Customize Scheduled Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Remote Support Telephone Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Transmit Console Service Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
Authorize Internal Code Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
Delete Staging Area Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Customize Account Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Customize Dial Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
Customize Problem Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
Domain Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
Enable Pager Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Installation Completion Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Report a Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35
IBM Service Support System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35
View Console Tasks Performed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
TCP/IP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
SNMP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37
Configure 3270 Emulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37
Network Diagnostic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Rebuild Vital Product Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
Archive Security Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
View Security Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Log Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Task List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41
Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42

Chapter 3. Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Hardware Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Operating System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Activate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Reset Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Deactivate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
CPC Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Single Object Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Reset Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
PSW Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Reset Clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Service Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Perform Problem Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
View Service History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
Backup Critical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Hard Disk Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22

iv Operations Guide
Checkout Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
Report a Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Transmit Service Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
Archive Security Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Change Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Engineering Changes (ECs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Retrieve Internal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
Change Internal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Product Engineering Directed Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
System Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
CPC Remote Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
Remote Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
Problem Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
Operations Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
Account Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
CPC Operational Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Customize/Delete Activation Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Customize Activity Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
View Activation Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
Automatic Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
Scheduled Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Customize Support Element Date/Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
Change LPAR Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
Configure Channel Path On/Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Reassign Channel Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
OSA Advanced Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45
Object Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
Change Object Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
Add Object Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48
CPC Manual Definition Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
SNA via Bridged LAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
SNA via APPN Network Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50
TCP/IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51
Remove Object Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53
Reboot Support Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
CPC Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55
Perform Model Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55
Transmit Vital Product Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56
View Frame Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56
Edit Frame Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57

Chapter 4. Turning Off the Hardware Management Console . . . . . . . . 4-1

Appendix A. Remote Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Remote Control Using a Hardware Management Console . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Remote Control Using the Web Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Web Server Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
Getting Ready to Use the Web Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
Configuring for the Web Server on the Hardware Management Console . . A-4
Logging On to the Web Server from a Web Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
The Hardware Management Console Web Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Things to Consider during Your Web Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
Remote Control Using a Remote Control Program Product . . . . . . . . . . . A-8

Contents v
Controller to a Hardware Management Console via Asynchronous TCP/IP through
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Configuring for a DCAF Connection on the Hardware Management Console
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Configuring DCAF on the Controller Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Starting SLIP on the Controller Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Starting DCAF on the Controller Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13

Appendix B. Use of Other Applications and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

ISA/PCI Bus Hardware Management Console Resource Requirements . . . . B-1
The Hardware Management Console Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
Changing the Hardware Management Console Platform . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
Maintaining Hardware Management Console Platform Changes . . . . . . B-3
Changing the Base Software Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
Installing Online Books from a CD-ROM Collection Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2
Process Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3
Site Alert Client Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-4
Site Alert Client Predefined Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-5
Site Alert Client Predefined Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-7
Example of Adding a New Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-9
Example of Adding a New Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-10
Setting Up a Filter Using an Existing Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-12
Setting Up a Filter Using Existing Keys but Creating a New Condition .C-12
Setting Up a Filter Creating a New Key and a New Condition . . . . . C-12
Hardware Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-12
State Change Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-14
Operating System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-15
Setting Up and Customizing the Hardware Management Console for Pager
Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-16
Configuring the Hardware Management Console to Support the Hardware
Management Console APIs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-16
Configuring the Hardware Management Console to Support the SNMP Interface
for the APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-16
Configuring Site Connect Server for Your Paging Service and Users . . . C-17
Configuring Site Alert Client for Your Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-18
Configuring the Pager Notification Process in the Hardware Management
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-20
Disabling the Pager Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-21
Problem Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-21
Modem Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-21
Testing the Pager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-21
Enabling a Condition in Site Alert Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-23
Site Alert Client Database Inconsistencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-23
Hardware Management Console File Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-23

Appendix D. Changing Your Time-of-Day (TOD) Clock . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

Changing To or From Standard Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
With ETR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

vi Operations Guide
Without ETR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2
Correcting the Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3
With ETR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3
Without ETR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

Appendix E. Attaching a Printer to Your Hardware Management Console

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-1

Contents vii
viii Operations Guide
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these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of
Licensing, IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood, N.Y. 10594,

Electronic Emission Notices

The following statement applies to this IBM product. The statement for other IBM
products intended for use with this product will appear in their accompanying

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions contained in the installation manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will
be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to
meet FCC emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television
interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors, by
installation or use of this equipment other than as specified in the installation
manual, or by any other unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment.
Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate
the equipment.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

Canadian Department of Communications Compliance Statement

This equipment does not exceed Class A limits per radio noise emissions for digital
apparatus, set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of the Canadian

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 ix

Department of Communications. Operation in a residential area may cause
unacceptable interference to radio and TV reception requiring the owner or operator
to take whatever steps are necessary to correct the interference.

Avis de conformlté aux normes du ministère des Communications du Canada

Cet équipement ne dépasse pas les limites de Classe A d'émission de bruits

radioélectriques pour les appareils numériques, telles que prescrites par le
Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique établi par le ministère des
Communications du Canada. L'exploitation faite en millieu résidentiel peut
entrainer le brouillage des réceptions radio et télé, ce qui obligerait le propriétaire
ou l'opérateur à prendre les dispositions nécessaires pour en éliminer les causes.

Taiwan Class A Compliance Statement

Trademarks and Service Marks

The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both:
Library Reader
Operating System/2
Sysplex Timer
S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft


Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States and

other countries.

Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted by a double
asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others.

x Operations Guide

Safety Notices
Safety notices may be printed throughout this guide. DANGER notices warn you of
conditions or procedures that can result in death or severe personal injury.
CAUTION notices warn you of conditions or procedures that can cause personal
injury that is neither lethal nor extremely hazardous. Warning notices warn you of
conditions or procedures that can cause damage to machines, equipment, or

There are no DANGER or CAUTION notices in this guide.

World Trade Safety Information

Several countries require the safety information contained in product publications to
be presented in their national languages. If this requirement applies to your
country, a safety information booklet is included in the publications package
shipped with the product. The booklet contains the safety information in your
national language with references to the US English source publications. Before
using a US English publication to install, operate, or service this IBM product, you
must first become familiar with the related safety information in the booklet. You
should also refer to the booklet any time you do not clearly understand any safety
information in the US English publications.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 xi

xii Operations Guide
IBM Agreement for Licensed Internal Code
You accept the terms of this Agreement by your initial use of a machine that
contains IBM Licensed Internal Code (called “Code”).

These terms apply to Code used by certain machines IBM or your reseller specifies
(called “Specific Machines”). International Business Machines Corporation or one
of its subsidiaries (“IBM”) owns copyrights in Code. IBM owns all copies of Code,
including all copies made from them.

If you are the rightful possessor of a Specific Machine, IBM grants you a license to
use the Code (or any replacement IBM provides) on, or in conjunction with, only the
Specific Machine for which the Code is provided. IBM licenses the Code to only
one rightful possessor at a time.

Under each license, IBM authorizes you to do only the following:

1. execute the Code to enable the Specific Machine to function according to its
Official Published Specifications (called “Specifications”);
2. make a backup or archival copy of the Code (unless IBM makes one available
for your use), provided you reproduce the copyright notice and any other
legend of ownership on the copy. You may use the copy only to replace the
original, when necessary; and
3. execute and display the Code as necessary to maintain the Specific Machine.

You agree to acquire any replacement for, or additional copy of, Code directly from
IBM in accordance with IBM's standard policies and practices. You also agree to
use that Code under these terms.

You may transfer possession of the Code to another party only with the transfer of
the Specific Machine. If you do so, you must 1) destroy all your copies of the Code
that were not provided by IBM, 2) either give the other party all your IBM-provided
copies of the Code or destroy them, and 3) notify the other party of these terms.
IBM licenses the other party when it accepts these terms. These terms apply to all
Code you acquire from any source.

Your license terminates when you no longer rightfully possess the Specific

Actions You May Not Take

You agree to use the Code only as authorized above. You may not do, for
example, any of the following:
1. otherwise copy, display, transfer, adapt, modify, or distribute the Code
(electronically or otherwise), except as IBM may authorize in the Specific
Machine's Specifications or in writing to you;
2. reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the Code unless
expressly permitted by applicable law without the possibility of contractual

Z125-4144-03 11/95

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 xiii

3. sublicense or assign the license for the Code; or
4. lease the Code or any copy of it.

Statement of Limited Warranty

The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Limited Warranty apply only to
Machines you originally purchase for your use, and not for resale, from IBM or an
IBM authorized reseller. The term “Machine” means an IBM machine, its features,
conversions, upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them.
Machines are subject to these terms only if purchased in the United States or
Puerto Rico, or Canada, and located in the country of purchase. If you have any
questions, contact IBM or your reseller.

Machine: Application StarterPak 3000, Coupling Facility Models C01 through C05, Multiprise 2000,
Parallel Enterprise Server, Parallel Enterprise Server - Generation 3, Parallel Enterprise Server -
Generation 4, Parallel Enterprise Server - Generation 5, Parallel Transaction Server

Warranty Period*: One Year

*Elements and accessories are warranted for three months. Contact your place of purchase for
warranty service information.

Production Status
Each Machine is manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts
(which perform like new parts). In some cases, the Machine may not be new and
may have been previously installed. Regardless of the Machine's production
status, IBM's warranty terms apply.

The IBM Warranty

IBM warrants that each Machine 1) is free from defects in materials and
workmanship and 2) conforms to IBM's Official Published Specifications. IBM
calculates the expiration of the warranty period from the Machine's Date of
Installation. The date on your receipt is the Date of Installation, unless IBM or your
reseller informs you otherwise.

During the warranty period, IBM or your reseller will provide warranty service under
the type of service designated for the Machine and will manage and install
engineering changes that apply to the Machine. IBM or your reseller will specify
the type of service.

For a feature, conversion, or upgrade, IBM or your reseller may require that the
Machine on which it is installed be 1) the designated, serial-numbered Machine and
2) at an engineering-change level compatible with the feature, conversion, or
upgrade. Some of these transactions (called “Net-Priced” transactions) may include
additional parts and associated replacement parts that are provided on an
exchange basis. All removed parts become the property of IBM and must be
returned to IBM.

Replacement parts assume the remaining warranty of the parts they replace.

xiv Operations Guide

If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, IBM or
your reseller will repair or replace it (with a Machine that is at least functionally
equivalent) without charge. If IBM or your reseller is unable to do so, you may
return it to your place of purchase and your money will be refunded.

If you transfer a Machine to another user, warranty service is available to that user
for the remainder of the warranty period. You should give your proof of purchase
and this Statement to that user.

Warranty Service
To obtain warranty service for the Machine, you should contact your reseller or call
IBM. In the United States, call IBM at 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378). In Canada,
call IBM at 1-800-465-6666. You may be required to present proof of purchase.

Depending on the Machine, the service may be 1) a “Repair” service at your

location (called “On-site”) or at one of IBM's or a reseller's service locations (called
“Carry-in”) or 2) an “Exchange” service, either On-site or Carry-in.

When a type of service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the item IBM
or your reseller replaces becomes its property and the replacement becomes yours.
The replacement may not be new, but will be in good working order and at least
functionally equivalent to the item replaced.

It is your responsibility to:

1. obtain authorization from the owner (for example, your lessor) to have IBM or
your reseller service a Machine that you do not own;
2. where applicable, before service is provided —
a. follow the problem determination, problem analysis, and service request
procedures that IBM or your reseller provide,
b. secure all programs, data, and funds contained in a Machine,
c. inform IBM or your reseller of changes in a Machine's location, and
d. for a Machine with exchange service, remove all features, parts, options,
alterations, and attachments not under warranty service. Also, the Machine
must be free of any legal obligations or restrictions that prevent its
exchange; and
3. be responsible for loss of, or damage to, a Machine in transit when you are
responsible for the transportation charges.

Extent of Warranty
IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a Machine.

Misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment,

improper maintenance by you, or failure caused by a product for which IBM is not
responsible may void the warranties.



In Canada, warranties include both warranties and conditions.

IBM Agreement for Licensed Internal Code xv

Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts,
so the above limitation may not apply to you.

Limitation of Liability
Circumstances may arise where, because of a default on IBM's part (including
fundamental breach) or other liability (including negligence and misrepresentation),
you are entitled to recover damages from IBM. In each such instance, regardless
of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages, IBM is liable only for:
1. bodily injury (including death), and damage to real property and tangible
personal property; and
2. the amount of any other actual loss or damage, up to the greater of $100,000
or the charge for the Machine that is the subject of the claim.

Under no circumstances is IBM liable for any of the following:

1. third-party claims against you for losses or damages (other than those under
the first item listed above);
2. loss of, or damage to, your records or data; or
3. economic consequential damages (including lost profits or savings) or incidental
damages, even if IBM is informed of their possibility.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights
which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

xvi Operations Guide

This guide helps users of the IBM S/390 Application StarterPak 3000,
Multiprise 2000, Parallel Enterprise Server Generation 3, Parallel Enterprise
Server - Generation 4, Parallel Enterprise Server - Generation 5, 9672, and 9674 to
understand how to use the Hardware Management Console. It is available as both
a hardcopy publication and an online document. The online document can be
viewed by double-clicking on the Books icon located in the Views area of the
Hardware Management Console. For more information about online
documentation, see “How to Use this Guide” on page xviii and “Books” on
page 2-42.

Users of the Hardware Management Console have been assigned a user mode by
the Access Administrator. This guide addresses the functions available to the
following user modes:
Ÿ Operator
Ÿ Advanced Operator
Ÿ Access Administrator
Ÿ System Programmer
Ÿ Service Representative

The task descriptions in this guide include all of the tasks that can be accessed by
any of the five user modes.
Note: For problem resolution of the processor cluster or an individual CPC,
service representatives should refer to the service documentation provided with the
processor or processor cluster that you are servicing. Not all tasks are available in
every user mode. Refer to the description of the specific task you want to access
to see what user mode(s) it is available in.

The windows represented in this document may or may not represent the exact
windows that are displayed for your user mode.

Not all code enhancements described in this guide may be available on your
support element. Locate the version of code installed in your support element by
looking at the title bar on the Workplace window and then refer to the table on the
next page to locate the Support Element Operations Guide that matches that
version of the code installed in your support element. If your support element does
not show the version of code on the title bar of your workplace, then perform the
following procedure on the Hardware Management Console:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Change Management from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC support element whose system
information that you want to display.
5. Drag and drop the selected CPC on System Information in the Change
Management tasks area. The System Information window is displayed.
Refer to the EC numbers listed in the table on the next page. Locate the one
that is displayed on the System Information window. Use the Support

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 xvii

Element Operations Guide listed in the column next to the EC number for your

Version Code EC Number Order Number

1.5.1 — GC38-3119-00
1.5.0 — GC38-3119-00
1.4.4 — GC38-3118-00
1.4.2 — GC38-3108-03
1.4.0 — GC38-3108-02
— E95861 GC38-3108-01
— E46125 GC38-3108-00
— E45568 GC38-3104-02
— D79756 GC38-0454-03

ATTENTION: All users should be aware that changes made to the Hardware
Management Console system configuration can disable functions that are needed
to manage the hardware that it is intended to manage. A customized setup
configuration (other than default settings) is used by the Hardware Management
Console. Running the “Setup Utility” may alter those settings. If you intend to use
other applications on the Hardware Management Console or install additional
hardware, refer to Appendix B, “Use of Other Applications and Features” on
page B-1 before doing so.

How to Use this Guide

The information in this guide is available to you as an online document on the
Hardware Management Console as well as this hardcopy book. To view this guide
in its online form, open Books in the Views area by double-clicking on the Books
icon with the left mouse button. After the guide has been opened, the Table of
Contents is displayed.

When the Table of Contents is first displayed, the highest level topics are displayed
in the order that they appear as chapters in the hardcopy book. If any of these
topics have lower level topics, a “+” (plus sign) is displayed to the left of the higher
level topic. To expand the topic, click once on the “+” and the next level will be
displayed. Other options for expanding topics are available by clicking once on the
Options pull-down window located at the top of the document. Double-click on any
topic to view its text.

Hypertext links are available to you throughout the online document. Hypertext
links will look like this: Introduction. By double-clicking on the word Introduction,
you will be sent to the section of the document called “Introduction.”

The Hardware Management Console is shipped with OS/2 Warp Version 4

installed. If you have not used this operating system before or are not familiar with
common terminology used with manipulating the mouse, read the following
information before continuing in this guide. The terms defined below are used
throughput this guide.

xviii Operations Guide

Using the Mouse
To select objects or to drag and drop them, you need to learn a few simple
techniques of mouse use. First, a few definitions:
Icon A graphical representation of an object, consisting of an image, image
background, and a label.
To point with the mouse
Move the mouse until the mouse pointer rests on the desired spot.
To click the mouse button
Press and release the button once.
To double-click the mouse button
Click the button twice in quick succession.
To select an object
Click on an object's icon with the left mouse button to select it for further
To swipe Press and hold down the left mouse button on the first object to be
selected. Without releasing the left button, move the mouse's pointer
over the other objects to be selected. Also see “Selecting Objects” on
page 1-6.
To display a view
Double-click on a Views icon with the left mouse button to display the
objects contained in the view. The objects will be displayed in the work
To open an object
Double-click on an object's icon with the left mouse button to display
another level of detailed information about the object. Also see
“Selecting Objects” on page 1-6.
To drag an object
Place the mouse pointer on the object's icon. Press and hold down the
right mouse button. Then, move the mouse (and the icon) to another
To drag several objects
After selecting several objects, place the mouse pointer on one of the
selected object's icon. Press and hold down the right mouse button.
Then, move the mouse (and the icon) to another location.
To drop an object
Release the right mouse button to drop the dragged object in the new
Box Selection
Place the mouse pointer above and to the left of the leftmost, top object
to be selected. Move the mouse pointer down and to the right with the
left mouse button held down. Complete the box selection by releasing
the left mouse button. Also see “Selecting Objects” on page 1-6.

Preface xix
What's New in Version 1.5.1
This guide reflects the licensed internal code for the Hardware Management
Console Application, Version 1.5.1. You can tell if your Hardware Management
Console has this version installed by looking at the title bar on the Hardware
Management Console Workplace window. New enhancements to the version code
that are described in this guide include:
Ÿ Customize Automatic Dialing and Customize Remote Service console actions
were combined into a new task called Customize Dial Information (see
“Customize Dial Information” on page 2-32)
Ÿ OSA Advanced Facilities task (see “OSA Advanced Facilities” on page 3-45)
Ÿ Customize Support Element Date/Time task available from the Hardware
Management Console Web Server (see “Remote Control Using the Web
Server” on page A-2)
Ÿ A DCAF procedure for running a remote Hardware Management Console from
a controller via asynchronous TCP/IP through Serial Line Internet Protocol
(SLIP) [see “Controller to a Hardware Management Console via Asynchronous
TCP/IP through Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)” on page A-9]
Ÿ A program called PAGETEST for testing a pager that was setup and configured
through Enable Pager Notification (see “Testing the Pager” on page C-21)

There may be other changes to the system code that are not described in this
guide. Please refer to the other documents shipped with your processor for
additional information.

xx Operations Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction
The Hardware Management Console user interface is designed to provide the
functions you need through an object-oriented design. Through this design, you
can directly manipulate the objects that are defined to the Hardware Management
Console, and be aware of changes to hardware status as they are detected.

The Hardware Management Console communicates with each central processor

complex (CPC) through the CPC's support element (SE). When tasks are
performed at the Hardware Management Console, the commands are sent to one
or more support elements which then issue commands to their CPCs. CPCs can
be grouped at the Hardware Management Console so that a single command can
be passed along to as many as all of the CPCs defined to the Hardware
Management Console. One Hardware Management Console can control up to 100
support elements and one support element can be controlled by 32 Hardware
Management Consoles. Refer to the example below and the example on the next
page for typical Hardware Management Console configurations.

Single CPC Environment:

CONSOLE Local Area

Frame contains
the SE and the CPC

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 1-1

Multiple CPC Environment:


CONSOLE Local Area
(Optional) Network

1-2 Operations Guide

Starting the Hardware Management Console
First, turn on the Hardware Management Console by setting both the display and
system units to the On position. You should then see the Initialization window
containing the IBM Logo and copyright information. This window is followed by a
window containing the license agreement, which will continue to display until
initialization is complete.

When initialization is complete, the Hardware Management Console Logon window

is displayed.

Note: The Logon window contains message icons and a status indicator. A
flashing icon is alerting you that a message was logged that may require your
attention. You will need to log on to view the message. The status indicator
reflects the current overall status of the Defined CPCs and images.

Default userids and passwords are established as part of a base Hardware

Management Console. The Access Administrator should assign new userids and

Chapter 1. Introduction 1-3

passwords as soon as the Hardware Management Console is installed for
each user using the User Profiles task under Console Actions.
The default userids and passwords are:
System Programmer SYSPROG PASSWORD
Access Administrator ACSADMIN PASSWORD
Service Representative SERVICE SERVMODE

To log on, type one of the default userid and password combinations, or the userid
and password combination assigned to you. Then press Enter, or select the Log
on push button.

Once you log on, the Welcome window and the Hardware Management Console
Workplace window are displayed. The Welcome window contains tips of
information that you may or may not know about the Hardware Management
Console. You can just read the current tip that is displayed or you can scroll
through as many as you want to read. This window will be displayed each time
you log on unless you uncheck the Show this welcome screen the next time you
logon box. If at any time you want to redisplay the Welcome window:
1. Click on the System Menu icon located in the upper left corner of the workplace
to open the system menu.
2. Click on the Show tips menu choice. The Welcome window redisplays.

Once the Welcome window is closed, the Hardware Management Console

Workplace window is now available for you to work with objects and tasks for your
system. Not all tasks are available for each user mode. Refer to the description of
the specific task you want to access to see what user mode(s) it is available in.

If at any time you do not know or remember what user mode is currently logged on
to the Hardware Management Console:
1. Click on the System Menu icon located in the upper left corner of the workplace
to open the system menu.
2. Click on the Logon details menu choice.
The Logon Details window displays and shows the current user mode. It also
tells you if object filtering is enabled for this user mode. For more information
on objecting filtering, see “Customize User Controls” on page 2-22.

1-4 Operations Guide

Hardware Management Console Workplace
The Hardware Management Console Workplace window consists of three areas: a
Views area, a Tasks area, and a Work area. The Views area, in the upper left
portion of the window, contains icons that represent different collections or views of
the objects that make up your system. The background color of this area also
gives an indication of the status of the system, as described in “Monitoring Your
Hardware” on page 1-9. The Tasks area, in the right portion of the window,
contains icons that represent the operations that you can perform on the objects.
The Work area, in the lower left portion of the window, is the area of the window
that displays either objects or groups, tasks in progress, task lists, tasks for
monitoring your Hardware Management Console, or the online books, based on the
view that you select. Initially, the objects of the Groups view are displayed in the
Work Area.

These three areas of the Hardware Management Console Workplace can be

resized. For example, if you are currently working in the Task area and need
additional space to display all of the available tasks, move the mouse pointer over
the border that separates the Task area from the Views and Work area until the
mouse pointer changes to a double-pointed arrow. When the pointer changes
shape, press and hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse pointer to
the left. Release the button and your Task area is now larger in size. You can
make each of the three areas either larger or smaller.

Until you become familiar with these three areas and all the objects in the
workplace, you may want to use Online help. Online help provides extensive,
comprehensive information for each workplace object. For more information on
using online help, see “Help” on page 3-3. As you become familiar with the
workplace, you may want to use Hover help instead. Hover help is a brief
description of an object's, contents, usage, or purpose. The help is displayed in a
compact pop-up window that hovers above the object. You can set hover help
either on or off, depending on what you want. Initially, hover help is set off.

Chapter 1. Introduction 1-5

To set hover help on for your workplace:
Ÿ Click on the System Menu icon located in the upper left corner of the workplace
to open the system menu.
Ÿ Click on the Hover help menu choice. This places a mark next to it and sets
hover help on. If you want to set hover help off, click the menu choice again,
the mark disappears, and hover help is set off.
Note: Hover help is not displayed immediately. The cursor must remain placed on
a workplace object for several seconds to display the help.

You can work with the objects on the workplace using the mouse to select them.
This is known as the drag and drop technique. This involves using the mouse to
pick up one or more objects, dragging them to a task, and then dropping them.
These techniques are examples of what is known as direct manipulation and are
described in “Using the Mouse” on page xix.

Selecting Objects
Selecting objects prepares them for further action. Selecting a Views icon allows
you to display the view by pressing Enter. For objects displayed in the Work area,
selecting two or more objects allows you to perform tasks on them as a dynamic

You can select a single object by clicking on the icon. If an object is already
selected, clicking on it deselects the object.

In the Work area, if the selection of multiple objects is allowed, you can use any of
the following methods:
Ÿ Click on each object to be selected.
Ÿ Swipe the group of objects to be selected.
Ÿ Place the mouse pointer above and to the left of the leftmost, top object, and
swipe down and to the right, creating a rectangular box enclosing all the
objects to be selected. This technique is also known as Box selection.
Ÿ Select or deselect all objects in a view using the OS/2 pull-down, expanded by
clicking on the bar in the upper left corner of the Hardware Management
Console window. Select either the Select all or the Deselect all pull-down
Clicking or swiping objects that are already selected deselects the objects.
Note: Sometimes you may only want to work with one object at a time and not
want to worry that an additional object(s) is selected accidentally. You can set the
Single object selection on for your workplace so that only one object can be
selected at a time. To do this:
Ÿ Click on the System Menu icon located in the upper left corner of the workplace
to open the system menu.
Ÿ Click on the Single object selection menu choice. This places a mark next to
it and sets single object selection on. This setting is saved based on userid;
therefore, different users can work on the same Hardware Management
Console in different ways.

If you want to set it off, click the menu choice again, the mark disappears, and
multiple selection of objects is now available.

1-6 Operations Guide

Opening an Object

Double-clicking on an object in the Work area opens the object to another level of
detail, if available. For instance, double-clicking on any one of the Group icons in
the Groups view results in a display of the objects (for example, CPCs or CPC
Images) that make up that group. The example shows the objects that make up
the Defined CPCs group and are displayed in the Work area after double-clicking
on the Defined CPCs' icon. Double-clicking on a CPC or CPC Images object
displayed in the Work area results in a display of the object's current status
information and other object details.

Performing a Task
You can perform tasks on any object or group of objects in the Work area. This is
done using direct manipulation.

For a single object, you can drag the object with the right mouse button to the
appropriate Tasks icon and drop it. Or, you can drag the Tasks icon to the object
and drop it. Notice that while you are dragging an object through various areas of
the window, a “-” (minus sign or not symbol) appears. The not symbol is also used
if you attempt to perform a task that is not supported for a particular type of object
selection. This indicates that the object should not be dropped in these locations
since no valid task would result.

For multiple objects, select all the objects you want to perform the task on. Then
drag the group by placing the mouse pointer on any one of the selected object's
icon, and dragging and dropping the object icon on the task's icon. Or you can
drag the task's icon to any one of the selected objects and drop it.

Chapter 1. Introduction 1-7

Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks
Some of the Hardware Management Console tasks are considered disruptive.
Performing a disruptive task on a CPC or CPC image may disrupt its operation.
You may want to lock an object to prevent accidentally performing a disruptive task
on it and then unlock the object only when you want to perform a disruptive task on
it. The following are considered disruptive tasks:
Daily Tasks: Activate, Reset Normal, and Deactivate
CPC Recovery Tasks: Start, Stop, Reset Normal, PSW Restart, Reset Clear,
and Load
Service Tasks: Checkout Tests
Change Management Tasks: Engineering Changes (ECs), Change Internal
Code, and Product Engineering Directed Changes
CPC Operational Customization: Change LPAR Controls, Configure Channel
Path On/Off, Reassign Channel Path, and OSA Advanced Facilities
Object Definition Tasks: Change Object Definition, Reboot Support Element
Note: The Lockout disruptive task setting only affects operations from the
Hardware Management Console workplace that you are currently working at and its
web browser. It does not affect any operations at the support element or
operations initiated from other Hardware Management Consoles.

Depending on whether the Lockout disruptive task setting is set to Yes or No

determines if you can perform a disruptive task on a CPC or CPC image. You can
either lock an individual object or a group of objects at one time.

To individually lock a CPC or CPC image:

1. Locate the object you want to lock in the Work Area.
2. Double click on the object's icon to open its Details page.
3. Set the Lockout disruptive tasks radio button to Yes.
4. Select the Save push button to lock the object.

If you want to lock all CPCs or CPC images at one time:

1. Locate the objects you want to lock in the Work Area.
2. Click on the System Menu icon located in the upper left corner of the workplace
to open the System menu.
3. Select Lock all from the menu. All objects in the Work Area are now locked.

When the object(s) are locked, a small red lock in the upper left hand corner of the
icon indicates that the disruptive tasks are locked for that object. If you try to
perform a disruptive task on a locked object, a window is displayed indicating the
object is locked. If you need to unlock an object or a group of objects, you must
unlock each one individually. To do this:
1. Locate the object you want to unlock in the Work Area.
2. Double click on the object's icon to open its Details page.
3. Set the Lockout disruptive tasks radio button to No.
4. Select the Save push button to unlock the object.

1-8 Operations Guide

5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for every object you want to unlock.

Monitoring Your Hardware

Note: The following description of the use of color is based on a set of default
colors that are set up for you initially. You may override the defaults and associate
different colors, or use grey patterns instead of color, by using the Hardware
Management Console Settings task. (For more information, see page 2-25.)

Good or acceptable status for all CPCs and CPC images in the processor cluster is
indicated by a green background in the Views area of the Hardware Management
Console Workplace window, and by the absence of a red background around the
Exceptions icon. Status changes from acceptable to unacceptable, referred to as
Exceptions, are indicated on the Hardware Management Console Workplace
window by a color change from green to red. By default, green indicates good, or
acceptable status. Red indicates an exception, or that an object has an
unacceptable status.

Messages that may require operator attention are indicated by the blue flashing
Hardware Messages icon or by the cyan flashing Operating System Messages icon
in the Tasks area. In addition, to indicate which objects have hardware or
operating system messages that require operator attention, the CPC or CPC image
icon's background color and its group icon background color will also be blue or

Chapter 1. Introduction 1-9

To monitor status changes only, select the Autosize button in the upper right-hand
corner of the window (left of the minimize icon). This reduces the part of the
window displayed to include only the Views area and a small part of the Tasks
area, making the remainder of the screen available for other tasks.

Unacceptable Status
The default acceptable status value is Operating. Initially, all other status values
are considered unacceptable, unless you select them on the Details window by
double-clicking on a CPC or image icon. If an object's status changes to any of the
unacceptable values, it is treated as an Exception situation. An exception situation
is visually indicated by a change of the entire Views area background color from
green to red. A background color is also displayed for the CPCs or images that
have an unacceptable status, and for any of the groups that contain those CPCs or
images. The background color depends on what you have selected on the Details

If an exception situation exists, you can open the Exceptions group from the Views
area to see a subset of only those CPCs or images involved in an exception
condition. Once you display the Exceptions view, the background of the entire
Views area changes back to green, and a red background only remains around the
Exception icon, the object icon, and the group icon with the unacceptable status.

1-10 Operations Guide

This will allow any additional exception situations to be recognized by a color
change of the Views area. An exception state will remain until the CPC or image
returns to a status that you have indicated as acceptable.

About Activation Profiles

Activation Profiles are required for CPC and CPC image activation. They are used
to tailor the operation of a CPC and are stored in the support element associated
with the CPC. There are three types of activation profiles:
Reset: Every CPC in the processor cluster needs a reset profile to determine the
mode in which the CPC licensed internal code will be loaded and how
much central storage and expanded storage will be used. The maximum
number of reset profiles allowed for each CPC is 26.
Image: If LPAR mode was selected in the reset profile, each partition will have an
image profile. The image profile determines the number of CPs that the
image will use and whether these CPs will be dedicated to the partition or
shared. It also allows you to assign the amounts of central storage and
expanded storage that will be used by each partition. The maximum
number of image profiles allowed for each CPC is 64.
Load: A load profile is needed to define the channel address of the device that
the operating system will be loaded from. The maximum number of load
profiles allowed for each CPC is 64.

Default profiles of each of the three types are provided. The default profiles can be
viewed, copied to create new profiles, and modified using the CPC Operational
Customization tasks.

Chapter 1. Introduction 1-11

The Activate task will activate the CPC or CPC image with the profile that is
displayed on the Details window. Initially, the Default profile is selected. You may
specify an activation profile other than the Default by double-clicking on the desired
CPC or CPC image icon in one of the expanded groups to display the Details
window. The current activation profile name is displayed.

1-12 Operations Guide

To change the activation profile, select the Change Options push button to display
a window allowing you to enter a different profile name. The activation profile
displayed on the Details window will be effective when the Activate task is
performed on the object.

Enabling you to associate a profile with a CPC or CPC image within a particular
group gives you the capability to have special purpose groups containing the same
set of objects. For instance, you may wish to define an Operations group and a
Dump group, each containing the same group of CPCs, but each using a different
profile to activate the objects within the group. For detailed information on
activation profiles, see “Settings for System Operations” in the Support Element
Operations Guide.

Chapter 1. Introduction 1-13

1-14 Operations Guide
Chapter 2. Views and Work Area
Views of your system's objects are represented in the Views area. Each view
provides a different way of looking at information related to your system. Once the
Views objects are opened, they are displayed in the Work Area and their contents
are available for further action. You can display a particular View by using any of
the following methods:
Ÿ Double-clicking on the icon in the Views area that you want
Ÿ Selecting the icon in the Views area by clicking on it, then pressing Enter, or
Ÿ Opening the workplace pop-up menu.
This pop-up menu is a shortcut for navigating the workplace. The menu
choices in the pop-up are the names of the views in the Views area. An arrow
to the right of a menu choice indicates additional choices are available on a
cascaded menu. A cascaded menu provides additional menu choices and may
include additional cascaded menus. Each cascaded menu provides a more
direct shortcut for locating and opening icons in a particular view.
To open the pop-up menu, click the right mouse button once on any empty
area in the workplace. When the pop-up menu displays, select the view you
want to see.

The Work Area, in the lower left portion of the window, displays the objects of your
system based on the View that you select. Objects must be displayed in the Work
Area before tasks can be performed on them.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 2-1

The following are represented in the Views area:
Active Tasks
Console Actions
Task List


The Groups view is displayed initially when you log on to the Hardware
Management Console and is the view that you will use most often to run and
monitor your system. Groups, comprised of as few as one object, allow you to
activate an object in a particular way via the assignments of a unique set of
activation parameters within that group. A different set of parameters, stored in an
activation profile, can be assigned to the same object in a different group. A
special purpose group can be created for each of the various ways that activate an

You may redisplay the Groups view by double-clicking with the left mouse button
on the Groups icon in the Views area. Object icons representing all the
system-defined and user-defined groups are displayed in the Groups work area.

Groups are comprised of logical collections of like objects. They provide a quick
and easy means for performing tasks against the same set of objects more than
once without having to select each object every time the task is run. In addition,
status is reported on a group basis, allowing you to monitor your system in a way
that you prefer.

2-2 Operations Guide

You can select one of the group icons and perform tasks on the objects in a group
by dragging it to a task icon, or by dragging a task icon to one of the group icons.

A Hardware Management Console icon can also be displayed in the Groups Work
Area. This icon represents the Hardware Management Console that you are
working on and is only displayed when it is needed. If this icon is displayed,
Hardware Messages have been logged for the Hardware Management Console.

An Optical Network icon can also be displayed in the Groups Work Area. This icon
represents the fiber optic connections of your processor cluster and is only
displayed when it is needed. If this icon is displayed, Hardware Messages have
been logged for the Optical Network.

Five system-defined groups, Defined CPCs, CPC Images, Defined Director/Timer

Consoles, Undefined CPCs, and Undefined Director/Timer Consoles are provided
with your system. These groups consist of all CPCs, all images, and ESCON
Director and Sysplex Timer consoles that make up your processor cluster. It is
from these five system-defined groups that you will create other user-defined
groups as you want to work with them.

The following are represented in the Groups Work Area:

CPC Images
Defined CPCs
Defined Director/Timer Consoles
Undefined CPCs (Available in Access Administrator and Service Representative
modes only)
Undefined Director/Timer Consoles (Available in Access Administrator and
Service Representative modes only)
User-Defined groups
Hardware Management Console
Optical Network

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-3

CPC Images

The CPC Images Group displays all images in the processor cluster. An image is
either of the following:
Ÿ In LPAR mode, a partition where a coupling facility control code (CFCC) or an
operating system can be running.
Ÿ In non-LPAR mode, the system itself where an operating system can be
Note: CPC images will not be displayed if Service Status is enabled for the CPC.
For information about Service Status, see “Service Status” on page 3-18.

2-4 Operations Guide

Defined CPCs

The Defined CPCs group displays all of the CPCs that have been defined to your
Hardware Management Console. Tasks cannot be performed on a CPC until it is
defined. If a CPC is not defined, it will be a part of the Undefined CPCs group
when it is powered on if the CPC can be automatically discovered by the Hardware
Management Console using NetBIOS flows. If the CPC cannot be automatically
discovered, it will have to be manually configured using the CPC Manual Definition
Template. For more information on manually configuring CPCs, see “CPC Manual
Definition Template” on page 3-49.

Once a CPC is defined, it will be removed from the Undefined CPCs group and
added to the Defined CPCs group. From the Defined CPCs group, the CPC can
be grouped into one or more user-defined groups. A defined CPC will remain as a
part of the Defined CPCs group until its definition is removed, regardless of its
power state.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-5

Defined Director/Timer Consoles
This system-defined group contains all Director/Timer consoles defined to the
Hardware Management Console whether they were automatically discovered using
NetBIOS flow or defined using the Undefined Director/Timer Console template. For
more information on defining director/timer consoles not automatically discovered to
the Hardware Management Console, see “Undefined Director/Timer Consoles” on
page 2-7.

A Director/Timer console is an object that represents either:

Ÿ An ESCON Director console
Ÿ A Sysplex Timer console

Defined Director/Timer consoles are objects that have been customized to enable
operating the consoles from the Hardware Management Console and are the
targets of the following Hardware Management Console tasks:
Ÿ Single Object Operations. Use this task to operate a defined Director/Timer
console from the Hardware Management Console through a Distributed
Console Access Facility (DCAF) session.
Ÿ Grouping. Use this task to create, change, or delete user-defined groups of
defined Director/Timer consoles.
Ÿ Object Definition tasks. Use these tasks to change or remove the object
definitions of defined Director/Timer consoles.

Undefined CPCs
Note: Undefined CPCs are available only in Access Administrator and Service
Representative modes.

The Undefined CPCs Group displays all of the CPCs in the processor cluster that
Ÿ Physically installed
Ÿ Have their support element powered on
Ÿ Have the same Domain Name as the Hardware Management Console
Ÿ Have not been defined to your Hardware Management Console
Ÿ Can be automatically discovered using NetBIOS flows.

For those CPCs that cannot be automatically discovered, you must use the CPC
Manual Definition Template. For more information on manually configuring CPCs,
see “CPC Manual Definition Template” on page 3-49.

All CPCs in this group must be defined before tasks can be performed on them and
status will not be reported for objects in the Undefined CPCs group.

To define CPCs, use “Add Object Definition” on page 3-48.

2-6 Operations Guide

Undefined Director/Timer Consoles
Note: Undefined Director/Timer consoles are available only in Access
Administrator and Service Representative modes.

This system-defined group contains Director/Timer consoles, if any, that can be

defined to the Hardware Management Console but currently are not defined to it.
The group also contains a template for manually identifying and defining
Director/Timer consoles that the Hardware Management Console cannot
automatically discover using NetBIOS flows.

A Director/Timer console is an object that represents either:

Ÿ An ESCON Director console
Ÿ A Sysplex Timer console

Undefined Director/Timer consoles and the Director/Timer Console Manual

Definition Template can be targets of the Add Object Definition task only. To define
Director/Timer consoles, use “Add Object Definition” on page 3-48.

User-Defined Groups
There may be one or more user-defined groups already defined on your Hardware
Management Console. You can create others, delete the ones that were created,
add to created groups, or delete from created groups by using the Grouping task.
Note: The system-defined groups (Defined CPCs, CPC Images and Undefined
CPCs) cannot be deleted.

To use Grouping:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPCs or images that you want to group.
5. Select one or more objects.
6. Drag and drop the selected objects on Grouping in the Daily tasks area.

The Grouping window displays to allow you to add the selected object(s) to an
existing group, delete the selected object(s) from a group, create a new group, or
delete the group. Online Help is available to guide you through completion of this
task. For more information about grouping, see “Grouping” on page 3-8.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-7

Hardware Management Console
The Hardware Management Console icon represents the Hardware Management
Console that you are using. It only displays in the Groups Work Area when
Hardware Messages have been logged for the Hardware Management Console.
Messages logged for the Hardware Management Console are messages about the
Hardware Management Console and token-ring network activity that provide the
links to the CPC support elements.

To view these messages, drag the Hardware Management Console icon to any
tasks area and drop it on the Hardware Messages icon.

For more information about Hardware Messages, see “Hardware Messages” on

page 3-1.

Optical Network
The Optical Network icon represents the fiber optic connections used by CPCs to
communicate with Input/Output (I/O) devices or a coupling facility. Those
connections are:
Ÿ ESCON - optical Input/Output (I/O) connections
Ÿ Coupling facility channels - optical coupling facility links

The optical network icon displays in the Groups Work Area when Hardware
Messages have been logged for the optical network.

To view these messages, drag the Optical Network icon to any tasks area and drop
it on the Hardware Messages icon.

For more information about Hardware Messages, see “Hardware Messages” on

page 3-1.

2-8 Operations Guide


Display the Exceptions view by double-clicking with the left mouse button on the
Exceptions icon in the Views area. Object icons representing all the CPCs and
images that are in an exception state, due to an unacceptable status condition, will
be displayed in the Exceptions work area. If no CPCs or images are in an
exception state, the Exceptions work area will be empty.

You can recognize that an object is in the Exceptions view by one or both of the
following visual indicators:
Ÿ The entire top Views portion of the Hardware Management Console Workplace
window has a background color that indicates that an exception has occurred.
Ÿ The background of the Exceptions icon has a background color that indicates
that an object has exceptions.

To view the current status and the acceptable status values for any of the objects
in the Exception work area, double-click on their icons to display the Details
window. To initiate a corrective action, select one or more of the CPC or image
icons in the Exceptions work area and perform tasks by dragging them to a task
icon, or by dragging a task icon to one of the CPC or image icons.
Note: An object in the Exceptions Work Area will display the activation profile that
was last used in the “Activation Profile” field. An activation of an object in the
Exceptions Work Area will attempt to activate the object with the last used profile to
return it to its previous status. Under some conditions the “Activation Profile” field
of an object in the Exceptions Work Area could have no activation profile
associated with it. If activation is needed to resolve an exception condition for an
object that has no activation profile associated with it, it is recommended that the
object be activated from a user-defined group or that an activation profile be
selected from the object's details window.

See “Monitoring Your Hardware” on page 1-9 for more information about
Exceptions and the use of color.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-9

Active Tasks

Display the Active Tasks view by double-clicking with the left mouse button on the
Active Tasks icon in the Views area. This view is useful when you have minimized
the Progress windows for one or more tasks that are in progress simultaneously.
Object icons representing all the tasks that are currently in progress, or those tasks
that have completed but whose ending status has not been reviewed, will be
displayed in the Active work area.

If there are active icons in the Active Tasks Work Area, you can double-click on
them to redisplay the Progress window for that task. When a task completes, the
Progress window for that particular task will be automatically redisplayed, allowing
you to respond to the final status.
Note: Active icons remain in the Active Tasks Work Area after the task is
complete until you redisplay the Progress window and select the OK push button.
You cannot log off the Hardware Management Console if the Active Tasks Work
Area contains minimized progress icons. Prior to logging off, redisplay each
minimized progress window and select OK to acknowledge the completion of this

2-10 Operations Guide

Console Actions

Display the Console Actions view by double-clicking with the left mouse button on
the Console Actions icon in the Views area. Object icons representing all the
actions that can be performed on the Hardware Management Console and its
internal code will be displayed in the Console Actions Work Area. These actions
are used for setting up the Hardware Management Console, maintaining its internal
code, and servicing the Hardware Management Console. Most likely, you will not
use these actions on a regular basis.

The following are represented in the Console Actions Work Area:

View Console Events
View Console Service History
Save/Restore Customizable Console Data
Customize Console Date/Time
Change Console Internal Code
Analyze Console Internal Code
Backup Critical Console Data
Perform a Console Repair Action
View Console Information
Customize Automatic Logon
User Profiles
Customize User Controls
Customize Product Engineering Access
Hardware Management Console Settings
Enable Hardware Management Console Services
Customize Scheduled Operations
Remote Support Telephone Queue
Transmit Console Service Data

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-11

Authorize Internal Code Changes
Delete Staging Area Files
Customize Account Information
Customize Dial Information
Customize Problem Management
Domain Security
Enable Pager Notification
Installation Completion Report
Report a Problem
IBM Service Support System
View Console Tasks Performed
TCP/IP Configuration
SNMP Configuration
Configure 3270 Emulators
Network Diagnostic Information
Rebuild Vital Product Data
Archive Security Logs
View Security Logs
Log Off

View Console Events

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Enables you to view a record of system events occurring on the Hardware

Management Console. System events are individual activities that indicate when
processes occur, begin and end, succeed or fail.

When an event occurs, the date and time it occurs and a brief description of the
event are recorded in the Console Event Log. This information is listed on the
Console Event Log window under the Date, Time, and Console event headings,

Initially, all events are listed. The events are displayed in descending order, from
the most recent event to the oldest event.

Use the options in the View pull-down on the menu bar to change to a different
time range, or to change how the events display in the summary.

To view the console events:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open View Console Events from the Console Actions Work Area. The View
Console Events window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information about reviewing the console

2-12 Operations Guide

View Console Service History

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Displays the service history log for the Hardware Management Console. The
service history is a record of problems occurring on the Hardware Management
Console. Service history information is recorded by Problem Analysis that starts
automatically and identifies the source of a Hardware Management Console
problem. Service history entries are displayed with the most recent entry at the top
of the record.

To view the console service history:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open View Console Service History from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Service History window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information about reviewing the service

Save/Restore Customizable Console Data

Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.

Enables you to save the following customizable Hardware Management Console

Object Instance Data
Acceptable status settings and activation profiles associated with objects.
Panel Instance Data
Colors, fonts, size, and positions of windows.
Group Data
User group definitions.
Status Colors and/or patterns
Color or pattern settings set under the Hardware Management Console
User Profile and Domain Security Data
User identifications, passwords, and domain security definitions
Account Information Data
Information for a CPC or a group of CPCs which includes physical location
and the customer name and address.
Remote Service Information
Authorize automatic service call reporting.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-13

Problem Management Information
Enable or disable alert generation.
Automatic Dialing Information
Dial string prefix and calling station identifier.

Once saved, this data can be restored to the same Hardware Management
Console or another Hardware Management Console.

To save or restore your console data:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Save/Restore Customizable Console Data from the Console Actions
Work Area. The Save/Restore Customizable Console Data window is
3. Select the types of customized data and the file where this data is to be saved
to or restored from, then select the Save or Restore push button.

Use the online Help if you need additional information about saving customizable
console data.

Customize Console Date/Time

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Enables you to:

Ÿ Change the time and date of the battery-operated Hardware Management
Console clock, and
Ÿ Change the time-zone offset from the universal time coordinate (UTC).

The battery-operated clock keeps the time and date for the Hardware Management
Console. The time zone offset is the difference between your local time and the
Universal Time Coordinate (UTC).

Use Customize Console Date/Time:

Ÿ When the clocks are adjusted (for example, daylight savings time).
Ÿ If the battery is replaced in the Hardware Management Console.
Ÿ If your system is physically moved to a different time-zone.

An attempt will be made every night to synchronize the Hardware Management

Console clock with a CPC that has been enabled for time synchronization. If a
CPC is enabled for time synchronization by using the Change Object Definition or
the Add Object Definition tasks, this console action will cause the Hardware
Management Console to update its clock with the time that is set on the CPC
support element and keyboard entries will be ignored.

The following list shows the zone correction for some major cities around the world:

2-14 Operations Guide

Number of Hours Number of Hours
City Direction Standard Time Daylight Time
Amsterdam East 1 2
Anchorage West 9 8
Berlin East 1 2
Buenos Aires West 3 -
Chicago West 6 5
Denver West 7 6
London East ð 1
Los Angeles West 8 7
New York City West 5 4
Madrid East 1 2
Oklahoma City West 6 5
Paris East 1 2
Pittsburgh West 5 4
Rio de Janeiro West 3 -
Rome East 1 2
Stockholm East 1 2
Sydney East 1ð 11
Tel Aviv East 2 3
Tokyo West 9 -
Toronto West 5 4
Vienna East 1 2

For the procedure for changing the Hardware Management Console date and time,
see Appendix D, “Changing Your Time-of-Day (TOD) Clock.”

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-15

Change Console Internal Code

Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or

Service Representative mode.

Enables you to specify what you want to do with the internal code changes
provided by IBM. This function is used when working with the Licensed Internal
Code supplied with the Hardware Management Console. For information on
changes to the support element internal code, see “Change Management” on
page 3-26.

An IBM service representative will provide new internal code changes and manage
their initial use. For internal code changes already stored on your Hardware
Management Console hard disk, IBM recommends that you manage these changes
only under the supervision of an IBM service representative or with the assistance
of your IBM Support Center.

Licensed internal code controls many of the operations available on the Hardware
Management Console. Internal code changes may provide new operations, or
correct or improve existing operations.
Note: Verify that the term Enabled appears in the Change Management
Services field. Change management services must be enabled for you to use
options that manage the internal code changes stored on the Hardware
Management Console hard disk.

To change the internal code on the Hardware Management Console:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Change Console Internal Code from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Change Internal Code window is displayed.
3. Select the radio button for the task you want to perform to the internal code,
then select the OK push button.

Use the online Help if you need additional information about working with an
internal code change.

Analyze Console Internal Code

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Enables you to install, activate, remove, or edit a Hardware Management Console

internal code fix provided by IBM Product Engineering.

To start this task:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.

2-16 Operations Guide

2. Open Analyze Console Internal Code from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Analyze Internal Code Changes window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information on working with an internal code

Backup Critical Console Data

1. This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative mode.
2. The Rewriteable Optical Cartridge used for the Backup Critical Console Data
task must be formatted with no volume label or a volume label of ACTBKP.
3. This task only backs up the critical data associated with Hardware Management
Console Application (HWMCA). To backup all of the data that is stored on the
hard disk, use the OS/2 Backup command from a separate OS/2 command
4. To backup data stored on each support element, see “Backup Critical Data” on
page 3-21.

This function will backup the data that is stored on your Hardware Management
Console hard disk and is critical to support Hardware Management Console
operations. You should backup the Hardware Management Console data after
changes have been made to the Hardware Management Console or to the
information associated with the processor cluster.

Information associated with processor cluster changes is usually information that

you are able to modify or add to the Hardware Management Console hard disk.
Association of an activation profile to a object, the definition of a group, hardware
configuration data, and receiving internal code changes are examples of modifying
and adding information, respectively.

Use this task after customizing your processor cluster in any way. A backup copy
of hard disk information may be restored to your Hardware Management Console
following the repair or replacement of the fixed disk.

To backup console data:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Backup Critical Console Data from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Confirm the Action window is displayed.
3. Select the Backup push button to begin.
4. When the Insert Optical Cartridge window displays, insert the backup optical
cartridge in the drive on the Hardware Management Console.
5. Select the OK push button.

Use the online Help to get additional information for backing up the Hardware
Management Console data.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-17

Perform a Console Repair Action

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

This task should be the starting point for all Hardware Management Console
repairs. You can either repair an open problem or report a repair of a non-detected

To start a console repair action:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Perform a Console Repair Action from the Console Actions Work
Area. The Perform a Console Repair Action window is displayed.
3. Select the Repair an open problem radio button to start a repair or continue a
repair of a previously reported problem.
Select the Report a repair of a non-detected problem radio button to report
to IBM about repairing a problem that was not detected or reported by Problem
4. Select the OK push button to start the repair.

Use the online Help if you need additional information on starting a repair action.

View Console Information

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Displays information about the Hardware Management Console and its licensed
internal code.

Machine Type, Machine Model number, and Machine Serial number identify the
Hardware Management Console.

Internal Code Change Information lists the part number, engineering change (EC)
number, and state levels of each set of licensed internal code associated with the
Hardware Management Console.

Licensed internal code controls many of the operations available on the Hardware
Management Console. Internal code changes may provide new operations, or
correct or improve existing operations.

The part number and EC number are assigned to a set of licensed internal code by
IBM Product Engineering. The numbers identify the licensed internal code and its

2-18 Operations Guide

If a set of licensed internal code is modified, its EC number is supplemented with a
state level. A state level distinguishes between different versions of the same set
of licensed internal code.

To view the console information:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open View Console Information from the Console Action Work Area. The
View Console Information window is displayed.
3. Select a set of licensed internal code from the list.
4. Select the Details push button to view the additional information about internal
code state levels.

Use the online Help to get additional information on viewing the Hardware
Management Console and its licensed internal code information.

Customize Automatic Logon

Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.

Provides a window for you to enable or disable the automatic logon feature.

When enabled, the automatic logon feature will log on the Hardware Management
Console automatically using the userid you specify whenever the Hardware
Management Console is powered-on.

To enable or disable the automatic logon feature:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Automatic Logon from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Customize Automatic Logon window displays to allow you to select the
userid that you want the Hardware Management Console to use when it is
powered on.

Use the online Help to get additional information for setting up automatic logon.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-19

User Profiles

Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.

Enables you to create, modify, or delete user profiles for the user modes on the
Hardware Management Console or for service mode on the support element. A
user profile consists of a user identification, password, and user mode. The user
identification and password are used to verify a user's authorization to log on the
Hardware Management Console. The user mode determines the user's level of
access to Hardware Management Console tasks and operations.

To customize a user profile:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open User Profiles from the Console Action Work Area. The User Profiles
notebook window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for working with a user profile.

You can also select whether or not the Desktop on the Hardware Management
Console is displayed to all users or to only selected users. By placing a checkmark
in the Enable secure desktop box on the Options page of the User Profiles
notebook window, all user modes will no longer have access to the Desktop. If you
want certain user modes or particular userids to have access to the Desktop, do
the following:
1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open User Profiles from the Console Action Work Area. The User Profiles
notebook window is displayed.
3. Select the notebook tab of the user mode you want.
4. If the userid you want to give access to already exists in the window list, select
the userid from the list, and then select the Open push button. The Open a
User Profile window is displayed.
If you are creating a new userid, select the Create push button. The New
User Profile window is displayed.
5. Check the Allow access to desktop box and then select the OK push button.
This userid now has access to the Desktop.
Note: Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each additional userid you want to give
access to the Desktop.
6. Close the User Profiles notebook window.
Note: If a person, who has access to the Desktop, is logged on and has opened
up one or more application windows (such as, OS/2 Window, TCP/IP
Configuration), they must close those applications before logging off the Hardware
Management Console; otherwise, those applications will be available to anyone
logging on to the Hardware Management Console even if their userid does not
have access to the Desktop. If any applications are left open, they will be left open
for any other userid until the Hardware Management Console is rebooted.

2-20 Operations Guide

This task also lets you give access to particular userids for the Hardware
Management Console Web Server. The Web Server is a remote capability that
allows an operator to monitor and/or control defined CPCs, CPC images, or groups
from a remote site to a local Hardware Management Console through a Web
browser. For more information on the Web Server and how to use it, see “Remote
Control Using the Web Server” on page A-2.
Note: The Web Server is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, and System
Programmer modes.

To give access to the Web Server:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open User Profiles from the Console Action Work Area. The User Profiles
notebook window is displayed.
3. Select the notebook tab of the user mode (Operator, Advanced Operator, or
System Programmer) you want.
4. If the userid you want to give access to already exists in the window list, select
the userid from the list, and then select the Open push button. The Open a
User Profile window is displayed.
If you are creating a new userid, select the Create push button. The New
User Profile window is displayed.
5. Check the Allow access through Web Server box and then select the OK
push button. This userid now has access to the Web Server.
Note: Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each additional userid you want to give
access to the Web Server.
6. Close the User Profiles notebook window.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-21

Customize User Controls

Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.

Allows you to customize the task bars and/or tasks that are available to a user after
logging on the Hardware Management Console.

The tasks and task bars can be customized in the following ways:
Ÿ New task bars added
Ÿ New tasks added to a task bar
Ÿ Existing task bars removed
Ÿ Existing tasks removed from a task bar

To customize a task or task bar:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize User Controls from the Console Actions Work Area. The
Customize User Control notebook window is displayed.
3. Select the Tasks tab.
4. Select the userid and use the lists provided to tailor the tasks that you want for
each user.

Use the online Help to get additional information for customizing tasks for a user

You can also customize what groups or objects are made available for each user
once they are logged on. Use this task when you want to limit the access of a user
to a specific group(s) and for particular objects in a group(s).

The groups and objects can be customized in the following ways:

Ÿ All groups and objects available (default value)
Ÿ Individual objects for a user
Ÿ Individual groups for a user

To customize a group or object:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize User Controls from the Console Actions Work Area. The
Customize User Control notebook window is displayed.
3. Select the Objects tab.
4. Select the userid from the Userid pull-down list.
5. Check the Enable object filtering for this userid box. This causes the Group
objects and Managed objects boxes to be ungreyed.
6. Select an object from the Managed objects list and then select the Add
Managed object push button. Repeat this step for as many objects as you
want the user to access.

2-22 Operations Guide

Note: If you give a user access to an object, you must also give them access
to at least one group that contains the object.
7. Select the group name from the Group objects box and then select the Add
Group push button. Repeat this step for as many groups as you want the user
to access.
Note: If you give a user access to a group that is grouped, you must also give
them access to at least one group that contains it. Likewise, for successively
grouped groups, you must give the user access to at least:
Ÿ One group that contains objects the user has access to
Ÿ One group that contains the preceding group of objects
Ÿ One group that contains the preceding group of groups and so on, until the
user has access to a group that begins the succession of grouped groups.
8. Select the Apply push button. The Customize User Objects pop-up window
displays telling you have successfully customized this userid.
9. Select the OK push button. The Customize User Controls window is
Note: Repeat steps 4 through 9 for each userid you want to customize.
10. Close the Customize User Control notebook window.
Note: When the person logs on to the Hardware Management Console in a
customized userid, a pop-up window displays telling the user that this userid has
been customized for access to only certain groups and objects.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-23

Customize Product Engineering Access

Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.

Enables you to verify or change the authorization of IBM Product Engineering

access to the Hardware Management Console.

With access authority, IBM Product Engineering can log on the Hardware
Management Console in an exclusive user mode that provides tasks and
operations for problem determination.

Product Engineering access is provided by a reserved password and permanent

user identification. You cannot view, discard, or change the password and user
identification, but you can control their use for accessing the Hardware
Management Console.

Use this task to control whether the Hardware Management Console accepts the
Product Engineering user identification and password for logging on.

To use this task:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Product Engineering Access from the Console Actions
Work Area. The Customize Product Engineering Access window is

Use the online Help to get additional information for authorizing product engineering
access to your Hardware Management Console.

2-24 Operations Guide

Hardware Management Console Settings

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Enables you to modify the default colors (or use grey patterns instead of color)
used to indicate processor cluster status changes. You may associate a color or
pattern with any of the status values that you indicate as unacceptable, thereby
allowing you to distinguish between types of exceptions.

You can also change the background color of the Views area for an exception or
nonexception situation, and of the color associated with pending messages. See
“Monitoring Your Hardware” on page 1-9 for more information about status and
exception conditions.

You can also choose the type of Confirmation messages that will be displayed or
choose not to display Confirmation messages.

A user with Access Administrator authority can use this Console Action to enable
the Hardware Management Console Application Program Interface (API). When
enabled, applications that were not supplied as part of the Hardware Management
Console Application (HWMCA) can communicate with the objects defined to this
Hardware Management Console.

A user with Access Administrator authority can also enter SNA information,
including the Hardware Management Console name, the TCP/IP information
(TCP/IP address and subnet mask for LAN 0), and whether or not the Hardware
Management Console should use routed to handle Routing Information Protocol
(RIP) packets.
Note: If scheduled operations have been established by this Hardware
Management Console, they must be cancelled before changing the Hardware
Management Console name.

To change the settings on the Hardware Management Console:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Hardware Management Console Settings from the Console Actions
Work Area. The Hardware Management Console Settings window is

Use the online Help to get additional information for changing the settings on the
Hardware Management Console.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-25

Enable Hardware Management Console Services

Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, Access Administrator, System

Programmer, or Service Representative mode.

Depending on what user mode you are logged on through, all or some of the
following services are available to enable or disable:
Ÿ Remote Operation
Ÿ Phone Server
Ÿ Web Server
Ÿ LIC Change
Ÿ Optical Error Analysis
Ÿ Automatic Call Answering
Ÿ AO Manager.

Enable Remote Operation to allow the Hardware Management Console to be

operated from a remote console. You also have the option to enable or disable a
remote connection when a user is logged on to the Hardware Management
Console. This control is only effective when SNA DCAF connections are used for
remote connections.

Enable Phone Server to designate your Hardware Management Console as having

a modem that can be used by all CPCs defined to it.

Enable LIC Change to receive Licensed Internal Code updates remotely from IBM
or locally from diskette or optical cartridge. When Enabled, this Hardware
Management Console will also provide the hardware configuration definition (HCD)
tool with the configuration of your system.

Enable Web Server to control whether this Hardware Management Console

provides World Wide Web pages that remote operators can use to perform
Hardware Management Console tasks from a remote console's Web Browser. For
information on to use the Web Server, see “Remote Control Using the Web Server”
on page A-2.

Enable Optical Error Analysis to designate your Hardware Management Console as

a focal point for analyzing and reporting fiber optic network (ESCON and coupling
facility channel) problems. These problems are reported via the Optical Network
icon (see pages 2-3 and 2-8).

Enable Automatic Call Answering to automatically answer incoming

telecommunication calls.

Enable Availability and Operations Manager (AO Manager) to allow the Hardware
Management Console to communicate with the AO Manager system. AO Manager
is a service offering you can purchase to control and automate the operation of a
systems center.

2-26 Operations Guide

You can set up a Hardware Management Console to run its AO Manager bridge
software if:
Ÿ An AO Manager system is installed for controlling the systems center that
includes one or more of the Hardware Management Console's defined CPCs.
Ÿ The Hardware Management Console is physically connected to the AO
Manager system.
Ÿ You want the AO Manager to monitor and control one or more of the Hardware
Management Console's defined CPCs.

Once the Hardware Management Console is Enabled, you must shut down and
reboot the console.
Note: There is additional configuration needed to enable the AO Manager system
to communicate with the Hardware Management Console. See the documentation
provided with the AO Manager system.

To enable or disable any of these services on your Hardware Management

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Enable Hardware Management Console Services from the Console
Actions Work Area. The Enable Hardware Management Console Services
window is displayed.
3. Locate the type of service that you want to either enable or disable, then select
the OK push button to save your changes.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for enabling or disabling
console services.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-27

Customize Scheduled Operations

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Enables you to schedule the time and dates for automatic licensed internal code
updates and backup of critical hard disk data for the Hardware Management
Console. Invoking Customize Scheduled Operations displays all operations that
have been scheduled, their scheduled date and time, the function, and the number
of repetitions.

An operation can be scheduled to occur one time or it can be scheduled to be

repeated. You will be required to provide the time and date that you want the
operation to occur. If the operation is scheduled to be repeated, you will be asked
to select:
Ÿ The day or days of the week that you want the operation to occur. (optional)
Ÿ The interval, or time between each occurrence. (required)
Ÿ The total number of repetitions. (required)
The operations that can be scheduled on a Hardware Management Console are:
Backup critical hard disk information
Copies the Hardware Management Console's critical hard disk information to
a removable media.
Accept internal code changes
Causes the internal code changes for the Hardware Management Console to
be a permanent working part of the internal code. Once internal code
changes have been accepted, they cannot be removed.
Retrieve internal code changes for defined CPCs
Copies the internal code changes to the support element of each of the CPCs
that are defined to your Hardware Management Console at the time that the
retrieve is scheduled to take place.
Retrieve internal code changes
Copies the Hardware Management Console internal code changes to the
Hardware Management Console hard disk.
Install internal code changes / Activate with reboot
Causes the internal code changes and OS/2 internal code updates for the
Hardware Management Console to be installed and activated and the
Hardware Management Console to be rebooted.
Install internal code changes / Activate without reboot
Causes the internal code changes except the OS/2 internal code updates for
the Hardware Management Console to be installed and activated without
rebooting the Hardware Management Console.
Transmit system availability data
Sends service data generated by the selected object to IBM. This data is
used to ensure a high level of availability.

2-28 Operations Guide

Remove internal code changes / Activate with reboot
Returns installed or activated changes and OS/2 internal code updates to the
retrieved state so they are not loaded during activation and the Hardware
Management Console to be rebooted.
Note: Once changes are accepted, they cannot be removed.
Remove internal code changes / Activate without reboot
Returns installed or activated changes except OS/2 internal code updates to
the retrieved state so they are not loaded during activation without rebooting
the Hardware Management Console.
Note: Once changes are accepted, they cannot be removed.

To schedule operations on the Hardware Management Console:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Scheduled Operations from the Console Actions Work
Area. The Customize Scheduled Operations window is displayed.
3. Select Options from the menu bar to add or delete a scheduled operation.

Use the online Help to get additional information for scheduling an operation.

Remote Support Telephone Queue

1. This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,
Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.
2. Changes to the Remote Support Telephone Queue should only be made with
direction from Product Engineering.

Displays any activity occurring on or in the queue for the remote support facility.

You can change the priority of transmissions, delete transmissions from the queue,
hold the queue, view phone servers, or halt current transmissions.

To use this task:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Remote Support Telephone Queue from the Console Actions Work
Area. The Remote Support Telephone Queue window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for managing the remote support
facility queue.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-29

Transmit Console Service Data

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode and should only be used
under the direction of Product Engineering.

Provides the ability to send information that is stored on the Hardware Management
Console hard disk that can be used for problem determination.

The data may be traces, logs or dumps and the destination for the data may be the
IBM Service Support System, a diskette, or an optical cartridge.

Before you can send information to the IBM Support System, phone server and
remote service must be enabled. To enable phone server, see “Enable Hardware
Management Console Services” on page 2-26. To enable remote service, see
“Customize Dial Information” on page 2-32.

To transmit the console service data:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Transmit Console Service Data from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Transmit Service Data to IBM window is displayed.

Use the online Help for additional information about getting selected service data
from the Hardware Management Console hard disk and sending it to IBM.

Authorize Internal Code Changes

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Gives you the option to allow or not to allow the Hardware Management Console to
install and activate licensed internal code changes.

To authorize changes to the internal code:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Authorize Internal Code Changes from the Console Actions Work
Area. The Authorize Internal Code Changes window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information about enabling or disabling the
setting for internal code change authorization.

2-30 Operations Guide

Delete Staging Area Files

1. This task is available only in Service Representative mode.
2. The icon for this task will only show in the Console Actions Work Area if LIC
Change is enabled in the Enable Hardware Management Console Services
task. (See “Enable Hardware Management Console Services” on page 2-26.)

Gives you the ability to delete the files that are copied to the Hardware
Management Console staging area by a Change Management task. The staging
area is a storage location on the Hardware Management Console hard disk.
Engineering Changes and internal code fixes are copied as files to the staging
area. The files remain in the staging area until they are replaced by new files of
the same type. Because the size of the staging area is limited, storing one type of
file may prevent using a Change Management task that must copy another type of
file to the staging area. Use this task to delete files that are no longer needed.

To delete files from the staging area:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Delete Staging Area from the Console Actions Work Area. The
Delete Staging Area window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for deleting files.

Customize Account Information

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Enables you to customize the account information for the Hardware Management
Console. Account Information provides a description of the Hardware Management
Console which includes its physical location and the customer name and address.

The Account Information Notebook divides the information into:

Ÿ Company Information
Ÿ Account Information

To customize your account information:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Account Information from the Console Actions Work
Area. The Customize Account Information window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information about customizing your account
information notebook page.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-31

Customize Dial Information

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Allows you to customize the Hardware Management Console for using remote
service. Remote service is a two-way communication between the console and the
IBM Service Support System for the purpose of conducting automated service
operations. Using remote service reduces the operator interaction needed to
complete some service operations and provides some console tasks with another
source or destination for sending or receiving service information. Some examples
for enabling remote service:
Ÿ Lets the Hardware Management Console automatically report problems and
request service through the IBM Support System,
Ÿ Uses the IBM Support System as a source for retrieving internal code changes.
Ÿ Uses the IBM Support System as a destination for transmitting service data.

When remote service is disabled, error information and requests for service must
be done through voice communications.

To customize your remote service settings:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Dial Information from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Customize Dial Information window is displayed.
3. To enable remote service, check the Enable Remote Service check box.
Checking this box allows the Hardware Management Console to establish
remote connections to the IBM Service Support System.
4. To enable automatic service calling, check the Authorize Automatic Service
Call Reporting check box. Checking this box allows the Hardware
Management Console to automatically report problems and get service through
its remote connection to the IBM Support System.
5. Once you enable remote service, customize the dial information to set up SNA
or TCP/IP as the network protocol the console uses to connect to the IBM
Support System. You must also customize at least one telephone number for
calling the IBM Service Support System.
6. When you complete all the necessary fields, select the Finish push button to
save your changes.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for setting up remote service.

2-32 Operations Guide

Customize Problem Management

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Provides a window for you to enable or disable SNA alert generation on the
Hardware Management Console. When enabled, alerts will be sent to a problem
management focal point at the LAN address that you specify. An alert will be
generated and sent due to any loss of a Hardware Management Console resource.

To customize Problem Management settings:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Problem Management from the Console Actions Work
Area. The Customize Problem Management window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for setting up Problem
Management settings.

Domain Security

Note: This task is available in Access Administrator or Service Representative


Provides a method for you to maintain the security of a processor complex by

controlling the access of the Hardware Management Consoles to the CPC support
elements. Hardware Management Consoles can only communicate with CPC
support elements that have the same domain name and domain password as the
Hardware Management Console. Assigning a unique domain name and password
to a Hardware Management Console and the CPCs that are defined to it will isolate
those CPCs from any other Hardware Management Console connected to the
same Local Area Network (LAN). It is recommended that the Domain Name and
Password fields be left blank unless there is a specific need for isolation.

To assign a unique domain name and password

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Domain Security from the Console Actions Work Area. The Domain
Security window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information in assigning an unique domain
name and password.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-33

Enable Pager Notification

Note: This task is available only in System Programmer mode.

Allows the Hardware Management Console to send text notification to a personal

paging device whenever a specific message is received from either the subsystem
or an operating system, or when a CPC or CPC image changes state.

When enabled to send operating system or hardware messages, the alphanumeric

message sent to the pager will contain the CPC or CPC image name, the time that
the message was generated, and the text of the message.

When enabled to send state changes, the alphanumeric message sent to the pager
will contain the CPC or CPC image name, the time that the state change was
detected, the previous state and the current state.

To use Enable Pager Notification, see “Setting Up and Customizing the Hardware
Management Console for Pager Notification” on page C-16.

Installation Completion Report

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Used by service representatives to report installation information. This information

is used by Product Engineering to assess the success of the installation and make
improvements in the installation processes. The information can be transmitted
directly to Product Engineering from the Hardware Management Console or copied
to diskette.

The following types of installations should be reported:

Ÿ New install
Ÿ Reinstall
Ÿ Patch, Ucode, LIC
Ÿ Refresh, PTF
Ÿ Discontinue

To report installation information to Product Engineering:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Installation Completion Report from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Installation Completion Report window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for sending installation information
to Product Engineering.

2-34 Operations Guide

Report a Problem

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

or Service Representative mode.

Reports problems that occurred on your Hardware Management Console to the

service representative (for example, the mouse does not work) or lets you test
problem reporting.

To report a problem on your Hardware Management Console:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Report a Problem from the Console Actions Work Area. The Report
a Problem window is displayed.
3. Type a brief description of your problem in the Problem Description box and
then select the Request Service push button.


To test problem reporting:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Report a Problem from the Console Actions Work Area. The Report
a Problem window is displayed.
3. Check the Test automatic problem reporting box and type This is just a test
in the Problem Description box.
4. Select the Request Service push button.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for reporting a problem or
testing if problem reporting works.

IBM Service Support System

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

This task allows the IBM service representative to log on to RETAIN from the
Hardware Management Console.

To log on to IBM RETAIN:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open IBM Service Support System from the Console Actions Work Area.
In a few minutes the IBM RETAIN logon screen will appear. The service
representative can now log on to RETAIN.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-35

View Console Tasks Performed

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Allows the IBM service representative to review the tasks that have been performed
on a Hardware Management Console. This can be very helpful when working with
a operator to determine what happened if a problem occurs.

To view all the console tasks performed:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open View Console Tasks Performed from the Console Actions Work Area.
The Text File Viewer window is displayed.
This window is divided into two parts. The top part is a rolling display showing
the last 100 tasks performed on the Hardware Management Console. The
bottom part of the window lists every task that has ever been performed on the
Hardware Management Console and the number of times it has been done.

TCP/IP Configuration

1. This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.
2. This task is the same as what is available on the Desktop in the OS/2 System

Allows you to enable or disable TCP/IP on a second LAN adapter or configure

default or specific routes. The Hardware Management Console Application
(HWMCA) automatically starts the ROUTED program so that the Hardware
Management Console will automatically learn about TCP/IP gateways/routers if the
TCP/IP network is using Routing Information Protocol (RIP). Your Hardware
Management Console is shipped with Routed set as the default. If you want to
change this setting, log on in Access Administrator mode and use the Hardware
Management Console Settings task on page 2-25. The HWMCA will automatically
configure the first LAN adapter, normally a token ring adapter, as LAN 0. The IP
address for LAN 0 must be set through the Hardware Management Console
Settings task (see “Hardware Management Console Settings” on page 2-25). Use
this task only if you have additional adapters installed in your Hardware
Management Console or if you need to define default or specific routes.

To configure TCP/IP:
1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open TCP/IP Configuration from the Console Actions Work Area. The
TCP/IP Configuration notebook window is displayed.

2-36 Operations Guide

Use the online Help to get additional information on how to enter information on the
Network, Routing, Hostnames, Autostart, General, Security, Server, Socks, Printing,
Mail, and Sendmail notebook pages.

SNMP Configuration

Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.

Allows you to set up your community name file for the SNMP agent to control
Hardware Management Console Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) access.
For more information on APIs, see Application Programming Interfaces, order
number SC28-8141. A online copy of this book is available under the Books icon
in the Views area of your Hardware Management Console workplace.

To set up your configuration:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open SNMP Configuration from the Console Actions Work Area. The
SNMP Configuration notebook window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information on how to enter information on the
Communities, MIB Variables, and SNMPD notebook pages.

Configure 3270 Emulators

Note: This task is available only in System Programmer mode.

Use this task to configure the Hardware Management Console's 3270 emulator.
3270 emulator is an OS/2 application that allows 3270 terminal emulation at the
console to an S/390 host. Configure the emulator to set up whether and how you
want 3270 emulator sessions started whenever the Hardware Management
Console is started.

The connection adapter installed in the console determines your options for
configuring its 3270 emulator. Your console can contain a Distributed Function
Terminal (DFT) card or either a token-ring or ethernet adapter.
Note: If both a DFT card and a token-ring or ethernet adapter are installed, then
your options for configuring the emulator are determined by the DFT card.

If a DFT card is installed or the console has a TCP/IP connection to the host, you
can start 1 to 5 emulator sessions. If the console has a SNA connection to the
host, then only one emulator session can be started.

To configure 3270 emulator sessions on your desktop:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-37

2. Open Configure 3270 Emulators from the Console Actions Work Area. The
Configure 3270 Emulators notebook window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for configuring a 3270 emulator

Network Diagnostic Information

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, Access

Administrator, System Programmer, or Service Representative mode.

Displays network diagnostic information for the console's LAN, TCP/IP, and SNA

The LAN notebook tab displays the contents of the LANTRAN.LOG file. This file
contains information about the network protocols and adapters that were initialized
when the console was started.

The TCP/IP notebook tab allows you to send an echo request (ping) to a remote
host to see if the host is accessible. There are also additional pages (Interfaces,
Address, Routes, ARP, Sockets, TCD, UDP, IP, ICMP, and Memory Buffers) to
scroll through for information.

The SNA notebook tab displays general information about the active configuration;
such as, control point (CP) name, node type, or Communications Manager version
and release. There are also additional pages (Link Definitions, Active Links, and
Sessions) to scroll through for information.

To view your network information:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Network Diagnostic Information from the Console Actions Work
Area. The Network Diagnostic Information notebook window is displayed.
3. Select the notebook tab (LAN, TCP/IP, or SNA) to view your information for
that protocol.

Use the online Help to get additional information on your console's network

2-38 Operations Guide

Rebuild Vital Product Data

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Use this task to force a rebuild of the Vital Product Data on the Hardware
Management Console. Before a rebuild is done, the current version will be saved.

To rebuild the vital product data:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Rebuild Vital Product Data from the Console Actions Work Area. The
Rebuild Vital Product Data window is displayed.
3. Select the Yes, rebuild Vital Product Data radio button and then select the
OK push button.
4. Once the vital product data is rebuilt, a message displays that the rebuild was
5. Select the OK push button to complete the task.
Note: If a failure occurs, an error will be logged.

Use the online Help if you need additional information.

Archive Security Logs

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Use this task to archive a security log for the Hardware Management Console.

To archive a security log:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Archive Security Logs from the Console Actions Work Area. The
Confirm the Action window is displayed.
3. Verify the Hardware Management Console shown in the window list is the one
whose security log you want to archive.
Note: Ensure that the optical cartridge that you will be using for archiving is in
the drive.
4. Select the Archive push button to start the procedure.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for archiving a security log.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-39

View Security Logs

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Use this task to view the security log for the Hardware Management Console or a

To view a security log:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open View Security Logs from the Console Actions Work Area. The View
Security Logs window is displayed.
3. The window shows the Security Event and the Date and Time it was created.
4. If you need to view an event that doesn't show on the current screen, select
either the Show Earlier Events or Show Later Events push button.
Note: Initially, the Hardware Management Console security log is displayed. If
you want to view another security log file that was previously archived, select File
from the menu bar, then select Open Security Log and New.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for viewing a security log.

Log Off

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Ends the current user session and logs off the Hardware Management Console.

Select this operation when you no longer need access to the Hardware
Management Console. After you are logged off, the Hardware Management
Console Logon window is displayed.

Logging off the console does not affect the status of CPCs or Images.

To log off the Hardware Management Console:

1. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Log off from the Console Actions Work Area. The Hardware
Management Console Logon window is displayed to allow you to log back on,
to cancel and exit the Hardware Management Console workplace, or to change
your logon password.

Use the online Help if you need additional information.

2-40 Operations Guide

Task List

Display the Task List view by double-clicking with the left mouse button on the Task
List icon in the Views area. The Hardware Management Console is initially
displayed with Daily tasks icons displayed in the Task area on the right portion of
the window.

To change to a different set of tasks, double-click on one of the icons displayed in

the Task List Work Area, or click on either the Task Ring Forward button or the
Task Ring Backward button until the desired tasks are displayed. The Task Ring
buttons are on the bottom right-hand corner of the tasks area.

The following are represented in the Task List Work Area:

CPC Recovery
Change Management
CPC Remote Customization
CPC Operational Customization
Object Definition
CPC Configuration

Refer to Chapter 3, “Tasks” on page 3-1 for a description of each available task.

Chapter 2. Views and Work Area 2-41


Use Views and the work area to open the following online books provided with the
Hardware Management Console application.

Hardware Management Console Operations Guide: This online book is the

publication you are currently using. It provides information about monitoring your
system using the Hardware Management Console.

Support Element Operations Guide: This online book is publication Support

Element Operations Guide, order no. GC38-3119. It provides information about the
Support Element Console Application and about using the support element
workplace to monitor and operate your system.

Application Programming Interfaces: This online book is publication Application

Programming Interfaces, order no. SC28-8141. It provides information to
customers in developing system management applications that will provide
integrated S/390 hardware and software system management solutions using the
application programming interfaces (APIs).

Coupling Facility Control Code Commands: This publication is available

exclusively as an online book. It provides information about commands you can
issue from the support element to coupling facility control code.

Coupling Facility Control Code Messages: This publication is available

exclusively as an online book. It provides information about messages sent from
coupling facility control code to the support element.

To open an online book:

1. Open Books from the Views area.
2. In the Books Work Area, locate the book you want to open and double-click
on the book icon. The book remains open until you close it
3. When you are finished viewing the book, press F3 to close it.

Library Reader/2: This icon is the same icon that is located on your Desktop. If
secure desktop is enabled (see “User Profiles” on page 2-20), then this icon is only
available here under Books. Use Library Reader/2 to open books and
bookshelves that were installed on drive F. For the procedure for installing online
documentation, see “Installing Online Books from a CD-ROM Collection Kit” on
page B-4.

2-42 Operations Guide

Chapter 3. Tasks
The Tasks area displays icons representing the tasks that you can perform on
objects in your system. The Hardware Management Console Workplace window is
displayed initially with icons representing Daily tasks. To change to a different set
of tasks, select the Task List icon from the Views Area and double-click on one of
the icons displayed in the Task List Work Area or click on either the Task Ring
Forward button or the Task Ring Backward button until the desired tasks are
displayed. The Task Ring buttons are on the bottom right-hand corner of the
Hardware Management Console Workplace window.

The following sets of tasks are represented in the Tasks List Work Area:
CPC Recovery
Change Management
CPC Remote Customization
CPC Operational Customization
Object Definition
CPC Configuration

Each task list contains three tasks common to all lists. They are:
Ÿ Hardware Messages
Ÿ Operating System Messages
Ÿ Help

Hardware Messages

Displays consolidated hardware related messages for all selected hardware in the
processor cluster, including your Hardware Management Console.

When a message is logged, the Hardware Messages icon alternates between a

light and dark background. The hardware object (CPC or Hardware Management
Console) with a message pending is indicated by a dark background on its object
icon. By default, the dark background color of the object icon and the Hardware
Messages icon is blue.

A message is a brief, one-line description of an event, such as a report of a

Hardware Management Console failure. Further explanation and any
recommended operator action for a single message may be viewed by
double-clicking on the message; or you may select one or more messages, then
select Details. The message details and any recommended operator action
display, one at a time, for each selected message.

Hardware messages for all of the hardware objects are stored on the Hardware
Management Console hard disk in the Message Log File. Because the Message
Log File limits the number of messages to five hundred, try to view, act on, and
delete messages promptly. Messages received over this limit will cause the oldest

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 3-1

messages to be lost. Delete selected messages from the list by selecting Delete.
A window displays for confirmation before any messages are deleted.
Note: Some messages are deleted automatically after you view the message
details. These messages generally provide information only, and are deleted
automatically because no further action is required.

The Messages notebook will display up to 20 messages for the selected object. If
more than one object or a group of objects was selected, a notebook page will be
available for each object. Messages are listed from the oldest to the newest
message, with the oldest message displayed at the top of the list. If more than 20
messages have been logged for an object, the newer messages that are not
displayed will be retrieved from the Messages Log File and added to the notebook
page as the displayed, older messages are viewed, acted on, or deleted.

For information about changing the background color of the object icons to indicate
that messages are pending, see “Hardware Management Console Settings” on
page 2-25.

To display the Hardware Messages:

1. Open Groups from the Views area.
2. Select the group object that has a blue background.
3. Drag and drop the selected object on Hardware Messages in any task area.

The Hardware Messages notebook displays. Online Help is available if you need
additional information for viewing or deleting hardware messages.

Operating System Messages

Displays consolidated operating system generated messages for all selected CPCs
images. The operating system messages are displayed when one or more CPC
image objects, or a group of CPC images, is dragged and dropped on the
Operating System Messages icon.

Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC) commands can be sent from the Hardware
Management Console to a CF when a CPC image that represents a CF is dragged
and dropped on the Operating System Messages icon. To send a command, click
on the Send Command push button.

For more information about the CFCC commands and messages, see the online
books, Coupling Facility Control Code Commands and Coupling Facility Control
Code Messages.

To display the Operating System Messages:

1. Open Groups from the Views area.
2. Select the group of CPCs or images that has a cyan background.
3. Drag and drop the selected group on Operating System Messages in any
task area.

3-2 Operations Guide

The Operating System Messages window displays. Online Help is available if
you need additional information for viewing or deleting operating system messages.


Provides both general and specific information. Any icon can be dragged and
dropped on the Help icon for information, or the Help icon can be dragged and
dropped on any of the icons in the Views, Tasks, or Work areas of the Hardware
Management Console Workplace window.

To display help for an object or Hardware Management Console area:

1. Drag and drop the Help icon on the object or the area of the Hardware
Management Console that you want help information for.

The Help window displays help information for the object or area of the Hardware
Management Console where you dropped the help icon.

Help is also available for each window that is displayed by selecting the F1 key on
the keyboard. Depending on the type of window, the help displayed will either be
field help or the general help. If the window has one or more fields, the help
displayed will be for the field where the cursor is located. To display the general
help for the window, select F2 while the field help is displayed. If the window does
not have fields, the general help for the window is displayed when F1 was selected.

Most windows will also provide a Help push button which may be selected with the

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-3


Daily contains the tasks for operating CPCs and CPC images. The following are
represented in the Daily tasks area:
Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Reset Normal


Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

or Service Representative mode.

Controls starting up the system including power-on reset, partition activation, and
initial program load of your operating system software. Activate is your primary
function for CPC or CPC image start up. Activate senses the status of the object,
then performs only those actions necessary to get the object to an operational
state. For example, if the CPC is already in the power-on reset complete state,
Activate skips the power-on reset step and proceeds with the load of the operating

If the CPC allows activation to include a power-on and the CPC is powered-off,
Activate will power it on from the Hardware Management Console.

The Activate function uses profiles, which contain the parameters needed to put the
system in an operational state. The profiles are stored in each CPC support
element. A set of default activation profiles are shipped with the CPC. The values
contained in these profiles may not be correct for your environment. See “About
Activation Profiles” on page 1-11 for a description of activation profiles. See
“Customize/Delete Activation Profiles” on page 3-37 for information on creating and
modifying activation profiles.

To start activation of a CPC or CPC image:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs or images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs or images that you want to

3-4 Operations Guide

b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs or images:
a. Select the group of CPCs or images that you want to activate.
Note: Activate is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked, you
must unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks, see
“Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Activate in the Daily tasks area. The
Activate Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify that the object(s) you will
activate is the correct one and the activation profile it will use is the one you
Note: If you want to review the profile that will be used for activation, double
click on the profile name listed. The View Activation Profiles window displays
showing you what values are set.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button to perform the
activation. The Activate Progress window displays indicating the progress of
the activation and the outcome.
6. Select the OK push button to close the window when the activation completes
Otherwise, if the activation does not complete successfully, follow the directions
on the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

Reset Normal

1. This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or
Service Representative mode.
2. The Reset Normal task is only supported for CPC image objects or groups of
CPC images.

Terminates any current operations and clears any interruption conditions in a CPC
image (except for a coupling facility image). A reset normal does not clear main
storage during initialization.

To perform a Reset Normal:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC images that you want to reset.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC images:

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-5

a. Select the group of CPC images that you want to reset.
Note: Reset Normal is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked,
you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks,
see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Reset Normal in the Daily tasks area.
The Reset Normal Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify that the object(s) you will reset
is the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button. The Reset Normal
Progress window displays indicating the progress of the reset and the
6. Select the OK push button to close the window when the reset completes
Otherwise, if the reset does not complete successfully, follow the directions on
the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

3-6 Operations Guide


Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

or Service Representative mode.

Stops the operating system, deallocates resources, and clears associated hardware
for all selected CPCs or CPC images. In addition, if a CPC or a CPC image that
represents a non-LPAR system is selected, the deactivate task will perform a power

To start deactivation of a CPC or CPC image:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs or images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs or images that you want to
b. Select one or more objects.
For a groups of CPCs or images:
a. Select the group of CPCs or images that you want to deactivate.
Note: Deactivate is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked,
you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks,
see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Deactivate in the Daily tasks area. The
Deactivate Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify that the object(s) you will
deactivate is the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button. The Deactivate
Progress window displays indicating the progress of the deactivation and the
6. Select the OK push button to close the window when the deactivation
completes successfully.
Otherwise, if the deactivation does not complete successfully, follow the
directions on the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-7


Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator and System Programmer

Enables you to create, delete, add to, or delete from user-defined groups of
objects. When you select one or more CPCs or CPC images and drop them on the
Grouping icon, a window is displayed allowing you to specify what type of action
you want to take on the group. You may want to create a group when you want to
perform the same task on several CPCs or CPC images simultaneously instead of
repeating the task on each individual CPC or CPC image. You may also want to
create groups when managing multiple sysplexes by creating a group for each
sysplex controlled by the Hardware Management Console.

Any new groups that you create will be displayed in the Groups Work Area when
you select the Groups view icon.

To group CPCs or CPC images:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPCs or images that you want to group.
5. Select one or more objects.
6. Drag and drop the selected objects on Grouping in the Daily tasks area. The
Grouping window displays to allow you to add the selected object(s) to an
existing group, delete the selected object(s) from a group, create a new group,
or delete the group.

3-8 Operations Guide

Use the online Help to get additional information for working with groups.

This task also allows you to group one or more user-defined groups into other
groups. You may want to do this if you have many groups in your Groups Work
Area and need additional work area space. However, if you group user-defined
groups into other groups, you cannot perform any task other than Grouping on
these groups.

To group groups of user-defined CPCs and/or CPC images:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Select one of the groups you want to group together.
5. Drag and drop the selected group on Grouping in the Daily tasks area. The
Grouping window displays.
6. Select the Create a new group radio button in the Group Action box.
7. Enter a group name in the New group name box.
8. Select the OK push button. A Create a New Group pop-up windows displays
telling you successfully created a new group.
9. Select the OK push button. The new group is now displayed in the Group
Work Area.
10. Select another group that you want to add to the group you just created above.
11. Drag and drop the selected group on Grouping in the Daily tasks area. The
Grouping window displays.
12. Select the Add to an existing group radio button in the Group Action box.
13. Select the group name you created in step 7 above from the Group Name
14. Select the OK push button. The Add to an Existing Group pop-up window
displays telling you successfully added a group to another group.
15. Select the OK push button. The group is no longer displayed in the Group
Work Area because it is now part of the group you created in step 7.
16. Repeat steps 10 through 15 for as many groups that you want to add to the
new group.

As previously stated, you cannot perform tasks on grouped groups. They can only
be performed on the group that contains the individual CPCs or CPC images. You
can get access to this group or the individual CPCs or CPC images in the group
using either of these methods:
Ÿ Double-click the grouped icon in the Groups Work Area. This opens up the
groups that are nested in the preceding group. Continue double-clicking each
nested group until the group that contains the individual CPCs or CPC images
is displayed, or
Ÿ Open the workplace pop-up menu
1. Click the right mouse button on any empty area in the workplace. This
opens the workplace pop-up menu.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-9

2. Click on the arrow to the right of Groups to open its cascaded menu.
Continue selecting each cascaded menu until the individual group that
contains the CPCs or CPC images that you want to perform an action on is


Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Displays the system activity for CPCs or a group of CPCs. System activity includes
the channel activity and physical processing activity that has been defined in the
system activity profiles that are stored in the selected CPCs. For more information
about assigning and customizing activity profiles for CPCs, see “Customize Activity
Profiles” on page 3-38.

The activity displayed as a blue bar is the average of all reported physical
processor processing activity for the CPC. The activity displayed as a green bar is
the average of all reported channel activity for the CPC. One or both types of
activities can be displayed for the selected objects. A red bar indicates that activity
data is not available for the object.

Clicking once on a summary bar displays the name of the CPC object that the bar

The detailed System Activity Display (SAD) for an object can be displayed by
double-clicking on the object's summary bar. Detailed SAD can be displayed for up
to four CPC objects.

To display a CPC(s) activity:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs with the activity that you want to
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want to display.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Activity in the Daily tasks area. After a
few seconds, the System Activity Summary window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information on monitoring system activity.

3-10 Operations Guide

CPC Recovery

CPC Recovery tasks are used to recover from a suspected CPC hardware or
software error.

The following are represented in the CPC Recovery tasks area:

Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Single Object Operations
Reset Normal
PSW Restart
Reset Clear

Single Object Operations

1. This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,
Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.
2. Only one direct connection, via this task, can be initiated at a time, and a
maximum of four can be active at any one time. Only one Single Object
Operations session can be active for any support element.

Creates a direct connection to a single object support element. You may need to
connect to an individual support element to investigate and resolve exception
situations. Once a Single Object Operations session has been established, you
can control the input to the support element or just monitor the output of the
support element by using the Session pull down on the window.

Refer to the Support Element Operations Guide for a description of the functions
that can be performed using this task.

To establish a support element session from the Hardware Management Console:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Recovery from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the object with the support element that you want
to connect to.
5. Select one CPC.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-11

6. Drag and drop the selected object on Single Object Operations in the CPC
Recovery tasks area. The Single Object Operations Task Confirmation
window is displayed.
7. If you want to continue establishing a session with a single CPC console, select
the Yes push button.

Use the online Help to get additional information for working with the selected
support element.


Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or

Service Representative mode.

Ends instruction stop state for selected CPC images (except for a coupling facility
image) that were previously stopped. This causes instruction processing to begin.

To start CPC images:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Recovery from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC image that you want to start.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC images:
a. Select the group of CPC images that you want to start.
Note: Start is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked, you must
unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks, see
“Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Start in the CPC Recovery tasks area.
The Start Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify that the object(s) you will start is
the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button. The Start Progress
window displays indicating the progress of the start and the outcome.
6. Select the OK push button to close the window when the start completes
Otherwise, if the start does not complete successfully, follow the directions on
the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

Use the online Help to get additional information for starting CPC images.

3-12 Operations Guide


Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or

Service Representative mode.

Places all selected CPC images (except for a coupling facility image) in an
instruction stop state. This changes the operational status to Stopped.

To stop CPC images:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Recovery from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC images that you want to stop.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC images:
a. Select the group of CPC images that you want to stop.
Note: Stop is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked, you must
unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks, see
“Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Stop in the CPC Recovery tasks area.
The Stop Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify that the object(s) you will stop is
the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button. The Stop Progress
window displays indicating the progress of the stop and the outcome.
6. Select the OK push button to close the window when the stop completes
Otherwise, if the stop does not complete successfully, follow the directions on
the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

Use the online Help to get additional information for stopping CPC images.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-13

Reset Normal

1. This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or
Service Representative mode.
2. The Reset Normal task is only supported for CPC image objects or groups of
CPC images.

Terminates any current operations and clears any interruption conditions in a CPC
image (except for a coupling facility image). A reset normal does not clear main
storage during initialization.

To perform a Reset Normal:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Recovery from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC images that you want to reset.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC images:
a. Select the group of CPC images that you want to reset.
Note: Reset Normal is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked,
you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks,
see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Reset Normal in the CPC Recovery
tasks area. The Reset Normal Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify that the object(s) you will reset
is the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button. The Reset Normal
Progress window displays indicating the progress of the reset and the
6. Select the OK push button to close the window when the reset completes
Otherwise, if the reset does not complete successfully, follow the directions on
the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

3-14 Operations Guide

PSW Restart

Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or

Service Representative mode.

Performs a restart operation on the first available central processor(s) of the

selected CPC images (except for a coupling facility image).

A restart interruption will store the current program status word (PSW) at real
address 8 and fetch a new PSW from real address 0 in central storage.

PSW Restart can be used when the status of the selected object is:
Ÿ Operating
Ÿ Stopped

To restart a processor:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Recovery from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC images that you want to perform
PSW Restart on.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC images:
a. Select the group of CPC images that you want to perform PSW Restart on.
Note: PSW Restart is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked,
you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks,
see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on PSW Restart in the CPC Recovery
tasks area. The PSW Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify the processor that you will
restart is the one you want.
6. If the information is correct, select the Yes push button to perform the restart.
7. Select the OK push button to close the message when the restart completes
Otherwise, if the restart does not complete successfully, follow the directions in
the message to determine the problem and how to correct it.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-15

Reset Clear

1. This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or
Service Representative mode.
2. The Reset Clear task is only supported for CPC image objects or groups of
CPC images.

Terminates any current operations and clears any interruption conditions in a CPC
image (except for a coupling facility image). A reset clear clears main storage and
all registers during initialization.

To perform a Reset Clear:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Recovery from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC images:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC images that you want to reset.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC images:
a. Select the group of CPC images that you want to reset.
Note: Reset Clear is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked,
you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks,
see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Reset Clear in the CPC Recovery
tasks area. The Reset Clear Task Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Review the information on the window to verify that the object(s) you will reset
is the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button. The Reset Clear
Progress window displays indicating the progress of the reset and the
6. Select the OK push button to close the window when the reset completes
Otherwise, if the reset does not complete successfully, follow the directions on
the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

3-16 Operations Guide


1. This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or
Service Representative mode.
2. Other products and documentation may refer to this operation as an initial
program load (IPL).
3. For daily or routine loading of images, it is recommended that you customize
activation profiles to specify how you want to load images, and then use a
profile with the Activate task to perform all the operations necessary to make
an image operational, including loading it with a control program.

Load (except for a coupling facility image) causes a program to be read from a
designated device and initiates the execution of that program. If the CPC is
operating in logically partitioned (LPAR) mode, the logical partition is the target of
the load. Otherwise, if the CPC is operating in basic mode, the CPC is the target
of the load.

To perform a load:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Recovery from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC image that you want to load.
5. Select one object.
Note: Load is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is locked, you
must unlock it before continuing. For more information on disruptive tasks, see
“Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
6. Drag and drop the selected object on Load in the CPC Recovery tasks area.
The Load window is displayed with the information that was last used when the
CPC image was loaded.
7. Review the information on the window to verify that the object you will load is
the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the OK push button. The Load Task
Confirmation window is displayed.
8. Review the information on the window to verify that the object you will load is
the correct one.
If the information is correct, select the Yes push button. The Load Progress
window displays indicating the progress of the load and the outcome.
9. Select the OK push button to close the window when the load completes
Otherwise, if the load does not complete successfully, follow the directions on
the window to determine the problem and how to correct it.

Use the online Help to get additional information for loading a CPC image.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-17


Service tasks are used to analyze suspected hardware errors and report problem
data to IBM, backup critical CPC data, and archive security log files. Additional
Service Representative tasks are available to test the processor cluster hardware
and to restore support element licensed internal code.

The following are represented in the Service tasks area:

Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Service Status
Perform Problem Analysis
View Service History
Backup Critical Data
Hard Disk Restore
Checkout Tests
Report a Problem
Transmit Service Data
Archive Security Logs

Service Status

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Many of the CPC service tasks require that the CPC is first placed in Service
Status. Repair and Verify, for example, cannot be run on a CPC until that CPC is
placed in Service Status. Setting a CPC to Service Status allows a service
representative to perform service tasks on the CPC or support element.

Service Status should be enabled for CPCs that are to be serviced. When in
Service Status, the CPC status displayed on its Details window will be Service and
no other status will be reported by the CPC until Service Status is disabled. During
a service action, status changes (for example, No Power) that would normally
cause an exception due to an unacceptable status will not cause an exception
when the status is Service. CPC images will not be displayed on the Hardware
Management Console when Service Status is enabled for the CPC.

Service status also prevents messages indicating the loss of communication to the
support element from displaying while the support element is powered off or during
licensed internal code (LIC) load.

To put a CPC in service status:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.

3-18 Operations Guide

3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC that you want to put in Service Status.
5. Select one object.
6. Drag and drop the selected objects on Service Status in the Service tasks
area. The Service Status window is displayed.
7. Select Options from the menu bar to either enable or disable Service Status or
display error messages.
8. Select the Save push button to save your changes.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for placing the CPC in
service status.

Perform Problem Analysis

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

or Service Representative mode.

Manually invokes Problem Analysis which analyzes stored data that is collected
from various parts of a processor at the time of an error and determines the type of
problem. Problem Analysis then informs the user of the steps that are necessary to
resolve the problem.

Problems that are considered to be hard errors start Problem Analysis

automatically. An example of a hard error is a processor card failure. Results from
automatic Problem Analysis are stored under Hardware Messages.

The icon of the CPC that had the hard error and the icon of any group that contains
the CPC icon will have a blue background indicating that Problem Analysis results
were reported for that CPC.

Problems that can be considered to be soft errors require the operator to start
Problem Analysis manually, usually after the operating system reports a problem.
An example of a soft error is an interface control check (IFCC). When the operator
selects a CPC and starts manual Problem Analysis, a window displays with the last
50 IFCCs that occurred.

To start Problem Analysis manually:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC that you want to perform Problem
Analysis on.
5. Select one object.
6. Drag and drop the selected objects on Perform Problem Analysis in the
Service tasks area. The Problem Analysis window is displayed.

Use the online Help for additional information to manually start problem analysis.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-19

View Service History

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

or Service Representative mode.

Displays a list of current problems for selected CPCs or a selected group of CPCs.
The problems may be opened or closed and will be displayed with the most recent
entry at the top of the list.

From the Service History window, you can:

Redisplay PA window:
Redisplays the Problem Analysis (PA) windows that were created when
the selected problem was originally reported.
Show problem summary:
Displays detailed information about the selected problem including
machine type, model, and serial number information.
Close selected problem:
Changes the current status of the selected problem to closed.
Close all problems:
Changes the current status of all open problems to closed.

To view the service history:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs with the service history that you
want to view.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs with the service history that you want to review.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on View Service History in the Service
tasks area. The Service History window displays the service history for the
CPC(s) that you selected.

Use the online Help for additional information about the problem and the service
information on it.

3-20 Operations Guide

Backup Critical Data

1. This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative mode.
2. The Rewriteable Optical Cartridge used for the Backup Critical Data task must
be formatted with no volume label or a volume label of ACTBKP.
3. Up to 10 support elements configurations can be stored on one backup

Transfers critical CPC data that is stored on its support element to the Hardware
Management Console and copies it to removable media. CPC data should be
backed-up when configuration or CPC licensed internal code changes have been
made or as a routine preventive maintenance procedure. The stored CPC data can
be restored to its support element in the event of a hardware failure by using the
Hard Disk Restore task.

To backup critical data for a support element:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs that you want to backup.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want to backup.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Backup Critical Data in the Service
tasks area. The Confirm the Action window is displayed.
5. Select the Backup push button to begin.
6. When the Insert Optical Cartridge window displays, insert the backup optical
cartridge in the drive on the Hardware Management Console.
7. Select the OK push button.

Use the online Help if additional information is needed in backing up the support
element's critical data.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-21

Hard Disk Restore

1. This task is available only in Service Representative mode and requires you to
reload the support element licensed internal code.
2. This task is not available for CPCs that were defined using the CPC Manual
Definition Template.

Initializes the hard disk, installs the internal code, and restores critical CPC data
from removable media to the support element of the selected CPC. The critical
CPC data that is restored to the support element is the data that was copied to the
removable media by using Backup Critical Data.

To restore data on individual CPC support elements:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC with the support element that you want
to restore.
5. Select one object.
6. Drag and drop the selected object on Hard Disk Restore in the Service tasks
area. The Restore Engineering Change Information window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for restoring critical data to a
support element.

Checkout Tests

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Runs either the extended processor or processor - I/O interfaces checkout tests on
a selected group of CPCs.

To run the checkout tests:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contain the CPCs that you want to test.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:

3-22 Operations Guide

a. Select the group of CPCs that you want to test.
Note: Checkout Tests is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is
locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on
disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Checkout Tests in the Service tasks
area. The Confirm the Action window is displayed.

Use the online Help for additional information in completing these tests.

Report a Problem

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

or Service Representative mode.

Use this task to report a problem on the CPC. This task should only be used when
there are no Problem Analysis results for the problem.

If Problem Analysis results do exist, report the problem by selecting the Service
pushbutton on the Hardware Messages window associated with the problem. If
Problem Analysis was not invoked automatically, use the Perform Problem
Analysis task to attempt to resolve the problem without a request for service.

You can also use this task to test problem reporting.

To report a problem on your CPC:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC that you want to report a problem on.
5. Select the object.
6. Drag and drop the selected object on Report a Problem in the Service tasks
area. The Report a Problem window is displayed.
7. Select the type of the problem you have from the list provided and enter a
description of the problem in the Problem Description box.
Note: If you are just testing problem reporting, select the appropriate radio
button and enter This is just a test in the Problem Description box.
8. Select the Request Service push button.

Use the online Help if additional information is needed to report the problem and
request service.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-23

Transmit Service Data

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Service data is a set of system information, such as program and event traces and
storage dumps, collected by the CPC's support element. When IBM is your service
provider for the CPC, service data assists IBM in servicing it.

Sending service data to IBM is necessary only when service data is requested by
IBM, usually through either your service representative or the IBM Support Center.
Typically, IBM will request service data after a problem is reported if analyzing the
service data is necessary to determine the cause of the problem.

You can send service data to IBM either by copying it to an optical cartridge or
diskette for delivery to IBM, or by transmitting it to IBM through a remote
connection to the IBM Service Support System.

To send the support element's service data to IBM:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC with the service data that you want to
5. Select one object.
6. Drag and drop the selected object on Transmit Service Data in the Service
tasks area. The Transmit Service Data to IBM window is displayed.
7. Select the data you want and the destination for the data and then select the
Send push button.

Use the online Help if additional information is needed to send service data.

3-24 Operations Guide

Archive Security Logs

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Use this task to archive a security log for a CPC. Up to ten CPC security logs can
be archived at one time.

To archive a security log:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Service from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contain the CPCs whose security logs you want to archive.
5. Select one or more objects.
6. Drag and drop the selected objects on Archive Security Logs in the Service
tasks area. The Confirm the Action window is displayed.
7. Verify the CPC(s) shown in the window list is the one whose security log you
want to archive.
Note: Ensure that the optical cartridge that you will be using for archiving is in
the drive.
8. Select the Archive push button to start the procedure.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for archiving a security log.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-25

Change Management

Change Management tasks are used to work with the licensed internal code of
support elements in the processor cluster.
Note: Only CPCs that are in the Defined CPCs Group will receive licensed
internal code updates. If you intend to update the support element licensed internal
code of all of the CPCs in a processor cluster, verify that all of the CPCs are
defined to the Hardware Management Console.

The following are represented in the Change Management tasks area:

Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Engineering Changes (ECs)
Retrieve Internal Code
Change Internal Code
Product Engineering Directed Changes
System Information

3-26 Operations Guide

Engineering Changes (ECs)

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Displays the ECs that are currently in the staging area of the Hardware
Management Console and available for application. Using the Engineering
Changes (ECs) task, you can:
Ÿ Copy base code ECs to the Hardware Management Console staging area from
an optical cartridge.
Ÿ Copy ECs (other than base code ECs) to the Hardware Management Console
staging area from an optical cartridge or diskette.
Ÿ Install ECs from the Hardware Management Console staging area to selected

You can copy the following types of engineering changes to the staging area:
Base ECs that effect the base code of the system.
National Language ECs that effect code for a specific national language.
Other Special ECs usually received on a separate diskette or

To copy ECs to the Hardware Management Console staging area:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Change Management from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contain the CPCs that you want to apply new ECs to.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want to apply new ECs to.
Note: Engineering Changes (ECs) is considered a disruptive task. If the
object(s) is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information
on disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Engineering Changes (ECs) in the
Change Management tasks area. The Engineering Change (EC)
Information window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for working with engineering

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-27

Retrieve Internal Code

Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or

Service Representative mode.

Copies internal code changes from the selected source to a Hardware Management
Console work space and distributes updates to the support elements of all of the
CPCs defined to the Hardware Management Console. This task is to be used
when you are working with internal code changes for the CPC support elements.
Changes to the Hardware Management Console internal code are controlled using
“Change Console Internal Code” on page 2-16 under “Console Actions.” This
option is not available when a retrieve is already in progress.

At least one of the following sources will be available to you for retrieving internal
code changes:
Retrieve the changes from diskette
Select this source when IBM has delivered the internal code changes to you
on a diskette for a CPC support element.
Retrieve the changes from an optical cartridge
Select this source when IBM has delivered the internal code changes to you
on an optical cartridge for a CPC support element.
Retrieve the changes from the IBM Service Support System
Select this source when IBM has notified you that new internal code changes
are available through the IBM support system.
Retrieve code changes to all Hardware Management Consoles
Select this option to distribute code changes to all other Hardware
Management Consoles in the same Domain as this Hardware Management
Note: An IBM service representative will provide new internal code changes and
manage their initial use. For internal code changes already stored on your hard
disk, IBM recommends that you manage these changes only under the supervision
of an IBM service representative or with the assistance of your IBM Support Center.

Retrieving internal code changes only copies them from the source to the support
element hard disk. Retrieved internal code changes do not affect the operation of
your processor cluster until you install and activate them using the controls under
the Change Internal Code task.

To retrieve internal code for the support element of all defined CPCs:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Change Management from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Select the Defined CPCs.
5. Drag and drop the selected group on Retrieve Internal Code in the Change
Management tasks area. The Retrieve Internal Code Task Confirmation
window is displayed.

3-28 Operations Guide

Use the online Help to get additional information for retrieving internal code

Change Internal Code

Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or

Service Representative mode.

Enables you to modify CPC internal code which may provide new operations, or
correct or improve existing operations.

You can modify the internal code of:

Ÿ All defined CPCs
Ÿ All CPCs in a user-defined group
Ÿ Selected individual CPC or CPCs

An IBM service representative will provide new internal code changes and manage
their initial use. For internal code changes already stored on your hard disk, IBM
recommends that you manage these changes only under the supervision of an IBM
service representative or with the assistance of your IBM Support Center.

To change the CPC internal code:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Change Management from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC support elements:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs with the support element internal
code that you want to change.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC support elements:
a. Select the group of CPCs with the support element internal code that you
want to change.
Note: Change Internal Code is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s) is
locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on
disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Change Internal Code in the Change
Management tasks area. The Change Internal Code window is displayed.
5. Select from the Change Internal Code options, the one you want to do and
then select the OK push button.
6. Follow the instructions on the subsequent windows to complete the task.

Use the online Help if you need additional information in changing the internal

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-29

Product Engineering Directed Changes

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Enables the service representative to receive temporary licensed internal code fixes
when no formal changes are available. This task should only be used when you are
directed to do so by IBM Product Engineering. The following selections are
available from the menu:
Retrieve all temporary internal code fixes
Use this selection to retrieve an internal code fix from either a diskette, an
optical cartridge, or a staging area on the Hardware Management Console
fixed drive. The fix is then stored on the support elements for the selected
CPCs. If retrieved from diskette or optical cartridge, the fix is also stored in a
staging area on the Hardware Management Console hard drive.
Note: A set of fixes is stored in the Hardware Management Console fixed
drive staging area during a retrieve. This set of fixes is available there for
other CPCs until a different set of fixes is retrieved. The fixes may also be
placed in the staging area from a remote console.
Activate all temporary internal code fixes
Use this selection to replace the system's existing internal code with the
retrieved internal code fixes when the system is activated. This changes the
status on the support element Manage Internal Code Fixes window to ACT if
no syntax errors are found or ERR if errors are found.
Deactivate and delete all temporary internal code fixes
Use this selection when a previously activated internal code fix is not to be
used as a part of a CPC's internal code the next time the system is activated.
This changes the status on the support element Manage Internal Code Fixes
window to PEND until the system is activated again. After activation, internal
code fixes are deleted from the Manage Internal Code Fixes window.

To receive temporary internal code fixes from IBM Product Engineering:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Change Management from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC support elements:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs with the support element internal
code that you want to change.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC support elements:
a. Select the group of CPC support elements that contain the internal code
that you want to change.

3-30 Operations Guide

Note: Product Engineering Directed Changes is considered a disruptive task.
If the object(s) is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more
information on disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on
page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Product Engineering Directed
Changes in the Change Management tasks area. The Product Engineering
Directed Changes window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for receiving engineering changes.

System Information

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Displays information about a CPC support element licensed internal code.

Machine type, Machine model number, Machine serial number, and CPC
identifier identify the selected CPC.

Internal Code Change Information lists the part number, engineering change (EC)
number and state levels of each set of licensed internal code associated with the
support element.

Licensed internal code controls many of the operations available on the support
element. Internal code changes may provide new operations, or correct or improve
existing operations.

The part number and EC number are assigned to a set of licensed internal code by
IBM product engineering. The numbers identify the licensed internal code and its

If a set of licensed internal code is modified, its EC number is supplemented with a

state level. A state level distinguishes between different versions of the same set
of licensed internal code.

To view the system information:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Change Management from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPC support elements:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC support elements with the system
information that you want to display.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPC support elements:
a. Select the group of CPC support elements with the system information that
you want to display.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-31

4. Drag and drop the selected objects on System Information in the Change
Management tasks area. The System Information window is displayed.
5. Select the internal code information you want and then select the Details push
button to view the additional information about this internal code.

Use the online Help if you need additional information about internal code change

3-32 Operations Guide

CPC Remote Customization

CPC Remote Customization tasks are used to customize the remote capabilities
of the CPC support elements in the processor cluster.

The following are represented in the CPC Remote Customization tasks area:
Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Remote Service
Problem Management
Operations Management
Account Information

Remote Service

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Allows you to enable or disable Remote Service for individual CPCs or a group of
CPCs. When enabled, error information may be sent by a Hardware Management
Console operator or automatically to IBM for analysis and for service call requests.
When disabled, error information and requests for service must be done through
voice communications.

Authorize automatic service call reporting will send error information and
requests for service automatically to IBM without operator intervention.

To customize remote service settings:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Remote Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs that you want to use Remote
Service for.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want to use Remote Service for.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Remote Service in the CPC Remote
Customization tasks area. The Remote Service window is displayed.
5. To enable remote service, check the Enable remote service check box.
Checking this box allows the Hardware Management Console to establish

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-33

remote connections for the CPC(s) to your service provider's remote service
support system.
6. To enable automatic service calling, check the Authorize automatic service
call reporting check box. Checking this box allows the Hardware Management
Console to automatically report problems and get service for the CPC(s)
through its remote connection to the Service Support System.

Use the online Help if you need additional information about remote service for a

Problem Management

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Provides a window for you to enable or disable alert generation. When enabled,
alerts will be sent to a problem management focal point. If a problem management
focal point is connected when the alert is generated, it will be sent directly to the
focal point at the LAN address that you specify. An alert will be generated and
sent due to any loss of a system resource.

To customize Problem Management settings:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Remote Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contain the CPCs that you want for Problem
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want for Problem Management.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Problem Management in the CPC
Remote Customization tasks area. The Problem Management window is

Use the online Help to get additional information for setting up a problem
management focal point.

3-34 Operations Guide

Operations Management

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Provides a window for you to enable or disable remote operations for an individual
CPC or a group of CPCs. When enabled, CPC operations management
commands may be sent to the support element of a CPC from an operations
management focal point. Operations management reports will be sent to the
operations management focal point at the LAN address that you specify. When
disabled, CPC operations management commands may not be sent.

To customize Operations Management settings:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Remote Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPC that you want for Operations
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want for Operations Management.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Operations Management in the CPC
Remote Customization tasks area. The Operations Management window is

Use the online Help to get additional information for completing this task.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-35

Account Information

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Enables you to customize the account information for a CPC or a group of CPCs.
Account information provides a description of CPCs which includes its physical
location and the customer name and address.

The Account Information Notebook divides the information into:

Ÿ Company Information
Ÿ Account Information

If the selected objects do not all have the same account information, the
information displayed on the Account Information Notebook window will be the
information that applies to the first selected object. The information for the other
objects will be displayed on following pages and identified by the object names on
the page tabs and in the object list on each page.

To customize a CPC's account information:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Remote Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs with the account information that
you want to display.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that contain the account information that you
want to display.
4. Drag and drop the selected object on Account Information in the CPC
Remote Customization tasks area. The Account Information window is

Use the online Help if you need additional information for customizing a CPC's
account information.

3-36 Operations Guide

CPC Operational Customization

CPC Operational Customization tasks are used to display or modify the profiles
that make the CPCs operational, set the date and time for automatic licensed
internal code to be updated, and set the date and time on the support element(s).

The following are represented in the CPC Operational Customization tasks area:
Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Customize/Delete Activation Profiles
Customize Activity Profiles
View Activation Profiles
Automatic Activation
Scheduled Operations
Customize Support Element Date/Time
Change LPAR Controls
Configure Channel Path On/Off
Reassign Channel Path
OSA Advanced Facilities

Customize/Delete Activation Profiles

Note: This task is available only in System Programmer mode.

Enables you to create new activation profiles, customize existing profiles, or delete
unwanted profiles that are stored in the CPC support element. An activation profile
is required for CPC or image activation and defines the IOCDS, storage sizes, and
other parameters that will be available when the object is activated.

The DEFAULT RESET and DEFAULT IMAGE profiles are the only profiles that can
use the same name. All other activation profiles must have unique profile names.
For more information on activation profiles, see “Settings for System Operations” in
the Support Element Operations Guide.

To create new, customize existing, or delete activation profiles:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC or CPC image with the activation profile
that you want to work with.
5. Select one object.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-37

6. Drag and drop the selected object on Customize/Delete Activation Profiles in
the CPC Operational Customization tasks area. The Customize/Delete
Activation Profiles List window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for working with profiles.

Customize Activity Profiles

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Enables you to review system activity profiles for the CPCs you have selected and
perform actions on the profiles. You can view an existing profile, make changes to
it, delete it, or change the status. You can also specify which profiles are used in
the Activity task for reporting activity on CPCs on the Hardware Management

To work with system activity profiles:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs whose activity profiles you want to
work with.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs whose activity profiles you want to work with.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Customize Activity Profiles in the CPC
Operational Customization tasks area. The Customize System Activity
Profiles List notebook window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for working with a CPC's activity

View Activation Profiles

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, or Service

Representative mode.

Enables you to view the activation profiles that are stored in the CPC support

To view a CPC support element profile:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.

3-38 Operations Guide

2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC with the activation profiles that you want
to work with.
5. Select one object.
6. Drag and drop the selected object on View Activation Profiles in the CPC
Operational Customization tasks area. The View Activation Profiles List
window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for viewing an activation profile.

Automatic Activation

Note: This task is available only in System Programmer mode.

Follow your local procedures for recovering from a power outage that is the result
of a utility power failure. You may; however, be able to speed recovery from such
power outages by enabling Automatic Activation for the selected CPC. Automatic
Activation is a setting that controls whether the selected CPC is activated
automatically when power is restored following a utility power failure.
Ÿ When automatic activation is enabled and a utility power failure occurs, the
CPC is activated automatically when the power is restored. The CPC is
activated using the same reset profile used most recently to activate the CPC
before the power outage.
Ÿ When automatic activation is disabled (default setting) and a utility power failure
occurs, the CPC power remains off when the power is restored. You can
activate the CPC manually at any time once the utility power is restored.

To enable or disable automatic activation:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs that you want to automatically
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want to automatically activate.
4. Drag and drop the selected object on Automatic Activation in the CPC
Operational Customization tasks area. The Customize Automatic
Activation window is displayed.
5. Select Options from the menu bar.
6. Select Enabled automatic activation to change the CPC's setting to enabled.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-39

Select Disable automatic activation to change the CPC's setting to disabled.
7. Select the Save push button to save the setting and close the window.

Use the online Help if you need additional information about automatic activation.

Scheduled Operations

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Enables you to schedule the time and dates for automatic licensed internal code
updates and backup of critical hard disk data for one or more CPC support
elements. Invoking customized scheduled operations displays all scheduled
operations, their scheduled date and time, the function, and the number of

An operation can be scheduled to occur one time or it can be scheduled to be

repeated. You will be required to provide the time and date that you want the
operation to occur. If the operation is scheduled to be repeated, you will be asked
to select:
Ÿ The day or days of the week that you want the operation to occur. (optional)
Ÿ The interval, or time between each occurrence. (required)
Ÿ The total number of repetitions. (required)
The operations that can be scheduled on a Hardware Management Console are:
Backup critical hard disk information
Transfers the CPC support element's critical hard disk information to the
Hardware Management Console and copies it to a removable media.
Accept internal code changes
Causes the internal code changes for the support element(s) to be a
permanent working part of the internal code. Once internal code changes
have been accepted, they can not be removed.
Install concurrent code changes / Activate
Causes the concurrent code changes for the support element(s) to be
installed and activated. Activating concurrent code changes will not cause the
support element(s) to reload its licensed internal code without warning.
Install internal code changes
Prepares the internal code changes for use as a working part of the CPC
support element(s) internal code.
Remove internal code changes
Returns installed or activated changes to the retrieved state so they are not
loaded during activation.
Note: Once changes are accepted, they cannot be removed.

3-40 Operations Guide

Makes the installed code changes operational in place of their corresponding
licensed internal code. Activating the changes does not permanently modify
the internal code and they may be removed until the time that they are
accepted. Activating internal code changes that are not concurrent may
cause the support element(s) to reload its licensed internal code without
warning. If no licensed internal code changes are installed, the CPC will be
activated with the current licensed internal code.
Stops the operating system, deallocates resources, clears associated
hardware and powers off the CPC.
Transmit system availability data
Sends service data generated by the selected object to IBM. This data is
used to ensure a high level of availability.
Remove concurrent code changes/Activate
Returns installed or activated concurrent changes to the retrieved state and
so they are not loaded during activation.

To schedule CPC support element operations:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs that you want customized for a
scheduled operation.
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want customized for a scheduled
4. Drag and drop the selected object on Scheduled Operations in the CPC
Operational Customization tasks area. The Customize Scheduled
Operations window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for scheduling operations.

Customize Support Element Date/Time

Note: This task is available in Operator, Advanced Operator, System Programmer,

Access Administrator, or Service Representative mode.

Enables you to update the date and time of the support element of a single CPC,
multiple CPCs, or a group of CPCs that are defined to this Hardware Management
Console. The updated date and time can be the date and time that is currently set
for the Hardware Management Console or it can be a date and time that you enter.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-41

Note: A CPC that has an operational External Time Reference (ETR) feature
cannot have its date and time customized with this task. However, this task will
cause the support element to resynchronize its time to that of the ETR.

For a procedure on changing the Support Element date and time, see Appendix D,
Changing Your Time-of-Day (TOD) Clock.

Change LPAR Controls

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Allows you to review or change logical processor assignments of logical partitions

and the CPC's settings for processor running time if the selected CPC is operating
in logically partitioned (LPAR) mode.

Both the CPC and its logical partitions have control settings. A logical partition's
control settings apply to it only. The CPC's control settings apply to all of its logical
partitions. The control settings are:
Logical processor assignment
Identifies the number of logical processors and type of physical processors
assigned to logical partitions and sets processor weights for logical partitions
that share central processors.
Processor running time
Controls how the CPC manages logical partition use of shared central

The initial control settings of the CPC and each logical partition are established by
the activation profiles used to activate them. Normally after the CPC is activated,
changing its control settings requires opening and customizing a reset profile and
then using the profile to activate the CPC again. Likewise, after the CPC is
activated in LPAR mode, changing the control settings of its logical partition
requires opening and customizing their image profile and then using the profile to
activate the logical partition. Through this task you can change some of the control
settings dynamically (new settings take affect without customizing profiles or
activating objects).

To change control settings of the CPC and the logical partitions that can be
activated on it:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC that you want to change the control
settings of.
Note: Change LPAR Controls is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s)
is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on
disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.

3-42 Operations Guide

5. Drag and drop the selected object on Change LPAR Controls in the CPC
Operational Customization tasks area. The Change Logical Partition
Controls window is displayed.
6. Review the information displayed in the window. Use the Processing Weight
and Capped field lists and the Processor running time group box to change one
or more control settings.
7. Once you have made your changes, select a push button to indicate when you
want the new settings to take effect.

Use the online Help to get additional information for changing LPAR controls.

Configure Channel Path On/Off

Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator or System Programmer mode.

Configure on and configure off are channel path operations you can use to control
whether channel paths are online or on standby in the active input/output (I/O)
Ÿ A channel path is online while configured on. It is in the active I/O
configuration and it can be used.
Ÿ A channel path is on standby while configured off. It is in the active I/O
configuration but it cannot be used until it is configured on.

If you have experience using other systems, you may have used a CHPID
command with ON and OFF parameters to configure channel paths on and off.

You can use the Hardware Management Console workplace to configure channel
paths on and off. However, operating systems will not be notified when you use
the workplace to configure channel paths on or off. For example, if you configure
off a channel path, the operating system running in any image that owns or shared
the channel path is not notified, and the next operation from the operating system
to the channel path causes an error. It is recommended you use operating system
facilities rather than the Hardware Management Console workplace, whenever
possible, to configure channel paths on and off.

To use the workplace to configure channel paths on or off:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC image whose channel paths you want to
configure on or off.
Note: Configure Channel Path On/Off is considered a disruptive task. If the
object(s) is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information
on disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
5. Drag and drop the selected object on Configure Channel Path On/Off in the
CPC Operational Customization tasks area. The Configure On/Off window
displays showing the current state and desired state of each channel path.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-43

6. Use the window lists and push buttons to toggle the desired states of channel
paths you want to configure on or off.
7. Select the Apply push button to make the desired states take effect.

Use the online Help to get additional information for configuring channel paths.

Reassign Channel Path

Note: This task is available in Advanced Operator, System Programmer, or

Service Representative mode.

Reassign is a channel operation you can use to perform at once all the following
steps necessary to reassign a reconfigurable channel path from its owning logical
partition to another logical partition:
Ÿ Configuring off the channel path from its owning logical partition, if necessary.
Ÿ Releasing the channel path, if necessary.
Ÿ Configuring on the channel path to the other logical partition.

To reassign a channel path:

1. Make sure the CPC is in logical partitioned (LPAR) mode.
2. Open the Task List from the Views area.
3. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
4. Open Groups from the Views area.
5. Open the group that contains the CPC that you want to reassign.
Note: Reassign Channel Path is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s)
is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on
disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
6. Drag and drop the selected object on Reassign Channel Path in the CPC
Operational Customization tasks area. The Reassign a Channel Path
window is displayed.
7. Select from the list the logical partition to which you want to reassign the
channel path, then select the Reassign push button. The Reassign a
Channel Path window redisplays showing the logical partition that you selected
and the channel path that is currently assigned.
8. Select the new channel path from the Target Partition window list, then select
the Reassign push button. The Confirm the Action window is displayed.
9. Select the Reassign push button to confirm your request to reassign the
selected channel path to the target logical partition.
Note: You may receive an additional warning that the channel path will be
released for reassignment if:
Ÿ The partition isolation parameter is enabled.

3-44 Operations Guide

Ÿ The partition isolation parameter is disabled, but the logical partition to be
reassigned was previously configured offline while the partition isolation
parameter was enabled.
Select the Release and reassign push button to confirm the action.
10. Once the channel path is reassigned, select the OK push button to close the

Use the online Help if additional information is needed for reassigning a channel

OSA Advanced Facilities

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


The Open Systems Adapter (OSA) is an integrated S/390 hardware feature plug-in
as a channel card, becoming an integral component of the I/O subsystem, enabling
convenient local area network (LAN) attachment. This brings the strengths of the
S/390 architecture to the client/server environment: security, availability,
enterprise-wide access to data, and systems management.

You can use the Hardware Management Console workplace to open a facility for
monitoring, operating, and customizing an OSA channel.

To work with an OSA channel:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC whose OSA channel you want to work
Note: OSA Advanced Facilities is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s)
is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on
disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
5. Drag and drop the selected object on OSA Advanced Facilities in the CPC
Operational Customization tasks area. The OSA Advanced Facilities
window is displayed.
6. Select the CHIPID that you want to work with and then select the OK push
7. The Standard Channel Advanced Facilities window is displayed.
8. Select the OSA specific advanced facilities radio button, then press the OK
push button.
9. The Advanced Facilities window displays the following lists of actions you can
take for the selected channel path:
Ÿ Enable or disable ports
Ÿ Query port status

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-45

Ÿ Run port diagnostics
Ÿ View port parameters
Ÿ Display and or alter trace mask
Ÿ Read trace buffer
Ÿ Display or alter MAC address
Ÿ Set ethernet mode (ethernet-attached only)
10. Select the task that you want to start, then press the OK push button.

Use the online Help to get additional information for working with OSA Advanced

3-46 Operations Guide

Object Definition

Object Definition tasks are used to define the objects (CPCs) that will be available
to the Hardware Management Console. A CPC must be defined to a Hardware
Management Console before other tasks can be performed on the CPC.

If the undefined CPC can be automatically discovered by the Hardware

Management Console using NetBIOS flows, the CPC will appear in the Undefined
CPCs group when the Hardware Management Console is powered on. To define
the CPC, use the procedure “Add Object Definition” on page 3-48.

If the undefined CPC cannot be automatically discovered by the Hardware

Management Console, the CPC will not appear in the Undefined CPCs group when
the Hardware Management Console is powered on. To define the CPC, use the
procedure “CPC Manual Definition Template” on page 3-49.

The following are represented in the Object Definition tasks area:

Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Change Object Definition
Add Object Definition
Remove Object Definition
Reboot Support Element

Change Object Definition

1. This task is available in Access Administrator or Service Representative mode.
2. This task is not available for objects that were defined using the CPC Manual
Definition Template.
3. Changing the name of a CPC will cause its support element to reinitialize,
making it unavailable until the reinitialization is complete.
4. Name changes should be communicated with all other operators that perform
tasks on that object.
5. An object with a Domain Name that is different from the Domain Name of the
Hardware Management Console will not communicate with the Hardware
Management Console or appear on any of the Hardware Management Console

Enables you to change the definition of any object that is defined. Once the
change is complete, the object's definition will be changed in all groups that contain
the object. Each object must have a unique name and TCP/IP address.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-47

To change the definition of a CPC:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Object Definition from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs with the definition that you want to
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs with the definition that you want to change.
Note: Change Object Definition is considered a disruptive task. If the
object(s) is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information
on disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Change Object Definition in the Object
Definition tasks area. The CPC Definition Information window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for changing a CPC name.

Add Object Definition

1. This task is available in Access Administrator or Service Representative mode.
2. An object with a Domain Name that is different from the Domain Name of the
Hardware Management Console will not communicate with the Hardware
Management Console or appear on any of the Hardware Management Console

Enables you to define a CPC that is currently part of the Undefined CPCs group
and was automatically discovered by the Hardware Management Console. Once a
CPC is defined, it is removed from the Undefined CPCs and is added to the
Defined CPCs group. Each object must have a unique name and TCP/IP address.

Use this task also to define an ESCON Director console or Sysplex Timer console
that is currently part of the Undefined Director/Timer Consoles group.

To add a CPC to the defined CPCs group:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Object Definition from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the Undefined CPCs group.
5. Select one or more objects.

3-48 Operations Guide

6. Drag and drop the selected objects on Add Object Definition in the Object
Definition tasks area. The CPC Definition Information window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for adding an undefined CPC to
the defined CPCs group.

CPC Manual Definition Template

Local Hardware Management Consoles are able to automatically detect the

presence of support elements and to automatically setup all the necessary internal
configuration information for communication without additional information from the
users. This is accomplished through a series of NetBIOS level data exchanges
between the Hardware Management Console and the support element. The
automatic configuration can take place across any network configuration that allows
NetBIOS and SNA or TCP/IP protocols to flow unrestricted. However, routed
networks and many bridged networks do not allow NetBIOS protocols to flow
throughout the network.

Remote Hardware Management Console connections are those connections that do

not allow NetBIOS protocols to flow between the Hardware Management Console
and the support element. The affect of not having NetBIOS protocols flow between
the Hardware Management Console and the support element is that sufficient
information is not available to allow automatic configuration without additional
information from the user. As a result, you will need to provide additional
addressing information in order to configure support elements to remote Hardware
Management Consoles. The type of additional addressing information will depend
on the type of network connecting the Hardware Management Console to the
support element.

Use the CPC Manual Definition Template to define your CPC when connectivity
exists between the Hardware Management Console and your target CPC via one of
the following protocols:
Ÿ SNA via Bridged LAN
Ÿ SNA via APPN Network Node

Refer to one of the procedures on the following pages for defining your CPC
depending on which protocol you have.

SNA via Bridged LAN

Using bridges to interconnect the support element's local token ring to the
company's network requires the token ring address of the support element to
provide sufficient information for delivering the data.

The bridge filters must be configured to allow SNA flows to cross the bridge before
the remote Hardware Management Console can be configured.
Note: For ethernet LANs, there are two different types of ethernet formats:
Ethernet Version 2 and 802.3. All devices on the ethernet LAN must use the same
format. All Hardware Management Consoles and support elements use the

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-49

Ethernet Version 2 format. If you need to use 802.3 format, contact the IBM
Support Center for assistance.

At the remote Hardware Management Console:

1. Log on in Access Administrator or Service Representative mode.
2. Open the Task List from the Views area.
3. Open Object Definition from the Task List Work Area.
4. Open Groups from the Views area.
5. Open the Undefined CPCs group.
6. Select CPC Manual Definition Template.
7. Drag and drop the template on Add Object Definition in the Object Definition
tasks area. The Manual Add Object Definition Confirmation window is
8. Select the OK push button to continue. The Manual Add Object Definition
window now displays.
9. Select SNA via Bridged LAN from the Communication Protocols box.
10. Enter the token ring address of the support element in the Addressing
Information box.
11. Select the OK push button. The Hardware Management Console will now
attempt to make contact with the support element and will exchange the
remaining information necessary to complete the configuration process.

SNA via APPN Network Node

Using an SNA router (an APPN Network Node, or equivalent) to interconnect the
support element's token ring to a company's network requires that the Hardware
Management Console be given the SNA network name of the support element and
the token ring address of the attaching network node.

The network node must either have the support element configured to it or have a
link to another network node that has the support element configured to it. This
must be done before the remote Hardware Management Console can be

At the target support element, it is necessary to configure the token ring address of
the network node that attaches the support element to the network. This is done
by using the support element Problem Management task for forwarding SNA alerts
to a central site.

To configure the support element to allow connection to a network node:

1. Log on a local Hardware Management Console in System Programmer mode.
2. Open the Task List from the Views area.
3. Open CPC Remote Customization from the Task List Work Area.
4. Open Groups from the Views area.
5. Drag and drop the target support element on Problem Management in the
CPC Remote Customization tasks area. The Problem Management window
is displayed.

3-50 Operations Guide

6. Check the Enable alert generation box.
7. Enter the token ring address of the attaching network node in the Local Area
Network (LAN) Address box.
Note: This configuration must be done before the remote Hardware
Management Console can make contact with the support element.
8. Select the Save push button.
9. Log off the Hardware Management Console.

To configure the remote Hardware Management Console:

1. Log on to the Hardware Management Console in Access Administrator or
Service Representative mode.
2. Open the Task List from the Views area.
3. Open Object Definition from the Task List Work Area.
4. Open Groups from the Views area.
5. Open the Undefined CPCs group.
6. Select CPC Manual Definition Template.
7. Drag and drop the template on Add Object Definition in the Object Definition
tasks area. The Manual Add Object Definition Confirmation window is
8. Select the OK push button to continue. The Manual Add Object Definition
window now displays.
9. Select SNA via APPN Network Node from the Communication Protocols box.
10. Enter the token ring address of the network node that attaches this Hardware
Management Console to the network and the SNA address of the support
element in the Addressing Information box.
11. Select the OK push button. The Hardware Management Console will now
attempt to make contact with the support element and will exchange the
remaining information necessary to complete the configuration process.

You can connect a remote Hardware Management Console to a support element
using TCP/IP through bridges or routers.
Ÿ Using TCP/IP bridges to interconnect the support element's local token ring to
the company's network requires that the support element be a part of a TCP/IP
subnet that is the same as the subnet to which the support element is bridged.
Therefore, information that must be configured in a remote Hardware
Management Console is the TCP/IP address of the target support element.
The bridge filters must be configured to allow TCP/IP flows to cross the bridge.
The bridges must be configured and operational before the remote Hardware
Management Console can be configured.
Note: For ethernet LANs, there are two different types of ethernet formats:
Ethernet Version 2 and 802.3. All devices on the ethernet LAN must use the
same format. All Hardware Management Consoles and support elements use
the Ethernet Version 2 format. If you need to use 802.3 format, contact the
IBM Support Center for assistance.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-51

Ÿ Using a TCP/IP router to interconnect the support element's local token ring or
optional ethernet adapter to a company's network requires that the support
element be on a unique subnet and that the routers in the network know how to
deliver packets to that subnet. Therefore, information that is necessary to
configure a remote Hardware Management Console to a support element
through a TCP/IP network is the TCP/IP address of the support element. The
routers must be configured and operational before the remote Hardware
Management Console can be configured to connect to the support element.
If Routing Information Protocol (RIP) packets do not flow from the router to the
Hardware Management Console, then the default route will also need to be
defined using the TCP/IP Configuration task. (See “TCP/IP Configuration” on
page 2-36.)
If the local Hardware Management Console is expected to act as a gateway
(router) between the enterprise TCP/IP network and the local Hardware
Management Console – support element LAN, then the local Hardware
Management Console will have two adapters, (a token-ring for the support
element communication and an ethernet for the enterprise connection). In the
local Hardware Management Console, you must enable IP Forwarding by
placing a checkmark in the IP Forwarding box on the Routing tab of the
TCP/IP Configuration notebook window. (See “TCP/IP Configuration” on
page 2-36.)

At the remote Hardware Management Console:

1. Log on in Access Administrator or Service Representative mode.
2. Open the Task List from the Views area.
3. Open Object Definition from the Task List Work Area.
4. Open Groups from the Views area.
5. Open the Undefined CPCs group.
6. Select CPC Manual Definition Template.
7. Drag and drop the template on Add Object Definition in the Object Definition
tasks area. The Manual Add Object Definition Confirmation window is
8. Select the OK push button to continue. The Manual Add Object Definition
window now displays.
9. Select TCP/IP from the Communication Protocols box.
10. Enter the TCP/IP address of the support element in the Addressing Information
11. Select the OK push button. The Hardware Management Console will now
attempt to make contact with the support element and will exchange the
remaining information necessary to complete the configuration process.

3-52 Operations Guide

Remove Object Definition

Note: This task is available only in Access Administrator mode.

Enables you to remove a CPC that is currently part of the Defined CPCs group.
During definition removal, the Remove Object Definition Task Confirmation
window is displayed to allow you to continue or quit the Remove Object Definition

Once a CPC is removed from the Defined CPCs group, it is added to the
Undefined CPCs group. No further action will be possible on that CPC from the
Hardware Management Console that removed its definition, status will not be
reported, and messages will not be available.

To remove a CPC from a defined CPCs group:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Object Definition from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
For individual CPCs:
a. Open the group that contains the CPCs with the definition that you want to
b. Select one or more objects.
For a group of CPCs:
a. Select the group of CPCs that you want to remove.
4. Drag and drop the selected objects on Remove Object Definition in the
Object Definition tasks area. The Remove Object Definition Task
Confirmation window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for deleting a defined CPC.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-53

Reboot Support Element

Note: This task is available in Access Administrator or Service Representative


Allows you to reboot the support element of the selected CPC without logging on at
the actual support element console. Use this task if you are currently operating
from a remote location and the support element is not easily accessible. An
example of when you would want to reboot the support element from the Hardware
Management Console is after a change has been made to the TCP/IP configuration
of the support element.

To reboot the support element:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Object Definition from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Open the group that contains the CPC whose support element you want to
Note: Reboot Support Element is considered a disruptive task. If the object(s)
is locked, you must unlock it before continuing. For more information on
disruptive tasks, see “Object Locking for Disruptive Tasks” on page 1-8.
5. Drag and drop the selected object on Reboot Support Element in the Object
Definition tasks area. The Reboot Support Element Task Confirmation
window is displayed.
6. Verify that the support element listed is the one you want to reboot.
7. Select the Yes push button to reboot the support element.

Use the online Help if additional information is needed for rebooting the support

3-54 Operations Guide

CPC Configuration

CPC Configuration tasks are used to display, transmit, or update the configuration
files kept for the CPCs.

The following are represented in the CPC Configuration tasks area:

Hardware Messages
Operating System Messages
Perform Model Conversion
Transmit Vital Product Data
View Frame Layout
Edit Frame Layout

Perform Model Conversion

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Enables you to update model information on machines that require it. Newly
installed CPCs must be physically installed, defined on the Hardware Management
Console and powered on before proceeding with this task.

To update model information to a CPC:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Configuration from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Select the Defined CPC Group.
5. Drag and drop the Defined CPC object on Perform Model Conversion in the
CPC Configuration tasks area. The Perform Model Conversion window is

Use the online Help if you need additional information for updating model
information for a CPC.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-55

Transmit Vital Product Data

Note: This task is available in System Programmer or Service Representative


Provides a window for you to collect vital product data (VPD) from the support
element of all CPCs that are defined to your Hardware Management Console and
to either transmit the data to the IBM Service Support System (RETAIN) or to store
the information on diskette.

To send vital product data from the support element to the Hardware Management
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Configuration from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Select the Defined CPC Group.
5. Drag and drop the Defined CPC object on Transmit Vital Product Data in the
CPC Configuration tasks area. The Transmit Vital Product Data to IBM
window is displayed.
6. Select the destination you want to transmit to and then select the OK
7. Follow the instructions on the additional windows to complete the task.

Use the online Help if you need additional information for transmitting VPD data.

View Frame Layout

Note: This task is available only in System Programmer mode.

Provides a graphic view of the physical location of the hardware objects that are
defined to this Hardware Management Console. Each object is shown with its
frame designation and position within the frame. By opening (double-clicking on)
the object, additional information is provided:
Ÿ machine type
Ÿ model
Ÿ serial number
Ÿ device location

Objects can be added, removed or moved by a user with service representative

authorization by using the Edit Frame Layout task.

To view the location of hardware objects that are defined to the Hardware
Management Console:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.

3-56 Operations Guide

2. Open CPC Configuration from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Drag and drop Defined CPCs on View Frame Layout in the CPC
Configuration tasks area. The View Frame Layout window is displayed.

Use the online Help to get additional information for viewing the physical location of
objects defined to the Hardware Management Console.

Edit Frame Layout

Note: This task is available only in Service Representative mode.

Provides a graphic view of the physical location of the hardware objects that are
defined to this Hardware Management Console. Each object is shown with its
frame designation and position within the frame. By opening (double-clicking on)
the object, additional information is provided:
Ÿ machine type
Ÿ model
Ÿ serial number
Ÿ device location

Edit Frame Layout shows the locations in the frames that are available for adding
or moving a device. In addition to adding or moving devices, the service
representative can also remove devices or add frames.

To add, remove, or move hardware objects that are defined to the Hardware
Management Console:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Configuration from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Drag and drop Defined CPCs on Edit Frame Layout in the CPC
Configuration tasks area. The Edit Frame Layout window is displayed.

Use the online Help if you need additional information to complete this task.

Chapter 3. Tasks 3-57

3-58 Operations Guide
Chapter 4. Turning Off the Hardware Management Console
Before turning the Hardware Management Console off, you should shut the
Hardware Management Console's operating system down. To do this:
1. Ensure that all Hardware Management Console Application (HWMCA) tasks
have completed or have been terminated.
2. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
3. Open Log Off from the Console Actions Work Area.
4. Select the Cancel push button on the Hardware Management Console Logon
window. The Cancel Confirmation window is displayed.
5. Select the Yes push button.
6. Wait at least 90 seconds for all Hardware Management Console hard disk
activity to complete.
7. If the secure desktop setting is enabled, go to step 13; otherwise, continue
8. Minimize all windows displayed by clicking on their minimize icons (in the upper
right corner of the windows).
9. Click once with the right mouse button on any empty place of the Desktop.

10. Select Shut down from the system menu.

11. Select OK on any confirmation window displayed.
12. If you receive a ROP Kernel pop-up window, select the Yes push button.
13. When a message indicates that shut down is complete, power off the Hardware
Management Console display and system unit.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 4-1

4-2 Operations Guide
Appendix A. Remote Operations
The ability to monitor or control a system from a central or remote location creates
a powerful tool for problem determination and diagnosis and operations assistance.
This remote capability can save time and money and increase the productivity of
support staff. Technical expertise can be centralized, reducing the need for highly
skilled personnel at remote locations.

There are several options available for controlling systems from a remote location:
Ÿ Hardware Management Console
Ÿ Web browser
Ÿ Remote control program management product

Choosing the best option involves understanding your remote control needs and
use patterns. The figure below shows an example configuration for each option.

Data Center 1 Data Center 2 Data Center n

Hardware Management Console

to IBM to IBM to IBM

Bridge Bridge Bridge

Public Switched Corporate

Network Network

Control Hardware
Program Management
Product Console Browser

Backup Primary
Operations Operations Monitor

IBM uses remote control program product facilities to assist in problem

determination, and to provide operational assistance as required. IBM also uses
the SDLC connection facilities to transmit service data to and from the IBM service
support system, to gather error data, and to receive emergency fixes.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 A-1

Remote Control Using a Hardware Management Console
If you need continuous monitoring of the remote system and you have LAN
connectivity between the sites, the best choice for remote control is the use of a
remote Hardware Management Console. Remote versus local operation of a
system is a function of the communication path and supported protocols, not the
physical distance between the system and its controlling Hardware Management

A remote Hardware Management Console gives the most complete set of functions
because it is a complete Hardware Management Console; only the connection
configuration is different from a local Hardware Management Console. It also
provides the same interface as is used locally so no additional operator training is

A remote Hardware Management Console may be connected using either token

ring or ethernet wiring and either SNA or TCP/IP protocols. Using a Hardware
Management Console allows multiple control points for the systems and allows
multiple sites to be controlled from a single Hardware Management Console
assuming that appropriate connectivity exists.

Performance associated with a remote Hardware Management Console to a

support element is very good due to the concise nature of the messages.
However, single object operation can be highly sensitive to transfer rates and
network traffic. Availability of the status information and access to the control
functions are highly dependent on the reliability, availability, and responsiveness of
the customer network that interconnects the remote Hardware Management
Console with the support elements.

A remote Hardware Management Console monitors the connections to each

support element and attempts to recover any lost connections and reports those
that cannot be recovered.

Security for a remote Hardware Management Console is provided by the Hardware

Management Console user logon procedures, the secure transmissions between
the Hardware Management Console and support elements, and domain security

Remote Control Using the Web Server

If you need occasional monitoring and control of support elements connected to a
single local Hardware Management Console, then the Web browser is a good

Using a Web browser allows a system programmer or operator to monitor and/or

control defined CPCs, CPC images, or groups from a remote site with a subset of
task lists and tasks that are available on the Hardware Management Console. An
example of use of the Web browser might be an off-hours monitor from home by an
operator or system programmer.

Each current Hardware Management Console has a Web Server built in. The Web
Server is a service of the Hardware Management Console Application that provides
World Wide Web pages for use in performing Hardware Management Console

A-2 Operations Guide

tasks from a Web browser. Once the Web Server is enabled, multiple browsers
can access the Hardware Management Console at one time.

The following tasks are available when logged on to the Web Server:
Ÿ Daily
– Viewing Hardware Messages
– Viewing Operating System Messages and entering Operating System
– Activate
– Reset Normal
– Deactivate
– Activity
Ÿ CPC Recovery
– Viewing Hardware Messages
– Viewing Operating System Messages and entering Operating System
– Reset Normal
– PSW Restart
– Reset Clear
– Load
Ÿ CPC Operational Customization
– Viewing Hardware Messages
– Viewing Operating System Messages and entering Operating System
– Customize/Delete Activation Profiles
– Customize Support Element Date/Time
– Change LPAR Controls
– Configure Channel Path On/Off
– Reassign Channel Path

For information on performing these tasks, see the View the Hardware
Management Console Overview from the Web Server home page.

Performance associated with browser traffic is normally very good due to the
relatively short and infrequent messages. Although status and messages are not
immediately available at the browser, the browser automatically refreshes its view
on a relatively frequent basis. Single object operation is not available through the
browser interface nor is access to other applications on the Hardware Management

Reliability of the status information and the availability of the control functions are
dependent on the reliability, availability, and throughput of the interconnecting

Web Server Requirements

Because any connection to a Hardware Management Console from the Web
browser can potentially affect the operation and/or availability of the Hardware
Management Console and the CPCs that it controls, it is important that security be
given adequate consideration. It is recommended that your Hardware Management

Appendix A. Remote Operations A-3

Console be installed only on your enterprise-controlled Intranet because the Web
Server does not use an encrypted session.

The Hardware Management Console must be connected through a Token-Ring

LAN or an Ethernet LAN and must be connected to the enterprise Intranet via the
appropriate router or bridge.

Web Server support requires HTML 2.0 and JavaScript 1.0 support. The following
combinations have been tested:
Ÿ OS/2 Warp and Netscape Navigator Version 2.02-980101
Ÿ Windows 95 and Netscape Navigator Version 3.01
Ÿ Windows 95 and Netscape Communicator Version 4.05
Ÿ Windows 95 and Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4.0
Ÿ Windows 98 and Netscape Navigator Version 3.01
Ÿ Windows 98 and Netscape Communicator Version 4.05
Ÿ Windows 98 and Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4.0
Ÿ Windows NT and Netscape Navigator Version 3.01
Ÿ Windows NT and Netscape Communicator Version 4.05
Ÿ Windows NT and Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4.0

Getting Ready to Use the Web Server

Before you can use the Web Server, you must:
Ÿ Enable the Hardware Management Console to allow for a Web browser
Ÿ Know the TCP/IP address of the Hardware Management Console you want to
connect to
Ÿ Have a valid userid and password assigned by your Access Administrator for
the Hardware Management Console web access. (For a procedure on how to
authorize a userid to the Web Server, see page 2-21.)

Configuring for the Web Server on the Hardware Management Console

1. Log on to the local Hardware Management Console in Access Administrator
2. Open Console Actions.
3. Open Enable Hardware Management Console Services.
4. Select the Enabled radio button in the Web Server box.
5. Select the OK push button.
6. Log off the Hardware Management Console.
Note: To put this change into effect, shut down and then reboot the Hardware
Management Console.

Logging On to the Web Server from a Web Browser

From your Web browser:
1. Enter the URL (TCP/IP address) of the Hardware Management Console you
want to connect to.
When the Hardware Management Console home page displays, two selections
are available:

A-4 Operations Guide

Perform Hardware Management Console Application tasks
This selection lets you log on to the Hardware Management Console
Web Server for monitoring CPCs and CPC images.

View the Hardware Management Console Overview

This selection provides information on how to use the Web Server
while working from your Web browser.

2. Select Perform Hardware Management Console Application tasks.

3. When prompted, enter your user name or userid (for example, SYSPROG) and
the valid password assigned by your Access Administrator. (For a procedure
on how to authorize a userid to the Web Server, see page 2-21.)
Note: You can only log on in operator, advanced operator, or system
programmer mode.
4. Select the OK push button. You should now see the Groups view of the
Hardware Management Console workplace.

Appendix A. Remote Operations A-5

The Hardware Management Console Web Pages
The layout of the Hardware Management Console Web pages, as shown through a
Web browser in the example below, is similar to the Hardware Management
Console workplace.

Netscape - [HMCSSE01: Hardware Management Console]

File Edit View Go Bookmark Options Directory Window Help


What’s New? What’s Cool? Destinations Net Search People Software

Views Daily
Area { IBM R

Groups Exceptions Task List Personalize

Messages Tasks in
Defined CPCs Activate
{ Current
Task List
P0041034 P00SA024 P041268 P045446
Area { PED98SA PS020811 PSA41250 PSAMSE24

PSAS0017 PT041268 PTP10832 PTP41034 CPC Recovery

CPC Operational
{ Task

Ÿ The Views Area displays the views you can select.

Ÿ The Work Area displays the objects in the current view or group.
Ÿ The Task Area displays the tasks in the current task list and the task list icons
(Daily, CPC Recovery, and CPC Operational Customization) that are available.

The views, objects, and tasks are your means of locating objects, monitoring status,
and performing tasks during your Web Server session.

Object status may change at any refresh. Status indicators are updated
automatically whenever the Hardware Management Console Web pages are
reloaded. These pages are reloaded at the refresh rate set for your Web Server

session through Personalize in the Views area or you may select the
Reload button of your browser at any time. (The default refresh rate is 2 minutes.)

Unlike the Hardware Management Console workplace, you must only single click
Groups, Defined CPCs, or CPC Images to work with them. The drag and drop
technique is not available through the Web Server.

A-6 Operations Guide

To initiate an action on a CPC or CPC image, select the radio button below the
CPC or CPC image icon and then click on the task you want to perform. If you just
want to open the Details page of the CPC or CPC image, click on the icon itself.
Note: You can initiate a task on only one object at a time using the Web browser

The Views area can be green (acceptable status) or red (unacceptable status).
The background of the CPC can contain no color (acceptable status), red
(unacceptable status), blue (hardware messages), or red/blue (unacceptable status
and hardware messages). The background of the CPC image can contain no color
(acceptable status), red (unacceptable status), cyan (operating system messages ),
or red/cyan (unacceptable status and operating system messages). To obtain more
information about the reason for an unacceptable status, select the object to view
the Details page.

Things to Consider during Your Web Session

Any time you are logged on to the Hardware Management Console Web Server
through a Web browser, the following conditions do exist:
Ÿ If an operator is logged on the Hardware Management Console locally, they will
be aware of Web browser initiated activity through object and task busy
indicators and pop-up windows.
Ÿ Each connection and active session to the Web Server may cause the
response time to increase for any requested task.
Ÿ When monitoring system activity data using a Web Server session the following
– The minimum refresh rate for a Web Server session is 60 seconds, which
is longer than the 15 second rate at which support elements send system
activity data to the Hardware Management Console. Initially, a CPC's
system activity page indicates system activity is not available for the CPC.
This is normal. You must wait at least 15 seconds for the CPC's support
element to make system activity data available to the Hardware
Management Console, and then either wait for the Web Server session to
reload the system activity page or reload it manually.
– System activity data sent to the console for a CPC is replaced each time
the CPC's support element sends new data.
– A CPC's system activity data is not used if it is replaced by new data
before the Web Server session can read it and reload the CPC's system
activity page.
For example, if the refresh rate is 60 seconds for your Web Server session, it
will read data from the Hardware Management Console and reload system
activity pages only once for every four times a CPC's support element sends
system activity data to the console. As a result, some variations in a CPC's
actual system activity may not be displayed on its system activity page.

Appendix A. Remote Operations A-7

Remote Control Using a Remote Control Program Product
If you need only occasional or short duration monitoring and control of the remote
system, then a program product (such as DCAF, NetOp for OS/2**, or Remote
Services Management**) that can provide remote control of a local Hardware
Management Console user interface may be an acceptable solution. An example
of this use might be an emergency switched connection backup for a remote
Hardware Management Console.

Even through the DCAF product has been withdrawn from marketing by IBM, the
Hardware Management Console will continue to support its use. Each current
Hardware Management Console has the “target” portion of DCAF built in. When
enabled and properly configured, a Hardware Management Console can present
the Hardware Management Console user interface to a DCAF controller connected
through customer provided LAN (either Token Ring or Ethernet) using TCP/IP or
SNA protocols or a switched connection using SNA or TCP/IP protocols. One way
to connect using DCAF to a remote Hardware Management Console is via TCP/IP
through a Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP). (Refer to the procedures on the
following pages for all the necessary steps.)

All local Hardware Management Console functions, including single object

operation, are available through this type of interface.

If you do not already have the DCAF product, then you may want to consider using
NetOp for OS/2 or Remote Services Management. Refer to the documentation
provided with these products for installation and operating instructions. IBM does
not provide any service for these products.

Performance of this class of remote operation is generally slower than other

operations and in particular, switched connections should be considered for
emergency use only as they are usually very slow.

Availability of the status information and the access to the control functions is
dependent on the reliability, availability, and throughput of the interconnecting

Security is provided by the Hardware Management Console enablement functions,

Hardware Management Console user logon controls, and customer network access

A-8 Operations Guide

Controller to a Hardware Management Console via Asynchronous
TCP/IP through Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
This scenario describes the use of DCAF to provide a remote console for a
Hardware Management Console using TCP/IP through SLIP.



Modem Modem

Controller Hardware
Workstation Management

Note: These procedures assume all the prerequisite software and hardware is
installed correctly.

Configuring for a DCAF Connection on the Hardware Management

To use this facility, the Hardware Management Console must be configured to
perform remote support facility functions using the asynchronous, TCP/IP
1. Log on to the Hardware Management Console in System Programmer mode.
2. Open Console Actions.
3. Open Enable Hardware Management Console Services.
4. Check Enabled only if no user is logged on (recommended setting) or
Enabled even while a user is logged on in the Remote Operation box.
5. Check the Enabled radio button in the Automatic Call Answering box.
6. Select the OK push button.
7. Log off the Hardware Management Console.

Configuring DCAF on the Controller Workstation

1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Distributed Console Access Facility folder
and open it. The Distributed Console Access Facility - Icon View is displayed.
2. Open the DCAF Controller icon. The Distributed Console Access Facility
window is displayed.
3. Select Session from the menu bar and then select Open Workstation
directory... The DCAF - Directory window is displayed.
4. Select Workstation from the menu bar and then Add.... The Add a
Workstation window is displayed.
5. Type the CP name for the Hardware Management Console that will be the
target for this connection in the Workstation Name box.

Appendix A. Remote Operations A-9

6. Select TCP/IP in the Protocol box.
7. Select the Target radio button in the Connection box.
8. Select the Protocol tab. The Add a Workstation notebook window is
9. Type in the Remote Host Name box.
10. Make sure 2501 is entered in the Port Number box.
11. Select the Save push button. The Distributed Console Access Facility pop-up
window is displayed.
12. Select the OK push button. The Add a Workstation window is redisplayed.
13. Select the Cancel push button. The DCAF - Directory window is displayed.
14. Close the DCAF - Directory window.
15. Close the Distributed Console Access Facility window.
16. Close the Distributed Console Access Facility - Icon View window.

Starting SLIP on the Controller Workstation

1. From an OS/2 window, type START SLIPPM. The IBM Dial-Up for TCP/IP
window is displayed.
2. Select the Add Entry icon. The Add Entries notebook window is displayed.

3. Type a descriptive name for the Hardware Management Console that will be
the target for this connection in the Name box.

A-10 Operations Guide

4. Type a description of the Hardware Management Console (up to eleven
characters) in the Description box.
5. Type anything (for example, SYSPROG) in the Login ID box. (This is not used
by the Hardware Management Console.)
6. Type anything in the Password box. (This is not used by the Hardware
Management Console.)
Note: Make sure the Required check box is not checked.
7. Type the phone number used to call the Hardware Management Console in the
Phone Number box.
8. Type NONE in the Login Sequence box.
9. Select the SLIP radio button in the Connection Type box.
10. Select the appropriate number of minutes you want to wait before an automatic
hang-up in the Inactivity Timeout Option box.
11. Select the Connect Info tab.

12. Type in the Your IP Address box. (Use must use
13. Type in the Destination IP Address box. (Use must use
14. Type in the Netmask box.
15. Type 1500 in the MTU Size box.
Note: Make sure the VJ Compression and Primary Interface check boxes
are not checked.

Appendix A. Remote Operations A-11

16. Type in the Domain Nameserver box.
17. Type your Local domain name (for example in the Your Domain
Name box.
18. Select the Modem Info tab.

19. Select the type of modem (for example, Multitech Multimodem 224E7
V.42bis) you are using from the Modem Type pull-down list. This type of
modem is a IBM 7852 Model 400 or 7858 and is shipped with your Hardware
Management Console.
20. Select com2 from the Com Port spin button list.
21. Select 38400 from the Speed (Baud) spin button list.
22. Select the Dial radio button from the Mode box.
23. Select 8 from the Data Bits spin button list.
24. Select NONE from the Parity spin button list.
25. Type ATDT in the Prefix box.
26. Type AT&F in the Initialization String 1 box. (This setting is required when
using a 7852 or 7858 modem.)
27. Type AT&D2&C1X4 in the Initialization String 2 box. (This setting is required
when using a 7852 or 7858 modem.)
28. Close the Add Entry notebook window. The Closing Dial Configuration pop-up
window is displayed.

A-12 Operations Guide

29. Select the Save push button.
30. The IBM Dial-Up for TCP/IP window redisplays.
31. Select the Dial icon. If the IBM Dial-Up for TCP/IP pop-up window is displayed,
select the OK push button.
32. Various status messages will appear in the Status box. When SLIP is running,
the following message is displayed:
[MON] SLIP Driver Running. Exit with Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break
You are now ready to start a DCAF session.

Starting DCAF on the Controller Workstation

1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Distributed Console Access Facility folder
and open it. The Distributed Console Access Facility - Icon View is displayed.
2. Open the DCAF Controller icon. The Distributed Console Access Facility
window is displayed.
3. Select Session from the menu bar and then select Open Workstation
directory... The DCAF - Directory window is displayed.
4. Locate the target workstation you want to work with and then open it. The
DCAF - Target Password window is displayed.
5. Type in the password of the target Hardware Management Console.
Note: The Hardware Management Console is shipped with a default password
of PASSWORD. For security purposes, you should change the password to
something other than PASSWORD.
6. Select the OK push button.
7. After a short delay, a new window should open containing the information
currently displayed on the target Hardware Management Console. Maximize
the window to work with the target Hardware Management Console.
Note: How fast information is displayed on your controller workstation from the
target Hardware Management Console depends on your modem speed. To
reduce extraneous transmission of information across the phone line, at the
OS/2 Desktop WarpCenter of the target Hardware Management Console, click

on the System Activity Monitor until the Disk Space Monitor is

displayed. In the left-hand corner, click on the Time setting until the Date
setting is displayed.
8. When your DCAF session is finished, select Session from the menu bar and
then select Terminate. The target Hardware Management Console is no
longer available.
9. Close the Distributed Console Activity Facility window.
10. Close the Distributed Console Access Facility - Icon View window.
11. Select the Hang-Up icon on the IBM Dial-Up for TCP/IP window. The IBM
Dial-Up for TCP/IP pop-up window is displayed.

Appendix A. Remote Operations A-13

12. Select the OK push button. The following message is displayed in the Status
Deleting route Slð: ->
13. Close the IBM Dial-Up for TCP/IP window. The IBM Dial-Up for TCP/IP pop-up
window is displayed.
14. Select the OK push button to exit.

A-14 Operations Guide

Appendix B. Use of Other Applications and Features
While you may modify the Hardware Management Console platform by adding
hardware and you may modify the base Hardware Management Console software
by installing new features, you may not copy the Hardware Management Console
base code or HWMCA licensed internal code (LIC) onto another platform. The
Hardware Management Console LIC is only licensed to the platform on which it
was originally shipped.

Before adding features or software to the base Hardware Management Console, or

before modifying the Hardware Management Console in any way, read the contents
of this chapter.

ISA/PCI Bus Hardware Management Console Resource Requirements

The Hardware Management Console has been prepackaged with the adapters
needed to perform the operations that manage your CPCs. Hardware modifications
can interfere with the Hardware Management Console's ability to perform those
operations. To ensure proper operation, it is recommended that only IBM approved
Hardware Management Console modifications be applied.

Both plug and play and nonplug and play adapters may be used. Interrupts 3, 4, 5,
9, 10, 11, 15, COM Ports A and B, and Memory Address C9000-DFFFF must
remain available.

If your Hardware Management Console has a token ring adapter, the token ring is
automatically configured as LAN Adapter 0 and the ethernet, if present, is
configured as LAN Adapter 1. If there is no token ring adapter installed, then the
ethernet must be present and is configured as LAN Adapter 0. The TCP/IP
address entered through the Hardware Management Console Settings task always
equates to LAN Adapter 0. (See “Hardware Management Console Settings” on
page 2-25.)

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 B-1

The Hardware Management Console Platform
The Hardware Management Console has been designed as a systems
management platform to aid in the operation of the system. The Hardware
Management Console is shipped preloaded with the customized base software
necessary to support the Hardware Management Console Application (HWMCA).
The base software includes OS/2 Warp Version 4, eNetwork Communications
Server for OS/2 Warp Version 5, TCP/IP, Personal Communications/3270, Site
Connect Server**, Site Alert Client**, and Multiprotocol Transport Services (MPTS).
The base software is stored on drive C of the Hardware Management Console.
The HWMCA is stored on drive D. Both the base software and the HWMCA are
backed up by the Backup Critical Console Data task and maintained by IBM
through the licensed internal code update process. The Hardware Management
Console platform has been customized for optimal use of the systems management
functions provided by the HWMCA.

Changing the Hardware Management Console Platform

You can add other software applications to the Hardware Management Console
platform to satisfy your requirements or preferences for the system management
functions of the Hardware Management Console platform. If you make changes,
you are responsible for ensuring that the changes do not adversely effect Hardware
Management Console operations. You are also responsible for maintaining these

Install other software applications on drive F of the Hardware Management

Console. You can also store online books and bookshelves from a CD-ROM
collection kit on drive F and then read them using the Library Reader/2 icon on
your Desktop and under the Books icon located in the Views area of the
workplace. See “Installing Online Books from a CD-ROM Collection Kit” on
page B-4 for instructions. Drives C, D, and E should not be used for adding other
applications. However, adding some applications may require adding or changing
console configuration information on drive C.

The base software in the Hardware Management Console platform is configured to

support DOS and Windows. If you install a Windows application, the installation
may change some of the Windows files on drive C. These changes will not be
preserved by the licensed internal code change process or a repair procedure and
it will be necessary to install the application again after an upgrade or repair

You can also change the base software configuration. You can customize it
differently or add features to satisfy your requirements or preferences for the
system management functions of the Hardware Management Console platform.
But you must not change versions or delete features necessary to support the
HWMCA. See “Changing the Base Software Configuration” on page B-3 for

You can also add other hardware to the Hardware Management Console. You may
need or prefer to add memory or disk space to the Hardware Management Console
platform to accommodate other software applications you add. Adding some
hardware may require adding or changing console configuration information on
drive C.

B-2 Operations Guide

Maintaining Hardware Management Console Platform Changes
Changing the Hardware Management Console platform may require taking
additional steps while maintaining it to also maintain the changes. The
maintenance procedures used by IBM will not detect any platform changes made to
drive C and drive D. Such changes may be lost during licensed internal code
upgrades. This includes changes made to the CONFIG.SYS, the Communications
Server, and TCP/IP configuration. To assist in making an internal code upgrade as
easy as possible, your site should keep good records of the additions made to the
Hardware Management Console platform and make the IBM service representative
aware that software and hardware changes have been made. The IBM service
representative can attempt to save some data prior to an upgrade.

Changing the Base Software Configuration

When making changes to the base software configurations, follow this general
Ÿ Initiate the install process for the software component you wish to change
Ÿ Selectively install any new features you want to add
Ÿ Customize the new features.

Insert the Hardware Management Console Customization optical cartridge in the

optical drive. This cartridge contains Operating System/2 Warp Version 4 (OS/2
Warp). If you want documentation for this product, you can order it from IBM.

Some OS/2 information (for example, controlling the speed of mouse operations)
can be found by opening (double-clicking on) the Information icon on the OS/2
Desktop and then opening the Master Help Index.

1. All files that are needed for customization should be stored in the assigned
directories of drive C. These files will be backed up when you Backup Critical
Console Data, but will be erased during an internal code update or reload.
2. The optical drive is preconfigured as drive G. If you have changed the optical
drive designation, substitute the new drive designation for drive G in the
following procedures.

To customize OS/2 from the optical cartridge:

1. Place the mouse pointer on the OS/2 Desktop and click the right mouse button
2. Select System setup. The System Setup - Icon View window is displayed.
3. Locate the Install/Remove icon and open it. The Install/Remove - Icon View
window is displayed.
4. Locate the Selective Install icon and open it. The System Configuration
window is displayed.
5. Make your selection from this window and select the OK push button.
6. When the Source Directory window displays, verify that the source directory is

Appendix B. Use of Other Applications and Features B-3

Several fixes were installed on drive C of your Hardware Management Console
when it was shipped to you. These fixes are included on the Hardware
Management Console optical cartridge in the event that you will need to reapply

There are a total of eighteen 3.5-inch 1.44 MB diskette images contained in the
OS2FPAK subdirectory. DISK01.DSK and DISK02 are called the Service Boot
Diskettes. The remaining sixteen images are called Corrective Service Diskettes
and are named CDISK01.DSK through CDISK16.DSK.

To reapply the fixes:

1. From an OS/2 command line, change to drive G.
3. When prompted, insert a blank diskette in drive A and enter Y.
Note: Label each diskette as it is built.
4. When DISK01 is complete, type LOADDSKF G:\OS2FPAK\DISK02.DSK A:
5. When DISK02 is complete, type LOADDSKF G:\OS2FPAK\CDISK01.DSK A:
6. When all diskettes have been built, insert DISK01 in drive A.
7. Change to drive A.
8. Type SERVICE and follow the instructions on the screen.

Installing Online Books from a CD-ROM Collection Kit

Use the following procedure when you want to install online documentation on your
Hardware Management Console.
1. Choose the Online Library CD-ROM you want and insert it into the CD-ROM
2. From an OS/2 window, change to drive H (the drive letter of your CD-ROM
3. Type cd SCRT to change to the SCRT directory.
4. Type EBRSCRT2
In a few seconds, the SCRT - Products View: XX window is displayed (where
XX is the name of CD-ROM you installed).
5. Select the books or bookshelves you want to install on drive F.
6. Select File from the menu bar and then select Add to Process List. The
books or bookshelves you selected will be added to the SCRT - Process List
7. Select Process from the menu bar and then select Copy to another drive.
The SCRT - Process window is displayed.
8. Verify that F:\BOOKS is displayed into the Directory to store the log files box.
9. Select the OK push button. The Install - directories window is displayed.
10. Verify that F:\BOOKS is displayed in the BKINDEX, BKSHELF, and BOOK
directory boxes.
11. Select the Install push button. The Install - progress window is displayed.

B-4 Operations Guide

12. Once the files are installed, the Installation and Maintenance pop-up window is
displayed. Select the Yes push button to remove the items from the Copy List.
13. Close the SCRT - Process window. The online books are now stored on drive
14. Close the OS/2 window.
15. Remove the CD-ROM.
16. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Library Reader/2 folder and open it. The
BookManager Books and Bookshelves window is displayed.
17. Select the books or bookshelves you want to open.
Note: If secure desktop is enabled for the Hardware Management Console, the
Library Reader/2 icon is also available under the Books icon located in the Views
area of the workplace.

Appendix B. Use of Other Applications and Features B-5

B-6 Operations Guide
Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification
The message and state monitor facilities of the Hardware Management Console
can be enabled to send text notification to a personal pager whenever a specific
message is received from either the hardware subsystem or an operating system,
or when a CPC (hardware object) or a CPC Image (operating system object)
changes from one state to another state. The state of an object represents its
current condition and functional capability, so a state change represents a change
in functional capability that may require attention. The state of an object used by
this facility is the same condition that is represented as status on the object's
Details window. Hardware and operating system messages are intended to keep
the operator informed of conditions that may require attention. However, not all
messages and not all state changes are important; only specific ones require
attention and notification of a responsible person.

By enabling the message and state monitor facilities and customizing the Site Alert
Client message filters, a user can cause an alphanumeric page message to be sent
whenever some message or state change occurs. For example, if the state change
notification is enabled and the message filters are customized to detect a state
change from the operating state to the not operating state, an alphanumeric page
message can be sent to an operator, a system programmer, a service
representative, or a group of responsible people whenever the processor goes from
operating to not operating. This allows notification of critical events even when the
system is unattended. Up to five different people can be identified to receive the

The message and state monitor facilities consist of:

Ÿ A Hardware Management Console console action (Enable Pager Notification) to
allow the message and state monitor facilities to be enabled for any
combination of:
– Operating system message monitoring
– Hardware message monitoring
– State change monitoring
Ÿ Hardware Management Console LIC to monitor the enabled message and state
notifications and to create the messages for the Site Alert Client.
Ÿ Site Alert Client facilities for customizing the message filter characteristics.
Ÿ Site Alert Client monitoring facilities.
Ÿ Site Connect Server facilities for customizing the paging service parameters
and for identifying the recipients of the alphanumeric pager messages.
Ÿ Site Connect Server facilities for sending the resulting pager messages to the
pager service.

To set up pager notification, the user must:

1. Enable the message and state monitor facilities on a Hardware Management
Console that will always be active.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 C-1

2. Customize the Site Alert Client message filters in the Hardware Management
3. Customize the Site Connect Server users and paging services in the Hardware
Management Console.
4. Customize the operating system to send messages to the console integration
facilities of the Hardware Management Console (if operating system message
monitoring is enabled).
5. Provide one of the following:
a. An asynchronous modem and telephone connection to the Hardware
Management Console,
Subscription to a paging service that supports alphanumeric pagers and
Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP), and
Provide appropriate alphanumeric pagers to the people to be notified.
b. An external COM-port attached device that can interpret ASCII/hex codes
sent in place of a modem dial string.

IBM cannot guarantee that notification of a state change event or hardware or
operating system message will be delivered to the intended receiver via the
message and state monitor facilities.

Failures can be due to:

Ÿ Telephone connection between the Hardware Management Console and the
paging service provider,
Ÿ Transmission of the page message,
Ÿ The page receiver,
Ÿ Receiver out of range,
Ÿ Electrical interference around the page receiver,
Ÿ Incorrect or incomplete set up at the Hardware Management Console, or
Ÿ Any number of other reasons.
For this reason, the message and state monitor facilities should not be the only
means for reporting potential problems in the system. The message and state
monitor facilities can best be used as a part of a larger system monitoring strategy
that takes input from many sources when determining if a system problem exists.

The message and state monitor facilities can generate a large number of messages
in a short period of time if it is not customized correctly and prudently. A large
number of page messages could overwhelm the paging service provider and cause
degradation of the paging service to other users. A large number of messages
may also be costly, if the service provider changes a per page fee. A user
receiving a large number of page messages is more likely to ignore them or to
overlook the truly important ones. You should enable only those conditions that
require immediate attention. You should also proceed slowly with the addition of
new conditions so that you can see the affect they have before you put them into
wide spread use.

C-2 Operations Guide

Process Description
The message and state monitor facilities have been created by writing a Hardware
Management Console application using the Hardware Management Console
Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and combining it with paging facilities
provided by the Site Alert Client and Site Connect Server products. The Site Alert
Client and Site Connect Server products are normally available separately from the
Hardware Management Console, but special versions are packaged with the
Hardware Management Console for this facility. The Site Alert Client code shipped
with the Hardware Management Console is set up to receive data only from the
Hardware Management Console application. The Site Connect Server code
shipped with the Hardware Management Console provides service for up to five

You will use the Site Alert Client customization windows to define which inputs are
of interest. You will use the Site Connect Server customization windows to define
the paging service and recipients who are to receive the generated paging

The message and state monitor facilities can receive input data from any or all of
the following input sources in the system:
1. Hardware reports from all of the CPCs defined to the Hardware Management
Console and hardware reports from the Hardware Management Console itself
2. State change events from all of the CPCs defined to the Hardware
Management Console
3. Operating system messages from all of the CPCs defined to the Hardware
Management Console and using the console integration facilities of the CPC.

When you enable an input source (from the list above), all input from that source is
received by the message and state monitor facilities through the Hardware
Management Console APIs and is used to create a fixed form character message,
containing the essence of the input. Fixed form messages always have data in
specific columns to aid in structuring the keys for Site Alert Client. The fixed form
messages are then given to the Site Alert Client code where the fixed form
message is compared with the conditions and keys that you have defined during
the Site Alert Client setup and customization process. If there is no match, Site
Alert Client discards the message. If Site Alert Client finds a match between the
conditions you set up and the fixed form message generated from system input
sources, the Site Alert Client creates a pager message to the recipient you
specified during customization and sends the page to the Site Connect Server
code. The Site Connect Server uses the recipient name to find the paging service
information and then uses the modem connected to the asynchronous port of the
Hardware Management Console to dial to the paging service and to send the page
message to the paging service provider. Site Connect Server records the success
or failure of this in its logs. The paging service provider enqueues the page
message to its transmitter and eventually transmits the message to the specified
paging service user. It is important to note that there is no confirmation that the
message is received.

During the setup and customization, you may enable or disable any of these
message sources from consideration by the message and state monitor facilities.
You should only enable the sources for input that you need to have considered for
paging messages. Enabling an input source that will never be used to generate a

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-3

page will consume Hardware Management Console processing resources
needlessly. For example, you should not enable operating system input unless
there is an important operating system message that reports a critical failure. The
operating system input can generate a very large volume of input to be monitored
and could delay or slow other Hardware Management Console functions. On the
other hand, there should be relatively little input from the hardware message inputs,
and these can easily be monitored with little impact on the system. State change
input can be easily monitored, but you should be careful to specify only those state
changes that really require notification. For example, state changes from anything
except operating are probably not of interest, while most state changes from
operating to any of the states that are not operating may be of interest.

CPC Operating System

Support Element

Token Ring

Hardware Management Console Application

Management Site Alert Client

Console Site Connect Server

Serial Port
Asynchronous Modem

Telephone Line

Paging Service Personal Pager

Site Alert Client Filters

The Site Alert Client uses defined conditions to filter all messages sent to it. In
order for a message to pass through a filter, all the keys in the condition must be
true for that message.

You must define and enable the set of conditions that you want Site Alert Client to
use. You may define as many conditions as you need. There are a set of keys
and conditions that have been predefined for your convenience. To use the
predefined conditions, you must enable the ones you want.

You may also define your own keys and conditions to match your environment.

C-4 Operations Guide

Site Alert Client Predefined Keys
The following keys have been predefined in the Site Alert Client data base. These
keys represent portions of a message that can be generated as a result of events
in the hardware subsystem, the operating system, or as a result of a state change.
The contents of each type of message is documented in Hardware Reports, State
Change Events, and Operating System Messages.

These keys are used in the Site Alert Client condition definitions to create the filters
that decide which messages should result in sending a page and which messages
should be ignored.

Not all possible keys have been defined. If, for example, you want to set up a filter
for a specific operating system message, you would have to define a key for that
operating system message content, and then define a condition to use that and
other keys to create the filter.

Key Description
FmExceptions Check for Exceptions as the from portion of a State
Change message.
FmLinkNotActive Check for Link Not Active as the from portion of a
State Change message.
FmNoPower Check for No Power as the from portion of a State
Change message.
FmNotActivated Check for Not Activated as the from portion of a State
Change message.
FrNotOperating Check for Not Operating as the from portion of a State
Change message.
FmOperating Check for Operating as the from portion of a State
Change message.
FmPowerSave Check for Power Save as the from portion of a State
Change message.
FmService Check for Service as the from portion of a State
Change message.
FmStatusCheck Check for Status Check as the from portion of a State
Change message.
HdMsgChannelProblem Check for Channel Problem as the Hardware
HdMsgDisabledWait Check for Disabled Wait as the Hardware message.
HdMsgEsconDirProb Check for ESCON Director Problem as the Hardware
HmMsgHardwareProb Check for Hardware Problem as the Hardware
HdMsgHMCCriticalErr Check for HMC Critical Error as the Hardware
HdMsgIOSubsystemProblem Check for Input/Output (I/O) Subsystem Problem as
the Hardware message.
HdMsgLICProb Check for Licensed Internal Code Problem as the
Hardware message.
HdMsgLoadProb Check for Load Problem as the Hardware message.

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-5

Key Description
HdMsgOpticalLinkProb Check for Optical Link Problem as the Hardware
HdMsgPAResults Check for Problem Analysis Results as the Hardware
HdMsgPowerProblem Check for Power Problem as the Hardware message.
HdMsgProbReported Check for Problem reported By Customer as the
Hardware message.
HdMsgPSWLoop Check for Incorrect Program Status Word Loop as the
Hardware message.
HdMsgSECriticalError Check for Support Element Critical Error as the
Hardware message.
HdMsgSECriticalManRq Check for Support Element Critical Manual Reset
Required as the Hardware message.
HdMsgSecurityProb Check for Local Security Violation as the Hardware
HdMsgSEReint Check for Support Element Reinitializing as the
Hardware message.
HdMsgServAuthCompl Check for Service Authorization Complete as the
Hardware message.
HdMsgServAuthFailed Check for Service Authorization Failed as the
Hardware message.
HdMsgServReqCanceled Check for Service Request Cancelled as the Hardware
HdMsgSysplexTimerPro Check for Sysplex Timer Problem as the Hardware
HdMsgOpSysProb Check for Operating System Problem as the Hardware
HDWREMSG Check for HDWREMSG in the message ID portion of a
Hardware message.
notToExceptions Check that Exceptions is not in the to portion of a
State Change message.
notToLinkNotActive Check that Link Not Active is not in the to portion of a
State Change message.
notToNoPower Check that No Power is not in the to portion of a State
Change message.
notToNotActivated Check that Not Activated is not in the to portion of a
State Change message.
notToNotOperating Check that Not Operating is not in the to portion of a
State Change message.
notToOperating Check that Operating is not in the to portion of a State
Change message.
notToPowerSave Check that Power Save is not in the to portion of a
State Change message.
notToService Check that Service is not in the to portion of a State
Change message.

C-6 Operations Guide

Key Description
notToStatusCheck Check that Status Check is not in the to portion of a
State Change message.
OPSYSMSG Check that OPSYSMSG is in the message ID portion
of a message.
OpSysMsgAlarm Check that A is in the Alarm portion of an Operating
System message.
OpSysMsgHold Check that H is in the Hold portion of an Operating
System message.
OpSysMsgPriority Check that P is in the Priority portion of an Operating
System message.
STATECHG Check that STATECHG is in the message ID portion of
a message.
ToExceptions Check that Exceptions is in the to portion of a State
Change message.
ToLinkNotActive Check that Link Not Active is in the to portion of a
State Change message.
ToNoPower Check that No Power is in the to portion of a State
Change message.
ToNotActivated Check that Not Activated is in the to portion of a State
Change message.
ToNotOperating Check that Not Operating is in the to portion of a State
Change message.
ToOperating Check that Operating is in the to portion of a State
Change message.
ToPowerSave Check that Power Save is in the to portion of a State
Change message.
ToService Check that Service is in the to portion of a State
Change message.
ToStatusCheck Check that Status Check is in the to portion of a State
Change message.

Site Alert Client Predefined Conditions

The following conditions have been predefined in the Site Alert Client data base.
These conditions represent the definitions to create the filters that decide which
messages should result in sending a page and which messages should be ignored.

Each condition is a named set of keys that must be found to be true for a message
before that message can be passed along to the Site Connect Server to be sent as
a page. Each condition is set to disabled when the system is shipped. If you want
the condition to be active, you must enable the condition, and assign recipients for

Not all possible combinations of message contents have been predefined. You
may add conditions that are appropriate for your environment and enable them in
the same way you do for the predefined conditions.

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-7

Condition Name Description Keys
HdMsgChannelProblem Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgChannelProblem
Channel Problem.
HdMsgDisabledWait Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgDisabledWait
Disabled Wait.
HdMsgEsconDirProb Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgEsconDirProb
an Escon Director
HdMsgHardwareProblem Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgHardwareProb
Hardware Problem.
HdMsgHMCCritcialErr Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgCriticalErr
HMC Critical Error.
HdMsgIOError Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgIOSubsystemProblem
I/O Error
HdMsgPowerProblem Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgPowerProblem
Power Problem.
HdMsgPSWLoop Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgPSWLoop
Invalid PSW Loop.
HdMsgSECriticalError Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgCriticalError
SE Critical Error.
HmMsgSECriticalManRq Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgSECriticalManRq
SE Critical Error Manual
Intervention Required.
HdMsgSecurityProblem Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgSecurityProb
Security Problem.
HdMsgSysplexTimerPro Set up a filter to monitor HDWREMSG and
Hardware messages for HdMsgSysplexTimerPro
Sysplex Timer Problem.
OpSysHeldMessage Set up a filter to monitor OPSYSMSG and
Operating System OpSysMsgHold
messages for a
message with the Hold
bit on.
OpSysPriorityMsg Set up a filter to monitor OPSYSMSG and
Operating System OpSysMsgPriority
messages for a
message with the
Priority bit on.

C-8 Operations Guide

Condition Name Description Keys
StateChgFrExceptions Set up a filter to monitor STATECHG and
State Change messages FmExceptions and
for a state change from notToExceptions and
Exceptions, but not to notToOperating
Exceptions and not to
StateChgFrOperating Set up a filter to monitor STATECHG and FrOperating
State Change messages and notToOperating
for a state change from
Operating, but not to

Example of Adding a New Key

Suppose you want to be able to check for a specific operating system message; to
do this, you will have to define a key that represents the specifics of the operating
system message. Referring to “Operating System Messages” on page C-15, you
can see that the text from the operating system is placed starting in column 32 of
the message to the Site Alert Client. Therefore, if the operating system message is
ISQ0339E ..., then we want to create a key that defines column 32 to contain the
text ISQ0339E. Since there is the possibility that the operating system text may
actually begin in either the first or the second column, we will define the key to
account for this.

To create this key:

1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Site Connect folder and open it. The Site
Connect - Icon View window is displayed.
2. Locate the Site Alert Client icon and open it. The Site Alert Client window is
3. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Keys.... The Key Setup
window is displayed.
4. Select the New push button.
5. Enter a unique key name in the Key Name box.
6. Select Alphanumeric from the Key Type pull-down list.
7. Select 32 using the arrows in the Start box.
8. Select 41 using the arrows in the End box.
9. Select Found in field from the Operator pull-down list.
10. Enter ISQ0339E in the Entry box.
11. Select the Save push button.
12. Select the Close push button.
13. Close the Site Alert Client window.
14. Close the Site Connect - Icon View window.

To create a Condition to complete the filter to check for this operating system

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-9

1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Site Connect folder and open it. The Site
Connect - Icon View window is displayed.
2. Locate the Site Alert Client icon and open it. The Site Alert Client window is
3. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Conditions.... The Alert
Conditions Setup window is displayed.
4. Select the New push button.
5. Enter a unique condition name in the Condition Name box.
6. Ensure the Enable radio button is selected in the Status box.
7. Scroll down the Available Keys list to locate OPSYSMSG and select it.
8. Select the Add key ↓ push button to add this key to the filter.
9. Scroll down the Available Keys list to locate the unique name you used to
create the key above and select it.
10. Select the Add key ↓ push button to add this key to the filter.
11. You should now have two keys in the Selected Keys list.
12. Select the Messages push button. The Alert Message Setup for Condition XX
window (where XX is the unique condition name you entered in step 5) is
13. Select the Entire Input radio button in the Current Message box.
14. Select the appropriate shift from the Time Shift pull-down list.
15. Select the Recipients... push button. The Message Recipients window is
16. Select a user name from Available Users list and select the Add >> push
17. Select other available users if necessary and select the Add >> push button.
18. Select the OK push button when complete. The Alert Message Setup for
Condition XX window is redisplayed.
19. Select the Save push button.
20. Select the Close push button. The Alert Conditions Setup window is displayed.
21. Select the Save push button.
22. Select the Close push button.
23. Close the Site Alert Client window.
24. Close the Site Connect - Icon View window.

Example of Adding a New Condition

This example shows you how to create a new condition, using existing keys, to
create a filter that will check each State Change Event message for a message that
indicates that an object has reported a state change from Operating but not to
Operating, Exceptions or Service. This means you want to be notified if any object
reports that a state change occurred from the Operating state to any other state
except Operating, Exceptions or Service.

To create this filter:

C-10 Operations Guide

1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Site Connect folder and open it. The Site
Connect - Icon View window is displayed.
2. Locate the Site Alert Client icon and open it. The Site Alert Client window is
3. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Conditions.... The Alert
Conditions Setup window is displayed.
4. Select the New push button.
5. Enter a unique condition name in the Condition Name box.
6. Ensure the Enable radio button is selected in the Status box.
7. Scroll down the Available Keys list to locate FmOperating and select it.
8. Select the Add key ↓ button to add this key to the filter.
9. Scroll down the Available Keys list to locate notToExceptions and select it.
10. Select the Add key ↓ button to add this key to the filter.
11. Scroll down the Available Keys list to locate notToOperating and select it.
12. Select the Add key ↓ button to add this key to the filter.
13. Scroll down the Available Keys list to locate notToService and select it.
14. Select the Add key ↓ button to add this key to the filter.
15. Scroll down the Available Keys list to locate STATECHG and select it.
16. Select the Add key ↓ button to add this key to the filter.
17. You should now have five keys in the Selected Keys list.
18. Select the Messages push button. The Alert Message Setup for Condition XX
window (where XX is the unique condition name you entered in step 5) is
19. Select the Entire Input radio button in the Current Message box.
20. Select the appropriate shift from the Time Shift pull-down list.
21. Select the Recipients... push button. The Message Recipients window is
22. Select a user name from Available Users list and select the Add >> push
23. Select other available users if necessary and select the Add >> push button.
24. Select the OK push button when complete. The Alert Message Setup for
Condition XX window is redisplayed.
25. Select the Save push button.
26. Select the Close push button. The Alert Conditions Setup window is displayed.
27. Select the Save push button.
28. Select the Close push button.
29. Close the Site Alert Client window.
30. Close the Site Connect - Icon View window.

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-11

Setting Up a Filter Using an Existing Condition
To set up a filter using an existing condition:
Ÿ Enable the condition
Ÿ Setup messages and time shifts
Ÿ Assign recipients.

Setting Up a Filter Using Existing Keys but Creating a New

To set up a filter using existing keys, but defining a new condition:
Ÿ Create a new condition
Ÿ Give the condition a unique name
Ÿ Select the keys that make up the filter
Ÿ Setup messages and time shifts
Ÿ Assign recipients.

Setting Up a Filter Creating a New Key and a New Condition

To set up a filter with a new key and a new condition:
Ÿ Create a new key
Ÿ Give it a unique name
Ÿ Define the location and contents of the key
Ÿ Create a new condition
Ÿ Give the condition a unique name
Ÿ Select the keys that make up the filter
Ÿ Setup messages and time shifts
Ÿ Assign recipients.

Hardware Reports
Hardware reports may originate from the problem analysis code in any of the CPCs
defined to the Hardware Management Console, or they may originate from the
Hardware Management Console problem analysis code. Hardware reports are
simple phrases that give a high level description of a condition that may or may not
represent a problem. These hardware reports are found on the Hardware
Management Console in the Hardware messages notebook when a CPC object is
dragged to the Hardware Messages task. When a CPC object sends a hardware
report to the Hardware Management Console, a fixed form hardware message is
generated and given to Site Alert Client if Hardware Messages is enabled for the
message and state monitor facilities. The fixed form of the message will identify
the name of the object that originated the report. The name will be the CPC object
name if it is from a support element, or it will be the Hardware Management
Console name. The fixed form message will also contain the time the report was
created in the Hardware Management Console and sent to the Site Alert Client for

A common use of this facility is to monitor the hardware messages for indications of
severe hardware problems that may require intervention or service. It is possible
that a severe hardware problem may also result in one or more state change
notifications from objects affected by a problem. Informational messages and
messages not reporting critical problems should be ignored.

The fixed form hardware message has the following format:

C-12 Operations Guide

Basic format:
HDWREMSG HH MM SS CPC-name text of message from hardware system.

For example:

column 1 - 8 Constant HDWREMSG to identify this as a message from the
hardware system
column 10 - 17 Time the message was created (from support element or
Hardware Management Console)
column 19 - 26 Name of the CPC originating the message. The CPC name
may be 1 to 8 characters.
column 32 - ?? Text of message from hardware system

Hardware reports that can be sent to a Hardware Management Console by CPC

Problem Analysis are:
Ÿ Channel problem
Ÿ Disabled wait
Ÿ ESCON Director problem
Ÿ Hardware problem
Ÿ Incorrect program status word loop
Ÿ Input/output (I/O) subsystem problem
Ÿ Licensed internal code problem
Ÿ Load problem
Ÿ Local security violation detected
Ÿ Operating system problem
Ÿ Power problem
Ÿ Problem Analysis results
Ÿ Problem reported by customer
Ÿ Service authorization complete
Ÿ Service authorization failed
Ÿ Service request cancelled
Ÿ Support element critical error
Ÿ Support element critical error, manual reset required
Ÿ Support element reinitializing
Ÿ Sysplex Timer problem
Ÿ Optical link problem

Hardware reports that can be sent to a Hardware Management Console from

Hardware Management Console Problem Analysis:
Ÿ Hardware problem
Ÿ Hardware system console critical error
Ÿ Input/output (I/O) subsystem problem
Ÿ Licensed internal code problem
Ÿ Local security violation detected
Ÿ Support element reinitializing due to an internal code failure
Ÿ Sysplex Timer problem
Ÿ Optical link problem
Note: Site Alert Client converts all keys and messages to upper case before doing
the comparison, so case is not important in the key definition.

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-13

State Change Events
State change events may originate from the CPC state monitoring code in any of
the CPCs defined to the Hardware Management Console. State change events
contain an indication of the from state and the to state, as well as the name of the
object originating the state change. When a CPC object sends a state change
event to the Hardware Management Console, a fixed form state change message
will be generated and given to Site Alert Client if State Change Messages is
enabled for the message and state monitor facilities. The fixed form of the
message will identify the name of the object that originated the event. The name
will be the CPC object name. The fixed form message will also contain the time
the event message was created in the Hardware Management Console and sent to
the Site Alert Client for comparison.

A common use for this facility is to monitor state changes from operating to any
other state. Such a state change indicates that the object may no longer be
functional and that action may be required to restore capability. State changes
where the from state is not operating or exceptions can probably be ignored.

The fixed form state change message has the following format:

Basic format:
STATECHG HH MM SS CPC-name ImageNam from-state--- -> to-state----

For example:

column 1 - 8 Constant STATECHG to identify this as a state change
column 10 - 17 Time the state change was reported to the Hardware
Management Console
column 19 - 26 Name of the CPC involved in the state change. The CPC
name may be 1 to 8 characters.
column 28 - 35 Name of CPC Image involved in the state change. The CPC
Image Name may be 1 to 8 characters or blank if the CPC
Image is not involved in the state change.
column 37 - 51 State from change (previous state)
column 53 - 54 Constant arrow (->) to show change direction
column 56 - 70 State to change (current state)

Possible states for from and to are:


C-14 Operations Guide

Operating System Messages
Operating system messages may originate from the operating system in any of the
CPC Images defined to the Hardware Management Console. When a CPC Image
operating system sends a console integration message to its associated support
element, the support element makes that message available to the Hardware
Management Console where it is placed in the Operating system message
notebook for that image object. A fixed form operating system message is
generated and given to Site Alert Client if Operating System Messages is enabled
for the message and state monitor facilities.

Note that for MVS systems, it is necessary to issue a V CN(*),ACTIVATE

command from the Operating System notebook to cause the operating system
messages to flow through the console integration interface.

The fixed form OPSYSMSG contains the time the message was generated by the
operating system, the name of the CPC Image that contains the operating system,
flags that indicate if the message has the Hold bit set, the Alarm bit set, or the
Priority bit set, and the text of the operating system message. The text of the
operating system message may be truncated to allow it to fit within the confines of
the pager message. Only the first line, of a multiple line message, is sent. The
name will be the CPC object name if it is from a basic mode image, or it will be the
partition name if it is from a logically partitioned system.

A common use of this facility is to monitor the operating system messages for
indications of failure in critical subsystems. Normal informational messages should
be ignored.

Note that MVS sets the Hold bit for all WTOR messages.

Basic format:
OPSYSMSG HH MM SS imagenam HAP text of message from op system. . .

For example:

column 1 - 8 Constant OPSYSMSG to identify this as a console integration
message from an operating system
column 10 - 17 Time the message was created (from operating system)
column 19 - 26 Name of the CPC Image originating the message
column 28 - 28 Flag indicating Hold (H) or no hold (blank)
column 29 - 29 Flag indicating Alarm (A) or no alarm (blank)
column 30 - 30 Flag indicating Priority Message (P) or nonpriority message
column 32 - 80 Text of message from operating system
The location of fields within the text of the operating system
message is controlled by the operating system. Prompt text
and presentation controls, other than the Hold, Alarm and
Priority indicators are not passed with the message.

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-15

Setting Up and Customizing the Hardware Management Console for
Pager Notification
Use the procedures on pages C-16 through C-20 to set up the Hardware
Management Console to support the Enable Pager Notification capabilities.

Configuring the Hardware Management Console to Support the

Hardware Management Console APIs
1. Log on to the Hardware Management Console in Access Administrator mode.
2. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
3. Open Hardware Management Console Settings from the Console Actions
Work Area. The Hardware Management Console Settings notebook window is
4. Select the API tab.
5. Check Enable the Hardware Management Console Application Program
Interface box.
6. Either accept the value in the Community name box or enter a new value and
make note of the name for later use. Note that the data in this box is upper
and lower case sensitive.
7. Accept the value in SNMP agent parameters box unless you have good reason
to change it.
8. Select the Apply push button.
9. If you receive a pop-up telling you that these changes will only take affect after
the Hardware Management Console Application is stopped or started, select
the OK push button.
10. Select the Network tab.
11. Make note of the TCP/IP address shown in the TCP/IP information box for later
12. Close the Hardware Management Console Settings window.
13. Log off the Hardware Management Console.

Configuring the Hardware Management Console to Support the SNMP

Interface for the APIs
1. Log on to the Hardware Management Console in Access Administrator mode.
2. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
3. Open SNMP Configuration from the Console Actions Work Area. The
SNMP Configuration notebook window is displayed.
4. Select the Communities tab.
5. Select UDP from the Protocol pull-down list.
6. Enter the community name (as defined in the Community name box above) in
the Name box.
7. Enter the TCP/IP address of this Hardware Management Console (obtained
from the TCP/IP information above) in the Address box.

C-16 Operations Guide

8. Enter in the Network Mask box.
9. Select the read/write radio button from the Access Type list.
10. Select the ADD push button.
11. Select the MIB Variables tab.
12. Enter the agent name in the Description box.
13. Enter the contact name in the Contact box.
14. Enter the unique host name of this Hardware Management Console in the
Name box.
15. Enter the location of this Hardware Management Console in the Location box.
16. Select the OK push button.
17. Log off the Hardware Management Console.

Configuring Site Connect Server for Your Paging Service and Users
1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Site Connect folder and open it. The Site
Connect - Icon View window is displayed.
2. Locate the Site Connect Server icon and open it. The Site Connect Server
window is displayed.
3. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Paging ports.... The
Communication Port Setup window is displayed.
4. Select the communication port to be used from the Port pull-down list. This will
normally be COM1. (COM2 is reserved for IBM use.)
5. Ensure that the Enabled radio button is checked in the Status box.
6. Select the Off radio button in the Log Mode box.
7. Select the Modem/Dialup radio button in the Connection Type box.
8. Select the modem type that you are attaching to the COM1 port from the
Modem type pull-down list. Normally, this will be a Hayes Compatible.
9. Select the Save push button.
10. Select the Close push button. The Site Connect Server window is redisplayed.
11. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Services.... The Paging
Service Setup window is displayed.
12. Enter a descriptive name of the paging service you have subscribed to in the
Paging service name box.
13. Enter the phone number of the paging service computer in the Phone number
a. This phone number must be entered exactly as it is to be dialed (for
example, if you need 9 to get an outside line, enter 9 before the number).
b. Normally, a phone number is entered; however, an ASCII/hex value may be
entered instead to drive a specialized modem replacement attachment.
14. Select the communication port to be used from the Communication port(s)
pull-down list. This would normally be COM1.

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-17

15. In the Max. retries/message box, enter the maximum number of retries per
message that you want the paging server to make if a connection cannot be
Note: It is recommended that this be set to 0 or 1 until the setup is verified to
be correct. It can be adjusted based on the availability of the paging service
computer modems.
16. In the Communication parameters box, set the Baud rate, Parity, Data bits,
and Stop bits to the appropriate values specified by the paging service
17. In the Service parameters box, set the Max. message size, Max. block size,
and Max. messages/call to the appropriate values specified by the paging
service provider.
18. Select the Save push button.
19. Select the Close push button. The Site Connect Server window is redisplayed.
20. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Users.... The User Setup
window is displayed.
21. Enter a descriptive user ID to identify a page recipient in the User ID box.
Remember that a maximum of 5 users may be defined for this support.
Note: It is recommended that you use a generic name such as SYSPROG.
22. Enter the name of this user in the Name box.
23. Select the name of the paging service providing the paging support for this user
from the Paging service pull-down list. The Paging service name must come
from the list of previously defined paging services.
Note: For purposes of this Paging facility, alphanumeric pagers are required
because text messages are sent.
24. Enter the pager ID associated with this user on this service in the Pager ID
25. Select whether you want each message sequentially numbered by the system
in the Message numbering box.
Note: It is recommended that numbering be turned Off, as it adds little value
to the message, but takes up valuable text space.
26. Select the Save push button.
Note: You can repeat steps 21 through 26 for each user you need to define.
27. Select the Close push button. The Site Connect Server window is redisplayed.
28. Close the Site Connect Server window.
29. Close the Site Connect - Icon View window.

Configuring Site Alert Client for Your Environment

1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the Site Connect folder and open it. The Site
Connect - Icon View window is displayed.
2. Locate the Site Alert Client icon and open it. The Site Alert Client window is
3. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Time shifts... The Time Shift
Setup window is displayed.

C-18 Operations Guide

4. Ensure that the values specified in the Shift Name, Active Days, and Active
Time Periods boxes adequately describe your work shift environment. Make
changes where necessary.
5. Select the Save push button.
6. Select the Close push button. The Site Alert Client window is redisplayed.
Note: Steps 7 through 16 allow you to define new keys for a message filter.
This may not be necessary initially, but will be required if you intend to select
operating system messages for paging.
7. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Keys... The Key Setup
window is displayed.
8. Select the New push button.
9. Enter a unique descriptive key name in the Key Name box.
10. Select Alphanumeric from the Key Type pull-down list.
11. Identify the starting location and ending location of the key data in the message
string in the Location in input boxes. (For additional information on starting and
ending location positions, see “Hardware Reports” on page C-12, “Operating
System Messages” on page C-15, and “State Change Events” on page C-14
depending on the type of message you have.)
12. Select Exact match from the Operator pull-down list if the system is to test for
an exact match of the key in the text string.
13. Enter the data that is to be compared against the text string in the Entry box
under the Data for comparison box.
14. Select the Save push button.
15. Repeat steps 8 through 14 for all keys to be added.
16. Select the Close push button when complete. The Site Alert Client window is
17. Select Setup from the menu bar and then select Conditions.... The Alert
Conditions Setup window is displayed.
Note: Conditions presents a list of all predefined conditions that can be
tested for and controls for where to send the page that will result if the
condition is met. As shipped, there are a set of conditions predefined that are
all disabled. For a list of these predefined conditions, see “Site Alert Client
Predefined Conditions” on page C-7. Enable only those conditions that you
want to cause a page in your environment. You may also add new conditions
to the list of available conditions.
18. From the Condition Name pull-down list, select a condition that you want to be
19. Select the Enabled radio button in the Status box.
20. Select the Messages... push button. The Alert Message Setup for Condition
XX window (where XX is the name of the condition you selected above) is
21. If you want to change the Time shift for this message, select the proper value
in the Time Shift box.
22. Select the Recipients... push button. The Message Recipients window is

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-19

23. Select the target user from the Available Users list and select the Add >> push
button. The selected target user is added to the Selected Users list and
removed from the Available Users list.
24. Select the OK push button. The Alert Message Setup for Condition XX (where
XX is the name of the condition you selected) is redisplayed.
25. Select the Save push button.
26. Select the Close push button. The Alert Conditions Setup window is
27. Select the Save push button.
Note: Repeat steps 18 through 27 for each condition that you want to
generate page messages and identify the recipients as above.
28. Select the Close push button. The Site Alert Client window is redisplayed.
29. Close the Site Alert Client window.
30. Close the Site Connect - Icon View window.

Configuring the Pager Notification Process in the Hardware

Management Console
1. Log on the Hardware Management Console in System Programmer mode.
2. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
3. Open Enable Pager Notification.
4. Check the Enable pager notification box.
5. Check the Event types that represent the types of messages you want
searched for.
Note: Only select the types of events that you previously set up message
filters for. Selecting event types for message filters that were not already
previously defined in the Site Alert Client will add unnecessary processing time
to the Hardware Management Console process.
6. Select the OK push button. The Enable Pager Notification Information window
is displayed.
7. Select the OK push button.
8. Log off the Hardware Management Console.
Note: To put all of these changes into effect, shut down and then reboot your
Hardware Management Console.

When the Hardware Management Console is started with the Pager Notification
enabled, the Hardware Management Console will automatically start the Site
Connect Server and the Site Alert Client. They will appear as minimized icons on
the desktop.

C-20 Operations Guide

Disabling the Pager Notification
1. Log on to the Hardware Management Console in System Programmer mode.
2. Open Console Actions from the Views area.
3. Open the Enable Pager Notification icon. The Enable Pager Notification
window is displayed.
4. Remove the checkmark from the Enable pager notification box.
5. Select the OK push button.
6. Log off the Hardware Management Console.

Problem Investigation
This section contains some hints for investigating problems with the use of the
message and state monitor facilities.

Modem Setup
The modem to be used to communicate with the paging service provider is usually
an asynchronous modem. You cannot use the synchronous modem that comes
with the Hardware Management Console nor can you use an IDSN feature.

The normal setup is to connect the asynchronous modem to the COM1 serial port
of the Hardware Management Console. This serial port is normally located on a
motherboard connection, rather than on an adapter card connection. You may
need to consult the hardware description for the PC platform to determine the
location of the serial port.

Frequently, the serial port requires a 9-pin connector on the modem cable or an
adapter to go from a normal, 25-pin modem cable to a 9-pin connection. If you use
an adapter, or connect two different cables together to make this connection, make
sure the connections are secure and that the cables are in good condition. Faulty
cables and connectors can be very frustrating to debug.

If your modem can be either a synchronous or asynchronous modem, make sure it

is set up for asynchronous operation. Most paging services use relatively low
speed transmissions, so most any asynchronous modem will do. Most services
use 300 bps or 1200 bps and 7-bit even parity, but you should obtain this
information from the paging service when you obtain the phone number for their

You will need a separate telephone line for this asynchronous modem; it cannot be
shared with the synchronous modem or an ISDN feature on the Hardware
Management Console and it should not be shared with a handset.

Testing the Pager

A simple test program (PAGETEST) is included with the Hardware Management
Console Licensed Internal Code (LIC) to assist in testing the setup of the paging
filters in Site Alert Client and the setup of Site Connect Server for sending page
messages without having to cause real messages or state changes. The
PAGETEST program allows you to create input messages for Site Alert Client as if
specific messages or state changes had occurred. Referring to the diagram on

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-21

page C-4, PAGETEST introduces messages between the Hardware Message
Console Application and Site Alert Client.

PAGETEST is constructed for command line invocation with a variety of parameters

to control the construction of the test message. PAGETEST can be invoked from a
CMD file for repeated testing purposes if necessary. PAGETEST will display
prompting messages when it is invoked with an incorrect set of parameters. So
simply entering PAGETEST at an OS/2 prompt will display help messages to
construct a complete command. As with the message and state monitoring
facilities, PAGETEST creates three types of test messages: Hardware, State
Change, and Operating System.

Generating Hardware test messages requires input of the form:

PAGETEST H cpcname xx

H indicates this is to be a Hardware test message
cpcname is a 1 to 8 character name of the CPC name. This is the CPC
name that the test message is to appear to be from (can be fake)
xx is a number indicating which Hardware message is to be
simulated. These numbers will be shown when you enter

Example: PAGETEST H SE1 2

Generating State Change test messages requires input of the form:

PAGETEST S cpcname imagename xx yy

S indicates this is to be a State Change test message
cpcname is a 1 to 8 character name of a CPC
imagename is a 1 to 8 character name of an image
xx and yy are numbers indicating the from state and the to state. These
numbers will be shown when you enter PAGETEST S.

Example: PAGETEST S SE1 MVS 2 3

Generating Operating System test messages requires input of the form:

PAGETEST O imagename flag "op system message text"

O indicates this is to be an Operating System test
imagename is a 1 to 8 character name of an image
flag is an indicator of the Operating System message
controls. The flag values are shown by PAGETEST

C-22 Operations Guide

op system message text is a quoted string matching the operating system
message you set up in the filters.


To use PAGETEST, you must have configured the Site Alert Client filters and the
Site Connect Server and have started them on a running Hardware Management
Console. It is not necessary (for this test) to enable the Hardware Management
Console paging facilities or the Hardware Management Console APIs; however, it
will be necessary to do the full setup prior to the real use of the pager facilities.

Enabling a Condition in Site Alert Client

When you enable a condition in the Site Alert Client windows, you must remember
to select the Recipient for the message and to set up the shifts correctly. If you do
not, the message cannot be sent.

Site Alert Client Database Inconsistencies

If input to Site Alert Client does not seem to produce the expected output page to
Site Connect Server, it is possible that the Site Alert Client database has become
inconsistent. To correct database inconsistencies, enter the following on an OS/2
command line:
1. c:
2. cd ps\bin

Hardware Management Console File Maintenance

The changes you make to the Site Alert Client conditions and keys will be kept on
the C drive of the Hardware Management Console. There is a backup function
available in both Site Alert Client and Site Connect Server. Whenever you make a
change to these configurations, you should use these backup functions. If a
service action must be taken that restores the C drive, your configuration changes
may have to be reloaded using your backups.

Appendix C. Setting Up Pager Notification C-23

C-24 Operations Guide
Appendix D. Changing Your Time-of-Day (TOD) Clock
Your operating system time is set and updated by the CPC TOD clock. This clock
is set either to your local time or to the Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) and an
offset is given to the operating system from the UTC. For example, if it is 12:00
p.m. at the UTC, and the CPC is in Chicago and the CPC TOD is set to 12:00
p.m., then the offset used is +6 hours during standard time and +5 hours during
daylight savings time. Changing from standard time to daylight savings time and
back to standard time requires only an offset change. If you set your CPC TOD
time to your local time, then this requires a change to the CPC TOD.

The Hardware Management Console and Support Element clocks also need to be
changed to stay in synchronization with the CPC TOD time and offset. An External
Time Reference (ETR) is sometimes used to update the time of an operating
system. The following procedures describe the actions needed when a change of
time or offset is required in environments with and without ETR.

Changing To or From Standard Time

Use the following procedure when changing to or from standard time.

With ETR
When the offset is changed at the ETR, each CPC is notified of the change and the
operating system adjusts its offset to that of the ETR. Because there was no
change to the Universal Time Coordinate, the Support Element(s) is not notified of
a change.

To update the Support Element(s) clock with the new offset, do the following:
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Select the Defined CPCs icon or the individual CPC icons.
5. Drag and drop the icon(s) on Customize Support Element Date/Time in the
CPC Operational Customization tasks area.
6. The Customize Support Element Date and Time window displays the current
Hardware Management Console date, time, and offset. Enter the new date,
time, and offset. Select the Use new time push button.
7. The Customize Support Element Date and Time Confirmation window is
displayed. Select the Yes push button.
8. The Customize Support Element Date/Time Progress window is displayed.
Then the message “Change Failed - ETR is operational” displays in the status
This message means that the Support Element detected an active ETR and
updated its date, time, and offset to match that of the ETR. Select the OK
push button.

If the Hardware Management Console was set up to use the CPCs Support
Element as a time source (see “Add Object Definition” on page 3-48 and “Change

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 D-1

Object Definition” on page 3-47 to “Enable for time synchronization”), then it will
automatically be updated to the new date, time, and offset. If not, use the following
steps to set the Hardware Management Console TOD.
1. Open the Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Console Date/Time.
3. The Customize Time and Date window is displayed. Verify the offset. If it is
correct, select the Cancel push button. If a correction is needed, type your
changes and select the Customize push button.
4. Select the OK push button.
5. The Customize Console Date/Time redisplays. Select the Cancel push

Without ETR
The Support Element(s) contain a battery-operated TOD clock. The CPC TOD
clock will be set using the Support Element TOD when the system is activated.

Do the following to correct the date, time, or UTC offset in the Support Element(s):
1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open CPC Operational Customization from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
4. Select the Defined CPCs icon or the individual CPC icons.
5. Drag and drop the icon(s) on Customize Support Element Date/Time in the
CPC Operational Customization tasks area.
6. The Customize Support Element Date and Time window displays the current
Hardware Management Console date, time, and offset. Enter the new date,
time, or offset. Select the Use new time push button.
7. The Customize Support Element Date and Time Confirmation window
displays. Select the Yes push button.
8. The Customize Support Element Date/Time Progress window is displayed.
Select the OK push button.

Attention: The following steps will disrupt the operating system if it is running, and
should only be performed if the CPC TOD needs to be updated now.
Note: These steps assume that the activation profiles have been set up for each

Do the following to correct the CPC TOD:

1. Open the Task List from the Views area.
2. Open Daily from the Task List Work Area.
3. Open Groups from the Views area.
Note: If the CPCs are 9672 Models R1, R2, or R3 and are not at the latest
microcode levels, continue here, otherwise, go to step 8 on page D-3 .
4. Select the Defined CPCs icon or the individual CPC icons.
5. Drag and drop the icon(s) on Deactivate in the Daily tasks area.

D-2 Operations Guide

6. Select the Yes push button on the Deactivate Task Confirmation window.
7. The Deactivate Progress window is displayed. Once Deactivate is complete,
select the OK push button.
8. Select the Defined CPCs icon or the individual CPC icons.
9. Drag and drop the icon(s) on Activate in the Daily tasks area.
10. Select the Yes push button on the Activate Task Confirmation window.
11. The Activate Progress window is displayed. Once Activate is complete, select
the OK push button.

If the Hardware Management Console was set up to use the CPCs Support
Element as a time source (see “Add Object Definition” on page 3-48 and “Change
Object Definition” on page 3-47 to “Enable for time synchronization”), then it will
automatically be updated to the new date, time, and offset. If not, use the following
steps to set the Hardware Management Console TOD.
1. Open the Console Actions from the Views area.
2. Open Customize Console Date/Time.
3. The Customize Time/Date window is displayed. Verify the time, date, and
offset. If it is correct, select the Cancel push button. If a correction is needed,
type your changes and select the Customize push button.
4. Select the OK push button.
5. The Customize Console Date/Time redisplays. Select the Cancel push

Correcting the Time

Use the following procedure when correcting the time.

With ETR
Attention: Issuing a set time on a Sysplex Timer (9037) may cause any running
operating systems to enter a disabled wait state. Consult your operating system
documentation for details.

If the ETR, which uses the Sysplex Timer (9037), is installed in the processor
complex, the time, date, and offset from the Sysplex Timer will be used to set the
time-of-day in all attached CPCs. If you need to correct the time, change the time
at the ETR.

Without ETR
To correct the time, use the procedure under “Without ETR” on page D-2.

Appendix D. Changing Your Time-of-Day (TOD) Clock D-3

D-4 Operations Guide
Appendix E. Attaching a Printer to Your Hardware
Management Console
The Hardware Management Console contains a printer object supporting the IBM
4201 Proprinter.

Use the following procedure to install your printer, modify the current driver, or to
install a new printer driver using the existing printer object:
1. On the OS/2 Desktop, locate the OS/2 System icon and open it. The OS/2
System - Icon View window is displayed.
2. Locate the Connections icon and open it. The Connections - Tree View
window is displayed.
3. Locate the Printers icon and open it. The Printers - Icon View window is
4. Locate the IBM 4201 Proprinter object icon and open it by clicking the right
mouse button once.
5. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. The IBM 4201 Proprinter -
Properties notebook window is displayed.
6. Select the Output Port tab.
7. Select LPT1 from the Output port box.
8. Select the Printer driver tab.
9. Locate the IBM42XX.IBM 4201 Proprinter icon from the Installed printer
drivers list and open it by clicking the right mouse button once.
10. Select Install... from the Properties pop-up menu. The Install New Printer
Driver window is displayed.
11. Use one of the following procedures to install the new printer driver depending
on what type of printer driver you have:
Ÿ If the printer driver came with the OS/2 operating system:
a. Select Printer driver shipped with OS/2 from the Printer Driver
Selection box.
b. Select one or more printer drivers from the Printer driver list.
c. Select the Install push button.
1) If a pop-up window displays telling you the printer driver you have
is already installed and would you like to replace the printer driver
with a new version, select the No push button.
2) If a pop-up window displays telling you to insert the removable
media, install the removable media (either the S/390 HWMCA
CDROM or the HWMCA Feature Rewriteable Optical Cartridge
[ROC]) that is supported by the Hardware Management Console.
The load path letter may have to be modified to select the
appropriate source.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 E-1

Example: x:\OS2IMAGE\PMDD-y

Where: x is the removable media driver letter

y is the driver disk image (usually 1 or 2)
d. Once the printer driver is installed, select the OK push button. The
Install New Printer Driver window is redisplayed.
e. Select the Cancel push button.
f. Continue with step 12.
Ÿ If the printer driver did not come with the OS/2 operating system, do the
a. Select Other OS/2 printer driver from the Printer Driver Selection box.
b. Insert the diskette containing the printer driver(s) in drive A or type the
appropriate drive designation and path in the Directory field.
c. Select the Refresh push button.
d. Select one or more drivers. If the driver is not listed, insert another
diskette or change the information in the Directory field and select the
Refresh push button again.
e. Select the Install push button.
f. Continue with step 12.
12. To use different printer drivers with a printer object, do the following:
a. Select the Printer driver tab.
b. Select the printer driver you want to use from the Installed printer drivers
list. This changes the default printer to the new printer driver.
c. Select the Job properties... push button. The Job Properties XX window
(where XX is the printer driver you just selected above) is displayed.
d. Make any necessary changes if needed for the new printer driver.
e. Select the OK push button to save these changes or the Cancel push
button if no changes are needed.
13. To change the printer object title, select the Icon tab. Enter the new name of
the printer object in the Title box.
14. Close the Properties window.
15. Close the Printer - Icon View window.
16. Close the Connections - Tree View window.
17. Close the OS/2 System - Icon View.
You can now connect the printer to the Hardware Management Console.

E-2 Operations Guide

change management (continued)
A operating system messages 3-2
acceptable status 1-9 product engineering directed changes 3-30
account information task 3-36 retrieve internal code 3-28
activate task 3-4 system information 3-31
activation profiles 1-11 change object definition task 3-47
active tasks changing printer drivers E-1
hardware management console 2-8 changing the base software configuration B-3
optical network 2-8 changing the hardware management console
user-defined groups 2-7 platform B-2
activity profiles, customize 3-38 changing your time-of-day clock
activity task 3-10 changing to or from standard time D-1
add object definition for undefined director/timer with ETR D-1
consoles 3-48 without ETR D-2
add object definition task 3-48 correcting the time D-3
add object definition using CPC manual definition with ETR D-3
template 3-49 without ETR D-3
add object definition using director/timer console manual channel paths
definition template 3-48 configuring on/off 3-43
advanced facilities, OSA 3-45 reassigning 3-44
allow access to the web server 2-21 checkout tests task 3-22
analyze console internal code task 2-16 configure channel path on/off task 3-43
AO manager, enabling 2-26 configuring for a 3270 emulator session 2-37
applications and features B-1 configuring for the web server on the hardware
archive security logs task for a CPC 3-25 management console A-4
archive security logs task for a hardware management console actions
console 2-39 analyze console internal code 2-16
attaching a printer to your hardware management archive security logs 2-39
console E-1 authorize internal code changes 2-30
authorize internal code changes task 2-30 backup critical console data 2-17
automatic activation task 3-39 change console internal code 2-16
automatic call answering, enabling 2-26 configure 3270 emulators 2-37
customize account information 2-31
customize automatic logon 2-19
B customize console date/time 2-14
backing up critical data
customize dial information 2-32
hardware management console 2-17
customize problem management 2-33
support element 3-21
customize product engineering access 2-24
backup critical console data task 2-17
customize scheduled operations 2-28
backup critical data task 3-21
customize user controls 2-22
base software configuration, changing B-3
delete staging area 2-31
books, online 2-42
domain security 2-33
enable hardware management console
C services 2-26
enable pager notification 2-34
change console internal code task 2-16
change internal code task 3-29 hardware management console settings 2-25
change LPAR controls task 3-42 IBM service support system 2-35
change management installation completion report 2-34
change internal code 3-29 log off 2-40
engineering changes 3-27 network diagnostic information 2-38
hardware messages 3-1 perform a console repair action 2-18
help 3-3 rebuild vital product data 2-39

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 X-1

console actions (continued) CPC remote customization (continued)
remote support telephone queue 2-29 operating system messages 3-2
report a problem 2-35 operations management 3-35
save/restore customizable console data 2-13 problem management 3-34
SNMP Configuration 2-37 remote service 3-33
TCP/IP Configuration 2-36 CPCs, defined 2-5
transmit console service data 2-30 CPCs, undefined 2-6
user profiles 2-20 creating groups 3-8
view console events 2-12 customize
view console information 2-18 account information task 2-31
view console service history 2-13 activity profiles task 3-38
view console tasks performed 2-36 automatic logon task 2-19
view security logs 2-40 console date/time task 2-14
CPC configuration delete activation profiles task 3-37
edit frame layout 3-57 dial information task 2-32
hardware messages 3-1 problem management task 2-33
help 3-3 product engineering access task 2-24
operating system messages 3-2 scheduled operations task 2-28
perform model conversion 3-55 support element date/time task 3-41
transmit vital product data 3-56 user controls task 2-22
view frame layout 3-56
CPC images 2-4
CPC manual definition template D
introduction 3-49 daily
SNA via APPN Network Node 3-50 activate 3-4
SNA via Bridged LAN 3-49 activity 3-10
TCP/IP 3-51 deactivate 3-7
CPC operational customization grouping 3-8
automatic activation 3-39 hardware messages 3-1
change LPAR controls 3-42 help 3-3
configure channel path on/off 3-43 operating system messages 3-2
customize activity profiles 3-38 reset normal 3-5
customize support element date/time 3-41 deactivate task 3-7
customize/delete activation profiles 3-37 default profiles 1-11
hardware messages 3-1 default userids and passwords 1-4
help 3-3 defined CPCs 2-5
operating system messages 3-2 defined director/timer consoles 2-6
OSA advanced facilities 3-45 defining undefined director/timer consoles 3-48
reassign channel path 3-44 delete staging area task 2-31
scheduled operations 3-40 deleting groups 3-8
view activation profiles 3-38 director/timer console manual definition template 2-7
CPC recovery director/timer consoles 2-6
hardware messages 3-1 disabling the pager notification C-21
help 3-3 disruptive tasks 1-8
load 3-17 domain security task 2-33
operating system messages 3-2
PSW restart 3-15
reset clear 3-16
edit frame layout task 3-57
reset normal 3-14
emulator sessions, configuring for a 3270 2-37
single object operations 3-11
enable hardware management console services
start 3-12
task 2-26
stop 3-13
enable pager notification task 2-34
CPC remote customization
account information 3-36
AO manager 2-26
hardware messages 3-1
automatic call answering 2-26
help 3-3

X-2 Operations Guide

enabling (continued) ISA/PCI Bus B-1
LIC change 2-26
optical error analysis 2-26
pager notification C-20 L
phone server 2-26 Library Reader/2 icon B-4
remote operation 2-26 LIC change, enabling 2-26
secure desktop 2-20 load address 3-4
web server 2-26 load profiles 1-11
engineering changes (ECs) task 3-27 load task 3-17
exceptions 2-9 locking disruptive tasks 1-8
log off task 2-40
logging off the hardware management console 4-1
F logging on to the web server from a web browser A-4
filtering objects 2-22 LPAR controls, changing 3-42

giving access to the web server 2-21 maintaining the hardware management console
grouping task 3-8 platform B-3
groups manual definition template 3-49
CPC images 2-4 message and state monitor facilities
defined CPCs 2-5 disabling the pager notification C-21
defined director/timer consoles 2-6 hardware management console file
undefined CPCs 2-6 maintenance C-23
undefined director/timer consoles 2-7 overview C-1
user-defined 2-7 disclaimer C-2
problem investigation C-21
enabling a condition in site alert client C-23
H modem setup C-21
hard disk restore task 3-22 site alert client database inconsistencies C-23
hardware management console platform, changing B-2 testing the pager C-21
hardware management console settings task 2-25 process description C-3
hardware management console tips 1-4 hardware reports C-12
hardware management console web server operating system messages C-15
configuring for on the local hardware management site alert client filters C-4
console A-4 state change events C-14
getting ready to use A-4 setting up and customizing the hardware
introduction A-2 management console for pager notification C-16
logging on from a web browser A-4 messages
requirements A-3 hardware 3-1
sample of web page A-6 operating system 3-2
hardware messages 3-1 modem setup, pager notification C-21
hardware reports, site alert client C-12 mouse, using the xix
help, hover 1-5
help, online 3-3
hover help 1-5 N
network diagnostic information task 2-38

IBM Service Support System 2-35 O
image profiles 1-11 object definition
initial microcode load (IML) 3-4 add object definition 3-48
initial program Load (IPL) 3-4 change object definition 3-47
installation completion report task 2-34 CPC manual definition template 3-49
installing online books using Library Reader/2 B-4 hardware messages 3-1
introduction to the hardware management console 1-1 help 3-3
operating system messages 3-2

Index X-3
object definition (continued)
reboot support element 3-54 R
remove object definition 3-53 reassign channel path task 3-44
object locking for disruptive tasks 1-8 reboot support element task 3-54
objects rebuild vital product data task 2-39
filtering 2-22 remote hardware management console
opening 1-7 SNA via APPN network node 3-50
selecting 1-6 SNA via bridged LAN 3-49
online books 2-42 TCP/IP 3-51
online help 3-3 remote operation, enabling 2-26
operating system messages 3-2 remote operations A-1
operating system messages, site alert client C-15 remote service task 3-33
operations management task 3-35 remote support telephone queue task 2-29
optical error analysis, enabling 2-26 remove object definition task 3-53
optical network 2-8 report a problem task, hardware management
OSA advanced facilities task 3-45 console 2-35
report a problem task, support element 3-23
reset clear task 3-16
P reset normal task, CPC recovery 3-14
pager notification reset normal task, daily 3-5
configuring site alert client for your reset profiles 1-11
environment C-18 retrieve internal code task 3-28
configuring site connect server for your paging
service and users C-17
configuring the hardware management console to S
support the hardware management console save/restore customizable console data task 2-13
APIs C-16 scheduled operations task 3-40
configuring the hardware management console to secure desktop, enabling 2-20
support the SNMP interface for the APIs C-16 selecting a single object 1-6
configuring the pager notification process in the service
hardware management console C-20 archive security logs 3-25
disabling C-21 backup critical data 3-21
enabling C-20 checkout tests 3-22
modem setup C-21 hard disk restore 3-22
passwords and userids, default 1-4 hardware messages 3-1
perform a console repair action task 2-18 help 3-3
perform model conversion task 3-55 operating system messages 3-2
perform problem analysis task 3-19 perform problem analysis 3-19
phone server, enabling 2-26 report a problem 3-23
printer drivers, changing E-1 service status 3-18
printer, attaching to your hardware management transmit service data 3-24
console E-1 view service history 3-20
problem management task 3-34 service status task 3-18
product engineering directed changes task 3-30 setting up a filter
profiles creating a new key and a new condition C-12
activation 1-11 example of adding a new condition C-10
customize activity 3-38 example of adding a new key C-9
customize/delete activation 3-37 using an existing condition C-12
image 1-11 using existing keys but creating a new
load 1-11 condition C-12
reset 1-11 setting up a filter creating a new key and a new
view activation 3-38 condition C-12
PSW restart task 3-15 setting up a filter using an existing condition C-12
setting up a filter using existing keys but creating a new
condition C-12

X-4 Operations Guide

setting up and customizing the hardware management turning off the hardware management console 4-1
console for pager notification C-16
configuring site alert client for your
environment C-18 U
configuring site connect server for your paging unacceptable status 1-10
service and users C-17 undefined CPCs 2-6
configuring the hardware management console to undefined director/timer consoles 2-7
support the hardware management console use of other applications and features
APIs C-16 changing the base software configuration B-3
configuring the hardware management console to hardware management console platform B-2
support the SNMP interface for the APIs C-16 changing the hardware management console
configuring the pager notification process in the platform B-2
hardware management console C-20 maintaining hardware management console
disabling the pager notification C-21 platform changes B-3
show tips 1-4 ISA/PCI bus hardware management console
single object operations task 3-11 resource requirements B-1
single object selection 1-6 user modes 1-4
site alert client filters user profiles task 2-20
enabling a condition C-23 user-defined groups 2-7
predefined conditions C-7 userids and passwords, default 1-4
predefined keys C-5 using hover help 1-5
site alert client keys C-5 using online help 3-3
SNMP configuration task 2-37 using the add object definition task to define undefined
start task 3-12 director/timer consoles 3-48
starting the hardware management console 1-3 using the director/timer console manual definition
default userids and passwords 1-4 template to define undefined director/timer
state change events, site alert client C-14 consoles 3-48
stop task 3-13
support element, rebooting 3-54
sysplex timer D-3
view activation profiles task 3-38
system information task 3-31
view console event task 2-12
view console information task 2-18
T view console service history task 2-13
task list work area 2-41 view console tasks performed 2-36
tasks view frame layout task 3-56
change management 3-26 view security logs task 2-40
CPC configuration 3-55 view service history task 3-20
CPC operational customization 3-37 views and work area
CPC recovery 3-11 active tasks 2-10
CPC remote customization 3-33 books 2-42
daily 3-4 console actions 2-11
object definition 3-47 exceptions 2-9
service 3-18 groups 2-2
TCP/IP configuration task 2-36 task list 2-41
testing problem reporting on a hardware management
console 2-35
testing problem reporting on a support element 3-23
web server
testing the pager notification C-21
configuring for on the hardware management
tests, checkout 3-22
console A-4
time-of-day clock, changing D-1
enabling 2-26
tips for the hardware management console 1-4
getting access to the web server 2-21
transmit console service data task 2-30
getting ready to use A-4
transmit service data task, support element 3-24
introduction A-2
transmit vital product data task 3-56
logging on from a web browser A-4

Index X-5
web server (continued)
requirements A-3
welcome window 1-4
work area and views
See views and work area
workplace, hardware management console
monitoring your hardware 1-9
object lock for disruptive tasks 1-8
opening an object 1-7
performing a task 1-7
selecting objects 1-6
unacceptable status 1-10

X-6 Operations Guide

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Version 1.5.1
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