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Term Definition

Degenerate More than one codon for an amino acid

Universal All living organisms have this code

Explain the replication of DNA

- Production of DNA is semi-conservative
- One old strand and one new strand
- Double helix separated by breaking H-bonds by helicase
- Leading strand acts as template
- A with T, C with G
- Nucleotides linked by DNA polymerase
- Daughter DNA molecules rewind
- Daughter stand identical to parent strand

Explain how the base sequence of DNA is conserved during replication

- DNA replication is semi-conservative
- DNA is split into two strands
- Nucleotides are assembled on template stand by complementary base pairing
- A with T and C with G
- Strands newly formed on each stand is identical to other template strand
- DNA polymerase used
- Base pairing ensures that the information encoded in one DNA molecule is passed to others

Explain the process of translation in cells

- Translation is the process to convert base sequence on mRNA into an amino acid sequence
- mRNA attaches to ribosome
- Many ribosomes bind to the same mRNA
- mRNA carries codons each coding for one amino acid
- tRNA each have specific anticodon
- tRNA carries specific amino acid
- tRNA anticodon binds to codon in the mRNA by complementary base pairing
- A second tRNA binds to next codon
- Two amino acids bind together
- first tRNA detaches
- ribosome moves along mRNA
- another tRNA binds to next codon
- continues until stop codon is reached
- stop codon has no corresponding tRNA, causes release of polypeptide

Compare DNA transcription with translation

- Both in 5’ to 3’ direction
- Both require ATP
- DNA is transcribed and mRNA is translated
- Transcription produces RNA and translation produces polypeptides
- RNA polymerase for transcription and ribosome for translation
- Transcription in the nucleus, translation in the cytoplasm
- tRNA needed for translation but not transcription
Explain the relationship between polypeptide and genes
- Genes contain information for making polypeptides
- Genes also contain information to make mRNA
- Stored as codon sequences
- Genetic information is transcribed to mRNA
- mRNA needed to carry genetic message out of nucleus
- Ribosomes are sites for polypeptide synthesis
- mRNA, tRNA and ribosomes essential for translation
- Translation links amino acids to make polypeptide
- Genes can be mutated and result in synthesis of wrong polypeptide
- Universality of genetic code means all organisms show same relationship between polypeptides
and genes

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