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and Reliability
INEOS GAS/SPEC Technology Group, Freeport, Texas

Controlling corrosion: Case studies

from amine plant operations
The total annual cost of corrosion in nized early on that removing H2S and/or secondary amines can form non-regener-
the oil and gas production industry is esti- CO2 with a primary amine solvent like able corrosive CO2 degradation products.3
mated to be $1.372 B.1 More significantly, MEA poses problems from a corrosion Since the 1980s, tertiary methyl-dieth-
failures due to corrosion can result in en- standpoint. The pure amine itself is less anolamine (MDEA) amine formulations
vironmental releases and injury or death corrosive than water when exposed to car- have become the most popular option
of plant personnel. Fortunately, the causes bon steel under an inert gas pad, but cor- for amine-based acid gas removal, due to
of corrosion can be identified, controlled rosion rates increase when the solution is their low corrosivity and ability to treat a
and corrected by using the concepts and loaded with acid gas.3 Additionally, MEA larger quantity of gas with lower energy
techniques discussed. forms heat-stable degradation products requirements than primary and second-
This article includes five corrosion with CO2 , which are corrosive. Recog- ary amines. As a hindered tertiary amine,
incident case studies collected over the nizing the corrosion risks, many systems MDEA does not form non-regenerative
past three decades of amine plant experi- using MEA employ a corrosion inhibitor CO2 degradation products, which pose
ence. The case studies demonstrate five and/or reclaimer to extend the lifetime of a corrosion risk in primary and second-
different types of corrosion: uniform, the solvent and equipment.2 ary amine solutions. Additionally, stud-
pitting, chloride-induced crevice, cavita- Diethanolamine (DEA), a secondary ies have shown inherently lower general
tion and microbiologically induced cor- amine, was used in acid gas removal appli- corrosion rates with MDEA compared to
rosion (MIC). cations beginning in the 1960s, due to a re- MEA and DEA.3
Emphasis is placed on solving corro- duced corrosivity and increased capacity Advances in amine chemistry and en-
sion problems, using the following scien- compared to MEA. Like primary amines, gineering design have greatly reduced the
tific methods: amine chemistry, engineer-
ing design, metallurgy and material design, Acid gas
and thermodynamic and kinetic computer
Treated gas Reflux
simulation. Identifying the root cause of
corrosion and other process failures often
involves a combination of these tools. Rich
Lean amine amine
Amine acid gas removal process.
The use of a closed-loop regenerative
process with alkanolamines for CO2 and Absorber Regenerator
H2S reactive absorption dates to the early stripper
1930s. The original patent covering this Filter section
application was granted to R. R. Bottoms
in 1930.2 FIG. 1 shows a simplified pro-
cess flow diagram of a typical amine pro- Flash gas
cess used for acid gas absorption. While Untreated gas
this configuration is common, many Inlet Rich
variations on this design exist due to the separator amine
Flash Reboiler
unique requirements of each acid gas re- Lean amine
moval application. Lean heat
The first alkanolamines used for acid exchanger
gas removal were primary amines, such as
FIG. 1. Typical alkanolamine acid gas removal system process flow diagram.4
monoethanolamine (MEA). It was recog-
Hydrocarbon Processing | JUNE 2017 69
Maintenance and Reliability

ered one of the most important compo-

nents of the amine system.
An inlet coalescer filter (FIG. 3) of at
least < 0.3-micron efficiency is recom-
mended to remove liquid and aerosol
contaminants from the inlet gas stream.
Correctly designed and operated, inlet
coalescer filters work well to decrease the
levels of contaminants entering the amine
process. During normal operation, the
concentration of these contaminants in
the inlet gas is low and results in only a
FIG. 2. Three-phase flash tank, cutaway view.5 few gallons of liquid formation.
This amine system was using a gas-liq-
uid coalescer correctly rated for the inlet
Crevice corrosion air gas stream under normal operating condi-
O2 tions, but it was not designed to handle the
10 Mgal of bulk liquid volume that entered
Na+ O2 the system during an upset in March 1986.
Na+ When an upset occurs, or when a con-
Cl– Cl–
taminant enters the amine system, it is
OH– OH– Shield important to collect a lean amine sample
Fe (OH)2 to evaluate the impact on the solution
Fe2+ H+ Cl

e– H+ quality. Analytical testing of the formu-
e– Cl–
Passive lated MDEA solvent in this case revealed
film that the solvent contained approximately
Steel 35,000 ppm w of chlorides. Industry guide-
lines specify a maximum chloride level of
FIG. 4. Chloride-induced crevice corrosion
500 ppm w–1,000 ppm w in amine solu-
mechanism.7 tions to protect against chloride-induced
corrosion. The level of chlorides detected
in this system raised grave concerns about
In March 1986, a dump valve failed, chloride-induced stress corrosion crack-
overwhelming the inlet gas-liquid separa- ing in the stainless-steel portions of the
tor of the amine system with 10 Mgal of plant and crevice corrosion in the flanges
well-brine water, which carried over into and tube bundles.
the amine system. Immediately follow- The severity of the chloride contami-
ing the failure, high-liquid level alarms nation prompted an immediate need to
FIG. 3. Gas-liquid coalescer, cutaway view.6 sounded, alerting operations to the upset. remove the brine from the amine system.
The three-phase flash tank (FIG. 2), which Operations reviewed all available options
corrosion risks in the amine-based acid- normally supplied flash gas as fuel to the for removing brine from the amine, in-
gas removal process, but corrosion can five amine regeneration skids, was flood- cluding vacuum distillation, ion-exchange
still occur when operating outside of the ed and introduced liquid amine and brine resins and a complete solvent replace-
recommended amine loading and tem- water into the regenerator burners. Liquid ment. After reviewing these options, op-
perature ranges, or when facing solvent amine poured out of the inlet flame arrest- erations elected to design a vacuum dis-
contamination. The following real-world ers on each regenerator, and each burner tillation unit (VDU) that was fabricated
case studies provide examples of five stack sent steam and incinerated amine and installed at the plant site. This VDU
different types of corrosion observed in smoke billowing into the air. ran continuously for several years, and
amine systems, along with tools and tech- Typical contaminants in natural gas the chloride concentration was ultimately
niques that can be used to diagnose and streams include liquid hydrocarbons, salt- reduced to approximately 1,000 ppm w,
prevent corrosion. water, sand, upstream treating chemicals but the chloride concentration remained
and compressor oils. When introduced high for several years following the upset.
Case 1: Chloride-induced crevice into the amine system, these contami- While the high chloride level was diag-
corrosion. A natural gas treating facility in nants can cause operational problems nosed as a serious concern shortly after
the Wilcox formation in Texas was treating such as foaming, equipment fouling, high the upset occurred, the chosen method
gas containing 10 mol% CO2 and approxi- corrosion rates and difficulty meeting for removing chloride was not imple-
mately 20 ppm v H2S to residue specifica- sweet gas specifications. Due to the range mented fast enough to reduce the chlo-
tions of < 2 mol% CO2 and < 4 ppm v H2S, and severity of problems contamination ride concentration in time to prevent cor-
using a formulated MDEA solvent. can cause, good inlet separation is consid- rosion to the system.
70 JUNE 2017 |
Maintenance and Reliability

While operating with high chloride lev- ceptable concentration of < 1,000 ppm w tem. First, amine samples were collected
els, the plant experienced gasket and flange via vacuum distillation, ion exchange or and analyzed to determine if the amine
failures due to chloride-induced crevice the replacement of the amine solution. concentration and the lean CO2 loading
corrosion. Crevice corrosion occurs when were within an acceptable range. Next,
a concentration cell forms in a crevice Case 2: Carbonic acid pitting corro- computer simulations were done to com-
between two metal surfaces (FIG. 4). No sion. A natural gas processing facility was pare the actual process data with the per-
evidence of general uniform corrosion was treating 200 MMscfd of water-saturated formance predicted by modeling tools.
observed in this plant. One possible expla- natural gas containing 4 mol% CO2. The The simulation results matched the actual
nation for the absence of uniform corrosion inlet natural gas stream flowed into an in- process data for the gas absorber. Finally,
is the iron sulfide passivation layer present let scrubber, and then into a coalescing fil- the flowmeter measuring the amine circu-
in amine systems containing H2S. When ter before feeding a gas/gas heat exchang- lation rate was checked for accuracy. The
H2S is present in the amine solution, iron er. The inlet gas left the gas/gas exchanger calibration data verified the amine circu-
sulfide forms and acts as a protective layer and fed the amine absorber at 80°F. The lation rate of 1,100 gpm. After the amine
on the internal surface of piping, which purpose of the exchanger was to cool the analytical and operating data did not re-
protects the underlying metal from attack.3 treated gas stream with the inlet gas while veal any issues that would impact CO2
The mechanism of corrosion was iden- heating the inlet gas stream to vaporize removal, the focus shifted to identifying
tified as chloride-induced crevice corro- any condensable hydrocarbons before en- mechanical issues that could be respon-
sion resulting from a > 1,000-ppm w chlo- tering the absorber. The water-saturated sible for off-specification gas.
ride concentration in the amine. The plant treated gas is cooled in the exchanger to In amine systems, a leak in the lean
did not experience general uniform corro- reduce the water load feeding the glycol rich cross exchanger can result in the
sion because the plant was treating natural unit. The treated absorber outlet gas went lean amine being contaminated with rich
gas containing 20 ppm v H2S. It was specu- from containing a normal < 50 ppm CO2 amine, increasing the lean amine CO2
lated that the iron sulfide passivation film to containing an off-specification concen- loading to an unacceptable level. High
deposited on the piping mitigated internal tration of > 1% CO2. lean amine CO2 loadings feeding the gas
pipe corrosion. The off-specification gas was initially absorber can result in off-specification
Immediately after a contamination oc- thought to be caused by chemical or oper- treated gas. To check if there was a leak in
curs, chloride must be removed to an ac- ating issues within the amine treating sys- the cross exchanger, lean amine samples

LIVE WEBCAST: Wednesday, June 14, 2017

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Hydrocarbon Processing Hydrocarbon Processing | JUNE 2017 71
Maintenance and Reliability

were collected from the inlet and outlet in the presence of water it can dissolve in of natural gas liquids (NGL) from 230
of the exchanger and analyzed to com- an aqueous phase and promote an electro- MMscfd of natural gas. The original
pare the lean amine CO2 loading. The chemical reaction. This corrosion mecha- amine system used 30 wt% DEA to treat
lean loading measured on the inlet and nism is believed to involve the formation of 24 Mgal of NGL per day in two paral-
outlet samples matched, indicating that either carbonic acid or the bicarbonate ion. lel liquid contactors with one common
no leak was present. Under certain temperature, pH, composi- regenerator. The design circulation rate
With a leak in the lean-rich cross ex- tion and flow patterns, this mechanism can was 460 gpm, and the inlet contained up
changer eliminated as a possibility, atten- result in a pitting corrosion attack.1 to 12.5% CO2. In April 2004, a pipeline
tion shifted to the inlet gas exchanger. The Engineers conducted a study to de- rupture and the resulting fire caused an
gas/gas exchanger was a floating head ex- termine the expected lifetime of the gas emergency shutdown of the entire facil-
changer with carbon steel tubes and a car- exchanger in the current service. The ex- ity. Several major pieces of process equip-
bon steel shell that had been in previous changer life was estimated at 10 yr. This ment had to be replaced—primarily the
service for 10 yr as a lean amine cooler. was problematic because the exchanger inlet gas piping, inlet liquid handling fa-
Samples were taken for CO2 in the treated had already been in service for 10 yr as a cilities and amine regeneration unit.
gas from the inlet and outlet exchanger lean amine cooler at another facility prior Review of the incident revealed that
to look for any increase in the CO2 con- to being put into service at this facility. The the pipeline ruptured in a stagnant leg of
centration. The results were conclusive; tube failure was due to a combination of piping that contained water. At the time
the treated gas inlet to the exchanger con- wet CO2 pitting corrosion, along with gen- of this publication, no cause to the pipe-
tained < 50 ppm v CO2, while the outlet eral uniform corrosion exceeding the de- line failure has been disclosed; however,
contained 1% CO2 , indicating a leak in the sign corrosion allowance of the exchanger. there are several proposed causes.
exchanger. The source of the excess CO2 All tubes were pressure tested, and Microbiologically induced corrosion
was a leak in the gas/gas exchanger, which leaks in 10% of the tubes were discovered (MIC) refers to corrosion resulting from
was contaminating the treated gas stream and repaired. After repairing the leaks, bacteria activities that form waste prod-
with untreated gas from the plant inlet. the treated gas CO2 level returned to < 50 ucts, including CO2, H2S and organic
After discovering the leak in the gas ex- ppm v levels. Equipment fabricators were acids. Stagnant water is a hospitable en-
changer, efforts shifted to identifying the contacted to obtain an estimate for the vironment for these microbial colonies
cause of the tube corrosion. Corrosion due fabrication cost and lead time for replac- to form and promote enhanced corro-
to CO2 in the presence of water is the most ing the gas/gas exchanger. sion below the colony. Studies have found
common form of corrosion encountered in abundant microbial flora indigenous in
oil and gas production. Dry CO2 gas is not Case 3: Microbiologically induced oilfield formation water, including Bacil-
corrosive by itself at the temperatures pres- corrosion. A plant in central Texas was lus, Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Mycobacte-
ent in oil and gas processing facilities, but commissioned to produce 24 Mbpd rium, Clostridium and Escherichia.
Escherichia is reported to contain the
Hard rust tubercle
enzyme hydrogenase, which has been as-
sociated with cathodic hydrogen depolar-
FeCO3 O2 ization that can cause corrosion to steel
OH casings and pipelines. Slime-forming bac-
Cathodic Fe (OH)3 teria, including Achromobacter, Flavobac-
FeS terium and Desulfuricans, form large, solid
Fe2 masses that can cause plugging problems
SO 42 H2S at injection wells. MIC is often recognized
SRB by the appearance of black, slimy waste
material on the pipe surface, as well as lo-
Highly anodic
Iron or steel calized corrosion beneath these deposits.1
Another possible cause of pipeline cor-
FIG. 5. Nodule-like structure formed by rosion is related to the generation of H2S
tuberculation.8 by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). These
anaerobic bacteria metabolize sulfate ions
with an organic carbon source to produce
H2S. In low-flow systems, colonies of sul-
fate-reducing bacteria can form hard rust
nodules, or tubercles, which can lead to
crevice corrosion. Tuberculation is a com-
plex, localized process that occurs when a
deposit of sludge or rust shields the metal
surface from oxygen (FIG. 5). The metal
beneath the tubercle that is exposed to wa-
FIG. 6. Corrosion observed on the lean amine FIG. 7. Corrosion observed on the lean amine ter at a low oxygen concentration becomes
booster pump casing. booster pump seal.
anodic and can corrode at a rapid rate.8
72 JUNE 2017 |
Maintenance and Reliability

The most probable cause of the pipe- centrifugal pumps is specified by the The amine flowrate was increased
line rupture was corrosion in a stagnant pump manufacturer to prevent vapor for- above 660 gpm in both trains in accor-
piping section, which may have been mation and vibrations, which can cause dance with the minimum flowrate re-
caused by microbial buildup. To fix this catastrophic pump failures. Maintaining quired by the pump data sheets. Consider
issue, remove and replace piping that cre- flow above the minimum specified flow- equipment limitations in addition to the
ates a stagnant zone. Moisture is a factor rate prevents recirculation of the fluid in chemistry and loading limits of the amine
in promoting the formation of colonies. the pump, which can lead to bubble for- when adjusting the amine circulation rate
Lowering the pipeline dewpoint will de- mation and cavitation. Low liquid flow- and other process variables. In subse-
crease available moisture, which is needed rates can also cause cavitation if the tem- quent years of operation, there have been
for the formation of nodules or tubercles.8 perature increase in the liquid across the no additional leaks or failures of the lean
pump results in vaporization. The mini- amine booster pumps at this facility.
Case 4: Pump cavitation corrosion. mum circulation rate for a given pump is
A gas processing plant in the Eagle Ford typically 50% of the best efficiency point Case 5: Pitting corrosion. A natural
shale play was designed to treat approxi- (BEP), the operating point at which the gas treating plant in Texas was using a 25
mately 200 MMcfd of natural gas with pump is most efficient.10 For this pump, wt% DEA solvent to remove CO2 from
2 mol% CO2. On startup, the plant was the BEP is 1,270 gpm, more than double a liquid ethane/propane hydrocarbon
running at a reduced capacity and only the 620 gpm flowrate at which the pump stream. During a routine service call in
treating 75 MMscfd with 0.7 mol% CO2. had been operating. 1995, operations revealed the plant had
Consequently, the operators decided The pump curve confirmed that oper- experienced reboiler tube corrosion and
to reduce the amine circulation rate to ating below the minimum flowrate was re- tray damage in the regeneration still. Op-
match the rich loading requirements. sulting in discharge cavitation corrosion. erations and the amine supplier worked in
Two months after starting up the Upon increasing the circulation rate of tandem to diagnose the cause of the cor-
amine system with fresh amine, a centrif- the pump above the 660 gpm required by rosion and prevent a reoccurrence.
ugal lean amine booster pump began to the pump design curve, the rattling sound The amine supplier collected process
leak. When the leak was noticed, opera- indicative of pump cavitation ceased. data and ran computer simulations to
tions took the pump out of service for in-
spection. Upon inspection, the corrosion Data point 13-in.
shown in FIG. 6 and FIG. 7 was discovered. Flow: 1,270 US gpm 175 70 75
During a walk-through of the plant, Head: 146 ft 78
Eff: 79% 150 78.6
operators noticed vibrations and a rattling Power: 59.6 hp 78
noise emitting from an identical pump NPSHr: 9.74 ft 75
Design curve 120 70
on an identical train in the same facil-
Head, ft

Shutoff head: 179 ft

ity. The sounds emitting from the pump Shutoff dP: 77.5 psi 100
Min. flow: 650 US gpm
were consistent with the sounds of pump EP: 79% at 1,270 US gpm 9-in.
cavitation. Cavitation occurs when vapor NOL power: 75
69.8 hp at 1,688 US gpm 65
bubbles form in the low-pressure areas Max. curve 50
surrounding the impeller of the pump. Max. power:
The collapse of those bubbles creates the 69.8 hp at 1,688 US gpm
25 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
rattling sound characteristic of cavitation 15
and is associated with pitting corrosion to 10
NP SHr, ft

the pump impeller and housing.9 5

With cavitation suspected as a possible 0
cause of the corrosion and the subsequent 75 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
failure, the pump design curve (FIG. 8)
was consulted to determine if the pump FIG. 8. Pump data sheet for the centrifugal lean amine booster pump.11
had been operating within an acceptable
range. Trend data collected from the plant TABLE 1. Water quality standards for amine systems12
control room showed the pump had been
operating with a flowrate of 620 gpm. Suc- Property Specific values ASTM test method
tion side cavitation is most commonly as- Total solids, ppmw 100 max. D1888
sociated with a drop in the available net Total hardness, ppmw 50 max. D1126
positive suction head (NPSH) below the
Chloride (CL), ppmw 2 max. D512, D4327
required NPSH specified on the pump
curve. In this case, the available NPSH Sulfate (SO4 ), ppmw 3 max. D516, D4327
was above the 5 ft of NPSH required at the Sodium (Na), ppmw 3 max. D516, D4327
620 gpm circulation rate. However, the Potassium (K), ppmw 3 max. D516, D4327
pump data sheet also specifies a minimum
Iron (Fe), ppmw 10 max. D516, D4327
circulation rate of 660 gpm for this pump.
The minimum circulation rate for pH 7–7.7 D1293

Hydrocarbon Processing | JUNE 2017 73

Maintenance and Reliability

compare the actual performance of the unit where it was vaporized before being and the lean amine loading returned to
unit with simulated results. Comparing fed to the amine regenerator as steam. normal. After implementing these chang-
the simulation predictions with the ac- The steam provided extra heat duty for es, the cause of corrosion on the regen-
tual temperature change observed across stripping the amine and acted as makeup erator trays and reboiler tubes was solved,
the lean/rich exchanger revealed that the water when condensed. This configura- and no subsequent failures occurred.
exchanger was providing only 10% of its tion raised concerns regarding the quality
design heat duty (90% fouled). A lean of makeup water provided by the vapor- Takeaway. While corrosion is inher-
amine sample was analyzed and revealed ized well water. ent in any chemical process, corrosion
a high CO2 lean loading of 0.06 mol/mol. The glycol regenerator used a direct- in alkanolamine systems can be identi-
Based on these observations, the recom- fired reboiler to vaporize the well water, fied, minimized and controlled with a
mendation was made to inspect the lean/ and the steam vapor flowed through a multidisciplinary approach that con-
rich cross exchanger. packed tower before being fed directly siders chemistry, engineering design,
Opening the exchanger for inspection into the amine regenerator. Hard wa- metallurgy, kinetic and thermodynamic
revealed hard water deposits coating the ter compounds, like the ones found in simulation, and the expected equipment
internals and obscuring visibility of the the amine lean/rich exchanger, were lifetime. These case studies provide ex-
tubes. This discovery confirmed foul- stacked on the ground beneath the gly- amples of five types of corrosion found
ing as the cause of reduced heat transfer col regenerator. Operations stated that in amine acid gas removal systems: uni-
across the lean/rich exchanger. The re- the glycol reboiler bundle tubes became form, pitting, chloride-induced crevice,
duction in heat duty across the lean rich fouled periodically with hard water de- cavitation and MIC.
exchanger resulted in a lower rich amine posits, which required frequent unit Preventing corrosion begins in the de-
temperature feeding the regenerator, shutdowns for cleaning. When the glycol sign phase. Selecting the proper alkonol-
which increased the sensible heat duty tube bundle was removed for inspection amine solvent and designing the system
required to raise the rich amine feed to its during this troubleshooting effort, hard to operate within the ranges specified by
boiling point. water deposits fell to the ground. This the amine supplier are essential to avoid-
This temperature change to the rich confirmed that the well water being fed ing corrosion due to high acid gas load-
amine feed shifted the regeneration reac- to the glycol regenerator contained the ings and temperatures. Good inlet sepa-
tion of the amine into the lower hotter hard-water salts that were fouling the ration must be a priority, as contaminants
sections of the regenerator and reboiler. lean/rich exchanger. pose unique corrosion risks and are diffi-
Normally 95% of the CO2 held by the The presence of these salts in the gly- cult to remove once they enter the amine
amine should be stripped from amine on col reboiler did not completely explain system. Finally, metallurgy for the plant
the trays in the regenerator. When high how the hard water salts were carrying must consider all of the corrosion risks
CO2 loadings are carried into the lower over into the amine system. While the present and the expected lifetime of the
section of the column, pitting corrosion vaporized water should not contain cal- equipment to determine the proper ma-
can result as CO2 is vaporized at the high cium salts, some amount of entrainment terial selection.
temperatures present in the reboiler. This occurs in all gas-liquid contactors. Ad- LITERATURE CITED
type of corrosion initially attacks the bot- ditionally, when the glycol reboiler was Complete literature cited can be found online at
tom trays of the column before shifting shut down for cleaning, the well water
lower as trays are damaged, eventually at- was piped directly to the amine system
tacking the reboiler tubes, as well. without first being vaporized. To prevent JAMES DAUGHTRY is a retired regional commercial
manager in the GAS/SPEC Technology Group of
With fouling of the lean rich exchanger these hard water deposits from entering INEOS. He has a wide range of experiences in gas
identified as the root cause of the corro- the amine system, a recommendation processing, from corrosion inhibitor research to
sion failures, troubleshooting efforts shift- was made to pipe the steam from the gly- process optimization of amine plants and amine
sales. Prior to joining INEOS GAS/SPEC in 2000,
ed to identifying the source of the foul- col regenerator through a condenser and he worked for Dow Chemical USA for 32 yr, specializing
ing. Lab analysis of the solids collected then into a makeup water storage tank in epoxy manufacturing, research, technical service
from the lean rich exchanger confirmed before feeding the water to the amine and development. While at Dow, he was a founding
the presence of calcium salts. Calcium is system. This storage tank provided a member of the GAS/SPEC Technology Group in 1983.
Mr. Daughtry has coauthored several papers on gas
considered a contaminant in amine sys- stable supply of clean water to use during processing and one paper on vinyl ester corrosion
tems due to its potential to form solids at periods when the glycol reboiler was shut for the Society of Plastic Industry. He holds a BS
relatively low concentrations. The water down for cleaning. degree in chemistry from the University of Houston
in Clear Lake, Texas.
quality specifications for amine makeup Using the glycol unit for makeup wa-
water are shown in TABLE 1. Water hard- ter was creative; however, hard water de- ERIC TELETZKE is a territory manager and technical
ness is a measure of the dissolved calcium posits from the well water were fed to the service engineer with the INEOS GAS/SPEC
and magnesium in the water. These lim- amine process during periods when the Technology Group. He has extensive experience
with the design, operation and optimization of amine
its are specified to prevent solids forma- glycol reboiler was shut down for cleaning systems in a range of applications, including natural
tion and reduced treating performance in due to the same hard water deposits. Cor- gas processing, LNG, refining, tail gas, acid gas
amine systems. recting the source of hard water deposits enrichment, syngas, ammonia, liquid treating and
This plant utilized a unique makeup eliminated the cause of the lean/rich ex- carbon capture. Eric graduated from the University
of Texas at Austin in 2007 with a BS degree in
water system, which consisted of piping changer fouling. The approach tempera- chemical engineering and joined the INEOS
well water to an old glycol regeneration ture returned to the desired 40°F range, GAS/SPEC Technology Group in 2011.

74 JUNE 2017 |

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