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# D O C U M E N T A T I O N
# ( in POD format )

# Make html doc with 'pod2html' like so:

# c:\>pod2html --title="MISSRA Mark Decoder User Guide" --header
--infile=missra_decoder_userguide_pod.txt --outfile=missra_decoder_userguide.html


=head1 MISSRA Mark Decoder

=head2 Download and update info

=begin html

<h3><a href="">Download MISSRA

Mark Decoder (zip file) Version 3.0.5</a></h3>
<h4><a href="">Download old
MISSRA Mark Decoder (zip file) Version 3.0.4</a></h4>

=end html

If you are having difficulties installing or running this tool,

would like to report faults, would like to suggest improvements
or want an earlier version,
please contact James Baker (EPAJSB).

You can also visit my web page

=head2 New & Changed In This Release (version 3.0.5)


=item *

Update for MSC MC-A 2 & 3 MISSRA mark format change

Changed from 2Mxxxxxxxxxxxxx & 3Mxxxxxxxxxxxxx

to M2xxxxxxxxxxxxx & M3xxxxxxxxxxxxx


=head1 Summary

The MISSRA mark is used to accurately record the

software level of an AXE node. It is implemented using dummy corrections in
block MISSRA, whereby the CIs are an encoded record of the correction level.

MISSRA mark usage is defined for

=over 4

=item *
GSM/WCDMA Application Systems

=begin html

A full description of the MISSRA mark as implemented in the Core Network (Wireline
and GSM/WCDMA) can be found
in document
EDD/XY-04:0098 Uen. </A>

=end html

This version of MISSRA Mark Decoder is based on rev AB of this document

plus recent changes to MCA mark for MSC nodes..

=item *

BSC Application Systems

=begin html

A full description of the MISSRA mark as implemented in BSC can be found in

document .
EAB/RJT-05:0262 Uen </A>

=end html

MISSRA Mark Decoder version 3.0.0 is based on rev Y of this document.

=item *

Wireline Application Systems

Advice from Wireline PLM was that MISSRA mark is not maintained in Wireline
MISSRA Mark Decoder does not handle Wireline MISSRA Mark


The purpose of the MISSRA decoder tool is:

=over 4

=item *

to provide a quick and easy way to decode the MISSRA mark

=item *

to provide a quick and easy way to modify or make a new MISSRA mark


=head2 Installation Guide

MISSRA Decoder comes as a zip file and may be downloaded from the Ericsson

Make a directory where you want the tool to live. Use any path & name you like
(I will use c:\data\missra in this example).

Unzip the file into this directory. It should look like this:

=begin html

| missra.exe
| debug.txt (NOTE: this file will be made at run time)
| missra splash.gif
| missra_decode_cfg.txt
| missra_info_cfg.txt
| missraico.ico
| upgrade.bat


=end html


=head3 Important Note

The first time you run MISSRA Mark Decoder, it may be slow to start up.
This is because it is building the cache. Please be patient.

If the application appears to hang, there are a couple of possible causes.

=over 4

=item 1

The cache has become corrupted.

This happens from time to time, I don't know why. I suspect that it can happen if
get impatient and kill the application before it has cached properly.
In this case, delete the cache directory and restart the tool. The cache directory

"c:\Documents and Settings\<userid>\Local Settings\Temp\par-<userid>"

where: userid is your userid. I would use

"c:\Documents and Settings\epajsb\Local Settings\Temp\par-EPAJSB"

=item 2

The server is slow to respond at start up when the tool checks for updates.
Just be patient !!


=head2 User Guide

=head3 Main Window

=over 4

=item 1

Use 'Load SWR' button to load a PCORP or SWR (SRH or INT format) OR
paste it in with ctrl-v. File contents will appear in this window.
Note: Only MISSRA part is actually required.

=item 2

Use 'Decode' button to decode the MISSRA mark.

The Result will be written into the GUI window
(i.e. PCORP or SWR is overwritten).

=item 3

Use 'Multi Decode from Folder' to decode more than one PCORP or SWR in one
operation. All the input files must be in one folder.
Results all written to this window. Useful for network audit.

=item 3

Use 'Save Result' button to save the result to file

(or cut and paste into a text editor).

=item 4

Use 'Modify' button to open up another window for modifying the

decoded MISSRA mark.

Note: Opening up the modify window WITHOUT decoding a MISSRA mark

will allow you to make a new MISSRA mark from scratch.

=item 5

Use 'Reset' button to clear the window ready to start again.

=item 6

Use 'Help' button to display this document.


=head3 Modify Window

=over 4

=item 1

The decoded MISSRA mark will be displayed in the window when it is opened,
in the form of text entry boxes for the ACA, MCA, ECA & CN marks and
as rows of numbered buttons for the EPA, IPA, PMA & UPA marks.

=item 2

The numbers on the buttons are the package numbers for each package type.

So, if button '3' is depressed in the EPA section, that inticates that
EP-A 3 is loaded.

=item 3

To modify the MISSRA mark, make the required changes then click the
'Generate MISSRA Mark' button.

The new ASA code will be written into the main window, and the Modify
window will be closed.

You can repeat this process as many times as necessary.


=head2 Input File Requirements

Input file must be one of the following.

=over 4

=item *


Note: The tool processes the whole PCORP, but only the
MISSRA part is actually required.

=item *

Software record, either in INTERNAL or SRH format.

Note: The tool processes the whole SWR, but only the
MISSRA part is actually required.


=head1 ABOUT

MISSRA decoder version 3.0.5 released on 23 November 2010.

MISSRA decoder is written using Perl.

GUI implemented using Perl/Tk.

MISSRA is designed and written by James Baker (EPAJSB),

=head1 Known BUGS

=over 4

=item 1

Decoding of Wireline MISSRA mark is NOT implemented. Advice is that

wireline are not updating the MISSRA mark in their systems.

No plans to include encoding of Wireline MISSRA mark unless requested.



REVISION HISTORY (latest on top)
Rev User Date
Changes made
3.0.5 2011-11-23 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Change to new format MC-A 2 & 3 for MSC

Change from 2Mxxxxxxxxxxxxx & 3Mxxxxxxxxxxxxx

to M2xxxxxxxxxxxxx and M3xxxxxxxxxxxxx

3.0.4 2010-10-08 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Update for MSC MC-A 2 & 3 MISSRA mark format change

Fault fix: wrong ASA addresses for some new mark generation cases

Fault Fix : Uselog info for decoding execution was missing

3.0.3 2010-09-06 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Fault Fix : New format MC-A not showing packages loaded in the report
Auto-update function updated to get rid of false error messages.

3.0.2 2010-08-26 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Fault Fix : New format MC-A not showing packages loaded in the report

3.0.1 2010-08-24 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Fault Fix : MSC release not printed in report

Fault Fix : New format MC-A found if CN mark present

3.0.0 2010-08-16 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Total re-write from scratch

Encoding of new marks works properly now

Full BSC mark decoding and encoding

- Flexible To marks (FMA and FTI)
- Market Packages
- Upgrade Mark

New format MSC MC-A mark decoding/encoding

2.1.4 2009-12-10 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Update for core networks to handle up to and including MSC R14.0 (MSS 6.0)

Update for BSC to handle up to and including R11B


2.1.3 2008-07-14 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Add strings for BENT reports at the end of the text report.

Fixed the Save Report button. Now it actually saves the report...


2.1.2 2008-07-07 James Baker (EPAJSB)

- trial version with special text strings included at the end for BENT

Info (redundant) in a single line so it can be copy/pasted

in the BENT report for base & target level.

Currently BENT asks for:

Application Version From: xxx
Application Version To: xxx
Application Correction From: xxx
Application Correction To: xxx

Example text added to the end of the report:

Text for BENT reports:

Application Version: R12.1 CNG0
Application correction: IPA: 1-11 EPA: 1,3,6-10,12-17,19-27

The last 2 lines can be cut & pasted direectly into the BENT report.


2.1.1 2008-01-23 James Baker (EPAJSB)

- bug fix
Fatal error in Modify window when decoding MSC R11 (and probably BSC too).


2.1.0 2008-01-17 James Baker (EPAJSB)

- Fault fix in module :

Fix error too many characters in EPA & IPA marks.

Sub _EncodeXPA
line: my ($binary, $hex) = 0;
changed to: my ($binary, $hex) = '';

- Update module for R13 (variable definitions)

- Update config files missra_info_cfg.txt & missra_aca_decode_cfg.txt:

Update for R13, according to:

MSC: EDD/XY-04:0098 Uen Rev N
BSC: EAB/RJT-05:0262 Uen Rev PG3


2.0.0 2007-10-01 James Baker (EPAJSB)

BSC MISSRA mark decoding

(Upgrade mark decoding for BSC not implemented yet)

'Modify' GUI updated to change depending on whether MSC or BSC.

Bug Fixes

When decoding from SRH format SWR, the market code can be wrong due
to may lines looking like the MCA and ECA marks.

Only look at lines between the MISSRA header and the next block
(including the MISSRA header).


1.1.0 2007-07-02 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Encoding function implemented

CN decoding implemented


1.0.0 2007-07-02 James Baker (EPAJSB)

Andrew Doty (EANDDOT)

First release.

Decoding functionality only operational.

Encoding functionality in progress.
Initial Coding - used modular format to make updates easier (in theory!)

This file ('') contains:

- GUI definition & callbacks
- Uselog and auto update functions
- clean up GUI definitions

Module .\lib\ contains:

- main decoding program and related subroutines
- main encoding subroutine and related subroutines

Module .\lib\ contains generic functions used by

James & Andrew's other applications (dbcompare etc...)

Module .\lib\ contains the Auto Update function.



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