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Change Management 2


Huntington Memorial Hospital is a 500-bed general therapeutic and surgical facility with

progressively more than 26000 admissions annually, according to the latest report. From the

same report, it is indicated that its emergency room has more than 58000 visits per year on

average. The facility’s main goal or mission is to give great social insurance and compassionate

service to every individual by bringing together extraordinary doctors, nurses, proficient staff

and progressive technologies (Huntington Hospital New Look & Feel, 2016).

Owing to a large number of patients, the facility is planning to introduce e-prescription

procedures in order to improve its overall performance. E-prescription framework is a

substitution of manually written prescription. In this context, medicines are produced with the

assistance of PC technologies. This framework has turned out to be an exceptionally compelling

instrument in enhancing the current health practices, by restricting the mistakes in restorative

remedy and diminishing operational expense (Prescription processing changes, 2013).

Additionally, the patient's data is anything but difficult to access by the specialists or by the

general population required in hospitals

What is driving the change?

In the facility, a medical attendant is entrusted with the obligation of giving best care

services to the patients. Medical care ought to be without mistakes. Notwithstanding, there are

different frequencies of blunders and negligence that are still witnessed in the facility in terms of

prescription procedures. Certainties have demonstrated that mistakes happen all the more much

of the time where attendants plan to help patients rather than harm them. It is evident that no one

but the nurses will be rebuked for these mistakes. These blunders are a mix of elements from

therapeutic services situations, mis-administration of social insurance supplies, communication

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gaps among wellbeing experts, shortcomings in attendant training and inadequacy in attendant's


Attendants must satisfy their parts with trustworthiness to guarantee patient's security and

honesty of human services framework. The healthcare framework must implement e-prescription

to avoid any occurrence of medical blunders in the treatment of patients. Attendants must be

supported, inspired, and urged to consider the change, best health practices and issue arising in

the facility. A medical caretaker ought to have the capacity to distinguish the possibilities of an

error occurring during prescription, advancement in medical systems and comprehension of

expert obligations (PDR, PATAKI, & SEBESTYN, 2011).

Resistance to change

As stated herein, change is inevitable and is consistent. Impelled by the main impetus of

innovation and globalization, the health care facilities ceaselessly change in a way that has come

to undermine the pertinence of conventional practices on how hospitals ought to offer

prescription and what underlies the institution’s prosperity (PDR, PATAKI, & SEBESTYN,

2011). In the current millennium, it is additionally necessary for hospitals to sustain its

operations in the much competitive environment. At the point when a facility is debilitated by

environmental change, for example, emergency or need to minimize errors during prescription, it

results in the expanding requirements for correspondence as innovation grows quickly and higher

patient requests will be predicted.

According to PDR, PATAKI, and SEBESTYN (2011), implementation of changes

entails considering the fundamental interests of different shareholders, and particularly

employees. Resistance happens subsequent to most staff longing to be fruitful in their respective

dockets since they have fundamental needs which must be fulfilled. In the first place, nurses
Change Management 4

need to know their part and their obligations within the proposed framework. Moreover, the

nurses need to have the capacity to foresee what they will confront later on. Despite the fact that

conventional procedures that were at first viewed as awkward, unreasonable or inadequate, after

a delayed recursive execution, nurses get to be agreeable and are used to the ways things are

accomplished finished. As such nurses may fear in a changing organization, along these lines

changes seen as a danger to one's presence inside an organization if updating or gaining new

abilities are an issue on account of time requirements, or the failure of the individual to take in

these new methods (PDR, PATAKI, & SEBESTYN, 2011).

Change within the facility setting typically represents a few matters in part of finance,

sense of self, and power for the individuals who oppose it. As such, the nurses will oppose

change since they have figured out how to partner it negative sentiments since their fundamental

requirements or needs in the facility may now be debilitated.

Age is another factor that has a profound impact on employee resistance to change.

Boomers allude to individuals who are conceived as from 1945 to 1964. This era experienced

childhood in a time of extraordinary monetary development and soundness, to be viewed as a

period that discovers solace with long haul occupation with one organization. This has furnished

them with a misguided feeling of steadiness. Their working capabilities underscore on the

hierarchy of leadership, collaboration, challenging tasks, cooperation and faithful to their bosses

As they conceived after War II, which they entered the financial recession, and professional

stability. For example, lifetime vocation is certainly critical for them to support their living.

When contrasted with Boomers, Generation X alludes to those individuals who were

conceived between 1965 to 1980. This era of worker tends to be more free, self-spurred and

independent. This is on the grounds that most X eras did not have enough of their family
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consideration as youngsters in light of the fact that their guardian may have been single parents

or simply or working guardians. X generations along these lines got to be versatile at handling

things all alone and in their own particular manners. Their work worth is seen more on individual

fulfillment, and their dispositions towards work are a spotlight on adaptability strengthening,

faithful to aptitudes.

Change management theories

Kurt Lewin proposed one of the first and most prominent hypotheses of change

management in the year 1947. Lewin's model is somewhat straightforward however other change

hypotheses depend on this model. Lewin's model of change is separated into three phases of

unfreeze, change and freeze alluding 3 phases of changes

The initial phase in the theory is to unfreeze the current circumstance which is

additionally called quo state which is the balance state. Unfreezing of the quo state is critical to

breaking the resistance of the change. It should be possible with either expanding main thrusts

far from the quo state or decline the limiting strengths that contrarily influence the development

far from the balance or utilize the both technique.

The second stage which is the changes step is the movement where everyone of the

progressions happens. The movement can be promoted by convincing the staff to concur on the

changes, letting them know the advantages of the change and ensuring that everyone needs to

cooperate to get the best out of the progressions and show them new points of view

The last stage in this model is the freezing all step which is the progression after the

change has been actualized. This phase of the change is required for the progressions to stick

after some time. Supportability is imperative when new changes have been made. The new
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changes must be appropriately systematized and formally acknowledged by all. The actual

incorporation of the new changes happens in this unfreeze stage.

Additionally, we have the ADKAR model proposed by Jeffery M Hait. ADKAR is

essentially a system to comprehend the change in the individual level which was later utilized as

a part of the field of business and administration. It contains five components which are:

 Ability and

 Awareness

 Desire

 Knowledge

 Reinforcement

Knowledge speaks to the comprehension of the need for the change alongside the effects

and the nature of not experiencing the change. Desire speaks to the longing to take an interest in

the change. Despite the fact that craving is a great deal more about the individual decision, it can

be created with the characteristic or intrinsic environment. Numerous elements create a desire in

the person about the progressions or change. Additionally, Knowledge is the mostly the training

and data access about how to change (Rufo, 2012). Knowledge is imperative as it is critical to

have training and data access to execute the change. Ability demonstrates the genuine usage of

the change at the relevant departments. It additionally speaks to the change for knowledge

without hesitation. How well the progressions have been executed relies on upon the capacity of

the group or a person.

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Figure 1: ADKAR Theory

Application of system thinking

Utilizing system thinking is a critical aspect when advocating for organizational change.

It assumes a key part in assessing the facility’s readiness by utilizing distinctive strategies.

System thinking is a methodology for taking a gander at issues from numerous edges, taking a

gander at the entire issue instead of parts.

Open systems hypothesis depends on the notion that all organizations are novel in them

and henceforth ought to be organized in rather a unique manner to suit their specific needs.

Research led in 1960's demonstrated that organizations for the most part fall flat which take after

conventional autocratic method for prescribing drugs to patients (Rufo, 2012).

The Perfect E-prescription framework

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A framework is relied upon to provide attendants with an entirely operational medication

data framework to specialists in administrating prescription, analyzing drug sensitivities and

intravenous medication. An Ideal E-solution framework ought to be executed in four unique


 Drug Administration data.

 Intravenous medication compatibility

 Medicine interaction alerts.

 Succinct and useful medication data.

.Role of Communication

Communication plays a major role in championing for change within an organization.

Directors in the facility are tasked with the duty of conveying facility's vision, mission, and the

targets of the change management. People or staffs need to see how these changes will influence

them on a personal level as well as view the change from a personal perspective. Therefore

managers need to explain the reason behind the change in a manner that individuals comprehend

the connection, the reason, and the necessity of the change in a positive way. Communication

also helps inform the various internal and external stakeholders.

Motivating the stakeholders

Stakeholders Patient staff

Educate patients Train staff
Implementing user-friendly Improve compensate benefits
Advocate flexibility among

Strategies required for change

Change Management 9

To survive and succeed, Huntington Memorial Hospital must implement an e-

prescription methodology that practically mirrors their capacity to deal with numerous future

situations. Business and directors of wellbeing facilities are presently confronted with

perpetually complex and high element operating environments than some time recently.

Lewin's model is somewhat straightforward that perceive a change in three before the change,

amid the change, and after the change. Lewin's model is to a greater extent a summed up model.

Thus, Lewin's model shows the powers that either increment or control the actual change. In

summary, when the consolidated quality of one force is more prominent than the joined quality

of the limiting effects or resistance, then the change will probably happen (Carter, 2015). It

likewise says what the components are that we need to consider amid the procedure of progress.

Sustaining change

At the point when an organization is experiencing change, legitimate change management

is indispensable with a specific end goal to take the firm through the appropriate and fruitful

move. This is a period when the health managers and the supervisors need to practice their

authority altogether. Leaders ought to be the good examples and the best case to whatever is left

of the staff in the execution of change to demonstrate the uplifting state of mind and that change

is conceivable. Aside from activity, they ought to clarify the requirement for change to the

employees, showing the advantage and the significance of progress keeping in mind the end goal

to make an uplifting disposition even as they work towards the change (Burnes, 2005). Once the

employees, discover the state of mind that their pioneers have towards the change, they will take

in more about the modification, and they will be persuaded to take part more in actualizing the


Motivating the stakeholders

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Stakeholders must comprehend what the facility is attempting to accomplish.

Correspondence with workers, patients and software merchants builds a comprehension of the

organization's objectives and the advantages to the stakeholders in the event that they help the

facility accomplish the change (Carter, 2015). Correspondence with patients and shareholders

supports the hospital draw in the subsidies required for essential speculations (Carter, 2015). The

steering committee must engage the various stakeholders in a fruitful dialog in order to brief

them about the change.


The facility must be in a position to comprehend the progressions it may experience for it

to oversee it effectively, something else; any change is destined to a significant issue and

disappointment. A portion of the change management strategies incorporate:

 Interviewing the various stakeholder especially the patients.

 Diagnosing the change through system evaluation to have the capacity to comprehend the

change and when it has occurred.

 Managing the partners painstakingly.

 Making arrangements for change by making an impenetrable method,

 putting resources into use for turning the change into reality,

 Utilizing change systems that will ingrain specific change among the employees required

in the facility to make it simple into reality and implementing the 4D change venture

structure that is great for overseeing organizational change ventures (Burnes, 2005).
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Burnes, B. (2005). Complexity theories and organizational change. International Journal Of

Management Reviews, 7(2), 73-90.

Carter, K. (2015). Book Review: Youth Resistance Research and Theories of

Change. Management In Education, 29(4), 189-190.
Change Management 12

Huntington Hospital New Look & Feel. (2016). Retrieved 14

August 2016, from



CHANGE MANAGEMENT. International Journal Of Management Cases, 13(4), 252-


Prescription processing changes. (2013). The Pharmaceutical Journal.

Rufo, R. (2012). Use of Change Management Theories in Gaining Acceptance of Telemedicine

Technology. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 35(4), 322-327.

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