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Name: Justin Prather

Grade Level: 12th Grade
Content Area: Economics
Basic Productivity Tool Used: (Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheet, NCES Create-A-Graph, a
narrated PowerPoint saves as an .MWV, etc.)
Standards Addressed: (Example: MCCK.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and tens

SSEMA2 The student will explain the role and functions of the Federal Reserve System.
a. Describe the organization of the Federal Reserve System.

Bloom’s Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class:
Students will use the Sway as a way to review the material on the Federal Reserve before class. This
way students will come to class knowing the information and be prepared to engage in the activity
dealing with the Federal Reserve. Students should take notes from the Sway and be prepared to use
them in the activity. The Sway may also be accessed as students engage in their activity which is to
create a brochure about the Federal Reserve. The Sway serves as an instructional tool which students
learn from.
Students increase their understanding by viewing and taking notes from the Sway. Then they analyze
the information or break it down to create the components of their Fed. brochure project. These
components include topics such as the structure and purpose of the Fed. Finally, students apply the
information as they actually create their brochure and relay the information to others in its
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): What LoTi best describes this learning experience
and Why.
The LoTi best connected to this lesson in LoTi level 3 “Infusion.” The use of the Sway is central to
students learning the content information about The Federal Reserve. Students analyze and apply the
material as they review the Sway and then create their Federal Reserve Brochures. Students engage
in a hands on learning activity by having to review The Federal Reserve information before they get
to class. This then allows students to take what they have learned and effectively apply it in the
creation of the brochures. The students are learning on their own rather than just the teacher telling
them all about the Federal Reserve. Students have little input as to what they will create as a form of
assessment. They must complete the brochure project. There is some application of why this
information is important. However, it does not directly correlate to students’ everyday lives.
Primarily, this lesson is a level 3 LoTi because it does just begin to infuse students with the use of
technology in a newer way. What bumps up the LoTi level is the flipped classroom method of having
students review the Sway at home, and then students use another BPT in class, along with the
content information, to create their Federal Reserve brochures.
Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *:
The Sway will be used as an example of the information that should be included in the students’
Federal Reserve brochures. The Sway is a source of their content knowledge. Students will see that


the Sway breaks down the Federal Reserve into parts such as structure or purpose. This provides
students with an example as to how to section their brochures.

Other comments about your proposed spreadsheet/graph/chart activity: Having students

preview the Sway before class, is a great way for them to learn rather simple content information
about the Federal Reserve without using class time. Students at most spend 15 to 20 minutes
reviewing the Sway and making notes at home. Then class time can be spent on students actually
using their content knowledge to create something meaningful. This practice moves students past
simply reviewing/recalling content and actually has them apply it to create something. This lesson is
adapted from a Power Point lecture I have used with permission from Scott Bauman, AP Econ.

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