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Pharmacological and electrophysiological

characterization of novel NMDA receptor


Rosana Leiva,† Matthew B. Phillips,ǂ Andreea L. Turcu, †,‡ Esther Gratacòs-Batlle, ‡ Lara León-

García,# Francesc X. Sureda,# David Soto, ‡ Jon W. Johnson,ǂ ,* Santiago Vázquez†,*

Laboratori de Química Farmacèutica (Unitat Associada al CSIC), Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències

de l’Alimentació i Institut de Biomedicina (IBUB), Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Joan XXIII, 27-

31, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.

Department of Neuroscience and Center for Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania 15260, United States.

‡Neurophysiology Laboratory, Physiology Unit, Department of Biomedicine, Medical School

Universitat de Barcelona, August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS),

Barcelona, and Institut of Neurosciences, 08036 Barcelona, Spain.

Pharmacology Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, C./St.

Llorenç 21, 43201 Reus (Tarragona), Spain.

KEYWORDS. Alzheimer’s disease, electrophysiology, glutamate, NMDA receptor, memantine

ABSTRACT. This work reports the synthesis, pharmacological and electrophysiological

evaluation of new N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (NMDAR) channel blocking antagonists

featuring unique polycyclic scaffolds. Subtle changes in the chemical structure modulate the

potency and voltage- dependence of inhibitionand blocking/unblocking properties. Two of the new

antagonistsm display uncompetitive, voltage-dependence and degree of block and unblock Commented [JJW1]: Explanation of edit: Although channel
blockers are often referred to as “uncompetitive”, I find the term
inaccurate for trapping channel blockers and prefer not to use it.
properties comparable to those of memantine, a clinically approved NMDAR antagonist. Based on its original definition, an uncompetitive inhibitor cannot be
bound to the unliganded protein (enzyme or receptors). However,
trapping channel blockers, although they can only bind when the
channel is open (consistent with an uncompetitive mechanism), they
also remain bound to the receptor after the channel closes and
TEXT agonists unbind (inconsistent with an uncompetitive mechanism).
Noncompetitive unfortunately is used in two ways: (a) generically
(just meaning not competitive, which would be appropriate for
channel blockers), and (b) a drug that can bind to any state of a
The amino acid (S)-glutamate1-2 is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous receptor (which is inaccurate for channel blockers). Because of
meaning (b), I think it is safer also to avoid uncompetitive.
So, if you don’t mind, I would prefer to avoid use of
system and activates a wide diversity of receptors comprising ionotropic (iGluRs) as well as “uncompetitive” (and “noncompetitive”), and just call them channel
blocking antagonists. In the hope that would be OK, I changed all
uses of “uncompetitive” in the document.
metabotropic glutamate receptors. iGluRs, ligand-gated ion channels composed of four subunits, Commented [JJW2]: Is that now the accepted nomenclature? I
still almost always see L-glutamate.
can be classified into three classes based on their physiological roles and their selective activation

by the agonists (S)-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl)propionic acid (AMPA), kainate

and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA).3-5 Among iGluRs, the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) reveals

possesses unique properties including co-agonism – its activation requires two co-agonists,

glutamate and glycine, binding simultaneously at the receptor –, a high permeability for Ca2+ ions

and voltage- dependent channel blockade by Mg2+, which has to be relievedmoved in order to Commented [JJW3]: Here a hyphen should be used.

allow ion flow through the channel.6-8

NMDARs are heterotetrameric complexes derived from three main types of subunits, namely

GluN1, GluN2 and GluN3, of whichere GluN1 is obligatory.9-14 Usually a single NMDAR is

composed of two mandatory glycine-binding GluN1 subunits plus two glutamate-binding GluN2

subunits. There are currently eight known splice variants of the GluN1 subunit, four distinct GluN2

subunits subtypes (A-D), referred to as GluN2A through to GluN2D, and two recognized subtypes

of the GluN3 subunit subtypes (A,B).8,15-17

NMDARs are expressed at nearly all vertebrate synapses and play key roles in neuronal

development, plasticity, and survival.Dysregulation of the ionotropic receptors has been linked to

a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders.12,18-19 Specifically, Ca2+ influx through

NMDARs is a signal of paramount importance for synaptic plasticity, including long-term

potentiation and long-term depression, physiological processes that are the cellular basis of many

forms of learning and memory.20 However, NMDAR overstimulation triggers excessive Ca2+

influx and leads, leading to excitotoxicity, which is the primary mediator of neuronal death

following stroke and is believed to play a key role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative

diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD).21-22 Hence, NMDAR

antagonists able to prevent the over-activation of the NMDARs are considered of interest for

dealing with the aforementioned disordersas neuroprotective drugs.

However, several competitive NMDAR antagonists failed in clinical trials for

neurodegenerative disorders and related conditions, possibly because they blocked both the

physiological as well as thend pathological stateseffects of the receptorNMDARs, leading to

severe adverse effects.23-25 Initially, several high-affinity, uncompetitive NMDAR antagonists,

such as dizocilpine (1), phencyclidine (2), and ketamine (3), which bind within the ion channel at

the Mg2+ site, also failed or were not assayed in clinical trials, because their slow off-rates led to

persistent inactivation. Nevertheless, two adamantane derivatives, amantadine (4) and memantine

(5), which are uncompetitive, voltage-dependent, low-affinity NMDAR antagonists (Ki ~1 M for

5) with fast on-off kinetics, are clinically used for the treatment of PD and AD, respectively (Figure

1).26-30 These uncompetitive NMDAR antagonists are open channel blockers: they can neither

block the channel nor unbind after blocking it when closed.31-33 Commented [JJW4]: Matt and I suggest below a modified
version of the rest of this paragraph. One reason for the suggested
change is to modify the categorization of channel blockers based on
IC50s. Of the blockers mentioned, dizocilpine has the lowest IC50,
PCP is about 10-fold higher, ketamine another ~10-fold higher,
memantine ~2-fold higher, and amantadine ~50-fold higher. So, if
one uses high to low affinity names, I would say dizocilpine and
PCP are high affinity, memantine and ketamine are moderate
affinity, amantadine is low. See also comments below on the next
References that we suggest adding are shown in full at the end of
the References section.
Suggested modified version:
“…effects.23-25 Many NMDAR open channel blocking
antagonists, which bind at sites that overlap with the Mg2+ site and
can only bind and unbind when the channel is open31-33, also have
been tested as therapeutic agents. Most NMDAR channel blockers
failed clinical trials, and several were found to be neurotoxic when
administered at high doses to control animals (Olney et al., 1989),
including dizocilpine (MK-801), phencyclidine, and ketamine
(compounds 1, 2, and 3, respectively, in Figure 1). Nevertheless, two
adamantane derivatives, amantadine and memantine (compounds 4
and 5 in Figure 1), which are low- (amantadine) and moderate-
(memantine) affinity voltage-dependent NMDAR channel blockers,
Figure 1. Structures of uncompetitive NMDAR channel blocking antagonists 1-6. are used clinically for treatment of PD and AD, respectively.26-30”
Commented [MP5]: Should some commentary on the structural
characteristics (e.g. shared qualities such as multiple rings, an amine,
Although it is widely accepted that its fast off-rate from the channel is a major determinant of etc.) be included in the legend?

the clinical tolerability of 5 vs the excessively slow off-rate of others uncompetitive NMDAR

antagonists, such as 1,27,34-35 it another complementary explanation has recently been proposed an

alternative/complementary explanation. Recent work has revealed suggested that overactivation

of extrasynaptic NMDARs plays a major role in cell death pathways, whereas synaptic NMDAR
Commented [JJW6]: Matt and I suggest below a modified
stimulation activates cell survival pathways.36-38 In other words, neuroprotection or neurotoxicity version of this paragraph. Some reasons for suggested changes:
(1) Importance of kinetics to clinical utility: There is a correlation,
and wide speculation that kinetics is important, but in my opinion no
are not determined solely by the degree of overall NMDAR activity, but by the extent to which sound mechanistic basis. So, I see it as one hypothesis among many.
(2) Idea that synaptic NMDARs are neuroprotective and
extrasynaptic receptors are neurotoxic: Again, a widely cited
synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs are activated, raising the possibility of therapeutic hypothesis, but we feel there is a lot of evidence on both sides, and
there is no reason to commit ourselves here to that hypothesis. I
believe it is clear that extrasynaptic NMDARs serve important
intervention based on NMDAR subcellular localization. Of note, many recent studies suggest that physiological functions, and overactivation of synaptic NMDARs
can be neurotoxic.
Suggested modified version of this paragraph:
5 predominantly inhibits extrasynaptic NMDARs, while most evidence suggests that 4 does not “Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the divergent
clinical effects of NMDAR channel blockers. The kinetics of
recovery from inhibition, which are much faster for memantine than
distinguish between synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs.39 dizocilpine, have been proposed to be a major determinant of
clinical tolerability27,34-35. An alternative hypothesis is that the utility
of memantine may derive from an ability to preferentially inhibit
Although memantine is well-tolerated by AD patients, it triggers possesses limited clinical extrasynaptic NMDARs, activation of which has been proposed to
be especially neurotoxic.(36-38, but see Wroge et al. 2012; Zhou et al.
2013) Another recent proposal is that clinical safety may be
benefitsefficacy.40 For this reason, new lowmoderate-affinity NMDAR antagonists with similar associated with preferential inhibition of NMDARs that undergo
Ca2+-dependent desensitization following exposure to high
intracellular Ca2+, a property exhibited by 5 but not 3.39”

but distinct pharmacological propertiesfast on-off kinetics and improved selectivity for

extrasynaptic NMDARs are of interest.27,34-35 Thus, we recently started a project aimed to design, Commented [JJW7]: This could be dangerous for reviews
because the topic is not addressed by our data.

synthesize, and to pharmacologically and electrophysiologically evaluate characterize new

polycyclic amines as analogues of 5 with improved pharmacological profiles.

Taking into account that carbocyclic amines other that than 4 and 5 display similar affinity to

NMDARs (e.g, neramexane, 6),41-44 and that the methyl groups of memantine are critical for an

optimal potency at NMDARs (IC50 of memantine is roughly sixtyfifty-fold lower than that of Commented [JJW8]: My lab reported the relative IC50s of
memantine and amantadine; can we please cite that paper also? It is
(I will add full information at end of references):
amantadine),45 we envisaged the synthesis of polycyclic amine 7 (Figure 2) and a few selected Blanpied et al., 1997.
We got a difference in IC50s of ~28-fold, and Ref 45 got a
difference of ~75-fold. So, I changed this to fifty (~half way in
analogues. These new analogues included amines 8, for considering the impact of the distance between).

between the polcycylic cage and the amino group, 9 and 10, for assessing the effect of

conformational freedom, and guanidine 11, for evaluating the effect of basicity.

Figure 2. Chemical structures of new putative NMDAR antagonists 7-11.


Chemical synthesis. Compounds 9, 10 and 11 were prepared using procedures previously reported

by our group.46-47 Primary amines 7 and 8 were synthesized following the sequence shown in

Scheme 1, starting from known anhydride 12.48 Briefly, treatment of anhydride 12 with an excess

of methanol at reflux furnished hemiester 13 in quantitative yield. Barton’s decarboxylation

procedure led to ester 14, which upon hydrolysis yielded carboxylic acid 15. From this key

intermediate, Curtius rearrangement led to primary amine 7. Finally, amine 8 was obtained by

reduction of amide 16, in turn obtained from 15. Both target amines 7 and 8 were fully

characterized as their corresponding hydrochlorides.

Scheme 1. Synthesis of amines 7 and 8.

Pharmacology and Structure-Activity Relationships. To evaluate if the new compounds were

able to antagonize NMDARs, we measured itstheir effect on the increase in intracellular Ca2+

evoked by application of NMDA (100 µM, in the presence of 10 µM of glycine) onto rat cultured

rat cerebellar granule neurons.49 Pleasingly, inspection of the results shown in Table 1 reveals that

all the new compounds were clearly more potent than amantadine (IC50 = 92 M) with values of

IC50 in the low micromolar range. Although differences are small, it seems that conformationally

restricted secondary amines 9 (5.8  0.96 M) and 10 (5.1  0.96 M) are less potent than

secondary amine 8 (2.8  1.07 M), while directly joining the polar amino group to the polycyclic

ring slightly reduces the activity (compare 7 vs 8). Overall, guanidine 11 and primary amine 8

were the more potent compounds, with IC50 values (2.7  0.37 and 2.8  1.07 M, respectively)

only slightly higher than that of memantine (1.5  0.1 M).

Table 1. IC50 (M) values for amantadine, memantine and new analogs 7-11 as NMDAR


NMDA (100 M)

Compound IC50 (M)

Amantadine 92  29

Memantine 1.5  0.1 Commented [JJW9]: In most places amantadine is referred to as

4 and memantine as 5; should that be done here?

7 4.1  1.68

8 2.8  1.07

9 5.8  0.96

10 5.1  0.96

11 2.7  0.37
aFunctional dData were obtained from primary cultures of cerebellar granule neurons as

described inusing the mMethods described in the experimental section by measuring the
intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Cells were exposed tochallenged with 100 M NMDA as
indicated in the presence ofplus 10 M of glycine. Data shown are means ± SEM of at least three
separate experiments carried out on three different batches of cultured cells.

Functional block of NMDARs by newly synthesized polycyclic amines. We next decided to

evaluated the functional ability of compounds 7-11 to block NMDARs. ToIn order to carry out

these electrophysiological studies, we transfected tsA201 cells with expression plasmids codifying

for rat GluN1 and GluN2A. 48 hrs after transfection we performed whole-cell experiments on Commented [MP10]: Time after transfection listed here is
different than my experiments, so it may be better to delete specifics
here and give the full details in Methods.
tsA201 cells transfected with expression plasmids codifying rat GluN1 and GluN2A subunits to

measure the blocking properties of the newly synthesized polycyclic amines. We clamped the cells

at -60 mV and then we evoked NMDAR currents by applying 100 µM NMDA plus 10 µM of

glycine. After the NMDAR-evoked current reached a steady state, we rapidly applied a given

blocking compound by means of piezoelectric translation of a double-barreled theta glass tubing

(<1 ms exchange between solutions). By doing so, we could compare the percentage of block for

each tested compound. Figure 3 shows a typical example of an experiment for the distinct

compounds tested (5 and 7-11). Memantine (compound 5; 10 M) blocked nearly 90% of the

activated current while the percentage of block of the new synthetized compounds varied amongst

them. Compounds 7 and 8 at 10 M displayed a similar degree of NMDAR block of NMDARs

than similar to memantine (82.5 ± 3.2 % for 7 and 88.3 ± 3.7 % for 8 vs 89.2 ± 1.0 % for

memantine; p=0.056 and p=0.694 respectively, Mann Whitney U-test; n=18, 7 and 7 for

compounds 5, 7 and 8, respectively; Figure 4A). Compounds 9 and 10 at 10 M induced blocked

less efficientlyinhibition than memantine (71.9 ± 3.8 % for 9 and 70.4 ± 5.6 % for 10 vs 89.2 ± 1.0

% for memantine; p=0.001 and p=0.012 respectively, Mann Whitney U-test; n=18, 8 and 10 for

compounds 5, 9 and 10, respectively; Figure 4A). On the other hand, 10 M compound 11 induced

more inhibitionblocked more efficiently than memantine (97.9 ± 1.9 %; p=0.001 vs memantine;

n=11). Thus, compounds 7, 8 and 11 appeared as good candidates to block NMDARs with potency

in a similar way asthat of memantine does.

We also evaluated the capacity of the differentnewly synthesized blockers to unblock the

channel pore in the continuous presence of 100 µM NMDA plus 10 µM glycine by rapidly (<1 Commented [JJW11]: Is this correct?

ms) removal of the blocker and by calculating the percentage of current recovery after the current Commented [JJW12]: Explanation for this edit: We have
found that even when a fast perfusion system can change solution
very quickly, unless cells are lifted off the bottom of the dish,
reached a steady state. All tested compounds showed similar capacity to unblock the pore complete exchange of solution surrounding a cell takes much longer
(presumably because solution must diffuse underneath the cell if it is
not lifted off the dish).
compared with memantine (94.9 ± 2.2 %, 90.6 ± 3.5 %, 92.5 ± 5.9, 92.3 ± 3.0 % and 93.5 ± 3.4 %

for compounds 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 vs 94.2 ± 2.1 % for memantine; p>0.05 for all compounds

compared with memantine; Figure 4B).

Finally we assessed the voltage dependence of channel block by the different compounds.

During the recordings we applied two positive pulses of +60 mV (0.5 s duration) onduring the

sustained NMDA- and glycine-evoked current. The first pulse was applied in the presence of the

blocking compound at 10 M and a second +60 mV pulse was applied in the absence of the

blocker. Hence, we could extract the percentage of block at +60 mVpositive voltages. We only

found one cCompound, 11, which appeared to be the most potent compound when tested at -60

mV, alsowith some voltage independencedisplayed the greatest inhibition at +60 mV (73.0 ± 3.6 Commented [JJW13]: It is difficult to make a conclusion about
voltage dependence (which usually is quantified as voltage
dependence of IC50) of 11 based on Fig. 3, since 11 was the most
% block for 11 vs 8.1 ± 4.0 % for memantine; p<0.001 Mann Whitney U-test; n=18 and 10, effective of the compounds at both -60 and +60 mV. One could
calculate IC50 at each voltage based on the inhibition by the single
concentration used. However, with 97.9% inhibition at -60 mV,
respectively; Figure 4C). Compounds 7-10 had similar blocking percentages at +60 mV as estimating IC50 at -60 mV for estimating V dependence would not
be very accurate.

memantine (2.4 ± 5.1 %, 14.7 ± 4.5 %, 9.0 ± 3.6 % and 10.4 ± 6.4 %; p>0.05 for these compounds

compared with memantine; Figure 4C). The strong voltage independence of guanidine 11 rules it

out as a good memantine-like candidate for putative therapeutic purposes. Commented [JJW14]: I suggest deleting this based both on the
previous comment (difficult to estimate V dependence), and because
moderate (rather than very strong) voltage dependence has been
proposed to be a desirable property for therapeutic channel blockers
(although no one really knows).

Figure 3. A. Example recording showing the protocol used to study the degree of channel block, Commented [JJW15]: Comment on both Figs. 3 and 4: Usually
figure legends have a title that precedes the first panel letter.

the voltage dependence and the unblocking percentage of compound 5 (memantine). Whole-cell

currents were evoked in tsA201 cells expressing NMDARs (GluN1/GluN2A) NMDARs by bath

application of 100 μM NMDA plus 10 μM glycine. Compound 5 was rapidly applied at 10 μM.

B-F. Example traces in the same conditions as described in A but for compounds 7, 8, 9, 10 and

11, respectively. All compounds were used at 10 μM.

Figure 4. A. Summary of the blocking percentage at the holding potential of -60 mV for the

different compounds tested. **p>0.01 vs compound 5; Mann Whitney U-test. Numbers inside bars

denote the number of experiments. B. Degree of unblock (measured as the percentage of current

recovery after removal of the blocker) where no differences between compounds can be observed.

The number of experiments is the same as denoted in A. C. Percentage of block at +60 mV for the

different studied compounds, where it can be seen a strong voltage independence for guanidine

11. ***p>0.001 vs compound 5; Mann Whitney U-test. The number of experiments for each Commented [JJW16]: I recommend deleting this. Compound
11 is V dependent, and since it inhibits more at both -60 mV and at
+60 mV, only additional quantitative analysis would allow
condition is the same as stated in A. determination whether the V dependence of compound 11 is weaker
than V dependence of the other compounds. As an example (with
concentrations = 10 microM), suppose:
Compound A inhibits 70% at -60 mV (IC50 = 4.3 microM)
Concentration- and voltage- dependence of NMDAR inhibition by 5, 7, and 8, and 11. Whole- Compound A inhibits 10% at +60 mV (IC50 = 90 microM)
Compound B inhibit 99% at -60 mV (IC50 = 0.1 microM)
Compound B inhibits 80% at +60 mV (IC50 = 2.5 microM)
cell patch-clamp recordings from tsA201 cells expressing GluN1/2A receptors were used to further Then Compound B has slightly greater V dependence than A.
Commented [MP17]: Unless correction for multiple
comparisons was used, an ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc analysis
assess further the pharmacological properties of the two three more promising derivatives, primary would be more appropriate. If you want to stick with a non-
parametric test, a Kruskal-Wallis test would work.
amines 7 and, 8, and 11. Experiments measuring memantine (5) IC50 and voltage-dependence of Commented [JJW18]: No hyphens in this case (use hyphen for,
e.g., “concentration-dependent kinetics”, but not for “concentration
block were performed for comparison. In cells held at -65 mV, application of either drug in the

presence of agonist rapidly and reversibly reduced currents evoked by agonist application alone Commented [JJW19]: I suggest deleting this because this
observation already was shown in Fig. 3

(Figures 5A and 6A). Ffractional inhibition by each drug was measured at 5 increasing drug

concentrations and used to calculate the IC50 of each drug (Figures 5–8, A). The IC50 value and

Hill coefficient measured for 5 (5: IC50 = 1.84 ± 0.39 μM, nH = 1.07 ± 0.27, n=5 cells; Fig. 5B) are

similar to previously-reported values measured under the same conditions39. 7, 8, and 11 7 and 8

were found to have moderate IC50 values and similar Hill coefficients (nH) (7: IC50 = 2.78 ± 0.25

μM, nH = 0.98 ± 0.08, n=7 cells; 8: IC50 = 1.01 ± 0.13 μM, nH = 1.01 ± 0.11, n=7 cells; 11: IC50 =

0.48 ± 0.09 μM, nH = 1.00 ± 0.03, n=4 cells; Figures 6–8, B5B, and 6B, ; n=7 cells each). 8 and

11 exhibited significantly lower IC50s than 5 or 7 (p < 0.0001), and the IC50 of 5 was significantly

lower than that of 7 (p = 0.0015; Fig. 9A). The IC50 values and Hill coefficients of 7 and 8 are

similar to the IC50 and Hill coefficient, measured under the same conditions, of memantine (1.82

± 0.06 μM, nH = 0.94 ± 0.02),39 a NMDAR open channel blocker used in the treatment of AD.29

To measure voltage dependence of inhibition by 5, 7, 8, and 118, fractional inhibition elicited

by roughly twice the IC50 of each drug was measured at 9 different voltages (examples from 5

voltages are shown in Figures 5C and 6CFigures 5–8, C). The fractional inhibition produced by

the drugs decreased as voltageVm increased was depolarized (Figures 5–8, C and D5D and 6D), as Commented [JJW20]: Since Vm has not been defined, and
“voltage” is used frequently, let’s not use Vm (except in the figures).

expected of positively charged channel blockers. Fitting of Equation 2 to current-voltage data

revealed that was used to quantify voltage dependence of inhibition by each drug was strongly

dependent on Vm (5: V0 = 28.0 ± 2.2 mV, δ = 0.91 ± 0.08, n=5 cells; 7: V0 = 26.5 ± 1.8 mV, δ = Commented [JJW21]: Since this basically is shown in Figs. 3-
4, I thought we should instead focus on what is added by these
experiments: quantification of V dependence.
0.99 ± 0.05, n=7 cells; 8: V0 = 29.9 ± 1.9 mV, δ = 0.87 ± 0.05, n = 8 cells; 11: V0 = 33.6 ± 1.5 mV,

δ = 0.76 ± 0.03, n = 4 cells; Figures 5–8, D5D and 6D), suggesting the drugs block the NMDAR

channel deep in the voltage field.50 The voltage dependence of inhibition was found to be

significantly weaker for 11 than for either 5 or 7 (Fig. 9B).

Formatted: Centered

Figure 5. Concentration and voltage dependence of NMDAR inhibition by 5. A. Representative

current traces from one cell depicting effect of 5 on GluN1/2A receptor currents. Application of 1

mM Glu (black bars) elicited an inward current that was antagonized by application of 5 (red bars).

B. Concentration-inhibition relation for 5. Line shows best fit of Equation 2 (IC50 = 1.84 ± 0.39

μM, nH = 0.98 ± 0.08; n = 5). C. Representative voltage (Vm; top) and current (bottom) traces

depicting effect of membrane potential upon inhibition by 3 μM 5. Traces from 5 of the 9

membrane potentials tested are displayed for clarity. D. Current-voltage relation of inhibition by

5. Line shows best fit of Equation 2 (V0 = 28.0 ± 2.2; n=4). Points in B and D represent mean

fractional currents measured at each concentration (B) or voltage (D); error bars represent SEM

and are sometimes smaller than symbols.

Commented [RL22]: Jon, please, change RL-202 for 7.

RESPONSE: Please delete this figure. Matt made the changes and
inserted revised figures.

Figure 65. Concentration- and voltage- dependence of NMDAR inhibition by 7. A, B. Same as Commented [JJW23]: Note that these hyphens are deleted.

Figure 5A, B, except concentration-inhibition measurements made using 7 (IC50 = 2.78 ± 0.25 μM,

nH = 0.98 ± 0.08; n = 7). C, D. Same as Figure 5C, D, except measurements of voltage-dependence

made using 5 μM 7 (V0 = 26.5 ± 1.8; n=7). A. Representative current traces from one cell depicting

effect of 7 on GluN1/2A receptor currents. Application of 1 mM Glu (black bars) elicited an inward

current that was antagonized by application of 7 (red bars). B. Concentration-inhibition relation

for 7. Line shows best fit of Equation 1 (IC50 = 2.78 ± 0.25 μM, nH = 0.98 ± 0.08; n = 7). C.

Representative voltage (Vm; top) and current (bottom) traces depicting effect of membrane

potential upon inhibition by 5 μM 7. Traces from 5 of the 9 membrane potentials tested are

displayed for clarity. D. Current-voltage relation of block by 7. Line shows best fit of Equation 2

(V0 = 26.5 ± 1.8; n=7). Points in B and D represent mean fractional currents measured at each

concentration (B) or voltage (D); error bars represent SEM and are often smaller than symbols.

Commented [RL24]: Jon, please, change RL-208 for 8.
RESPONSE: Please delete this figure – corrected version is inserted.

Figure 67. Concentration- and voltage- dependence of NMDAR inhibition by 8. A, B. Same as

Figure 5A, B, except concentration-inhibition measurements made using 8 (IC50 = 1.01 ± 0.13 μM,

nH = 1.01 ± 0.11; n=7). C, D. Same as Figure 53C, D, except measurements of voltage-dependence

made using 2 μM 8 (V0 = 29.9 ± 1.9; n=8).

Formatted: Centered

Figure 8. Concentration and voltage dependence of NMDAR inhibition by 11. A, B. Same as

Figure 5 A, B, except concentration-inhibition measurements made using 11 (IC50 = 0.48 ± 0.09

μM, nH = 1.00 ± 0.03; n=4). C, D. Same as Figures 5 C, D, except measurements of voltage-

dependence made using 1 μM 11 (V0 = 33.6 ± 1.5; n=4).

Figure 9. Comparison of NMDAR channel blocker properties. Sample size denoted by number

inside column. A. Comparison of blocker IC50 values measured at -65 mV. B. Comparison of

voltage dependence of inhibition by the blockers. All comparisons made by one-way ANOVA

with Tukey post hoc analysis; *p>0.01, **p>0.001, ***p>0.0001.


We have described the synthesis, pharmacological evaluation and electrophysiology of a few

newnovel family of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (NMDAR) antagonistschannel blockers.

Despite profound structural modifications (e.g., compare diene 9 vs the other compounds), or Commented [JJW25]: In the Abstract there is reference to
“Subtle changes in the chemical structure modulate…” Although
some of the changes are subtle and some more profound, there
different pKa (e.g., compare amine 10 vs guanidine 11), all the inhibitors showed similar seems to be a disagreement in emphasis.

potencyIC50 values as NMDAR antagonists. However, subtle changes in the chemical structure Commented [JJW26]: Only measured IC50s for 7, 8, 11;
“potency” is a little more ambiguous.

modulated both the degree of inhibition and voltage-dependence of inhibition by and

blocking/unblocking properties of the inhibitors (e.g., primary amine 8 vs secondary amine 10 or Commented [MP27]: I tend to consider voltage dependence of
block to itself be a blocking/unblocking property. We didn’t
examine any properties of block other than potency and voltage
amine 10 vs guanidine 11; Figures 3 and 4). Primary amines 7 and 8 displayed uncompetitive, dependence of block, so I think we should state that here.
Additionally, we only quantified V dependence for three of the
voltage-dependence and degree of block and unblock propertiespotency comparable to memantine

(5). Work is in progress to assess the selectivity of 7 and 8 between synaptic and extrasynaptic

NMDARs. Commented [S28]: Jon, I know that you are planning –or are
running- further experiments with these compounds. However I have
doubts regarding what are you doing (perhaps not these but the entry
through the membrane?).
METHODS I have also doubts about adding or not this sentence to the ms
because the editor/reviewers may tell us “wait for publishing after
having the work finished”…

Chemistry. (3,4,8,9-Tetramethyltetracyclo[,9.04,8]dec-1-yl)amine hydrochloride (7). A Alternatively: “Work is in progress to further characterize

compounds 7 and 8”
(we are profiling both compounds in vitro assays –microsomal
solution of the acid 15 (182 mg, 1.35 mmol) in DCM (5 mL) was prepared in a two -necked round- stability, hERG, etc – for choosing one for an in vivo expirements).

JON RESPONSE: I agree with your concern. I think it would be

bottom flask equipped with a condenser, a gas outlet and a magnetic stirring. Concentrated H2SO4 safest to just delete this sentence – no need to make any promises
(and give reviewers ideas for requests).

(0.43 mL) was added and the reaction was heated to 50 °C. Then, NaN3 (189 mg, 2.90 mmol) was

carefully added portionwise. The reaction was kept at 50 °C for 1.5 h. The resulting mixture was

cooled with an ice bath. Crushed ice (2 g) was added to the reaction and the aqueous layer was

basified with 2 N NaOH to basic pH. The layers were separated, and the aqueous layer was

extracted with warmed CH2Cl2, because due to the low solubility of the product (6 x 20 mL). The

combined organics were dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 and filtered. An excess of HCl in 1,4-

dioxane was added to the residue and the suspension was concentrated under reduced pressure to

give the 7·HCl as a brown solid (182 mg, 95% yield). The analytical sample was obtained by

crystallization from hot CH2Cl2, mp 200 °C (sublimation). IR (ATR) : 628, 685, 716, 1010, 1041,

1062, 1090, 1114, 1147, 1163, 1188, 1232, 1294, 1310, 1341, 1369, 1385, 1452, 1460, 1483, 1501,

1524, 1547, 1620, 1646, 2072, 2583, 2697, 2790, 2873, 2899, 2961, 3395, 3426 cm-1. 1H-NMR

(400 MHz, CD3OD) δ: 0.90 [dd, J = 11.4 Hz, J’ = 2.4 Hz, 2H, 5(7)-Ha], 0.98-1.02 [d, J = 10.8 Hz,

2H, 2(10)-Ha], 1.01 [s, 6H, 3(9)-CH3 or 4(8)-CH3], 1.03 [s, 6H, 4(8)-CH3 or 3(9)-CH3], 1.94 [dd,

J = 11.4 Hz, J’ = 1.6 Hz, 2H, 5(7)-Hb], 1.99 [d, J = 10.8 Hz, 2H, 2(10)-Hb], 2.25 (m, 1H, 6-H).
C-NMR (100.5 MHz, CD3OD) δ: 15.4 [CH3, C3(9)-CH3 or C4(8)-CH3], 15.6 [CH3, C4(8)-CH3

or C3(9)-CH3], 38.9 [CH2, C5(7)], 40.8 (CH, C6), 42.0 [CH2, C2(10)], 45.8 [C, C3(9) or C4(8)],

46.2 [C, C3(9) or C4(8)], 58.1 (C, C1). HRMS-ESI+ m/z [M+H]+ calcd for [C14H23N+H]+:

206.1903, found: 206.1907. Anal. Calcd for C14H23N·HCl·0.66H2O: C 66.24, H 10.06, N 5.52.

Found: C 66.07, H 9.59, N 5.40.

(3,4,8,9-Tetramethyltetracyclo[,9.04,8]dec-1-yl)methylamine hydrochloride (8). A solution

of 16 (96 mg, 0.41 mmol) in anhydrous toluene (10 mL) was cooled to 0 °C and Red-Al® (0.7 mL,

2.05 mmol) was added dropwise. The reaction was heated to reflux overnight. The resulting

mixture was cooled with an ice bath and aqueous 10 N NaOH solution was added dropwise to

basic pH. Then, the reaction was stirred for 10 min. The layers were separated and the aqueous

layer extracted with DCM (3 x 20 mL). The combined organics were dried over anhydrous

Na2SO4, filtered and HCl/Et2O was added. After the concentration under reduced pressure, 8·HCl

was obtained as a white solid (92 mg, 88% yield). The analytical sample was obtained by washing

the solid with cooled Et2O, mp 240 °C (sublimation). IR (ATR) ν: 715, 844, 933, 968, 986, 998,

1016, 1031, 1064, 1097, 1117, 1130, 1163, 1178, 1223, 1297, 1350, 1367, 1383, 1451, 1461, 1479,

1501, 1514, 1613, 2860, 2916, 2941, 3012 cm-1. 1H-NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ: 0.63 [d, J = 11.2

Hz, 2H, 2(10)-Ha], 0.79 [broad d, J = 11.2 Hz, 2H, 5(7)-Ha], 0.995 [s, 6H, 3(9)-CH3 or 4(8)-CH3],

0.999 [s, 6H, 4(8)-CH3 or 3(9)-CH3], 1.76 [d, J = 11.2 Hz, 2H, 5(7)-Hb], 1.82 [d, J = 11.2 Hz, 2H,
2(10)-Hb], 2.12 (m, 1H, 6-H), 3.01 (s, 2H, CH2NH2). C-NMR (100.5 MHz, CD3OD) δ: 15.8

[CH3, C3(9)-CH3 or C4(8)-CH3], 16.0 [CH3, C4(8)-CH3 or C3(9)-CH3], 38.2 (CH, C6), 39.3 [CH2,

C5(7)], 42.1 [CH2, C2(10)], 42.5 (C, C1), 45.9 [C, C3(9) or C4(8)], 47.1 [C, C3(9) or C4(8)], 48.1

(CH2, CH2NH2). HRMS-ESI+ m/z [M+H]+ calcd for [C15H25N+H]+: 220.2060, found: 220.2050.

Anal. Calcd for C15H25N·HCl·0.25H2O: C 69.21, H 10.26, N 5.38. Found: C 69.15, H 10.01, N


Intracellular Ca2+ measurements. The functional assay of antagonist activity at NMDA

receptors was performed using primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule neurons that were

prepared according to established protocols.49 Cells were grown on 10 mm poly-L-lysine coated

round glass cover slips, and used for the experiments after 6-9 days in vitro. Cells were loaded

with 6 M Fura-2 AM (Invitrogen-Molecular Probes) for 30 min. Afterwards thea coverslip was

mounted on a quartz cuvette containing a Mg2+-free Locke-HEPESepes buffer using a special

holder. Measurements were performed using a PerkinElmer LS-55 fluorescence spectrometer

equipped with a fast-filter accessory, under mild agitation and at 37 ºC. Analysis from each sample

was recorded real-time during 1600 s. After stimulation with NMDA (100 M, in the presence of

10 M glycine), increasing cumulative concentrations of the compound to be tested were added.

The percentages of inhibition at every tested concentration were analyzed using a non-linear

regression curve fitting (variable slope) by using the software Prism 5.04 (GraphPad Software


Cell culture and transfection for electrophysiology experiments. Experiments were performed

using the tsA201 cell line (European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures). tsA201 cells were

maintained as previously described51-52 in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1%

GlutaMAX (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Sigma). Cells were plated

at 1 x 105 cells/dish in 35 mm petri dishes with three 15 mm glass coverslips treated with poly D-

lysine (0.1 mg/ml) and rat-tail collagen (0.1 mg/ml, BD Biosciences). 12-24 hours after plating,

the cells were transiently cotransfected with cDNAs encoding the rat GluN1-1a subunit (GenBank

X63255 in pcDNA3.1), rat GluN2A subunit (GenBank M91561 in pcDNA1), and enhanced green

fluorescent protein (eGFP in pRK7) for identification of transfected cells using FuGENE 6

Transfection Reagent (Promega) or using PEI transfection reagent (1 mg/ml) in a 3:1 ratio

(PEI:DNA). cDNA ratios of 1 eGFP: 1 GluN1: 1 GluN2A were used. Culture medium was

supplemented with the competitive NMDAR antagonist D, L-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate

(dl-APV, Sigma, 200 μM) at the time of transfection to prevent NMDAR-mediated cell death.

Electrophysiology. Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were performed on transfected tsA201

cells 18-30 48 hours after transfection. Pipettes were pulled from borosilicate capillary tubing (OD

= 1.5 mm, ID = 0.86 mm) using a Flaming Brown P-97 electrode puller (Sutter Instruments) and

subsequently fire-polished to a resistance of 2.5 – 4.5 MΩ using an in-house fabricated microforge

or a MF-830 forge (Narishige). Intracellular pipette solution contained (in mM) 130 CsCl, 10

HEPES, 10 BAPTA, and 4 MgATP with pH balanced to 7.2 ± 0.05 with CsOH and an osmolality

of 280 ± 10 mOsm. For experiments shown in Figures 3 and 4, intracellular solution contained (in

mM): 140 CsCl, 10 HEPES, 5 EGTA, 4 Na2ATP and 0.1 Na3GTP with pH balanced to 7.25 with

CsOH, A frozen aliquot of intracellular solution was thawed each day of experiments. Extracellular

recording solution contained (in mM) 140 NaCl, 2.8 KCl, 1 CaCl2, 10 HEPES, 0.01 EDTA, and

0.1 glycine, and was balanced to pH 7.2 ± 0.05 with NaOH and to osmolality 290 ± 10 mOsm with

sucrose. For experiments shown in Figures 3 and 4, extracellular solution contained (in mM): 140

NaCl, 5 KCl, 1 CaCl2, 10 HEPES and 10 glucose, balanced to pH 7.2 ± 0.05 with NaOH.

Glutamate (Glu) and drug solutions were diluted from concentrated stock solutions (Glu stock = 1

M in H2O; 7 and 8 stocks = 40 mM in 100% DMSO) in extracellular solution each day of


Whole-cell currents were recorded using either an Axopatch 1D or Axopatch 200B patch-clamp

amplifiers (Molecular Devices). Current signal was low-pass filtered at 5 kHz, and sampled at 20

kHz (or filtered at 1 kKHz and sampled at 2 kKHz in experiments from Figures 3 and 4) in

pClamp10.7 (Molecular Devices). Series resistance was compensated 80-90 % in all experiments.

A –6 mV liquid junction potential between the intracellular pipette solution and extracellular

solution was corrected in all experiments. Glu and drug solutions were delivered to the cell via an

in-house fabricated ten-barreled gravity-fed fast perfusion system.51 For experiments shown in

Figures 3 and 4, solutions containing agonists (100 μM NMDA and 10 μM glycine) or agonist and

of blockers (10 μM) were applied for by piezoelectric translation (P-601.30; Physik Instrumente)

of a theta-barrel application tool made from borosilicate glass (1.5 mm o.d.; Sutter Instruments).

All recordings were performed at room temperature.

The percentage of channel block, unblock and recovery (Figures 3 and 4) were measured with the

following protocol: at a holding of –60 mV, NMDA (100 μM) and glycine (10 μM) were applied

until current reached a clear steady-state (about 90 s). Then compounds 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 were

rapidly applied by piezo control (1 ms exchange solution) for 30 seconds as described.53 During

the application of the blocker, a 5 s pulse atvoltage step to +60 mV was applied in order to study

the voltage dependence of block. Blockers were then removed in the presence of the agonists to

allow recovery of the current. During this period (around 1 min) a second pulsevoltage step (5s

duration) ofto +60 mV was applied. Finally, agonists were removed. Percentage of block was

calculated by dividing steady state current in the presence of the blocker by steady state current in

the absence of the blocker. Percentage of unblock was calculated by dividing the steady state

current after blocker removal by the steady state current before blocker application. Finally, the

voltage dependence (% of block at +60 mV) was calculated by using Equation 1:

𝐼+60 (𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔)
% 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘 = 100 − ( ∗ 100)
𝐼+60 (𝐴𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑡)

where I+60(Drug) is the steady state current at the holding voltage of +60 mV in the presence of

agonists and the blocker, and I+60(Agonist) is the steady state current at +60 mV in the presence of

agonists but absence of the blocker.

Concentration-inhibition relations were measured using the protocol shown in Figures 5A, B and

6A, B. Glutamate (1 mM) was applied until current reached steady-state (20 s), then 7 or 8 at 0.05,

0.2, 1, 5, or 20 μM was applied in the presence of Glu until a new steady-state current level was

reached (30 s). Glu in the absence of drug was then reapplied for 30 s to allow drug unbinding

and recovery from inhibition. Cells in which recovery from inhibition did not reach 90% of steady-

state current during initial Glu application were excluded from analysis. IC50 and nH (Hill

coefficient) were estimated by fitting Equation 2 to concentration-inhibition data:

𝐼𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔 1
𝐼𝐺𝑙𝑢 [𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔] 𝑛𝐻
1 + ( 𝐼𝐶 )

where IDrug/IGlu (referred to as fractional inhibition) was calculated as the mean current over the

final 1 s of drug application divided by the average of the mean steady state currents (final 1 s)

elicited by Glu before and after drug application. IC50 and nH were free parameters during fitting.

Voltage dependence of block by 7 and 8 was measured using the protocol shown in Figures 5C, D

and 6C, D. Cells were subjected to voltage jumps from -65 mV to nine voltages ranging from -105

to +55 mV while undergoing solution applications following a pattern similar to concentration-

inhibition experiments. The protocol at each voltage consisted of: a 4 s wait in extracellular

solution; application of 1 mM Glu for 10 s; application of drug with 1 mM Glu for 15 s; application

of 1 mM Glu for 15 s to allow drug unbinding; application of extracellular solution for 2 s. Voltage

was then returned to -65 mV for 4 s before the next voltage jump was made. ~2 times the IC50 of

each drug was used in voltage dependence experiments. Voltage dependence of block was

calculated using Equation 3:

𝐼𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔 1
𝐼𝐺𝑙𝑢 [𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔]
1+ 𝑉𝑚 +65
𝐼𝐶50 (−65 𝑚𝑉)𝑒 𝑉0

where IC50 (–65 mV) is the IC50 at –65 mV calculated in concentration-inhibition experiments,

and V0 represents the change in voltageVm that results in an e-fold change in the IC50 of the drug.

IDrug/IGlu was calculated as described for concentration-inhibition data. V0 was the only free

parameter during fitting. An estimate of the fraction of the total membrane voltage field felt by the

blocker at its binding site (δ)50 was calculated fromusing Equation 4:

𝑉0 =

Note that, whilealthough δ is useful for comparing voltage dependence of blockers, voltage

dependence of NMDAR channel block is influenced by permeant ions.54 Therefore, δ is not an

accurate estimate of binding site location in the voltage field. Commented [JJW29]: Please see draft of replacement for this
section (sent in an additional file).


Supporting Information.

The following files are available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI:.

General methods for the chemical synthesis (PDF).


Corresponding Author

*Phone: +1 4126244295. E-mail:

*Phone: +34 934024533. E-mail:

Author Contributions

R. L. synthesized and characterized the new compounds, 7 and 8. A. L. T. synthesized compounds

9, 10 and 11 and together with E. G.-B. performed electrophysiological experiments of these

compounds. M. B. Ph. performed the electrophysiological experiments with compounds 7 and 8;

L. L.-G. and F. X. S. studied the antagonist activity at NMDA receptors in primary cultures of rat

cerebellar granule neurons; D. S., F. X. S., J. W. J. and S. V. designed the study, supervised the

project and wrote the manuscript. All authors have given approval to the final version of the



The authors declare no competing financial interest.


This study was supported by the Ministerio de Economía Industria y Competitividad and Fondo

Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (MINECO-FEDER) (Projects SAF2014-57094-R and BFU2014-

57562-P). The authors thank the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (FPU

fellowships to R. L. and A. L. T.).

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; AMPA, (S)-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl)propionic

acid; iGluRs, ionotropic glutamate receptors; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid; NMDAR,

NMDA receptor; PD, Parkinson’s disease.


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