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Form O

Practitioner Name: Registration Number:

Generalist Grade

Practitioner Type (s) and Grade : Auditor Grade Field (s) of Work
Technical Specialist Grade

*** Please refer to the ‘Guidance Notes’ at the end of this form for a detailed description of each column. Completed CPD Forms shall be uploaded into the respective field of the E-
application form. You may add more rows if needed.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Signature & Stamp
Duration Title and Description of the CPD Certificate Contact Details of the For Official
of Employer / Line
Item Date of CPD (i.e. training, conference, event Issued and CPD Organizer / Company Use only
Manager / HR /
(Hours) etc.). Attached
Training Manager
(Yes / No)

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Form O – OSH Practitioner CPD record - v3.0 – 15 October 2016 Page 1 of 5
Form O
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Signature & Stamp
Duration Title and Description of the CPD Certificate Contact Details of the For Official
of Employer / Line
Item Date of CPD (i.e. training, conference, event Issued and CPD Organizer / Company Use only
Manager / HR /
(Hours) etc.). Attached
Training Manager
(Yes / No)









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Form O – OSH Practitioner CPD record - v3.0 – 15 October 2016 Page 2 of 5
Form O


I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that the information provided in this Form with regards to my CPD records are correct and up to date.

Full Name:



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Form O – OSH Practitioner CPD record - v3.0 – 15 October 2016 Page 3 of 5
Form O

Guidance Notes for Continual Professional Development (CPD) Record

Heading Requirements
1 Item Numbering the CPD by 1, 2, 3…..
2 Date (DD/MM/YY) Day, month and year when CPD was undertaken.
3 Duration of CPD (Hours) Total number of hours spent on each CPD (excluding the breaks).
Depending upon the type of CPD, this could refer to title of training course, seminars, title of authored technical journals,
4 Title and Description of the CPD
presentations or articles published; and a brief introduction to the activity / contents.
CPD Certificate Issued and Please attach a CPD certificate (if applicable). To be supported by event attendance record in case attendance certificates not
Attached available / issued.
Contact Details of the CPD This section shall be completed in full for OSHAD to carry out verification. Contact details must include (1) Name of Entity; (2)
Organizer OSHMS Registration Number (If applicable); (3) Contact Person; (4) Phone No.; (5) Fax No.; (6) E-mail Address
Signature & Stamp of Employer /
Applicable where the CPD event is arranged / sponsored by the employer, or when such signature is the only possible proof of
7 Line Manager / HR / Training
CPD. Signatory Information (Name and designation) should be supported by official stamp.

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Form O
General Guidance on Acceptance of CPD
Professional Development is an important aspect of the OSHAD registration system and is required to maintain registration. All OSH Practitioner are required to undertake a total of
16 hours of CPD per year.
1. The continuing Professional Development shall be technically related to the practitioner’s Registration Type (s) and the Field (s) of Work for which registration is being sought or
2. Professional Development activities shall be through:

Professional Development Activities Number of CPD Hours

Attendance of professional body / association meetings; 0.25 HRS for each 1.00 HRS
Conventions, lectures, seminars, workshops; 0.25 HRS for each 1.00 HRS

Participation in formal OSH training and short courses; 1.00 HRS for each 1.00 HRS

Participation in relevant committees and working groups. 0.25 HRS for each 1.00 HRS

Publication of articles in industry journals and newsletters related to the field of specialization; 0.25 HRS for each 1.00 HRS

Public presentation of papers related to the field of specialization; 0.25 HRS for each 1.00 HRS

Teaching of courses in the field of specialization; and 1.00 HRS for each 1.00 HRS

Non-accredited / non-certified “training workshops” by OSHAD or SRA’s 0.50 HRS for each 1.00 HRS

3. Evidence of Professional Development needs to be provided. The applicant’s employer or sponsor must verify this evidence.
4. It is the responsibility of the OSH Practitioner to provide all necessary evidence required for OSHAD to be satisfied of the validity and acceptance of any activity.
5. More details of CPD activities can be found in

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