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Albert Einste in WllriWl>n in German y i n 1 879. He cn}oyed classica l music and liad ª'"'""Y Pla t'<'d
the v iolin at the age of six. Even as a sm a// hoy A f bcr1 was sel!Csu fficicnt. rhouglll fu/, and " shrn•
ta\ker who considered what he \V<>u ld sa)' aftcr ·arcls.
i' Albert Einstein 's first job was t hat of pa t cnt clcrk. I n 1 93.1. he joined t hc staff of thc nc wiv
created Inst itute for Advanced Studi cs in Pri nccton. New Jcrse}. By tl1c time he wrme hís -
mathcmatical equation about t he na tu rc of cnergy, & MC2. he had wrítten a p aper wit11

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a ne\\' ur1derstand ing of the structu re of l ight. He argu ed that light consisted of par t iclcs
' of a gas. A few years before. Max Pla nck 's work had contained the first sugg ei:i tion of
a di!'creteness
i n energy.bu t Ei nstein wcn t far beyond this. The d ance of rnicroscopíc

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pai icles had long been observed. A lbert Einstei n had rei11forced the kinetic theory.
and he had created a powerful new too! for st udyi ng t he n1oven1ents of aton1s. •
1 '

· One v.·cck hefore his <leath . Eini> tc i n signcd h i1> last letter. It was a letter to Bertrand
Ru sell i n \lVh ich he asked na tions to gi vc up n u clear wcapons. It is fitting that one
. as.t a
of ih , c·ts- was· to ai·'="
o tic •'·is he h ad done all his lite, for in t ernationa / peace.
ated at Trcnlon ·Nc\v Jersey a1 4 PM. on A pri / 18ch. 1 955 (the
E- .inslct
·n '"'a - ·
r e
:) O(ir da ot·h·1s. dc•a. t ll -) · H1·-"-·1s· l1--s 'Cr--
M Jny
· s- c;111crc<.J a1 <111 u n<.J 1s1:/osl.'d pla1 c.
· · s- 1 - -h·•t\"C tricd 10 discovcr ali of f:i nslcin ' S' TCl s btll ha l·en 't

j t>ecn ablc to <lo ' .

- l On thc 01her hnnd.thc n1.1s' ined i a luis sear<.ht:dlor unkno\vn
.f a

C\"'().) B.OC
inf orma11on a1 out h1-s pr i' ate lie hu t t h cy h:1Ycn 't gottcn 100 111uch. 5·ool
Tick tit e state111e11l$ tita/ are lr11e aho11t. A lhert. Eúzst1li1.1.

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