Buchalla & Attin, 2006, in Press

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External bleaching therapy with activation by heat,

light or laser—A systematic review

Wolfgang Buchalla a,b , Thomas Attin a,b,∗

a Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, University of Zürich, Plattenstrasse 11, CH-8032 Zürich, Switzerland
b Department of Operative Dentistry, Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective. External bleaching procedures utilizing highly concentrated 30–35% hydrogen per-
Received 17 October 2005 oxide solutions or hydrogen peroxide releasing agents can be used for tooth whitening. To
Received in revised form 4 March enhance or accelerate the whitening process, heat-activation of the bleaching agent by light,
2006 heat or laser is described in the literature. The aim of the present review article was to sum-
Accepted 9 March 2006 marize and discuss the available information concerning the efficacy, effects and side effects
of activated bleaching procedures.
Sources. Information from all original scientific full papers or reviews listed in PubMed or ISI
Keywords: Web of Science (search term: (bleaching OR brightening OR whitening OR colour) AND (light
Peroxide OR laser OR heat OR activation)) were included in the review.
Bleaching Data. Existing literature reveals that activation of bleaching agents by heat, light or laser
Activation may have an adverse effect on pulpal tissue due to an increase of intra-pulpal temperature
Heat exceeding the critical value of 5.5 ◦ C. Available studies do not allow for a final judgment
Laser whether tooth whitening can either be increased or accelerated by additional activation.
Light Conclusion. Therefore, application of activated bleaching procedures should be critically
assessed considering the physical, physiological and patho-physiological implications.
© 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [1,2]. It should be noted that a single application of in-office-

bleaching is usually not sufficient to achieve optimal bleaching
1.1. In-office-bleaching therapies results [3]. This means that the in-office-bleaching procedure
has to be repeated several times during an appointment or
With in-office applied bleaching therapies, discolored, vital that even multiple appointments are needed to obtain opti-
teeth can be successfully whitened mostly by using highly mal results. In-office-bleaching is usually performed using
concentrated bleaching regimens. In-office-bleaching pro- bleaching agents with high concentrations (30–35%) of H2 O2 .
cedures seem to be an appropriate alternative to home- Due to the high peroxide concentration, the gingiva should
bleaching applications with trays, foils or gels, especially in be protected by rubber dam or alternatives, such as specially
the case of very severe discolorations, discolorations of sin- designed light-curing isolating pastes [4].
gle teeth, lack of patient compliance or if a rapid treatment is Most descriptions in the literature of successful appli-
desired. In-office-bleaching could also be applied as a kind of cations of in-office-bleaching therapies are case reports or
boost therapy, thereby initiating the bleaching process, which studies, in which no comparisons to well-approved meth-
might be continued afterwards by home-bleaching procedures ods, such as home-bleaching-procedures have been done

Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 44 634 3271; fax: +41 44 634 4308.
E-mail address: thomas.attin@zzmk.unizh.ch (T. Attin).
0109-5641/$ – see front matter © 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

DENTAL-964; No. of Pages 11

2 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx

[3,5–8]. However, in a randomized clinical study Auschill et al. With respect to internal bleaching of non-vital, endodontically
[9] were able to show that both home-bleaching procedures treated teeth, it is well-known that heat application increases
(10% carbamide peroxide gel tray application or 5.3%-H2 O2 - the risk of development of external, cervical resorption
impregnated strips) and in-office-bleaching with 35% H2 O2 [36,37].
without heat-activation may be used to brighten teeth six
shades on the vita color scale. With the in-office-procedure the 1.3. Background of the present review
desired six grades were achieved after only 3.1 ± 0.5 applica-
tions of 15 min each, whereas 31.8 ± 6.6 applications of 30 min Surveying the scientific literature, it becomes evident that only
each were needed with the strip and 7.1 ± 1.9 applications for few randomized, controlled clinical studies exist, which deal
8 h each were necessary when using the carbamide peroxide with the application of activated procedures for whitening
gel. Frequency and severity of side effects, such as tooth hyper- of vital teeth. The present review is based on a systematic
sensitivity or gingival irritation, were similar for the three literature search in PubMed or ISI Web of Science with the fol-
approaches as reported by the study participants. However, lowing search term: (bleaching OR brightening OR whitening
subjective acceptance of the procedure was slightly higher for OR colour) AND (light OR laser OR heat OR activation). All origi-
subjects treated with the carbamide peroxide agent as com- nal scientific full papers or reviews fulfilling the search criteria
pared to the two remaining groups. Scanning electron micro- were included in the review, abstracts dealing with the topic
scopic pictures (2000×-magnification) of the bleached tooth were not taken into consideration. To allow for estimation of
surfaces did not show any alterations, which might have been the benefit of the activation, special attention was given to
attributed to the bleaching procedures in any of the treatment studies in which activated bleaching procedures were com-
groups. This finding corroborated the results of a previous pared to non-activated.
in vitro-study in which the same bleaching agents had been Firstly, an overview about the principles of bleaching acti-
applied [10]. In contrast to the results of the study performed vation with light, heat or laser is provided.
by Auschill et al. [9], a recent study showed lower brighten-
ing of teeth treated by in-office-bleaching (35% H2 O2 , no heat
application) as compared to a 14-day application of 10% car- 2. Principles of activation in external
bamide peroxide in a tray [11]. In this study, the two bleach- bleaching
ing techniques were directly compared in the same patient
using an intriguing split-mouth-design. This design allowed From a scientific point of view, data on mechanisms of action
for treatment of three anterior teeth each with either the car- and efficacy of laser, light and heat-activated dental bleach-
bamide peroxide agent or the in-office-application, which was ing are still limited. In this chapter, the basic principles and
adopted for six periods of 10 min each on 2 different days. possible mechanism of action of these bleaching procedures
will be discussed. An overview of light sources for activation
1.2. Heat-activated bleaching therapies of bleaching procedures described in the literature and avail-
able on the market is presented in Table 1. It is common to
To accelerate the bleaching process, the bleaching agent can all described light-activated bleaching procedures, that light is
be additionally heat-activated. This idea of power bleaching used in addition to the application of a bleaching product (such
dates back to 1918, when Abbot [12] reported the use of high- as a bleaching gel) rather than on its own. It is the effect the
intensity light to increase the temperature of hydrogen per- light or heat has on the chemical bleaching product (gel) rather
oxide. Mostly, application of heat, light or lasers is used to than on the tooth substance itself and the chromophores it
increase the temperature of a bleaching agent applied to the contains that may lead to an increased bleaching effect.
tooth surface. The application of a heated spatula (30–55 ◦ C) or
of an extraorally heated bleaching gel is also described [13,14]. 2.1. Thermocatalysis
The effectiveness of these methods as applied with vital teeth
has been described in several clinical reports, animal stud- The release of hydroxyl-radicals from peroxide is accelerated
ies and reviews without showing evidence of irreversible side by a rise in temperature according to the following equa-
effects [14–34]. In the study by Nathanson and Parra [34], the tion: H2 O2 + 211 kJ/mol → 2HO• . This is in accordance with
majority of patients (70%) reported post-operative discomfort an increase in speed of decomposition of a factor of 2.2 for
in the form of a mild sensitivity that did not last more than each temperature rise of 10 ◦ C. Due to the increased release
24 h. Interestingly, the authors did not find differences in the of hydroxyl-radicals (thermocatalysis), an increase in effi-
discomfort levels among young, 12-year-old subjects and older cacy is conceivable. However, the useful range in temperature
patients included in their study. It should be noted that in the increase is limited because of possible damage to the dental
reports mentioned above the duration of heat activation was pulp as described below in greater detail.
mostly limited to short periods as recommended by manufac- If light is projected onto a bleaching product, such as a
turers of bleaching agents or heat-generating devices. Despite bleaching gel, a small fraction is absorbed and its energy is
the non-existent incidence of reported irreversible side-effects converted into heat. Most likely, this is the main mechanism
due to external bleaching, it should be noted that Glickman et of action of all light-activated bleaching procedures. In order
al. [35] published a case report of a patient who suffered an to increase light absorption and, as a result, heat conversion,
acute flare-up of sensitivity in a tooth following vital bleach- some bleaching products are mixed with specific colorants,
ing. This case emphasizes the importance of assessing pul- e.g. carotene. The orange-red color of carotene increases the
pal status before initiation of an external bleaching therapy. absorption of blue light. In order to increase the absorption of
Table 1 – Overview of light sources
Light source Main source of light Wavelength after Power output at exit Power at tooth surface Properties and risks when used for
emission filtering (typical) window (typical) (mW/cm2 ) (typical) (from Hein et al. light-activated bleaching
(nm) [41]) (mW/cm2 )

QTH lamp Incandescent light: heated 380–520 (violet-blue) 400–3000 Resin curing lights: >100; Filtered broad band light source;

d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx
(quartz–tungsten–halogen tungsten filament bleaching lamps: <80 readily absorbed by carotene (red
lamp) and derivatives (e.g. color); thermal damage cannot be
with xenon gas filling) excluded with high-power lamps
or long irradiation duration

Plasma arc lamp (xenon Luminescent light: light 380–580 (near UV- 600–2000 Filtered broad band light source;
discharge lamp) and emission by recombination violet-blue-green) readily absorbed by carotene (red
derivatives (e.g. mercury of electrons with ionized color); thermal damage cannot be
added) xenon atoms excluded with high-power lamps
or long irradiation duration

Metal halide lamps (discharge Luminescent light: light Bleaching lamps: <80
lamps filled with metal emission by recombination
halides, mercury and of electrons with ionized
argon) metal atoms
LED (light emitting diode) 430–490 (blue) 200–2000 ? Narrow band light source, not
filtered; readily absorbed by
carotene (red color); thermal
damage cannot be excluded with
high-power lamps or long
irradiation duration

Table 1 (Continued )
Laser Wavelength (typical) Power output at exit window Properties and risks when used for light-activated
(nm) (typical) (mW/cm2 ) bleaching

Argon-ion laser (continuous wave or pulsed) 488 (blue) e.g. 1100 Limited penetration depth into dental hard tissue; readily
absorbed by carotene (red color); risk of thermal damage rel-
atively low

Argon-ion laser (continuous wave or pulsed) 514 (blue-green) ?a Low absorption in water and tooth mineral; absorption in
hemoglobin; risk of thermal damage relatively low

KTP laser (kalium-titanyl-phosphate crystal fre- 532 (green) e.g. 3000 Relatively low absorption in water and tooth mineral; high
quency doubled Nd:YAG laser, pulsed) absorption in hemoglobin; medium penetration depth into

d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx
dental hard tissue

He–Ne laser (continuous wave) 632 (red) ?a Relatively low absorption in water and tooth mineral;
absorption in pigments and hemoglobin; deeper penetration
depth into dental hard tissue

Nd:YAG laser (neodynium: yttrium aluminum garnet, 1064 (IR-A, NIR) ?a Low absorption in water and tooth mineral; absorption
pulsed) in dark pigments; deep penetration into dental hard
tissue—pulp damage due to temperature rise

Diode laser (continuous wave or pulsed) 810, 830, 980 (IR-A, NIR) ?a Low absorption in water and tooth mineral; absorption in
pigments; deep penetration into dental hard tissue—pulp
damage due to temperature rise
Er,Cr:YSGG laser (erbium chromium: yttrium scan- 2790 (IR-B, SWIR) ?a Very high absorption in water and high absorption in tooth
dium gallium garnet, pulsed) mineral (OH− ); low penetration depth into dental hard
tissue—relatively low risk of direct pulp damage

Er:YAG laser (erbium: yttrium aluminum garnet, 2940 (IR-B, SWIR) ?a Highest absorption in water and high absorption in tooth
pulsed) mineral (OH− ); low penetration depth into dental hard
tissue—relatively low risk of direct pulp damage

CO2 laser (continuous wave or pulsed) 9400, 10600 (IR-C, LWIR) ?a High absorption in water and highest absorption in tooth
mineral (phosphate); low penetration depth into dental
hard tissue—relatively low risk of direct pulp damage using
pulsed mode

Abbreviations: IR, infrared; IR-A, infrared A (DIN, 700–1400 nm); IR-B, infrared B (1400–3000 nm), IR-C, infrared C (3000–15,000 nm); NIR, near infrared (700–1400 nm); SWIR, short wave infrared
(3000–8000 nm); LWIR, long wave infrared (8000–15,000 nm).
No data is available on light intensity at the exit window of the laser hand-piece. Usually, power input or power output of the laser itself is quoted, but light transmission through fiber, hollow fiber
or mirrors, in combination with a hand-piece that expands the laser beam, significantly reduces the power.
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx 5

red and infrared light, small silica particles in the nm- or lower radiation and, if applicable, the pump mode. Laser based sys-
␮m scale may be added, which gives these products a bluish tems are usually marketed for a whole range of dental appli-
appearance. cations with bleaching being one of them. Laser systems
for bleaching applications usually employ a handpiece that
2.2. Photolysis expands the laser beam such that the laser is not used in point
focus. By expanding the laser beam, the laser light spreads
A release of hydroxyl-radicals from H2 O2 is also possible over the surface of a few teeth. Consequently, some laser typi-
through direct excitation by light (photolysis). Following the cal properties are lost, but the risk of tissue damage is reduced.
equation H2 O2 + h → 2HO• (with h = Planck’s constant) light of The power per unit area at the surface of the gel (or tooth) may
a specific frequency  is absorbed, resulting in bond fission of be in the range of conventional QTH lamps or plasma arc lamp
H2 O2 into two hydroxyl-radicals. The required energy can only systems or even lower.
be provided by high frequency light, corresponding to a wave- The knowledge of some absorption properties of light in
length of 248 nm and lower (UV C) which makes its use in the tooth tissue is helpful in assessing the risks associated with
oral cavity difficult if not impossible. laser and light-activated bleaching. Wavelengths with a high
For an appraisal of the safety of light-activated bleaching absorption coefficient in water and in tooth mineral are read-
procedures, the light source used is an important factor. A vari- ily absorbed at the tooth surface, where heat conversion takes
ety of light sources that greatly differ in their properties are place. These wavelengths, i.e. around 3000 nm at the border
available to date to be used for light activation of bleaching between IR-B and IR-C, hardly penetrate deeper into dental
products. hard tissue and therefore, hardly pose a threat to the liv-
ing pulp. Light in the red and near infrared spectral range
2.3. Light sources (NIR, IR-A) behaves completely differently, because this wave-
length range penetrates biological tissue more easily. Light
Incandescence lamps like quartz–tungsten–halogen (QTH) within this spectral range can penetrate deeper into dental
lamps, plasma arc lamps (used synonymously for xenon hard tissue as well, which makes thermal damage to pulpal
gas discharge or xenon short arc lamps) and laser sources tissue more likely. Within the visible spectrum, violet light is
(laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radia- more readily absorbed in biological tissue than red light due to
tion) of a variety of different wavelengths as well as light higher scattering. The penetration depth of visible light into
emitting diodes (LED) have been proposed for light activation dental hard tissue increases in the order of violet, blue, green,
of bleaching products. Metal halide lamps work in a similar yellow, orange and red due to decreasing scattering coeffi-
way to xenon discharge lamps, except that metal ions are the cients.
source of light emission rather than ionized xenon gas. The It is worth noting that conversion of visible light into heat is
light emission properties of metal halide lamps are similar only possible in the event of absorption of the respective pho-
to those of xenon discharge lamps. A fundamental difference tons. It is the absorption (which depends on the wavelength
between these light sources is that lasers emit a well-defined and substance) that is the important factor for a temperature
monochromatic light at a single wavelength only (with some rise (whether intended or not) within the bleaching product
exceptions where two or three single wavelengths are emit- (gel), dental hard tissue or pulpal tissue.
ted at the same time). In contrast, QTH and plasma arc lamps The pulse modus of laser systems is another important
emit a wide wavelength range from ultraviolet (UV, wave- factor for efficacy and safety. Pulsed laser systems (Hz and
length  < 380 nm), across the entire visible spectrum (VIS, kHz-range) can create very high power densities within a very
 = 380–750 nm) deep into the infrared (IR,  > 750 nm). Usually, short time (milliseconds and less). Thermal tissue damage can
QTH and plasma arc lamps are equipped with UV- and IR- be minimized by appropriate choice of pulse duration and rep-
filters to exclude UV and IR-radiation and narrow the emitted etition rate, allowing for a sufficient “cool down” period in
wavelength range to, e.g. 400–580 nm, in order to reduce the between pulses. Pulsed laser systems can be used in a more
risk of possible side effects of IR and UV radiation on living tissue friendly manner compared to continuous wave lasers
cells. It is in the nature of optical filters that they are not able with comparative energy output [39,40].
to suppress 100% of the incoming radiation within a specific The LED-systems available for light-activated bleaching
range. Therefore, the suppression of IR by an IR-filter in QTH usually consist of a multitude of LED’s mounted side by side.
and plasma arc lamps is not complete and a fraction of IR is LED’s emit light that is distributed across a band of 20–80 nm
still emitted. Using QTH and plasma arc lamps the directly bandwidth and more. Therefore, LED’s hold a position in
emitted IR radiation adds to the absorption and heat conver- between monochromatic lasers and broad band light sources,
sion of the emitted visible light and may lead to an additional e.g. QTH and plasma arc lamps. The emission of LED’s used
pulpal temperature rise [38]. with systems available for light-activated bleaching is within
Most lamp systems marketed for use with light-activated the blue range and does not extend as far into the IR spectral
bleaching are resin curing lights that in some cases have an range as QTH or plasma arc lamps do. Therefore, LED-systems
extra setting for bleaching (bleaching mode). Light systems available for light-activated bleaching are not equipped with
that are specifically designed for bleaching procedures have an additional IR filter. A remaining concern is that there is still
a light output such that multiple teeth, e.g. the whole dental a portion of IR emission that inevitably also comes with LED’s,
arch, can be illuminated. because the so called “wings” of the emission spectra of the
The mechanism of action of laser systems offered for LED’s used extend into the IR region. Thermal pulp damage
bleaching purposes depends on the wavelength, power of the from LED-systems cannot be absolutely excluded and has to
6 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx

be taken into consideration, especially when high power LED’s pulp damage in 15% of the test animals (Macaca rhesus mon-
are used for a longer time period. key). Even 60% of the animals showed irreversible pulp alter-
ations in the treated teeth when the intra-pulpal temperature
increase amounted to 11.1 ◦ C, and in all examined teeth an
3. Efficacy of light–bleaching gel interaction irreversible necrotic response was observed when intra-pulpal
temperature was elevated 16.6 ◦ C above normal level [45]. Due
The potential increase in efficacy of bleaching gels by light to the results of these studies an intra-pulpal temperature
activation is still not well documented. However, more recent increase of 5.5 ◦ C is nowadays regarded as the threshold value,
publications indicate that the benefit of the additional use which should not be exceeded to avoid irreversible pulp dam-
of light is limited. The direct effect on the bleaching gel was age [42]. However, it was also discussed that the injury and the
evaluated by measuring the decomposition rate of H2 O2 in a alterations of the dentin after application of heat are probably
laboratory set-up [41]. Neither the application of light, nor the the main causes of post-operative inflammation or necrosis of
application of heat increased the decomposition rate of H2 O2 . the pulp. This hypothesis was postulated by Baldissara et al.
Although, the temperature of a bleaching gel with reddish [46] who observed a low susceptibility of pulpal cells to heat
appearance containing carotene increased considerably, the (8.9–14.7 ◦ C) in histological assessments of molars and premo-
temperature increase was not high enough to accelerate per- lars being extracted 60–91 days after application of the heat.
oxide decomposition significantly. An important result of this The thermal impulse applied in the study resembled the tem-
study was, however, that a chemical activation that is done perature rise during preparation of a tooth for fabrication of
by mixing two components of the respective bleaching gels, direct provisional crowns with exothermal resins. They sug-
where one comprises peroxide, can indeed increase peroxide gested that, at least in the short term, heat does not appear to
decomposition. The gel component that contains H2 O2 has be a major factor in pulp pathologies during the post-operative
an acidic pH in most cases, because peroxide-decomposition period of dental treatment and prosthodontic treatment in
is reduced in an acidic environment, which makes this com- particular.
ponent stable for storage. It appeared that the main function
of the activating gel component (synonymously referred to as 4.2. Effect of activation of bleaching agents on
“catalyst” or “booster”) is to increase the pH of the mixed gel, peroxide penetration
thereby increasing the decomposition rate of peroxide and the
formation of bleaching active radicals. Heating of the bleaching agent not only leads to an increase
in intra-pulpal temperature, but also to a distinctly increased
penetration of peroxide from the bleaching material into
4. Critical assessment of the clinical the pulp [47,48]. It was shown that color change in exter-
performance of activated bleaching procedures nally bleached teeth is highly influenced by color change
in subsurface dentin [49]. The fact that heated bleaching
4.1. Effect of temperature increase in the pulp chamber agents penetrate into dental hard tissue more rapidly may
explain the whitening effect of heat-activated bleaching meth-
Generally, it should be noted that all bleaching activation ods, also when applied for short periods. It should, how-
modes mentioned may be accompanied by a temperature ever, be noted that diffusion of peroxide into the pulp
increase at the tooth surface, but also in the pulpal cham- leads to oxidative stress which could negatively affect cell
ber. However, the bleaching gel usually applied may act as an metabolism. Although, small amounts of diffused peroxide,
isolator reducing intra-pulpal temperature increase as com- as observed after application of a 10% carbamide peroxide
pared to activated bleaching performed without gel applica- gel, are responded to by coronal odontoblasts and endothe-
tion. This means that laser activation (diode laser, 30 s, 3 W, lial cells with increasing synthesis of heme oxygenase-1, this
830 nm) without the use of bleaching gel results in an intra- mechanism might represent a component of an initial defense
pulpal temperature increase of about 16 ◦ C, whereas only an response in the pulp that precedes classical inflammatory
8.7 ◦ C temperature increase was recorded when a gel was pathways probably rendering the penetrated peroxide harm-
applied during activation [42]. Temperature increase may also less [50]. This observation was made in an ex vivo investiga-
depend on amount and type of color pigments included in tion using immunohistological methods. In contrast to this
the gels [43]. Since the 1960s, when Nyborg and Brännström finding, it was shown that the amount of peroxide, which
[44] performed their classical experiment, it is known that diffuses through a 0.5 mm thick dentin disc in less than 1 h,
a distinct intra-pulpal temperature increase leads to patho- is able to inhibit enzyme activity (succinyl dehydrogenase)
logical alterations of the pulp. They applied heated instru- of pulp fibroblasts, as evaluated in a cell culture test [51].
ments (150 ◦ C) for 30 s in freshly prepared class V cavities A recently published study confirmed the observation that
of premolars and extracted the teeth and the contralateral peroxide released from bleaching agents applied on intact
non-heated controls 4 weeks later. Although the patients tooth surfaces is able to diffuse to the pulp chamber. How-
did not feel discomfort in the clinical examinations per- ever, the authors calculated that the level of peroxide reached
formed 1 month after treatment, the histological assessment in the pulp chamber is not expected to adversely affect pulpal
yielded localized pulpal necrosis in some of the heat-treated enzymes [52]. When H2 O2 is heated to 50 ◦ C, enzyme activi-
cases. ties in extracts of calf dental pulps are significantly reduced.
Moreover, in an animal study it was proved that an intra- Thereby, reduction in activity of different enzymes to the
pulpal increase in temperature of 5.5 ◦ C leads to irreversible heated peroxide differs ranging from 20% (aldolase) to 95%
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx 7

(glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase) as shown in the study 4.3. Influence of type of bleaching agent on

by Bowles and Thompson [53]. Despite the findings mentioned heat-activated tooth whitening
above, additional safety studies are still needed to allow for
final assessment of the influence of peroxide diffusion into The degree of tooth brightening achieved with activated
the pulp in the clinical situation. bleaching methods depends on the mode and type of acti-
Clinically, patients treated with heat-activated bleaching vation, but also on the composition of the applied bleaching
therapies often complain of tooth hypersensitivity even up substance. Luk et al. [62] proved that using the bleaching
to 48 h after completion of bleaching [54]. However, bleaching gel Opalescence Xtra (35% H2 O2 ) application of halogen light
treatments adopted without application of light or heat may resulted in the highest difference when compared to the
also lead to post-operative tooth hypersensitivity as shown non-activated application mode. However, when using the
in numerous studies [55–60]. As yet, there is no clear evi- bleaching gel QuickWhite (35% H2 O2 ), infrared (and not the
dence, whether application of heat increases the frequency halogen) light was most effective. It should also be noted
and severity of post-operative tooth hypersensitivity, since that the infrared light and the additionally tested CO2 -laser
randomized controlled clinical studies addressing this ques- (with emission in the long wave IR spectral range) caused
tion are still lacking. This is also true for the question the highest tooth temperature increase in this study. Due to
whether heat-activation of bleaching agents may induce or this finding, selection of a specific combination of bleach-
increase micromorphological changes of bleached enamel or ing agent and light that demonstrates good color change
dentin. In the study by Lewinstein et al. [61], 30% hydro- and little temperature elevation for in-office-bleaching is
gen peroxide was heated to either 37 or 50 ◦ C and applied recommended.
onto enamel and dentin samples. They found a microhard-
ness reduction in the treated samples as compared to con- 4.4. Survey of studies comparing activated and
trols treated with distilled water and samples treated with non-activated bleaching regimes
heated sodium perborate/peroxide-mixtures. Unfortunately,
no unheated 30% hydrogen peroxide control was used, so In Table 2 all studies, which compare activated and
that the study does not allow for estimation of the heating non-activated external bleaching therapies and which are
effect. presently listed in PUBMED, are summarized.

Table 2 – Survey of studies, in which heat-activated, external bleaching procedures were compared with other bleaching
8 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx

Table 2 (Continued )

For critical judgment of animal (e.g. dogs) studies, it is The studies in the tables give evidence, that heat acti-
important to notice that differences in morphology of dog vation might be accompanied by an intra-pulpal tempera-
teeth compared to human teeth exist. In dog canine teeth, the ture increase, which in some cases may exceed the critical
combined average thickness of enamel and dentin amounted elevation in temperature of 5.5 ◦ C [38,42]. Additionally, heat
to 1.7 mm, whereas human premolars, as used in the ex vivo application resulted in an increased peroxide penetration into
studies mentioned in the tables, have an average thickness the pulp [47]. Histological assessments of extracted teeth in
of about 3.8 mm. This means that the dental hard tissues of humans [63] or dogs [64] showed that the applied heat might
dog teeth may provide less pulpal protection as compared to cause mild inflammatory responses in single cases, which
human teeth. could, however, also have been provoked by application of
dental materials xxx ( 2 0 0 6 ) xxx–xxx 9

Table 2 (Continued )

35% peroxide alone. The animal study performed by Seale and dures should be critically weighed up, keeping in mind the
Wilson [65] showed that severity of pulp response and non- physical, physiological and patho-physiological implications
reversibility of pulp damages are associated with the length mentioned above. If heat or light-activation is applied, it is
of the heat-activated bleaching procedure. However, it should strongly advised to follow manufacturers’ recommendations
be noted that adverse effects, such as signs of pulp inflam- with limited duration of heat-activation to a short period of
mation or others, are not reported in all investigations [54]. time, in order to avoid undesired pulpal responses.
It is interesting to remark that the presently available studies
do not allow for a concluding judgment whether the degree
of tooth whitening could either be increased or accelerated
by the additional application of heat. There are studies, in
which a better bleaching effect due to heat application was
[1] Perdigão J, Baratieri LN, Arcari GM. Contemporary trends
observed, even though the effects depended on the mode of and techniques in tooth whitening: a review. Pract Proced
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