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CEOs Letter The contents of this book are not intended to create an
employment contract. If there is any  conflict on the
mentioned policies and procedures with any local, state,
  country law, the law takes precedence in that area.
Dear Associate,
Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
Limited shall be the sole judge on the interpretation of
Welcome to Perot Systems Business Process all or any of these policies and its decision there in shall
Solutions India Private Limited. Our associates be final and binding on all person concerned.
have played a significant role in getting us to
the leadership position in the Healthcare BPO
market. We understand and totally appreciate The policies stated in this handbook are subject to
the hard work, dedication and sacrifices that change at any time at the sole discretion of the
you have put in. It has been an enriching and Company. Perot Systems Business Process Solutions
rewarding experience working with the talented India Private Limited reserves the right to revise, alter,
group that we have. supplement or rescind any policies at any time as
deemed appropriate in its sole discretion. The clauses
To help ensure that our clients are served in 25.3, 25.4 and 25.5 do not apply to trainees.
the most efficient, effective and customer-
friendly manner possible, we continue to The Company's Vision Statement
undergo significant change in how we operate.
Our focus in the years to come would be on
developing our associates, motivation, Empowered with Industry knowledge and adhering to
effectiveness, and productivity, which would corporate Compliance program, work towards a stronger
lead to better customer satisfaction. We and larger presence in the Healthcare Industry.
sincerely hope that your job becomes more
rewarding while serving our client's needs. The Company's Mission Statement
We are working hard to recognize our
associates' numerous contributions to achieving Keeping compliance of the American Healthcare Industry
these goals. As such, we continue to make as our priority, empower the associates through
strides in providing associates a competitive continuous education and training and achieve highest
total compensation package that recognizes standards of quality and customer satisfaction.
and rewards Associate achievement. Our 360-
degree performance review based-pay system
Quality Statement
allows all associates to excel and to be
rewarded based on the level of their
achievement. The performance management “Enabled by Technology that provides transparency of
process depends on associates actively its operations to clients, Perot Systems Business Process
participating in setting personal work goals that Solutions is fully committed to continuously improve,
align with the broader goals of the department adopt Global Standards, meet timelines and deliver high
where they work. Quality Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services”
We continue to strive to make our workplace
more congenial, friendly, and safer to ensure
Quality Objectives:
that our associates always feel comfortable.
Perot Systems is committed to equal
opportunity and committed to hiring the best 1. Company-wide improvement of productivity
and the brightest. We also ensure that our and quality standards to exceed the Service
associates are treated with courtesy and Level Agreements (SLAs)
respect. Our shared values and beliefs play a 2. Implementation of TQA for 6 provider clients
key role in helping us lead our professional and 3. Introduction of Customer Satisfaction Survey
personal lives by example. for new service
4. Increase Client* Satisfaction Level
This handbook is intended to help you 5. Increase skill and knowledge of the employees
understand the human resource management through Training
system. It may not answer all of your questions 6. Leverage existing knowledge to enhance Perot
but will serve as a starting point for Systems Business Process Solutions'
understanding the system. I urge you to spend capabilities to foray into other areas of BPO
time familiarizing yourself with the rules and 7. Employee Satisfaction should be improved
procedures. These are revised periodically and 8. Increase compliance percentage in all the
the changes are communicated to you as and process
when these are made. 9. Re-engineer Quality control processes for all
provider clients
We are what we are because of you. I would
like to welcome you once again to the Perot
Systems Business Process Solutions India *Reference to Client, implies Clients and Client's clients,
wherever referred so.
Private Limited fold. Equal Employment Opportunity

Anurag Jain Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India Private

Regional Managing Director - APAC Limited provides equal opportunity for all qualified
persons and does not discriminate against any associate
or applicant for employment because of race, color,
religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or any other
Insurance and Business Process Solutions
protected status.
Welcome to Perot Systems Insurance and This policy applies to recruitment and placement,
Business Process Solutions India Private promotion, training, transfer, retention, rate of pay and
Limited all other details and conditions of employment.

Employment and promotion decisions will be based on

Welcome to the growing family of people working
merit and the principle of furthering equal opportunity.
together at Perot Systems Business Process
The requirements we impose in filling a position will be
Solutions India Private Limited. We are happy to
those that validly relate to the job performance
have you as a member of this company and we are
confident that you will find your employment at
Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India
Private Limited both challenging and rewarding. Non-Disclosure

Each new associate will, of course, have questions The protection of confidential business information and
about the policies and benefits of the trade secrets is vital to the interests and success of
establishment. This handbook has been prepared to Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
help answer the questions of new associates and Limited. Such information includes, but is not limited to,
Trainees, as well as those who are current Compensation data, Customer lists, know-how,
associates. Please feel free to ask your respective knowledge, administrative / organizational details,
heads if you have any specific questions that are Research and development strategies etc. It also
not addressed in the Associate Handbook. Some of includes information relating to medical history, social
the clauses in this handbook specifically apply to security, diagnosis, prognosis or financial information of
Associates only, considering the tenure of the any patients of the clients of the company or any of its
trainees all interpretations applicable to trainees are associate companies in United States.
to be read keeping the trainee tenure in the
background. You are required to sign an Associate Agreement, which
also contains clauses governing Non Disclosure, as a
We at Perot Systems Business Process Solutions condition of employment. Associates who improperly use
India Private Limited are proud of our past and or disclose trade secrets or confidential business
present success. The company has achieved its information will be subject to disciplinary action, up to
reputation for excellence based upon the and including termination of employment and legal
commitment to quality and our associates’ desire to action, even if the informed party does not actually
provide exceptional services. We are certain that benefit from the disclosed information
you will share this pride with us and do your part to
ensure a successful operation for all associates as
well as the company. We want to make your job as
pleasant and efficient as possible, so your ideas and
suggestions are always welcome..

The Handbook to guide you

This Handbook was developed exclusively for Perot

Systems Business Process Solutions associates and
the policies will apply to all the associates /
Trainees at Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited. This will provide you
with an information resource for common questions
and concerns in the areas of policies, procedures,
work standards and benefits to eliminate ambiguity
and increase transparency.
Conflict of Interest  The working hours for the AR (Accounts Receivables)
shift will be a 9 hour shift (including the break time) and
the timings are determined by the respective supervisors
You shall discharge your duties and based on the different time zones that they would call in
the United States of America.
shall refrain from knowingly engaging
in any outside matters of financial  It has been decided that women would be permitted to
interest incompatible with the work during shifts that are scheduled during night hours.
The shifts may extend throughout the night and may last
impartial, objective and effective
up to early hours the next day.

performance of your duties. A Conflict (This policy comes into effect from 01st August 2003.)
of interest can become existent when
you directly or indirectly use  This is not applicable (unless Employment contract
company’s property, funds, position or specifically refers to Associates Handbook) to persons
occupying positions of management by virtue of the
power for personal gain including exemption provided under S. 4(1)(a) of the of the Tamil
business dealings or influencing the Nadu Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1947.
clients. You shall inform your Hence, this would be covered either by the service
respective heads of reasonably regulations of the establishment or by the terms of the
employment agreement.
foreseen potential conflicts. You are expected to be present in the office by the time
at which the shift that is allotted to you commences. A
During the course of employment with grace time to a maximum of 15 minutes from the time
of commencement is allowed. Failing to appear by the
Perot Systems Business Process time mentioned above, without prior notice, you will be
Solutions India Private Limited, marked LATE in the attendance and if the number of
holding any position of authority in instances is more than thrice a month, then it will lead
any political party or being associated to half a day Loss of Pay. It should be remembered that
with political associations without grace time is given for rare instances when you cannot
avoid being late to work. If you are found to be late
prior written consent of the company, frequently and also misusing the grace,time it would be
will also amount to a potential conflict considered as misconduct and necessary action will be
of interest. taken up following a show cause as to why half a days’
salary should not be deducted for such occurrence.
At the time of Joining, you will be given a proximity
Personal Files card, which will have your associate identification
number on it. You will need to flash this card every time
you enter or exit the work area. Remember that the
Keeping your personal record correct
card is not just used for the purpose of opening the
and up to date is important to Perot door, but also for recording your IN/OUT status for
Systems Business Process Solutions future reference.
India Private Limited because it can
help the Company to reach you or your You need to login your systems as per shift timings.
family members in an emergency. You
are responsible to promptly notify the Points to be remembered with regard to Proximity Card
Human Resource department of any
changes in the personal data from  The Card is not transferable
time to time. Personal mailing
address, telephone numbers,  There shall be no tampering with the card
emergency contacts, educational
accomplishments, copies of documents  The card is a property of Perot Systems Business Process
as proof for your residential address, Solutions India Private Limited; either lost or found must
Date of birth, educational be reported immediately to the HR department. Failure to
qualifications and other such status report the loss shall render the associate liable to
disciplinary action. A new proximity card will be issued
reports should be accurate and current and the cost of the card will be recovered from the
all times. associate ( penalty should be a minimum of Rs.500/- - to
instill fear of loss and incur a high penalty )

The Company maintains a personnel

 The associate must return the proximity card to the
file on each associate. The personal company prior to his/her termination /separation from
file includes such information as the service
associate’s job application, resume,
records of training, documentation of  If any associate forgets to get ID card / Proximity card /
performance appraisals and salary Lanyards to office, then the following process needs to be
increases, and other employment followed:

records. Personal files are the    

1. Associate reports the issue at the security gate.
property of Perot Systems Business  
Process Solutions India Private 2. Security staff issues a Temporary card “T-Pass” upon
Limited, and access to the information authorization.
they contain is restricted. Generally,
3. Authorization can be from the immediate supervisor or
only supervisors and Management any person designated by the immediate  supervisor
personnel of Perot Systems Business Breaks
Process Solutions India Private
Limited who have a legitimate reason You may break for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner according to
to review information in a file are the shift provisions of Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited given below.
allowed to do so. However if you wish
to review your file, you should contact
 Whenever you are in the first shift, you may break for
the Human Resource department. With Breakfast and Lunch
advance notice and a proper reason,
you may review your personal file in  Whenever you are in the second shift, you may break for
Perot Systems Business Process Dinner
Solutions India Private Limited's office
and in the presence of the Human  Whenever you are in the night shift, you may break for
Resources (HR) representative. Night snacks

 Whenever you are in the General shift you may break for
Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions relies upon the accuracy of
information contained in the
employment application, as well as the
accuracy of other data presented
throughout the hiring process and
employment. Any misrepresentations,
falsifications, or material omissions in
any of this information or data may
result in the exclusion of the individual
from further consideration for
employment or, if the person has been
hired, termination of employment.

Attendance and Punctuality

To maintain a safe and productive

work environment, Perot Systems
Business Process Solutions India
Private Limited expects you to be
reliable and to be punctual in
reporting for scheduled work. Your
Absenteeism and tardiness place a
burden on other associates and on
Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited. In the
rare instances when you cannot avoid
being late to work or are unable to
work as scheduled, you should notify
your supervisor as soon as possible in
advance of the anticipated tardiness or
absence. If your immediate supervisor
is not available you must inform the
next higher up. You can either call the
office telephone number or use the
helpline (see page no.9) to inform.
Please note that calling and informing
is the responsibility of every associate
whoever is absent or reporting late to

Hours of Operation / Shifts

You will be required to work eight

hours a day and forty-eight hours in a
week. You will be required to work in
any one of the shifts given below fixed
from time to time.

 The working hours for the first shift start from 7:00
am and ends at 3:00 pm

 The working hours for the second shift start from

3:00 pm and ends at11:00 pm

 The working hours for the third shift start from

11:00 pm and ends at 7:00 am

 The working hours for the general shift start from

9:30 am and ends at 6:00 pm
The following are the allowed break Use of Telephones
intervals The Company understands that during the office hours it is
occasionally necessary to make personal calls. But it is
 Breakfast - 20 minutes (maximum) extremely important that telephone lines be kept open for
incoming and outgoing business calls. Personal use of
telephones during business hours is not encouraged in Perot
 Lunch - 30 minutes (maximum) Systems Business Process Solutions India Private Limited as
it can result in significant expense and adversely affect
 Dinner - 30 minutes (maximum) associate productivity. However for reasons when it is
important to check on the safety and well being of
immediate family members and the like, personal calls are
 Night Snacks - 20 minutes (maximum) allowed. However personal calls of any kind are to be pre-
Incase you have food coupons, the approved by your supervisor. Emergency calls to the fire
department or police are the only pre-approved calls
same can be redeemed at the allowed. Ensure the incoming and outgoing personal calls to
company’s canteen. be brief, and be made when it do not interfere with your
work as it could cause you to fall behind in your duty.
Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited Policy on Usage of Personal Mobile Phones
maintains a non-smoking policy within
the office premises. Smokers are This policy has been drafted to ensure a professional
requested to smoke outside the working atmosphere at Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions, India Private Limited is unhindered by the noise of
premises. phones ringing and preventing any distractions that could
have a detrimental effect on work. Use of camera mobile
If it becomes necessary to take the phones is strictly prohibited in the premises.
break outside the premises for the
stipulated break interval listed above, 1. While in office the associates must avoid using cell
you must get the consent of your phones for personal purpose
Supervisor. Excessive, prolonged and
2. All cell phones should be kept in ‘Silent’, ‘Vibrate’
unauthorized breaks are subject to
or ‘Switched off’ mode while at work. In case the
immediate disciplinary action. person is in a meeting, cell phones should be
refrained from being used.

Visitors in the Work Area

3. All personal calls should be attended outside the
place of work and with due permission from
To provide for the security and safety respective supervisors.
of associates and the properties of
Perot Systems Business Process 4. Accounts Receivable Executives (ARE’s) working in
the night shift need to keep their mobile phones
Solutions India Private Limited, only away from the telephones since the presence of
authorized visitors are allowed in the the mobile phones generate static interference
workplace. Restricting unauthorized while on call.
visitors helps maintain safety
standards, protects against theft, 5. No ARE’s are allowed to attend personal calls
while on duty. In case of emergency, they could
ensures security of equipment, take permission from their respective supervisors
protects confidential information, and attend their call outside.
6. Some specific functions and role holders as part of
their job requirements are permitted to carry and
safeguards associate's welfare and use mobile phones at work place, with specific
avoids potential distractions and approval from Management.
Safety & Hygiene

To maintain the above-mentioned

objective your cooperation is expected Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
Limited is sincerely interested in the safety and well being of
in this regard. You must inform your the associates. Perot Systems Business Process Solutions
supervisor and take his/her consent India Private Limited will also take every effort to keep the
before meeting your visitor. You office equipment in excellent condition and ensure that all
safety devices are working properly. The office equipment is
should meet your visitor in the Perot often expensive and may be difficult to replace. Hence while
Systems Business Process Solutions using it, ensure to exercise care, perform required
India Private Limited's reception area. maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety
You are responsible for the conduct standards and guidelines. Please notify the supervisor if any
equipment, systems, or monitors appear to be damaged,
and safety of your visitors. If an defective, or in need of repair. Prompt reporting of
unauthorized individual is observed in damages, defects, and the need for repairs could prevent
Perot Systems Business Process deterioration of equipment and possible injury to associates
or others.
Solutions India Private Limited's
premises, you should immediately
Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
notify your supervisor or, if necessary, Limited provides a clean, hazard free, healthy and safe work
direct the individual to the reception environment. You are expected to actively participate in
area. keeping the office tidy and clean. Drawers, cabinets and
storage areas are to be neatly arranged. Upon completion of
the day, desktops and work counters should be cleared of
Performance Evaluation clutter and arranged appropriately. You should observe all
posted safety rules, adhere to all safety instructions
provided by your supervisor and use safety equipment
By observation and in consultation where required.
with departmental heads, the
Management shall review the quality Please use the bins kept in your workstations for trashing
of performance of each associate on unwanted stationery, and do not use it for trashing food
items, paper plates, plastic cups, etc. A separate bin is kept
completion of six months from the
for these purposes. Please use the appropriate bins and
time of joining for confirming of avoid soiling your work area with food items. Also check if
his/her employment with Perot the respective personnel empty your bins, appointed for this
Systems Business Process Solutions purpose. If not, inform the Administration department
(Admin) to attend to the situation immediately.
India Private Limited. Further to the
confirmation an Associate would be
If, in spite of our efforts to ensure safe working conditions,
evaluated once in a year and an associate has an accident or becomes ill on the job, it
considered for any revision. His/her should be reported to the HR / Admin department
supervisor, department head or any immediately. They will see that prompt medical attention is
other designated person will evaluate provided.

each associate’s job performance.

Such evaluation shall include Some of the best safety improvement ideas come from
associates. So if you have any  ideas, concerns, or
consideration of accomplishments, suggestions for improving safety and hygiene in the work
strengths and weaknesses of the place, you are encouraged to bring them to the attention of
associate. The associate shall be the HR department.
informed about his/her progress or
lack of progress, what improvements
need to be made and the amount of
knowledge updation, if any, that is
justified by the associate’s quality of
performance. Interim evaluations may
occur through out the year to check if
an associate is well above or below
normal standards. Increment or
improvement plan will be decided
depending upon the case.

At the time of your job performance

review, you will have an opportunity
to read your performance appraisal
form and discuss your performance
rating with your evaluator. You are
encouraged to ask your evaluator
questions you may have regarding
your individual performance or
performance standards. Your
evaluation provides an opportunity for
you and your supervisor to discuss
your career goals. It also offers you
the chance to discuss your feelings
about your job. You are encouraged to
bring questions, problems and matters
regarding your job to the attention of
your supervisor or to utilize the
Grievance Procedure to appeal against
your performance review.

Salary Reviews

We pay compensation which is

designed to reward for associate’s
productivity, creativity, and
contribution to Perot Systems
Business Process Solutions India
Private Limited. Managers will conduct
regular salary reviews to assess the
associates’ compensation in relation to
their performance and business
contribution. Salary increases are
based on number of factors, including
merit, productivity, efficiency, Perot
Systems Business Process Solutions
India Private Limited’s sales
performance, budgeting issues,
industry standards, internal and
external equity and other factors Perot
Systems Business Process Solutions
India Private Limited may consider at
its sole discretion. They are not based
on length of service or cost of living.
Having a performance review does not
necessarily mean an associate will be
given a salary increase.

Use of Company Property

Perot Systems Business Process

Solutions India Private Limited retains
the sole ownership of all its property,
real and tangible, equipment, and
restricts the use of all said property
and equipment. Hence personal use of
any company property without prior
approval from the designated person
is strictly prohibited. This includes but
not limited to computers, telephones,
stamps, stationery, printer and
company vehicles. Other than in case
of emergencies, associates are
expected to attend to their personal
affairs during non-working hours
outside office.
Dress Code Sexual and other Unlawful Harassment

Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India

You are expected to maintain the Private Limited is committed in providing a work
highest standards of personal environment that is free of discrimination and
cleanliness and present a neat, harassment. Actions, words, jokes or comments based
professional appearance at all times. on an individual’s sex, race, ethnic origin, religion or
any other legally protected class will not be tolerated.
Our professional image is an important Sexual and other unlawful harassment (both overt
aspect of Perot Systems Business and subtle) is a form of associate misconduct that is
Process Solutions India Private demeaning to another person, undermines the
integrity of the employment relationship and is
Limited. Whether or not your job strictly prohibited.
responsibilities place you in direct
contact with the clients, you represent The display or transmission of sexually explicit
Perot Systems Business Process images, messages, and cartoons is not allowed. The
Solutions India Private Limited with following behaviors or activities is prohibited and can
your appearance as well as your result in disciplinary action.
actions. The properly attired man or
woman helps to create a favorable  Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or
threatening messages or images
image for Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private
 Participating in the viewing or exchange of pornography
Limited. Associates who are or obscene materials
improperly attired may be required to
leave work to change their attire. You  Sending or posting messages that defame or slander
will not be compensated for the time other individuals which includes, but not limited to,
you are away from work to change religious comments, racial comments, ethnic slurs, or
improper attire. anything that may be construed as harassment or
showing disrespect for others

Unless otherwise announced, on all  Sending anonymous e-mail messages

Fridays and Saturdays you may wear Any associate, who wants to report an incident of
casual attire, which is clean, neat and harassment, should promptly report to his/her
supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or the
presentable. associates believe it would be inappropriate to contact
that person, the associate should immediately contact
any member of Management or the HR Department.
The following clothing is not a an
appropriate attire:
E-mail and Internet usage

Shorts, halters, mini skirts, tank tops,

jeans with holes, low neckline front or Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India
Private Limited prohibits the use of email, Internet
back, flip flops and slippers or clothing and Intranet systems in ways that are disruptive,
that has words, pictures, scenes, etc., offensive to others or harmful to morale.
that is disruptive to the work
The following can also result in disciplinary action.
environment. Also casual dressing on
other non-assigned days.
 Using Organization's time and resources for personal gain

Recommended dress code:  Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else's code or

password without authorization
   Copying, pirating, or downloading software and electronic
Allowed (Mon – Thurs) files without permission

 Formal pants, Formal shirts (full sleeves or half

sleeves), Formal shoes only  Engaged in unauthorized transaction that may incur a
cost to the organization
Allowed(Fri – Sat) – (Thurs – Friday for AR shift
only)  Sending or posting chain mails/letters, solicitation, or
advertisements not related to business purposes or
 Business casuals, with closed shoes
 T shirts with collars The Company reserves the rights to access and to
   screen the messages that you send, receive, or
browse on the e-mail and internet systems.
Not Allowed
Associates should also be aware that “deleted”
 Open shoes and slippers messages from the computer screen might not
 T shirts without collars(round and V necks) actually be deleted from the e-mail system. Associates
who abuse this policy are subject to disciplinary
 Any type of T shirt with big writing and offensive procedures up to and including discharge. Also Refer
words and pictures. Associate Agreement / Appointment letter for
 Shorts and tear off jeans Trainees.

Allowed (Mon – Thurs)
 Formal / business suits
 Formal skirts below knee length
 Sarees
 Salwar Kameez
Allowed (Fri – Sat) – (Thurs – Friday for AR shift
 Business Casuals
 Long skirts
Not Allowed
 Sleeveless shirts or tops or Salwar kameez or t shirts
 Capris, cut off pants
 Short / strappy / sleeveless tops

  Any type of T shirt with big writing and offensive

words and pictures.
 Shorts and tear off jeans
 Half Saree

Leave Policy Sick leave cannot be clubbed with Casual leave or

Earned leave.

Objective: Any Sick leave has to be supported by a certificate by

the examining Doctor, along with the Doctor’s
To define and establish leave policy for
diagnosis of the problem and a fitness certificate to
the organization taking into rejoin duty on the letter head of the Doctor.. If
consideration the requirement of the required Perot Systems Business Process Solutions
organization and need of the India Private Limited’s panel of Doctors would have a
discussion with the Physician who treated the
associate. associate‘to reconfirm the nature of sickness and also
assess its degree of severity Sick leave is not en-
This would be applicable to all
Essence of the Leave Policy:
associates including the trainees.

1. Any form of leave would be credited to the

Categories: associate’s account only on a monthly basis
for every completed month of service.
2. No form of leave can be combined with
another form, and wherever possible, it is
The various categories of leave are: required to be planned well in advance and
take approval in advance. There can be an
 Casual Leave (CL) exception to genuine cases and as per the
discretion of the Management.

 Earned Leave (EL)

3. Any additional leave that an associate takes
apart from the permitted one-day leave or 3
 Sick Leave (SL) days approved leave, (if applied and
Casual Leave approved before one month in advance) will
be treated as LOP. Under genuine
Management approved cases it will be
In a calendar year of 12 months from deducted from the balance of any
accumulated EL. In case of no EL balance, it
January to December, each associate
will be deducted as LOP unless the leave is a
is allowed a maximum of 12 days of SL and as indicated earlier in this document,
casual leave. One day leave for every will require Sick Leave related
completed month of service would be documentation.
credited to the associate’s account .
4. All leaves require prior approval and at the
discretion of the Supervisor.
For any leave request, prior approval
has to be obtained (using the leave 5. Any leave of more than one day requires
request form in netBoard) in the approval in advance.
interest of smooth and efficient
6. Maximum of only 3 days leave allowed at a
functioning of the department /
stretch, at a time, exceptions to this rule
organization. Any leave of more than 1 would be at the discretion of the
day duration has to be planned and Management.
has to be informed to the respective
reporting manager in advance and 7. Unapproved leave and leave beyond approval
limits will be treated as LOP.
approval taken. Such leave will not be
granted for more than 3 days in a
8. Earned leave can be claimed only from the
stretch and at a time. second year of service.

Any leave without approval or beyond 9. EL can be en-cashed, which is linked to

approval limits will be treated as loss Basic.
of pay (LOP). In case of any
unapproved leave being prefixed and 10. Strict conditions apply for availing SL.
suffixed by a Sunday or Company
approved holiday that will also be  
accounted as leave and deducted as
LOP. Associate Leave Eligibility Table:

In case an associate has not taken any SL EL

leave during the year and wants to
avail the same at the end of the year, Months in Perot
it would be approved only under rare / Systems
special cases that too on the discretion
of the Manager and if such a long
leave would not in any way affect the
Under 6 Months 12* 12* Nill
work. Such leave should be very well
planned and a minimum of 3 months
advance approval is essential. Grant of
Casual Leave is subject to 6 Months - 1 Year 12* 12* Nill
Management decision. Casual leave
cannot be clubbed with Earned leave
or Sick Leave unless the case is
genuine and to avoid  LOP which will Above 1 year 12* 12* 12*
purely be at Management’s discretion. * 12 leaves in a calendar year i.e. from January to
CL can also be encashed. Click to read December.
Policy for CL Encashment.
In case of status change mid year, then all leaves are
calculated proportionately. For e.g. X completes 1
year in March, then only 9 EL are available, since only
9 months are left in the year ending December.
Earned Leave:
Every regular associate (trainees do
not qualify) will get one day earned But, this is not applicable (unless Employment
leave for every completed month of Agreement specifically refers to Associate Handbook)
service, this will be credited to their to any persons occupying positions of Management in
the establishment, by virtue of the exemption
leave account. Associates will become provided in S. 4(1)(a) of the Tamil Nadu Shops and
eligible for earned leave accumulation Commercial Establishments Act, 1947. In these cases,
on completion of one year in the such leave would be governed by the contracts of
employment or by the service regulations of the
company, followed by a lapse of one establishment.
month of completion of one year. For
e.g. associate A joins on 1st June 2001 Permission
he/she would be eligible for earned
leave accumulation from 1st June
Permission may be granted solely at the Manager’s
2001 and would get 1st earned leave discretion under inevitable circumstances. Your
accumulated to their account on Manager may allow a maximum of 2 permissions in a
completion of June 2002 i.e. on 1st month not exceeding 2 hours per permission
according to his/her discretion. Any permission
July 02. exceeding the limits would constitute LOP where it
would be calculated in multiples of ½ (Half) days per
exceeded permission.
Earned leaves are accounted in a
calendar year i.e. from Jan-Dec and
can be carried forward to next. In the
Loss of Pay
above case, A will be able to
accumulate 6 EL’s for the year 2002
Leave without wages or Loss of pay may be granted
and then the following year 2003, for exceptional cases at the discretion of the
from Jan-Dec, A will be entitled for full Management.
12 days. Associates who have
successfully completed probation will You will not be entitled or eligible for leave with pay if
be eligible for only Casual Leave and any of the following conditions apply:
Sick Leave until they complete one
year with Perot Systems Business  If there is no leave available in your total leave credit for
Process Solutions India Private the Calendar year

 If you violate the late and the permission policy
Earned leave cannot be clubbed with
Casual Leave or Sick Leave. However,   Absent without prior information
in a month if CL is not available, it will
be adjusted against EL to avoid LOP  Absent without prior information on extended leaves
either before and/or after the actual approved leave
which will be at the discretion of the
Management.  When doctor’s certificate is not produced for the sick

Earned leave can be accumulated to a  When appropriate reason for leave is not established
maximum of 24 days, after which it
will be automatically en-cashed. If you were on leave without pay, the deduction from
Encashment of EL is linked to the last the salary would be:
drawn Basic salary of the associate. (Formula to be given and not to be mentioned as two
For this purpose the number of days in separate statements )
a month is considered as 30 days.    
( the number of working days alone is  Current gross monthly Salary X Number of days you were
to be considered and not the calendar absent
days in a month )In the case of 
resignation of an associate his earned Total number of days in the month in which the leave
leave benefit will be given as cash was taken

equivalent as applicable as part of

his / her full and final settlement.
Example for calculation of EL:

Associate A has 10 days EL at the end

of the year and his last drawn basic
was Rs. 3000/- his encashment
amount would be Rs. 1000/-

Sick Leave:

The objective of the sick leave is to

help associates at the time of sickness
or major illness and for genuine
medical related reasons.

In a calendar year of 12 months from

January to December, each associate
gets 12 days Sick leave. Sick leave not
availed during the year will not lapse
on 31st December of each year and
can be accumulated up to 24 days. Any
accumulation beyond 24 days will
automatically lapse.
Leave / Permission Rules Workmen’s compensation

 Casual and Sick leave is applicable for all associates Situations where injury is caused to associates by
accident arising out of and in the course of
employment – the associates who are contributories
 Submitting your leave/permission application to ESI, will be covered by the ESI Act and those who
through the “Leave Form” will not confirm the are not contributories to ESI will be governed as per
approval of leave by default. Apart from submitting the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.
your leave / permission application you must also
talk to your concerned heads explaining the reason
regarding the same Holidays

 All the unapproved leaves / permissions would be You are entitled to the customary paid holidays, which
considered as LOP will be intimated to you in the beginning of every
calendar year. Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited has 11 such holidays
 All Casual leaves and permissions without prior for the current calendar year, which includes:
notice would be considered as LOP

1. New Year
 When a medical certificate that is essential on the 2. Pongal
account of sick leave for3 or more days is not 3. Republic Day
produced, the number of days sick leave taken in 4. Tamil New Year
that month would constitute LOP 5. May Day
6. Independence Day
 Leave shall be availed of from the date from which it 7. Vinayaka Chathurti
is sanctioned to commence 8. Gandhi Jayanthi
9. Pooja Holiday
10. Deepavali
 Leave of one kind cannot be combined with any 11. Christmas
other leave

This list of Holidays for the next year shall be released

 If you remain absent without leave or beyond the during the last week of December of the previous
period of leave that was granted, shall be deemed to year. Some of these holidays, which are non-
have abandoned from your service with Perot mandatory, are not applicable to the AR Staff, they
Systems Business Process Solutions India Private would be covered by US holiday list – these will be
Limited, unless your case explains to the entire announced from time-to-time by the supervisors.
satisfaction of the Management about the reasons
for absence or overstay of leave
Salary / Stipend and Benefits
Maternity Leave
Associate who are not contributories Bank Accounts
to Employee State Insurance (ESI) Act
are governed as below: At the time of joining you will be enrolled to the Bank
where Perot Systems Business Process Solutions
India Private Limited has its corporate salary account.
 Women associates who have worked for a period of Every month your calculated net salary / stipend
not less than 80 days in the 12 months immediately would be directly deposited to your individual
preceding the expected date of her delivery are account. You may withdraw your salary / stipend
eligible for maternity leave through ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) . However if
there is a delay in receiving your account number your
salary will be paid through Demand Draft.
 Under this, no woman is allowed to work during the
6 weeks immediately following the day of her
delivery and also during the 6 weeks immediately Deductions
preceding her expected date of delivery. Hence,
these two periods will constitute maternity leave
It is statutory that Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited should make certain
 Further, for a period of 1 month immediately deduction from your Salary. Among these are Income
preceding the 6 weeks before her delivery date, no Tax (Tax Deducted at Source), Professional Tax,
woman associate, upon a request being made, may Provident Fund as per the provisions of Employees
be required to do any work of an arduous nature, or Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
which involves long hours of standing, or which is 1952 and  Employees State Insurance Act, 1948,
likely to interfere with her pregnancy or the normal (applicable for those associates having gross salary
development of the foetus, or otherwise likely to less than Rs.10,000/-), requisitions from associates
adversely affect her health for Food coupons (Sodexho) and any other deduction
statutorily permissible deductions as and when
 For the actual period of absence, every woman applicable. Any unauthorized leave, late coming, acts
associate will be paid maternity benefit at the that cause damage or loss to company, may also lead
average rate of daily wage (calculated based on to deductions, the proceeds of which would be kept
monthly salary . This is payable for a maximum aside and remitted to the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare
period of 12 weeks i.e. for a maximum of 6 weeks Fund.
prior to the delivery date, and for a maximum of 6
weeks subsequent to the day of delivery All associates are paid between the 1st and the 5th
day of each month. Perot Systems Business Process
 This is applicable to all women associates in the Solutions India Private Limited takes all reasonable
establishment steps to ensure that you receive the correct amount of
pay in your account and are paid promptly on the
Associates who are contributories to scheduled payday. In the event you believe there is an
ESI are directly covered under ESI Act. error in the amount of pay, promptly bring this to the
However for the benefit of associates, attention of the HR Department so that corrections
the following are what ESI Act can be made quickly as possible.

PF Benefit

 Maternity Benefit is payable to an insured woman in

the following cases subject to contributory The benefit is in the form of a lump sum amount made
conditions:- up of regular contribution from your salary during
your employment; matched by company’s contribution
and the interest accrued on the total of these
 Confinement-payable for a period of 12 weeks (84 contributions. Your contribution is at the rate of 12%
days) on production of Form 21 and 23 of Basic Salary. The company makes a matching
contribution of 3.67% to the provident fund and
 Miscarriage or medical termination of pregnancy 8.33% to Pension Fund of the associates Provident
(MTP)-payable for 6 weeks (42 days) from the date Fund account. (PF Benefit is applicable to all
following miscarriage-on the basis of Form 20 and 23 associates). Associates whose basic salary is less than
Rs.6,500/- are mandatorily covered under PF.
Associates whose basic salary is more than
 Sickness arising out of Pregnancy, Confinement, Rs.6,500/- can either have a PF contribution of
Premature birth-payable for a period not exceeding Rs.780/- ( 12 % of Rs.6,500/- ) or can opt for 12 %
one month-on the basis of Forms 8, 10 and 9 of their entire basic salary with a matching
contribution by the employer, which would be part of
 In the event of the death of the insured woman your CTC).
during confinement leaving behind a child, maternity
benefit is payable to her nominee on production of
Form 24 (B)

 Maternity benefit rate is double the Standard Benefit

Rate, or roughly equal to the average daily wage
Kinds of Leave Approvals

 Leave can be Approved giving Leave with pay

 Leave can be approved giving Loss of Pay

 Leave can be disapproved and resulting in


 Leave can be disapproved with a warning on the

grounds of any violation of leave policies
Hospitalization Policy     Do and Don’ts relating to Transportation

1. Ensure your mobile is always charged at

Objective: This policy is to ensure that least 90 minutes before you board the
associates are covered from financial vehicle.
2. Save the numbers of the transport helpline
distress arising out of sudden as well as senior team Managers in your cell
hospitalization or untimely death. phone on speed-dial mode.
3. Be appropriately attired for the journey.
4. Do not display valuables / currency to the
Benefits: driver.
Hospitalisation coverage of associate 5. Do not have personal conversations within
earshot of the driver.
and 3 dependents (Father, Mother, 6. Stop only at the destination specified in the
spouse, child) for upto Rs 50,000 per rostering sheet.
7. Refrain from traveling alone in a vehicle and
annum. be alert to any change in route.
8. If the identity of a co-commuter is suspect,
request him to display the I-Card. If the I-
Group Personal accident coverage of card is not available, report the matter to the
Rs 3,00,000/- per associate for transport helpline immediately.
9. Do not permit any outsider to board the
accidental death. Cover also provides vehicle under any circumstances. If you want
for disablement benefit both to help someone involved in a road accident,
call 100 or the office transport helpdesk.
temporary total and partial permanent 10. Female employees must not sit in the front
or total disability. seat of the vehicle.
11. Do not attempt to board any vehicle headed
in the direction of your residence if you are
Coverage:All associates on Company not rostered. You will be asked to disembark.
12. Respond to missed calls given by drivers.(90
rolls. minutes prior to commencement of your shift
A) Procedure for Coverage 13. Call the transport helpline in case of any of
the following:

 No security escort for a female employee if she is the first

to board or last to disembark
 Associates on their joining would be advised to
indicate their details for coverage under both the

Rude behavior by drivers

 HR would send the list of additions and deletions to

the insurance company by fax/email.  Driver under the influence of alcoholl

 Coverage would begin from first day of the

subsequent month from their joining date.  Over-speeding by cabs

 Associates contribute an equal share as the

Company for this coverage. ( check the amount of  Unscheduled breaks by the driver for refueling /picking
contribution made by the company ) The current up friends etc.,
share of employees comes to Rs. 150/- per month
which would be recovered through salary.

 Vehicle breakdown
 In the first month of coverage the employee
contribution would be prorated to their date of
 The coverage ceases when the employee separates  Driver communicating on the mobile while driving
from the company and the recovery of employee’s
share towards this contribution would be as per the
day when the associate’s name was removed from
the rolls. Once the coverage ceases all the
responsibilities of collecting the medical  Driver using unacceptable language
reimbursement from the Insurance Company will be
directly done by the ex-associates.

 Driver not wearing the Identity card of the travel agency

B) Procedure for Additions and deletions of

 Driver violating the roistered route

 Additions and deletions of dependents during the    

course of the year would be allowed under following
- Associate has given either 0, 1 or 2 dependents In case of an emergency please contact
and would like to add to them
Helpdesk: 9841057777 and 9841366660

Night Shift Allowance

- Associate’s dependent has passed away requiring
  a change in the dependents
For the number of nights you work in a month you will
be eligible for night allowance, which is calculated at
the rate of Rs.60 per night worked. The night
- The policy is due for renewal for next year (Jan 1st allowance payment is paid  along with the payroll
  is the beginning of the year) and associates can every month. All non-voice associates working in
give a fresh set of dependents for coverage. night shifts become eligible for the night shift
Contact person for all claims related
Associate Referral Challenge
matter is M. Balamurugan from HR
Perot Systems Business Process Solutions has a
Following are the benefits for Group referral fee system called “Associate Referral
Mediclaim Challenge (ARC)” where you can refer qualified
friends or acquaintances who are interested in
employment opportunity.
Cover on floater basis (all people put
together, i.e the associate and 3 On the confirmation of the associate who got
dependants) is Rs.50,000/- per family. recruited through ARC the associate who referred
him/her would get the referral fees as applicable at
These 4 members of the family can
the time (to be paid on completion of 3 months).
utilize Rs.50,000/- insured either
partly or fully. Managers will not receive a referral bonus for
candidates who eventually work in their own team.
Maternity benefits up to Rs.25,000/-
Policy on Relatives working
per case without any waiting period
(i.e. from day one of enrollment in the The Associate Referral Challenge (ARC) was launched
policy ) on the notion that our associates know about the
organization and they would refer friends and
acquaintances who are interested. The associate can
Cashless facility available as the
do a favor and justice to both the organization and the
claims are being managed by third referred person. Such references are rewarded as part
party administrator (TPA - M/s TTK of the ARC.
Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd)
It has been decided that besides close relatives,
spouses of Perot Systems associates are also
For more FAQs on TTK, Click here.
permitted to work at Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited as long as they are in
Click here to download the Pre- different departments, facilities and/or not under the
same immediate supervisor.
Authorization Request form from TTK.
All pre-existing diseases are covered Associate Code of Conduct

Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India

Coverage will be from day one of the
Private Limited endeavors to employ responsible
subsequent month of joining individuals and believes that the vast majority of
associates are responsible persons who understands
Limitations and respects the rights and property of their fellow
associates and that of Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private Limited. However,
Out patient treatment will not be
when large groups work together, reasonable rules
considered are necessary for the orderly conduct of the
operation. To this end Perot Systems Business
Minimum hospitalization of 24 hrs is Process Solutions India Private Limited has in effect
necessary for preferring a claim under and will establish from time to time such reasonable
rules as it considers necessary to ensure the orderly
the policy and efficient conduct of its business, to ensure the
safety of its associates and property, and to comply
Routine eye examination and dental with applicable laws.
treatment will not be covered
It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that
are considered unacceptable in the workplace. The
Gratuity following are the examples of infractions of rules of
conduct that may result in disciplinary action..
The associates are also covered as per
 Misuse of Money, equipment or supplies
the Payment of Gratuity act 1972.
Under this coverage, gratuity will be
paid to an associate who has rendered
not less than 5 years continuous  Forgery of documents
service, at the time of his termination
of his service either-
on superannuation, or
 Conviction of criminal act

on retirement, or
 Falsification of time keeping or other records

on resignation, or
 Working under the influence of Alcohol

on death, or
 Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace

displacement due to accident or disease

 Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct
But, any associate irrespective of
whether he has been in employment
for 5 years or not, whose employment  Smoking in restricted areas
is terminated due to death or
disablement, is entitled to gratuity.

An associate, for this purpose is any  Habitual tardiness or absenteeism

person employed on rolls and includes

even persons in a managerial or
administrative capacity.  Creating or contributing to unsanitary or disorderly
housekeeping conditions
Gratuity payable is calculated at the
rate of 15 days basic salary for every
completed year of service or part
 Unauthorized disclosure of business secrets or
thereof in excess of 6 months. But, the
confidential information
maximum gratuity payable to an
associate is Rs. 3,50,000/-

But, if associate's service has been  Sexual or other unlawful harassment

terminated for any act or willful
omission or negligence causing
damage or loss to or destruction of  Violation of Compliance policies
property belonging to the employer,
then, gratuity to the extent of damage
or loss caused is forfeited.
 Violation of personnel policies

Further, if the services of the associate

have been terminated due to riotous
or disorderly conduct or any other act  Unsatisfactory performance
of violence; or for any act, in the
course of employment, which
constitutes an offence involving moral
turpitude, then gratuity may be wholly  Do not step out of the Company premises at night
or partially forfeited. without express permission from your Manager

 Adhere to the appropriate code of behavior as
Associates drawing less than recommended by the Company
Rs.10,000/- per month will be paid
bonus as per Payment of Bonus Act,
1965. Associates drawing more than
 Avoid association with employees who may have been
Rs.10,000/- will paid ex-gratia only if
asked to leave the Company on disciplinary grounds
they are on the rolls of the company at
the time of the payment of bonus.

 Do not encourage visitors during work hours. In case you

Associates of the company will be paid
have visitors, ensure that they are seated in the visitors’
Bonus calculated @ one month basic area only if, it is felt really necessary
pay for a full completed year of
service. Associates who have not
completed a year but more than 1
month service, the bonus amount is  Do not ignore any inappropriate behavior by
proportionately calculated considering colleagues/support staff. Report any instance to your
the completed number of months for Manager / HR personnel.
calculations. However, the decision to
pay ex-gratia for associates is
completely at the discretion of the
company.  Treat other employees and staff with respect and

Food Vouchers

Perot Systems Business Process  Be polite with support and transport staff
Solutions India Private Limited's
It is necessary to act in a professional manner and
facilitates availability of food
extend the highest courtesy to co-workers, visitors,
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, tea, customers, vendors and clients. A cheerful and
coffee etc.) for its associates working positive attitude is essential to our commitment to the
in different shifts. This is an optional service and impeccable quality. Please remember that
facility for associates for their the above are only examples of violations, which may
result in disciplinary action or immediate discharge.
convenience, which is operated by a
Other situations of similar nature may arise and these
committee of associates (6 members too may result in various degrees of discipline or
consisting of 3 from operations, 1 from discharge.
finance, 1 from HR and 1 from the
Disciplinary procedures
Admin department) called “Associate
Facilities Committee”, constituted with Your supervisor is responsible for ensuring that Perot
the purpose of identifying, finalizing a Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
Limited’s policies, procedures and rules are followed
caterer and ensuring provision of
and for taking disciplinary action when the rules are
proper quality food items regularly for not observed. Disciplinary action taken depends on
the associates.. This committee is a the severity of the violation as stated under the
representation of Perot Systems’ section on associate code of conduct.

associates and is at free will to While terminating the services of a workman category
identify and nominate appropriate of associate on the ground of misconduct, the law and
caterer, menu, and quality, rate,  etc. judicial pronouncements, Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private Limited would
consider the following disciplinary procedure, viz., (i)
The associates have an option to issue of charge sheet; (ii) holding of domestic enquiry
subscribe  for vouchers and taking in accordance with principles of natural justice; (iii)
food through this canteen facility. report to enquiry officer; (iv) issuance of show cause
Every month, Associates interested in notice, (v) giving the associate an opportunity to
rebut charges of misconduct leveled against him, and
subscribing for the food vouchers
(vi) issuance of order of punishment. Further, the
indent to the Accounts department and
instances of misconduct will be made known to the
the department accordingly deducts non-managerial category associates. Some of the
the value from their salary and issues examples of behavior that falls within the scope of
food vouchers. The Associates misconduct requiring disciplinary action are as
Facilities committee has the complete follows:
authority in terms of catering
operations and will follow all due  Impertinence, insubordination or disobedience whether
diligence to enable, provide good alone or in-combination with others, of any lawful and
reasonable order of a superior
quality of food for the associates of
Perot Systems. Perot Systems is a
mere facilitator and is completely
abstained and protected from any kind  Inciting or leading or participating in an illegal strike or
of litigation and liability in this regard actions detrimental to the Company’s interests or

The other purpose of Associates

 Causing loss or damage to the business or property of
Facilities Committee is also to
the Company in particular
coordinate  the transportation in
accordance  to  the shift timing of the
associates. Since Perot Systems’
associates work across different shifts,  Habitual late attendance or absence or leaving the work
prior to the end of working hours, etc.
the company consented to facilitate
transportation to such associates who
utilize public transportation but cannot
commute in the light of their odd hour
shift times. Except those working in
general shift all associates are
covered. This facility is purely optional
and the associates may make alternate
arrangements in case they choose to
abstain from this facility. The
Associates Facilities committee is at
free will to discuss, negotiate, and
identify any of the transport providers
that would address the needs of the
associates. Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private
Limited is a mere facilitator and is
completely abstained from any kind of
litigation and liability in this regard.
Facilities committee will ensure all due
diligence in getting the best price,
quality vans, good drivers and any
other requirements that they may be
warranted as a facility to Perot
Systems Business Process Solutions
India Private Limited associates.

Hospitalization Policy     Do and Don’ts relating to Transportation

1. Ensure your mobile is always charged at

Objective: This policy is to ensure that least 90 minutes before you board the
associates are covered from financial vehicle.
2. Save the numbers of the transport helpline
distress arising out of sudden as well as senior team Managers in your cell
hospitalization or untimely death. phone on speed-dial mode.
3. Be appropriately attired for the journey.
4. Do not display valuables / currency to the
Benefits: driver.
Hospitalisation coverage of associate 5. Do not have personal conversations within
earshot of the driver.
and 3 dependents (Father, Mother, 6. Stop only at the destination specified in the
spouse, child) for upto Rs 50,000 per rostering sheet.
7. Refrain from traveling alone in a vehicle and
annum. be alert to any change in route.
8. If the identity of a co-commuter is suspect,
request him to display the I-Card. If the I-
Group Personal accident coverage of card is not available, report the matter to the
Rs 3,00,000/- per associate for transport helpline immediately.
9. Do not permit any outsider to board the
accidental death. Cover also provides vehicle under any circumstances. If you want
for disablement benefit both to help someone involved in a road accident,
call 100 or the office transport helpdesk.
temporary total and partial permanent 10. Female employees must not sit in the front
or total disability. seat of the vehicle.
11. Do not attempt to board any vehicle headed
in the direction of your residence if you are
Coverage:All associates on Company not rostered. You will be asked to disembark.
12. Respond to missed calls given by drivers.(90
rolls. minutes prior to commencement of your shift
A) Procedure for Coverage 13. Call the transport helpline in case of any of
the following:

 No security escort for a female employee if she is the first

to board or last to disembark
 Associates on their joining would be advised to
indicate their details for coverage under both the

Rude behavior by drivers

 HR would send the list of additions and deletions to

the insurance company by fax/email.  Driver under the influence of alcoholl

 Coverage would begin from first day of the

subsequent month from their joining date.  Over-speeding by cabs

 Associates contribute an equal share as the

Company for this coverage. ( check the amount of  Unscheduled breaks by the driver for refueling /picking
contribution made by the company ) The current up friends etc.,
share of employees comes to Rs. 150/- per month
which would be recovered through salary.

 Vehicle breakdown
 In the first month of coverage the employee
contribution would be prorated to their date of

 Driver communicating on the mobile while driving

 The coverage ceases when the employee separates
from the company and the recovery of employee’s
share towards this contribution would be as per the
day when the associate’s name was removed from
the rolls. Once the coverage ceases all the
 Driver using unacceptable language
responsibilities of collecting the medical
reimbursement from the Insurance Company will be
directly done by the ex-associates.
 Driver not wearing the Identity card of the travel agency

B) Procedure for Additions and deletions of


 Driver violating the roistered route

 Additions and deletions of dependents during the


course of the year would be allowed under following

circumstances: In case of an emergency please contact
- Associate has given either 0, 1 or 2 dependents
and would like to add to them Helpdesk: 9841057777 and 9841366660

Night Shift Allowance

- Associate’s dependent has passed away requiring

  a change in the dependents For the number of nights you work in a month you will
be eligible for night allowance, which is calculated at
the rate of Rs.60 per night worked. The night
allowance payment is paid  along with the payroll
- The policy is due for renewal for next year (Jan 1st every month. All non-voice associates working in
  is the beginning of the year) and associates can night shifts become eligible for the night shift
give a fresh set of dependents for coverage. allowance.

Contact person for all claims related Associate Referral Challenge

matter is M. Balamurugan from HR Perot Systems Business Process Solutions has a

referral fee system called “Associate Referral
Following are the benefits for Group Challenge (ARC)” where you can refer qualified
Mediclaim friends or acquaintances who are interested in
employment opportunity.

Cover on floater basis (all people put

On the confirmation of the associate who got
together, i.e the associate and 3 recruited through ARC the associate who referred
dependants) is Rs.50,000/- per family. him/her would get the referral fees as applicable at
These 4 members of the family can the time (to be paid on completion of 3 months).

utilize Rs.50,000/- insured either Managers will not receive a referral bonus for
partly or fully. candidates who eventually work in their own team.
Maternity benefits up to Rs.25,000/- Policy on Relatives working

per case without any waiting period

The Associate Referral Challenge (ARC) was launched
(i.e. from day one of enrollment in the on the notion that our associates know about the
policy ) organization and they would refer friends and
acquaintances who are interested. The associate can
do a favor and justice to both the organization and the
Cashless facility available as the
referred person. Such references are rewarded as part
claims are being managed by third of the ARC.
party administrator (TPA - M/s TTK
Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd) It has been decided that besides close relatives,
spouses of Perot Systems associates are also
permitted to work at Perot Systems Business Process
For more FAQs on TTK, Click here.
Solutions India Private Limited as long as they are in
different departments, facilities and/or not under the
Click here to download the Pre- same immediate supervisor.
Authorization Request form from TTK.
Associate Code of Conduct

All pre-existing diseases are covered Perot Systems Business Process Solutions India
Private Limited endeavors to employ responsible
Coverage will be from day one of the individuals and believes that the vast majority of
subsequent month of joining associates are responsible persons who understands
and respects the rights and property of their fellow
associates and that of Perot Systems Business
Limitations Process Solutions India Private Limited. However,
when large groups work together, reasonable rules
Out patient treatment will not be are necessary for the orderly conduct of the
considered operation. To this end Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private Limited has in effect
and will establish from time to time such reasonable
Minimum hospitalization of 24 hrs is
rules as it considers necessary to ensure the orderly
necessary for preferring a claim under and efficient conduct of its business, to ensure the
the policy safety of its associates and property, and to comply
with applicable laws.
Routine eye examination and dental
It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that
treatment will not be covered are considered unacceptable in the workplace. The
following are the examples of infractions of rules of
Gratuity conduct that may result in disciplinary action..

The associates are also covered as per  Misuse of Money, equipment or supplies
the Payment of Gratuity act 1972.
Under this coverage, gratuity will be
paid to an associate who has rendered  Forgery of documents
not less than 5 years continuous
service, at the time of his termination
of his service either-
 Conviction of criminal act
 on superannuation, or

 Falsification of time keeping or other records

 on retirement, or

 Working under the influence of Alcohol

 on resignation, or

 Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace

 on death, or
 displacement due to accident or disease  Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct

But, any associate irrespective of

whether he has been in employment
 Smoking in restricted areas
for 5 years or not, whose employment
is terminated due to death or
disablement, is entitled to gratuity.
 Habitual tardiness or absenteeism
An associate, for this purpose is any
person employed on rolls and includes
even persons in a managerial or
 Creating or contributing to unsanitary or disorderly
administrative capacity.
housekeeping conditions

Gratuity payable is calculated at the

rate of 15 days basic salary for every
completed year of service or part  Unauthorized disclosure of business secrets or
confidential information
thereof in excess of 6 months. But, the
maximum gratuity payable to an
associate is Rs. 3,50,000/-
 Sexual or other unlawful harassment
But, if associate's service has been
terminated for any act or willful
omission or negligence causing
 Violation of Compliance policies
damage or loss to or destruction of
property belonging to the employer,
then, gratuity to the extent of damage
or loss caused is forfeited.  Violation of personnel policies

Further, if the services of the associate

have been terminated due to riotous
 Unsatisfactory performance
or disorderly conduct or any other act
of violence; or for any act, in the
course of employment, which
constitutes an offence involving moral  Do not step out of the Company premises at night
without express permission from your Manager
turpitude, then gratuity may be wholly
or partially forfeited.

Bonus  Adhere to the appropriate code of behavior as

recommended by the Company
Associates drawing less than
Rs.10,000/- per month will be paid
bonus as per Payment of Bonus Act,
 Avoid association with employees who may have been
1965. Associates drawing more than asked to leave the Company on disciplinary grounds
Rs.10,000/- will paid ex-gratia only if
they are on the rolls of the company at
the time of the payment of bonus.
 Do not encourage visitors during work hours. In case you
have visitors, ensure that they are seated in the visitors’
Associates of the company will be paid area only if, it is felt really necessary
Bonus calculated @ one month basic
pay for a full completed year of
service. Associates who have not
 Do not ignore any inappropriate behavior by
completed a year but more than 1 colleagues/support staff. Report any instance to your
Manager / HR personnel.
month service, the bonus amount is
proportionately calculated considering
the completed number of months for
calculations. However, the decision to  Treat other employees and staff with respect and
pay ex-gratia for associates is consideration

completely at the discretion of the

 Be polite with support and transport staff
Food Vouchers
It is necessary to act in a professional manner and
Perot Systems Business Process extend the highest courtesy to co-workers, visitors,
customers, vendors and clients. A cheerful and
Solutions India Private Limited's positive attitude is essential to our commitment to the
facilitates availability of food service and impeccable quality. Please remember that
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, tea, the above are only examples of violations, which may
result in disciplinary action or immediate discharge.
coffee etc.) for its associates working
Other situations of similar nature may arise and these
in different shifts. This is an optional too may result in various degrees of discipline or
facility for associates for their discharge.
convenience, which is operated by a
Disciplinary procedures
committee of associates (6 members
consisting of 3 from operations, 1 from Your supervisor is responsible for ensuring that Perot
finance, 1 from HR and 1 from the Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
Limited’s policies, procedures and rules are followed
Admin department) called “Associate
and for taking disciplinary action when the rules are
Facilities Committee”, constituted with not observed. Disciplinary action taken depends on
the purpose of identifying, finalizing a the severity of the violation as stated under the
caterer and ensuring provision of section on associate code of conduct.

proper quality food items regularly for While terminating the services of a workman category
the associates.. This committee is a of associate on the ground of misconduct, the law and
representation of Perot Systems’ judicial pronouncements, Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private Limited would
associates and is at free will to
consider the following disciplinary procedure, viz., (i)
identify and nominate appropriate issue of charge sheet; (ii) holding of domestic enquiry
caterer, menu, and quality, rate,  etc. in accordance with principles of natural justice; (iii)
report to enquiry officer; (iv) issuance of show cause
The associates have an option to notice, (v) giving the associate an opportunity to
rebut charges of misconduct leveled against him, and
subscribe  for vouchers and taking (vi) issuance of order of punishment. Further, the
food through this canteen facility. instances of misconduct will be made known to the
Every month, Associates interested in non-managerial category associates. Some of the
examples of behavior that falls within the scope of
subscribing for the food vouchers
misconduct requiring disciplinary action are as
indent to the Accounts department and follows:
the department accordingly deducts
the value from their salary and issues  Impertinence, insubordination or disobedience whether
alone or in-combination with others, of any lawful and
food vouchers. The Associates reasonable order of a superior
Facilities committee has the complete
authority in terms of catering
operations and will follow all due
 Inciting or leading or participating in an illegal strike or
diligence to enable, provide good
actions detrimental to the Company’s interests or
quality of food for the associates of reputation
Perot Systems. Perot Systems is a
mere facilitator and is completely
abstained and protected from any kind
 Causing loss or damage to the business or property of
of litigation and liability in this regard the Company in particular

The other purpose of Associates  Habitual late attendance or absence or leaving the work
prior to the end of working hours, etc.
Facilities Committee is also to
coordinate  the transportation in
accordance  to  the shift timing of the
associates. Since Perot Systems’
associates work across different shifts,
the company consented to facilitate
transportation to such associates who
utilize public transportation but cannot
commute in the light of their odd hour
shift times. Except those working in
general shift all associates are
covered. This facility is purely optional
and the associates may make alternate
arrangements in case they choose to
abstain from this facility. The
Associates Facilities committee is at
free will to discuss, negotiate, and
identify any of the transport providers
that would address the needs of the
associates. Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private
Limited is a mere facilitator and is
completely abstained from any kind of
litigation and liability in this regard.
Facilities committee will ensure all due
diligence in getting the best price,
quality vans, good drivers and any
other requirements that they may be
warranted as a facility to Perot
Systems Business Process Solutions
India Private Limited associates.

Grievance procedure Since employment within Perot Systems Business

Process Solutions India Private Limited is based on
mutual consent both associate and Perot Systems
Good communications with all Business Process Solutions India Private Limited has
associates is desired. A healthy the right to terminate employment at will at any time
on payment of compensation in accordance with
organization requires that associates provisions of applicable laws and contract. The
freely and openly discuss problems following are some of the most common
circumstances under which employment can be
with their supervisors and terminated
management. Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private Resignation
Limited is no different than any other
Resignation is a voluntary act initiated by the
company in that occasional mistakes
associate to terminate employment with Perot
and/or misunderstandings will Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
inevitably occur. When a problem Limited. During your probation/ traineeship period
(six months) and until the time of confirmation as a
arises, associates are encouraged to
come forward and discuss their views regular associate, giving 15 days notice or payment of
15 days basic salary can terminate your employment.
with their supervisor. In most After confirmation / traineeship beyond 6 months, if
situations, associates can receive a you want to terminate from employment, then you
need to give one month and two / three months
timely answer from their supervisor. notice or payment of one / two / three month basic
Follow the following steps to handle salary as stated and agreed in your Employment
your concerns.

First Step: Define your Concern

Discharge is involuntary employment termination

initiated by Perot Systems for disciplinary reasons.
Under normal circumstances during your probation
(traineeship) period (usually for a period of six
months) your employment may be terminated giving
15 days notice or payment of 15 days basic salary.
After confirmation your employment can be
terminated giving and two / three months notice or
payment of one / two / three month basic salary as
stated and agreed in your Employment Agreement.
Please note however that the Company may also
terminate services forthwith (without notice) as per
employment contract in specific circumstances. This is
not applicable (unless the employment contract
specifically refers to associate Handbook) to persons
occupying positions of management by virtue of the
exemption provided in S. 4(1)(a) of the Tamil Nadu
Shops and Commercial Establishments Act. In such
cases it would be governed either by the service
regulations or by the terms of the employment

Exit Interview

Prior to your termination an exit interview will be

scheduled to discuss the reasons for resignation and
obtain reliable data on problem areas, enabling the
Management to initiate corrective measures. You are
responsible for all Perot Systems Business Process
Solutions India Private Limited property, materials, or
written information issued to you or in your
possession or control. You must return all Perot
Systems Business Process Solutions India Private
Limited’s property immediately upon request or upon
termination of employment. Perot Systems Business
Process Solutions India Private Limited may with hold
from your salary the cost of any items that are not
returned when required. Perot Systems Business
Second Step: Raise the Concern Process Solutions India Private Limited may also take
all action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its
Either talk, write and /or email to:
Staying informed
Your Supervisor or Manager
When there is any revision, alteration, or
Compliance Person / through supplementation to update the policies mentioned in
compliance intake form the handbook, you will be kept informed through
appropriate sources periodically.
The next level of Management

Or call the available helplines

( numbers to be mentioned here )

Termination of employment

Perot Systems Business Process

Solutions India Private Limited hopes
and expects your employment in the
company to be long lasting and
satisfying. However termination of
employment is an inevitable part of
personal activity within any
organization, and many of the reasons
for termination are routine.


Information flow in HR

Below is a process flow diagram which illustrates the process flow in Human Resources Department. This would help you in
knowing whom to contact for specific activities.

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