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Asma J45.

Abortus A20.0
Abdomen Pain R10.4

B Bronkitis J20

C CHF ( Congestive Heart Failur ) I50.0

Comunity Acqured Pneumonia J18.90
Colic Renal N23
Colic Abdomen R10.4

Diarrhoea and Gastroengeritis of Presumed Infectious orign ( Diare ) /DCA A09
Dispepsia K30
DM E11.4
Dipsnoe R06.0

E Epilepsi G40.9

F Fibromyalgya M79.79
Febris R50.9

G GERD K21.9

H Hipertensive Heart diseuse withoute ( congestive ) heart I11.9

HT ( Hipertensi ) I10

I Infeksi Saluran Kemih (ISK) N39.0

ISPA J06.9

L Low back pain, site unspecified ( LBP ) M54.59

M Myalgia M79.19

O OA M79.

P PPOK J44.9

S SOPT B90.9

T TB ( Tubercolusis ) A15.9
Tension Type Headache G44.2
Typhoid Fever A01.0

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