GRC Stake Math

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GRC Stake Calculator

Enter Difficulty: 1

Enter Stake Amount: 123

Coins on Network actively staking a block: 9,544,371.76889

Probability to stake per Block 0.00%

Probability to stake per Day 1.23%
Probability to stake per Week 8.30%
Probability to stake per 30 Days 31.01%

Time to stake a block “guaranteed” 454.667 days

15.156 “months” (30-day periods)

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target 2.69599466671506E+067 blockSpacing 90

max target 2.69599466671506E+067 timeMask 16
diff 1 COIN 100000000
nCoins 123
other 1250000
denom 80

wTarget target*(nCoins*COIN/1250000)

probability to stake (pb) wTarget/2^256


probability to stake per Block pb)^(blockSpacing/timeMask)
probability to stake per Day 1.23%
probability to stake per Week 8.30%
probability to stake per 30 Days 31.01%

Amount of coins currently staking )
Amount staking on each block 9,544,371.77

Time to stake a block (t) timeMask/pb

39283237.4634147 sec
654720.624390245 min
10912.0104065041 hour
454.667100271 day
15.155570009 30-day period

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