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1/7/2017 Thania Audinia: Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2

Bab 1
Express and Respond to Interesting News
        Di bab 1 ini, kita belajar bagaimana mengekspresikan dan
merespon terhadap  berita yang menarik .Berikut beberapa
dialog tentang mengekspresikan dan merespon berita yang
menarik :
A :    Guess what? My mom is going to buy me a new bike
B :    That’s great
A :    Look at this! A man found treasure in South America!
B :    Is that true?
A :    I win the Poem Competition!
B :    Congratulation!!
        Nah yang dialog udah kita baca. Sekarang kita baa kalimat
yang mengekspresikan dan mengrespon berita yang menarik :
Surprise! I won free lunch at the canteen!
Have you heard the news? We won Math Competition!
How wonderful!
What an interesting story!
Expressions of telling interesting news :
Guees what!
Funnily enough.......
Believe it or not....
Look at this. You won’t believe it!
Have you heard the news?
Responding to interesting news or information:
You know what? This story is so funny
That’s amazing!
Is that true?
That’s great!
How wonderful!
How great!
Wow, i can’t believe it!
I’m glad to hear that
This is the most marvelous news I’ve ever read, Sir/Ma’am (for
formal situation/older people)
I believed that news is really interest you much Sir/Ma’am (for
formal situation/older people)
Question :
Buatlah 2 kalimat memberitahukan berita yang menarik 1/3
1/7/2017 Thania Audinia: Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2

Buatlah 2 kalimat memberitahukan berita yang menarik

(Expressions of telling interesting news)!
Answer :
Guess what! Now, Sinta to be a model!!
Surprise! Happy birthday!!
 Buatlah 1 dialog mengrespon berita yang menarik!
Answer :
A : Hey, Guess What?
B : What?
A : I get A++ for my english test!!
B : Congratulation!

Bab 2
Advertisement (periklanan)

Iklan adalah media lisan atau tulisan yang mempromosikan

suatu barang atau jasa kepada masyarakat. Mari kita amati
iklan dibawah sebagai berikut :

Here are the characters of an advertisement :

1. Usually commercial/having commercial purpose
2. The language is persuarsive
3. Tends to offer something,things,or services
Question :

Buatlah 1 iklan (apa saja)! 2/3
1/7/2017 Thania Audinia: Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2

Buatlah 1 iklan (apa saja)!

 2.  Answer correctly

· What is text about?

    Answer : Ice Cream advertisement
· When The Ice Cream with ASR will be held?
Answer : Tuesday , October 30
               3-4 p.m

Sumber :
Buku LKS Teladan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMP/MTs Kelas 9 Semester genap 3/3

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