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Bowdoin College

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, February 9, 2018 Volume 147, Number 15

Academic Affairs to
pilot BCQ changes
to counter bias
helped you develop skills?” a
by Calder McHugh proposed change to the survey
Orient Staff
would condense these several
This spring, the Office of questions into one that asks
Academic Affairs will pilot students to specifically con-
alterations to the Bowdo- sider whether the course was
in Course Questionnaires intellectually challenging.
(BCQs) with a goal of reducing While every professor who
the role of unconscious student the Orient spoke with favored
biases in course evaluations. some reform, the details of the
The change was announced at changes and the implementa-
last week’s faculty meeting. tion have caused some dissent
A working group of admin- among the faculty.
istrators and faculty created In a classic 1975 psycholo-
the questions. Forty professors gy study, a fictitious professor
have agreed to administer the known as Dr. Fox—actually
new set of questions to half just a paid actor—received rave
their students, while the other reviews from mathematical ex-
half of students will complete perts despite knowing and say-
the old versions of BCQs so ing very little about game theo-
the data are comparable. ry. To avoid an effect like this, FREESTYLIN’: As part of Black History Month, Michael Eric Dyson, a Georgetown University professor, delievered the annual Martin Luther King Jr. lecture in
Professor of Psychology the working group proposed Kresge Auditorium on Tuesday, addressing forms of oppression. Some students had to watch the talk via livestream after the room filled to capacity.

MLK to #MeToo: Michael Eric Dyson talks,

Samuel Putnam, a member of revisions to BCQs that elimi-
the working group, said one of nate all questions concerning
the main goals of the modified the passion, enthusiasm, moti-

raps and inspires conversation on race

BCQ is to reduce students’ un- vation or engagement of a pro-
conscious biases based on the fessor. This omission has irked
gender and racial identity of some in the faculty, including
their professors. Current aca- Putnam.
demic research suggests that “This is where I really differ “If you said it, live it. Let Amer- from elsewhere in the Visual Arts A central theme in Dyson’s
certain poor evaluations can from the group and where I’m by Harry DiPrinzio ica really be America. If you talk Center. speech was the power of white-
Orient Staff
be attributed to such biases. frustrated with the process,” he about independence, let everyone At times delivered with a ness; in particular, its ability to
“The intent of the new said. “[Bowdoin Student Gov- Prolific author and sociologist, experience it. If you talk about preacher’s bellowing intensity and distort both conceptions of the
questionnaire is to try to use ernment representatives with Baptist minister, rap and pop cul- justice, let everybody have it,” he at times conversational and irrev- self and collective understanding
language that’s more specific,” whom we met] really expressed ture connoisseur and dynamic added. erent, Dyson was full of sarcasm, of American history.
said Dean for Academic Af- dissatisfaction. They storyteller, Dr. Michael Eric Dys-
said, Weaving in and out of a nar- with performative elements such He laid out the importance
fairs Elizabeth McCormack, ‘There’s nothing about whether on packed Kresge Auditorium on rative detailing and quoting from as changes in cadence, tone and of this endeavour early on with
who also participated in the I was engaged in class or wheth- Tuesday to deliver the annual Dr. the speech King gave the night tenor. He illustrated his points reference to NFL player Colin
working group. “If it’s more er I was inspired.’ As a working Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture. before he was killed, the lecture with pop culture references, Kaepernick’s protest and a seg-
specific, there’s less room for group, we intentionally left that Dyson’s talk, titled “MLK addressed the work left to do to voice imitations and recitations ment that transitioned seamlessly
interpretation, and if there’s stuff out because we didn’t want for the 21st Century,” set out to fulfill King’s vision. Eliminating of poetry and rap lyrics as well as into spoken word poetry.
less room for interpretation, the Dr. Fox effect, we didn’t wantimagine King’s vision in the con- racism, Dyson argued, was only numerous references to moments “Colin Kaepernick takes a
there’s less room for uncon- the cult of personality. And I text of contemporary issues such the first step. of historical amnesia such as the knee—seen as an American en-
scious bias.” was behind it at that point, but as police violence, sexism, ho- The event opened with a Christian religious motivations emy. Oh, you can beat a woman
While a current question when the students expressed mophobia and patriarchal power, singing of “Lift Every Voice and behind the 16th Street Baptist and play ball. You can rape her
reads, “How much did this this concern, it made me feel sexual violence and the #MeToo Song,” led by Osa Fasehun ’18 and Church bombing in 1963. and start on Sunday. But God for-
course contribute to your ed- like we went overboard.” movement. Alana Morrison ’20 and Dyson “Four girls blown to their bid you challenge the hegemony
ucation? Consider such ques- Professor of Government Dyson, who teaches at George- was introduced by Director of the heavenly reward in a church—an of whiteness / the unconscious
tions as: How much did you Paul Franco noted that he does town University, centered his Student Center for Multicultural act of naked terror. That was not privilege that whiteness brings /
learn? Did you grow intellec- not have strong feelings of op- message around a quote from Life Benjamin Harris, who knew Mohammed, that was Bubba. even saying the word witness /
tually? Were you challenged? position to the new questions King’s final speech. Dyson previously. A testament to This was a cross burning,” he bel- that makes even now your blood
Did the course expose you as a whole, but thought that “‘All I ask America, is be true to significant interest in the event, lowed. “Not a crescent and a sun, rise a little bit / your conscious-
to new ideas, perspectives, what you said on paper,’” Dyson guests who couldn’t find seating this is Christian terror that we
information? Has the course Please see BCQ, page 3 said, quoting King. in Kresge watched a livestream rarely take measure of.” Please see DYSON, page 4

Aquaponics farmer Kenkel ’18 receives $1.6 million investment

largest aquaponic system in New which really brings a diverse set ested in what you’re doing along football at Bowdoin, Kenkel in- typically a very negative impact,
by Sarah Drumm England, which puts it at around of insights into the business,” said the way,” said Kenkel. “We were stead pursued his interest in sus- especially when you consider
Orient Staff
the third largest in the country, Kenkel. able to create and maintain those tainable agriculture, buying land water stress in that area. This is a
Aquaponic farming pioneer according to Kenkel. Angel investors are private in- connections and from there find a near campus in Lisbon to allow way to make the supply chain a lot
Trevor Kenkel ’18, founder and Growing produce using this dividuals, as opposed to venture network of people who are really him to continue to build the com- more efficient,” explained Kenkel.
chairman of Springworks Farm, method uses about 90 percent capital firms, who provide initial passionate about what Spring- pany while at school. After taking last year off to
announced that he has received less water than traditional farm- funding to fledging businesses. works is doing.” He now sells his lettuce to 30 focus on the business, he plans to
$1.6 million in capital to finance ing methods. It also allows year- “Especially as a young founder, In junior high, Kenkel started a individual customers and a num- graduate in 2019 and keep work-
the expansion of his system in round farming in non-traditional having that type of experience in- small organic garden in his home- ber of distributors who transport ing on the company.
Lisbon, Maine. growing climates. vested in our team is really valu- town in Montana. Frustrated by his produce across New England. “The plan is to keep growing
Located about 30 minutes This is the second round of able,” said Kenkel. Montana’s short growing season, For now, Kenkel only grows let- Springworks. The opportunities
from Bowdoin’s campus, Spring- funds that Kenkel’s company has This funding round sourced Kenkel learned about aquaponic tuce, a choice designed to max- in our market are huge right now
works Farm uses aquaponics to received since its inception in capital from approximately 20 farming online and began to build imize the efficiency of the oper- as system designs like this allow
grow organic lettuce. Fish housed 2014. investors, many who learned of his own system with money from ation. Although lettuce is a $3 for localized production in an
in recirculating tanks produce “In this round, we were able to Springworks through summer a summer job. billion industry in America, most economical way all year, in places
waste that is used to fertilize plants connect with a network of angel visits to Maine. He continued to expand his of it is grown in the southwest. that typically can only have local
above. As the growing plants con- investors from across the coun- “A big part of it is, being in op- first system and began to create “About 97 percent of America’s product once out of the year,” said
sume the fertilizer, the water be- try, rather than going after more eration for about three years now, a business plan for the company. lettuce production is in Southern
low is kept clean. The farm is the institutional forms of capital, you meet people who are inter- Though he was recruited to play California and Arizona. That has Please see KENKEL, page 4

Seniors begin the alumni donation Babette’s Feast is now showing at Portland Meditation and mindfulness make waves Bowdoin hosts Girls and Women in Sports The Editorial Board on the role of student
process. Page 3. Stage. Page 5. on campus. Page 6. Day. Page 8. feedback in academics. Page 10.
2 Friday, February 9, 2018

2/2 to 2/8
What would you replace the floor of Smith Union
Friday, February 2
• A contractor plowing snow in
the Watson Arena parking lot hit
and heavily damaged a light pole.
Christopher Brown ’20
"I would replace the Smith
Saturday, February 3
• A student’s guest vandalized a
door at Brunswick Apartments. The
guest was ordered to leave campus
and the student host will be charged
with cost of repairs.
Union floor with my face."
• The use of a hair straightener
at 52 Harpswell activated a smoke

Francesca Haines ’20

• A student fainted and collapsed

"I would replace the Smith

to the floor at Moulton Dining Hall.
Brunswick Rescue transported the
student to Mid Coast Hospital.

Union floor with a ball pit."

• Damage was reported to the
mechanism of the south lobby door
at Chamberlain Hall.
• A town resident reported late
night noise from students walking
in the area of College St and Harp-
swell Rd.
Olivia Pena ’21
Sunday, February 4
• Students reported being dis-
turbed by excessively loud music KODIE GARZA "Indoor beach, baby."
on the fourth floor of Coles Tower.
• Students reported the odor of gas inside the Vi-
Monday, February 5 sual Arts Center. Brunswick Fire Department checked
• A wooden chair was damaged in the second-floor the area with gas detectors and nothing was found.
common room at Chamberlain Hall. • A student was briefly stuck in the Stowe Hall ele-
• Heavy wind broke a door hinge at the main en- vator during the power outage. The student was safely
trance to the Peter Buck Center for Health and Fitness. released.
• A staff member was briefly stuck in the Haw-
Frances Zorensky ’20
Tuesday, February 6
• A student was found in possession of a bike that
had been reported stolen from the Carlisle Avenue
thorne-Longfellow Library elevator during the power
outage. The person was freed unharmed.
• A fire alarm at Coleman Hall was caused by stu-
"The second largest piece
Apartments (Lighthouse). The student took responsi-
bility for the theft.
dents burning microwave popcorn.
• A Chamberlain hall resident reported the strong of water-cut linoleum in the
continental United States."
• Wall vandalism was discovered in the basement odor of marijuana. A student was found to have been
of Quinby House. smoking in a room and a quantity of marijuana was
Wednesday, February 7 • A student’s vehicle was reported to be operating
• Two separate reports were received of marijuana erratically and at a high rate of speed on snow covered
smoking in a Chamberlain Hall men’s restroom. Park Row near Brunswick Apartments at 10:30 p.m. Anne Gregory ’19
• A lobby chair was damaged in Stowe Hall. An officer located the car and driver on South Street
• A power outage at 1:40 p.m. affected the south
campus area. The cause was a tree branch that fell
onto power lines near a local power substation. Power
and a report was filed.

Thursday, February 8
"A thousand of Juan
was restored at 4:15 p.m.
• Two students were briefly trapped in the north
• Evidence of marijuana smoking was reported in a
Chamberlain Hall men’s restroom. Burciaga’s hats."
elevator at Coles Tower, due to the power outage. The COMPILED BY THE OFFICE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY
students were released without injury. COMPILED BY HAVANA CASO-DOSEMBET

A guide to blocking to houses A Valentine from your friends at

the Bowdoinn O
year lamented about having one Affairs Tim Foster: “One power-
by Samuel Rosario friend with the “Wicked Syn- ful opportunity for mixing it up
Orient Staff
drome.” The friend always had is through your living arrange-
First years are gearing up for
the upcoming lottery to deter-
to get “wicked” into the conver-
ment by living with a new group
of people who are different than Roses are red,
mine the make-up of next year’s A sophomore recalled his you.”
social houses. In order to better
their odds of getting a spot in one
own experience culling his for-
mer friend group. One member
The approaching social house
lottery is the time to make new Violets are blue,
of the seven houses (considering would not give up their habit of friends, in order to fuel your
Ladd may now be off the market
for non-seniors), first years are
drying their underwear all over
the dorm. Fortunately the remi-
undying desire to compile the
strongest block in order to utterly
The Bowdoin Orient is the
in the process of choosing their
blocks. A block for social houses
niscing sophomore had the sense
to weed out member of their
destroy the social house appli-
cation and you know … expand nation’s oldest continuously
published college weekly,
is a group of up four students. inner circle before lottery time. your horizons.
For Stowe and Howard, you can Public displays of underwear are Do not be mistaken first years,
block with up to five people, not acceptable. It’s more appro- you have spent the entirety of fall
but nobody is concerned about
those. The spotlight is on the so-
cial houses—the supposed future
priate to leave them in the cush-
ions of the common room couch.
Finally, the icing on the cake
semester pulling together a mot-
ley crew of supportive, good-na-
tured people into a protective
and I like you.
of Bowdoin’s social life and the was the astute observation of haven that you can retreat to. But
origins of many a backstabber. one sleuth-like first year: all their now you have the duty and priv-
With all this pressure, some
students are frantically trying
friends were under the delusion
that L.L. Bean boots go with
ilege of burning that haven to the
ground and seeking out worthy
to assemble new friends after every outfit. Sorry to burst the candidates. Throw yourself out
realizing their already estab- Bowdoin Bubble, they don’t. there in all your campus endeav-
lished groups are not cut out for The moral of the story? Drop ours. Do not sit idle at the same
the hard realities of the Hunger your friend group and shack up old booth filled with last week’s
Games-esque College House with some strangers. As in the news. First Years, it is time to bite
interview process. One first great words of Dean of Student the bear back.
Friday, February 9, 2018 NEWS 3



Bowdoin students, and anyone with an iPhone or Android device,
will soon be able to use a lobster emoji thanks to lobbying efforts from
Senator Angus King H’07 (I-Maine).
The Unicode Consortium, a Silicon Valley-based group of individ-
uals and corporations that is responsible for designing emojis, unveiled
the lobster along with 156 other new emojis on Wednesday. The emojis
should start to become available in August or September.
Last September, King, who taught at Bowdoin between 2004 and
2012, wrote the Unicode Consortium a two-page letter with endnotes
outlining the case for the lobster emoji. He wrote that the lobster is “of
substantial cultural relevance” and noted that no current emoji—such as
the crab or the shrimp—can accurately represent the lobster. On Twitter
on Wednesday, King called the announcement “great news for Maine.”


As falling temperatures, rain and snow hit midcoast Maine this
week—knocking out parts of campus power on Wednesday—Facilities COURTESY OF BOWDOIN COMMUNICATIONS
staff got to work extra early to clear ice from the College’s streets and SENIOR GIFTS: Students gather in the Druckenmiller Hall atrium at the kickoff event for the Senior Class Giving Campaign last week.

College’s alumni donation rate

Over the course of Wednesday afternoon and evening, Brunswick
received about seven inches of snow, according to the National Weath-
er Service. As many students were likely just headed to bed, facilities

among highest in country

staff began working at around 2:30 a.m. yesterday morning, according
to Senior Associate Director for Facilities Operations and Maintenance
Jeff Tuttle.
Wednesday’s storm also knocked out power on the south part of
campus for several hours, including Coles Tower, the Visual Arts Center
and Hawthorne-Longfellow (H-L) Library. Several students were stuck
in elevators in Coles Tower, Stowe Hall and H-L. A total of 2,600 homes has, it helps us achieve that [schol- proactive in organizing events and plications for how outside entities
in Brunswick and Harpswell were affected, the Portland Press-Herald by Allison Wei arship],” she said. trying things that we think might judge the College’s institutional
Orient Staff
reported. Bowdoin has a particularly pull people together.” quality.
The Dean of Academic Affairs did not formally cancel classes, al- The Senior Class Giving Cam- successful history of alumni do- Part of the job of Leland and “A lot of how the outside world
though some professors chose not to hold their classes, either due the paign (SCGC) officially began at nations. The alumni percentage her fellow SCGC directors Osa views Bowdoin is based on per-
lack of power or treacherous driving conditions. Safe Ride, the campus its launch event last Thursday with of participation in annual giv- Fasehun ’18, Grace Mallett ’18 and centages of alumni donations,”
shuttle service, stopped running at 4 p.m. due to road conditions. hopes of continuing the College’s ing—which is calculated as the Austin Stern ’18 is to find ways to said Mallett. “By giving back, you
Facilities also dealt with icy conditions earlier in the week. On Mon- tradition of strong alumni giving. percentage of those who donate engage their fellow class members are literally increasing the value of
day, the temperature dropped quickly amid rainy conditions, resulting SCGC has a two-fold pur- of those who are able to be con- about the importance of donating. your education here and for every-
in icy paths across campus. Tuttle said he received a number of com- pose: to raise awareness about tacted—typically falls between Together, they selected 30 class one else that follows.”
plaints from students about the ice. the importance of giving back to 54 and 61 percent, according to agents who are tasked with reach- Both Leland and Mallett en-
Sydney Avitia-Jacques ’18 was one of the students who wrote to Facil- Bowdoin after graduation and to Senior Vice President for Devel- ing out to 10 to 15 of their peers couraged all seniors, even those
ities after noticing ice building up around campus, particularly between solicit donations from seniors this opment and Alumni Relations and educating them about the who may not have been satisfied
Moulton Union and Moore Hall and outside of the Peter Buck Center semester. Scott Meiklejohn. In 2017, Forbes campaign. with parts of their experience at
for Health and Fitness. If the campaign is able to reach ranked Bowdoin fourth in the na- Even after the official campaign Bowdoin, to consider donating.
“I know Facilities has a lot to do and does a lot, but I thought it was its participation goal, the Class of tion among private colleges in its is over—four years after gradua- “It would be unfair to say that
something that if they heard more from students how it was affecting 2018’s senior gift will be granted Grateful Graduates Index, which is tion—the agents will continue to we all have a unified perspective
people … it seems like a pretty easy fix,” she said. in the form of a scholarship for a based on participation rate as well keep in touch with classmates and on Bowdoin,” said Leland. “I think
Tuttle said he personally checked out the spots students were con- future student. If 60 percent of the as total donation size. encourage donations. that we have the power and abili-
cerned about and Facilities addressed these issues Tuesday morning. Al- class participates this semester, Meiklejohn believes that Bow- Leland initially joined the cam- ty to now reinforce the programs
though keeping campus clear is a priority for Facilities, he noted that the which means donating at least five doin’s success can be attributed to paign because she wanted to give that we found essential and also to
department has a limited number of employees and cannot de-ice all of dollars, and 60 percent continue a wide variety of factors, such as back to the College and hopes that provide an incentive as to what we
campus at once. On days like Monday, when ice builds up very quickly, to donate for four years follow- the opportunities it provides for its others will share her perspective. think needs bettering. When you
he advises students to be careful and wear good shoes. ing graduation, then each year, students and alumni, the College’s “During an info session, some- donate, you have the opportunity
“We have a lot to do and limited resources. We do welcome [feed- an anonymous donor, who is an need-blind, no-loan financial aid one said that an education is a to donate to various pools. So,
back], if there’s an issue, if somebody feels like it’s treacherous, they can alumnus and parent of a student policy and its close-knit commu- privilege and with that privilege you can donate to academics or to
contact me directly or call Security—they’ll get a hold of us,” he said. in the class, will donate $10,000, nity. In addition, the development you have a responsibility to go out sports or you give it to Develop-
which will create a $50,000 schol- and alumni relations team works and enact positive change, and that ment and they figure out whatever
arship for an incoming student. to find meaningful ways for alum- just resonated with me,” she said. fell short.”
AMTRAK DOWNEASTER TRAIN According to Audrey Leland ni to stay involved in the College. “I think Bowdoin has given us so “I think everyone can say
MAY EXPAND FOR THE SUMMER ’18, one of four directors of this
year’s SCGC, giving even five dol-
“When you come to Bowdoin,
you join a community that in-
much over the past four years, and
we hold the responsibility to give
something positive they got out of
Bowdoin ... or certain things that
lars can make a significant differ- cludes four years in Brunswick and back.” they got from Bowdoin that they
The Amtrak Downeaster, which currently runs from Bos- ence to the campaign. several decades of connection af- Donations can have multifold wouldn’t have gotten from some-
ton to Brunswick, could go as far north as Rockland this “If you give that five dollars, terwards,” wrote Meiklejohn in an impacts. According to Meiklejohn, where else,” said Mallett. “I think
summer if the Northern New England Passenger Rail Author- you are helping to unlock that email to the Orient. “We try to be seven percent of Bowdoin’s operat- the best way to show that you ap-
ity (NNEPRA) approves a pilot program in March. NNERPA $10,000 gift, so when you think both responsive to the needs and ing budget comes from donations. preciate that and help Bowdoin is
wants to ensure that Maine communities will be active Amtrak what significance does your gift interests of 21,000 alumni and also Contributions can also have im- by donating every year.”
partners before it finalizes the service, the Maine Free Press
reported last week.
The program would include additional stops in Bath, Wis-
casset, Newcastle and Rockland. NNEPRA is currently hold-
BCQS Bowdoin had changed his life,”
Franco said. “And that was by
said. “There are some questions
that I would definitely want
cally it’s a self-selected group of
people. To me, it seems as if it
ing forums in each of these towns. The Downeaster would use way of telling the faculty, ‘What to think about rewording, but might create a pseudo-scientific
existing railroads that primarily carry freight trains. the communication between you’re doing is very meaningful instead of asking more general veneer,” she said.
The summer expansion would mainly target tourists com- the working group and the work.’ Well, if we’re in the busi- questions, I think the revisions With an overall commitment
ing up from Boston. Maine Eastern Railroad previously ran a faculty could have been better. ness of changing people’s lives, it are trying to think about what to improve the way in which
summer service between Brunswick and Rockland but ended He felt that the role of the new would seem to me that passion, ‘more effective’ means.” professors are evaluated, cou-
it in 2015, according to U.S. News. questions in reducing bias was enthusiasm and engagement Franco and Putnam, despite pled with differing opinions on
not fully communicated at the are kind of crucial attributes to the lack of a question on enthu- how best to evaluate success,
faculty meeting and called the bring about that kind of trans- siasm, agreed with Kibbie about discussions that emanate from
findings of the working group “a formation.” the benefit of the new questions the current pilot program are
Subscribe bit of a black box.”
Franco also agreed with Put-
For her part, Associate Pro-
fessor of English Ann Kibbie
being more specific. Franco said
that he would consider partic-
bound to be revealing about the
diverse ways faculty consider
your parents nam about the value of a ques- was excited about the proposed ipating in the pilot program. themselves within Bowdoin’s
to our email tion concerning a professor’s
changes in the questionnaire.
“Overall, I think the new
Kibbie, on the other hand, de-
cided not to participate.
educational environment.
“These faculty meetings are
newsletter. “The faculty meeting began questions are much more useful, “I think that the pilot itself about to get interesting,” Putnam
with President [Clayton] Rose because they’re much more spe- can’t deliver any of the kinds of concluded. telling an anecdote about how a cific. I think the committee did information that it would wish Isabelle Hallé contributed to
student told an alumnus ... that a terrific job in the revision,” she to deliver, because automati- this report.
4 NEWS Friday, February 9, 2018

Widespread email hacks send phishy messages to student inboxes

glance, many students were to Office 365 might have af- account is accessed in two ing on how we’re going to password, the system will no-
by Lowell Ruck quick to notice that some- fected account security, Beru- geographically distant loca- remediate these [phishing at- tify you … and at that point
Orient Staff
thing wasn’t quite right. be said that, on the contrary, tions within a short period of tempts] in the future, but the you can contact us and help
Since mid-December, “I got this email about this the new software has allowed time. A login from Brunswick reality is there’s only so much you to sort it out.”
more than 60 students’ email job opportunity from some- for more effective detection of and shortly thereafter from we can do,” he said. “[No Outreach is also an import-
accounts have been hacked, one I know on campus, but I security issues. Beijing is a good indicator of matter] how many security ant part of the department’s
resulting in a series of phish- know they aren’t [involved] in “Office 365 has a bunch of a compromise, because the controls we can put in place, plan. In the future, Berube
ing attempts. Emails claiming any sort of business like that, tools in it that we didn’t have user could not have traveled they’re ineffective if some- hopes to hold talks with stu-
association with Temple Uni- so it just freaked me out a bit,” before, and so in all likelihood that distance in such a small body asks for a password and dents, as well as to reinstate
versity and such fictional insti- said Michelle Lu ’20. we probably had a bunch of interval. they get it.” the Bowdoin “phishing der-
tutions as “Recruitment Team,” Eric Berube, associate In- students compromised that Berube said that the IT de- “On the heels of that by,” an event held last year
“Market Force Information” formation Technology (IT) we didn’t know about in the partment is moving toward a though, the biggest thing that in which campus email users
and “Mystery Shoppers” ar- security officer, explained that past. It has really been a huge solution to the problem, but we want to start using is two- were encouraged to identify
rived in inboxes with promises these account compromises benefit in that regard,” he said. noted that its ability to pre- step verification, so that even phishing attempts for points
of easy pay—provided that re- are likely the result of College One of these tools allows vent future phishing events in the event that a student and a subsequent reward for
cipients enter sensitive person- email users visiting fraudulent Berube and his coworkers in is largely dependent on user gives away their password, the the winner.
al information first. websites and entering account IT security to detect a phe- awareness of internet security cyber criminals can’t get in,” “I think that’s the chal-
While the messages may information. Asked whether nomenon called the “impossi- threats. Berube added. “If any Bow- lenge—getting students en-
have appeared genuine at first the recent school-wide switch ble journey,” or when a user’s “Right now we’re still work- doin person gives away their gaged,” Berube said.

DYSON And according to Dyson,

Trump exploited his predecessor’s
those who are locked out. How
are we not going to talk about
inability to engage in a conversa- women in this moment?” he said.
ness heighten, your awareness of tion about race with white Amer- In a poignant anecdote about
your whiteness even more acute icans by making xenophobia a Thomas Jefferson’s sexual rela-
/ and wondering, should you ac- centerpiece of his campaign and tionship and children with Sal-
knowledge as I speak it and how riding barely veiled racism to the ly Hemmings, Jefferson’s then
it makes you feel called out / even presidency. 14-year-old slave, Dyson hit on
without intending to and then “Obama was always playing the intersection between patriar-
you wonder, what the black peo- nice with white folk because he chal and racial power.
ple think every day.” could never afford to tell white “It’s interesting to me that so
Challenging the racial hierar- people the truth—and what hap- many white people were shocked
chy inherent in American identity pens when you can’t afford to tell by this. Really though, très inter-
was at the heart of what King did, white people the truth?” he asked. estant. I don’t know if you notice
Dyson argued, because the very “Somebody who claims to be or not but that’s just how it went
understanding of being black in telling the truth will come along down. For the most parts. Was
America can only be explained by and take that job. You’re afraid to that an exception? White man
the “whiteness that calls blackness talk about race … he talks about having unlimited access to the
into existence.” it nonstop. It’s not that race is not erotic potential of black women?”
While some liberals may have going to be discussed, its ‘who’s “#MeToo, got some ancient
been surprised by President gonna discuss it?’” roots,” he said.
Trump’s ascendency, in Dyson’s As much as whiteness ran He concluded with a powerful
eyes, he is the logical product of through the lecture, so too did statement about the importance
white hegemony. lifting up women and challeng- and power of women, drawing
“Donald Trump is the fleshly ing misogyny and homophobia. from Harriet Tubman.
thesaurus of the multiple defini- Dyson grappled with one of the “Women of color, black wom-
tions we can generate when we biggest social shifts in the last two en in particular and women are
talk about white supremacy, white decades—the gay rights move- still dragging us to freedom to-
privilege, white innocence, nar- ment—and imagined King, who day,” he said. “If King’s dream will
cissism,” he said. “What Donald he acknowledged was a proto- be fulfilled, it will be in part, be-
Trump is doing to y’all is what typical patriarch and likely ho- cause they have drug us there, not
y’all, collectively—whiteness— mophobic, would have embraced only against our wills but to the
has done to us for 300 years. That’s this priority. best advantage of our destinies.”
why it ain’t no surprise. Donald “And then finally, if we are go- Jill Tian contributed to this
Trump ain’t no wild card.” ing to make America America for report.


LETTUCE BE YOUR FARMER: (TOP): Trevor Kenkel ’18 took a year off to grow his aquaponics farm, which recently
received a $1.6 million investment. (BELOW): Two Springworks employees examine lettuce on the farm.
bloom, Kenkel also must main- farm’s operation that otherwise I
KENKEL tain his academics at Bowdoin as
a biology major and economics
wouldn’t have the equipment to
do—things like CO2 exchange
minor, although it has not been and somewhat hidden aspects of
Kenkel. an easy balance. the farm that really are the some
“We are designing this system “It is definitely tough,” he of the underlying foundation for
so that it’s scaleable and can really said. “I guess it is for all Bowdo- how our plants grow.”
make a big impact.” in students.” Despite receiving a mil-
Aside from the commercial He credited his advisor, Pro- lion-dollar investment, Kenkel re-
part of the business, Kenkel also fessor of Biology Barry Logan, mains humble about his success.
works to educate others about for helping him to hone some “It’s really like a little kid’s
aquaponic technology. He has in- specific aspects of the farm’s op- dream come true, you know.
stalled a miniaturized version of eration. When I started working on sys-
his system, called a “Microfarm,” “I’ve had the opportunity tems in junior high, I don’t think ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
in about 60 schools. alongside him to work on getting I could have imagined systems MEET AND GREET: Eric Hall ’20 shakes hands with sociologist and author Michael Eric Dyson after his talk on
As the company continues to to the finer details of parts of the this size.” Tuesday. Dyson addressed Martin Luter King in the context of contemporary of racial and gender oppression.




Friday, February 9, 2018


FEAST YOUR EYES: “Babette’s Feast,” a show inspired by a Danish film and conceptualized by Associate Professor of Theater Abigail Killeen, is showing at Portland Stage through February 18. Killeen noted that the event is “born of women.”

‘Babette’s Feast:’ a taste of grace at Portland Stage

America. That’s when I started to different way. that I think is grace,” Killeen periences of the bare Norwegian powers of Babette’s cooking. She
by Sabrina Lin get interested in it theatrically.” “The film is a lot about food, added. landscape. also incorporated traditional
Orient Staff
The story, which takes place and we can’t do that on stage … Whether as a commentary “I think sometimes the story Norwegian folk dance, congru-
Associate Professor of Theater in a remote Norwegian town So what we focus on in the play is on the refugee crisis, which the can be conceived as something ent with the authenticity of the
Abigail Killeen’s reimagining of known as Berlevåg, traces the the fact that Babette is a refugee, director underscores by casting sweet, or cozy, and what we play’s experience.
the culinary splendor in “Ba- relationship between pious and that she becomes an agent a woman of color as Babette, or learned was that the Norwegian “It’s called a Halling folk
bette’s Feast” was no easy task. Protestant villagers and an out- of grace and what that does to a as a reminder of hospitality and landscape is brutal and fierce. dance,” Aoki explained. “They’ve
A new adaptation of the story sider—a refugee called Babette, community,” Killeen said. kindness, the play offers many That’s reflected in our design and just finished this delicious meal,
directed by Karin Coonrod, cur- who flees from the bloodshed Babette’s feast indeed be- poignant insights. Much to in some of the performance that and they’re finally delighting in
rently running at Portland Stage, in Paris and is taken in by sisters comes a joining together of Killeen’s delight, the production we’ve captured,” said Killeen. one another and there’s real joy
focuses on a universal message Martine, portrayed by Killeen, seemingly irreconcilable oppo- also turned out to be completely Yet the space is simultaneous- in that section that needs to be
of self-sacrifice and service. and Philippa. sites: pleasure and sacrifice, the female-driven: the author, the ly capable of being fully activated, communicated ... this idea [that]
Developed over the course of Babette stays in Berlevåg for exotic and the virtuous, the cor- director, the playwright, the ar- thanks to Tony-Award winning in the community there’s this
11 years, the project began with a 14 years working as the sisters’ poreal and the spiritual. She ul- tistic director of the theater, the Lighting Designer Christopher interdependency and that they
serendipitous discovery. Now on cook, adhering to the town’s aus- timately transforms the commu- three leads … The list goes on. Akerlind and Assistant Professor become a community, finally,
leave this academic year to direct tere way of life. On the occasion nity’s judgement and asceticism “The theater famously has of Dance Aretha Aoki. Fond of through the experience of eating
the play, Killeen first saw the of sisters’ father’s 100th birthday, with her generosity and selfless shut doors to female theater art- crossing the disciplines of the- Babette’s meal.”
Danish film, “Babette’s Feast,” Babette offers to prepare a real love, enabling them to witness ists and that hopefully is chang- ater and dance, Aoki remarked As Dinesen herself put it,
adapted from Isak Dinesen’s French dinner for the communi- the good. ing, but I feel particularly de- on the wonderful physicality the “The vain illusions of this earth
short story, as an undergraduate ty at her own expense. Unaware “The people who believed they lighted to present this work that actors are able to embody. had dissolved before their eyes
student living in New York City. that Babette has chosen to spend were demonstrating this service was born of women,” she said. “I’ve always enjoyed [collab- like smoke and they had seen
“It was a sermon illustration her entire earnings and sacri- and [serving] the common good In honor of the project, orating with theater artists] be- the universe as it really is. They
at a church I was attending in the ficed her chance to return home, became the people who received Killeen and the team set out on cause actors really immediately had been given an hour of the
90s, I was in college at [NYU],” the townspeople fear the sinful the good from [someone] they an expedition from Paris to Nor- invest in the movement. I find millennium.”
said Killeen. “I first learned about consequences of such luxurious thought they were helping. So it way and retraced Babette’s steps, that so satisfying. They know how “Babette’s Feast” opened on
it as an example of grace … Then indulgences. flows both ways … and the sur- which became crucial in setting to imbue physical material with a January 23 and will close on
about 10 years later I learned that While its cinematic counter- prise of the story is that it comes the scene of the play. The stage kind of inner life,” said Aoki. February 18 at Portland Stage.
the film was actually based on a part exalts the gustatory plea- back to the givers in a way they evokes a sense of sparseness, As envisioned by Coonrod, The play is expected to open at
short story … originally written sures of Babette’s feast, the play couldn’t have asked or imagined.” with minimal decorations and Aoki choreographed movements the St. Clements Theater in New
in English and first published in explores authorial intent in a “There’s a mystery to it and clean contours that translate ex- that convey the transformative York City.

Hippo Campus to bring ‘college rock’ to Portland

few STEM kids, bio majors or and chest out just like a soldier.” while reveling in it; just after
people who Googled the name Where Hippo Campus’ early Luppen flaunts the couplet,
The Aux Cord would know about. Founding work sees the band struggling “The river is an organ and the
by Chris Ritter members Jake Luppen and between anthemicism and de- meadow is a curse / for a strange
Nathan Stocker dropped out tail, “South” is a gem that beau- inclination that fortune is a
of the University of Minnesota tifully splits the difference. curse,” he calls himself “a poor
In an industry where artists to tour full time, but the bright It finds more of that balance excuse for poetry trying to play
are usually discovered on a sound and endearingly smart on “Landmark,” the band’s it cool.”
streaming platform rather than lyrics of Hippo Campus make debut album released last Feb- Despite his self-criticism,
onstage, building a live show it one of many bands helping ruary. Despite the LP’s winter the frontman’s poeticism and
or even having stage presence to redefine the term “college release, “Landmark” emits an leaping vocals help turn Hippo
seems no longer necessary to rock” in the 21st century. aura of summer, as the band Campus’ records into infectious
“make it.” But for this series The band’s early EPs “Bashful expands on the hazy warmth of live performances. They also
showcasing artists with upcom- Creatures” and “South” capi- its early work and sheds some of helped the band gain compari-
ing concerts in the Portland talized on high-energy guitar its punkier tendencies. The fifth sons to another group of college
area, we are lucky to have Hip- riffing and explosive hooks, a track “Simple Season” needn’t dropouts, Vampire Weekend.
po Campus, a Minnesota indie fitting sound for a band that talk about about backyards and But while Ezra Koenig’s Ivy
band that rose to fame mainly rose to fame through live per- daffodils for us to know which League literacy embraces its
due to a knack for electrifying formance. Its indie-punk vibe season it’s talking about. It’s the own pretentiousness, Luppen
live performances. would make crowd favorites twinkling guitar/whistle com- only nudges against his, which
Although the band owes like “Violet” and “Suicide Sat- bo and the poppy bounce of a works in favor of Hippo Cam-
more than a little success to urday” sound generic if they drum set that make the track an pus. If the promising young, where its first weren’t executed so tastefully especially summery highlight. band has a singular essence this PHOEBE ZIPPER
few EPs were released, Hippo (think if All-American Rejects The carefree confidence of early in its career, it rests in the
Campus gained most of its were English majors). It’s their “Simple Season,” “Way it Goes” poignance that can be found
fame through local shows, ra- shout-worthiness that makes and “Tuesday” are the band’s in admitting (and celebrating)
dio stations and college gigs in them infectious, but the band’s bread and butter, but that atti- one’s normalcy. One of the most On the final track of “Landmark,” given for its genre, but the band’s
their native Minneapolis. Its aptitude for lyricism, ambience tude would be exhausting if not profound lines of “Epitaph” “Buttercup,” Luppen’s melodies seasoned brand of live-oriented
rise through the college circuit and warm guitar harmonies for “Landmark’s” more reserved is one of its least pretentious: are no less catchy than its early production sets Hippo Campus
isn’t surprising, as the band’s turns a catchy hook into a song tracks. “Epitaph” sees the band “I’ve got nothing more than tracks, and the rebellious ode to apart from other young indie
sound contains both the exu- actually worth memorizing. exploring new terrain, drawing my problems, just let me know independence explodes into a rockers; all that energy translates
berance and the nerdiness of While Luppen’s voice boils over influence from electropop out- when you’ve found them.” shout-along chorus to finish off into actual charisma. It’s best not
a college (wait for it) campus. on several tracks, his ardor feels fits like The 1975 and Francis When the band pairs the album. Or, as bassist Zach just heard, but seen and felt.
The name “Hippo Campus” decisive on the coming of age and the Lights for a buoyant, that self-awareness with the Sutton put it in an interview with Hippo Campus will be per-
not only brings the location soundtrack, “South,” where he rippling synth ballad. A song crowd-rocking sound of its early online music publication High- forming at Port City Music
of college to mind, but it’s also rasps, “I walk the same way my about songwriting, “Epitaph” EPs, Hippo Campus is at its best, lark, “it goes frickin’ HAM at the Hall in Portland this Sunday,
a part of the brain that only a father told me / Back straight satirizes pretentious language both on record and in concert. end.” Moments like these are a February 11.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Breathing out, tuning in

A movement toward mindfulness promotes focus and builds connections.


WORKING ON WELLNESS: Weekly mediation classes in the Peter Buck Center for Health and Fitness, led by Director of Counseling Services Bernie Hershberger, are just one of many opportunities for Bowdoin students to practice mindfulness.

tation: two introductory work- porated into the curriculum. and in particular we started to dodge or weave it, or medicate ploration of your own mind.”
by Emily Cohen and shops and a keynote address. Painter signed up for the elec- incorporate these classes that it. It’s much more helpful for Retana adds, however, that
Rohini Kurup Led by new student group tive out of curiosity, but his re- would allow students to devel- someone to know that they this exploration doesn’t need to
Orient Staff Mindfulness Over Matter and lationship with meditation has op skills, practices that they can go towards something that happen in isolation.
In the Peter Buck Center for Counseling Services, the mind- evolved since then. could take with them,” he said. is really difficult. And that is in “There’s something special
Health and Fitness, an intimate fulness movement aims to give “I was just really curious A licensed psychologist, essence what meditation prac- about being in a room with a
room on the third floor with members of the Bowdoin com- about how it helped with my ac- Hershberger turned to med- tice is.” bunch of different people who
purple cushions, dim lighting munity tools to counter stress, ademics and my concentration. itation soon after earning his By promoting mindfulness are practicing. I never used
and statues of Buddha seems anxiety or other struggles on But now, it’s much more than PhD because he felt that he was through wellness classes and to meditate with people and
out of place. But several nights their own. just academics and concentra- doing patients a disservice by programming through Coun- it is perhaps seen as a solitary
a week, students and communi- Mindfulness Over Matter tion. It’s about practicing values attempting to reframe the is- seling Services Hershberger practice but there are so many
ty members come to Room 302 brings together experienced that I want to embody in an sues they came in with. He felt hopes to spread the benefits ways—you can meditate alone,
for meditation classes, retreat- and novice meditators. The intentional way. Sitting down that strategy invalidated those of mindfulness to all edges of you can mediate in a group,
ing from the chaos of campus, club hopes to offer student-led on the cushion is an opportu- issues. campus. there are so many exercises,”
if only for 55 minutes. group meditation classes every nity to practice compassion or “The challenge is that it “There is not a human being said Retana.
Monday was the second time day of the week and to form a gratitude, like you’d practice an somehow belies the fact that on our campus who is not fac- Jackson was encouraged by
Nora Jackson ’21 had medi- community within the variety instrument or sport,” he said. there is difficulty, there is pain ing some sort of challenge or the group setting of the classes.
tated. She was inspired to try of scattered mindfulness events After high school, Painter and there is suffering in the difficulty. That is unifying and “If I was going at this alone
meditation after hearing of the on campus. took a gap year and spent three world, and I was just starting to means we all can work together I don’t think I could do it,”
benefits of mindfulness. “We’re going to try to have months studying with monks in feel like, I couldn’t just go past to ease suffering within self and said Jackson. “I wouldn’t know
“In our ever-busy world we a diverse range of meditation Nepal. He has gone on several where to start, really.”
forget to take a moment for our- sessions and they won’t only mindfulness retreats and con- The College has provided
selves, and that time is worth it be places to sit down, meditate tinues to deepen his practice, “In our ever-busy world we forget to take a strong foundation for the
and will be repaid to us, in a sense, and leave, but a place where we which includes sharing it with a moment for ourselves, and that time is movement, and Hershberger
for when we’re able to focus better, can talk and meet,” said Megan Bowdoin through Mindfulness is confident that the lessons of
we’re able to understand ourselves Retana ’19, one of the leaders of over Matter. worth it and will be repaid to us, in a sense, mindfulness and meditation
better,” said Jackson. Mindfulness Over Matter. “I was just so lucky to have for when we’re able to focus better, we’re will benefit students beyond
Monday night’s class, taught Retana began practicing been exposed to it because it their Bowdoin careers.
by Toby Sifton, a local acupunc- meditation after taking a med- really shaped who I am in a re- able to understand ourselves better,” “If Bowdoin more and more
turist and meditation instruc- ical leave from Bowdoin in her ally positive way. And it’s done –Nora Jackson ’21 commits, and I think we’re re-
tor, focuses on the foundations sophomore year. the same for a lot of people,” he ally getting there, but if we were
of meditation. Sifton walks and “Initially it was to calm said. “I just want to be a part of able to develop a community
talks the small group through my anxiety, and it did that, the effort to give other people people’s suffering and pain,” to support others,” he said. that is mindful and compas-
the practice, first the proper but among stopping the anx- that same exposure, because it said Hershberger. All of these efforts, in part, sionate, I think the quality of
alignment of sitting meditation, iety attacks that I was having, might help them.” Buddhist principles and work to dispel common miscon- our lives would be fundamen-
next the breath, which would it really made me feel more Counseling Services is also meditation gave Hershberger a ceptions about meditation. One tally different,” said Hershberg-
be the object of focus through- grateful, made me feel more committed to the mindfulness new perspective on approach- of these misconceptions, Painter er. “My biggest dream is that
out the practice. Sifton also compassionate towards others. movement. Bernie Hershberg- ing his work and his life. explains, is that the goal of med- when students leave Bowdoin,
tells participants that it’s fine to It gave me a sense of thankful- er, director of Counseling Ser- “It infused so much more itation is to clear one’s mind. they leave with emotional in-
notice sensations they feel, of ness for my family and friends vices, first suggested that the energy and excitement in what “It’s definitely not just trying telligence, wisdom and com-
thoughts that arise. It’s OK for and Bowdoin even though it College offer wellness classes I wanted to do then, which to think about anything, be- passion.”
the mind to wander, Sifton tells seemed, at the time, like a place about 18 years ago and regular was to help people psycho- cause that would be just frus- For now, though, there’s a
the class. If it does, don’t dwell of stress and chaos. I definitely meditation classes more than logically and when possible to trating,” he said. “[It’s import- small room on the third floor of
on it, and return to the breath. came back with a better mind- 10 years ago. incorporate other strategies,” ant] to have an open mind, and Buck where students can learn
Sifton’s meditation class is set,” she said. “We were out in front of the he said. “Teaching people, for maintain a healthy skepticism. to breathe, to be mindful of
only one part of a growing push Benny Painter ’19, another wave trying to help students example, with anxiety about Only trust your experience and their thoughts and feelings, to
for mindfulness on campus. leader of the club, discovered figure out strategies and skills how to go toward anxiety is so not what anyone else is telling cultivate that wisdom and com-
Last weekend alone, there were meditation in high school, for working with stress and much more empowering than you about how you should be passion. They’re hooked, and
three events focused on medi- where mindfulness was incor- anxiety and perfectionism, trying to move around it, or feeling or not. It’s really an ex- they’ll keep coming back.
Friday, February 9, 2018 FEATURES 7

Talk of the Quad

case, cardiologists guess that Ms. Librarian.) She got the gist while what he did was su- the abundance of opportuni- I love Bowdoin, and how good
CUTE GUYS, COFFEE AND while training on a Nordic ski and called an ambulance. Cute premely cool, medicine would ties we have at our fingertips we all have it here. While I’m
CARDIOMYOPATHY team last year, I outperformed MIT guy, being the superhero never be for me. I was told that here at Bowdoin still amazes pretty sure that I’ve been slowly
I was walking around Bos- myself. I worked my heart so that he was, rode with me to my condition was a result of a me. And as much as everyone crumbling due to schoolwork,
ton, having a joyous time. It much that it caused the left the hospital and also waited mixture of dehydration from complains about Bowdoin, I’ve also been able to replace
was nice to be in a new city ventricle to expand in order to with me until my parents came flying for 16 hours, a nasty both in person and online, I old hobbies, like skiing, with
where I could forget my prob- compensate for the strain. (I’m pretty sure this made my virus and pre-existing heart know that it is such an honor new-found joys like writing
lems for a day. I wouldn’t say I The MIT grad and I walked mom want me to marry him). conditions. After a long night and gift to be here. That’s why for the Orient and joining the-
was in epic emotional turmoil, around the gardens in Boston A team of cardiologists, of tests and a final ‘OK’ from the two weeks leading up to ater groups. More importantly,
but a month earlier I was offi- Commons, got coffee in Bea- specialists and Harvard Medi- a specialized cardiologist, I Thanksgiving break were the I’ve made amazing friends,
cially diagnosed with dilated con Hill and talked about ice cal School students took great was released. My parents and most dreadful time period of been academically challenged
cardiomyopathy, put on some climbing, a mutual hobby. The care of me overnight. One I quickly packed up our bags, my life, even worse than those like never before and become
pretty hefty medication, told date was going well when, in particular medical student left the bad memories of Bos- days spent in Boston. part of a close-knit environ-
that my Nordic ski career was the middle of the Boston Pub- must have spent two hours in ton behind, and drove up the The prognosis for cardio- ment that is cooperative and
toast and that I would poten- lic Library, my heart started my room talking to me about coast to Brunswick. myopathy is variable. One- caring. My school, profes-
tially never be able to exercise pounding and I collapsed. I Nordic skiing and describing After getting to Bowdoin ev- third of patients will get bet- sors and friends have been
again. So I guess I was doing as was laying on the floor, feeling what medical school at Har- erything went pretty smoothly. ter with medication and rest, enormously empathetic and
well as any kid whose life was like my chest was about to split vard was like, a conversation In fact, I fell in love with the one-third will not change, helpful as I struggled with my
falling apart could. My parents open, when a librarian came that made me realize that school and began to recover and one-third will get worse. health. The sayings really are
were asleep in the hotel and I up to MIT guy and me to tell from the horrors of Massachu- The third that gets worse right—you never think about
was supposed to meet them us the library was clos- setts. I come from leads to harsher therapies and how good you have it until
to tour Harvard later in the ing. I’m not quite a small town in potentially require a heart you might have it taken away.
day (my thinking-way-too- sure what I said Alaska, so transplant. On November 10, One nerve-racking question,
far-ahead mom wanted me to her, but I went to my cardiologist to along with that proverb, raced
to see some grad schools). I I think I take some tests that would through my brain for the two
lounged around the Theater yelled. give us an idea of how my weeks before Thanksgiving.
District area, where my hotel (I am heart was doing. As a result, Was I going to be able to stay
was located, until I eventu- sorry, for the two weeks leading up at this amazing place that had
ally met up with a friend of a to break, in the midst of my become my new home?
friend who turned into a date. second round of midterms, I I’m very excited to say that
He was cute and an MIT grad was also anxiously awaiting the answer is yes. My test re-
student (yeah, I know, quite test results that would tell me sults came back, and while
an age gap) who was studying how my heart had changed I’m not quite free from cardi-
economics or something. since the beginning of the ologists, my prognosis looks
Dilated Cardiomyopathy school year. A lot depended good. My left ventricle is back
(DCM) is a risky heart condi- on these results because if to a normal size and it looks
tion, where the left ventricle they showed my heart was like my heart is no longer
expands due to stress and the doing worse, I had already categorized as having cardio-
heart doesn’t pump blood as decided with my mom that I myopathy. I may have lost my
well as it should. It can even- would have to leave Bowdoin potential to participate com-
tually lead to heart failure and to focus on my health. It was petitively in the sport I love,
other serious problems. There hard enough being at school had a pretty miserable first
are a range of triggers for the and keeping up with doctors semester filled with endless
disease that include viruses, appointments, medications dread and also messed up a
alcoholism, obesity, smoking, and the overwhelming mental date with a cute MIT grad, but
cancer, genetics and sometimes state I was in. If my condition I am lucky, as we all are, to be
athletic training. If left un- PHO
had worsened, all those obsta- able to call Bowdoin home for
treated DCM sometimes caus- EBE cles would have intensified. at least one more semester.
es for athletes to drop dead in I think this is when I start- Mitchel Jurasek is a member
the middle of exercising. In my ed to really realize how much of the class of 2021.

am the oft-maligned softboy. bio reads: “Living through two by abstinence

WITH HOOKUP CULTURE For the sake of this article, I situ- bouts of lymphoma, Doug has from sensual
IN MIND ate hookup culture in conjunction experienced firsthand the healing pleasure for
If I had a dollar for every time with mindfulness culture, another power of mindfulness.” Hold on. the purpose of
I heard a complaint about hook- relatively recent phenomenon on This reads as unsettlingly close to pursuing spir-
up culture, I would have at least this campus. While I am critical an implication that our loved ones itual goals. In
enough to buy dinner for two. As of both, I maintain that elements who have been victims to cancer the end, how-
I fantasize about wine and candle- of the two can offer insight when were simply not meditating hard ever, he turned
light, I wonder what has become considered in contrast. Mind- enough. I understand the benefits, towards a much
of dating. The following piece, if fulness practice entails a certain both scientific and spiritual, of more moderate
nothing more, serves as my per- degree of solitude, self-sufficiency practicing introspection, stillness stance: his famous
sonal meditation on our cultural and commitment to slow growth and concentration. I notice also middle way. This idea
progression. over time. Hookup culture, com- that advocates of these benefits can shows up in western philos-
What is this hookup culture, paratively, can be seen as a product come across as sanctimonious. But ophy, as well. Aristotle’s con-
anyway? Social scientist and sex of entitlement to instant grati- I digress. sideration of the virtuous life
scholar Peggy Orenstein, author of fication. Meditation turns one’s I have heard meditation prac- arrives eventually at the propo-
“Girls & Sex,” explains that while attention within, to the breath and tice described as “going to the sition of a Golden Mean between

hooking up can mean anything more importantly to thought and mental gym.” True, it can be un- two extremes, one of excess and

from kissing to intercourse, she emotion, it offers a holistic sense comfortable to see social capital the other of deficiency.

sees that sex within hookup culture of the body and mind. Hookups heaped upon a practice with which Following Aristotle and the
has become a precursor to rather tend to jump towards superficial one is unfamiliar, for which one Buddha, pillars of intellectualism
than a function of intimacy and physicality. feels unequipped or wherein one and enlightenment, let’s strive to
affection. In light of this inversion, This past Friday, a well-attend- feels unwelcome. While this mind- operate in middle ground territo-
it seems that “hooking up” has be- ed lecture in Kresge Auditorium fulness stuff is still new, many of us ry between drunken, emotionally
come a veritable relationship status, exemplified the cultivation of know how exercise feels. A certain detached, one-night stands (that
with all its accompanying inconclu- mindfulness culture here at Bow- physical and cognitive pleasure elicit deserved disapproval) and
siveness. Is it possible that normal- doin. Two speakers, Jessica Morey can be achieved by running, mov- strict, quasi-marital monogamy responsibility of shaping the cul- learn to reduce or even eliminate
ization of this terminology excuses, and Doug Worthen, introduced ing, stretching, sweating and even (that elicits both awe and exas- ture for a new generation, we must harmful expectations. Maybe we
and even encourages, vagueness their ideas and experiences to an lifting up heavy things then setting peration from those of us who consider the intersection of these can learn to know ourselves bet-
and miscommunication? audience largely comprised of ath- them back down. Working out remain single). By no means do I two social phenomena. How can ter and therefore better share our
We all know what it means letes, whose mandated attendance feels good; most of us who have aim to chastise casual, consensual, we continue to advocate mind- thoughts, feelings and desires. If
to know someone in the biblical signified an increasing attempt to ever tried it know this. It is good communicative carnal coupling, fulness without being annoying we can practice awareness of the
sense. Are we forgetting what it inject mindfulness practice into for you too, and I do not think that committed or casual. Au contrai- or insensitive? How do we come physical feelings in our bodies
means to get to know someone, as the Bowdoin curriculum. The claim would meet much dispute re, I believe that sexual expression together in molding our discus- while comfortably seated, we can
the word is used colloquially? Dare turnout at Saturday’s accompany- within virtually any sector of so- and physical closeness are invalu- sions and practices of sexuality to apply those skills to other activi-
I suggest that sex is better after hav- ing meditation workshop in Peter ciety. Meditation is no different; it able to most people’s development be safer and more satisfying? As ties. If we can become comfortable
ing waited, talked and established Buck Center for Health and Well- may require some practice, but the as human beings, and as college we witness an evolution in hookup alone with our thoughts, we can
an informed, mutual interest in ness, billed as a “retreat,” further mental exercise itself is inarguably students, we ought to learn about culture and a rise in mindfulness, become more receptive listeners. If
our partner’s personality? Was this confirmed the establishment of healthy. these experiences with one anoth- perhaps we can benefit from ap- we can learn to be mindful, we can
not the precise function of dating? mindfulness culture. The Buddha, grandfather of er, without being expected to mar- plying lessons from the latter to be mindful about hooking up.
By making this proposal, I must In a poster promoting the mindfulness, devoutly practiced ry ourselves off. the former. Maybe we can learn to Miles Brautigam is a member of
admit guilt of hypocrisy. Maybe I weekend’s activities, Worthen’s asceticism: a lifestyle characterized As we collectively shoulder the delay gratification. Maybe we can the class of 2019.
8 Friday, February 9, 2018

Women’s basketball reaches 20 win plateau
by Kathryn McGinnis
RUNNING TO GLORY: The Orient Staff
men’s track and field team
crushed the competition The women’s basketball team
at the Maine State Meet (21-1, NESCAC 7-1) is continu-
on Sunday, finishing ing its strong play and has now
with a strong 223 points won over 20 games for its fourth
to beat second-place year in a row after beating Mid-
Bates by 43 points. This dlebury 70-52 on Friday. This is
is the second first-place the ninth time the Polar Bears
finish in three years for have reached this plateau in the
the team, who set the 10 years Head Coach Adrienne
Shibles has been leading the
second highest point
program. The Polar Bears con-
total in state indoor meet
tinued the momentum against
history. Sean MacDonald
Williams, beating the Ephs 73-47
’19 was also named Most
last Saturday.
Valuable Track Athlete at
“In our league, we’re only al-
the championship after
lowed 24 regular season games,”
winning both the mile and said Shibles, “So to hit the 20-
the 3000M. win plateau in a season shows
you’re being really efficient and
that you’ve had a lot of success
throughout the year.”
LEAVE IT ON THE Bowdoin will play its last two
TRACK: The women’s conference games this weekend
track and field team also against Connecticut College and
gave a strong perfor- Wesleyan. Then the team will be- JACK BURNETT, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
mance at the Maine gin tournament play. BALLIN’ OUT: Lauren Petit ’18 dribbles the ball past a Middlebury opponent during Friday’s game, which the Polar Bears won 70-52. This marked their 20th
State Meet on Saturday, Currently ranked second in win of the season. The team continued the momentum against Williams, beating the Ephs 73-47 on Saturday. The team plays Connecticut College today.
coming in second place the NESCAC, a championship “They’re both very good played [Amherst],” Caputi said. basketball team celebrated its se- tionships, which has proved to be
behind Bates with a total title seems likely for the Polar teams,” said Shibles. “They have “We’ve been making an effort to niors with a time-honored tradi- a winning combination.
of 180 points. Despite Bears, but captain Kate Kerrigan a good balance of big posts and hold each other a little bit more tion: mother-daughter basketball. “Her emphasis [is] on the
the second-place finish, ’18 warned against relying on the talented guard play, so I think accountable when it happens in Junior and senior moms were program’s culture,” said Caputi.
the Polar Bears won at team’s past victories. [the] key to success for us is the practice. The good thing is, in that pitted against first years and soph- “She recruits a specific type of
every distance between “Every weekend is a battle, defensive intensity we bring and loss we had a lot of controllable omores, with only the mothers student-athlete, someone who’s
the 200M and mile, with especially in the NESCAC,” said defensive focus.” mistakes that if we don’t make allowed to score. Fathers partici- going to be committed to the
Sarah Kelley ’18 winning Kerrigan. “Every team you face is Shibles said that a lack of focus [again], we win.” pated in a “Hot Shot” competition excellence of our program, is
both the 800M and the good. You have to show up every against Amherst two weeks ago Playing in Wesleyan’s senior at halftime. going to have a really high stan-
mile. weekend; otherwise, you could led to the team’s first loss. At the game on Sunday, the Polar Bears “My mom [was] quite horrible, dard for themselves in the class-
lose. I think that’s something that top of the NESCAC rankings, will have to maintain their com- but it’s fun,” said Caputi. “It’s a way room [and] is going to be an ad-
makes the NESCAC special.” Bowdoin and Amherst could face posure against a competitive team for us to express our gratitude to- vocate for themselves and their
WON’T BE SQUASHED: In preparation for this week- off for the championship. and enthusiastic crowd. ward our parents.” teammates. [Shibles] fosters re-
Both men’s and women’s end, the players spent the first half Captain Lydia Caputi ’18 does “There’s always a lot of emo- When Shibles came to Bow- ally great relationships with her
squash competed in the of the week focusing on improv- not doubt the team’s skills but tion attached to those particular doin 10 years ago, the team in- players, and I think that’s where
NESCAC Championship ing their overall performance. indicated areas for improvement senior games, so it won’t be easy sisted this was one tradition that it all begins.”
this weekend at Hamil- Then, they practiced drills and before the tournament begins. to go on the road and get a win,” couldn’t go away. Now, Shibles The team will play at Connecti-
ton. The women’s team plays to counter specific defensive “We just had a couple too said Shibles. has her own legacy. She created a cut College today at 7 p.m. and at
dropped to Bates 9-0 and offensive techniques. many mental lapses when we Last weekend, the women’s team built on technique and rela- Wesleyan tomorrow at 3 p.m.
in the opening round

Bowdoin hosts Girls and Women in Sports Day

of the tournament, with
Lex Horowitz ’19 winning
the lone set for the Polar
Bears. On the men’s side,
the team made it to the
quarterfinals after beating event was completely free and probably 10 to 15 girls in each
Tufts 6-3 before falling to by Anna Fauver provided the necessary equip- group rotating, and they don’t
Orient Staff ment, pizza and snacks, and necessarily all know each other
Trinity 9-0. Both teams
will compete in the CSA Last Sunday, Bowdoin host- drawstring bags for the girls to but they’re all working togeth-
National Team Champi- ed its annual Girls and Women take home with them. er for a two-hour clinic and
onships beginning on Feb. in Sports Day in Farley Field “I think back to when I making new friends that way.”
16 for the women’s. House as part of a string of was a young girl growing up Despite putting together the
events happening around the and I just think, ‘Wow, how event, Gould credits the stu-
country celebrating the 32nd cool is it that they have this dent athletes with ensuring the
BOUNCING BACK: Men’s annual National Girls and opportunity to not only be event ran smoothly.
basketball (14-7, NES- Women in Sports Day. This around these incredible role “It was mostly run through
CAC 3-5) lost to both year, 324 girls, whose ages models that they can look up the players. So I basically just
run from kindergarten to high to and see walking around did some of the behind-the-
Middlebury and Williams
school, participated in the free the community and see play- scenes stuff, but as soon as the
this weekend 70-72 and
event, themed “Play Fair, Play ing in games,’” said Gould. day starts, it’s on the players,”
55-72 respectively. Jack
IX.” “Ultimately, it’s a ten-minute Gould said. “Each team had at
Simonds ’19 scored
“Sometimes we forget that station [for each sport], but I least four or five players there
the most points in the
it’s not too long ago when Title think it’s really neat that they throughout the day. So as
Middlebury game with COURTESY OF ELLERY GOULD
IX was put in place, which re- can be introduced to a new soon as we all bring it in and
18, with Liam Farley ’18 ally provided for a lot of addi- sport that they might love. we break into the groups, it’s GIRLS RUN THE WORLD: Bowdoin hosted a Girls and Women in Sports Day
right behind him at 17. In tional opportunities for wom- They can go back and say, really the players who run the on Sunday. Over 300 girls from around Maine participated in 14 different sports.
the Williams game, the en to participate in sports,” ‘Maybe I can try to join a team day. It wouldn’t be possible who fell in love with soccer. opportunities, so I just think
Polar Bears struggled to Ashmead White Director or try a camp this summer.’” without them.” Think about why you play it’s great that Bowdoin sup-
overcome an early lead of Athletics Tim Ryan said. Fourteen different teams, Furthermore, Gould sees soccer and why it means so ports this movement and I
by the Ephs. The team “[Girls and Women in Sports from the sailing team to the Girls and Women in Sports much to you. A lot of people think it’s an incredible oppor-
will finish the season this Day] is a great way to continue rugby team, agreed to partic- Day as an opportunity for ath- think back to their younger tunity for local girls,” Gould
weekend at home with a that legacy and also to serve as ipate. Gould believes that the letes to go back to their roots years and why they fell in love said. “We had a lot from
game against Connecti- a reminder for everyone about range of sports and the differ- and remember why they play with the sport.” Brunswick, but we also had
cut College on Friday the importance of Title IX be- ent stations allowed the girls to their sport. Ultimately, both Gould and some come in from Wiscasset
at 7 p.m. followed by a ing enacted.” form a bond with their group. “It was nice for me to see Ryan believe that it is import- and as far down as Freeport
game against Wesleyan Women’s Soccer Assistant “It was pretty awesome to as a coach, to see them now ant to increase girls’ expo- and all over. It was just great
on Saturday at 3 p.m. Coach Ellery Gould, who see the variety of sports, and being on the other side and sure to different sports from how widespread it was and
planned Sunday’s event, agrees all of the girls went in with an coaching these young girls,” a young age, and this event how just one little event in the
with Ryan and believes that the open mind,” she said. “It was she said. “At least on my team, hopes to accomplish that. grand scheme of things can
COMPILED BY ANNA FAUVER event gives girls a way to try fun because we break them we always talk about ‘playing “Many schools across the hopefully make a difference in
different sports. The two-hour up by age, but it’s a group of for her,’ so play for the girl country don’t provide equal these girls’ lives.”
Friday, February 9, 2018 SPORTS 9

Swimming crushes Colby, looks towards NESCACs

800 freestyle relay, 100 free year,” she said. better. It’s really increased our races,” said Burnham. “[They] four.”
by Artur Kalandrov and one and three meter div- “Everyone has a mentality ability to coach one on one or may be a little stronger in For both teams, expecta-
Orient Staff
ing, among others. about training this year that in small groups a lot better.” breaststroke than [they’ve] tions for the NESCAC Cham-
After an impressive victo- The captains of the wom- I think is unique to this year, Patterson and Rawding been. [But they are] just as pionship are high. According
ry by the men’s and women’s en’s swim team, Mariah Rawd- and I think it’s why we have a believe that Torrey’s presence strong through the middle.” to Rawding, the teams hope to
swimming and diving teams ing ’18 and Linnea Patterson better record and we’re setting has provided crucial moral Burnham believes that qualify some relays and indi-
over the Colby swim teams ’18, attributed a lot of the more records in season,” said support for the team this year. Bates poses a challenge to vidual swimmers to Nationals.
this past Saturday, each is team’s success to its first year Rawding. “[Torrey] will keep you go- Bowdoin in the NESCAC “I think if everyone swims
looking to succeed in the members, who they say have The presence of a new as- ing. She is like the mother of Championship for both teams. to the potential that we think
NESCAC Championship, changed the team dynamic sistant coach, Pamela Torrey, the distance group, because The team beat the Bobcats for and know they can swim, we’ll
which begins on February 16. and increased competitive- has also helped the women’s they’ll have really long prac- the first time in four years on see really good results. We’ll
At Colby, the men’s team ness. team this season. After retir- tices where you need an emo- January 19. Captain Stephen be high in the rankings,” said
closed with a score of 197-79, “It’s been my favorite sea- ing from the Office of Devel- tional support figure on the Pastoriza ’19 says that beating Patterson.
and the women’s team came in son, it’s been really good,” said opment this past spring, Tor- deck who can say ‘You have Bates again at the NESCAC “I expect that the hard work
at 204-64. The men performed Patterson. “[The first years] rey has volunteered her time two more, let’s keep it going,’ Championships is a main goal that they put in will pay off,
particularly well in the 100 have brought a lot of depth to to assist the team. or something like that,” said for the team. because they worked really
and 200 butterfly races, where the teams, they bring a lot of “I’ve known [Torrey] since Patterson. “At the beginning of every hard this year,” said Burnham.
the Polar Bears took the top intensity to practice. They’re I came to Bowdoin,” said For the men’s team, Burn- year we’re like ‘We’re going to The women’s team will
three and four spots, respec- spread across the board in Head Coach Brad Burnham. ham has noticed improve- beat Bates this year, it’s our big compete for the NESCAC
tively. The women’s team won the training groups, so there’s “She’s been just an awesome ments this season that have goal,’ and it hasn’t happened championship February 16-18
every event that took place on some of them in each group addition, just another person given the team an edge as well. till now,” said Pastoriza. “As a at Williams. The men’s event
Saturday, picking up first and to train with. I think we have on deck who loves swimming, “The men have gotten bet- team, I think we want to beat will be held at Bowdoin the
second in the 200 butterfly, a really tight-knit team this coaching and helping kids get ter in their short sprinting Bates again, and be in the top following weekend.


FLYING PAST THE MULES: (LEFT): Michael O’Neil ’20 practices fly. (RIGHT): McClure Brower ’18 prepares for a backstroke start. The men’s team crushed Colby 197-79 on Saturday, and the women’s team beat the Mules 204-64.

Nordic skiing finishes sixth at UVM Carnival to continue strong season

women’s team. “I think team dynamics are a grown very close. incredible job of bringing Bow- best season we have ever had,
by Ella Chaffin Hands had her personal very big part, and our coach is “I think that our team, out doin nordic from nothing to a it’s really cool to get Bowdoin
Orient Staff best finish at this race and is one of the main people who fos- of all the other teams that we school that is right in the mix nordic on the map.”
The Bowdoin nordic ski excited about the team’s suc- ters our team dynamics,” Hands race against, is one of the clos- with all the competitive schools. The team hopes to contin-
team is in the middle of an ex- cessful season. said. “He is always recruiting est teams, because we practice This is one of those batches ue its momentum going into
ceptional season this year, com- “This is our best season people who he thinks would fit together and travel together,” where these fast people have de- the Dartmouth Carnival this
ing in sixth at the University of ever,” Hands said. “In the past well with the team. Since it is Hands said. cided to come here instead of [a weekend.
Vermont Carnival last week- few years, we have had a couple so individual, there is so much Along with recruiting school like] Dartmouth.” “Our team has been doing
end on a new course that was really good people, but this is about how we work together in strong first years this season, Bowdoin’s nordic program better every race,” Hands said.
recently added to the Eastern the first year we have been as practice and push each other the coach plays a crucial role has been getting attention re- “I think now we are going into
Intercollegiate Ski Association a team, really competitive at and support each other at rac- in pushing the Polar Bears to cently due to Kaitlynn Miller the end of our season, and peo-
circuit. Many Polar Bears had races. We have a bunch of new es, things like if the men race a new level of performance, ’14, who will be competing in ple are really trying to push
top finishes, with Elliot Ketchel skiers who are really good, and first, they will all stay after their according to Hands. the 2018 Olympics. their sharpness. I think you
’21, finishing eighth and Jacob everyone who has been here is race to cheer for us out on the “Our freshmen are both re- “It is really exciting for us build confidence over the sea-
Adicoff ’18 finishing 19th on moving up as well.” course and vice versa.” ally strong on the men’s and that Miller who graduated a son. I know for me that I really
the men’s team and Renae An- According to Hands, team Hands believes that in addi- women’s side,” she said. “There couple years ago is going to the want to tell myself that I can do
derson ’21 finishing 13th and dynamics play a big part in its tion to being supportive of each is a big effort to recruit fast peo- Olympics,” Hands said. “Be- even better than I’ve been doing
Ellie Hands ’18 in 20th on the success. other at races, the skiers have ple, and our coach has done an tween that and this being the and push those boundaries.”


send the Orient to your lover
10 Friday, February 9, 2018

Building on BCQs
As the faculty experiments with alterations to Bowdoin Course Questionnaires
Democrats, let’s learn from our mistakes
(BCQs), we encourage students and the College to think more broadly about the role Trumpian legislation off his desk—but who brought Trump into office remain
that these evaluations could play in the Bowdoin academic program. Relevant Politics as they furiously hold the defensive satisfied with his performance, and if
The latest changes, which will be implemented in a pilot program this spring, aim to front, little time has been devoted to working-class voters across the board
by Brendan Murtha
mitigate the influence of students’ implicit biases on their answers by rewording ques- developing an offensive strategy or see their finances improve from GOP
tions to eliminate vague or imprecise language. These changes are completely rational, addressing some of the Party’s notable policies, the Democrats are going to
and we support any effort to adapt the BCQs to comport with the growing body of As we enter the second month of faults. As November nears, such strategy be in serious trouble once again. After
psychological research about polling behaviors. At the same time, we think that BCQs 2018, it’s worth taking a moment to and retrospective transformation will be all, their establishment lacks the sort of
continue to fall short of their potential to aid students’ intellectual development. reflect on this year’s potential to shake indispensable. compelling economic message the Re-
Rather than tweaking the details of BCQs, we urge a more comprehensive reimag- up the American political landscape. The Democrats suffered a crippling publicans capitalized on last year. Neo-
ining of the role of student feedback at Bowdoin. BCQs primarily provide the College Although the 2016 election may still defeat in 2016, and the party needs to liberalism is entrenched in the Demo-
with important data and testimonials that are used to evaluate specific professors’ per-
be fresh in our minds, the upcoming embrace real change if it wants to return cratic Party, and voters who hoped to
formance, notably when it comes to reappointment and tenure reviews. At the same midterm elections in November will be to power—not change that exists only in see serious change under Obama were
time, the process of completing BCQs provides students with an important opportuni- similarly momentous, defining the “sec- relation to the Trump administration. foiled by such a roadblock, thus flipping
ty to reflect on the process and contents of their learning and their interactions with a
ond-half ” of the Trump Presidency and That relationship is not grounds enough the rust belt. In order to flip it back, and
professor and with that professor’s subject. either making or breaking some of his for progress; it’s just too amorphous. reconnect with working-class voters
Unfortunately, the timing of the BCQs, in the last few weeks of the semester, comes
grandiose campaign promises. Take, for instance, opposition to the across the country, the Democrats can-
at a particularly inopportune moment. First, BCQs come online soon before exam pe- With so much on the line, Democrats GOP Tax Plan. In the weeks leading up not subsist on resistance. The changing
riod, when students’ attention is drawn particularly thin. But more importantly, since
have predictably been hammering home to its passage, when public opposition tides of tax plan approval make this ap-
students fill out their evaluations after all instruction has ended, we miss out on the
this message of urgency. With sever- to the plan was overwhelming, Dem- parent.
opportunity to discuss potential changes with our professors or to see our suggestions
al special-election wins and national ocrats mirrored such sentiment with The Boston Globe published an in-
implemented. polling predicting sizable Democratic incessant attacks on the plan’s politics teresting article after Massachusetts’
The practice of some Bowdoin Teaching Fellows, which is to request evaluations gains in Congress, optimism has been and ideological basis. However, since Democratic Primary in 2016 entitled,
midway through the semester as well as at the end, offers a more robust alternative. If
running high. If all goes according to the plan’s passage, it has seen a steady “Bernie Sanders loses like a Republican.”
professors requested student feedback throughout the semester, students could benefitplan, Democrats could win a majority in upward trend in approval. For many In it, the author Evan Horowitz writes,
from the reflective exercise of completing the evaluations, while professors could take
the Senate and take several more house working-class families too preoccupied “Sanders did quite well with a number of
the opportunity to engage their students in a discussion about the learning needs andseats. However, this original optimism with short-term finances to look far into demographics traditionally associated
dynamics of a particular group of students. should err on the side of caution. The the future, the economic growth and with the Republican Party—or at least
Furthermore, we agree with Professor of Government Paul Franco, Professor of last two weeks of polling, as compiled widespread bonus distribution that has outside the core Democratic coalition,”
Psychology Putnam and Bowdoin Student Government’s concerns about the lack of by The New York Times, show the orig- persisted in the weeks following the pas- referencing Sanders’ large lead among
feedback concerning a professor’s passion, enthusiasm and engagement. What we will inal lead held by the Democrats to be sage has lessened anxieties and warmed independents and moderates. After an
remember about Bowdoin is not the way grading standards were communicated to us slipping. They still hold an edge, but it’s attitudes towards GOP policies. As election where the Democratic Party
but the professors who made us excited to learn. To retain this element of the evalua-
slight, and has dropped over two points expected, Democrats have been largely saw many independents and moder-
tions, departments could offer two separate evaluations, one aimed at more subjectivein the last two weeks alone. mum on the subject since December, ates flip parties for a more compelling
metrics and one at more impersonal ones. Alternatively, BCQs could be split into sep- Although this recent drop is by no and their narrowing lead has correlat- economic message, I would advise the
arate sections, with some questions weighted more heavily in tenure considerations means indicative of any long-term ed with the changing public perception party that they’d be better served by
while some would be left for in-classroom consideration. trend, it does highlight a key vulnera- about the tax plan. embracing the legacy and platform of
The purpose of increasing the frequency and depth of course analysis, we want to bility for the Democratic Party. Trump’s This really does not bode well for Bernie Sanders and fellow like-minded
note, would not be to give students greater control over professors’ practices or to com-
consistently low approval rating has a party whose crux in the last election progressives. Instead of buckling down
pel professors to comply with all the requests of students. Rather, revamping feedback
made it seem as if Democratic strategy was working-class voters. By many on the very neoliberal policies that cost
would allow students and professors more frequent and more intentional opportunities can subsist off mere “resistance,” where indexes, the Rust Belt was the nail in them the last election, Democrats’ offen-
to collectively reflect on how to make the most of their time together in the classroom.
public anger with the Trump Admin- Hillary Clinton’s coffin—predominantly sive strategy going into 2018 needs to be
istration heralds a Democratic victory white, working-class states across the transformative—they need to move left.
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, whether they do anything or not. This Midwest and Greater Appalachia that As the cliché goes, “Insanity is doing
which is comprised of Harry DiPrinzio, Dakota Griffin, Calder McHugh and Ian Ward. is a tenuous approach at best. Resistance went for Obama in 2008 and 2012 but the same thing over and over again and
is important, of course—the Democrats flipped in 2016 (including Pennsylva- expecting a different result.” I’m afraid
should fight tooth and nail to keep nia, Michigan, Ohio, etc.). If the voters 2018 might prove us insane.

Celebrating the self-representation

of women and our bodies
ESTABLISHED 1871 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information potential to rethink and reclaim nar- many women.
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators, by Scout Gregerson ratives surrounding women and their Reflection was integral to my experi-
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in Op-Ed Contributor bodies through the act of photographic ence participating in the previous pho-
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse
discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community. Author’s note: Although I use she/her/ self-representation. Through this event toshoot. This year, we wish to create a
hers pronouns throughout this piece, we we hope to open a space in which wom- space for exploration and reflection on
welcome non-binary students who have en of varying identities can choose how what it means to be a woman, how we
a connection to womanhood to partici- they wish to represent themselves as hold this identity in relation to others
Sarah Drumm Harry DiPrinzio pate in this photoshoot. both the creators and subjects of art. and our relationship with our bod-
Editor in Chief Editor in Chief 2018 marks the fourth iteration of This may include the choice to opt ies. We live in a time when images of
the “Celebrating Women, Celebrating into or out of the shoot, the choice of our bodies are easily shared on social
Managing Editor Bodies” photoshoot since its inception whether and how to utilize nudity and media and there are pressures to look,
Creative Director News Editor
in 2012. Historically, this shoot has to what degree or the choice to share dress and act a certain way. By focusing
Jenny Ibsen Rachael Allen Emily Cohen
Ellice Lueders grounded itself in resisting the cen- the outcome of the experience or not. this year’s photoshoot on agency and
Photo Editor Calder McHugh sorship and objectification of women’s We offer the option of nudity as an- choice, we hope participants may cre-
Sports Editor bodies while celebrating the diversity other facet of choice and agency. Two ate an experience that is meaningful to
Ann Basu Surya Milner Anna Fauver
Ezra Sunshine Jessica Piper of bodies on this campus. I, in addi- years ago when I took part in the pho- them and one in which there is no pres-
tion to the rest of the student staff at toshoot, I expected my experience to sure to perform or display. The experi-
Associate Editor Features Editor the Center for Sexuality, Women and be a celebration of self-love and body ence can be as personal as a participant
Layout Editor
Sarah Bonanno Alyce McFadden Gender, hope to carry these legacies positivity. I was not as prepared to wants it to be, as political or apolitical,
Emma Bezilla
Ian Stewart Roither Gonzales into this year’s event. We will center acknowledge and confront the shame as light-hearted or serious. Whatever
Dakota Griffin A&E Editor the project on a particularly resonant that I felt around my body and its the intention a participant has for this
Nicholas Mitch Isabelle Hallé theme at this cultural moment: wom- desirability in relation to other white photoshoot, we welcome them.
Copy Editor Louisa Moore en’s right to exercise agency over their bodies. I was and am uncomfortable The “Celebrating Women, Celebrat-
Nell Fitzgerald Allison Wei
Opinion Editor stories and bodies. with my discomfort. How does a fem- ing Bodies” photoshoot will take place
Rohini Kurup Women’s bodies have historically inist reconcile her deep body satisfac- Saturday, February 17 at 24 College
Digital Strategist Business Manager been (and currently are) sites of dis- tion insecurities? For me, the photo- Street. Those looking to participate
Sophie Washington Edward Korando sent, struggle and dialogue. In the shoot and my choice to participate should sign up by midnight on Sunday,
Ned Wang Calendar Editor
current political climate, women’s nude brought these vulnerabilities to February 11. If you have any questions
Social Media Editor Avery Wolfe Kate Lusignan
actions, thoughts, motivations and the surface. Through this experience or would like to sign up, please reach
Gwen Davidson self-representations are harshly scruti- I looked my insecurities in the eye a out to
Uriel Lopez-Serrano Data Desk Page Two Editor nized and often obscured by narratives little more honestly and rawly than I Scout Gregerson is a member of the
Faria Nasruddin Hannah Donovan Samuel Rosario that place blame upon women. Addi- had before, and I’m grateful for that Class of 2018. Article was supported by
tionally, the medium of photography moment. This is one woman’s expe- Anu Asaolu, a member of the Class of
has been problematically used in the rience—my experience. One of the 2019, Kendall Schutzer, a member of the
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the past to categorize and objectify certain many moving aspects of this project is Class of 2018 and Rebkah Tesfamariam,
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions
groups. Thus, there is massive creative that it will include the experiences of a member of the Class of 2018.
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
Friday, February 9, 2018 OPINION 11

African in America: transforming a country that doesn’t love me

that while I was born here and race-based stress triggers insen- about race and ethnicity, but he they are not new. The sad truth lagging behind other European
my family put its sweat and tears sitive defensiveness from certain is only one of several American is that racial inequality is part immigrants in earning potential
Polar Views into America’s progress, this white people. Here in Maine, figures playing into white ag- of America’s history. I was near- in the U.S. until the post-WWII
by Osa Fasehun
country still wasn’t my country. I’ve heard all the white nation- grieved entitlement. ing the end of my winter break era. In reality, Trump views
Her comments were hurtful alist slogans—from “taking our Trump’s friend, Governor trip to South Africa—a nation Norwegians as desirable immi-
“If black people hate it here then, but they don’t phase me country back” to “all lives mat- Paul LePage of Maine, has made similarly plagued by the myth grants because they are white.
so much, maybe they should today. ter”—that try to legitimize white comparable statements, often of non-racialism—when I over- He wants whiteness to be a re-
just go back to their country.” A I’ve habituated myself to the privilege instead of addressing scapegoating black and Hispanic heard the latest episode of white quirement for immigration to
white girl in my high school al- racial undertones of social rela- the unfair challenges people of people for Maine’s drug traffick- nationalism on the news. Trump the United States.
legedly made this remark while tions—the palpable aura weigh- color face. ing problem. In January 2016, stated that he didn’t want immi- As the son of black im-
I was reciting an original poem ing down on my shoulders every Lately, Donald J. Trump— LePage said, “guys by the name grants from “shithole countries,” migrant parents—from the
about Trayvon Martin during time I walk through Bowdoin’s who is somehow the U.S. pres- D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty” citing Haiti, El Salvador and “shithole” country Nigeria—I
our weekly assembly meeting. campus. After attending a pre- ident—has become the most come to Maine, “sell their her- African countries as examples don’t feel wanted in Trump-era
A cluster of students gasped dominantly white high school, flagrant example of this white oin, then they go back home. during a white House meeting America, especially in Maine. I
as soon as she I imagined college to be a walk fragility. It is difficult Incidentally, half the time they with congressional leaders. never walk down the streets of
made the com- in the park. I didn’t consider the to keep up with impregnate a young, white girl Rather, he preferred immigrants Brunswick past a certain time. I
ment. She was implications of attending a col- his frequent before they leave.” In the most from countries like Norway to pull out my wallet every time I
implying lege in Maine, the whitest state remarks demeaning way, LePage links enter the U.S. When Trump sin- enter a store. I came to Maine to
in the U.S. Whiteness alone is black men to drug trafficking gled out Norway, South African attend one of the best liberal arts
not a source of fear, but rath- and employs the “they’re sleeping comedian Trevor Noah had a colleges in the nation, yet the
er white fragility: the state in with our women” trope to justify clever response: “He didn’t just state’s governor thinks men who
which the slightest amount of his verbal attacks against them. name a white country, he named look like me are drug dealers.
LePage’s rhetoric draws paral- the whitest—so white they wear Still, there is hope that discourse
lels with the anti-miscegenation moon-screen.” about racism—not race—will
arguments that white Southern- But let’s face it; Norwegians hit the mainstream one day. I
ers employed to justify the lynch- don’t even want to migrate to look forward to the day when
ing of black men in the 20th the U.S. like they used to. Nor- politicians comfortably call
century. During the presidential wegian immigrants are current- Trump and others “racists”
election in 2016, Trump chan- ly the third smallest group of and admit that racism exists in
neled his friend’s language by migrants in the country based America. Until then, I remain a
implicitly correlating Maine’s So- on the latest Census Bureau. hyphenated American, a Nigeri-
mali refugee population and the Data also shows that Norway an-American, who boldly pro-
state’s crime rate, even though boasts a far better quality of life vokes thought in hopes of trans-
the acting police chief of Lew- than the U.S., as it has topped forming a country that doesn’t
iston—a Maine city with a large other countries in the U.N.’s love me. If you’re reading these
Somali population—said that the Human Development Index words with a new discomfort,
crime rates have gone down in for several decades. In theory, I’m happy for you. Own that
Lewiston and across the state. Norway would have been on discomfort because it’s only a
SARA CAPLAN The racist and xenophobic Trump’s “shithole” list over a fraction of what black people in
scare tactics of right-wing pop- century ago, since Norwegian America have been feeling for a
ulist circles are concerning, but immigrants were significantly long time.

The clock is ticking between

North and South Korea The joint venture with The fast-paced, fast-changing
North Korea in the 2018 Win- society that South Korea has
by William Park
Op-Ed Contributor ter Games serves multiple become separates the younger
purposes. First, it is a step generation from those feel-
A friend once told me that towards a personal goal of ings. Most South Koreans,
the thought of reunification reunification for South Ko- at least those in the city, are CA
with North Korea (to put it rean President Moon Jae-In. perpetually caught up with E CA
mildly because he used some President Moon’s parents are making money, popu- R
other colorful metaphors) was, originally from North Korea, lar culture and social
“stupid because it would ruin and his personal connection mobility. Reunifica-
the economy that South Korea with the land is strong. Sec- tion and reconciliation
had worked so hard to achieve. ond, it serves as a détente for have become after-
Why would I want that?” This both the North Koreans and thoughts. Nobody knows
was five years ago at an inter- the Americans. The suspen- for sure how far into the fu-
national school in Seoul. My sion of military exercises by ture the military détente
friend, also Korean, was livid the South Koreans and Amer- is going to go. South
at the thought of possible re- icans is an acute victory for Korea has been thrust
unification. His understanding the easing of tensions. There into a position compli-
of and opinions on the matter is also a slight easing of nucle- cated by its desire to keep its
were based purely upon the ar tensions from North Korea. relationship with the United
economic turmoil that would Third, it brings together both States from going haywire,
come with the rejoining of nations in a feeling of unity, which in large part is due
the two nations. When talking which many hope will bring to the man in the White peace for
to the elder members of my the two countries closer to ne- House and trying to re- and quite the future.
family, I find a slightly differ- gotiating some of the tensions form a relationship with possibly nations. Embracing the
ent opinion. Most, but not all, that continue to plague the North Korea. actual mili- Young people Games as a possible
believe that there should be Peninsula. All three purposes The United States’ role in tary action. For this do not want to be end towards the tension,
at least an attempt at recon- share a common thread that the tensions will remain un- reason, it is imperative that a part of joint Korea. There which most South Koreans
ciliation, even if the costs are is highlighted by the divisive predictable. President Trump negotiators make every effort would be too much economic simply choose to ignore be-
high. The divide between these attitudes detailed above: it is has agreed to suspend the joint to start dialogues with North pain and too much difficulty cause it has become part of
two opinions is at the root of all about time. military drills in light of the Korean officials. The Olym- in reconciliation. In addition, their day-to-day for the last
the reactions towards the joint President Moon’s personal Olympics. The continued sus- pics will not last forever and under what leadership would a 65 years, could be the solution
participation of the two coun- goal caters to the elders. Many pension of these exercises will may be the only jumping-off joint Korea operate? It is high- moving forward. If begrudged
tries in the upcoming Olym- in the younger generation in be dependent on North Korea’s point towards more peaceful ly unlikely that Kim Jong-Un South Koreans could support
pics. The generational gap and South Korea are simply unable actions after the conclusion of relations. would give up his power and and embrace reconciliation
increasing Westernization in or unwilling to understand the the games as well as the ability Reunification, at this point, political control and South with their Northern counter-
South Korea has influenced deeply personal connections of negotiators to start a con- is not a viable option. Not Koreans would, conversely, parts negotiations might be
the sympathies of much of the many of their parents and versation with the North. If only is reunification seen never allow themselves to be able to bloom. This is a big “if.”
younger generation. However, grandparents have with North North Korea continues with as an undesirable course of ruled under anything other Most continue to oppose the
it is in the best interest of the Korea. They did not have their its policy of nuclear postur- action—something that was than a democracy. opportunity and time is run-
younger generation to regain lives uprooted or suffer the ing, the United States will no not the case even ten years That being said, the Winter ning out.
some of the older generation’s tragic separation their family doubt match the “aggression” ago—but also too much time Games in Pyeongchang are an William Park is a member of
perspective. members had to experience. with more military exercises has passed between the two opportunity towards greater the Class of 2019.
12 Friday, February 9, 2017

Exhibit Talk: “The Science of Color”
Stephen G. Naculich, LaCasce family professor of natural
sciences, will discuss the theory and interpretation of color
by artists, scientists and thinkers. The lecture is part of the
library’s exhibit talk series for the Spring 2018 exhibition “On
A Different Wavelength: A Celebration of Color in Books.”
Hawthorne-Longfellow Library. 12 p.m.

“#MeToo: A Moment or Momentum?”
Elizabeth Pritchard, associate professor of religion, will
discuss the impact of the #MeToo movement worldwide
and at Bowdoin. The discussion will address questions such
as: what do we want from this movement? What are the
implications for our culture here at Bowdoin?
Main Lounge, Moulton Union. 12:30 p.m. ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
SNOW PLACE LIKE HOME: The first major snowfall of the year hit campus on Wednesday night. The stormed caused a power outage on parts of
PERFORMANCE south campus. Several students in the Stowe Hall and Coles Tower elevators were caught between floors but were released quickly.
Romance Isn’t Dead
Improvabilities, one of several campus improv groups will

perform a Valentines Day-inspired show.
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 8 p.m.

SATURDAY 10 Trump as Manager: Reflections on the

President’s First Year
David E. Lewis, William R. Kenan Jr. professor and chair of
“Artine Artinian ’31: Shoeshine Boy,
Literary Scholar, Drawing Collector”
Museum of Art Curator Joachim Homann and Daniel

Winter Weekend’ the department of political science at Vanderbilt University Rechtschaffen ’18 will discuss French caricatures, illustrations,
will discuss President Trump’s management of the executive portraits and writer’s drawings made by Artine Artinian ’31 in
branch during his first year in office. Lewis will discuss the conjunction with the museum’s exhibit “Where the Artist’s
EVENT appointments and vacancies of certain positions and his Hand Meets the Author’s Pen: Drawings from the Artine
Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides organizational initiatives. Artinian Collection.”
Outside the Chapel. 11 a.m. Shannon Room, Hubbard Hall. 4:15 p.m. Museum of Art. 4:30 p.m.


S’mores and Hot Chocolate “The Poets and the Assassin-Daughters
Outside the Chapel. 11 a.m. of Iran”
The Muslim Student Association will bring the play “The
EVENT LECTURE Poets and the Assassins-Daughters of Iran” to campus to tell
Polar Bear Snowglobe Making “Artistic Exchange on the Northern the story of Iranian women’s contributions in the fight for
David Saul Smith Union. 1 p.m. liberty and democracy for all Iranians. The play will illustrate
Plains” the women who have been at the forefront of these battles,
Frank Goodyear, co-director of the Museum of Art, will
EVENT and whose contributions have often been overlooked. The
discuss the Museum’s nineteenth century painting of a
Paint Night Sun Dance ceremony by an unidentified Lakota artist in
play tells the tale of courage, sacrifice and survival in a
Jack Magee’s Pub and Grill. 7 p.m. patriarchal society as women navigate the public arena to
concurrence with the exhibition “Art from the Northern
protest and demand equal rights.
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 7 p.m.
Museum of Art. 12 p.m.


Black Perspectives: Conversations
about History, Politics and Art
Geoffrey Canada Associate Professor of Africana
Longfellow Days Studies and History Brian Purnell, Associate Professor
Three local poets will read original poetry. The reading is the FILM
of Government Chryl Laird and Andrew W. Mellon Post-
second of four poetry readings in the annual Longfellow 2018 Oscar-Nominated Shorts Doctoral Curatorial Fellow Ellen Tani will discuss the black
Days series composed of a variety of the programming Frontier will screen Oscar-nominated short films. The
perspective through history, politics and art.
throughout the month to honor the late literary figure’s selected shorts come from categories of animated, live
Main Lounge, Moulton Union. 7 p.m.
211 birthday action and documentary film.
Curtis Memorial Library. 1 p.m. Frontier. 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

16 17 18 19 LECTURE 20 21 FILM 22
“The Poetic Gatekeepers of the
Afterlife of Roman Arctic

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