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Lizette Felipe October 23rd

Tempest Theme Summative

Describe a theme common to ​The Tempest​ and ​at least two​ of our American Voices texts. How
do the texts work together to build your understanding of this central idea? In other words,
compare and contrast how the different authors comment on this theme.

A common theme to ​The Tempest ​and the last two of our American Voices text is the
people are all fighting for freedom. In the The Tempest there are characters that are held captive,
such as Ariel and Caliban. Each of these characters wanted freedom but had their own way of
reaching their freedom Ariel wanted freedom but was held captive by Prospero, so Ariel tries to
earn his freedom by helping Prospero. In Ariel’s perspective, he was being helpful, in every
ways towards Prospero. In the other hand, Caliban also wanted freedom but he was also held by
King Prospero also so he tries to Kill the King. In Caliban’s perspective he thought by kill the
King, he would take his place and become King himself. Overall, when people want freedom,
they have their perspective of getting freedom.
In the American Voices course pack, in the section of Women’s Voice, the women also want
freedom. In the text “A Vindication of Rights of women” women are looked at differently, they
are used for tools instead of being appreciated for the things they do to make a good living.
Women want people to see the good in them, in the other text “Before the Birth of one of her
children” is was a remembrance for her future children. She wanted her children to know who is
was, because of the way people used to look at them.
Between theses texts the authors had some connections. There are some stories that are about
freedom. Freedom is connected because women were not treated equality, so that’s what made
them was to be remembered by their own children. ​Other people wanted freedom but did what
they thought was best for them in order to get it.

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