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A Literary Analysis

of The Great Gatsby

By Lucia Muro
Lost love in The Great Gatsby
● I chose this topic because throughout the book I think the author
Fitzgerald is trying to show how love is doubted, by showing there’s
unmutual love. This topic is relevant to the novel because it shows lost
and unrequited love through main characters.
● “... the day before the
wedding he gave her a string
of pearls valued at three
hundred and fifty thousand
dollars” (page 76).
● The pearls show symbolism
here because it shows that
Daisy is a materialistic
● “...shirts of sheer linen and
thick silk and fine flannel…
covered the table in many
-color disarray… suddenly..
Daisy bent her head into the
shirts and cried”(page 92).

● This shows how the
Fitzgerald used motif and it
indicated lost love because it
shows that Daisy isn’t
emotional about Gatsby but
of what Gatsby has.
● “... Gatsby’s face, as though a
faint doubt had occurred to
him as to the quality of his
present happiness”(page 95).

Gatsby doubts
● This shows characterization
through Gatsby, because it
evokes the doubt Gatsby has
when he is finally with Daisy
showing lost love.
● “I wouldn’t ask too much of
her, I ventured. You can’t
repeat the past. Can’t repeat
the past? He cried
incredulously, why of course
you can!” (page 110).

The past
● The past shows repetition
because throughout the book
and the chapter Gatsby is
fixated with his dream of
having the relationship he
once had with Daisy. But
Daisy doesn’t seem
● “His heart beat faster and
faster as Daisy’s white face
came up to his own”(page
One autumn
night ● This author’s choice shows
imagery of the one autumn
night this shows the
affection Gatsby had towards
Daisy and his desire of the
● “Her voice is full of money,
he said suddenly” (page 120).

“Voice full of
money” ● This author's choice shows
unique diction and it shows
unrequited and lost love
because the author is trying
to portray Daisy as an
acquisitive woman.
Lost love leads to
perceptions that aren’t
what they seem.
Final Words
● The Great Gatsby is an important novel to American literature because it
not only talks about love but about social class, the American Dream.
And by reading the novel it improves being able to identify a theme and
the topic of a text.

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