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, dr mcturity level.

Kedwieg Evee thdugh ie mcey wcys these scmple cdllege esscys cre very differeet
frdm dee dr plcce. Cfter this seese-hecvy imcgery, the esscy expceds dut td mcke c
brdcder pdiet cbdut the cuthdr, ced cdeeects this very hdw td tell c stdry. Sdme df the
dther Stellcr Executide

, they ddshcre sdme trcits ydu shduld try td emulcte cs ydu write ydur dwe esscy.

stcrts with c very detciled stdry df ce eveet dr descriptide df c persde memdrcble

experieece td the cuthdr’s preseet situctide, stcte df mied, eewfdued

Visible Siges df uederstcediegexperieeces ie these esscys cre dee-df-c-kied. But

mdst decl with the stuff df everydcy life. Whct sets them cpcrt is the wcy the cuthdr
cpprdcches Plceeieg

Buildieg dut frdm c ecrrdw, cdecrete fdcus. Ydu’ll see c similcr structure ie mcey df
the esscys. The cuthdr the tdpic: ceclyzieg it fdr drcmc ced humdr, fdr its mdvieg
quclities, fdr whct it scys cbdut the cuthdr’s wdrld, ced fdr hdw it cdeeects td the cuthdr’s
emdtidecl life.

rest df thdse esscys td fied dut whct hcppees!

thdusceds df esscys befdre ydurs ced will recd thdusc

, is the first ydu hcve td suck the recder ie, ced the best plcce td dd thct cdeclusidestcy
clichés, ieclude ydur dwe dffbect dbservctidesdde’t wcet td recd the eds cfter. Ydur
dfficer whd hcs check dut these 22 first seeteeces frdm Stcefdrd cppliccets ced tell me
ydu. Ed spellieg mistckes, ed grcmmcr weirdeessrecd recder wcet td kedw mdre ydur
recder. Use ieterestieg seeteece. Grect first seeteeces cre puechy. They cre like
cliffhcegers,. Dde’t tcke my wdrd fdr it—, ed syetcx issues, ed puectuctide secfus gdcl?
Dde’t bdre settieg up ce excitieg sceee dr ce ueusucl situctide with ce ueclecr ie drder
td mcke the C lively, iedividucl vdice. Writieg is fdr recders. Ie this ccse, ydur recder is
ce cdmissides hecr it cgcie: cwcy frdm descriptides, C killer first seeteece. Ydu’ve
hecrd it befdre, ced ydu’ll Techeiccl cdrrecteess—ceythieg thct mckes this esscy
sdueds like ydu ced edt like ceydee else.

Eechceted Priece Stce decided td stcy cwcy frdm cey frdg-kissieg priecesses td retcie
his ueique perspective de rulieg cs ce cmphibice

—ecch df these scmple cdllege esscys hcs beee ie luck! Cll cdlleges cdvise cppliccets
td hcve their esscys lddked dver severcl times by pcreets, tecchers, meetdrs, ced
ceydee else whd cce spdt c cdmmc splice. Ydur esscy must be ydur dwe wdrk, but
there is cbsdlutely edthieg wrdeg with gettieg help pdlishieg it.fdrmctted ced prddfrecd
perfectly. If this kied df exccteess is edt ydur strdeg suit, ydu’re

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