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Thesis Report

“HR Policy and Practice of Banking Industry: A Study on
Two Selected Banks Operating in Bangladesh”

Submitted To:
Chowdhury Shegupta Afrin
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh

Submitted By:
Murshiduzzaman Khan
ID: BBA 05115772
Major: HRM
Batch: BBA 51(E)
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh

Date of Submission: October, 2017

Letter of Transmittal

Dated: October, 2017

Chowdhury Shegupta Afrin

Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of Thesis Report on “HR Policy and Practice of Banking Industry: A
Study on Two Selected Banks Operating in Bangladesh”

Dear Madam,
It is my great pleasure to submit you my thesis report on “HR Policy and Practice of
Banking Industry: A Study on Two Selected Banks Operating in Bangladesh”. I have
tried my best to complete this report properly following the guidelines provided by you and
concerned organization.

I have confidence that the thesis paper has increased both of my practical experience and
theoretical knowledge to a great extent. I will be obliged to answer any query that may arise
during the evaluation of the report. So, I am fervently requesting and hope that you would be
kind enough to accept my report and oblige thereby.

Sincerely Yours,

Murshiduzzaman Khan
ID: BBA 05115772
Major: HRM
Batch: BBA 51(E)
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh

Supervisor’s Certification

This is to certify that the thesis Report on “HR Policy and Practice of Banking Industry:
A Study on Two Selected Banks Operating in Bangladesh” has been prepared as a part of
completion of the BBA program major in HRM discipline from Stamford University
Bangladesh, carried out by Murshiduzzaman Khan, ID: BBA 05115772, Major: HRM, Batch:
BBA 51(E) under my supervision. The report or the information will not be used for any
other purposes.

I wish him every success in his life

Chowdhury Shegupta Afrin
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh

Declaration of Student

I am Murshiduzzaman Khan, the student of Business Administration bearing ID: BBA

05115772 major in HRM from Stamford University, Bangladesh, would like to declare here
that the thesis report on “HR Policy and Practice of Banking Industry: A Study on Two
Selected Banks Operating in Bangladesh” has been authentically prepared by me under the
intensive supervision and guidance of Chowdhury Shegupta Afrin, Assistant Professor,
Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh

I also declare that the thesis report is prepared for academic purpose only and which I have
not submitted for any other degree before.

Murshiduzzaman Khan
ID: BBA 05115772
Major: HRM
Batch: BBA 51(E)
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh


At first, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Almighty Allah the supreme authority of
the universe.

I want to express my thankfulness to my supervisor Chowdhury Shegupta Afrin, Assistant

Professor, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh for her
direction, constant and spontaneous support, efficient supervision and constructive
suggestions. I am very grateful to my supervisor, for guiding me to complete my Thesis
program. I am also highly indebted to her for the scholarly and constructive suggestion,
which was of much assistance to prepare the report on “HR Policy and Practice of Banking
Industry: A Study on Two Selected Banks Operating in Bangladesh”.

I am also grateful to the all employees of Mutual Trust Bank and Dhaka Bank Ltd. who
helped me to collect data for my thesis report.

I am thankful to Stamford University, for giving me the opportunity to work with practical

Finally I would like to convey my gratitude to all my teachers, friends and many others who
showed and provided their support to prepare the report.

Executive Summary
Thesis program is an important part of BBA program. Along with the theoretical knowledge,
practical knowledge is much crucial for BBA students. Keeping this in mind that, the thesis
program is organized by the department in some particular organization to give the students
exposure to the real world business.
A Bank is an economic institution whose main aim is to earn profit through exchange of
money & credit instruments. It is a service oriented as well as profit oriented organization. To
perform those two functions simultaneously, the Bank divides its operation into several parts.
HRM is the most important part of a Bank.
This report includes how HRM planning and practices are implemented, what are the possible
divisions and work distribution in an HRD, recruitment process, training and development
initiatives, how to keep employees motivated as well as how to control insubordinations,
compensation and benefits planning, how to lead etc.

Selected bank has a rich Human Resource Policy. It maintains the organizational
responsibilities successfully. The HR team of selected Bank is completely organized and well
reputed team.

My personal views about the HRM Planning and Policy, my value addition to the HRP are
also included in the report. With limited knowledge and study I tried my best to make this
report as much understandable as possible. The various boundaries to process improvement
and maintaining ethical standards in a corporate environment have also been experienced.
But even so, how those policies and practices are In-Line with the corporate strategy are
discussed in this report.

Before drawing any conclusion based on this report it may be noted that the report was
prepared in a very short term and there is lack in data. But still the report may be useful for
designing any further study to evaluate the HR facilities provided by the Bank.
The last part ends with findings, recommendations and conclusions. Both are shown in
different chapters. In appendix showed the formats of some relevant documents required in
this process.

Table of Contents
Title Page
Letter of Transmittal
Supervisors Certification
Declaration of Students
Executive Summary
1.1 Origin of the Report
1.2 Background of the Report
1.3 Objectives of the Report
1.3.1 General objective
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Rationale of the Study
1.6 Methodology of the Study
1.6.1 Data Collection Sources
1.6.2 Study Design
1.6.3 Sampling Method
1.6.4 Target population
1.6.5 Sample Size
1.6.6 Editing and Sorting of Data
1.6.7 Data presentation required
1.7 Limitations of the study
2.1. Definition of Bank

2.2. Characteristics / Features of a Bank

2.3. Objective of banking sector
2.4. The role of Banks in economy
2.5. Evolution of bank
2.6. Banking History of Bangladesh
2.7. Function of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
2.8. Contribution of Commercial Banks of Bangladesh
2.9.Possibilities of the Banking Sector in Bangladesh
3.0 Review of Relevant Literature:
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Definition of HRM
3.3 Foundation Of Human Resources Management:
3.4 Area of HRM activities
3.4.1 Human Resource Planning
3.4.2 Recruitment and Selection

3.4.3 Attracting and Retaining Human resource
3.4.4 Compensation and Benefit
3.4.5 Administration
3.4.6 Human Resource Development
Chapter-4: Background of the Organizations 33-51
4.1 Historical Background of MTBL
4.1.2 MTB Profile
4.1.3 Memberships of MTBL
4.1.4 Vision
4.1.5 Mission
4.1.6 MTB Core Values
4.1.7 Objectives
4.1.8 Slogan
4.1.9 Corporate Strategy
4.1.10 Organization Hierarchy
4.1.11 Risk Management
4.1.12 MTB Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
4.1.13 Product and Services
4.2 Background Dhaka Bank Limited
4.2.1 Corporate Information
4.2.2DBL Mission
4.2.3 DBL Vision
4.2.4 DBL Goal
4.2.5 DBL Values
4.2.6 Strategic Objectives of DB
4.2.7 Organizational Structure of Dhaka Bank Ltd.
4.2.8 Organogram of Dhaka Bank Limited
4.2.9 Features of Dhaka Bank Ltd.
4.2.10 Banking Products and Services of DBL
4.2.11 Products of Dhaka Bank Ltd.
4.2.12 Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter-5: HRM Policy and Practices of Selected Banks of Bangladesh 52-92
5.1 HRM Practices o MTBL
5.1.1 Human Resource Division
5.1.2 Recruitment
5.1.3 Training and Development
5.1.4 Compensation, Pay and Benefits
5.1.5 MIS and Strategic Planning
5.2 HRM Practices o Dhaka Bank
5.2.1 Different Types of employees
5.2.2 Human Resource Division
5.2.3 Recruitment
5.2.4 Training and Development
5.2.5 Compensation, Pay and Benefits
5.2.6 HR Administration
5.2.7 Definitions of Job Satisfaction
5.2.8 History of job satisfaction
5.2.9 Importance of job satisfaction

5.2.10 Importance to employee and organization
5.2.11 Employees role in job satisfaction
Chapter-6: Analysis and Findings 93-109
6.0 Analysis of The Study
6.1 Organization places right person in the right job:
6.2 Salary structure is justified
6.3 The working environment is supportive:
6.4 There is enough scope of growth and employment in my position
6.5 The pension plan/gratuity/provident fund is satisfactory
6.6 Supervisors/bosses behave properly
6.7 Developed stress management skills
6.8 Findings
Chapter-7: Concluding Remarks 110-116
7.1 Recommendation
7.2 Conclusion


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