Heide Brecht Am I Ergo 2007

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Target the Problem,

Not the Symptom

Choosing The Correct

Ergonomic Analysis Tool
What We Are Going To Cover
General overview of different types of
ergonomic assessments
• Ergonomic Risk Assessment
– Ergonomic Risk Factors
– Qualitative Analysis
– Quantitative Analysis
• Physical Demand Assessment
– Post-offer testing for new hires
– Return-to-work
Ask the Following Questions
Before Analyzing the Job
• Why are you analyzing the job?
• How are you going to apply the data?
• What are your desired outcomes?
• Are you comparing apples to apples?
Physical Demand Assessment
Ergonomic Risk Assessment
• Ergonomic Risk Assessment
• Used to Assess Ergonomic Risks or Resolve
Ergonomic Risks
• Physical Demand Assessment
• Used for Post-Offer Testing, Functional
Capacity Evaluations & Return to Work
• Why Do We Have to Differentiate?
• Desired Outcome
• Liability and Legal Issues
Ergonomic Risk Assessments
The goal of an ergonomic risk assessment
is to identify factors that may increase the
likelihood of a worker developing a
musculoskeletal disorder (MSD).
Awkward Postures Repetitive Motions

Excessive Force MSD Risk Contact Stress


Personal Static Postures

Risk Depends On Magnitude,

Frequency and Duration
Ergonomic Risk
• Moore-Garg Strain Index
• NIOSH Lift Equation
• Back Force Estimation
• Shoulder Force Estimation
• Heart Rate
• Rodgers Muscle Fatigue
• Ergonomic Risk Assessment
Qualitative vs. Quantitative
• Qualitative
• Exploratory and/or investigative.
• Findings are not conclusive.
• Used to categorize

• Quantitative
• Used to recommend a final course of action.

Risk Qualitative Quantitative

Force High Force 65 lbs
Repetition Fast Pace 10 reps/1 min cycle
Posture 45 – 90 deg 45 Degrees of Flexion
Outcome 7/10 Rank Force, Repetition, Posture Data
Rapid Upper Limb Assessment

• Rapid Upper Limb Assessment or

RULA is used to assess posture force
and movement associated with tasks
where the worker is seated or standing
without moving about.
• Qualitative assessment
Rapid Upper Limb Assessment
RULA Outcomes

• Qualitative
• Compare to
other jobs
• Rank body

Rapid Entire Body Assessment

• The Rapid Entire Body Assessment is

used to assess static, rapidly changing
and unstable postures.
• It can be used to assess handling loads.
• Qualitative assessment
Rapid Entire Body Assessment
Moore – Garg Strain Index
• The strain index (SI) is a method of
evaluating jobs to determine if they
expose workers to increased risk of
developing MSDs of the distal upper
extremity (i.e. elbow, forearm, wrist & hands)
• Based off of physiological,
biomechanical & epidemiological
• Validity has been demonstrated in pork
and poultry processing
Moore – Garg Strain Index
• Advantages
– Accounts for task duration &
recovery time
– Assesses adverse effects of
magnitude, duration & frequency
• Disadvantages
– Requires individuals with experience
& training
– Helpful to utilize video tape for
NIOSH Lifting Equation
•The NIOSH Lifting Equation is intended
for two-handed lifts with
without sudden changes in acceleration
that are performed from a standing
•Based on biomechanical, physiological
and psychophysical criteria.
•The end product of the equation is the
RWL or Recommended Weight Limit and
the Lifting Index.

• HM – Horizontal Multiplier
• VM – Vertical Location Multiplier
• DM – Vertical Distance Multiplier
• AM – Asymmetry Angle (Twisting) Multiplier
• FM – Frequency Multiplier
• CM – Coupling Classification
Vertical Multiplier
5 .81
10 .85
15 .89
20 .93
25 .96
30 1.00
35 .96
40 .93
45 .89
50 .85
55 .81
60 .78
65 .74
70 .70
>70 .00

• HM – Horizontal Multiplier
• VM – Vertical Location Multiplier
• DM – Vertical Distance Multiplier
• AM – Asymmetry Angle (Twisting) Multiplier
• FM – Frequency Multiplier
• CM – Coupling Classification
Interpretation of Results

• The Recommended Weight Limit is

defined as the weight of the load in
which nearly all healthy workers could
perform over a substantial period of
time without an increased risk of
developing lifting-related low back
Interpretation of Results
• Lift Index = (Actual Load) / RWL

• Most experts believe that there will be an

increased risk of low-back injury for most (if
not all) workers if the lift index exceeds 1.
• Some experts feel that if workers are
properly screened (based on the task
requirements) and trained that they can
safely work at lift indexes greater than 1 but
less than 3.
Low Back Compressive Force Model
• Developed by Don Bloswick, PhD
(Professor at University of Utah)
• Used only as an estimation of low
back compressive force.
• Applicable lifting situations:
•Two handed lifts
•Smooth lifting situations without
sudden changes in acceleration
•Performed from a standing
Low Back Compressive Force Model

A = 3(BW)Cosθ

B = 0.5(L + HB)

C = 0.8[(BW)/2 + L] – 0.8

FC = A + B + C
Low Back Compressive Force Model

FC = A + B + C
•BW: Body Weight
A = 3(BW)Cosθ
•L: Load
B = 0.5(L + HD)
•HD: Horizontal Distance
C = 0.8[(BW)/2 + L] – 0.8
•Cos Θ: Back Angle
•FC: Total Compressive Force Estimate
•A: Back muscle force reacting to upper body weight
•B: Back muscle force reacting to the load moment
•C: Direct compressive component reacting to upper
body weight and the load
Low Back Compressive Force Model
Measure Symbol Value
Body Weight [kg]
BW 200
Average body weight for an even gender distribution is 75 kg [lb]
Load [kg]
L 35.0
Horizontal Distance [m]
HB 15
Hands to lower back {L5 - S1 Joint} [in]
Back Posture (Angle from Vertical)
θ 45
Sin θ 0.71

Load = L

Muscle UBW = 0.5 BW


Low Back Compressive Force Model

Contributor Computation Value [lbf]

Back Posture
3*( 200 ) * ( 0.71 ) 424
A = 3 (BW) sin θ
Load Moment
0.5 * ( 35.0 ) * ( 15.00 ) 263
B = 0.5 (L*HB)
Direct Compression
0.8 * {( 200 )/2 + ( 35.0 )} 115
C = 0.8 [(BW)/2 + L]
Estimated Compressive Force
Comparison Value: 700 lbf 802
Fc = A + B + C
Utah Shoulder Moment Estimation

• Developed by Don Bloswick, PhD

(Professor at University of Utah)
• Used only as an estimation of
shoulder moment force.
• Applicable when the arm is raised or
lowered without sudden changes in
Utah Shoulder Moment Estimation
Variable and Abbreviations
• BW = Body weight in
• D = Horizontal distance A
from the load to the B
should joint. D

• L = Load weight in lbs.

• A = Forearm angle in
• B= Upper arm angel in
Utah Shoulder Moment Estimation
Mb = Moment at the shoulder due to the
weight of the arm.
Mf = Moment at the shoulder due to the
weight of the load in the hands.
Mtask = Total moment at the shoulder.
Mcap = Moment capacity
• Mb = 0.0115 x D x BW
• Mf = 0.5 x D x L
• Mt = Mb + Mf
• % Max = Mtask / Mcap
Utah Shoulder Moment Estimation
% Max = Mtask / Mcap
Forearm 45 90 135 180
angle (A)
Upperarm 50%
angle (B) Male
0 632 691 751 810
45 598 658 717 777
90 565 624 684 743
135 531 591 650 710
180 498 557 617 676
Heart Rate

• Heart rate is the most convenient

physiological measure of job stress.
• In many situation heart rate is closely
related to maximum aerobic capacity.
• This data is very easy to gather with
today’s technology.
Heart Rate
Shift Heart Rate Work Classification
< 90 bpm Light Work
91-100 bpm Moderate Work
101-120 bpm Heavy Work
> 120 bpm Very Heavy Work
Heart Rate
• Obviously this upper range could not be
sustained for long periods of time.

• A work capacity level of 33 percent for an

eight-hour work shift has long been the
accepted guideline for jobs where whole-
body fatigue is primary concern.

• Longer work shifts also necessitate a lower

work capacity requirement. The
recommended work capacity guideline drops
to 30.5 percent for a 10 hour shift and to 28
percent for a 12-hour shift3.
Rogers Muscle Fatigue Analysis
• Studies of physiological muscle fatigue
at different effort levels and holding
times provided the basis for this
• Looks and muscular effort (static &
dynamic) in relation to recovery time.
• Variables include:
– Effort
– Duration
– Frequency
• Not appropriate if fatigue is not likely to
occur during the task.
Rogers Muscle Fatigue Analysis
Category Scores Grouped by Priority for Change in the Order
of Effort, Continuous Effort, Duration and Frequency

Low (L) Moderate (M) High (H) Very High (VH)

111 123 223 323
112 132 313 331
113 213 321 332
211 222 322 4xx
121 231 x4x
212 232 xx4
311 312
Awkward Postures Repetitive Motions

Excessive Force MSD Risk Contact Stress


Personal Static Postures

Risk Depends On Magnitude,

Frequency and Duration
Wrist MSDs - Reps & Force

20 16.6


Odds 10

5 2.9 2.7

Control Force Reps Force +
group Reps
Ergonomic Risk Assessments

The goal of an ergonomic

risk assessment is to
identify factors that may
increase the likelihood of
a worker developing a
musculoskeletal disorder

Quantitative Assessment
Problem Solving:
The Problem Definition
The ___________ employees are
experiencing fatigue or
discomfort in ___________ due
to_________ .
Problem Solving Matrix
Physical Demands
• Physical Demands Analysis provides an
overview of physical, environmental and
psychosocial stressors within a particular
job classification or task.

Used in Functional Testing

stoop, lift, push, pull, carry,
walk, climb, drive, sit, reach
forward, etc.
Photo Documentation
•Quick reference for job
requirements for:
Functional Testing Protocol
# Required Test Passing
1 Static Grip Strength Dominant (stop 1) 75 lbs
2 Static Grip Strength Non-Dominant (stop 1) 75 lbs
3 Lift 0 “ to 45” 55 lbs
4 Reaching Task Utilizing BTE ER Completion of Test
5 Single Arm Lift (Right & Left Hands) 20 lbs
6 Lateral Pinch (Right & Left Hands) 15 lbs
7 Finger Press (Right & Left Hands) 25 lbs
8 Dynamic Push Shoulder Level 45 lbs
9 Dynamic Pull Shoulder Level 45 lbs
10 Simulated Work Task (Bolt Box) for 3 minutes Completion of Task

11 Bilateral Carry 35 lbs

In Summary
• Physical Demand Assessments
• Functional Testing
– Used to document physical requirements of essential
job tasks
– Used for post-offer testing
– Used for return-to-work
• Ergonomic Risk Assessments
• Qualitative
– Used to give a quick “snapshot” of overall status
– Used to identify areas for more in depth analysis
– Used to compare and rank jobs
• Quantitative
– Used to quantify ergonomic risks
– Used to resolve ergonomic issues
– Used for before and after comparisons
Assessment Objectives
• Ergonomic Risk Assessments
• Reduce ergonomic risk factors and
prevent injuries from occurring
• Choose the correct analysis tool
• Quantify the ergonomic risks
• Physical Demand Assessments
• Hire individuals with the physical
capabilities to perform the job safely
• Test injured individuals to confirm
legitimacy of the injury claim and return
to work status.
Speaking From Experience
Make Sure:
• Ergonomists are certified by the BCPE
• Help you develop a process not a
• Don’t just provide data but provide
• Involve employees in the problem
solving process.
Other Ergonomic Assessments

• Liberty Mutual Tables

• ACGIH for Hand Activity Level
• WISHA Hand-Arm Vibration Analysis
• MSD Analysis Guide (MAG)
• Time Motion Studies
• Work Recovery Cycles
• 3D Static Strength Prediction Program
• Biomechanical Analysis
• Your results are only as good as the
data used to calculate them.

• There are many ergonomic analysis

tools, make sure you choose tool and
an expert that will provide the data you
need for your desired outcome.

• Prove you’re success with numbers

and dollars.
ErgoMethods Has
One Objective

All employees
perform their job
without pain or
discomfort and that
all employees reach
their retirement in a
physical condition
that enables them to
enjoy it!
Mark A. Heidebrecht, MSE, ACSM, CEA
14610 S Kaw
Olathe, KS 66062

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