Graph Theory

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Graph Theory and its application in Electrical

Power System.

Technical Report · November 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24177.48481


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1 author:

Mohamed Fayez
Cairo University


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Cairo Univerisity , Egypt

Power System Analysis EPM 615

Master of Power System _ Cairo University
Dr. Mustafa El-Shebiny

‫محمد فايز الشوادفى عبدالباسط‬


1. Graph theory-Introduction
1. Graph theory fundamental.
1.1. Point.
1.2. Line.
1.3. Vertex.
1.4. Edge or Element.
1.5. Graph.
1.6. Sub graph.
1.7. Path.
1.8. Loop.
1.9. Oriented graph.
1.10. Degree of vertex.
1.11. Tree and Co-Tree.
1.12. Basic Loop.
1.13. Cut-Set.
1.14. Basic cut-set.
2. Application of graph theory.
2.1. Introduction.
2.2. Example 1.
2.3. Example 2.

3. Application of graph theory in Electrical Network.

4. References.

What is a Graph?
A graph is a pictorial representation of a set of objects where some pairs of
objects are connected by links. The interconnected objects are represented by
points termed as vertices, and the links that connect the vertices are called
Formally, a graph is a pair of sets (V, E), where V is the set of vertices and E is
the set of edges, connecting the pairs of vertices. Take a look at the following

In the above graph,

V = {a, b, c, d, e}
E = {ab, ac, bd, cd, de}


A graph is a diagram of points and lines connected to the points. It has

at least one line joining a set of two vertices with no vertex connecting itself.
The concept of graphs in graph theory stands up on some basic terms such

as point, line, vertex, edge, degree of vertices, properties of graphs, etc. Here,
in this chapter, we will cover these fundamentals of graph theory.

1.1. Point
A point is a particular position in a one-dimensional, two-dimensional,
or three-dimensional space. For better understanding, a point can be
denoted by an alphabet. It can be represented with a dot.

 a
Here, the dot is a point named ‘a’.

1.2. Line
A Line is a connection between two points. It can be represented with a
solid line.

Here, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the two vertices and the link between them is called an edge.

1.3. Vertex
A vertex is a point where multiple lines meet. It is also called a node. Similar
to points, a vertex is also denoted by an alphabet.

 a
Here, the vertex is named with an alphabet ‘a’.

1.4. Edge or Element
An edge is the mathematical term for a line that connects two vertices. Many
edges can be formed from a single vertex. Without a vertex, an edge cannot
be formed. There must be a starting vertex and an ending vertex for an edge.

1.5. Graph
A graph ‘G’ is defined as G = (V, E) Where V is a set of all vertices and E is a
set of all edges in the graph.
Example 1:

In the above example, ab, ac, cd, and bd are the edges of the graph. Similarly,
a, b, c, and d are the vertices of the graph.
Example 2:

In this graph, there are four vertices a, b, c, and d, and four edges ab, ac, ad,
and cd.

1.6. Sub Graph
Any subset of elements of the graph is called a subgraph A subgraph is said to
be proper if it consists of strictly less than all the elements and nodes of the

1.7. Path
A path is defined as a subgraph of connected elements Such that not
more than two elements are connected to anyone node. If there is a path
between every pair of nodes then the graph is said to be connected.
Alternatively, a graph is said to be connected if there exists at least one path
between every pair of nodes.

1.8. Loop
In a graph, if an edge is drawn from vertex to itself, it is called a loop.
Example 1:

In the above graph, V is a vertex for which it has an edge (V, V) forming a
Example 2:

In this graph, there are two loops which are formed at vertex a, and vertex b.

1.9. Oriented Graph

An oriented graph is a graph with direction marked for each element Fig.
(a) Shows the single line diagram of a simple power network consisting of
generating stations. Transmission lines and loads. Fig. (b) Shows the
positive sequence network of the system in Fig (a). The oriented connected
graph is shown in Fig. c for the same system.

1.10. Degree of Vertex

It is the number of vertices incident with the vertex V.

Notation: deg(V).
In a simple graph with n number of vertices, the degree of any vertices is:
deg(v) ≤ n – 1 ∀ v ∈ G
A vertex can form an edge with all other vertices except by itself. So the
degree of a vertex will be up to the number of vertices in the graph minus
1. This 1 is for the self-vertex as it cannot form a loop by itself. If there is a
loop at any of the vertices, then it is not a Simple Graph.
Degree of vertex can be considered under two cases of graphs:

 Undirected Graph
 Directed Graph

Degree of Vertex in an Undirected Graph

An undirected graph has no directed edges. Consider the following
Example 1
Take a look at the following graph:

In the above Undirected Graph,

 deg (a) = 2, as there are 2 edges meeting at vertex ‘a’.

 deg (b) = 3, as there are 3 edges meeting at vertex ‘b’.

 deg(c) = 1, as there is 1 edge formed at vertex ‘c’
So ‘c’ is a pendent vertex.
 deg (d) = 2, as there are 2 edges meeting at vertex ‘d’.
 deg (e) = 0, as there are 0 edges formed at vertex ‘e’.
So ‘e’ is an isolated vertex.

Example 2
Take a look at the following graph:

In the above graph,

deg(a) = 2, deg(b) = 2, deg(c) = 2, deg(d) = 2, and deg(e) = 0.
The vertex ‘e’ is an isolated vertex. The graph does not have any pendent

Degree of Vertex in a Directed Graph

In a directed graph, each vertex has an indegree and an outdegree.
Indegree of a Graph
 Indegree of vertex V is the number of edges which are coming into the
vertex V.
 Notation: deg+(V).
Outdegree of a Graph
 Outdegree of vertex V is the number of edges which are going out from
the vertex V.
 Notation: deg-(V).
Consider the following examples.
Example 1
Take a look at the following directed graph. Vertex ‘a’ has two edges, ‘ad’
and ‘ab’, which are going outwards. Hence its outdegree is 2. Similarly, there is
an edge ‘ga’, coming towards vertex ‘a’. Hence the indegree of ‘a’ is 1.

The indegree and outdegree of other vertices are shown in the following table:
vertex Indegree Outdegree

a 1 2
b 2 0
c 2 1
d 1 1
e 1 1
f 1 1
g 0 2

Example 2
Take a look at the following directed graph. Vertex ‘a’ has an edge ‘ae’ going
outwards from vertex ‘a’. Hence its outdegree is 1. Similarly, the graph has an
edge ‘ba’ coming towards vertex ‘a’. Hence the indegree of ‘a’ is 1.

The indegree and outdegree of other vertices are shown in the following table:
vertex Indegree Outdegree

a 1 1
b 0 2
c 2 0
d 1 1
e 1 1

1.11. Tree and Co-Tree

Tree: A tree is an oriented connected subgraph of an oriented connected
graph containing all the nodes of the graph, but, containing no loops. A tree
has (n-I) branches where n is the number of nodes of graph G. The branches
of a tree are called twigs. The remaining branches of the graph are called
links or chords.

Co-tree: The links form a subgraph, not necessarily connected called

cotree. Co-tree is the complement of tree. There is a co-tree for every tree.

For a connected graph and subgraph:

1. There exists only one path between any pair of nodes on a tree
2. Every connected graph has at least one tree
3. Every tree has two terminal nodes and
4. The rank of a tree is n-I and is equal to the rank of the graph.

The number of nodes and the number of branches in a tree are related by:
b = n-1
If e is the total number of elements then the number of links I of a
connected graph with branches b is given by
Hence, from first eq. . It can be written that
A tree and the corresponding co - tree of the graph for the system shown in
the following Fig. are indicated in Fig.(d) and Fig.(e)

1.12.Basic Loops
A loop is obtained whenever a link is added to a tree, which is a closed
path. As an example to the tree in Fig. (d) if the link 6 is added, a loop
containing the elements 1-2-6 is obtained. Loops which contain only one link
are called independent loops or basic loops.

1.13. Cut-set
A Cut set is a minimal set of branches K of a connected graph G, such that
the removal of all K branches divides the graph into two parts. It is also true
that the removal of K branches reduces the rank of G by one, provided no proper
subset of this set reduces the rank of G by one when it is removed from G.

Consider the graph in Fig.(g)

The rank of the graph = (no. of nodes n - 1) = 4 - I = 3. If branches 1 and 3
are removed two sub graphs are obtained as in Fig. (c). Thus 1 and 3 may be a
cut-set. Also, if branches 1, 4 and 3 are removed the graph is divided into two
sub graphs as shown in Fig.(i) Branches I, 4, 3 may also be a cut-set. In both the
above cases the rank both of the sub graphs is 1 + 1 = 2. It can be noted that (I,
3) set is a sub-set of (I, 4, 3) set. The cut-set is a minimal set of branches of the
graph, removal of which cuts the graph into two parts. It separates nodes of the
graphs into two graphs. Each group is in one of the two sub graphs.

1.14. Basic Cut-Sets

If each cut-set contains only one branch, then these independent cut-sets
are called basic cut-sets. In order to understand basic cut-sets select a tree.
Consider a twig bk of the tree. If the twig is removed the tree is separated into
two parts. All the links which go from one part of this disconnected tree to the
other, together with the twig bk constitutes a cut-set called basic cut-set. The
orientation of the basic cut-set is chosen as to coincide with that of the branch
of the tree defining the cut-set. Each basic cut-set contains at least one branch
with respect to which the tree is defined which is not contained in the other
basic cut-set. For this reason, the n -l basic cut-sets of a tree are linearly

Now consider the tree in Fig. (d).

Consider node (1) and branch or twig 1. Cut-set A contains the branch 1 and
links 5 and 6 and is oriented in the same way as branch J. In a similar way C cut-
set cuts the branch 3 and links 4 and 5 and is oriented in the same direction as
branch 3. Finally cut-set B cutting branch 2 and also links 4, 6 and 5 is oriented
as branch 2 and the cut-sets are shown in Fig. (j).

2.1. Introduction

Graph theory has its applications in diverse fields of engineering:

 Electrical Engineering – The concepts of graph theory is used extensively

in designing circuit connections. The types or organization of connections
are named as topologies. Some examples for topologies are star, bridge,
series, and parallel topologies.

Graph theory is helpful in various practical problems solving in

circuit or network analysis and data structure. It leads to graph practically
not possible to analyze without the aid of computer. In electrical engineering
the word is used for edge, node for vertex and loop for circuit. An electrical
network is the set of electronic components i.e. resistors, inductors and
capacitors etc. Electric network analysis and synthesis are the study of
network topology. Electric network problem can be represented by drawing

2.2. Example 1:

For the network shown in figure(1) form the bus incidence matrix, A.
branch path incidence matrix K and loop incidence matrix C.

For the tree and co-tree chosen for the graph shown below fig.(2), the basic
cut-sets are marked. Bus (l) is taken as reference.

The basic loops are shown in the following figure.

i. Bus incidence matrix
Number of buses == number of nodes

(2) (3) (4) (5)

Elements Bus

1 -1 0 0 0
2 1 -1 0 0
3 0 1 -1 0
4 1 0 -1 0
5 0 0 1 -1
6 0 0 0 -1

(2) (3) (4) (5)
Elements Bus

branch 1 -1 0 0 0
branch 2 1 -1 0 0
branch 5 0 1 -1 -1
branch 6 1 0 0 0
Link 3 0 1 -1 1
Link 4 1 0 -1 0


Bus Buses
B Ab

L Al

ii. Branch path incidence matrix (K) :

Fig.(6) Branches and the paths.


path (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 -1 -1
2 -1 0
5 1
6 -1 -1

iii. Basic loop incidence matrix C :

Example 2:
Form the Y BUS by using singular transformation for the network shown
in Fig. including the generator buses.

Fig. (1) Single line diagram.

The given network is represented in admittance form:

Fig. (2)
The oriented graph is shown in Fig. below

Fig. (3)
The above graph can be converted into the following form for convenience:

Fig. (4)
The element node incidence matrix is given by:
0 1 2 3 4
e n

a +1 -1 0 0 0
b 0 +1 0 -1 0
c 0 0 -1 +1 0
d +1 0 -1 0 0
e 0 0 +1 0 -1
f 0 -1 0 0 +1

Bus incidence matrix is obtained by deleting the column corresponding to the
reference bus.


1 2 3 4
e n

a -1 0 0 0
b +1 0 -1 0
c 0 -1 +1 0
d 0 -1 0 0
e 0 +1 0 -1
f -1 0 0 +1

a b c d e f
1 -1 1 0 0 0 -1
2 0 0 -1 -1 1 0
3 0 -1 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 -1 1

The bus admittance matrix

ͭ [𝑦][𝐴]
𝑌𝑏𝑢𝑠 = [𝐴]

1. Introduction

A connected graph without closed path i.e. tree was implemented by

Kirchhoff in 1847 and he employed graph theoretical concept in the
calculation of currents in network or circuits and was improved upon
J.C.Maxwell in 1892. Ever since, graph theory has been applied in
electrical network analysis .An electrical network is a collection of
components and device interconnected electrically .The network
components are idealized of physical device and system, in order to for
them to represent several properties, they must obey the Kirchhoff’s law
of currents and voltage. A graph representation of electrical network in
terms of line segments or arc called edges or branches and points called
vertices or terminals.

2. Kirchhoff’s Circuit Law

Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that for a closed loop SV=0 or SV rise
is equal to SV drops. The total resistance of ‘n’ resistors in series is RT=
R1+R2+R3+………+Rn and the total power are PT= P1+P2+P3+…….Pn.

In series, So that the same current flows through all the components
but a different potential voltage can exist across every one. In parallel, so
that the same potential difference exists across every components but
each component may carry a different current.

Representation of circuit and its graph: A graph model is used to

represented circuit network inn graph by tracing the nodes of the circuit
and edges contain in circuit.

Fig. (1)
Here is the graph of the circuit,

Fig. (2): Network graph

A circuit is a path which ends at the vertex it begins. An electric circuit is

a closed loop formed by source, wires, load, and a switch, when switch is turned
on the electrical circuit is complete and current flows from negative terminals
of the power source. An electrical circuit is categories in to three type namely
series, parallel and series and parallel circuit. The representation of graph in
circuit network are one of the type of representation of graph in which the
current flows in circuit and present the linking of connection between resistors
series and parallel connection are determined in the circuit. The representation

Fig. (3)

The schematic figure of the electric circuit is as follows,

The electrical features of individual network components can be representing

suitably in the form of primitive network matrix that describe the performance
of interconnected network.

3. Graph Representation of Matrix

A graph can actually be represented using matrices method the two
of the most widely used matrices for graph representation is adjacency
and incidence matrices. An adjacency matrix is a square matrix in which
each row and column is represented by a vertex.
Consider figure 4, as an example it has three vertices V={ R1, R2,R3} this
mean that the square matrix must be 3x3 let each row and column is
represented by each of the six vertices in V.

The adjacency matrix of 3×3 matrix square matrix represented as follows:

4. Conclusion

In this research we focus on the application of graph theory to

electrical network analysis and matrix approach as an electrical network
analysis. Graph theory is a very interesting topic in mathematics due to
numerous applications in various fields especially in computer and
electrical engineering. We use the graph theory concept and techniques
that we have developed to study electrical networks. Thus, graph theory
has more practical application particulars in solving electric network.

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engineering and technology) by jizhong zhu.

2. Electrical power system analysis by Dr. S. Sivanagaraju & B.V. Rami


3. Power System Analysis by P.S.R. Murty.

4. A. Sudhakaran, Electrical circuit analysis, Tata Mc Grow-Hill Pvt ltd.

5. B.Bollobas, Modern Graph Theory, Springer 1998.

6. Introductory Graph Theory for Electrical and Electronics Engineers,


7. Narasih Deo, Graph theory & its Application to computer science.


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