MBE Cylinder PDF

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MBE Multiple Cylinder Cut out

A new Multiple Cylinder Cut out feature has been added to DDDL for MBE engines only. There
are two modes of operation: Automatic and Manual. These two modes are illustrated in the
following content.

Automatic Mode for MBE Multiple Cylinder Cut out

There are two options in Automatic Mode, running the standard cylinder cut out test, or selecting
a second cylinder to be cut out simultaneously.

The automatic test involves cutting out pairs of cylinders until all combinations. The test is
complete when all combinations of pairs have been cut out. See chart below.

Number of Cylinders Number of Tests

4 cylinder 6
6 cylinder 15
8 cylinder 28

There are also two modes in which the results can be viewed: Torque and Fuel Consumption.

Manual Mode for MBE Multiple Cylinder Cut out

When manual mode is selected and a multiple cylinder cut out is requested, the radio buttons will
change into check boxes. The user will then be able to select which cylinders he wants to have
cut out.

The user will be limited to three (3) cylinders that can be cut out at a time. When the maximum
number of cylinders is selected, the remaining check boxes will be greyed-out disallowing any
more cylinders to be selected.

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Display of results
There can be situations where the results are marginal because the cylinder performance is
merely marginal. To fix this, differences in cylinder performance to be easily visualized by
displaying the results in graphic bar form. At the same time, the differences between the cylinder
results can be amplified such that the smallest and highest values will appear at opposite ends of
the graph.

Result Key:
Red = torque (torque/pulse width)
Black = Base Line (torque/pulse width)
Green = Cut Out Cylinder(s)

1) Currently multiple cylinder cut out will only be activated for MBE engines. Although the
Bar Graph display will also apply to DDEC single cylinder cut out results.
2) The bar graph will be limited to 8 cylinder inline engines.
3) No more than three (3) cylinders can be cut out at one time.

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