West Green - ST John Vianney Church

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West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre – 020-8888-5518)

10th /11th February 2018


Dear Parishioners,

Thanks to Sisters, Devy and Monica who

have written the scripture reflections for orientations; certain skin colour; Ebola
the last two weeks. There will be more to cases; our attitude to racism; tribalism,
come! the caste system, etc. Not to speak of
migrants, asylum seekers.
In today’s first reading from the Book of
Leviticus and then St Mark’s Gospel, that There are so many ways that we create
terrible disease of leprosy is the topic. barriers between people. While on the
Instructions are given to anyone who surface all seems well. But when we
contracted leprosy. It has always been delve a little deeper the prejudices
regarded as a dreadful disease. It eats appear. There is much unpacking to be
away at the human body and destroys the down on today’s readings.
facial appearance; limbs are destroyed
and there is terrible pain. Then you are CARDINAL VINCENT’S PASTORAL
isolated, having to live in a leper colony. LETTER: We have a pre-Lent message
You are cut off from family, friends, work; from Cardinal Vincent today. He reflects
you are to shout to warn off people who on today’s readings and on leprosy,
may be coming near you. similar to my reflections above. He then
goes on to the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal
Yet, Jesus touched the leper after the man and asks that we support some of the
believed that Jesus could heal him. Jesus pressing problems here at home. He
broke every rule in the book! By touching encourages us to take up the traditional
the leper, Jesus himself was now unclean. theme of Lent – Prayer, Fasting and
This is why we see St Mark saying: “Jesus Almsgiving.
could no longer go openly into any town,
but had to stay outside in places where FUNERALS: Lay funeral ministers have
nobody lived”. What a price to pay! been commissioned last week by
Archbishop George Stack for the first time
So we have heard this story. But the fact in Wales (see the Tablet article). This
is that there are many ‘lepers’ in our might be something we can look at in our
world today! Those who are on the parish. Another factor is that while
margins of society and shunned by people may want a Christian burial, they
respectable people! Even in our own may not wish to consider a Requiem
Christian circle there are people we treat Mass. There are Pastoral Plans to be
as suspect – the homeless, those with explored here.
AIDS; those with certain sexual That is all for now, God bless, Fr Joe
LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTIONS This weekend, we celebrate the Rite of
Signing and Sending Forth, formally
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED affirming the readiness of our
SACRAMENT catechumens to be named by our
The first Sunday after the 11am Mass and Archbishop as members of the Elect—
Tuesdays after our 9:15am Mass those chosen by God for baptism—and to
pray for our candidates’ continued growth
CATECHETICAL PROGRAMMES in the Spirit. Next Saturday we will
2017-2018 journey to the Cathedral to celebrate
Any enquiries please contact the Rite of Election (of the catechumens –
Sr. Devy on 07403 784463 or those preparing for baptism) and the Call
Parish Office on 020 8888 5518 to Continuing Conversion (of the
candidates – those who are baptised but
FIRST RECONCILIATION PROGRAMME have not celebrated the sacraments of
Next Session: Saturday 24th February at confirmation and Eucharist) with Cardinal
12noon, for children who received their Vincent.
First Holy Communion in May 2017
In the Parish Hall on Sunday, after 9am
Next Session: Saturday 24th February
and 11am Masses
3.30pm – 6pm in the Hume Hall, followed
We invite all new parishioners to join us
for refreshments in our parish hall after
our 6pm Mass on 10th Feb. and all
For children attending State Schools
Masses on Sunday 11th Feb.
Next session: Sunday 25th February at
10am in the Parish Centre SURPLUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS and CAKE
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR We all know it is difficult to buy presents
ADULTS (RCIA): for friends who have everything!!
Next session: Friday 2nd March 2018 We plan to hold a sale of Surplus Gifts and
11.00am-12.30pm in the Parish Centre. Cake Sales to help us raise fund for the
Parish. The sale will be this weekend, on
Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th February
Next Session: Saturday 10th March at
after all the Masses.
10am, in the Hume Hall.
If you have any Surplus Christmas gifts
Parents’ Meeting on 10thMarch at 10am
you would like to donate, please leave
in the Jubilee Hall.
them in the Church or the Parish Office.
THE CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM Parishioners are also invited to support
If you would like to have your child the event by bringing in cakes and buying.
baptised on the 10th March or later, the It would be much appreciated.
next session will be on Monday 5th & 19th
March at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. PARISH OUTREACH SOUP RUN
Please contact the Parish Office to book The next Soup Run is on Sat. 17th Feb.
your place on the course. 2018: Group D. Volunteer Driver/Helpers
urgently needed.
Bishop John Sherrington will come to visit Make time to spend a moment alone with
our parish on the weekend of 24th-25th God in thanksgiving, prayer and adoration
February 2018, where he will celebrate on 9th March from 7:30-9:00pm in
and preach at all the masses. (The Pastoral St John Vianney Church. There will be a
Council met in the week to discuss and short talk, adoration and music led by the
plan for the visit). He wishes to meet with Verbum Dei Missionaries. All are welcome!
as many parishioners as possible. After
the 11am mass, there will be an THANK YOU!
opportunity for parishioners to bring The family of Mary Day, RIP would like to
some food to share and meet our local thank all who have attended her funeral,
Bishop. We will also have an open parish and Mass cards, expressed their
meeting afterwards. condolences, for your donations to PWH. A
Mass will be offered for your intentions.
MASS PILGRIMAGE: 2nd – 11th April 2018
14th Feb. Ashes will be We will be leaving by coach from St John
distributed at the Vianney Church, West Green to:
9:15am and 7:30pm Calais – EU Borders and Refugees; Brussels
Masses. – Trade and Economics; Strasbourg – EU
THE STATIONS and Human Rights; Taize – Reconciliation;
OF THE CROSS Assisi – Care of Creation; Rome –
On the following Fridays at 7.30pm: Inspiration of Pope Francis; and Geneva –
16th & 23rd February; 2nd & 9th March UN and Human Rights. Price: £695 per
person. There could be a substantial
LENTEN RETREAT subsidy for students (18+). There are
Saturday 17th February, 10am-12noon few places left. For further details and
in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to join application forms please contact
us. If you would like to attend, please sign justice@rcdow.org.uk
up on the sheet at the back of the church.
Opening Meeting Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 19th
Sunday 18 February at 12:30pm in the
May 2018 at 3pm.The Archbishop will be
Hume Hall inviting to this Mass all couples in the
Meetings with individual guide on Diocese who are celebrating their 10th,
Friday: 23rdFeb; 2nd, 9th & 16th March. 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every
Leaflet with further details at the back of year over 60) wedding anniversary of
the church, along with the signing in sheet. Catholic marriage in 2018. If you are
celebrating an anniversary, please give
your parish clergy the following details:
Next film night Sunday 4th March,
husband and wife’s names, wedding date,
showing "Ballad of a Soldier", a Russian
full postal address and email (or telephone
film describing a soldier's journey home
number, if no email) by the 24th March,
will take in the Jubilee Hall at 5pm.
2018 so a personal invitation can be
Entrance Antiphon
Be my protector, O God,
a mighty stronghold to save me. THIS WEEK WE PRAY FOR
For you are my rock, my stronghold!
The repose of the soul:
Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.
Gerry King (husband of Bridget King)
First reading James Normoyle
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 Francis Normoyle
Carmel Meadows
Psalm 31:1-2, 5,11 Sherry Arul
You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me with the Mary Day
joy of salvation. RIP

Second reading: 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 RIP Anniversary

LanFranco Gaglione
Gospel Acclamation Florence Ikediashi
Alleluia, alleluia! Rory Quinn
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Mick Foley
enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can
see what hope his call holds for us. Birthday
Alleluia! Theodora ‘Ena’ Davis (remembrance)

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 Thanksgiving

Fr Joe and Parishioners of SJV
Communion Antiphon
They ate and had their fill, Special Intentions:
and what they craved the Lord gave them; Angelina Boi, Ave Maria Ubaka, Barry
they were not disappointed in what they craved. Donovan, Bjarne Nielsen, David McDonagh,
Jocelyn Luxon, Kathy & John O’Rouke,
MASS & SERVICE TIMES Maresa Sinton, Maria D’Silva, Maria D’Souza,
Mass – 9:15am Maria Terzaga, Marie Dorson, May
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Hempenstall, Noel St Guillaume, Phil
Friday, Saturday Devane, Rebecca Ononogbo, Rita Mongelard,
Sharon Gray, the Mooney Family, the Arul
ASH WEDNESDAY (Fast & Abstinence) – Family, Val Eaves, Yvonne Joseph
Mass 9:15am & 7.30pm
For all the sick and those in our parish
(Sat.) 6pm; 9:00am and 11:00am NAMES NOT LISTED ABOVE,

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: from 9:45 am – 10:15am


PARISH TEAM Tues to Fri 10am-12noon
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest To make an appointment
Sr. Devy Pranadjaja, Parish Sister Phone: 0208 888 5518 or email
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Adm/Secretary westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
In Residence: We cannot guarantee to have anyone available
outside of these hours.

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