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Am J Transl Res 2013;5(6):586-593

www.ajtr.org /ISSN:1943-8141/AJTR1308004

Review Article
Non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell
communication: a short review
Felix Scholkmann1, Daniel Fels2, Michal Cifra3
Biomedical Optics Research Laboratory, Division of Neonatology, University Hospital Zurich, 8091 Zurich, Swit-
zerland; 2Institute of Botany, University of Basel, Switzerland; 3Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, 182 00 Prague, Czechia
Received August 14, 2013; Accepted August 31, 2013; Epub September 25, 2013; Published September 30,

Abstract: Cell-to-cell communication is the basis of coordinated cellular activity and thus fundamental for the func-
tioning of biological systems. In a recently published research article by Chaban et al. (Am. J. Transl. Res., 5(1), 69-
79), the authors report on interesting new experimental findings supporting a neuro-hormonal independent, non-dif-
fusible cell-to-cell signaling. Our paper aims to (i) discuss some critical notions used by the authors to describe their
findings, and (ii) briefly review related experimental work performed so far but not discussed in the original work of
Chaban et al. In our opinion, the research on principles of non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell communication
has the potential to offer new fundamental insights into biological processes. With this paper, we want to encourage
future research on this topic by discussing critical issues and giving an overview of the current state of research.

Keywords: Cell-to-cell communication, physical signaling

Introduction research concerning this topic performed to

Cell-to-cell communication serves as the basis
for functional coordination between unicellular Taking the article of Chaban et al [7] as a start-
organisms, as well as between cells in multicel- ing point, our main objectives are to clarify that
lular organisms. The signaling pathways associ- (i) the term “physically disconnected cells” does
ated are based on different mechanisms, such not describe their experimental situation accu-
as, for example, direct cell-to-cell contact, rately, and show (ii) that their findings are not
release of soluble factors or vesicles, or electri- the first concerning experimental evidence of
cal signals [1-6]. possible non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-
cell communication. In general, we aim to
We read with great interest the article by encourage future research on this topic by dis-
Chaban et al. [7] in this journal about new cussing critical issues and giving an overview of
experimental findings supporting a cell-co-cell the current state of research. In the following
signaling independent on the exchange of we explain our objectives in detail.
chemical substances or electrical signals. The
authors state that their “findings demonstrate “Non-physical” or “non-contact” cell-to-cell
that apoptotic and cancerous cells are capable communication?
of exerting a non-diffusible, non-neuronal influ-
ence over distance on nearby, but physically Chaban et al. equate the term “non-physical”
disconnected cells”, and that “the findings here with “non-contact”. Yet, from a physical point of
are the first to our knowledge to support physi- view this equalization is not justified since these
cally disconnected, non-diffusible cell-to-cell terms refer to two characteristics that are inde-
signaling”. However, we see the need to refine pendent. Cells that are not directly in contact
these statements as well as to provide addi- which each other, i.e. the “non-contact” condi-
tional information about the context of the tion, may be physically connected at the same
Non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell communication

time by exchange of physical signals. Likewise, (i.e. water, plastic). Thus, these physical condi-
cell-to-cell signaling (also in a non-contact con- tions highlight the involvement of electromag-
dition) can also be based on volatile, i.e. chemi- netic radiation, rather than electrical current or
cal, communication, which has already been sound.
demonstrated to take place between several
prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic microorgan- Research performed so far into non-chemical
isms (e.g. yeast [8-10], Escherichia coli [11, and non-contact cell-to-cell communication
12], Bacillus licheniformis [13], Candida albi-
cans [14], Trichoderma [15], Serratia rubidaea Experimental evidence for a non-chemical and
[16], Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [17]) and non-contact cell-to-cell communication can be
plants [18-21]. For example, Volodyaev et al. traced back almost 100 years ago and has also
[22] recently showed that yeast cell cultures of been reported by many recent studies, as
the Saccharomyces cerevisiae can have an reviewed in detail by Rahn [23], Salkind [24],
effect on each other (i.e. stimulation of budding Wainwright [25], Gurwitsch [26], Popp et al.
and culture growth) mediated by volatile carbon [27], Nikolaev [28], Trushin [29, 30], Cifra et al.
dioxide (CO2) as a factor of cell-to-cell interac- [31], and Reguera [6].
tion. When the authors separated the cultures
Intensive research started in the 1920s with
by metal, glass and quartz glass plates, the
the work of Gurvitsch [32-36] whose 200 or
effect disappeared, indicating the solely
more experiments revealed that when pointing
involvement of volatile communication in the
the tip of an onion root (inducer) to another
causation of this effect.
onion root (receiver), separated by quartz glass,
We welcome that Chaban et al. mention in their the receiver root surprisingly shows an
paper the possible involvement of volatile com- increased rate of mitosis (approx. 20-25%).
munication in their experimental setup. Volatile Since this effect was absent when using ultra-
compounds might be able to establish a com- violet (UV)-opaque glass, he concluded that
munication channel between the cultures electromagnetic radiation in the UV range was
placed in the inner and outer chamber of the responsible. He termed this type of radiation
“flask-in-flask” device used. However, to the “mitogenetic radiation”. In 1927 Frank &
best of our knowledge, volatile communication Gurwitsch [37] reported the successful spec-
between neuronal cells has not been described troscopic detection of UV radiation in the range
in the literature so far. Thus, although the pos- of 193-237 nm originating from frog muscles.
sibility of volatile communication involved in Gurwitsch’s research stimulated many other
the experiments presented by Chaban et al. researchers in the 1930s and early 1940s to
could not be ruled out and should be further replicate and extend their experiments, leading
investigated, in our opinion the experimental to both successful and unsuccessful replica-
setup of the authors should be primarily regard- tions (see reviews by [26, 29, 31, 38]). The
ed as an investigation of a non-chemical and research showed that there is indication for a
non-contact cell-to-cell communication featur- non-chemical, electromagnetic cell-to-cell sig-
ing a physical communication channel. As naling which can be experimentally detected
reviewed by Reguera et al. [6] there are at least when investigating the effect of inducer cells
three physical cell-to-cell communication chan- on receiver cells, where the inducer cells have
nels: sound, electric current and electromag- to be in the mitotic state or in a stressed condi-
netic radiation. Since the cell cultures of the tion (induced by e.g. chemical, thermal,
experiment performed by Chaban et al. are not mechanical or electrical treatments). The radia-
in direct contact with each other and since sig- tion emanated from stressed cells was termed
naling based on electrical currents needs a by Gurwitsch as “degradation radiation” [26].
direct connection between the cells or an One limitation of Gurwitsch’s work is that it
exchange via a medium, this type of signaling does not completely meet modern scientific
can be excluded as a possible cause of the requirements for proper experimental investi-
observed effect. In addition, sound is fairly gations, i.e. it lacks proper statistical analysis
unlikely to be the physical communication sig- and complete control over confounders.
nal in the experimental setup of Chaban et al. However, new analyses of Gurwitsch’s data
since sound would be greatly damped by the revealed that most of the results were statisti-
used setup involving different damping media cally significant using modern statistical test

587 Am J Transl Res 2013;5(6):586-593

Non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell communication

(personal communication, Prof. Beloussov 21th century [28, 57-69]. In the following, we
[Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State will give a brief review of some of these research
University, Moskow], Dr. Stefanov [Institute of works.
Biophysics, Russian Acad Sci., Moskow]).
Unfortunately, these analyses were not pub- Bat’yanov [44] published in 1984 a study show-
lished. Thus, Gurwitsch’s work is primarily of ing that optically coupled mitochondria (isolat-
historical significance and should be regarded ed from rat liver by centrifugation) interact. The
as an initial approach for experimental investi- sender mitochondria caused decrease in the
gation of a new topic. Unfortunately, in the oxygen consumption of the receiver mitochon-
1940s-1950s, World War II and a shift in the dria. Both cultures were separated by a quartz
focus to biochemistry halted research into this cuvette system with two champers and a wall
topic. thickness of 1 mm. The experiment was carried
out in uniform daylight and room temperature.
In the 1960s-1980s the research group of Unfortunately, the paper does not report if the
Kaznacheev [39, 40] continued to investigate cultures were properly shielded against a pos-
the topic by performing a large number of sible interaction based on volatile chemical
experiments with different cell cultures. They compounds.
used a specially designed device to perform
the experiments consisting of two flasks, which Albrecht-Buehler [55] published 1992 a study
were connected by a window of either quartz showing the ability of two groups of hamster
glass or a UV-opaque glass plate (with a depth cells to adopt their orientation through a sheet
of about 0.2-2 mm). An “inducer” cell culture of glass. The effect disappeared when thin
was placed in one flask and a “receiver” culture metallic films were used.
in the other. It was investigated how the treat-
ment of the inducer culture with different In 1993, Galantsev et al. [53] showed that
stressors (e.g. viruses, chemicals or UV- mammary tissue cultures (explants) of lactating
radiation) affects the receiver culture. For albino mice can interact even when separated
example, experiments using inducer cell cul- by a quartz glass wall (0.1 mm thick). When the
tures consisting of monkey kidney tissue treat- sender cell culture was treated with different
ed with adenoviruses demonstrated that the substances (oxytocin, epinephrine or norepi-
receiver cell culture also shows morphological nephrine), the level of thiobarbituric acid-reac-
signs of infection in 72% of performed trails tive substances in the sender as well as in the
(total number of trials: 170) after 2.3 days of optically connected two receiver cell cultures
contact [39]. The observed effect was termed changed. The authors stated that chemilumi-
the “mirror cytopathic effect” [41]. After analyz- nescence due to lipid-peroxidation might be the
ing all experiments done, Kaznacheev conclud- physical factor behind the observed effect.
ed [39, 40] among other things that the effect
(i) was at its strongest when cultures from the In a study of 1994, Shen et al. [52] demonstrat-
same species were used, (ii) seems to be ed that neutrophils (isolated from pig blood)
caused by an electromagnetic interaction stimulated to undergo respiratory burst are
between the cultures in the UV range, and inter- able to activate a second population of neutro-
estingly, as highlighted by [31], (iii) its strength phils that were chemically separated but opti-
showed an annual modulation (month with cally coupled. The activation in the receiver
most successful experiments: August), possibly population was registered as an increase in
related to environmental factors [31, 40]. low-level chemiluminescence and superoxide
Although the work of Kaznacheev’s group (O2–) production (measured by the reduction of
improved the experimental quality, compared ferricytochrome c and by O2– spin-trapping).
to the work of Gurwitsch, the statistical analy-
sis and the controlling of confounders could Wainwright et al. [47] reported 1997 about a
have been performed better. study investigating the interaction of optically
coupled cultures from two different species.
Other experiments, often using a “dish-in-dish” The bacterium Pseudomonas corrugate lux
setup similar to that one used by Chaban et al., (genetically modified Pseudomonas with a gene
were performed in the 1980s [42-44], 1990s (lux) that encodes bioluminescence) was used
[45-56], and the research continued in the as a receiver, and the fungus Gaeumannomyces

588 Am J Transl Res 2013;5(6):586-593

Non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell communication

graminis var. tritici (a natural antagonist) as a cellular communication between Paramecium

sender. The experiments were conducted in a caudatum colonies when separated with quartz
special designed system comprising an inner glass and significantly different effects between
and outer vial. The inner vial was made of either inducer and receiver populations when sepa-
normal or quartz glass. The bacterium culture, rated by glass barriers [67, 68]. The author
in a late-exponential phase, was placed in the used the same “dish-in-dish” setup as Chaban
inner vial, the fungus in the outer one. As a et al., performed a proper statistical analysis
result, light emission from bacteria grown in the and minimized the impact of confounders. That
quartz glass vial was higher than in case grown not only cell cultures but also whole organisms
in the vial of ordinary glass. In order to check if exert an influence on each other when sepa-
a possible volatile communication took place, rated was shown for example by Burlakov et al.
Wainwright repeated the experiments with her- [71] who showed that when loach (Misgurnus
metically shielded inner vials. Under this condi- fossilis L.) embryos of different developmental
tion, no (photon) emission changes (of receiver) stages were kept in different quartz cuvettes so
were observed. At the first glance, this could be that only optic contact between the groups was
interpreted as evidence against a possible
possible, significant developmental abnormali-
physical (optical) cell-to-cell communication
ties were registered in the embryos. The
and an evidence for a chemical volatile one.
authors concluded that an optical communica-
However, the authors tested the possibility that
tion took place.
simply the lack of fresh O2 prevented the
growth-stimulatory effect of the sender culture.
In parallel to the studies about non-chemical,
Indeed, when the inner vials were filled with O2
non-contact cell-to-cell communication, other
and then hermetically shielded, an increase in
light emission was observed when the bacteria studies focused on identifying the physical sig-
were placed in the vial of quartz glass. naling factor. In general, two such factors were
Interestingly, the effect vanished when using identified: electromagnetic radiation (in the UV,
ordinary glass. These experimental results are visible and near-infrared (NIR) spectral region)
in strong favor for a physical cell-to-cell com- and sound. That cell cultures emit sound was
munication. Despite the clear results, demonstrated by Matsuhashi et al. [72] who
Wainwright et al. could only observe the effect detected that Bacillus subtilis cells emit sound
in 2 out of 7 experiments performed. They with peaks at approx. 8-10, 18-22 and 27-43
hypothesized that “some as yet unknown factor kHz. In two cell samples peaks at 9, 14, 18, 29,
or factors” might interfere with the effect. 32 and 34 kHz were observed. Interestingly,
they reported that “there were no positive
In 1999, Musumeci et al. [70] used Sacha- results with heat-killed B. subtilils cells” and
romyces cerevisae yeast cultures to show that “no significant sound production by B. carbo-
the putting of a sender cell culture in optical niphilus, Escherichia coli or Saccaromyces
contact with a receiver cell culture of the same cerevisiae” could be detected [72]. Other stud-
age but with stopped cell division due to previ- ies documented ultra-weak photon emission
ous temperature treatment, an increase in the (UPE) in the UV-NIR range from cell cultures
cell density of the receiver cell culture is (see review [27, 73-76]), possibly involved in
observed. Both cell cultures were in the expo- optical cell-to-cell communication. Focusing on
nential growth phase. The quartz cuvette with
electroexcitable cells, several experiments
the sender culture was sealed with a lid to pre-
show that these cells are able to generate non-
vent volatile signaling. Musumeci et al. pointed
thermal electromagnetic radiation in the spec-
out that the cell cycle phase is an important
tral region of millimeter [77], infrared [78] and
parameter in these kinds of experiments. They
also visible [79-81] waves when stimulated to
argue that the negative result of Quickienden et
al. [43] could be attributed probably to the fact depolarize its membrane.
that their receiver cell culture was not in the
exponential phase, but in the lag or stationary Since the “flask-in-flask” device used by Chaban
phase, making the detection of the effect et al. is made of plastic (personal communica-
difficult. tion) it is in principle possible that the observed
effects can be attributed to a cell-to-cell com-
The most recent studies were performed by munication based on electromagnetic ra-
one of the authors (DF) who detected an inter- diation.

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Non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell communication

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