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Course : Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation /
Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation
報讀課程:密閉空間核准工人安全訓練課程 / 密閉空間核准工人安全訓練覆證課程
( Please mark  in the appropriate box 請在適當方格)
Class Arrangement 課程安排 電話 : 2100 9000 Fax 傳真 : 2100 9576
If you submitted your application form for more
1. Preference of Medium of Instruction 上課語言選擇:□Cantonese 廣東話 □English 英語 than 1 month and no class was arranged, please
make enquiry. 如遞交申請表後一個月仍未收到
2. Training Venue 上課地點: 編班安排,請致電查詢。
HKIC, Kowloon Bay Campus, 44 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
九龍 九龍灣 大業街 44 號 香港建造學院 九龍灣院校
3. Preference of Training Hour 上課時間選擇 :
Safety Training Course for Certified Workers Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers
核准工人安全訓練課程 核准工人安全訓練覆證課程
□ 1 day course 一天課程 (08:45 - 17:45) □ Morning Session 上午課程 (08:45 – 12:15)
□ 2 consecutive evenings 連續兩晚 (18:30 - 22:30) □ Afternoon Session 下午課程 (13:30 – 17:00)
□ Evening Session 晚間課程 (18:30 – 22:00)
Personal Particulars 個人資料(Please write in capital letters and *cross out inappropriate items 請用正楷填寫及*刪去不適用的選項)
Name (Chinese) Name (English)
姓名(中文): 姓名(英文):
(As shown on HKID or Passport 按香港身份證或護照所示)

If your age is above 70, please ‘’ the box for appropriate administrative arrangement. 如 閣下年齡逾70歲,請在方格內加 ‘’,以便本學院作出適當的行政安排。

Date of Birth Y M D Age Sex HKID Card No.

出生日期: 年 月 日 年齡: 性別: 身份證號碼: ( )
Tel. No.(Day) Mobile Fax No.
電話(日) : 手提電話: 傳真號碼:
Mailing Address
Email Address
Course Fee 學費 (Cheque for fee payment should be sent together with this application form 申請表格需連同學費繳交)
□ HK$420 Safety Training Course for Certified Workers 核准工人安全訓練課程
□ HK$230 Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers 核准工人安全訓練覆證課程
Certified Worker Certificate No. Valid Until
核准工人證書編號 CSW 有效期至:
Please enclose a copy of the Certificate if it was not issued by HKIC (CIC). 如證書並非本學院頒發,請附影印本。
Payment Method 付款方式
□ Cash 現金 Cheque
No. Bank
(Application in
person only 只限親 □ 支票/本票號碼 銀行
身到本學院辦理) Cheque should be made payable to ‘Construction Industry Council’ and submitted with the application form to ‘Hong Kong Institute of
Construction, 38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon,’. Please put the applicant’s name, contact phone number and
the course code ‘CSW / CRW’ on the back of the cheque. 請將支票或銀行本票郵寄往「九龍觀塘駿業街 56 號中海日升中心 38 樓 香港
建造學院」收,抬頭請註明「建造業議會」,並於支票或銀行本票背面寫上姓名、聯絡電話號碼及課程參考編號「 CSW / CRW」。
《 Personal Data Collection Statement》 《 收集個人資料聲明》 Declaration 聲明
1. The information you provide to the Hong Kong Institute of Construction (the HKIC), including any personal data I declare that all information given in this application form is, to the
as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the Ordinance), will be used solely for purposes related best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. If any false
to the activities of the HKIC. information is given, the application is deemed to be invalid and I
你向香港建造學院〔 「學院」〕所提供的資料,包括《個人資料〔私隱〕條例》所指的個人資料,只會用於相關學 shall forfeit my right to apply for this course. I consent that if
院之活動。 registered, I will conform to the regulations of HKIC.
2. To keep you informed of HKIC activities and industry developments which may be of interest, the HKIC would 本人聲明本報名表內所載一切資料,依本人所知均屬真確,並無遺漏,
like to use your personal data, including your name, phone number and correspondence and email addresses, 並知道倘若虛報資料,申請即屬無效,且喪失其後報讀本課程的資格。
to update you in relation to training courses, trade testing, registration, events and other aspects of its work and 本人同意如本人註冊入學,當遵守香港建造學院之學員守則。
the construction industry.
3. You are free to decide whether you wish to receive such information. If you choose not to do so, please put a
tick in the box below.你可選擇是否同意接收上述資訊。若不同意的話,請於下列有關拒收資訊一欄之空格內加上
4. You are also entitled to request access to and correction of any errors in your personal data. If you wish to do
so please write to the HKIC at 38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street Kwun Tong, Kowloon.
___________________________ ___________________
 I do not wish to receive any information from the HKIC in relation to its activities or developments in the
construction industry 本人不同意日後接收由香港建造學院發出有關學院活動和與建造業相關的資訊。
Signature of Applicant 申請人簽署 Date 日期

To be completed by the applicant for sending admittance notice. To be completed by the applicant for sending admittance notice.
此聯由申請人填寫,用作寄發入學通知信。 此聯由申請人填寫,用作寄發入學通知信。
姓名 Name: 姓名 Name:
Mailing Address Mailing Address
通訊地址: 通訊地址:
Hong Kong Institute of Construction CSW/CRW(Q)
香 港 建 造 學 院

Notes to Applicants 報名須知

1. Applicant should be lawfully employable in 申請人必須為可在香港合法受僱人士,即

Hong Kong, i.e. i. 持 有 香 港 永 久 性 居 民 身 份 證 ; 或
i. Holder of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card;
or ii. 並 無 受 制 於 任 何 禁 止 他 在 香 港 從 事 有 薪 或
ii. Person who is not subject to any conditions of
stay in Hong Kong that he shall not take up any
paid or unpaid employment in Hong Kong.
2. To enroll, you can go to the following office during 報讀課程,可於辦公時間內,帶同身份證明
office hours. You have to complete this application 文件,包括有效旅行證件,親往本學院下列
form; produce identity documents that include 報名地點,呈交填妥的報名表格及所需學
valid travel documents; and pay the course fee. 費。親身報讀人士可以現金繳費。
Those who apply in person can settle the course
fee by cash. 報名地點及辦公時間:
 香港建造學院 九龍灣院校
Enrolment Office and Office Hours: 專業發展中心
 HKIC, Kowloon Bay Campus 九 龍 九 龍 灣 大 業 街 44 號 4 樓
Centre for Professional Development 星期一至五:
4/F., 44 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon 上午八時三十分至下午一時
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 1:00pm 下午二時至下午五時
2:00pm to 5:00pm 星期六、星期日及公眾假期休息
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public

3. You can mail your application form together with 若以郵遞方式報名,請將填妥的報名表格,

the course fee (a crossed cheque or bank draft) to 連 同 支 付 學 費 的 劃 線 支 票 或 銀 行 本 票 寄「 九
HKIC, 38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, 龍 觀 塘 駿 業 街 56 號 中 海 日 升 中 心 38 樓 香
Kwun Tong, Kowloon,. Please mark “Confined 港 建 造 學 院 」,信 封 上 請 註 明「 密 閉 空 間 課
Space Course” on the envelope and DO NOT 程」。請勿郵寄現金。
send in cash.

4. A single crossed cheque / bank draft should be 每報讀一項課程,請獨立遞交一張抬頭為

made payable to “Construction Industry 「 建 造 業 議 會 」之 劃 線 支 票 或 銀 行 本 票,並
Council” for each course applied. Your name, 於支票 / 銀行本票背面寫上姓名、聯絡電
contact telephone number and course name 話號碼及課程名稱。
should be written on the back of the cheque / bank
5. Course fees paid are not refundable except under 除 特 殊 情 況 或 申 請 不 被 接 納 外,已 繳 學 費 概
exceptional circumstances or when the 不退還。
application is not accepted.

6. The HKIC will issue the Certificate according to 請清楚及正確地填寫報名表。本學院將按所

the information provided in the application form. 填寫之資料發出證明書,如因所填資料錯漏
Request for re-issuing the Certificate due to 而導致證明書需要重發,本學院將酌收手續
inaccurate or insufficient information provided will 費每張伍拾圓正。
only be entertained at a charge of HK$50.

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