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Conference of Ambassadors

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Conference of Ambassadors

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Conference of Ambassadors. An executive body of the Allied Powers in 1920-31 that oversaw
the fulfillment of the peace treaties after the First World War. The conference consisted of the
ambassadors of France, Great Britain, the United States, Italy, Japan, and, later, Belgium, and
was chaired by J. Cambon. On 15 March 1923 the conference approved Poland's annexation
of Galicia with a provision of certain territorial autonomy for the latter. At the same time the
conference recognized the Polish-Soviet border set forth in the Peace Treaty of Riga.
Although Galicia's Ukrainians protested the decision, it remained irreversible. As a result, the
government-in-exile of the Western Ukrainian National Republic was forced to dissolve
itself in Vienna.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to Conference of Ambassadors entry:

1 Autonomy
2 Dictatorship of the Western Province of the Ukrainian National Republic
3 First World War

4 Galicia
5 History of Ukraine
6 Interparty Council
7 Lviv
8 Paris Peace Conference

9 Petrushevych, Yevhen
10 Poland
11 Romanchuk, Yuliian
12 Ukrainian Labor party

13 Ukrainian Military Organization

14 Western Ukrainian National Republic

A referral to this page is found in 14 entries.[2/10/2018 12:29:09 PM]

Conference of Ambassadors

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