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Congress of the Peoples of Russia

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Congress of the Peoples of Russia

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Congress of the Peoples of Russia. A congress of subjugated peoples of the Russian Empire
that was convened in Kyiv on 21–28 September 1917 by the Ukrainian Central Rada.
Representatives of the Belarusians, Buriats, Georgians, Estonians, Jews, Lithuanians, Latvians,
Crimean Tatars, Moldavians, Don Cossacks, and Cossacks participated in the congress. The
Russian Provisional Government sent Maksym Slavinsky as its representative. The congress
demanded that the future Russian republic be organized on the principle of a federation of
nations. The Council of Peoples of Russia was elected, and Mykhailo Hrushevsky, the
honorary president of the congress, was selected as its president. The council was to be
located in Kyiv. A new journal, Svobodnyi soiuz, was established, but revolutionary events
prevented the Council of Peoples from implementing its program.

Bandrivs'kyi, V. ‘Z'ïzd narodiv u Kyievi,’ Novi dni, nos 254, 257 (1971)

List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to Congress of the Peoples of Russia

1 Autonomists' Union
2 Central Rada
3 Federalism
4 History of Ukraine

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Congress of the Peoples of Russia

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