Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette!

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Hi Lynette (Pastor Lynette!!!!

You have led me since I was just a JC student... Over the years, there were so
many times that you aligned me back to where I should be, you've seen the
worst but still are able to put me in my strength and give me a place on the
team, you've celebrated me and made so many of my dreams come true. It
is such a privilege to be able to come so close to know who you are and to
be under your leadership.

I will always remember that one meeting with you when you shared about
how your dream is to be like the three mighty men to King David. Just like
how they were able to hear the whispers of King David during battle, you
said that you want to be always close to hear the whispers of our Pastors'
hearts, regardless of what season the church is in. In the same way, I want
this to be my dream as well... to always be close, to hear and know what is
on your heart, and the hearts of SPs and Pastors!

Thank you Pastor Lynette! Really respect and honor you. Can't wait to build
the church alongside you, Pastor Charleston, Pastor Garrett, Pastor How and
Pastor Lia!!! Greater things to come!!!
Hi Pastor Lynette,

Congratulations on your ordination as a Pastor!! The past

2 years has been so special to me as I get to work and
support you, Charleston and Garrett in Scheduling.

During one meeting, you shared how being able to go for

an outing, you considered it a privilege. That sentence
just struck me how privileged we are to be on the ground
and your heart for others. Inspired and challenged how
Pastor Lia will go down to the next generation and
plough. Will rise up as a spiritual daughter that will be
able to support Pastor How, Pastor Lia and our new
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette!

Thank you for being that constant voice of wisdom and affirmation in my life
ever since I was a youth, much of it has made who I am today!

I am constantly inspired and amazed at how your heart burns for the next
generation! When you shared with us how raising the next generation is a
race against time, I finally understood how much you carry the youths on your
heart. Thank you for starting FLY Zone, It is really my greatest privilege to be
able to serve & build the next generation with you and Pastors!

My dream is to raise up a generation of youth CGLs in FLY and to build a
strong deep bench in Service Ops!
Hi Pastor Lynette! Happy Birthday :) Thank you for sowing into my life ever since I was
14! I remember all the times you made time to have meals with me and the TK people,
the times you encouraged me and believed in me and my dreams. I also remember the
life-changing conversations and discipleships I've had with you, which I am very
grateful for. There were so many mistakes I made, so many things I've had to grow in
and am still growing in... But yet the same belief and love is extended to me.

Pastor Lynette, you've inspired me in so many ways in not just what you've said, but also
just simply by your actions and how you live your life. The relentless love you have for
people, the honor you have for the men and women of God, the sacrifices and
deliberate choices made to serve God and to love young people and so much more...
There were so many times I looked at Pastors, the SLs and told myself that this is what I
want to do with my life too - I want to grow up serving God in HOGC alongside Pastors
and the leaders, to give God the best years of my life in the same way I've seen Pastors,
you and Charleston and all of the other leaders do too. From Secondary School, to Junior
College, to now in University - I am convicted to live this alternative life for God; and to
make a stand with this life I lead.

Very thankful for you Pastor Lynette and love you very much! Also really excited for you,
Charleston and Garrett to get ordained this year! :) 2018 is truly going to be a year of
blessings and breakthroughs!
Hello Pastor Lynette,

Happy birthday to you! Thank you for growing up together with me! I've
seen the way you lead your life, make decisions to put God first, the way you
love, serve and protect Pastor Lia fiercely, the convictions to stand up for
what is right in God, the way you are as a then girlfriend and now wife to
Charleston, the way you are to your friends and people in your zones...I'm
so so inspired by you. Thank you for being such an amazing female role
model whom we want emulate after, just like Pastor Lia is!

Thank you for speaking truths into our lives and looking out for us all the
time :) Wanna cherish all that has remained in our friendship and really
can't wait for the future to unfold in HOGC for the next 20-30 years under
our Pastors' leadership! Love, honour and respect you for who you are!

My dream is to support, serve & protect Pastors in the SPO Team, and to be
found constantly leading people into God's presence (Guitar & Vocals), do
music & songs! Lastly, it is to bring revivals and lead 100 youths to be on fire
for Jesus!
Hi Pastor Lynette!! Happy Birthday!!!! So happy to be able to celebrate this
special moment as you, Charleston and Garrett are ordained as pastors!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS Pastor Lynette!!!!

I remember despite how I was so new in church, you would give me so many
opportunities to rise up and be pulled close…I remember sitting in your
trainings and Youth Meetings and each time I leave, I just feel so inspired and
challenged to grow as a leader and a women of God in this house! When I heard
how you told Pastor Lia that it is now your turn to make her dreams come true, I
was so moved. I told myself that one day, I want to be able to say the same to
my pastors and leaders too.

Pastor Lynette, thank you for showing us what it means to be a strong woman
for God. I’m so inspired by how you would still go down to build 13 year olds,
how you love people, how you honor the man and woman of God, and how you
would give your best to build God’s house. I want to grow up to serve God,
pastors and my leaders, the same way I saw how you, Charleston and the
leaders do. It is my greatest greatest privilege to be part of HOGC, under the
best leadership!

My dream is to make the dreams of my pastors and leaders come true, to raise
up generations and strong teams who are simple, and servant hearted! And to
lead a zone one day!!
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! :)

Thank you for everything that you have sown and done in my life. I am really
inspired by the way both you and Charleston honour SP How and SP Lia with
your lives. I was really touched when I heard that you and Charleston decided to
postpone your wedding as SP Lia was still receiving her treatment back then.
And there was no way you could bear to celebrate while SPs were going
through a tough season. It may not seem logical to some but I saw what it
means to honour and to run after the man and woman of God... to really have
them in our hearts. 

Thank you Pastor Lynette for showing me what it means to be a true son in this
house. To serve, build and support Pastors together at the frontlines!! Thank you
Pastor Lynette for the opportunity and privilege to serve and build the next
generation in FLY Zone. Will never ever take this for granted! Really thankful for
both you and Charleston!

My dream is to raise more male leaders (3 PCGLs before I graduate from Uni)
and always be found protecting the church, SPs and leaders!
Hi Pastor Lynette! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What makes this year even more
special is that it is also your ordination! Congratulations Pastor
Lynette!! We are so so happy and this is such a significant milestone
for HOGC :) I remember learning so much wisdoms and insights (and
heart too) from you sitting in every Youth Meeting and when I heard
how you told SP Lia that it is now your turn to make her dreams come
true, my perspective really shifted and I know one day I want to be
able to say the same to my leaders too.

Thank you for building the youths in HOGC, even personally going on
the ground to sow and to teach. It is such a privilege to be in the best
church, under the best leadership. And I know where our church is
heading is only towards GREATER THINGS. Can't wait for how it will be
like to have 5 amazing pastors in HOGC!

My dream is to make the dreams of my Pastors and leaders come to

pass, raise up more strong male leaders who will in turn raise up
even more leaders who will be willing to be on the frontlines with
Pastors. I dream to come on full-time in church and lead a zone of
Hi Pastor Lynette! Happy Birthday!

It has been 3 years since FLY zone has started, but we often have the
opportunity to rise up to sow into the next generation, lead them and to
bring them closer to God.
Still thankful that you gave me a place in FLY zone, so that i can fulfil my
dreams of leading the youths.

Through this few years, I've seen the heart that you have for the youths,
and how events were planned to cater to their friends! More than that, I
have also seen Pastors' hearts for the youths, even as the church grows
bigger, I'll always see you still hanging out with the young people in the
church. Pastor Lynette, you inspire me to grow to be a leader who not just
wants to lead, but to also give the youths a platform to dream their
biggest yet. 

Thank you for all your words of wisdom, on stage, and in the behind the
scenes for all of us! Happy Birthday!
Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! Thank you for always inspiring me to grow
to be a strong woman of God, anchored in the truth of God, and always being
secure in God! Thank you for looking out for me, giving me a place and
opportunity to bring the youths closer to God! 

I remember how when I was interning in TC, you looked for me and
suggested for me to have half days so that I would not have to compromise
on pastoral work! More than that.. I saw how you are still empowering and
believing in so many generations of youths for them to step into their

Thank you for showing me how it is to honour the man and woman of God..
I’m challenged to always be found wanting to be constantly aligned, and
close to the vision of the church, God, Pastors and leaders! My dream is see
my Pastors’ dreams come to pass - how God would use us globally to impact
many nations to serve God radically, and to serve God with my entire family
one day, and to have the opportunity to serve God as a full-time staff in
church! Celebrating with you this weekend as you are ordained as a Pastor
with Charleston and Garrett!! So happy to see how all of your dreams are
coming to pass! :)
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette! There isn't much personal encounters I
have with you, but that's the powerful thing - just by the way to lead
your life, I see what it means to be a woman of God.

You lead the youth with love but also disciple them in love.
Also remember how you and Charleston would sell of your car so that
you guys can give to church. Through you, I also see what it means to
honor the man and woman of God, to be at the frontline. Thank you for
the privilege to be able to lead in FLY zone! Excited for what's going to
come for the zone and the church!!! 

My dream is to lead a youth zone that can be deployed anytime and
anywhere when there's a need in church. And eventually to also lead
people studying/working in creative line, raise up a generation of
creative people who will use their abilities for God and also not
compromise in the industry!
Hi Pastor Lynette! Celebrating this day with you! So happy for you!! Today, this shows us how God can
use ordinary people to do extraordinary things for Him! And how Pastors have loved and sown in
individual lives! Just so thankful for you and Pastors! Pastor Lynette you are my role model of what it
means to be a strong female leader for God! I remember my first encounter with you! I had just
transferred to FLY Zone and it was during youth camp! We were just standing around in the lift lobby
and Garrett was causally asking why I was in youth camp. When I said that I was in FLY Zone, you and
Charleston looked at me, smiled and said, "Yes!" You guys knew what was happening at that point in
time and you guys planned for each and every individual so that we can reach our fullest potential in
God! Your heart for the people really inspires me to love God's people the same! My dream is to lead
a few ministries in GE, HOD of Usher Ministry and a CGL of 40!
Will always be found fighting at the frontlines with Pastors and you!
Really so happy for you! Love you Pastor Lynette!

HaiNing lee
Hi Pastor Lynette! Happy Birthday! Cannot be more excited and happy to celebrate this season
with you, Charleston and Garrett!! Stories of how you have chosen to live an alternative life
inspire me to stand strong for the cause! Very encouraged by how even though you are so busy,
you will still personally go down and build the next generation! But what inspires me most is
your heart to want to support SPs and make them successful in every possible way...!
You are our hero! Thankful to have you as my leader!
My dream is to always be found supporting SPs and
leaders, to get 20 friends saved in Uni, to lead a
zone one day and preach the Word of God! Caleb wang
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for
everything that you've done in my life ever since I entered secondary school! From the sermons
that you preach to the sharings that you give, it has always challenged and inspired me to do
more than what I currently am doing :) During the sermon on superheroes, the points hit me a lot
and made me realise that superheroes have a Mission to 'protect' their own 'city'. The real
superheroes of the world step up to do what's right even though their lives are on the line.
Especially since I was going to enter a new phase of life, I was really encouraged to live a life set
apart like Queen Esther - having the courage to do what I'm afraid of for the sake of other lives... 

Thank you for the constant belief in us, the countless number of opportunities that you've given
us to grow and for all the discipleships too :) My dream is to rise up to be a LEV TL!

Sarah BUDImulia
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette!!
Also, congratulations for getting ordained! I am so grateful for Pastors like you... Thank you for
showing us what it means to be a strong woman of God and to truly do good and do well. I am
always so inspired by your love for God and others (especially young people!) and by how you
and the other Pastors would always elevate each other, and be set apart from the world, live life
together and grow up & old with each other as a dream team! Also, I am challenged to honour
and love the man and woman of God just like how you do. Thank you for carrying so many of us
on your heart! My dream is to be on the worship team and to be a TL! I want to always be found
building HOGC alongside you, SPs and the rest of the leaders!

Grace LIM
Hello Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! When the world says young people cannot do it, you
believe that we are the leaders of today and sow into our lives. Your love for the youths always
inspires me! I used to wonder how hard it must be for our leaders to hang out and step into the
boats of young people... but your love for young people is so evident and it really shows me what
it is like to live out the upside down faith! From hanging out with the youths to making
MuahChee for us when we first restructured, to even simple things like following us on Instagram
just to connect to us! I want to be just like you, Pastor Lynette - to be a strong woman of God, to
love and speak truths into people's lives, and to be able to impact generations. My dream is to
serve in sermon illustration, to help out in the West Spring revival even after I have graduated, to
serve the younger generation, and to grow in my walk with God.
Believe that one day my prayers can heal people!

Dion Phang
Hi Pastor Lynette, I was inspired by the way you live your life and also that time
you preached #InstaLIFE, how you encouraged us to put on airplane mode so that
we could spend more time with God!! I also heard about how you chose to put
aside BGR when you were younger so that you could serve and love God at your
fullest capacity!! I am inspired to do the same and set aside my youth for God
alone! I see myself serving and loving God and being one of HOGC's
reinforcements!! I desire to serve God at a greater capacity!!

Maureen Sugiri
Hi Pastor Lynette! Happy birthday :) Though I may not have spoken to you, but just by seeing
how you live your life really inspires me! One of the things I really respect is how you respond
during service! You will always be the loudest to carry the atmosphere and put faith into the
atmosphere! I remember that as I was sharing testimony, I was quite nervous but by hearing
your response, I really felt assured by it! The faith and love for youths in your life really inspire
me to continue to do what I'm doing! Really thankful for always thinking about us and giving
your best week in and week out :) 

My dream in church is to become a CGL! But firstly, what I really dream of is to be a kingmaker, to
make my CG mates successful! I really hope they will rise up and become leaders! Another
dream is also to make an impact globally and I hope that I will have
the opportunity to go for mission trips with Pastors and leaders!

Favian Toh
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! So thankful to have a female role model who I can look
up to! The way you preach, the way you believe in youths, the way you inspire, the way
you spend your time with the young people always inspire me! After every service that
you have preached, I always leave feeling so much more affirmed and assured. I'm so
expectant for what's in store for Heart of God Church and I'm more excited and
privileged to be part of all that's happening together with you and SPs!
I dream to go for a mission trip one day!

Yang Jingyi
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette! Thank you for the DG we had for the YWC people and
thank you for sharing so much wisdom and Godly values during leaders training! You
constantly inspire me to become a better leader!

Congratulations Pastor Lynette on being ordained! So inspired to continue to give my

best to God. My dream is to be CGL and to be doing FOH in sound!

Darius Wong
Hi Pastor Lynette! I am really inspired to live for others and to grow to be others-centered just
like how you are! You are always caring for others and your heart is always for others! I'm
inspired to live a godly life and to put God first in every situation like my relationships. So
thankful that you really believe in all of us and that you have built FLY Zone for us youths! My
dreams in church for this year is to grow myself as a servant-hearted leader, just like how my
SLs, Pastors and SPs are like. I also dream to work as a full time staff in church one day where I
would have the privilege to be part of the behind-the-scenes that makes things happen!!

Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! :)
Zene tan
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette! You have always inspired me to live a life not just for others
but also at the same time for God. You have shown me what it is like to give our immediate
obedience upon God's calling for us. Lastly, you have also challenged me to live a life
according to God's will, one that's going to bring glory to His name and more importantly
for His cause alone. In the years to come , I see myself serving faithfully as a security in
church to protect pastors, leaders and the people. I also see myself rising up to bring a
revival in my new JC, one that's not just great in number but also in strength. Lastly, I see
myself rising up to lead many more people into His kingdom and making an impact to the
lives around me!

Edmund yuan
Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! You have inspired me to live an alternative life by
showing us what it means to do the right thing at the right time. I remember how
you and Charleston obeyed the word of God and the 3 M's - Master, Mission and
Mate. This has inspired me to be set apart for God, to be in the world but not of the
world. My dream is to rise up to do more in my ministry, Photography!

Jaslynn NGo
Hi Pastor Lynette, I’m so inspired by how
you are always giving your best, building
the church alongside Pastors. You would
Hi Pastor Lynette, I remember you
always put others first! You are still building
teaching us more about God through
and sowing into other 13 year-olds
follow up lessons, helping us to live a
personally after many years, loving and
life knowing more about our God. You
believing in the next generation. After
have lived your life to glorify God and
hearing so many stories about how you are
now you are going to be ordained as
always thinking for others, always serving
our Pastor! You inspire us to rise up!
and leading with love, I really feel inspired
Thank you Pastor Lynette for teaching us
and challenged to grow and do the same
truths in God! Celebrating your
too! Although I have not personally met
ordination with you Pastor Lynette! My
you, I am excited and I can't wait!! My
dream is to glorify God through the
dream is to be on the worship team as a
work of my ministry - Videos where the
vocalist, leading people into God's
videos that we produced will lead many
presence. I also dream to become a leader
to know God!
for God, leading others, growing together
along the way! Happy birthday Pastor

Teong Yanhong Teong Meiwen

Hi Pastor Lynette! Thank you for starting up FLY zone, where people like me can continue to grow in God!
Thank you for believing in each and every one of us, that we will one day change the world for God!!
Especially since I'll be entering tertiary education, I am very inspired to live a life that is set apart for God!!
That I will not only praise God with my words but with my daily actions too! In secondary school, worldly
distractions were quite distracting but I am determined to not let it be that way again!! Very grateful to
have role models like you, Pastors and leaders who show us that it is possible to live lives set apart for God
:) I can't wait to continue growing up and old in church! Always want to be found running alongside
Pastors and leaders... It is such a privilege to be part of HOGC.

My dream is to rise up to be a leader to inspire others to live a life for God, the same way my leaders have
inspired me!! I also dream of doing more in my ministry.

woo JiaQi
Dear Pastor Lynette, Happy birthday!
Thank you for always believing in youths & the next generation!! During hangouts, you always spend
your time with us youths & dedicate a lot of your time and energy into it which makes me inspired to
live a life for others and to reach out to the younger generation as well!! Thank you for also writing
sermons that cater to us youth & always thinking about us! As a female leader you also show & inspire
me, that females can rise up & do amazing things for God! Thank you Pastor Lynette for everything you
have done for us and Happy Birthday!

My dream is to serve as a strong effects crew, rise up in dance ministry

& rise up in the CG too!
Gladys Teo
Praise Chua chan Day Ying teo Yue Ling
Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday!
Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! I’m very Hi Pastor Lynette. happy birthday! Thank
Thank you Pastor Lynette for always
thankful that you decided to start FLY zone you Pastor Lynette for everything that you
inspiring us. You have shared and
and allow us to be the roots of the zone and have done for FLY Zone! When I hear how
spoken the word of God right into our
trust that we can develop the zone! Also, you would go down to impact the next
hearts. It speaks right into every single
congratulations Pastor Lynette on your generation even after the church has
area in our lives. It is a privilege to have
ordination I hope to be a leader and play grown so big, I was so inspired.
you as my pastor! My dream is to bring
the drums during praise and worship! I also
a school revival of 15 people and be a
want to bring a school revival from my JC! Today, my dream is to rise up to be a
leader to serve in the kingdom of God. I
leader in church and to rise up in my
see myself serving in church, loving
ministry, usher!
OTHERS and always to be aligned with
the vision of the church!
Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! Thank you for building FLY zone!! I
am really grateful for a leader like you who takes time out to really get to
know the youths!! So happy for this weekend where it is the Ordination
Weekend and Charleston, you and Garrett will become Pastors! My
dream is to rise up to become a leader and to be a Lights IC!

Gabriel Teo
Hi Pastor Lynette, you have been a big inspiration, preaching such powerful
sermons that inspire us to live differently for Jesus! Thankful for Pastors and
leaders who would preach the truth of God where when our friends come, they
will be impacted by the Word of God too! My dream is to rise up to be a CG
guitarist where I can play in HaiSing prayer meetings and connect group
meetings. I am so happy that my friends Henry, Yu Hong, Andrew and Wei Zhi are
now planted in church with me! I am excited for the even greater revival that God
is going to bring through us.

Xavier tanSo
Henry Chew Ho Yu Hong Andrew Lye
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette!! Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! So Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! Thank you for
Congratulations on becoming a pastor! excited and happy for your ordination! I inspiring me to have the courage to change my habits
Even though I haven’t had encounters with want to thank you for believing in us and to have winning habits. I was a person who had
you yet, I was so impacted when you youths being able to do great things! You always thought that character was born within the
preached the sermon on HEROES! It inspired me when I heard that you have person and I had little faith that I would be able to be
impacted me and changed me. I am just so been coming to church since 9! And you more confident in front of new people and build
excited to get to know you in person!! are still so faithful. My dream is to lead good relationships with them. But after you shared
and serve with my friends! with us that habits shape our character, I was ready to
My dream in church is to serve in ministries to make the changes, not only in my life, but in my
and be a leader in church. daily habits. My dream is to serve in the House of God
and rise up to meet newer people in the zone!
Hi Pastor Lynette!!! I am Wei Zhi, and We want to wish you happy
this is my brother Wei Yi. I am 15 and Birthday and congratulations on
he is 13. 4 months ago, I gave my being ordained as a Pastor!!! We
life to Jesus! Ever since, I have grown are so happy to celebrate the
so much in God. And 2 months ago, I season with, you! I am inspired by
brought Wei Yi to church! It is only in how others-centered you are, by
church that we are so much closer your character and I can't wait to
than before. Now, I dream to be a hear you preach as my Pastor! My
leader in church one day and to dream is to serve in the usher
bring a revival to my school, Hai ministry!
Sing, together with my friends.

Tan Wei Zhi Tan Wei Yi

Hi Pastor Lynette!! Happy birthday! Listening you
preaching about HEROES, I could still remember
Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! I am Jerod and I feeling God's presence. You talked about Esther
am from Beatty Secondary School! I came to and how her courageous mindset was that she
church in March last year, when my cousin, Reuben said, "And if I perish, I perish." All along I have
invited me! tried inviting over 10 friends ever since I came. But
no one has stayed. Honestly, at that time, I felt very
Thank you for inspiring me to grow in my discouraged. But through this sermon, it made me
character and to be a more courageous person! see that, I and the other people in Church, are all
Today, my dream is to become a HEROES HAVE SUPERNATURAL POWER”,
missionary one day and to bring a We have the power of God. We are heroes as we
revival to my school, Beatty Sec, are the ones who bring our friends to salvation
together with my friend Aaron! and get them to know God even better! This
message really encouraged to me to have the
Thank you for starting FLY Zone for courageous mindset like Esther did. I do not
young people like us. Happy birthday really have to care about what people think of
and congratulations me being holy and all that, as long as I know that
on your ordination! it is for their own good. I really hope that one
day they will come to know God!! My dream is to
be a Pastor!

Jerod Lim Aaron Seah

Hi Pastor Lynette, Happy Birthday! Pastor Lynette, you have changed many mindsets
that I have! As you preached about Heroes, how heroes are made by their responses, it
reminded me of how if I get laughed at, I get laughed at. If I get left out, I get left out! I
must have the courage to do what is right! You preached an amazing sermon which
gave me a new thinking and how I should live my life and not just stand up for what is
right! My dream is to become a leader in the house of God and bring a revival to my
school, SJI International. I see myself having compassion and a heart for others in the

Ejay Chong
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette! Pastor Lynette, you inspired me to believe in people who
are newer than me in church, as I was first believed in! You shared so much about how
you were believed by SPs and I really heard a lot of stories about how you are doing the
same! You also encouraged me that I could be a BV on the worship team during the
youth Worship Team Summer Camp!! I dream of leading 25 people before my 'O' levels,
with at least 5 of my St. Andrews school mates! I also dream of being a Backup Vocalist
on the Worship Team before I turn 18!

Elliot Seow
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! Thank you for starting FLY Zone
and being a great role model! Ever since I have stepped into
church, I have always looked up to you :) Here's to a very happy
and blessed birthday! My dream is to be a BV on the worship
team one day!

Heidi Fong
Dear Pastor Lynette,
Thank you for being such a great role model to all of us and guiding us in so many
ways!! Thank you for showing us how to grow in our character! Congratulations on
becoming ordinated and on your dreams coming true!! So happy to be able to
celebrate this moment with you! Thank you for always being there for us and being
so kind! My dream is to one day sing as a BV on stage and lead many to encounter
the presence of God!

Ranitra Nair
Celeste lim Cheong Ming Xian
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette! Thank you for always Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! I am really inspired by how you are such an
taking time out to plan and help the youths for their exemplary leader who really lives out what you believe in and stand for. I am
school revivals and also always putting others on your really thankful by how you are genuinely interested in every single one of
heart! Every time the leaders share stories about you, I our lives. Despite having many people to look after, you will still remember
am always so inspired! From planning for every every single little detail of a person, making the people feel loved and cared
individual in the zone, to always wanting to bless and for. You even go the extra mile to build people up and make their dreams
love others! These stories have inspired me to live my and visions come true. This really shows your heart for others and thus
life for others! inspiring me to be like you and live a life for others too. I am also really
thankful for all the sermons that you have preached - Sermons that brought
I dream to be a Team IC in Usher one day! so many revelations, to help me become a better person. You always inspire
me to strive hard and to do my best for the will of God! My dream in church is
to see a Nan Hua revival and to lead them through it. I also dream to bring
my family to salvation and also to start a Nan Yang revival!
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette!! Really thankful for a leader who sincerely wants to
know more about people's lives! I am truly inspired by how you care to watch every
single one of our Instagram stories because you really want to be involved in knowing
the highlights of our lives! You really don't have to because of your busy schedule but
you still squeezed out time and made the effort to know more about what we are doing
on a daily basis. Your heart is truly always for people and this inspires me to live a life
for others and be a living testimony for Christ :)

My dream is to become a leader within the next 3 months, leading young people and
serving more in my ministry, effects, as well!

Keagan Yeo
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette! So thankful to have you leading our zone and always
wanting to build the next generation! I may not have a personal encounter with you yet
but I'm sure we will meet in the future! Congratulations on your ordination too! Believe
that greater things are to come in the future! My dream is to have the privilege to go on
a mission trip, to rise up to be a leader in both my CG and ministry and be a drummer on
the worship team!

Russell chew
Hi Pastor Lynette! Happy Birthday! You are always sowing into the next
generation, believing in the youths that we can do great things for God! As you
often take time to simply want to get to know every single of us, I saw how your
heart is always for others and the youths! My dream is to be able to lead, influence
and impact other people's lives.

KaiXuan teo
Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! Thank you Pastor Lynette for speaking the
Word of God into our lives! I remembered during one service you spoke so
clearly into my life that I decided to accept Christ! Ever since, my life has been
changed! I was so encouraged to live a life for others and to bring a student
revival and to be set apart for Christ! My dream is to rise up to be a leader in
the House of God. Congratulations for your ordination Pastor Lynette!!!

Kozanne Yeo
Jacer Tan Jie Yang pang
Happy birthday Pastor Lynette! Thank you for constantly sowing into Hi Pastor Lynette! Happy Birthday! The sermon 'Superheroes'
the lives of many and always giving your best to serve the House of gave me the courage to really make a stand and it gave me the
God! You have always been sowing into the lives of the next conviction to stand up for the weak and help them. Also, when
generation, believing that they can be leaders of today! Thank you for we live an alternative life, it will also influence the people
having such faith in us to be the deep bench of the church! I believe around us and this will also lead people around us to Christ.
that many of us are going to do great in this place! We are going to Thank you Lynette! My dream is to serve God and lead people
impact the kingdom of God greatly!
 to Christ!

My dream is to become a full time staff in Church! More than that, I
want to be on the Worship team as a drummer too! I also want to rise
up in church as a leader, and I desire for God to guide me to build the
church wherever He needs me in!
Hi Pastor Lynette! I have been coming back to church since a month
ago but I am so excited that our church is going to have 3 more
pastors!! So happy for you! I’m happy and thankful to be able to serve
God with you and my leaders! I hope to one day lead a CG full of
“Superman” too!

Zhang Xin Yong

Happy Birthday Pastor Lynette! Watching you get involved in the overseas mission trips
has inspired me to lead a life of selflessness because you're putting in so much effort to
help spread God's message, not just to our church but to people outside of Singapore!
Knowing that you'll be a pastor soon in our church really amazes me too and I am
extremely excited for you, Charleston and Garrett! Although I have only be in church for
only less than 2 months, I hope to be a part of the ministry soon so that I can contribute to
our church! Once again, happy blessed and birthday!

Amanda lim

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