Ebm Papst Company (Skype Interview On 13.11.2015)

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1) How route determines into shipment document types.

2) What is the purpose of shipment item category in transportation .

3) How many ways you have to find out user exits .

4) How you track I Docs.

5) How you will find whether I Doc is success or filed .

6) Explain recent issue which you handled and how you resolved it.

7) What is your role in both the implementation projects.

8) Explain your projects briefly.

9) Even through i didn't configured credit management my customer is blocking for credit what
could be the reason .

10) Any configuration did you find any client requirement which is not possible with SAP then
what is your next action So what you will do.

A) First we will inform the same to core user that this requirement not possible with slandered
configuration then with prior approval from core user we will prepare gap analysis document and
we will send to core user for approval after get approval we will take approval from team lead
and project manager and then we have to sign and one copy which we need to send the client and
one copy should be sent to company and one copy keep it with you.

10) How many plants your client having and where these plants are located and r u worked on
off shore or on site.

11) do you have any on site experience ( out of India ) .

12) what is your client manufactures .

13) What is the configuration you do for EDI /I Doc.

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