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Electronics I * Midterm 1 * pnts. Hack aden Main sh hb acim, oP 8o'T Habe ieein lie Wt *M* EDICAYD sam SOLUTONS _ signator: 1)A signal source whose open-circuit voltage is 10 mV rms and whose short-circuit current is L pA rms, when connected to the input of a voltage amplifier, supplies a current of 0.5 pA rms. ‘The resulting output of the amplifier when connected to. a 1-0 load is 1 V rms. Find the amplifier ‘current gain, voltage gain, and power gain, end the overall voltage gain (irom source to load). Also Sind the amplifier input resistance, If, when the 1-kA load is disconnected from the output of the ‘amplifier, the output voltage rises to 1.1 V rms, what is tho output resistance of the amplifier? Also find its open-circuit voltage gain Apo. A= 2000 ab Ps: te aloe BO ‘Ap = 40.000 Uyfts= L020 rout = LOO Avo = 220. A We [anil ene -& . 2-9 isc fou Pe = Avjfy = took eto= yoo eee Leasing offer? wh the tpl nr r C > © a é / Vout ied re te OF ee Leaf 018 Electronics I * Midterm 1* October 25,2005 * 60 minutes IDnumber:_ ERIGAYA Name: _S © LUTIOA)S Signature: 1) Find the input resistance, output resistance and open circuit voltage gain of the amplifier given below, Z avery Rin=__ (Ie a i mm J Menravertivg, come wu Glo de Rout=_ 10 & Avo =Volvi=_ 9.18 (Ook. &2 out —* Ue kas loth atk € = ee doe tuspechay ° A=u6 2) Adiode has 1 mA at 0.60 V and 11 mA at 0.72 V. Find a DC model for the diode if it is used in the circuit below; 3.3. 4:50 yt aN es As SS - Oss eae Electronics IT —Midferm 1 — 60 minutes ID nunber 2A Nae: SOLUTIONS SGruture: ) Find Pre input reesitenne, sutpet readitanc. aul opetncht 20 pF toltege geen Se Of Tees Hiatt Ale routs Hole Rape 82 Dae # uv po and ocieenal Trea = okt 2b 22k. ‘in Me 4 SO Lis} Ineo (0 Toe Oe aoe ideal epamp Cas eee tes % ~ eer | a ve Us _ 1S! aq lBF2 —- = ay Po OE ae UW Cdrvent 2) A pm function dirde han the fotlowey vatuea. Se eee b) Frnt a piece we Pode gee! asst Ce 0.60V 0.1 mA £ ab ok \ OFhy Il 2 Vz =0,025V yy; : 1.6741) ets Le 0.6 /y bare Ole Use vp Brgtes dividing. side by site ry 0.60/79 005 Hl = e OG by (i) = oe 57 amar Wie Tse OA ea nee Sn PA mB xIBNA Ee Gare” tet — Ol Dib. 2 Ve 4+ OA x 0.012> Noo = a) Fink a Non Lina lke ge ( ae a, model fre Ha Linea ) iaetry se |= EIST revede Sah. Quwreut [~ ~10 ds a helix A ee Ry = AD-FSe Nip Ce = (184 > 0.6 . SORT = 2 O,0PFER =lra5y_ iE Bb — 000? = 0.598% V 3) Deagn a shut regubte to bye fs Voltage. The loos regres te 9u output O~ /00 mA Cum. The put voltage ar shoon below: Specepy te po reiting off Lhe Components Dit aeg eee eter lees Den otrvde Vay,=4V th, Sema an the output sere @ if Venn =e pe a z Lemar + Pm = Assume Tao. 5 leA a (eee ae ik a = 37 bse fever ting foe Berner chivce: i - oe os Pax tareeat iv yu # Chen Di Ue £.-9 Fim =e = ge ee pena oe ese ey ed Ske Faman = AX ONSIS = 136 _W ae <= Poner vatling fy B tate eens ene R: 346w, 0,41 Ww Zim: YV 5 ey A) Fink Are operating pods fr te BIT: Pt tre cor Bept open belaw. Var ogy, f= 0e oie 9-0.% a) Deo buSmA Dye TOO 8 poy uA SbO 33 Vee - Helo, Sboe a T. = /00lg = |-48 mA c ee A- 33xlue = glo » 15v (Latte) x22 +0.) +T gto 142? mA Vee = (5 - 22x! gure —3dAb42F = 7-12 (Se ¢) $= buat Ly is ta save aos Q) ee Ve. BTV Fe -lU2t mA ces EN Vee =IS= 22 xB elurze [lov Zarb (aor = eal) ay oe ae Tes Ges Nisa Wor’ ae Vee zee" isNve Lgeo, 0 435 eee eee ike Wn Ve = Ve Vee = 5 — P80 Te 9-4 = 24%) = = oe 2 ve = Vee 2 IS-LUT = [L26V Electronics | * Midterm 1 * October 31, 2006 * 60 minutes Ihave neither given nor received any unauthorized help with this exam, nor do I have any reason to helieve that anybody else has. ID number: Name: SOLO7ICA2S __ Signature: 1. — Amamplifier with an input resistance of 10KQ, when driven by a current source of | WA and a source resistance of 190 k82, has a short-circuit oatput ctirrent of 10 mA and an 7 - open-circuit output vokage of 10 V. When driving a 4-k02 Ay= XO (38-54dBy load, what are the values of the vokage gain, current gain, and power gain expressed as ratios and in dB? 19¢ (66.¢4ydB) qa’ (62.¢60B) ‘We’ femAxRos Ov eo aa e ga ff fbr Roe Fun! Uo = fom x Mellyk = (2 KOT = ev = 4000 Y 0,00 Ax ((00uf{ tot) = Boekede weg =e Be'Gy (at) = S% 878 ~ 0004 ~ fe = 202 2 g.oceat ma = 0.91 FA (Ook t). Me = uA Re =214% 3 aotey (2144) = 64 8y lB = A Ay = FOKAB = Lasune =~ h = toy (0.93418) = 62-86 AB 2, In dosigning with op amps one has to check the Lloskationy om the vollage and frequency ranges of operation of the clesed-oop amglifir, impusel by the op amp finite rend (f, alow cate (SI), and ostpot saturation Vig). This pwoblen illus te point by he ws of at ‘op amp With j=2.SME2.SR=12V/s.and Vu. = 10 V in the design of « noninverting amilifier with « nominal gain of 10, Accume @ sins wave inpat wth peak amplitude Vy, 5 V, what is the asimum frequency before the stp (8) ff 20 UH, whe inte mazximum valoe of ¥ efne ae ‘orpot asters? 40) WEY, = 50 mY, what is the seful frquoscy range ot ‘operon? d) Hef= SbMly, what i the nse sop woleage range? ob = an} a) Vjr0S¥ ,Vp= Osx - SV New 28.10} Ft 4 Bian = tat 233.197 ket b) Vimw = 0.955 V mae = A 2 Vo 2nx: co) frange = O- 250 ety o-iv 4) Firange: se (a8 USS vr Ss = ) fetoun, We “Tnatoxd = 09ssV - ma c) Ve23e0 , Vo = (0x50: frnax = =6 Vo Ux 0.5 Sto mV = Os ett _a59 bie 3, tear ik FA There rayle anetiae veahiction /amwhtion — Fy uch Fnac Mates fr Since 250 He 42 Selle Cbanduvdte 2 Gute Df. sum, However, fe tov. Lyn) tS Und re OY wy, 00 Fhe 3519 bee, & ae $lewd rate. Adwtetrirry . = 2s0kt> ea ie Ente eae ge 250 tite (ee weet apn wef tatx sxe tte ae velheges Linut The eupies vol tape Hence , tre input vectoge— eget eerie 3. Assuming that the diodes in the cicuits of Fig. P3 ce ideal, utilize Thévenin's theorem to simplify the cir- caus and thas find the values of the labeled currents aoc! voltages. 1 +9v wa aun = FIGURE P2 a) eH Te ee Vth Na oe Pt, Pte 4 See Vthy > Vtha Vit + Vb = Vthe Vp - Vth. - ho Zig 01 ea Tyee OE We _-2V bth: wine = 6.66le Vinz 9x—22 - gv Ti ey Qo+s. Bh pa Vax Lax Ie = 45 ¥ hth. = (oelloe = Sete Véh= 4x12 ycv 68 Ply = lotlfice = SER Vins = 9-2 =45V fore khe didole wil be reverse bracel ine Vis, = 2-4 = -2U- rene bing ELECTROANCS-T = MibtERM 4 60 minutes 1D ruimber: EKA VA Nae: ___ Sor uzroais Siigpatawe: —__ apen ut Voltage gma 0.99 DA gosea eee 837 amplifier ousipre 1SmA on ag ee Book t reaintence ret Meee beasts. Zp rat By cpanel foe Spal Source ‘whose open cireurf well GV tment se short crews current oe mA rms, anol if Ft 400 a lead. of 52, what would be fv eel current sa power Jair, anal offivreny? aa 25 x4 = 22.5 VY Wee OSes pane 390 aN Ge- as toe ee r [ey Wen ay) 3 2670 Wig ec ee i oes peor O.341 openclt- vol tepe gu = O,4AS Me . gas 2S = 0.84 vi brs = i 330 BW. ye omnume, #8 & an u Pp ide Venn 9 G20 Pe se Wp, ) S06 Vem: Ve s8asaz ie - O.5lly : ae as p- 2)” _ po cose w + 5 mY FoR n . SF lo fer he Seas oe Desin agree I~ with a clioda 0 provile oS tonA ae ag eran tolinge of Lr. val - peal Hage ee a oe 145 Ve Peg 7a component ee Veting s Chat you “une Dr Your deysn, Uy oe BER uS = ey Ciera Toe Nees It =21 py pape ms de eee In, = So = — a YRS Peman= 43,9 % (0.0926) = 0.40? oe wW = 0,0%26¥ 11 = O84 Pee ¥ a= Tom Sw o eaten Oy ait, he Ro prwen. rnbig cae Bo eres Ed equ 3) In the ampli, belo €h Pantin Valatact ap toe Lig PSE Aes, ER ys, roach Phe lev The actput vobhage. 0 SPRY volinged no Ree es as, Uz =Vae Smut , no dé torhin ® clesbe + DTP Vip=C.6V, what woulel be Hw Ronettes ue mar) Siynal ney? ne M+ @ ou WGawicietfys SOU. 163, 6 maf: ite P- 30 bile, what would be Pre man Vip ? pgs af) 36 Upe 30m VU, What Fhe mae siyral Oe 4) Tf P= 3 kt, what wourel be the Pore Irp? Phar Vp = 12-04 = 1S, Vena Lad a) anf V ‘ AW oe = ace 24) ue cay 2x 0.6% 6 fog SOKO se OSA a Hea, WEP omce ay ) Vop = = “awn 30 xe af S2 caxiot eek Ee aro ete eeu 330mv 0 fe a iiaaets ase 3) Use = Bom: eee, i oe! alte iy 163-6 Kete, since the bows 5 iL ; ne Svypul do 163, 6H, eee fe of the Sigal 42 i @ 4 0.¢rt0e soble 4) Ve= = G2UV not pest am 2xTx3000 Vop < n-os eis Meee NOHe v 2) Tn designing with op amps one has to check the limitations oa the voltage and frequency ranges of operation of the closed-loop amplifier, imposed by the op amp finite bandwidth (j,), slew rate (SR), and output saturation (Vomqz). This problem illustrates the point by considering the use of an op MHz, SR ='T Vemax = 10 V in the design of a noninverting amplifier with a ve input with poak amplitude Vj. V, wh: um frequency before the output distorts? (b) If f+ 20 kHz, what is the maximum value of V; before the output distorts? (c) ITV; = 60 mY, what is the useful frequency range of operation? (d) Iffe 5 kHz, what is the useful input voltage range? a) maxf =_3.t-83cH> : Apts Se, ie ee a) bia —— = —— =: 318304," eee IN, 2 Kloxos by SVs eGR oe aasv 7 Vines OSY eres ° mn af ~ Qt x20000~ 6 C) VeeSUmy | V= OSV. ey es 3IS3 pin, bull podict — Cy = OMe bamduilth < ae <= Wookie bts ha boven, She Re Sip oe un, eee f: 0- 20 tHe Noone Pee ee \ f= Sbla Ve aE ee tia Wise lew ak effect below a tho ever, cuutyut Sugg uobbye bunt carwaer Vere = OV ® Vinas ete hence Vis ov Cwfy eigth~) 3) A half-wave rectifier circuit using a diode with Vp = 0.7 Vat Ip = 1 mA anda load resistance of 10 kQi is supplied by a 1-kHz symmetrical square wave having a peak-to-peak amplitude of V volts and a zero average, Calculate the average output voltage for three values of V: 200 V, 20 V, and 2 V. Assume that the diode voltage changes by 0.1 V for every decade change in current. Sppemnete seal v javiarpent Tage alia ) toe et Se [ou ~ vyz0a¥, Up? Obv aa Newz O07 =9BV— Vomas® Views 100708 43 - ape E- 4b Myo? . YAY aie © ref Tom % 2% « 0,00mA ee O.4S Ups OG5V, H* = 4) Find the voltages V; and Vo in the cirenit given belowr with an accuracy of 0.1 mV. ‘The diodes are oe identical with I, = 10-9 A,n =2,and Vp= 0.098 V. t a ces 2 Tz. I, = (oa \ee \, sii Nt LAN B Na Vieni E +) = anon ba Ba =D, OBUFV 4.4653 V 2 5-S0- = 3 15% to? — 6.0347 = BOrinuter Fk aie fectronies J - Mig (D nam ber; a — 40. wey Varme. Signe heres 1) Cateatate the tiput revistincs, ctpuct reuin fan ae a pie eee ee Voltage gaa, ty, Ale He oe ay, Foue: 0. Ue ae , 9.9 1: FAIZ Ak, Goad) a mm 15 rout 9304 Vi lok Toe =-l0 Convarhons auc Vo Vo. Ve ea Wo wee ek 196 ; ; , Ve Ye, (dee oes ao [Utell tot) + 10K ue Ve = 194 Us = —WA4 KAS smwt mV a-% AA, sinwte Vo tmo= wen, 2 u 6.3: 6,36 V. Pout = (eee) = HONS WV Ale. Foe \ec is tignis= 490 1: Pout FOE 5 844 = 649% Pec ane V and Lf vy the -cerceerts betow. Fer the 2) Find , BOTs gape “Vee Dau 5 Ape 00 Vem Gey ae P= 12 mA t-tT a oe + Vv. 33V tee (0-3-3 a3-3U. eee: lov my au] Ve be ae 2 0 wit ws Vs lo-33 > 6” ') 4t T= 335 m4 1 a BULB 3S met BVaye33v Dk cee eS et eee), ) D227 ev bina. —9J=0 dee 0 0083 mA iris ee Fr av ei ) ee os ae (004! Ske T: 23374 Testor la =. 0. enF ma + y Ve — $xO.83 = U,8Sv Pee ag, O83 Ta 2) qu Ve ey = 100k (oo. oe 4a. el T, = 00% 0.083 = B3mA id a expected ae for ac ttt Ga 4= See OS oe not po ible ta fanatat™ NWS OV Qe 12 To 9-02 ae tL. F464

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