CN - PD - 2 Zxun DSC Product Description (Dra&Stp)

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ZXUN DSC Product

ZXUN DSC Product Description

ZXUN DSC Product Description

Version Date Author Reviewer Notes

© 2016 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used
without the prior written permission of ZTE.
Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to
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ZXUN DSC Product Description


1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 1

2 Highlight Features ............................................................................................. 2

2.1 Unified ETCA Platform ......................................................................................... 2
2.2 Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Intelligent Energy-saving and Pollutants-reduction ............................................... 3
2.4 Smooth Upgrading and Expansion Ability ............................................................ 3
2.5 Excellent Reliability .............................................................................................. 3
2.6 Manageability and Maintainability ........................................................................ 5
2.7 Abundant Service Functions ................................................................................ 5

3 Functionality ...................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Basic Function ..................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 DRA Application ................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 STP Application ................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Connectivity ....................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Featured Service................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 DRA Application ................................................................................................. 13
3.2.2 STP Application ................................................................................................. 14

4 System Architecture ........................................................................................ 17

4.1 Product Physical Structure ................................................................................. 17
4.1.1 Non-virtualization Hardware Structure................................................................ 17
4.2 System logical structure ..................................................................................... 19
4.3 Feature Distribution............................................................................................ 19
4.4 Software Structure ............................................................................................. 20
4.4.1 OS(Non-virtualization) ........................................................................................ 22
4.4.2 TULIP Platform .................................................................................................. 22
4.4.3 SCS subsystem ................................................................................................. 22
4.4.4 DBS subsystem ................................................................................................. 22
4.4.5 BRS subsystem ................................................................................................. 22
4.4.6 MCS subsystem ................................................................................................. 22
4.4.7 DSC subsystem ................................................................................................. 23
4.4.8 OMM/OAM subsystem ....................................................................................... 23
4.4.9 Guest OS(virtualization) ..................................................................................... 23
4.4.10 Hypervisor (virtualization)................................................................................... 23
4.4.11 Host OS (virtualization) ...................................................................................... 23

2 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

5 Performance .................................................................................................... 23

6 Technical Specifications ................................................................................. 25

6.1 Technical Specifications (Non-virtualization) ...................................................... 25
6.1.1 Indices ............................................................................................................... 25
6.1.2 Power ................................................................................................................ 25
6.1.3 Working Environment ......................................................................................... 26
6.1.4 Interface Type .................................................................................................... 27
6.1.5 Clock Indices ..................................................................................................... 28
6.1.6 Reliability ........................................................................................................... 28
6.2 Technical Specifications (virtualization) .............................................................. 28

7 Operation and Maintenance............................................................................ 29

7.1 System Structure ............................................................................................... 29
7.2 System Function ................................................................................................ 30
7.2.1 Configuration Management ................................................................................ 30
7.2.2 Alarming Management ....................................................................................... 30
7.2.3 Performance Management ................................................................................. 31
7.2.4 Fault Management ............................................................................................. 31
7.2.5 Signaling Tracing ............................................................................................... 32
7.2.6 Security Management ........................................................................................ 32

8 Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................... 33

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ZXUN DSC Product Description


Figure 1-1 Diameter and SS7 Signaling Network ................................................................ 1

Figure 3-1 Narrowband SS7 Protocol Stack ........................................................................ 8
Figure 3-2 Wideband SS7 Protocol Stack ........................................................................... 9
Figure 3-3 IP SIGTRAN Signaling Protocol Stack ..............................................................10
Figure 4-1 Rack Appearance .............................................................................................18
Figure 4-2 Hardware Architecture of E4140 .......................................................................18
Figure 4-3 ZXUN DSC System Logical Structure ...............................................................19
Figure 4-4 ZXUN DSC Feature Distribution .......................................................................20
Figure 4-5 Overall Hierarchy of the ZXUN DSC Software(non_virtulization) ......................21
Figure 4-6 Overall Hierarchy of the ZXUN DSC Software(virtulization) ..............................21
Figure 5-1 TPS Specification .............................................................................................24
Figure 7-1 O&M Architecture of ZXUN DSC ......................................................................29


Table 5-1 ZXUN DSC Performance Index..........................................................................23

Table 6-1 Rated voltage and voltage range of ZXUN DSC ................................................26
Table 6-2 ZXUN DSC Temperature and Humidity Requirement ........................................26
Table 6-3 Standards Used and the Cable Types Supported by ZXUN DSC Interface ........27
Table 6-4 ZXUN DSC Clock Index .....................................................................................28
Table 6-5 ZXUN DSC Reliability Index ...............................................................................28

4 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

1 Overview
Mobile data traffic is booming, in large part due to the explosion in powerful, low cost
IP-ready devices like smart phones, e-readers and tablets. In the networks, Diameter
protocol is in extensive use in many key areas, including policy control, converged
charging, authentication, subscriber location, and subscriber data management.

Operators are deploying advanced policy control together with charging technologies to
create new service offerings and maximize profitability – all based upon the Diameter
signaling protocol. Effective management of the network is essential for continued
revenue growth. The Evolved Diameter Signaling Network is becoming more and more
critical to the operator’s success.

Meanwhile, the traditional service and the traditional network will not vanish in a short
time. How to develop the SS7 signaling network will still be a important issue for
operators to plan.

To meet the demand of Diameter signaling network and the SS7 signaling network at the
same time, ZTE provides a convergent network solution-- ZXUN DSC (Diverse Signaling
Conductor) /vDSC, which supports DRA and STP(TDM STP/IPSTP/SG) simultaneously.

Figure 1-1 Diameter and SS7 Signaling Network

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

2 Highlight Features

2.1 Unified ETCA Platform

For Non-NFV architecture, ZXUN DSC uses ETCA hardware platform. ZTE Enhanced
Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ETCA) is a universal and open telecom
service platform based on ATCA technology. It meets operator’s service application
requirements for high performance, high reliability, high expansibility and high
maintainability. This platform is the unified platform for ZTE’s next-generation network.

ZTE ETCA platform is widely applied in various NEs, including IMS, Mobile Softswitch,
HLR, etc, which helps to guarantee stability and reliability of the unified platform. ZTE
ETCA hardware platform has the following features:

 Open: it follows ATCA design specifications, PICMG3.0 R2.0 standards and IPMI
1.5 standards;

 Modular and slot design: the boards, power modules and fan plug-in shelf are
inserted in the unified ETCA shelf;

 Good expansibility: performance, I/O, storage ability expansion to realize smooth

system expansion;

 Save installation space, transmission resources, power consumption, reducing

equipment and maintenance cost effectively;

 Carrier-class availability: high expansibility, reliability and maintainability.

2.2 Interfaces

ZXUN DSC provides open and standard interfaces, supporting 3GPP R8, R9, R10, R11,
R12 etc, which is easy for smooth upgrade to the latest 3GPP Version.

ZXUN DSC system supports TDM,ATM HSL,IP transmission, TCP, SCTP and existing
NE interfaces and protocols, which is convenient for interworking with any existing

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

2.3 Intelligent Energy-saving and Pollutants-reduction

ZXUN DSC uses high-efficient energy-saving strategy, which is helpful for energy-saving
and pollutants reduction:

 ETCA shelf is configured with high-efficient power supply modules; the output
efficiency reaches 99.5%;

 Select advanced multi-core processing devices with low power consumption;

 Flash disk, with only 10% power consumption of traditional mechanical hard disk;

 The latest DDR3 memory technology reduces 30% power consumption of DDR2

 Realize board power-off function by cooperation between IPMI and shelf, which
effectively solves the energy wasting as a result of tidal effect;

 Automatic adjustment of fan speed according to shelf temperature, which effectively

reduces fan consumption;

 Unique high-density design saves equipment room space.

2.4 Smooth Upgrading and Expansion Ability

ZXUN DSC uses modular and distributed design, performs capacity configuration
according to customer requirements. When equipment needs expansion, it adds
corresponding board configuration without stopping services. When service needs
upgrading, it upgrades software or adds new boards without stopping services. It realizes
smooth expansion and upgrading without awareness, which helps to enhance user

2.5 Excellent Reliability

ZXUN DSC provides excellent reliability guarantee mechanism, avoids single-point fault,
and increases system reliability.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

 System reliability

 Distributed design, dual power supply, interface board 1+1 backup, and switch
board 1+1 backup;

 Automatic changeover of boards and interfaces, which guarantee non-stop

system running;

 The service processing module uses load sharing mode, when one node fails,
the load is automatically transferred to other nodes.

 Hardware reliability

 The hardware equipment reliability is verified after high-temperature aging

experiment, the whole production procedure is strictly controlled;

 The external interface of board uses protective design, which reduces

influences brought by external attack;

 Board power-up has self-detection function, which locates and localizes

problems timely;

 OMM provides hardware diagnosis and test ability;

 Boards support hot-swappable; the swapping is secured and reliable.

 Software reliability:

 Modular design, software engineering design concept and loose coupling

among modules reduce software failure;

 Support user operation system, independent process space, the single

process’s fault has no direct influence on other processes. The multi-level
protection of software and data has self-detection and automatic recovery

 Multi-level overload control and alarm mechanism further guarantees system

reliability: discard some services under high load, to prevent system from
high-load attack;

4 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

 Internal resources and data area has hang-up checking mechanism, to

guarantee no accumulated effect in long time running;

 Support lossless upgrading, data can be changed back quickly, when

upgrading is unsuccessful.

2.6 Manageability and Maintainability

ZXUN DSC has complete operation, management and maintenance system, with the
following features:

 B/S structure ensures system with good networking ability and expansibility;

 OMM server directly uses blade on the rack, which is convenient for deployment,
reduces cost and saves equipment room space;

 OMM client provides friendly interface with easy, convenient and reliable operations,
it also provides remote and near access modes, with both local and remote
operation and maintenance;

 High security with multi-level rights protection;

 Supports performance management, configuration management, fault management

dynamic management, signaling tracing etc. ZXUN DSC provides multiple correct
and reliable O&M ways, and adds corresponding functions according to actual
network running.

2.7 Abundant Service Functions

ZXUN DSC supports relay agent and proxy agent, supports dest-realm and application
ID based routing, origin_realm based routing, origin-host based routing, etc.

The system design meets the future communication development trend, and meets the
general structure requirements of mobile telecommunications systems such as LTE and
IMS as well as the requirements of various new services.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

The system provides services signaling screening, topology hiding, link selecting by
different algorithms, session persisting etc.

3 Functionality

3.1 Basic Function

3.1.1 DRA Application 4 Agent Roles

 Diameter Relay Agent

 Diameter Proxy Agent

 Diameter Redirect Agent

 Diameter Translation Agent 4 Application Scenarios

 Central Routing

Full-mesh network architectures are going to be unrealistic in the massive growth

environment now being experienced. Simplifying operational management is essential
for controlling cost. Central control of routing and congestion management is critical for
profitability and network reliability.

ZXUN DSC manages centrally Diameter routing based on any AVPs, which reduces the
cost and complexity of the Evolved Diameter Signaling Network and allows operators to
incrementally grow their network to support the increasing service and traffic demands.


As LTE and IMS networks proliferate, so does the need for roaming and interworking

6 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

between MNOs. In addition, critical requirements for security, accounting, and

interoperability must be considered.

The Diameter Signaling Controller provides Edge Routing capability that meets and
exceeds the basic functionality and provides configurable security, edge agent
functionality. The flexible realization can address perfectly the differences between


To allow multiple Diameter nodes to communicate with the correct PCRF for a given
IP-CAN session, such as a tablet requesting a video stream, 3GPP has specified a
specialized Diameter Agent – The Diameter Routing Agent (DRA). ZXUN DSC transfers
messages according to these 3GPP DRA requirements and enables Mobile Network
Operators to deploy multiple PCRFs to handle increased demand.

 Load Balancing

Peers can be placed into a peer group and diameter messages can be routed to peer
within the peer group according to the following configurable load balancing algorithms.

 Round Robin Algorithm - Messages are distributed evenly to the peers in a

sequential fashion;

 Weighted Round Robin Algorithm - Each peer has a weight which is a number
between 1 and 10. The larger the peer weight, the more traffic it receives;

 Session Persistence Algorithm - A hash value is calculated based on the session

information of the incoming message, for Diameter, it would be Session-ID. That
hash value is used to select a Peer;

 Master-Slave Algorithm-Messages are distributed always to the master peer, unless

it cannot work anymore, the messages are distributed to slave peer;

 Active Algorithm-In ZXUN DSC, there are many service process modules, each
module select the peer independently. By Active Algorithm, a service process
module always distributes the message to the peer, unless it cannot work anymore,
where the last message is distributed to.

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 7

ZXUN DSC Product Description Predefined Key AVP routing

ZXUN DSC provide flexible routing rules, it allows routing based upon:

 Application ID and Dest-Realm


 Command Type

 Origin-Realm,

 Origin-Host

 Dest-Host

3.1.2 STP Application Traditional Narrowband/High speed SS7

Traditional narrowband/High speed SS7 signaling is over TDM. The SS7 protocols
Figure 3-1 Narrowband SS7 Protocol Stack





 MTP1(Message Transfer Part Level 1)

MTP1 is the physical layer of SS7. It defines the physical, electrical and functional
characteristics of a signaling data link and the means to access it. The level 1
function provides a bearer for a signaling link. It supports 64 kbits/s channels,

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

N*64kbits/s channels and 2Mbits/s channels on E1, T1 interfaces.

 MTP2(Message Transfer Part Level 2)

MTP2 is data link layer of SS7. It defines the functions and procedures for and
relates to the transfer of signaling messages over one individual signaling data link.
MTP2 functions together with a MTP1 signaling data link as bearer, and provides a
signaling link for reliable transfer of signaling messages between two points.

 MTP3(Message Transfer Part Level 3)

MTP3 is the network layer of SS7. It defines those transport functions and
procedures that are common to and independent of the operation of individual
signaling links. These functions fall into two major categories:

a) Signaling message handling functions - transfer the message to the proper

signaling link or User Part.

b) Signaling network management functions - control the current message routing

and configuration of the signaling network facilities and in the case of signaling
network failures, control the reconfigurations and other actions to preserve or restore
the normal message transfer capability.

 SCCP(Signaling Connection Control Part)

SCCP is also the network layer of SS7. It provides additional functions to the
Message Transfer Part to provide connectionless and connection-oriented network
services to transfer circuit-related, and non-circuit-related signaling information. ATM HSL SS7 Signaling

The ATM HSL SS7 protocols include:

Figure 3-2 Wideband SS7 Protocol Stack





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ZXUN DSC Product Description


 ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

ATM provides functionality that is similar to both circuit switching and packet
switching networks: ATM uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing and encodes
data into small, fixed-sized packets (ISO-OSI frames) called cells.ATM HSL is over

 AAL5(ATM Adaptation Layer 5)

The AAL 5 was designed to accommodate the same variable bit rate,
connection-oriented asynchronous traffic or connectionless packet data, but without
the segment tracking and error correction requirements.

 SSCOP(Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol)

SSCOP provides the Connection Oriented Network Service as described in ITU-T

Recommendation X.213.

 SSCF(Service Specific Coordination Function)

SSCF maps the services provided by the SSCOP to the needs of a specific
higher layer user. In the case of the STP, the higher layer user is the MTP-3 protocol,
and the SSCF required is that as defined by T1.645: SSCF for Support of Signaling
at the Network Node Interface (SSCF at the NNI).


MTP3B is similar as MTP3 IP SIGTRAN Signaling

IP SIGTRAN signaling is over IP. The IP SIGTRAN signaling protocols supported

Figure 3-3 IP SIGTRAN Signaling Protocol Stack

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

 SCTP(Stream Control Transmission Protocol)

SCTP is a standard IP transmission protocol. It serves as the signaling bearer in IP

network. It enables signaling message to implement exchange, end-to-end
executive traffic control and error control functions on public IP-based packet
switching network. It satisfies the unique transmission demand of SCN signaling by
increasing its own functions: congestion control, high real time function,
multi-homing etc.

 M2PA(Message Transfer Part 2 - User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer)

M2PA operates in a manner similar to MTP2 so as to provide peer-to-peer

communication between SS7 endpoints. It provides an interface and services
similar as MTP2 to MTP3. In effect, MTP2 and lower layers of the traditional SS7
protocol stack are replaced by an IP equivalent. Thus, the MTP3 protocol can be
applied to the IP-based links completely.

 M2UA(Message Transfer Part 2 - User Adaptation Layer)

As M2UA realizes signaling gateway function, a message comes from No.7 network,
passes SG. The SG terminates the message up to MTP Level 2, adapts it to IP
signaling network through M2UA over SCTP, and deliver it to MGC, for example, in
IP network. The MGC terminates MTP Level 3 and above. In other words,
the SG transports MTP Level 3 messages over an IP network to a MGC.

 M3UA(Message Transfer Part 3 - User Adaptation Layer)

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

M3UA is used to support the transport of SS7 MTP3-User signaling (e.g., ISUP and
SCCP messages) over IP using the services of the SCTP. Also, provision is made
for protocol elements that enable a seamless operation of the MTP3-User peers in
the SS7 and IP domains.

 SUA(Signaling Connection Control Part - User Adaptation Layer)

SUA is optimized to carry transactional content signaling, replacing the SS7 stack up
to and including SCCP. SUA acts as a carrier for SCCP and TCAP payloads.
Although M3UA can also carry SCCP payloads, SUA eliminates more of the SS7
stack while making better use of IP-based routing. SG

 ZXUN DSC can convert the signaling message between TDM SS7 and IP SS7.

 ZXUN DSC can convert the IP signaling message between different UAs

 ZXUN DSC can convert the signaling message between TDM SS7 ITU and

3.1.3 Connectivity

ZXUN DSC supports the following connectivity features. TDM/IP/ATM SS7 and TCP/SCTP Diameter

Different vendors and different operational situations will yield different choices for
signaling connectivity. Rather than change a client network element to conform to a
certain kind of transport, ZXUN DSC can simply accommodate the transport preferences
of each node. ZXUN DSC can be configured to use either TDM or IP for SS7 and TCP or
SCTP for Diameter. So it can interwork seamlessly between nodes, minimizing
operational hassles. Service Interfaces

ZXUN DSC can route SS7/Diameter traffic for all interfaces including MAP interface (A, B,
C, D), ISUP, CAP, INAP, TUP, BICC and Diameter (such as S6a, S6d, Gx, Rx, Cx, Dx,
Rf, Ro, etc.) by being minimally vested in the details of any specific interfaces, making for

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

long term reliable operation.

3.2 Featured Service

3.2.1 DRA Application Any AVP routing

Besides predefined key AVP routing, ZXUN DSC allows routing based upon any
Diameter AVP. The ability to use any AVP as the basis for routing enables dynamic
adaption of new features or nodes without upgrade of DSC. Topology Hiding

In some cases, it is convenient to hide the true destination and topology of diameter
messages. This could be for security purposes or to allow for 1 destination to be handled
by several Diameter peers (the network shows 1 entity but in reality it is handled by a set
of Diameter peers). In these cases, the DSC is seen as the destination, but is, in reality,
load sharing the traffic between the configured servers.

Topology hiding is recognized as becoming increasing important. It protects information

that could be vital to external attacks and fishing, and it limits the scope of potential
problems, reduces testing requirements, and reduces operational costs. SLF

ZXUN DSC provides the Subscription Locator Function (SLF) to implement address
resolution and route function based on user ID----PUI. By SLF function, ZXUN DSC can
query the SLF directory server, which is built in ZXUN USPP subscriber database, to get
the exact HSS of a subscriber in order to transmit the message to the right HSS.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

3.2.2 STP Application MTP Screening

ZXUN DSC supports MTP screening. The screening conditions can be set according
to the originating signaling point code, destination signaling point code, incoming
signaling link group, outgoing signaling link group, and service indicator. The
messages meeting the screening conditions will be discarded. SCCP Screening

ZXUN DSC supports SCCP screening. The SCCP screening function is used to filter
message in SCCP layer. The screening conditions can be customized. SCCP
module judges the received messages based on the screening conditions and
discards those meeting the conditions. Multi-Signaling Point

This feature provides multi-signaling point function of No.7 signaling network, it

means one signaling node can have multiple signaling points and it uses both
signaling point code and logical network to identify one No.7 signaling node.

By this feature, ZXUN DSC can be connected to multiple No.7 signaling networks,
which provides flexible networking scheme for operators. Meanwhile, operators may
increase signaling transfer ability between different signaling points through the
multi-signaling point function.

Multi-signaling point functions are shown as below:

 ZXUN DSC can interconnect with neighbor offices that have the same network
type but different signaling point codes.

 ZXUN DSC can interconnect with neighbor offices that have different network
types but the same signaling point code.

 ZXUN DSC can interconnect with neighbor offices that have different network
types and different signaling point codes.

 ZXUN DSC can implement GT translation to more than one office, and load
shares between these offices.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description Enhanced MTP/M3UA Route

This Feature Extends the MTP3/M3UA routing capability. It routes of signaling

messages according to various rules. It enhances the carrier's signaling networking

Enhanced MTP3/M3UA route function supports the following routing capability in

MTP3/M3UA layer:

 Support route MTP3/M3UA message to other net

User can customize the conversion rules. After receiving the incoming messages,
based on the DPC + NET to check whether there is a corresponding conversion rule.
If there is, according to this rule modification NET, and then routing the message out.

For messages routed to ZXUN DSC, but no upper layer user exists, ZXUN DSC
also checks if there is net conversion rules, if there is, routing the message out
according to this rule modification NET.

 Enhanced M3UA route

ZXUN DSC supports to route M3UA messages by special parameters such as OPC,

 Enhanced MTP/M3UA load share

For TUP/ISUP messages, ZXUN DSC supports to select a bit from middle or higher
bit of CIC as low bit of SLS, thus generates a five bits SLS. Use this five bit sls to
route the message. The outgoing SLS value remains unchanged.

For other messages, ZXUN DSC supports to configure a bit value on the OPC+NET
direction, together with four bits SLS in the message, to generate a five bits SLS.
Use this five bit sls to route the message. The outgoing SLS value remains

 Select Outgoing Linkset based on Incoming Linkset

For MTP3 or M3UA message routing, ZXUN DSCg supports to select outgoing
linkset based on incoming linkset. The linkset mapping rule is configured by user.

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 15

ZXUN DSC Product Description Enhanced SCCP Route

This Feature enhances the SCCP routing capability. It routes signaling messages
according to various rules. It enhances the carrier's signaling networking capability.

Enhanced SCCP route function supports the following routing capability in SCCP

 Route based on TID

SCCP Global-Title-route shall load-share messages among multiple destinations.

For every destination there may have 16 signaling links. To ensure the order of the
messages, and meanwhile realize load sharing, ZXUN DSC supports routing based
on the TID for UDT class 1 messages in SCCP layer.

ZXUN DSC can decode the message and get TCAP transaction ID, then use this ID
to select GTT destination and link. After that replaces the SLS in original message.

 Enhanced GTT Route

ZXUN DSC supports to route SCCP messages based on special routing rules. On
ZXUN DSC, the following special SCCP route condition is supported:

Based on incoming linkset

Based on OPC+NET

Based on TCAP message type

Based on MAP OP code, MAP AC name

Based on Calling GT and/or Called GT

The conditions above can be combined to realize more flexible message routing.

In general, the GT translation result is the destination of the message, ZXUN DSC
supports a special result: message-discarding.

In addition, ZXUN DSC supports Change GT after GTT. Calling GT and/or called GT
can be changed to a new GT or DPC+SSN after calling and/or called GTT.

 Other Route Rules

 Based on SSN+SPC in Called Address

 Based on SSN+SPC in Calling Address.

16 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description Enhanced Signaling Trace

Enhanced signaling tracing features is helpful to locate the problems of signaling


ZXUN DSC supports the following enhanced signaling trace:

 Enhanced MTP3 trace

 Enhanced M3UA trace

 Enhanced SCCP trace

By using Enhanced signaling trace, ZXUN DSC supports to trace signaling

messages by combination of many conditions.

4 System Architecture

4.1 Product Physical Structure

4.1.1 Non-virtualization Hardware Structure

The equipment cabinet is shown in the following figure.

The rack adopts 19-inch cabinet with 47U maximum internal space, in which the power
distribution shelf, fan, E4140 shelf, air deflector and dustproof shelf, are required to be
installed. The cabinet internal appearance and layout with E4140 shelf, switch, disk array
and KVM are shown in Figure 4-1.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

Figure 4-1 Rack Appearance

3U 3U
power distribution power distribution
1U 1U
arrangement of wire arrangement of wire

14U 14U
E4140 E4140

44U 14U
Disk array,switch,KVM

14U 14U
E4140 E4140

1U Vacant 1U Vacant

ETCA platform includes shelf series and abundant board collection. ZXUN DSC adopts
E4140 shelf and DPB/SLB series blade servers which are fully compatible with PICMG
3.0 standard and are standard ATCA implementation.

An E4140 shelf has 14 slots, supports 12 blade servers, and 2 switch blades. Each blade
server is powerful as IBM/SUN server. But the power consumption is less than 50%
compared with traditional server.

Figure 4-2 Hardware Architecture of E4140

SWB: Switching Blade

DPB: Data Process Blade

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

SLB: Signaling Link Blade

4.2 System logical structure

ZXUN DSC system logical structure is shown in the following figure.
Figure 4-3 ZXUN DSC System Logical Structure

Fulfills Diameter, SS7 Signaling and Service processing, DB processing、
OAM processing, Provisioning processing

Switch Module SWB provides switch processing of control plane data.

Fulfills TDM E1/T1 links and ATM HSL links.

4.3 Feature Distribution

ZXUN DSC’s main features is distributed among its logical module as shown

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

Figure 4-4 ZXUN DSC Feature Distribution

4.4 Software Structure

ZXUN DSC software system is designed on the basis of ETCA multi-channel, multi-core
blade server, and with more instances.

ZXUN DSC software has modularized structure and fault separation and error tolerance
capability, and the functions, such as self-adaption, self-study, and self-recovery.
Besides, it can identify whether the boards are in place, and provide intelligent alarm,
fault detection and recovery, to ensure system security and reliability.

The software system of ZXUN DSC consists of eight sub-systems:

 OS(Non-virtualization)

 Telecom Universal Integrated Platform (TULIP)

 System Control Subsystem (SCS)

 Database Subsystem (DBS)

 Bear Subsystem (BRS)

20 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

 Multicore and MicroCode Media Carring Subsystem (MCS)

 Diverse Signaling Conductor Subsystem (DSC)

 Operation & Maintenance Subsystem (OMM/OAM)

Figure 4-5 and 4-6 shows the relationship among and hierarchical structure of these
software subsystems.

Figure 4-5 Overall Hierarchy of the ZXUN DSC Software(non_virtulization)



HW(Computing /Storage /Network)

Figure 4-6 Overall Hierarchy of the ZXUN DSC Software(virtulization)


Host OS

HW(Computing /Storage /Network)

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

4.4.1 OS(Non-virtualization)

CGEL Operation System based on Linux.

4.4.2 TULIP Platform

The TULIP platform is a unified carrier-class software platform. It masks differences of

commercialized operating systems, and provides the upper-layer application with a
unified programming environment and mode, fulfilling the requirements of the application
layer for flexible and fast development. It is responsible for processing of scheduling,
communication, timers, memory management, file management and multi-core

4.4.3 SCS subsystem

The SCS subsystem provides the management control functions such as system control,
supervision, and version loading.

4.4.4 DBS subsystem

The DBS subsystem provides the functions of configuring services and protocols, as well
as storage of configuration date. It also offers data access/storage interfaces to other
subsystems. In addition, it is responsible for storage and management of the session

4.4.5 BRS subsystem

BRS subsystem, as the built-in router software, provides the functions of IP bearer
protocol processing and IP routing management. It also implements IP switching and
management for the system.

4.4.6 MCS subsystem

The MCS subsystem is the extension of the BRS subsystem with identical functions of
the bearer subsystem. It works on the mini-engine of the network processor. It provides
interfaces for the BRS subsystem.

22 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

4.4.7 DSC subsystem

The service processing subsystem implements all kinds of services provided by the
ZXUN DSC. It works over the operating system, Database subsystem and bearer

4.4.8 OMM/OAM subsystem

The OMM/OAM subsystem works on the operating system, TULIP platform. Through the
NM subsystem, the O&M staff of the ZXUN DSC can perform configuration, analysis,
and diagnostic test on the equipment running in the network, and obtain the alarm and
statistic data of the equipment. It is divided into two parts: the foreground part and
background part. The foreground part is a part of the embedded system running on the
boards, while the background part runs on a high-performance server. The
foreground/background communication is over the TCP (UDP)/IP/Ethernet

4.4.9 Guest OS(virtualization)

CGEL Operation System based on Linux.

4.4.10 Hypervisor (virtualization)

ZXUN DSC supports KVM, XEN, VMware, vSphare etc

4.4.11 Host OS (virtualization)

Normal Linux Operation System,etc

5 Performance
The performance index of ZXUN DSC is listed in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 ZXUN DSC Performance Index

Parameter Specific Indices

Diameter TPS capacity 1920K TPS

Simultaneous Binding Sessions capacity 56M

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

Max Number of Diameter Peer 8192

Max MSU capacity 6440K MSU/S
Max SS7 64k links 5000
Max SS7 2M links 1000
SS7 GT capacity 200000/S
Max Multi-signaling point coding 256
Max Number of SS7 Office 2048
Max Number of SCTP 15000

TPS:Transaction per sec

MPS:Message per sec


Figure 5-1 TPS Specification

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

6 Technical Specifications

6.1 Technical Specifications (Non-virtualization)

6.1.1 Indices Mechanical Dimension

Rack dimension is 2200 mm*600 mm*800 mm (Height * Width * Depth).

The internal height is 47U and the internal width is 19 inches.

Dimension of the ETCA Shelf: 619.5mm (14U) * 482.6mm (19 inch) * 415mm (Height *
Width * Depth). Weight

Rack weight < 450 kg.

Ground weight bearing: > 1000 kg/m Color

The main body of the rack is blue and both sides of the door plate are made of bright
silver materials.

6.1.2 Power Power Range

The power range required by ZXUN DSC is listed in Table 6-1.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

Table 6-1 Rated voltage and voltage range of ZXUN DSC

Rated Voltage(DC) -48V or -60V

Voltage Range(DC) -57V~-40V or -72V~-50V Power Consumption

The maximum power consumption of ZXUN DSC E4140 shelf is less than 2500W.

The maximum power consumption of 4 E4140 shelves ZXUN DSC of full configuration is
less than 11KW.

6.1.3 Working Environment Grounding Requirements

There are three kinds of grounding wires:

 –48VGND



GNDP and GND are connected with the frame through mechanical parts inside the rack,
and with the busbar and DC stake. –48VGND is supplied through the primary power
supply, and it is not connected with GNDP, GND and the rack within the rack. Temperature and Humidity

The temperature and humidity required by ZXUN DSC are listed in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 ZXUN DSC Temperature and Humidity Requirement

Equipment Temperature Relative Humidity

Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term

working working working working
condition condition condition condition

26 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

ZXUN DSC 5℃~40℃ -5℃~50℃ 5%~85% 5%~90%

Note 1: The temperature and humidity of the operating environment inside the equipment
room are measured at the spot that is 1.5 m above the floor and 0.4 m before the
equipment when there is no protective plate in front or back of the equipment rack;

Note 2: The short-term working condition means that the continuous operation period is
no more than 96 hours and the accumulated operation periods in a year are no more
than 15 days. Requirements for Cleanness

The concentration of dust particles with the diameter greater than 5µm should be equal
4 3
to 3 x 10 particle/m . Air Pollution Requirements

There should be no explosive, conductive, magneto conductive and corrosive dust, as

well as gases that can corrode metal and destroy insulation.

6.1.4 Interface Type

The standards used and the cable types supported by ZXUN DSC interfaces are listed in
Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Standards Used and the Cable Types Supported by ZXUN DSC Interface

Interface Type Physical Standard Cable Type

E1 Co-axial cable
No.7 signaling interface
ATM over E1 Co-axial cable

Synchronous clock interface E1 Co-axial cable

SIGTRAN signaling interface 100M/1000Mbps Enhanced Category-5

Ethernet twisted pair

NM interface 100M/1000Mbps Enhanced Category-5

Ethernet twisted pair

Diameter interface 100M/1000Mbps Enhanced Category-5

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

Ethernet twisted pair

6.1.5 Clock Indices

The clock indices of ZXUN DSC are listed in Table 6-4:

Table 6-4 ZXUN DSC Clock Index

Parameter Specific Indices

Clock Level Level-2 clock Category B

Lowest clock accuracy ±4 x 10
Pull-in range ±4 x 10
Maximum frequency deviation 10 /day
Initial maximum frequency deviation 5 x 10

Clock working mode Fast capture, track, hold-over and free-run

6.1.6 Reliability

ZXUN DSC reliability index is listed in Table 6-5.

Table 6-5 ZXUN DSC Reliability Index

Parameter Specific Indices

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) 134 years

Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) <1 hour.

System Availability (A) >99.99991%

System Annual Average Interruption Time <0.5 min.

6.2 Technical Specifications (virtualization)

Depends on virtualization platform.

28 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

7 Operation and Maintenance

7.1 System Structure

ZXUN DSC is a distributed system. Operation and Maintenance System provides

centralized management and local management.

Figure 7-1 O&M Architecture of ZXUN DSC

ZXUN DSC supports NBI (Northbound Interface) including MML, CORBA, SNMP, DB
and FTP, and includes following O&M subsystems:

 NetNumen

 Realizes centralized management of configuration, statistics and system


 Supports dispatching both configuration data synchronization request and

signaling tracing request to LMTs.

 local OMM Terminal (LMT)

 Deployed in every site and under the control and management of NetNumen.

 Independent to each other and manages local resources only.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

 Supports configuration management, security management, performance

management, alarm management, and log management of local site.

 Supports reporting to NetNumen the results of configuration data

synchronization, performance statistics and signaling tracing and alarm

There is a loose coupled interface between NetNumen and LMT, and NetNumen and
LMT can upgrade independently.

7.2 System Function

ZXUN DSC O&M consists of front end module, server module and client module, the
software structure of which abides by TMN.

ZXUN DSC O&M provides configuration management, alarm management, performance

management, diagnosis test, signaling tracing and authority management functions.

7.2.1 Configuration Management

The configuration management system provides user-friendly interfaces for the

configuration and management of network resources. The configuration management
system provides centralized configuration and management of the different kinds of NEs
such as configuration and management of physical equipment, exchanging and signaling.
It also provides tools for data transmission, data backup and recovery, system initial

7.2.2 Alarming Management

Alarming management supports current alarm management and history alarm

management. Current alarm management shows the information of equipment alarm,
telecommunication alarm, service alarm and processor alarm and support audible and
visual alarm. The detail information of alarm contains device, type, level, time, reason
and additional information.

30 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXUN DSC Product Description

7.2.3 Performance Management

The performance management system collects statistical data about performance

parameters and traffic data of the mobile system, and generates reports for operator to
manage and optimize the network.

The performance measurement covers a wide scope, ranging from traffic performances,
service quality measurement, network configuration verification, availability
measurement, throughput measurement and switching function measurement.

7.2.4 Fault Management

The diagnosis test, a part of fault management, provides scheduled test and real-time
test on the CS domain and PS domain devices of the core network for ensuring normal
and stable operation of the entire system.

 Scheduled test is executed automatically and periodically to test the physical

devices and communication links, and if some test fails, ZXUN DSC notifies
operator to check and repair the system before fault occurs.

 In case of any fault, by executing a real-time test, operator can find the fault cause
and locating the faulty device quickly and fix the fault as soon as possible. This can
also be used by operator to judge whether the equipment functions properly even
when the entire system runs normal.

ZXUN DSC adopts a modular and fully distributed control structure. Each module
consists of a series of basic units. The diagnosis test functions are divided into
intra-module test and inter-module test to meet this architecture:

 The intra-module test is used to test the functions of the component units of the
module, links between the units and MPs, speech channels between units and
switching networks.

 The inter-module test is used to test the communication and speech channels of the
adjacent modules.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

7.2.5 Signaling Tracing

Signaling tracing system supports tracing the signaling data of a specified signaling link
or of a specified interface. By tracing and display detailed signaling message of service
interaction, such as CCR and CCA, Signaling tracing system provides a convenient
means of troubleshooting.

Signaling tracing system support following functions:

 Signaling message tracing, such as SCTP, Diameter;

 Filter signaling message based on certain criteria such as user identity, message
type etc.

 Display and store signaling message.

7.2.6 Security Management

Security management system provides mechanisms that control how ZXUN DSC is
managed and accessed securely, these mechanisms includes:

 User management: Such as create or delete user, user password maintenance etc.

 Privilege management: A privilege is a right to perform particular type of

management task, and privilege management grants or revokes some privileges to
or from user. ZXUN DSC provides authority group for easy privilege management.
Authority group is a named group of related privileges which can be grant to users.
ZXUN DSC provides some built-in authority group to ease the management and
extra authority groups can be created by administrator.

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

8 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Full Characteristics
3GPP rd
3 Generation Partnership Project
ATCA Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CDMA2000 Code Division Multiple Access 2000
CS Circuit Switch
DPB Data Process Board
ETCA Enhanced Telecom Computing Architecture
FE Fast Ethernet
GE Giga Bit Ethernet
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GUI Graphic User Interface
HLR Home Location Register
HSS Home Subscriber Server
IP Internet Protocol
LTE Long-Term Evolution
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
NE Network Element
NM Network Management
NMS Network Management System
O&M Operation & Maintenance
OMC Operation & Maintenance Center
OMM Operation Management Maintenance
OPEX Operation Expenditure
PCRF Policy and Charging Rules Function
PGW Provisioning Gateway

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ZXUN DSC Product Description

PICMIG PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers

PS Packet Switch Network
R5 WCDMA Release 5
R6 WCDMA Release 6
R7 WCDMA Release 7
R&D Research & Development
SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol
Sigtran Signaling Transport
SWB Switching Board
TD-SCDMA Time Division-Synchronous Code Division
Multiple Access
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

34 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

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