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Teacher Morale Questions
1. I work enthusiastically
2. I work with a good spirit in this institution
3. I feel satisfied with my work at the end of the day
4. I am proud of working in this institution
5. The teachers seldom gets due respect and dignity in/from the community
6. The principle gives me opportunities to develop my individual abilities
7. I wish to introduce same innovative strategies in my day to day teaching
8. I wish to same innovative strategies in each units of the lessons
9. I find that the teaching load is rather heavy
10. The school management fulfills all its promises
11. I feel that the teaching profession is unpleasant
12. In this school there is good cooperation from all
13. I always try / strive hard to reach to the top in my profession
To me even though salary is important I feel preparing students achievement is
more important
15. On entering the school premises I keep away my personal problems
16. I try to keep myself away from students personal problems
17. The institution gives importance to work but not to teachers
18. I feel my profession to be quite interesting
I feel some of the teachers / management has mistaken teaching profession from a
service to a business
The teachers who provide good results in board exams have a great score/
reputation in our school
21. Ideals of an institution always goals remain an papers only
22. I am strict as far as discipline in concerned
23. I don’t encourage interferences of the parents in my activities
24. I have full confidence that whatever I teach I shall teach to my best
25. Sometimes I feel very hard to adjust myself to the principals’ temperament
Our administration (rarely) give due consideration to our suggestions regarding
students welfare/ academics
I am very much intimated towards my school (atmosphere) and so wish to
continuo my career here
28. In our school we always tolerate each other’s short comings
29. I teach/help the students after school hours to solve their individual difficulties
30. Some parents never meet us whenever an intimation is sent to them
31. I like to teach the students – oriented courses
Adequate teaching aids/equipment are always available in this school for carrying
out my work
33. I consider the teaching profession as the best for upliftment of the society
34. The principal always / rarely/ never interfere in our teaching work
35. The salary we are paid is not enough considering the efforts we put in
36. I lose confidence in my work an account of the rigid attitudes of the management
I feel/worry for few students in the class doesn’t permit /allow me to do my job to
my satisfaction
38. Every teacher tries to accomplish the goals of the institution
My principal expects/force me to attend a seminar or workshop even during
40. I am able to maintain the status of my liking in this profession
Great care is taken in this school for professional progress/development of
I like to be friendly with all teachers but don’t indulge in the groupism , due to my
interest in teaching I never feel tired /bored
without considering /our suggestions/ ideas the changes are affected in this school
by the management
The parents always complain teachers an account of their students’ performance/
achievements in examinations
45. I rarely/ seldom seek help from colleagues in dealing with students discipline
46. There appears to be differences of opinion between our principal and teachers
47. Parents do not complain of punishments inflicted upon the students
Students in this school do not much complaint if discipline is strictly imposed on
I am unable to perform my duties because of the inflexible nature of the
organizational set up
50. Teachers ability is always recognized in our school
51. Everyone abides by the rules and regulations of the school
52. I am ( rarely / not given) responsibility according/ that suits to my abilities
On account of a good environment in this school I feel that there is liberty to do
whatever work is decided to be done
54. Our school campus is kept clean and attractive
55. Our principal never let down any teachers in front of others
56. We teachers are prepared to add new/extra relevant ideas into curriculum practice
57. I can early adjust myself to any organizational set up
Though there arises of differences of opinion among teachers we work in team
spirit for the goodness/welfare of students
The work of (individual) faculty members is appreciated/acknowledged and
commented by our principal
Teachers feel free /are able/ to criticize administration policy at faculty meetings
called by our principal.
61. Our principal makes a real effort to maintain close contact with us
62. Teachers are expected to do clerical work
63. I am satisfied with the policies under which pay rises are granted
64. My teaching load is greater than of most of the other teachers is our school
Our principals’ leadership in faculty meetings challenge and stimulates are
professional growth
66. My teaching position gives me the social status in the community
67. My school provides me with adequate classroom supplies and equipment
There is a great deal of griping, angling, taking sides and feuding among our
The teachers in our school cooperate with each other to achieve common, personal
and professional objectives
70. Teaching enables me to make my greatest contribution to the society
71. The curriculum for board exams are in need of major
72. Experienced faculty members accept new and young members as colleagues
I would recommend teaching as an occupational to students of high scholastic
74. My principal makes my work easier and more pleasant
Within the limits of financial resources, the school tries to follow a generous policy
regarding fringe benefits, professional travel, professional study etc.
76. Keeping up professionally is too much of a burden
77. Salary policies are administered with fairness and justice
78. Teaching affords me the security I want in an occupation
79. My school principal understands and recognizes good teaching procedures
80. The communication between teachers and the principal are well maintained
81. Our principal promotes a sense of belonging among the teachers in our school
82. My teaching load undulay restricts my non-professional activities
83. I find my contact with students’’ for the most part highly satisfying
84. I feel that I am an important part of this school system
The competency of the teachers in our school when compared is favorable with that
of teachers in other schools with which I am familiar
My school provides the teachers with adequate audio-visual aids and projector
87. I feel successful and competent in my present position
88. I enjoy working with student organization, literary associations and clubs
89. Our teaching staff is congenial to work with
90. My teaching associates are well prepared for their jobs
91. Our school faculty has a tendency to form into cliques
92. As far as I know the other teachers think I am a good teacher
93. Library facilities and resources are adequate for the subject area which I teach
94. The “stress and strains resulting from teaching makes teaching undesirable for me
My principal is concerned with the problems of the faculty and handles these
problems sympathetically
96. I do not hesitate to discuss any school problem with my principal
97. The salary scheduled in our school adequately recognizes teacher competency
Teachers meetings conducted by our principal is of waste of time and energy of the
99. The principal runs the staff meetings like a conference (Business)
The principal is very free to ensure that/whether teachers work to their full
Staff meetings are frequently arranged to gain reports of academic performance of
102. Teachers / I / try to show a great deal of initiative and creativity in the teaching
103. I try out a variety of methods to reward students achievement
104. I consume all my casual leaves
105. I always update my knowledge about innovations in my subject
106. I always do my work to the best of my ability
107. I work after school hours for benefit of slow learners
108. I feel I work for my institution with full commitment and honesty
109. It is very difficult to try out innovative methods in a large classroom
110. I change the ambience of the classroom with colorful and useful charts
111. I work hard to make my class a joyful experience for my students
112. I generate new ideas in order to meet the learners need
113. I speak to others of how the institution makes the teachers work for long hours
114. I help the institution with an ulterior motive in mind
I am very much interested in trying / implementing new and innovative teaching
116. I look at the success of my students as my success
117. I always keep in mind institutional goals before carrying any school activities
118. I complete/do the work entrusted to me with sincere dedication
Have not understood I continue to teach the next lesson even if the students not
understand the previous lessons
120. I try to stimulate the intellectual curiosity of my students during the classes
121. I go to school neatly/well dresses and smart
122. I do contribute in the meetings of professionals and scholarly societies
123. I am systematic in my preparation of lessons
124. Teachers after some years of teaching become disinterested in their profession
125. Teachers should provide a Pleasant conducive learning environment
126. Teachers should be confidence and enthusiastic
127. I never talk –discuss about the short comings of the institution any where
128. Positive approach
129. Satisfaction in job, salary and status
130. Parental support
131. Organizational support
132. Work place condition favorable
133. Self-esteem improved
134. Student achievement
Interested, enthusiasm, recognition, decision making, teachers’ praise instructional
136. Doing work for which I am prepared and is which I am interest
137. Adequacy of equipment and supplies
138. Considerations and courtesy by superiors
139. Freedom to go to superiors for counseling
140. Community recognize of my work
141. Administrative cooperation and assistance
142. Job security
143. Friendly attitudes of fellow teachers

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