Biochem CH 36 Key Terms

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Template strand Strand copied into RNA

3’ to 5’ direction Information is read in this direction

Coding strand Strand that corresponds exactly to sequence of primary transcript

DNA Dependent RNA Enzyme responsible for addition of ribonucleotides into a sequence
polymerase complementary to the template strand
Primary transcript RNA product synthesized in a 5’ to 3’ direction
7 methyl guanosine Involved in processing of primary transcript to mRNA and for translation of
triphosphate (GTP) mRNA, mainly protects mRNA against nucleolytic attack
Alpha – amanitin from Specific differential inhibitor of eukaryotic nuclear DNA dependent RNA
Amanita phalloides polymerase , blocks translocation of RNA polymerase during transcription
Rho factor protein that recognizes the signal for termination, ATP dependent RNA
stimulated helicase that disrupts the nascent RNA DNA complex
Promoters Specific regions of DNA to which there is high affinity of RNAP binding
TATA box or TATAAAAG Six nucleotide pair A+T rich sequence, ease dissociation of 2 DNA strands for
RNA polymerase bound to promoter region can have access to nucleotide
sequence of downstream template strand
Open complex Combination of RNA polymerase + promoter

Transcription start site 5’ nucleotide of mRNA, designated as position +1

+/- numbering system Provides conventional way of defining the location of regulatory elements in a
Enhancers or suppressors Sequence elements that increase or decrease the rate of transcription, exert
(silencers) effects even when located thousands of bases away from transcription units.
RNA endonuclease Cleaves primary transcript at a position about 15 bases from 3’ end with
AAUAAA sequence Serves in eukaryotic transcripts as a cleavage signal

C- Terminal domain (CTD) Special structure on C terminus of largest sub unit of RNA polymerase II,
bases of mRNA 3’ end formation
Eukaryotic transcription As many as 50 unique proteins, provides accurate and regulatable
complex transcription of eukaryotic genes.
General transcription Used to differentiate between promoter and non promoter sequences,
factors (GTF) facilitated promoter specific binding of enzyme and PIC formation
Coactivators or Work in conjunction with DNA binding trans activator proteins , regulate rate of
coregulators transcription initiation
Minor groove of DNA Where TBP binds with TATA box to cause 100 degrees kink of DNA helix
Major groove Where most transcription factors bind

Kinking of DNA helix Allows binding of other proteins initiate transcription,

GC and CAAT boxes DNA elements paired with specific protein (GC with Sp1 and CAAT with CTF)
for frequency of transcription initiation
Promoter and promoter- Confer fidelity and frequency of initiation upon a gene
proximal cisactive
upstream elements
Hormone response For steroids, T3, retinoic acid, peptides
elements (HRE)
Activation of PIC stepwise assembly
Recruitment Hypothesis Role of activators and coactivators is to recruit preformed holoenzyme-GTF
complex to promoter
Poly(A) polymerase Enzyme that adds a poly A tail that is subsequently extended to as many as
200 A residues
Poly (A) tail Protects the 3’ end of mRNA from exonuclease attack and facilitates
Pol II 12 sub units, heptad repeats with sequence (Tyr-Ser-Pro-Thr-Ser-Pro-Ser) at
carboxyl terminal of largest subunit
Ribosomal RNA Most abundant RNA (80%)
Nucleus Site of mRNA processing
Nucleoli rRNa genes are located
Splicing Gives the ability to adapt by removing introns and joining exons
Spliceosome Converts primary transcript into mRNA, consists of the five snRNAs (U1, 2, 4,
5, 6) and more than 60 proteins
sNRP complex (small Position RNA segments for necessary splicing reactions
nucleoprotein) SNURP
Beta - Thalassemia A disease caused by faulty gene splicing, involves the haemoglobin molecule

Exons RNA sequences that appear in mature RNAs , protein coding genes

Introns Intervening sequences, cleaved out of transcript, interrupts exons

Processing of mRNA Site for regulation of gene expression

Pri-miRNAs miRNA transcribed by RNA pol II into primary transcripts

Drosha – DGCR8 Maintains the extensive secondary structure of pri-mRNA following processing

RNA-induced silencing Composed of 1 or 4 Argonaute proteins

complex (RISC)
Argonaute proteins Form mature, functional 21-22 nt single stranded miRNA

RNA editing Method to change coding information at mRNA level

Ribozymes RNA molecule with catalytic activity, NOT A PROTEIN but acts as an
ENZYME, trans esterification reactions, RNA metabolism
tRNAs (transfer RNAs) Contain modifications of standard bases A,U,G, and C
CHARACTERISTIC (CCA) attached at 3’ end
siRNA Silence RNA, mRNA inactivation

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