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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data
1. Nama : Baiq Sefti Hariani
2. Tempat taggal lahir : Jerowaru, 27 of September 1993
3. Jenis kelamin : Female
4. Agama : Islam
5. Pendidikan terakhir : Social Economic Education In State Institute For
Islamic Studies (IAIN) Mataram
6. Address : Jerowaru Daye, Desa Jerowaru, Kec. Jerowaru,
Kab. Lombok Timur
7. No. Mobile : 082 339 621 756

Formal Education
1. 1999-2005: SDN 3 Jerowaru
2. 2005-2008: MTs. Darul Aitam Jerowaru
3. 2008-2011: MA. Darul Aitam Jerowaru

Organizational Experience
1. 10th October 2012 member of English Study Club (ESC) State Institute For
Islamic Studies (IAIN) Mataram.
2. 2012-2015 member of Koperasi Mahasiswa (KOPMA) State Institute For Islamic
Studies (IAIN) Mataram.
3. 2013 member of Komunitas Mahasiswa Tehnologi (KOMIT) State Institute For
Islamic Studies (IAIN) Mataram.

Work Experience
1. 2013-2016 I have been privat teacher.
2. 2014-2016 marketig pruduct dress from Ummi Farrah.
3. 2014-2015 I have been Co-Asst for training Komputer Akuntansi and Akuntansi
Koperasi expecialy for MAYOB application at Dr. Ponkey Arie Wijaya, MM. In
State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Mataram.
4. Mach-May 2016 I have been Assiten Tutor (ASTOR) in Cake English Coursess
kampung Pare Punia-Mataram.

Similary, the resume I created with truth and truth can be accounted for.

(Baiq Sefti Hariani)


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