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Project Summary

Project Title Human Simu Lab

Sector Medical Science

Organization Al-Azhar University of Gaza

Project Location Al-Azhar University Building in Gaza

Beneficiaries Direct:
 600 students annually who are in different levels of study.
 stuff member of faculty of medicine
 patients at the training course at hospitals .
Duration 14-17 weeks “From start to End “

Estimated Budget $

 Simu lab is a basic need in modern practice of medicine, it will provide the
students at their basic and clinical life with the excellent experience for
mastering the different procedure in human body.

 Those different procedure will be easily applied to real patient after that , as
the students will be familiar with the techniques that applied to the different
models which has the real feeling and sensation in comparing to human body .

 In addition to being familiar with the human anatomy , they will be accepted by
the patients to administer different kinds of medical instruments as the real
patients will not be the first experience by the students which in turn decrease
the different complications of those instruments and also maximize the
benefits of this medical instruments ,
2.Specific Objectives (outcomes)

1. To guarantee that our students will have the experience in practicing

medicine on human as they have doing the procedure before on models.

2. To decrease complications for the patients related to errors in practicing

on the instruments without being familiar with their use.

3. Building a training course for the faculty stuff who will be the facilitators
for the Simu Lab.

4. Provide the students with the knowledge and practice of using the
advanced laparoscopic and endoscopic interventional therapy in the
modern era of medicine.

5. Many procedure in medical life would be embarrassing for the patients,

so the students will be familiar with them on Simu Lab before be a part in
clinical application in their practical life.

6. Many procedures will not be seen enough during rotations on different

parts of hospitals. So our students will have the ability to knowing and
practicing them on Simu lab.

1. Direct :

 Each year, faculty of medicine -Al-Azhar University branch will have about 100-
120 new students. So, now a days have almost 500 students , and five years
later , it will have approximately 1000 students , those students will be the
direct beneficiaries of the Simu Lab as it will provide them for :

1. Familiarity with the real anatomy of the human body

2. Experience in administrating different kind of medications.

3. Experience in suturing different kinds of wound .

4. Experience in inserting different kinds of lines “ Intravenous ,

intraosseous ……..etc”

5. Experience in inserting Foley catheter , doing lumber puncture , chest

tube , thoracentesis , peri cardiocentesis, ………etc.

6. Experience in emergency situations as the Simu Lab will provide models

for cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitations “C.P.R”

7. Experience in different stages of pregnancy , and how to deliver a baby

vaginally without complications.

8. Be familiar with osteomy care for patients after some surgeries which
result in removal of some parts of bowels.

9. Be familiar with examination of ear and how to detect different

pathology which aid in management.
10.Experience in care of maternal health during pregnancy and labor and
post partum period by :

 How to detect fetal heart.

 How to asses the mother by leopoid maneuver.
 How to deliver a baby vaginally.
 How to make episiotomy and care for it after that and how to
repair it .
 How to check for remnant parts of pregnancy and how to deal with
them .
 Be familiar with post partum period , how to examine the uterus
and how to do per-vaginal exam.

2. Indirect:
1- Patients at training centers :

a. Some procedures will be painful . so it will be not accepted by

them to be applied by one who do it for the first time . so, if the
student be familiar, he will do it easily .
b. Some procedures could make life long complications if being
inserted in wrong way by any one who has no experience.
c. Some procedures , especially at obstetric world will not be
accepted to do by a trainer student , so the student will be
provided with the excellent experience to do this procedures
correctly for the first time on human lady.

2- Faculty Stuff :

a. Be familiar with the procedure to aid in the learning process of

the students.
b. Be able to illustrate the models with high similarities to human
c. All of the previous after taking training course in how to use
those models.

1. This lab will play a major role in development of practicing medicine in

the most right way which aim to decrease complications to lowest level
as possible.

2. It also play a dramatic improvement to solve many problems tht the

students will face at different training centers:
 Some procedures are painful.
 Some procedures result in permanent long term complications.
 Some procedure will embarrass the patient.

3. Nat all procedures can be made by all students due to rarity of resources
and equipment at the training centers.

4. Not all procedures can be seen daily , so the number of students who will
see and practicing them on real patients during training years will be
limited to less than 3 .

5. Not all stages of pregnancy can be seen at training centers

6. Not all stages of labor can be seen at training centers

7. Not all the students can apply episiotomy to a lady who were in labor
room .

8. Not all the students will have the ability and chances to deal with a case
in emergency situation , so the experience in how to do C.P.R trainings
will be limited without having a model for C.P.R at Simu Lab.

9. Not all the students have the chance to see laparoscopic or endoscopic
surgeries , so this lab will provide them with this chance.
5.Levels of achievements

 Furniture and preparing the

equipment at the faculty building.
 3-4 weeks

 Importing the models from outside

 8-10 weeks

 Training program for the stuff at the

faculty building.
 2-3 weeks

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