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MACQUARIE Copyright Statement PUBLISHER PERMISSION This material has been reproduced after obtaining permission from the publisher or rights holder. The electronic form of this material is Copyright Macquarie University, Sydney. THE TOMB OF KENAMUN (NO. 162) (Plan on Plate XXIV, 3) (Nebamiin)* and the Syrian ships are alzeady published. Clarence Fisher veported in 932. ‘exter vestibule cleared net tothe Boo. Remains of pind stuco appearing on walls one wth sips. Ta the ‘eb wer fond saab and beads, The tomb clezed as fara itscens af, fr the nner end ofthe corridor {nfl wi bge boulders and there erik of asient. On Dee. ast started Sling inthe oleing chamber of ‘Tomb 102 withthe object of preserving whet remain ofthe stucco wali, Me. Dares ha ised his draw ing, [Suomary] "The tomb is now inaccessible, but Davies describes what was extant when he made his drawings 28 follows: T ‘HL. tomi of Kenamfin at Drat Abd El Nag has some seenes in common with tomb No. 17 "The pts! at ine eslargemesn ef he ship fens Dares’ plats contre by my tracings and with some extension fom thr, Lao give copy a the met valuable uriving fragment i te present state, The ig ‘baton te left was uncecorded by Deny and wasn god condition becaue it was concealed bythe end of ‘nck parting wall of ate introduction. A considerable non of the scene of are stil extant. leewher® only sess femsin and uncertain lines, some of which appear to be sketch lines which do ot belong tothe Gnished pctres. Te mast be emphasined therefore tha, exept where thelne sil exiting onthe wal the picture fas no beter authority than fhe photograph by Dust. Bu the deals are shown with much more "eanes of line and exactness which ean be guined by earful perusal trough a magaiying glass ‘The tomb has suered so much from fallen debris, and, since being photographed by Daressy, from robbers stripping the walls and cutting out pieces for sale, that what has been salvaged is a mece relic of the orginal, restored in dotted lines to make the extant scenes-—other than the ships—inteligible, "The owner Kenamin’ was mayor in the Southern City ( ~ Thebes) and “overacer ofthe granary of Anson’. The tomb i ofthe XVIITth Dynasty, but no record remains ofthe king under whom ‘Kenamiin served. There is, however, a fragment (below, p. 15) which shows that a king was represented in the tomb. DESCRIPTION OF PLA1 BS ‘There sno drawing ofthe upper register (hall, at 11on plan) which depicts the deceased and his wife, followed by four wornen with sstra and flowers, offering on braziers, with three men offer= ing to the deceased (2)."Phe secens register (Plate XV) contains the moet impartant scene in the ‘womb; that of the arrival of the fleet of Syrian ships. This register has been fully published ee- where,” and is not further discussed here, * sure Stieberth, Pwr Hiptath Dynaty Tonk, Sncried Retin Fanerary Cons, No. t2. He le USSR hip ed se ‘ra uty hb rect Sues Petia BA 3 (947), 49 "ote pen ee Gardiner an Wei, Top Ct 2 Repeal ths stun, fic Xt, Saori over Ma, Top. Bi, 4 Day, Ree drchllt, 3 sx, 27 (Sap, pl. ad et pay ih plat on p72). xiv pb aioe {Nieman eG Dasa OF, ‘A Syren ‘ior hi cones, see Davier-Macaut, A Corpus of ‘Traling Voie Egypt JEL 39 094) 40h ‘THE TOMB OF KENAMON (NO. 163) 5 late XIX, bottom right at 2 on plan), isa fragment of aman with jars and Joaves ‘The hand, ‘comer of his skirt, and a line of his leg, can be aen on the left. The three jas are labelled 28 fellows: ight to let rsh morngacai,"srnt-beverage’, and ‘ne’ -Loaven an rit are pled up betwen the with stip of something which from its ealour may be meat. "The fragment may have formed part ofa scene of assembled gusts Not dean are the fragmeatary gure of Kenamtn and his wife o be found in the upper regite at 3 onthe plan, and almost duplicated inthe register below. Under the lady's chai san amusing picture of monkey eatinga cake with one hand while, wit the other, he grasps a duck bits wings. The dik, initsturn, pecking the nose of ado crouching in font of (ee Fi 4). Foe PLatE XVIA (at 30m plan) In the second register Kenamdn and his wife are seated while a son acting a8 a som-privst offers to them. Their names are faicly well preserved: “Mayor in the Southern City [Ken (aman) andhis sister, lady ofthe house, songstress of (Aman), Mutu’. The son bears the title of brd np, “child of the nursery’ and his name scems to be Dhut{mose. A seribe's out, a palette, and a ‘ag for papyrus rolls are placed under the lady’s chair. Alo on this register, but not drawa, are ascene ofthe deceased, who with hie wife, heaters of offerings, and women relatives is offering on brazier, and a sub-seene of ofering-bringers and butchers. Piate XVIn (at gonplan) ‘A man offers ducks and loruses to what was probably aking enthroned. The evidence forthe latter isa fragment which shows a white dais supported on a yellow kiosk with a mat and pillow. "To the right isthe lower portion ofa scene of sovsing and ploughing, while below ie a dado of Jotus lowers, leaves, and buds, with ducks alighting amongst them: an uncommon and beautiful border PLATE XVIe the black border appears to represent mounds of earth along the Nile bank. Thee are no illustrations of positions 5 and 6 on the plan. At s there are two thicknesses, one tothe left, the other tothe right. On the left the owner a received by his father (2) laying his right hand in his (it isnot clear what he does with his let). His wife is behind him, with a houquet ia 6 ‘THE TOMB OF KENAMON (NO. 163) hier left hand. On the right Kenamin (2) 8 received by his mother (2) in alight yellow dress, She supports his elbow and may be embracing his shoulder with her lft and. Hehind him is narrow black border and then a blank as if for a door. There seems to have len a rebate here, which ‘would also indicate a door. At 6 the upper hal ie almost gone, Ae the north end there remains the lower part ofthe throne of Osiris swathed. Its in a yellow kiosk st on a white das on which a ‘green mat is spread. ‘The throne is fathered (lke that of Hatho: below, except that the corner is not red but contains a sm sign tied with the plants of North and South, the lily being left on, the South), Osiris elothed tothe feet witha shroud of network (blue lines enclosing a fattened, red diamond ona white field). Before him is mat of offerings, the objects being set against a mass ‘of blue with black pelicules (grapes?). Bclow this are thre red jars with bunches of green leaves between them. The owner and a lady approach (nearly gone). Behind them follow a son (2) with dduck and flower, «daughter (2) with flowers and asistrum(®), a second with a sistrum, a third witha pendant sistrum, After black division and on a slightly reduced register appeara man with bull, then a man with another animal or two (sen?) then aman with a white ox (2). After a gap come two men, one of whom isa priest of Sobek witha staff, and a woman (Nephthys’). The ‘whole looks like a funerary convoy. Puate XVII (at 7 n plan) "Two registers: on the upper is represented a funerary procession towards Anubis and Hathor seated on thrones on a white dais. Hefore them are two gates of pylon-lke structure on which sit animal-headed guardians, armed with knives." A priest stands in front of each gate, the lower being identified by the accompanying legendas lector priest and sem’. ‘ot illustrated isthe scene, after a gap, of four women seated on a mat and holding flowers ora mandrake. The second iva dighter. The columns in font of the third and the fourth are blank. {ina second register beiove them are left two female guests, one of whom has short bunchy hair. From hereon the wal is divided into two registers, an upper and a lower. Pate XVIII a7 on plan) Inthe upper register fragmentary funerary scene shows a som-pris offering and pouring & tivation ber the door ofthe tomb, which was probably surmounted by a pyramid now broken aay. Bond the em-prictknecs's mourning woman To the right of her «group of men is wealkingin the opposite direction and afters lage gp four menapproach a keeling man who faces ‘hem, astand offerings behind him, The stand decorated witha garland of leaves sna fower. ‘The acene shown on Fate XIX, upper righ, in probably from the extreme let ofthis upper segjater. Tivo mummies are being held up Kenamin's by a ebepriet of Amin, Keramin's ‘rife’ by a woman, A priest, of wim only the arms and part ofthe face are extant, bods an adze to open ceremonial the mot ofthe fst mun. Papyrus stems stand on ether sie ofeach rummy and a moursing woman squatig in font completes the scene It is noteworthy that the hair ofthe woman supporting the cond iui is shown on oth sides of the ace. in the lower register (Plate XVIT}) wo shipe in sail are returning from the plgrimage to Abydos (tering peace.) Tey reside by sides one appears inthe foreground the other in the background, On the extreme le ofthe illustration aslo, a sounding pole in his hand, stands inthe decorated chin ofthe farther boat, He sss his am, ethapem warning to the man atthe proof the nearer ship. ‘This man seems to be trying to arractheatetion of the ‘teeratan a the poop of his bos On beard the farther ship to hose ar being fed by a groom, “There blag decorated cabin, On the nearer ship there i lo a decorated cabin in font of THE TOME OF KENAMON (NO. 163) " which stand the oarsmen. Crew climb in the rigging. On the right is a smaller funerary barge with the figures of Kenamin and his wife seated before a table. A sem-priest offers *... very pure Lthingr) tothe prince... [Kenamar ...” To the right ofthis whole scene, but not illustrated, was depicted a boat floating down to Abydos. There ae two men (one with a pole), a decorated cabin, and rowers, and a text in five columns. Puate XIX (at 8 on plan) ‘The main illustration here is of three registers: in the uppermost a man carves ars, coffers, and bouquets on a yoke. He is preceded by a man, probably [Diveélymls, the son of the tomb's ‘ovsner, who seems to be mourning. The central register shows a man and his wife faced by a 800 ‘who holds a curious object. The son appears o be pueting the object to his face with his left hand, ‘while with his right be puts i to his father's shoulder. The restoration below the hands seems dubious "The inscription above the couple shows that they were not Kenamin and his wife “[Boon)scich the King and (Osi), foremott {of the Weeterners) give, Mayest thou recive (Sp) bread, oor, oxen-flsh and fotcl, Osiris, 8 eb-prist and letor-prizst of Amaunet... emia, His sister.” Te son i ‘his Beloved son, x eb-priet (read (=) of Amaunet, Amenemaia’. Behind the son is table of cakes and onions which the same son, now dressed as a sem-prieat is presenting to those in front. Behind him kneels a woman who may be putting dust on her head. Both her thighs are shown—an wnusual occurrence. Scanty remains have survived: on the extreme right, of a casket on a table. On the left-hand side of the third register a priest cen; behind him a ‘woman mourns, Two objects ean be scen on the table and casket at left centre: they resemble the ‘object held in the repister above, but may be embalming instruments ona canopic bos. Next, v0 men cary a table of offerings. The ist man turns his head to the lefeas i looking, or room t put ‘down the table. The man on the estreme right carries a casket and ajar (2) hanging from a yoke. Pare XX ‘These fragments,’ now preserved in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, were col. lected by Norman de Garis Davies when he searched the debris before the tomb was finally re-buried in 1922! 1. A bare eing carried by the ears, It may belong toa continuation ofthe agricultural scene oon Plate XVI 2. The man on the right carries a long bouquet of papyrus entwined with leaves, and a bunch ‘of lotus blooms. His companion holds a kid in one hand and a trail of foliage inthe other. A goat is shown below. At the let may be seen the remains ofa figure with a sheaf of enrn suspended from a yoke across the shoulders, Only the hand remains. 3. A crouching, mourning woman. with the foot of « priest (7); pchaps from the mourning scene on Plate XIX. 4 An old woman, carrying @ basket in one band and apparently supporting it with the other. 5. A man with two nets filled with figs (7) 6. Baskets of figs (2) or oval loaves, a dish of cucumbers, pechaps two sheaves of corn hound round and furnished with loops for carrying. ‘The text reads: ‘As Amin endures there i: no ‘abomination (bc}) among them.” 7 and 8. Restored exling patterns "Davie while copying tisscene spears ve the prseing ne smprensn that hen gan ings ebectnhsh st ""S"Of the phtographe seprndaed bere 35 6,8, Eededround theless inthe wy one wou scalar and to‘ of punted productions Ning Se Ga a8. Bettas. rand ae frmputel erections Phe scompanying inesipon i+ intl wih the. Wins 8 ‘THE TOM OF KENAMON (NO. 263) 9. This appears to belong to the left thickness between outer asd inner room at 5 on plan, \where Kenamin and his wife greet his parents." His father is shown with white or light rey hair, denoting his age* OF the accompanying inscription only the word southern remains, Ve father aherofore probably also held the office of ‘[mayar én the] Southern (City. 10. Tishows a girl with short hair ending in curls anda fille round her head. She wears 2 large earring, and thace bracelets re shown. Her necklace hangs loose between her arms: this is an unusual feature, The whole pose is gracefully rendered. 1 For the mesg of decemed with hie pares in he 1 See Davin, The Tah of Tro Salton, front wr Wor we Divas The Toa of Nero at pe Than set 9a

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