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Judging Criteria for the Judy Serritella Exemplary/Exceptional Library Media Program of the Year Award

As a judge, you are looking for evidence that the following categories have been met. This should be evident in the narrative and the letter of
support. Assign points from one to five, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. A score of five indicates going above and beyond what
is expected in a normal media program. You will need to judge what constitutes going above and beyond the norm when scoring each category.

School Name: Screven County Elementary School Applicant Name: Courtney Waters

Is a letter of support from current year’s principal, assistant principal, or superintendent included? YES NO

Category Judging Criteria Comments Points

How well do the application and/or letter of support the criteria laid out in the VISION section?

Things to look for:

o The school library program’s mission, goals, and objectives as they relate to those of the school and
district are included. The library does not have a
Vision 0/5
mission or vision statement.
o The vision for the role of reading as a foundational skill for student learning, personal growth, and
enjoyment is described.

o The approach to student research including inquiry as a framework for learning as well as equitable
access to information, both print and non-print is part of the vision essay.
How well do the application and/or letter of support the criteria laid out in the BUILDING
The media specialist is the
Things to look for: head of the literacy committee
Building at school. She does not not
Collaborative o Library media specialist plans with classroom teachers and other educators to cultivate interactive, work with teachers to plan 2/5
Partnerships relevant learning experiences for students. lessons however, she will pull
or order necessary materials
o Library media specialist serves on faculty/grade level teams and building level committees. o Library for teacher planned lessons.
media specialist participates in a greater professional learning community which may include the
public library, local community organizations, conferences, social media forums, etc.
How well do the application and/or letter of support the criteria laid out in the THE ROLE OF
The library offers a wide
READING section?
selection and range of books.
The media specialist runs
Things to look for:
many contests to promote
The Role of
reading throughout the year 5/5
Reading o School library’s collection promotes current, high-quality, high-interest collections of books and
other reading resources in multiple formats. and encourage students to read
higher level books. She also
plans many activities for
o Library media program includes initiatives to encourage and engage learners in reading, writing, and
listening for understanding and enjoyment.
RAAW which students enjoy.

How well do the application and/or letter of support the criteria laid out in the TEACHING FOR
LEARNING section?
The media center only offers
Things to look for:
information through books.
The media specialist does not
Teaching for o Library media specialist promotes critical thinking by connecting learners with information in
multiple formats. promote technology other than 0/5
AR and she does not use
o Library media specialist incorporates innovation into the library media program by promoting
formative assessment to assess
emerging technologies for curating information, presenting data, and creating new understandings. the programs.

o Library media specialist uses formative assessments to guide learners to assess their programs.
The library offers two
How well do the application and/or letter of support the criteria laid out in the BUILDING THE
computer labs with semi-
flexible scheduling as well as
Building the Things to look for: an area for whole group work
with flexible scheduling. The
Learning 4/5
library is open during the
Environment o Shows evidence of an integrated library program staffed with a full-time library media specialist,
and where classes are flexibly scheduled, when possible, into the library to facilitate research, training, school day and is always fully
and utilization of technology. staffed however, no resources
are available online or after
o Library media specialist works with administrators to ensure that the library media program is
adequately staffed so that students have equitable access to the media center and its resources
throughout the day.

o Library media center is includes inviting learning spaces that accommodate a range of teaching
methods, learning tasks, and learning outcomes.

o Library media program provides 24/7 access to a virtual collection through a website, learning
management system, or social networking; physical collection is accessible to all and reflects diversity
of student population.
How well do the application and/or letter of support the criteria laid out in the EMPOWERING
The media specialist is the
Things to look for:
leader of the literacy
Empowering o Library media specialist serves as a leader of the local school media committee and participates in committee and participates in
district level meetings. The
Learning the decision-making process for school and/or district programs.
media specialist does not reach 3/5
beyond the school level
Leadership o Library media specialist is a visionary in planning for the future and continually retooling to meet however, and has not been
published nor has the library
received any awards.
o Library media specialist shows leadership beyond the school through published works (professional
communications, including digital and social media formats), formal presentations and/or formal
recognition or awards.
Total 14/30

GLMA & GLA November 2016 All Rights Reserved

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