Good Times in Grade 7

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Good Times in Grade 7

- A&T
- Aint no thang but a chicken/ I love men with chainsaws
- Making the French teacher mad LOL
- After school football confessions
- IPM/Moo, quack, ribit, neigh, oink, woof
- Muggers
- Saying hi to Soren/ stalking
- LIL with Amanda
- I’m going to sue Mr. Lush
- Video Camera
- Dishwasher talk
- Kalers house for lunch (breaking in)
- W.O.W. (water bottle on walnut)
- Camp Kawartha
- CN tower
- Pool party
- Water fight
- Sandwich
- Food out the wazoo
- Spiked O.J.
- Orange cheese
- Conner and the joke
- White out on the nose
- Its not/eat snot/chew snot
- The relationship talk
- Angus burger
- Kalers hangover
- Picture day
- Gossip/Orb
- Fat neck
- Kicking a brick wall (TJM)
- Katy knocking out guys
- Computer dudes/ Fake moustache/ HIS TWIN
- Break my wenis
- Mr Lush= Pylon/37 years old
- Power to the idiots
- Bam, achoo MC
- Leg shortage
- Freaky guy= TF
- Stalking the kid Chris
- Stalking Dan
- Deformed girl/Kaler I lost my pen
- Pictures/the mall
- Kaler in French
- Amanda on her knees
- The video game song (Tainted love)
- Austin and the pole
- Austin T & Dianna
- Mr. airplane
- Emo
- Proboscis
- Zebra
- Hysteria in the backroom
- Bag whacking
- Mr. Lushes freak-out
- Dakota getting pants (d)
- Gift exchange
- Mayhem Monday
- Love Nonagon
- Kegger lush/ hairy lush
- CA VA MAL/ a motherland
- Teigan/ Boiled egg(BE) Crip hip(Y)/ HIVCH/ Boiled
- Amy’s head spasm
- Turtle/ Franklin
- Soren running
- Shattering Mr. lush’s esteem/ Freak face
- Stuffing muffins/ I need a drink
- Britannie trying to be Emo
- The 12some and dirty talk/ Butter, margarine, oil
- I flipped the teacher off
- Hobo mitt
- Toe fungus
- Fashion Hazard/ killer pants
- Thumbs up to war amps/ my grandma died
- Poo to that and o your one smart cookie
- Chicken pie
- 3.50 a hour
- Detention
- A.P.E. ( Mike the ape)
- Boing ball
- Computer BF/Kyra
- Beep/buttons
- Notes to Luke
- I’m going to beat up Alex after school
- My lunch jumping
- Tin can desk
- La la world 
- Snoopy surgery gone wrong
- Out in the hall with Eli &Owen
- Plastic nose/volleyball/ DAMN JOEY
- 101 ways to kill Joey
- Owen& Mzee
- Amanda as Franklin
- Mr lush= Mustachio
- Stinky dinky
- Mr. squishy/ whack bonk
- Joe cool
- Amanda and the pencil
- Verbal diareha
- Pug
- Going with chillie to chilly on a chilly day to eat chilli
- NIA/ Pilates
- Pee in pants
- Can you fall over?
- The alphabet
- Blush/ Burke punching Amanda
- Snowboarding and smashing head
- The clique movie/ girl group
- CH and pastels
- Movies with people
- Kyra going out with Dan
- Kylynns monkey face
- Ray attempting to cook
- Let the flub simmer
- Opera hank
- Excuse me
- Balding
- Toupee
- Kylynns sentence of the week
- Newspaper whacking
- Twinkies
- Xnay on the olstromha
- AA
- Knuckles of steel, cha
- Missing the bus w/ Connor
- The yellow joke
- THE Cake fight
- fish/guitar/bubbles
- Crook foot
- Mr lushes conscience
- Eggs come from trees/hermie = dinosaur
- Power surge= get sexy abs
- Getter done
- Open communication
- The boulder
- Popsicles
- The play!!
- Rocking photocopier
- Shanice+ Joey= love
- Luke going out with Hailey/ what will Teigan think
- Molly walking into Kalers desk/science
- Spontaneously combusting with pylons
- Me flipping out on Austin t
- O snap cabbage patch
- I stepped on a grape/ stalking Scottdu
- Pictionary
- Thomas telling scottdu off
- THE BELT PROBLEM (everyday)
- You suck….life’s good
- The skipping game
- Reading buddies
- 3 pitch/ Mr. lush telling the POW teacher off
- Canada’s wonderland
- Shoes/txt message break-up/ muffins
- “Sam blowes Bromell”
- Grad band
- Track/field
- Yearbooks
- Boys intermediate/ junior 3 pitch game
- Last day of school/07
- Habbada habbada birthday
- Jacques lu clont/dibs/seb
- Kylynn beating up Dylan Bromell
- Kaler+ Jordan= not love
- Taking down the dance
- Mike patenude/laura/ Tim Horton’s
- Helium/Kylynn
- Thesaurus
- Luke’s hippo call/ Crip Crip Cray
- Smashing windows
- Milo & death metal/ bullshit
- The burke lush bop
- Buler/ monotone
- OMG ITS SEB!!!!!!
- Basketball
- Like OMG
- Fun fair
- “Where do I hide the vodka?” w/ Luke
- Dead baby jokes
- hepatitis/meningitis/ gingivitis
- Hep B shots
- Starbucks/ bus/ jazz band
- Bens on fire/ ripping books/ skipping down the hall
- Music trip w/ Mrs. Cullen
- Wind in the willows/ it’s a growth
- Teigan’s broken finger
- Falling From the ceiling
- Not Knowing what a hyphen is
- Taking down the grad dance.

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