Chem 150 Notes Day 2

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Notes for Chem day 2

Read 1.9, 1.10, 2.1-2.3

ALEKS Friday Prep assignment due before midnight

Monday HW due before midnight

ALEKS is sensitive to the exact number of significant figures

Significacnt Figures Rules:

Zeroes in the middle of a number are like any other digit: they are always
AKA 4.803 has 4 significant figures

Zeroes at the begining of the number are not significant figuers

0.00661 has only 3 significant figures

Zeroes at the end of a number after a decimal point are significant

55.220 has 5 significant figures

Zeroes at the end of a number with no decimal point are not significant figures
34200 has 3 significant figures

In scientific notation, 34200 becomes 3.42E4.

We can always declare a certain number of significant figures

34200 with 4 significant figures is 3.420E4 rather than 3.42E4

An exact numver does not affect the number of significant figures in calculations.
An exact number is obtained when objects are counted (counted objects, 5 books)
Or defined relationships 1 foot = 12 inches

When doing multiplication or division with measured values, the answer can't have
more significant figures than any of the original numbers.

When doing addition and subtraction with measured can't have more digits to the
right of the decimal point than any of the original numbers.

rules for rounding off numbers: if the first digit you remove is less than 5, round
down by dropping it and all following numbers
if the first digit you remove is 5 or greater, round up by adding 1 to the digit on
the left.

Units: Never record a measured value without units

measurements always consists of the number and the scale (units)

We us SI units:
Mass kilogram kg
legnth meter m
temperature Kelvin K
amount of substance mole mol
time seconds s

Periodic Table: The Periodic Table is a way or organizing elements by atomic

number/mass (rows/periods) and propeties (colombs/groups)

Far right and the left are the main group of elements, focused on in chemistry

Alkalai metals far left, alkaline earth metals next row, colombs to the left react
with everything

far left noble gases, next left halogens, Colombs to the right do not react with
anything, though they can be excited electically

An element is the simplest form of CHEMICAL matter. Chemical processes cannot

divide elements into parts.

central colombs are transition metals, and have metalic properties, central colombs
in transition metals are ferromagnetic

Inner transition metals (Lanthanides and actinides) are typically radioactive

zig-zag-line are semi-metals, variety of properties

right of zig-zag (1 away) are non-metals, which except for noble gases often form
covellant bonds

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