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Name: Princess Patricia Bardez

Race: Human
Class: Aristocrat 7
Hit Dice: 7d8 (aristocrat)
Hit Points: 31
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 21 (+2 Dex, +6 armor, +2 shield, +1 dodge)
Armor Worn: Masterwork Chainmail, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield
Weaponry: Masterwork Longsword +7 melee (1d8 + 1/19-20/x2) or Masterwork Longbow +8 ranged
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Alignment: Neutral Good
Saves: FORT: +2 REF: +4 WILL: +6
STR: 13 (+1), DEX: 14 (+2), CON: 11 (+0), INT: 11 (+0), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 18 (+4), APP: 14 (+2)
Skills (Maximum Ranks: 7): Bluff +7 (3), Diplomacy +8 (4), Disguise +7 (3), Gather Information +8
(4), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4 (4), Perception +6 (3), Perform (dance) +7 (3), Perform (sing)
+7 (3), Ride +6 (4), Sense Motive +7 (4)
Feats: *Improved Initiative (1st), Dodge (1st), Combat Reflexes (3rd), Alertness (5th), Leadership (7th)
Hair: Brown (long) Eyes: Brown Skin: Bronze
Age: 41 Maximum Age Range: 107
Gender: Female Height: 5’ Weight: 113 lbs.
Clothing: noble’s outfit, signet ring, jewelry (worth 100 gp)
Measurements: 32DD-22-30; Vagina: 5” deep; Body Type: Top Hourglass
Languages: Keenerian;
Wealth: 17,846,282 gp
Parents: Father: Taeryn Bardez I
Mother: Victoria Knox
Nationality: Utopian
Residence: Paragon City, Utopia (Imperial Palace)
Patron Deity: Barrius Sanderus
Profession: Princess (Utopian Empire), Princess (Utopia), Princess (Bardezia), courtier, dancer, and
Transportation: light horse (bit and bridle, horse saddle, saddlebags)
Magic Items: Portable Hole
Equipment: leather quiver (20 arrows)
Experience Points: 41,000 Next Level: 51,000

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