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This book, reflecting as it does the current state of knowledge in fields as diverse as
geology, drilling, geophysics or geochemistry, could not have been produced without the
help of numerous specialists who gave us the benefit of their constructive criticism during
vital but sometimes laborious re-reading and discussion. Among the many people involved
we wish to mention those who made active contributions :
A. Chiarelli - J.F. Richy - C. Sejourne Fluid Geology
A. Mallet - P.J. Gallin - D. Grauls Subsurface
A. Lazayres - B. Delbast - A. Vaussard Drilling / Mud engineering
S. Le Douaran - G. Nely Basin dynamics
R. Lanaud - J.M. Drevon Geophysics
J. Connan - J. Espitalie (I.F.P.) Organic geochemistry
F. Walgenwitz - J. Fripiat (C.N.R.S) Mineral geochemistry
Y. Maury - A. Guenot Rock Mechanics
C. Gras Wireline logging
P. Masse - J. Henry Tectonics
A. Ferrand Gravimety
To all these experts and specialists (and those we have omitted) we address our
warmest thanks. A certain number of ideas and illustrations used in this book originate from
"in-house" publications. We would like to take this opportunity to list the major sources :
J.-L. Rumeau and C. Sourisse, G. Dunoyer de Segonzac, C. Chevalier, P. Valery, A. Chiarelli,
D. Grauls, S. Le Douaran, A. Guenot, V. Maury, P. Masse, A. Mallet, P. Rabiller, L. Saugy.
We particularly wish to thank A. Perrodon, who agreed to revise the book as a whole
and to write the preface, A. Pierrot who allowed us to devote large amounts of our time to
the book, and S. Jardine who gave us his support to the idea of producing this handbook.
Charles Polley translated the text from the original French into English, while D. France
revised the translation.
Finally, we will remember the major contribution in the domain of style and layout made
by the late Pierre Sauvan.

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