2014 ENGR2002 InstrumentationandControls April 2014

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Course Code and Title: ENGR 2002 Instrumentation and Controls

Programme: BASc Manufacturing and Design Engineering

Date and Time: Wednesday 23rd April, 2014. Time: 9:00am – 12noon Duration: 3 hours



Instructions to Candidates

1. This paper has 4 pages and 8 questions.

2. You are required to answer TWO ( 2) questions in Section A.
3. You are required to answer THREE (3) questions in Section B.
4. The question paper is to be returned with the answer script.
5. Each student is given a set of Laplace tables to use during this exam and two (2) sheets of
graph paper.

Key Examination Protocol

1. Students please note that academic dishonesty (or cheating) includes but is not limited to
plagiarism, collusion, falsification, replication, taking unauthorised notes or devices into an
examination, obtaining an unauthorised copy of the examination paper, communicating or
trying to communicate with another candidate during the examination, and being a party to
impersonation in relation to an examination.
2. The above mentioned and any other actions which compromise the integrity of the academic
evaluation process will be fully investigated and addressed in accordance with UTT’s
academic regulations.
3. Please be reminded that speaking without the Invigilator’s permission is NOT allowed.

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April 2014 Final Examinations
ENGR 2002

1. Calibration of a voltmeter gave the following data. Determine the maximum hysteresis
error and its percentage of the full-scale range. [20 marks]

2. A platinum resistance sensor is to be used to measure temperatures between 0 and 200

°C. Given that the resistance R T Ω at T °C is given by R T = R 0 (1 + αT + βT 2 ) and R 0 =
100.0, R 100 = 140.00, R 200 = 175 Ω, calculate:
(a) the values of α and β; [14 marks]
(b) the non-linearity at 100 °C as a percentage of full-scale deflection. [6 marks]

3. (a) A microprocessor gives an output of an 8-bit word. This is fed through an 8-bit
digital-to-analogue converter to a control valve which requires 6.0 V to be fully open. If
the fully open state is to be indicated by the output of the digital word 11111111 what
will be the change in output to the valve when there is a change of 1 bit? [10 marks]

(b) A thermocouple gives an output of 0.4 mV for each degree change in temperature.
What will be the word length required when its output passes through an analogue-to-
digital converter if temperatures from 0 to l00°C are to be measured with a resolution of
0.5°C? [10 marks]

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April 2014 Final Examinations
ENGR 2002

4. A robot includes significant flexibility in the arm members with a heavy load in the
gripper. A two-mass model of the robot is shown in Figure. Q4. Find the transfer
function Y(s)/F(s).
[20 marks]

Fig Q4

5. One important objective of the paper-making process is to maintain uniform consistency

of the stock output as it progresses to drying and rolling. A diagram of the thick
consistency dilution control system is shown in Figure Q5(a). The amount of water added
determines the consistency. The block diagram of the system is shown in Figure Q5(b).
Let H(s)=1 and

𝐾 1
Gc (s) = and G(s) =
10𝑠+1 2𝑠+1
(a) The closed-loop transfer function, T(s) = Y(s)/R(s), [6 marks]
(b) The steady-state error for a step change in the desired consistency R(s) = A/s.
[8 marks]
(c) Calculate the value of K required for an allowable steady-state error of 2%.
[6 marks]

Fig Q5 (a) and (b)

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April 2014 Final Examinations
ENGR 2002
6. A storage device has been designed for mass-storage and it is necessary to control the
velocity accurately. The speed control of the drive is represented by the system shown in
Figure Q6.

(a) Determine the limiting gain for a stable system. [10 marks]
(b) Determine a suitable gain so that the overshoot to a step command is approximately 5%.
[5 marks]

Fig Q6

7. For the system shown in Fig Q7, determine the values of K i and K p to obtain the
following system specifications:
(a) no steady state error with a step input
(b) a damping ratio of 0.707
(c) a settling time of 1 s [20 marks]

R (s) E(s) C(s)
Kp + Ki/s 1/(s + 3)

Fig Q7

8. A unity feedback system has a loop transfer function:

G c G(s) =
𝑠(𝑠+3)(𝑠 2 +2𝑠+2)
(a) The root locus breakaway point and [4 marks]
(b) The value of the roots on the jω-axis and the gain required for those roots.
(c) Sketch the root locus. [10 marks]


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April 2014 Final Examinations
ENGR 2002

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