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Online RTI Appeal 9/06/2017

Appellate Authority,

Ministry of Home Affairs,

(Parliamentary Committee on Official Language)

New Delhi.


Re: Appeal against denial of RTI Information by the CPIO

Online RTI Application dated 21/04/2017

The applicant submits that vide attached letter dated 1/06/2017 the
CPIO,S. S. Rawat has denied the information instead he has offered his
suggestion for what he thinks as resolution.

You are requested to direct the CPIO to adopt the ideals of

transparency and accountability in Public Life and disclose information
to the applicant, keeping with the basic objective of the RTI (Right to
Information) Act,2005.

Regards, Shri Gopal Soni , 91-9414982395

C231, Panchsheel Nagar,Ajmer-305004

Annexure Content Dated

PR-1 RTI application 21/04/2017

PR-2 CPIO,parliamentary 01/06/2017

committee reply
DPOOL/R/2017/50022 PR-1

Ministry of Home Affairs 21/4/2017

(Parliamentary Committee on Official Language)

New Delhi.

Re: Seeking information in the matter of institutional apathy/corruption

Information of the investigation report of PSU on the basis of assurance as

mentioned in point no.3 of the following:-

Sr. Date Event


1. 24/2/1988 The applicant is appointed as Hindi Translator in a PSU**

2. February Book of Do’s and Don’ts prescribes Code of conduct applicable

2000 to decision makers in the PSU Insurance sector published by
Be arbitrary or capricious in your decisions…
Delay decisions and/or retain the file for long…

3. 5/6/2007 A transfer order is issued to applicant abolishing ‘Hindi” from

his designation
Applicant complains against abolishment of the hindi post.

3. 16/01/ Assurance is given by PSU** to Parliamentary committee to

/2008 investigate the matter of change (pad naam parivartan) in the
post of Hindi Translators
fujh{k.k dh frfFk 28@09@2007
fnukUd 17 tuojh 2008 dk vuqcU/k
Ø l 011014@1ch@2007&lfefr&3
lUlnh; jktHkk“kk lfefr
lUlnh; jktHkk“kk lfefr dh rhljh milfefr d¨ fujh{k.k
d¢ n©jku fn, x, vk‘oklu dk;kZy; dk uke%& U;w bfUM;k
,‘;¨jUl d 0 fy0
8- vkid¢ foHkkx d¢ vUrxZr dqN dk;kZy;¨ es l`ftr vuqoknd
d¢ in¨ ij dk;Zjr deZpkfj;¨ d¨ ‘kk[kk Lrj ij LFkkukUrfjr
dj mud¢ inuke¨ es fd, x, ifjorZu d¢ lEcU/k es tkUp dh
tk;sxh v©j rnkuqlkj lfefr d¨ lwfpr fd;k tk;sxk-

16@01@2008 ¼jke fuokl ‘kqDy½


4. February Harassment of applicant starts on frivolous charges; advocate

2008 appointed as investigator for frivolous charges:-

Targeted victimization continues un-abated despite the

directions of Central Vigilance Commission to ensure that no
harassment is caused to applicant in any manner.
No. CONF/1463/08-9639
Public money of about Rs. One million is showered as
April 2008 institutional apathy /corruption . (e.g. public money was paid
to date to an advocate to draft dismissal order November 2009)

Shri Gopal Soni, Hindi translator
C231,Panchsheel Nagar, Ajmer-305004

**The New India Assurance Company Limited,87, M. G. Road,

Fort, Mumbai-400001

No. CONF/1463/08-9639

Governement of India

Central Vigilance Commission

Satarkata Bhavan,Block A

GPO Complex,INA

New Delhi 110023 Dated 29/4/2008


A copy of the complaint received in the Commission under “Public Interest disclosure and
protection of Informer” is enclosed for necessary action.

2. It is further stated that as the complaint has been made under the said resolution,the
identity of the complainant has been kept secret.Therefore this is not to be treated as an
anonymous complaint. If the identity of the complainant gets revealed at any time,the same
may be kept secret.

3. Further in case,it gets revealed,it may be ensured that no harassment is to be caused to

the complainant in any manner.

4. The receipt of this OM may be acknowledged.



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