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‘The author and publisher acknowledges, with thanks, first of all, the great devotion shown by Raar Mesh User (Jay Barker), for the excellent rendition of the cover and the illustrations of the deities. We are also thankful to Hrimgalah Amen for editing, to Merisa Amen for her production assistance, and Enensa Amen for his ‘assistance with the illustrations. un tn METU NETER” Vol. 2 ANUK AUSAR & RL THE KaQITIC INIMATIONSISTEM Ke RB RA UN NEFER AMEN I (equ V2 Copyright © 1994 Ra Un Nefer Amen All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, stored, or reproduced in any form without express written permission from the publisher. Published by Khamit Corp. 140 Buckingham Road, Brooklyn, NY 11226 Sigeo ISBN 1-877662-08-9 $eage SECOND EDITION __pagpenty oF : ENT STATE UNIVERSITY ‘TRUMBULL CAMPUS LIBRARY 3 d r & NOTICE TO THE READER TAPE RECORDINGS OF THE CHANTS TAUGHT IN THE BOOK ARE ALSO AVAILABLE, If THEY ARE NOT CARRIED BY YOUR BOOKSTORE, ORDER THEM FROM KHAMIT CORP. 140 BUCKINGHAM RD., BROOKLYN, NE YORK, 11226, WRITE FOR A CATALOG. TABLE OF CONTENTS Authors? Preface Chapter 1 ‘The Ausarian Religion God's Atributes The True Basis of Religion, and Selence The Way of the Ausarian Religion Chapter 2 The Kamitic Knowledge of God Neter Oualine of Cosmogony Stage one of Cosmogony The Two Fundamental Divisions of Reality ‘The Cosmology of Anm ‘The Cosmology of Khmun ‘The Cosmology of Thebes The Cosmology of Men Nefer Chapter 3 Cosmogony. The Creative Stage ! of Creation Stage 2 of Creation Stage 3 of Creation Stage 4 of Creation Reason for the Creation Chapter 4 The Making of the Tree of Life Analysis of the Cosmogonical System The First At The Second Act Duatity and Equity The Six Acts of Creation The Celestial Governmer The Cefestial Chapter 5 The Spiritual Anatomy of Man, and the Fundamentals of Spiritual Psychology. Man's Behavioral Faculties The Ninth Sphere, Auset : The Eighth Sphere, Sebek a The Seventh Sphere, Het-Heru The Sal Division of the Spirit The Sixth Sphere, Her ‘The Fifth Sphere, Heruhhutt The Fourth Sphere, Maat ‘The Ab Division of the Spirit ‘The Third Sphere, Scker The Second Sphere, Tebuai The First Sphere, Ausar Above the Tree, Amen, Atem, Nu Chapter 6 ‘The Three Types of Men Ausar, the Fully Developed, or Perfect Man The Faculties of the Ausar Man ’ The Ab Man The Faculties of the Ab Man The Sahu Man The Faculties of the Sabu Man Ser, the Negative side of the Sahu Chapter 7 A The Story of Ausar Chapter 8 The Divine Social Order, and the Evil Genius of Set The Behavior Shaping Institutions The Chief Faculties Used in the Programming of Behavior The Imagination The Suggestive Power of Belief Religion The Setanie Perversion of Religion Economics - The Setanic Perversion of Economics Government a2 88 2 96 98 9 103 104 107 108 109 m 112 1s us 16 116-123 124 104-130 130 130-134 134 137 137 161 161 162 164 ii | 4 The Setian Usurpation of Government Chapter 9 Outline and Principles of the Initiation System of Kamit The Devotional Stage Auset Sebek Het-Hera The Heroic Stage Heru Herukiuti Maat ‘The Stage of Spiritual Mastery Chapter 10 The Physical Observances for Initiation Chapter 11 The Auset Stage of Intiation Laying the foundation for Spiritual Development ‘The 11 Sets of Wrongs that Must be Overcome to Achieve Spiritual Mastery Meditation to Discover the Sources of our Conditionings The Sorrows of Auset Chapter 12 The Sebek Stage of Initiation The Ten, Sets of Truisms (Affirmations) based on The Tree of Life. Chapter 13 The Het-Heru Stage of initiation Chapter 14 The Hers Stage of initiation Chapter 15 The Herw-Khuti Stage of Initiation Chapter 16 The Maat Stage of Initiation Models for Holistic Thinking The Principles Governing Correct Mental 7 179 119 182 182 184 134 18s 185 186 186 188 191 191 197 197 197 216 219 223 23 243 243 247 247 255 259 259 261 iii Perfomance 268 AUTHOR'S PREFACE Chapter 17 277 The Seker Stage of Initiation 27 Chapter 18 287 The Last Three Stages of Initiation: Tehuti, usa, } ‘and 287 Amen. € Chapter 8: Copcng Remar 295 Leeisetonsnieee pen ie Chants 299 aa Appendix B: Assisting Others During Meditation 306 ee Appendix C: Illustrations 3 lact, to do. | Appendix D: Auilliary Books and Tapes for the Ihitiation 330 §: Recommended Reading 332 333 Ss |The Subconscious [Power to act, to do ‘The above is picture of an iceberg. .. very much like the one that sank the Titanic, and sent many a ship to an early watery . rave. Itis being used here as a symbol of your mind, and a model for explaining why you behave the way you do. I decided to use this model because it’s an excellent one, or out of being so habituated to thinking hieroglyphically. Either way, it will do the job. iv 1 “C” above the line corresponds to the focus of consciousness, and the will, which is the faculty through which we indicate what we intend to do, and accomplish, and “S” below the line corresponds to the subconscious, which is the power in charge of carrying out our intentions. Metaphorized as an iceberg, the ‘mind paints a “frightening” picture. We can readily see that the will is this tiny lightweight projection above the water line, while the sbconscious carries the lion’séshare of weight and size. Pit them in a conflict between each other, and the outcome is easily predicted. Yet, size and weight don't tell the whole story. Yes, there is more gruesome news, In addition to being the bigger and stronger party, the subconscious, as its name indicates, does its ‘work behind our back, $0 to speak. It works for us, supposedly, sometimes, and it does it out of our sight and range of perception, Since it embodies the power to carry out our wants in life, itis to0 powerful a thing to be allowed to work outside of our view. There would be no problem if the conscious mind and the suhoonscionis always worked in harmony with each other. But for most people, that is the rare exception. Consider the number of things that people want and need as, opposed to the way their lives ‘actually go, All unwanted behavior, all undesirable happenings in your life is the result of actions taken by your subconscious, obviously in disagreement with your wants. In other words, it directly determines whether you will be wealthy or poor, intelligent or an idiot, an addict or a soaring giant among men. And there's more, The subconscious is also in charge of running your physiological processes, thus it determines your health The disunity between the conscious mind and the subconscious is reflected in those events in which you know something, like the name of someone, or your phone number, or the ‘answer to a question, and “it is on the tip of your tongue” and you ‘can't recall the fact to mind, The conscious mind says “I know this,” and the will calls for it, but the subconscious which is in charge of carrying out actions wifPnot give it up then. Maybe not until you are walking out the examination room. There is an uglier side, You decide (declare your will) to give up a bad habit. Your health, nay your life depends on it, but the subconscious Keeps you going back for more of the poison. ‘Too much power to give to a servant, ‘The disunity between what you'will, and what you do also reveals a communication and understanding problem. Obviously, when you say to yourself that you will not continue to do something, or when the preacher gives you a lengthy sermon as to why you shouldn't, the message does not descend into the subconscious. It is obvious that there is a great deal of ignorance of how the subconscious is influenced. It is of interest to note that western education limits itself to influencing the conscious part of being. Working on the subconscious has been acknowledged to be limited to psychologists, Yet, we will see that the education of the population on the use of the subconscious is the domain of religion. If prayer will help you achieve where the act of willing has failed, even if you credit ultimate success to divine intervention, union between your will and the subconscious must take place. Judging from the amount of failure in the world, we can safely conclude that there is @ breakdown somewhere in the prayer process of people. How to establish and maintain a consistent unity between the will and the subconscious is the purpose of this book. The know how was worked out over six thousand years ago by the dwellers of the Nile valley. It is based on the understanding that the subconscious lacks the ability to determine how it is programmed. With the exception of a few tendencies that we inherited from the animal kingdom—wired into our reptilian and mammalian brain—everything it does was placed into it through the conscious mind. And it, along with the programs from the animal kingdom within our brain, can be removed by the conscious mind. This knowledge is embodied in the Ausarian religion of Kamit (ancient Egypl)—the oldest religion and spiritual cultivation system kniown to Man, It is my purpose in writing the Metu Never, eventually a six volume set, 0 give the reading public a working knowledge and practical guide to the spiritual way of life developed by the Africans of Kamit (ancient Egypt), the Canaanites, and the Indus Kush civilization (the pre-Aryan Blacks who created the Youa system of India). In volume one of this book, I reintroduced the Kamitic oracle, the Metu Neter to the world, and explained the Kamitic system of meditation and spiritual cultivation, In. this Volume, have detailed the Ausarian religion, which was the leading “system used by the ancient Egyptians, the Kamau, to