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(Dq1:1rtment ofF,lctories & Boiiers}, ~

!!i ( Boiler Operation Engineers Examination)

Time _ 2.00 hours Max. Marks - 100

,i Subiect: Boiler and Heat Engines

All Questions carry 4 marks each

I /1 C():;o:cL {~:>

.//' 91. desIgn?
Ho~v is the
. -
arId how does this tenn affect wt boiler

Az. Wha~ is a down comer? ~.\(, \~ - 3J~I S'3. {, /' .. '

r .....•

/' ' I r ;t,\,

~3. What is Combustion and them1al efficiency ~ithe Boiler ..~ .,; f. ~ '< ..' ?

Q4·. \Vh~n does a boiler become a high-temperature hot-water (hth\\') unit?

·;,,< ..•,jQs,.\V~lat is t!lt~meaning. or pH in w~ll:~r chemistry?

'"7~~. /'
'l1' ~

.~ ..
06. "Vh:,t three: DUrl)OS7CS7 ,11='c::: :; b!o\' dO\VI~ valve serve?/' p ,t.(, t--L~-'v

A:J.7. In what manner is the quality ofa weld checked?

ffi List the operating precautions needed to prevent furnace ,~xplosionV

~at is the purpose ofan Economizer~' ~~.y

~ Name the two methods uf analyzing coal?/' b' ~

QlJ-",Namc three scale COllning properties of water?
objections to sC:lI~ in a boiler?
What ar~ the t'NO major
\ "\ . v~
~12: / What ..IS the ' /
purpose of!· D and ID {<ans? \ 1- -<111--.&-

~Plai n the teon heating val ue 0 r fEeJ? t V/ P 'J( tVJ'iJ - I! Jj

;,,,~~Q14.'.'':hy 'vc ir.s!;>Jf11cntsirnrortant [('I' })roperly operating a steam gen~rat0~ or
v/<;;'ti~·p;? .
~. c

~. Explain the din~~rellce bl (wecn :l rciicfvalvc and an SV What is a safety relief

valve? /


What arc the comIllon or primary mCJSuremcnts used in controlling boilers? ~

.~hat i~:carry-over, and how is it' callsed;- \ ~ •


~~a; area of the boiler shaH be computed as heating surface?;

~~Vhat is an operator's first duty wlten taking over?

~JT:Wbat causes priming and foaming/- 'Ii" r
Name four causes 0 [failure in ,ubes of waler tube b oilers?~

, /' is mean' by ion exchange in wate(IToa,men,';' Iq.r ~I'!.)

i' ~i In what unit is draught is measured? ,/" 1.


",Q24, What is meant by eXcess air ,& why it is necessa9C? .f,"", ~ :~

'S. How is furnace heat transferred to the waterwalIs? / ~ i Ii





Subject: Drawing max.marks: 100

Time: Ji hours

All questions carry equal marks

1) DRA \V A ~E.~ T DL-\GR,-\ \f OF A SPRi '-,G LOADED SAFETY \-\L \',E


2) DRA\V ,~~u '\t:R ASSE'vIBL Y PRO\1DED

EXPLAiN A\- OIL BCR... f\.-\

3) E;{PLi-\IN' WITH A '\t:AT SKETCH HO\V DOES A 3 ELE\'fE);[ DR(;~[


4) ):AlviE TEE PARTS OF Tl-it. VAL '-.1: GfVEN fN THE DtAGR..-\\ L


(Department of Factories & Boilers) ,

(Boiler operation Engineers Examination - January ~002)

Max. Marks - 100
Time - 2.00 hours

~ubiect: Boiler and Heat Enaines,

The last Question is compulsory and carries 10 marks anc. all other questions
carry 3 marks each.

Q.1 What is a down comer?

'~.;'--·W~lnd of boilers are used in wast:'heat applications?~~J-b '15


Q.3 What is meant by nondestructive test?

QA Name the two methods of analyzing coa,.

Q.5 What are the usual percentages of excess air in burning the vari:Jus
common fuels in boilers?

9..6 Whdt is meant by balanced draft? ) 1- . t.

Q.7 Explain the term heating value of fuel?

Q.8 List the operating precautions needed to prevent furnace explosions.

••••• 1 .. .';
\'1. \//,: '

»;::'VVhat is the purpose of an forced draught and induceddraught fans?

Q.l0 ~ Name three scale forming properties of water? What are the two
. major objections to scale in a boiler?
~ >'I'i.
'ft,;.'\. ...•••••••
'~I Of' V
Q.11 "W~t:lsthe pr~mary function of a flame safeguard system?

Q.12 Name some safety controls on a boiler.

Q.13 Why'are instruments important for properly operating a steam

generator or boilers? -

Q.14 Explain the difference between a ielief valve and all sv. What is safety
relief valve (SiV)?" I


(Department of Factories & Boilel's)

- S~~
~ j"

Time _ 3.00 rlOLlI"S ~1cIX. Marl<s - 100

I ~JJ b~st: .-
BOiler a riel ~Ieal: Enq i-nes.•.......

Ttle last Question is cOlllpulsor'y and carries 10 marks and all other questions
Carry 3 marks e(lch .
• k":,, •..-.•.••••
, •.• ,

Q.l ··vij~a down comer?

! I~ i Q.2 What Kind of boilers are used in waste-heat applications? .

Q.3 What is mearit by nondestructive test?

QA Name tile tY'IO methods of analyzing coal. ,

-Q.5 Wrlat are the ustJell per'centages of eXf~~S air in bu 'ning the VC1(ious
COlllmon fuels in lJoiler'sl

, V' "Q.G

Q.7 EV[J!;::';"- ""'0

/\.•......', I I LI I ••••.••'-C'{'I"
l,- I I (i)~C1li.'c.·!
l..J •.• ' I I _i C,
• -,I'I fuel? ',/
U \


Q.S List the opel'atlllQ pr'eciJutio"s'rleeded to prevent fumace explcsions.

." '0
\.9/) what is tl,e purpose of an forced draught and indlced drilUg11t fans'

"(§JJ"~three scale to
major objections fonnlng
scale inplOpertieS
a boiler? of water? W lat are the two

Q.l1 \N~IClt i:; the pr'ifl1:1ry function of a flame safeguard system?

Q.12 NalllQ ~~OllIC sufety contr'ols on (l boiler.

Q.13 Wily an: instruments inipor'tant for properly operating a Sle<Jrll

generator or boiler's? / i

Q.14 Explain the difference between a relief valve and an sv. What is sofety
relief vaive (siv)l

'",-"","" """"~'


'\,~} "'-, ' ",",,- \

_" J_)
, 1",:
, i /
Q.15 sure settings for :wo or more SI/S

Q.1G;"",\Al~1~,tClreaof tile boiler Sll<:.ill b

.",~>, ,"

,Q.17 What is carry-over, arld how is

Q.18 How does C9 deaeretor' ret:luce \:~'l

Q.19 What causes priming and foamin

Q.20 , I
What harming may wiming i.~ foarT1in~J ~b? /'
Q,21 Name four causes of failure in tubes of water tube boilers?
Q.22' \Nhat are tile combustible elements in fuels? /. \-
Q.23 \Vhat elements in fuel are harmful to metals?"

Q .-"""':" < In what unit i Light is measured7

Q.:25 Vvhat are the minimum appliances of appurtenances n,=cessary for safe
;"",.j:dQL!er operation?,-
n 'Co::;
"",0 __ - What is meant by pulverized (oall .
.p I

Q,27 What is meant by excess air & why it is necessary?

Q.2S What causes rnost external corrosion?..--

Q ./..~
-. r-. Vi/hat is tile purpose of an Economizer?

Q.30 Where should gauge glass be located?"

What hydro static pressure should be made on a water tube boiler,v

all welded construction of 92 ems. 1D shell plate thickness 1.6 ems.
tube shee.t 2.0 ems. thick? Ligament efficiency of tube holes
longitudinally is 43:5 %( girth wise it is 20%, longitudirally weld
efficiency is 90%, aliowable stress 960 kg / em2

'k •.•.•...
Chhattis!2,arh Bo~kr Uoeratioll Lll~~IJI~~I:<LXallliJI;ltlUll 2()()7


Q- j lick the corn:CI al1'iwn

I) TIle btcn! heat IS supplir.:d ill buller :ll- (21) \ 1 i 2\1

;1 • Supcrhcal~r.
b. DO\\lICO/IICf

c Rehc.:llcr
'.reI. Watcm;1I1
ii) Three c1eincnrs of drulll level cOlllral are-
~ StCClJII F10\\. feed flo\\' ,lIld drU111le\cl
b. Drulll Ie\ cL Drulll pressure and S(C<llllnOlI .
.: Drlllll k\ cl. SIC,lIll Icmlx.:r,llllrc and bolicr II'lI..:r ICIIIp;.:I;;t,ICl·
d Onlill k\.:1. [)nlill prc~sur.: ;111<1 [)nllli \\;Ikr i<.:lllp<.:r'llllIc
.\liIl jillcllcs~ fuc LlIllJlllllllllS <.:o,11~llUlIlJue -
~ 70 % of pul\crized coal p,lsses through l!JO IIle,ll..
b .. (,(J% of pulverized coal p:\~)~csthrough 2\HI nlc)1l
c. :10% of pulverized coal retained at 100 Illcshcs
d. lu'!i;,of pull cnzcd co:lllct;ullcd ilt 50 IIh:~,III:~
1\ ) III ;\ boiler hydra/JIlC is led at -
a. Boiler drum lJ. !\;.Iin Sl,,:llll
c. Reheat SrC<llll line OFP Sllctlon 111I':
I) ACid dew !XJIIII is rclated 10
~: COrrOSIC!1 b EroSIOll
\ I! UUfllcr tilt I:, ~\.T,cc::Ih II,-cd IllJ -

V '-;IIIXT I !'.,i l':~_1\,,:I:1i i "lllp, .. r:11iir': ,:("11;,

h 1(t: lll..:~!~
.:.r ')II...'.!I:! !;..'It;PL'LJllili..' \.\jUllld
d Abu\::: ,Ii;
\ Ii) \\ lu~h cy'.:l(: 1:, litO...,,! clft(:icni
~ CaniO( c.-\·..:!c c:· ;Z~lnhilt...: (, ~:"
Di<.:,..:1 l '.elL: 11 0110 C\:::ic
\'~\i i hi.)dcr \\;t{(;{ pH .,ljl~)tL:Li (j'''':

;, Lc~~ ilL .. : \
L' \iUf:..' I::. J' ',J '

ill \uCllon I\P( lltl[,. t~ '\ 1::-.l~)(;I(\.:~!
.\. 8dore 11;;~: ~ ..\il:::lllllii
~i..)I\L:0[' :iLu'. ~
.\ ) ,rs '01' COlllbu,llllll ;tIC -
;1. Time, TClllpcr:illlrC ;llld Tokrancc
vtJ. Turbulcllc:, TCI:q>CLllliI( ,IIIJ Tilll:::
C. Tiule, Tllr~L1\(:uC(; ami TGicuIlcC
d TucL\uic:t.;(, Tl·llq,c:r.lil:~::: ,J!I(j TolcLlii-\.

\A( -I\Lll th,ll)! ,1',1(,; ::,ill';

c ?:.:r:pilcr::! It,- , : I":" \.': ,!t." ~ •.•..•. '

\11: ~IO~~:IIIUIL':lr~l:;'.;litl~\ Ul-,lir \:;~

;1 prCSL'1l1 I!, lL,_' :JI!!1i...1::-.pL ....


)-; \!f r~:q:l~!,,~(:! -':\lili;)k':,: l..' i':"!: (Jf-!, \ i:;l 1\ ll"\,_~':~ J

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,-'. i
?O C) b
Chhattisgarh Boiler Operation Engineers Examination 2006

Time: 3 Hours Boiler & Heat Engines Max. Marks : 100

Q-I Tick the correct answer: -
i) The first law of thermodynamics states that (20 X J )=20
~ Heat and work are mutually convertible.
b. If two bodies are each equal in temperature to a temperature of third body tlley are equal
in temperature to each other.
c. Change of internal energy is proportional to the change oftemperaturr.
d. Heat can not flow from lower temperature to higher temperature without the aid of an
external agency.
ii) Second law of thermodynamics states that
a. Heat and work are mutually convertible.
b. If two bodies are each equal in temperature to a temperature of third body they are equal
in temperature to each other. ~ "Z.oa-J.n ~

J c. Change of internal energy is proportional to the change of temperature.
Heat cannot flow from [ower temperature to higher temperature without the aid of an
Zeroth's law of thermodynamics states that
a. Heat and work are mutually convertible.
~ If two bodies are each equal in temperature to a temperature of third body they are equal
in temperature to each other.
c. Change of internal energy is proportional to the change of temperatw"c.
d. Heat cannot flow from lower temperature to bigher temperature without
the aid of an external agency.
iv) In thermodynamically reversible process when heat interchange is zero, the process is
known as
a. fsopiestic process. t--l:r Adiabatic process
c. lsochoric process d. Isothennal process
v) In thermodynamically reversible process when change in internal energy is zero, the process is
known as
a. lsopiestic process. b. Adiabatic process
c. lsochoric process vcr.- Isothermal process
vi) The main purpose of reheating of steam of thermal plant is
a. To increase dryness fraction of steam in LP stage.
b. Reduce the blade erosion and improve blade efficiencies in LP stages.
c. Increase thennal efficiency
~ Above all
vii) For protecting magnetite layer in boiler tubes, the pH of boiler water should be
a. Less than 8. L-@-£etween 8.8 to 9.2.
c. More than 9.8 d. None of above
viii) In trisector regenerative Air preheater boiler, PA fan handles the
\AI. cold air b. Hot air
c Tempered air of mill outlet d. None of above.
sk ix) Circulation Ratio range of~igh pressure (100-160 Kgf/cm2) utility and industrial boiler is
a.50to15 ~14to9
c. g to 4 c. 3tOT
x) The amount of nitrogen in coal is determined by:
a. Its proximate analysis;.~ C i H 2,..(; I V M , A-s h c. v_
b.' Burning it completely in air;
.v@' Ultimate analysis;
d. Burning it in the absence of air;

fS ( i \e Y --

, \' I (
\, ,

xii) As pn IBR-1950 regll'~lli(l1l :;·I(),;t stress I'L'lil'l,ill~', Ilc'<lIII'L'<lllllellt ,h<lll 11<:r<:rl<mTl<:df<lr c~lrh(Jn
steel by heatin~ the pal1 to at least ------------ "e,
xiii) As per IBR-1950 regulation 327( e) pressure gauge shall be calibrated within an accuracy of
______% and boiler pressure gauges shall not be less than --------mm diameter,
xiv) In a balanced draught system--m------ fan and -m----fan are provided. ,
xv) In a very high pre)urc sub critical boilers forced circulation pumps nre provided to circulate
water through tubes as --~-------- is low at high pressure for natural circulation,
xvi) /\ vessel contains a niixtllre of saturated water and saturatl.:d steam at a temperature ol'211'i{lc.
then the pressure of the vessd wi II be--------- bar. '
xvii) Steam at 19 bar is throttled to 1 bar and the temperature after throttle is found ,0 bc 150"e,
the initial dryness fraction of steam was __n ,

xviii) Steam at 5 bar 250°C, expands isentropically to a pressure of 0,7 bar, the find condition or
dryness fraction of steam will be----------, ( Use: steam table for 0-2 xvi t<>xviii)

Q-3:- , .- Use steam table for solvjng follo\'1ing questions . (5X4)<~O

i) Water is supplied to the boiler at ) 5 bar and 80"C and skarn is generated at the same pressure
at 0.9 dryness. Determine the heat supplied to the steam in passing through the boiler and
change in entropy.
,,:1i,Ii i
II,I! 'I •... ii) O.S.Kg of steam 3t 4 har is contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston. The initi:li \olume of
stc'an, is 0, I m), ~k:lt is transferred to the St.:~II~l:It constant pressure until till: k';lpc'I:ltLire
:Il"'I r
becomes 300(\( (ktLTlllinc the h~at transfer ~liiLi\1 \,rK done during thl.: proccs,;
iii) A certain quanti,y of dry and saturated steam ~lt I:' har occupies initially a \ollll11e 0"

2.32 1111 • It IS (;ul1lpre~~(;Juntil the vulullll: i~Ildl\(;J:

a.lsothermally. ' ~
b. As per the law pv =constant.
Detennine the final condition orstealll in <-'deli l<l'<-'" 1\1, () JekrIninL' the he;lt reiL'Clc'J during
the isoth¢fmal process,
iv) Steam enters a turbine at a pressure of lObar ,\lId 300"C with a velocity of 50 m's, Thl.:
steam leaves the turhine at 1,5 bar and with a velocity 01'200 m!s ' Assuming the
process to be reI eFSibil: adiabatic and negkctill~ tilL' change in f)utential ene 'g;. uell:rIllillL'
the \vork dene p.:~k; ~~:':;:~:ln-1nu',.\' tbr~~\.~g.L
v) Steam at 10 bar and :;00"('. passing through Ctllll'l.:rgcnt divcrgcllLl10zzk
<! exp:lI1d" n.:vcrsibk
and adiabatically till the pressure falls to:2 hM, Irthe velpcity of steam entering into the
is 50 m/s, determine the exist velocity of the ~1':~II11,
( IOX2)

Q_~ i) What is Circul.1tionl{alio olboikr and wlLlt slwuld be CRs range for nat lral circulation
Boiling circllit for hi~1t stcam pressur.: ( 1 :,()(J to 210() psig) in large lItility anJ industrial
boiler') ,
ii) What is the purpose ofboi1er drum and what :11',: the main componcniS of drulll il1lcrnal "
iii) What are the \2.rious heat losses in PF bOiler helng eunsidercd It'l' ass..:ssi 19 hlilel
efficiency thrc'ugh loss method "
iv) Wltat is the PU:i='U"C01 \)e~IClalur \'h~ll.<1', '~,~ eltc'lllicclh hL'illO:d","c',\III" "',, "I:e ~111,:

fCI.:J line and \,;,;')

v) What is the PI1::'\'"C' ,,1'11',1) :llld ell\) ',' ,:",c, ,iiLlii \Iilh I'\lugh sf..I'[(iIL'
vi) lira\1 the Sdlt,':",Hic 1:,1\\ :Ilh! Iherm,iI c~ck ,.;:,::.:I~IIIlITS) ofthel1l1~li 1'\1\\el' i"·'I~:
vii) 111..)\\- do >~ltll..,';nL t\"\ f.,.lh)\\ [h~H th~rl..· i .....C~1jh;I..':hcr tuhL.: Il..:ak,,~~ ill rlll1111il~ U,"i: ,;ihl \\lLl!
action do you ::lKC 1111 oh';efling slIchahrwr:n:i1ilie<'
" viii) What is the rurpo~e or prilllary and SeCOllll<ll> ,1II fur Pi: boib"
ix) As per IBR-lu:,O re~ulalion 291. what arc II:e Jilkrentt;pe orsakt\ 1:111c', bei,,!.: used
i"nboilers In I,',['CCI ,1I":I\\C lir •... ,
,x) \\'ritc shur; 11\'- _. Oil \.:Jti",tic :,,·In:'\rit{!l.'l~;,-·I\'


OJ: (\ i
xi) Swichiome;;u'ic quamity of air is Lilt qUl1l1lity of air required for complete combustion of fuel with
a. Some excess oxygen left. b. No oxygen left unused
c. 50"% ex~ air. d. 1QUO/o excess air.

\ xii), Bomb calorimeter is used to determine

,_. a. GCV at constant pressure· b. NCV at constant pressure
c. GCV at constant volume d . NCV at constant volume

xiii) Proximate
a. C,H,N,S analysis
Q. Conly.
& H20 of fuei ®.£ H20,ashof and volatile matter
is determination oJ~cntagc
d. Useful heat evolved.
xiv) lncomplete combustion can be best judged by
a. Smoky chimney exit. b . Excess air in flue gases
c. Measuring C(l in flue gases. d. Measuring C(h in flue gases.
xv) Lignite is
a. Lowest rank coal. b. Highest rank coal.
c. Used in metailurgy of iron d. Comains no moisture
xvi) Hard water may be softened by passing through
a. Sodium Silicate b, Lime stone
b. Ion exchange resign d . Sodahexa metaphosphate.
xvii) Drum imemais ofboiier consists of
a. Level switches for high/low level alanns b. Scrubber & cyclone separator.
- c. Hydrastep d. Downcomer.
xix) The purpose of continuous blow down valve is
a. to control water level b. to drain the boiler
c. to maintain TDS d. to remove sludge.
xx) Two gauge glasses often fitted in boiier drum because
a. One is check against the other b. One is reserve
c. It is a legal requirement d. To increase periods between naintenance

Q-2:- Fiii in me blanks of followiIlg :- (20X I)=20

i) The quantity of heat evolved when unit mass! volume of fuel is burnt completely is called
itL _
ii). The minimum temperature at which fuel must be preheated so that it starts Jurning is
called temperatUre.
iii.) To remove the is the purpose ofa bottom blow down.
iv.) At low pressure boiler. the water wall tube will overheat due to departure from nucleate boiling
when circulation ratio drops to less th~ to__ ,
v.) Bomb calorimeter is used for determining the calorific value of & .
vi) Anthracite posses calorific value and carbon percentage.
vii) Temporary hardness in water can be removed by _
viii) pH of neutral water is __ '
ix) Formation of ice cube is the process where enrropy .
x) Carnot cycle consists of two adiabatic & two reversible process.
xi) Atmospheric air contains __ % of oxygen by volume.
xii) Purest fonn of natural water is water.
xiii) Calcium sulphate when present in boiler feed water causes the formation >f in the
xiv) Analysis involving the estimating of C,H.N,S and ash is called malysis.
xv) As per IBR 1950 regulation 29r ,the safety 'valve reset pressure should no: be less than __ %
but not more than __ % below the safety valve set pressure tor safety '/alves having body
bore more than 32 mm and! or having a set pressure above 2 bar gauge.
xvi) Deaerator out let feed water dissolved oxygen is limited to >pb
xvii) Cavitation occurs in pump at pipe
xviii) Ifthe oxygen % of flue ga:s in a boiler at Air preheater inlet is 3.50/0, the excess air is given to
Boiler for combustion of fuel.
xix) The mass in kg of22km; of any perfect gas at N.T.P. is equal to its molecular weight.
xx) As per IDR 1950 regulation 391 A • remnant life assessment test is to be caJ ried out for utilities
and industrial boilers after they are operating for Hrs.

/ . Q-3:- .:- Use steam table for solving following questions.
i) Find the enthalpy and internal energy of lkg steam at pressure of 10 kgfJ,:m2 when dryness
"- " fraction of steam is 0.75.

~I t~~.<'" ii) and

;/ ~;.-'t Findtemperature
the enthalpy of230"C.
and internal energy
Assume of 1 kg
Sp Heat superheated
(Cp)i" steam
0.5 for this at pressure of 10 kgflcm2
d"} ~ .
'I (l-·
;) It:~.\iii) 0.005 m3 of ~ater is boil~ at 30°C. It is heated ~ti,1 the pressure is 8 ~J
.kgflcm2 and
dryness 0.9. Fmd the quantity of heat added for achlevmg above steam l}lL-illty.
r" iv) A boiler supplies steam to a turbine at 18 kgflcm2 dry and saturated. From the same boiler
st~l is foo by throttling to a steam engine working at 10 kgllcm L, Determ ine the quality of
stearn entering to steam engine. Assume Cp for superheated range 0.5.
v) If the superheated steam of temperature 200°C at 10 kgllcm2 feeding to a SLeam engine and
Specific enU'opy of this steam is 1.5&49 kcaVkg K. If 11lissteam in engine nxpands
Adiabatically to 1.1 kgflcm2. Find the change of enthalpy of steam during expansion.
Assume Cp for superheated range 0.5,

'X -04 :- AnSWer in bricfany offour:- (5X4 )=20

/' i) What is priming and foaming process and state the reasons for occurrence I)fthis process.
What are the measures for avoiding such process?
ii) What are the main protection of boiler ?
iii) State the causes of air pre-heater ftre and measures for preventing Air preheater
iv) What are the various boiler tube failure mechanism ?

v) What are the reasons for PF mill firing and what action should be laken duting mill fire?

Q-5 :- Answer any oftwLJ :- (IOX2)

i) What are the tests to be carried out in various parts of water tube boilers o{:erating at a
tem~rature uf 400°C aJid above during Remnant life a.ssessment (RLA) of boiler as per
IBR 1950 regulation 391 A ? List out all the tests in area wise of boiler pa.1s.
ii) 'W1Jalare the requisile mounling,s,lillings and auxiliaries o[boiler as per IBR 1950
regulation 281? _ '" '._'

following operating data: \ '

iii)a, A steam power
Enthalpy plantwater
of fe~d of 62atMCl,;Ollomi~r
W (slngk
inlet; 238 kl:aUkg,is opcmlillg at full loau with "~. ',.' J ".'
b. Enthalpy of final steam at Turbine inlet : 860 kcal/kg, " .,'J

c, Boiler
d. Final Steam flow allurbine
Efficiency: 85%_ inlel : 250 T/Hr ';'y"~/
' ~
Find the heat rate of plant and coal firing rate if GCY of firing coal is 3800kc1Vkg, .--

---------------------x----------------- Page-3
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····--=-·_ •..•...•

; ,,1, Orsat meter is used tor :-

J. Heverse adiabatic process i~knowl1 as'*
(a) Iso ttermal process (b) Iso chorie process (a) gravimetric analysis of flue gases
(c) Isent"oplc process (d) Nono of the above. (b) ~volumetric analysi~of flue gases
(c)· mass flow of flue gases
(d) measuring smoke density of flue gases
i O. ~D~ratc
~'_ J9}-/
r outlet FW 70 ppb oxygen
dissolve 7 ppm to :*
(c) Is limited (d) 1%
i1. Acid dew point is related to :- .1 pr k:.. \ ()1')t:) \' pVVi 20. Proximate analysis offuel is determination of percentage of:-
,Ja}'Comsion (b) Erosion:' PPb::.D'Do1XICOC (a) Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, moisture U) (-h W\",-t I

(c) Abra: lion (d) None of the above ';.. -,. () !!b ~Fixed ~arbon, ash, volatile matter, moisture
\2. 3 Ts of cc mbustion are :. (c) Higher calorific value

\~urbIJlenCe, --
(a) Time Temperature 8. Tolerance
Temperature & Time
(c) Time Tolerence & Turbulence
(d) NonE of the above.
(d) Lower calorific value.
'If 1. Pour point of fuel is the :-
(a) Lowest temperature which oil will flow under set condition
(b) Storage temperature
i3. Boiler water PH should be :- (c) Temperature at which fuel is pumped through burners

(a) Less than 7.5 .~ Between 8.13 - 9.2 (e1) tGmperature at which oil is transported
'v.(c) Morethan9.8 (d) None of the above 22. The safety valve on boiler drum compared to safety valve on superheater
14. Stoichiometric quantity of air is the :- is set at :-

~ Air pi esent in the atmosphere at NTP conditions (8) same valve dO}" higher valve

(b) Air re quired for compete combustion of fuel with no excess air
(c) Air required to convert CO Into CO2
(d) Air required to form an explosive mixture.
Atmosph ~ric pressure at mean sea level is:-

._,(a) l§;~ Kgflcm2 (b) 1.021<gf/cm2


(c) Lowervalve

(c) Less
Tile capacity of induced draft fan compared to forced draft fan is-
(a) Same \. {.bY'
The condition of steam in boiler drum is always:-
lower/higher depending on stream flow

Less or more depending on size of boiler

(c) 1.0 t<gs/cm2 (d) O.9971<:gf/cm2 (a) Dry .~ (bY' Wet (c) superheated (d) All the above

16. In isothermal process:- 25. Maximum energy loss in a boiler occurs due to :-

\, (n) 'Ter1"~ >erature remai!}§ cnnc;t::lnt (i)) \/011lI')'lP rE'rTlajn~(:onc;tant (a)

" , UnhlJrnl carbon in ash (b\... Incomplete combustion 7t
(c) Pres: jure remCiin,sconstant (d) All of the above. (c) ash content ,_Jd)/ flue gases
17. Tile pres iura, at which latent heat of vaporization of water is zero, is :- 26. The chief advantage of reheat cycle is :-
(a) Below 1 ksc (b) 1 l\sc (a) Increase efficiency
(c) 212 Lsc (d) 225.61esc (b) Obtain more work


10. Tile increase in pressure:- (c) To decrease moisture in low pressure stages
(a) LOWHS the boiling point of a liquid ". (d) All the above
_,(b) Rais ~sthe boiling point of a liquid , 27. T~e hardness of steel increases if it contains :-
(a) Austenite (b) Martensite (c) Pearlite ,(d) Cementite
(c) Incre ases Its volume
(d) Nonn of these.
:;-:--~ :-r--:,-::":'-',~.,-::·
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Madhya Pradesh Boiler OperaUon Engineers Examination 2005

Boller & Hoat Engines Max. Marks: '100
28. ~~.:_l%
WhajJs the percentage of Sulphur
(b) 3found
-7 % in most coals :- Time: 3 HI'S
(c) 5 -10% (d) 8 -12% (30 x1):::30
Q-1 riel< t11ecorrect answer:-
29. On throttling a real gas, temparature of the gas :-
2 C 6~ r
"'If.. (a) Increases
(c) Remains same
Depends upon initial temparature
Three Elements of Drum level control are :-
.\.,. (a) Steam flow,~_Feed flow and Drum level
(b). Drum level, Drum pressure, Steam flow
...••. -----------'

30. The most efficient cycle is :-

(c) Drum level; Steam temperature. Boiler water temperature.
~.a( Carnat cycle (b) Rnkine cycle
(d) Current, Voltage and Power.
(c) Otto cycle (d) Diesel cycle
,,: 2. Mill fineness for - 200 mesh should be :-
Q-2 Fill In the blanks following:- (1$x1)=15
'-IR '.' (a) 70% •. (b) 50% (c) 30% (d) 20%
j .. 1. The condition of incomplete combustion is sensed by measuring .•.•.•••.••. 3. The latent heat is supplied in Boiler at :-
2. Heat value with products of combustion cooled down to initial condition 1; '-p(a) Super heater (b) Down comer
Is called •.•.•.••.••.
(c) Re-heater (d) Water wall
3. Good combustion and high efficiency is indicated by high volume of
4. In a Boiler hydrazine is fed at:- ( N 'L "14 )
(a) Main steam line (b) Re-heat stearilline
4. ~:'f..'t...... is the greatest factor in the corrosion of steel surfaces in
(c) CEP suction line . (d)' BFP suction line (, D €.0 y oJ:\/v
.' ' .. j contact with water . 5. Ash f·uSlon temperature ..
IS Important f or:- =/ L)
f~f± . t·
'I c_ ",,')-l~ ('Y(
I U. 7.h
~. ••••••••••••• is caused by the difference in densities from the difference in
(a) Heat transfer in water wall. (b) Cold end corrosion
the temperature of two vertical columns.
6. \ (c), Slag formation (d) Flow of ash particle in boiler
Hydrazine dozing is done to •.~~.'~\.t-Q. C(;L. {i)"~1H1 W~'\I.
6. Volatile matter limits :-
7. Circulation ratio for industrial boilers is ..":.••:.•.: .' i '. ... ci1\ . (a) Maximum temperature in furnace
8. Excess air required forcombustion is ...•. J:;:.;. !
(b) Maximum Mill outlet temparature
9. It Is impossible for the heat to flow from a body at lower temperature to a
' ' I' .. ' (c) Air temperature to boiler
body at higher temperature without the aid of ...~ ~.!.v' ..'. I, , " '-
(d) l"-loneof the above
10. No engine, working on a cyclic process is more efficient than ........•...
7. First law of thermodynamics is :-
engine when working between same temperatures.
(8, Lc:;w of cons8rva~ioll cf mess
11. Petrol engine works in the principles of ... L.Li.; .. cycle.
" (b) ~w of conservation of en~L_
12. 'The universal gas constant is .\.::~~;::.. mkgflkgmole degree K.
(c) Law of conservation of momentum
13. In a balanced draught system ..•.1..1.... fan and ..d; ..... fan are provided.
(d) None of the above.
14. In a very high pressure boilers forced circulation pumps are provided to
circulate water through tubes as ..........•. Is low at high pressure for ~ l8. Dryness fraction represents :-
~<2·'l·;·7 (a) % of mass of steam to mass of water
natural circulation.
(b) % of mass of water to mass of steam
15, Reheat cy.cle is emloyed in power stations to ~.~~~. and to ~
,_ ,(0) % of mass of dry saturated steam to total mass of wet steam
(1-3 Ar.swer in true or false: - 15x1 = 15
(d) None of the above. p.T.a.
1. Lignite has got lowest percentage of moisture than bituminous coal.
\; 2. Efficiency of heat engines is more than 80%.
, 3. Latent heat of evaporation can never be zero.
- _~_
.. 4
\ . As per JSR, hydraulic test of newly constructed boiler is to be carried out
at 1.5 times the design pressure.
,~ 5. Hydrazine is fed in CEP suction line_
6 Copper increases the hardness of steels.
r .
.- 7
'I( . Solubility ofTrisodium in water reduces with increase of temperature .
, 8.
:~ Compression ignition is used in petrol engines.
- 9. Magnetite layer is found after deaerator.

\" 10.
"A" grade coal has lowest GCv. 7 _ b~.s.l C-
~ 11.
. C. PH -
-)7, b
J ~v~-:rtulU>
e .L-i n ~
~5 ~ ""'--', .-
~ .:~c...;d..,
-\ 12.
13. If grindability index of coal is less, the coal is easily grindable. _;. '. , _l ,-
Thermal power plant work in the principles of camot cycle. ~.>~.:.:'::,:-\.':':..-:.2--
\: 14. Turbine is provided with multistage blades to limit the blade speed.
For acceleration of fluid in supersonic velocity range, the nozzle lIsed
must be divergent nozzle.
Q-4 Give answers of the following :- 10x1=10
1. What is !nternal energy?
2. What is regenerative air preheater?
3. What is the purpose of primary air?

4. What is the maximum metal temperature difference permitted in drum?

5. What is all volatile treatment in boiler?
6. What is the chemical composition of carbon steel?
7. What is the chemical composition of SA213T11 ?
8_ What is the chem ical composition of SA213T22 ?
9. Effective disconnection of toiier?
iO. Ageing of Boilers - Assessment of the remanent life of parts ?
Q-5 Answer briefly any of tile five questicns- 5x2 = 10
1. Define heat?
2. What is the stress corrosion cracking?
3_ What is the purpose of drum in boiler?
4. Mention the type of safety valves us",d in boiler?
5_ What are the materiais used iti sup,:::rhe2[er and reneater in modem
6_ Define latent heat 'I

)"; '~:.,:)-


-- ------.----------. -------

--.\ I ,. \
1',-,- I {- -'-', ..;...
- ~---

r (' / (,~·l i")!

7. What is dryness fraction?
Q-6 htsNer any of the four questions :- 4x5=20
1. Determine the cycte of power plant operating with foll9Wing condition :-
Coal flow - 330 tons per hour,
Calorific value of coal - 3800 kcalJkg,
Generator output - 500 MW.
2. Describe the commonly observed damage mech,misms that contribute
to tube failures.
3. A Steam power station of 200 'MMI capacity uses- coal of calorific va!ue
4000 kcalikg. The thermal efficiency of the station is 36% and electric
generation efficiency is 98%. Determine the coal r,cquired per hourwhen
plant working at full load.
4. Find out the boiler efficieny of a boiler operating a: the condition below :-
Feed water temperature - 80 degree C
Total heat of steam - 720 KcalJKg
( Feed water flaw - 100 tons per hou"
Coal flow - 20 tons per hour
II" Calorific value of coal used - 3800 KcaVkg
!~U 5. Explain the processes involved in camot's engine.
~:I ..~ ' ... - 6. Ust the various components of boiler and theirfunction.
~'11 iR.!~ ,'is:
,r.'.i.i~ r-Y k,;)).'" ' - VI ~ xxxxxxxxxxxxx
b~ '
f:i \
1111 - .• \


Time: 3 Hours

Nole- Answer any fivc qUCS11()ns ()lIcstion no. I « ::;arc cOlT1pllls\lI\

0.1 Tich: the COITcct ans\':cr - I 'x 20

(i) First law of thermodynamics IS

Law of cOllser\'<ltion of mass

Law of Conservation of energy
Law of Conservation of momentum
d. None of the above.

(ii) Dryness fraction represents.

// a. % %of
None mass
ofof the ofabo\e
mass ofsteam
water to tomass
mass of ofwater.
d. % of mass of steam to total mass of steam - water mixture.

(i i i)
Non Kse
The thenna]
critical process
. steam/water
Kscfor are known as
IS -

./ a.
(i v)

(v) Maximum allowable temperature gain 111 Economiser is (Recommended value.)

(c) IIO"C

(vi) AFT stands for

(3) / Ash flow tunnels.

-4b) Ash fusion tc'mrerature.
(e) •. Allowahle 11,)\\' &:. tcmpGfatufc.:.

(d) None of thL' ~lhovc.

(;1) 111\llJc IU1ILkc' \l'} ~)LlI Side lurnaC'L"

(11), On \\,Ill'1 \'..lli \d)" NOlle c't' the ~Il'l)\C

; ! .,. 1~


.'j I~
Ii: ..... ii~''.
' il.

l!ilfl :1

II 03 II

Boiler water I'll should be -

Less than 8
~ [3etween X.S - 9.2
More than 9.6
(d) None 0 r the above

With feed water heating, Cycle efficiency of the themlal power pfant-
/ (:\vi)
(b) Not changes.
(c) \ncrcase or Decrease
(d) None of the above.

In suction :ypc mi\\s P A fan is located-


(a) Before mil\.

(b) v After mill.
(c) ,/Between RAH & FD Fan.
(d) None of the above

(xviii) Balancing chamber provided in BF? balances-

/(a) .J Axial thrust

(b) Radial thrust
(c) Peripheral thrust
(d) None oftne above

\xix) The law related to Stearn Boiler is called as-

lBA \929
lBA 1923
lBA \949
lEA 1950

\ xx) Boiler Farameter~ are expressed by -

(3) T/\1r. of steam produced

lb) Pressure Kg/Cm:
. (el, Outlet Tcmf1 is O(
i ct)' •. -\ \ 1 of the above
~~~e : J Hours
..t- vv
Maxiluum Marko :: 100


________________________________________________ • - .- • "_.0 __.• '

,~ '~:

Each question carry e4u~1 mark~.

& "flY f,,"r' nf ~'nlnln~. ~(:) a~'
Q.1 Ill:' L' Ii: )

A. velocity of ~;n t-." I'" t- ,:--d !" t.'" .,n, .' nd

k. <-<
<;:_ ~ l7 (T)
superheated steem in pipes are of runq~ 8 -) [\ meter/sec und

(fj..7...;..lr_:1 0 meter/see respcC"tively.

B. For Carbon Steel pipes specifiC'~tions ~5 p<:"r IS:
1~:2(.js tZ52cSs j)J~ j ~'!~~
OIN cod.;! ilrc ':.: /1 .1~.{ 6- R 1 _ respect.ivel'y'.

c. Carbon Steel temp. "r


D. The volatile t
lTIu t: er present .in the: coal tOay be

combustibles gases ns

and or. un c:oml:)ln;tih1l0~ (J''1~'':' I ikn

. \
3 (~.l.,. and

E. Grindibility of standDrd coal is ctefindcd ~s

a:1d grindibil i ty of commerc i.~::':: .1 Vi, ,i l2.S from __ C_:' _

to Excess a ir is de term ined from the

,' .
... , . 'i'h" mi1X.U:1UIlI cCGrJomi::cr t~:l11p. i~', u~;u(111y m,:lintdincd
'. L ',--'.
"C bel ()\I t. h (~ sat urat ion prevent Clnd

H. The re:noval of Y<.1se.> is i.1cclJfT'.f?-'-ish,-.l1 llY heating the feed

\·:ater to "C '.-lith ~uuseqU(;rlt Ci'ji.tClti ..f1 in the

eCiu pmc n t Cull ed __ i_.\~'_'.-,·l_-_, _

T. Deaerator safety attachfuents Q~e

,,- ,/'

(i v) __ L\..·."CI

( v) G
\ vi) L.!. ~~
•.. ./1...,
.J.:.::-.L..--_' _

(-\,.I. ,j
\. . ."\. 1 ~••• "
. ~ ,0' '--- o. (,
• __
I/ t. f.•. ~
'I ,.rQ"1\". 1.~N(:fN";::'; ,,? vV':-
J. Steam Turbine blade mat·~r1al 15 '~f..,:···1 >,"-,1. L' ,~.'~----. ••••
I ",C • / ,2,'/. (,
Condensing '!'urbine exhaust etOQIU temp. f.../l,. t) ~ ~ C dm:ing
continuous low load ope~ation.
L. Steam temp. ,'"('~-T'v.... duri n'.J throt l:linlJ process in
equipment reduct
pressure "v •.••t~
(".~rvI~ on. Clod )">,-1'. ~~,.).", f..~j-n.{ ". used for
M. Condensor
in Power
the exhaust
Plant i
h ('''!'l. .p4L eft iele.'.j by
1". :;:illrl~ of 5l'C.llll hl'low OItmospher.e.
N. combustion effi,;iency than
AFBC Boiler and L-;linUf. he
has it is range of ft" to_ ~~
~. ~ u (/

o. Major types of coal feeding systemvailable in AFBC/CFBC

Boilers are v\.-.l.·'-f-.17 and i·\ .•./\·...•.r-- d '...r-
P. Major attractive feature of eFEC Boiler w.r.f~ emission is
(."r ,·"./-;,,·t.1 Sf f •• ;;../1-·>'
f •
Q. Since heat release rate per unit furnace cross sec~ion is
as 10\'" as ' hence the max i.11111~1 econOlFica 1
capacity of a AFDC Boiler get r.estricted t.o ._ to
R. A fluidiz' velocity and e<1sy control of heat
ab-s-o-r-p-t-i-o-n--a-llo\v5 response of a cpnc Boiler
to varying load. -
s. Hardness of steel mClY be de find as under
static & dynamic loads and also as resistance ~o
T. Steel t(laybe simlpy defined as an allow of iroll and carbon
which does not contain more than Ll % carbon.
Q.2 Write short notes on 20
(1) What ~s energy.
(Hi Wnat is circulut~on rdtio ~
(iii) What are different mode of heat transfe__
c__'_' _
(iv) What is the purpose of deaerator ?
(v) \'Jhat is the effect of sulphure in c:>al on ESP
(vi) Why rotor heating is done in turbine ?
(vii)- Why chlorine is added in cooling W<1t01'
I"· i<..,
(viii) \-lhatis the critical Fressure of \'latcr '_:.=.:.C-=," ..

(ix) Name different type of governing in ste~la tuchinc ?

(x) Which cycle has maximum thermodynamic efficlency workiny
between two given reservoir ?
(xi) ht what pressure tbe hydraulic te.:t of i3 nailer is
c~!!ied out after erection on site ?
(xii) ,>]hat de- you mewn by Ilel of c.~(ul
(xiii) Why ~tre55
(xiv) What is normally percentage of e~cess 0i~ ~~pt in boiler
for efficient combustion ?

;i. .
is thE
(xvii) What".is motcrial
is proximate
limit. of
(2:) '007

for Superheater
p ph
(:':':Y'J"n in FW aEtel:"

(most commonly used) -:'

normal limit
6f co~l

7 - :

BoilCc:1" UL'Uln lcv.d-lo\v

protection ?
(xix) vinat is 3 elEment c'
(xx) \";hi'lt .is •forced circulation'

(T\') }l'f) di"lt",a worl:' r.n]1.p~l;;ed clllrinq " tP.H': "T' ;:! Rt~am
Boiler: . 12

Quantity of coal burnt: 750 kgs/hour.

ii Feed waier 5upplierl ~ 7000 kgs/hour.
~ iil CoV. of coal fired .• 8100 kcnl/kg.
iv. Feed water temp. at economizer inlet 25°C.
v Feed water temp. at economizer outlet' BO°C.
vi Stearn pressure = 10kgf/cm2.
vii DrynesS fraction of steam leaving boiler
drum = 0.95
viii Temp. of 5tc~m leaving superheater


(a) Thermal efficiency of plant.

(b) Calculate the hua t absorbed by fC0d Wil tor in va r.1.011S
components of boiler as t of total heat ab~orbed.
From steam tables 3t lOkgf/cm2 t, "l79v06°C, h•..•
kcal/kg, L=482 Kcal/kg. Cp==O.5 kCill/kg"oC
(a) 1 Kgof coal on burniny gives BOOO Kcal of ton
Oet,ermine the di.stcII,ce a lc,comotivcc;'rl yo on for
coal burnt if 10't, of h.~il t re 1CCl F;cd
by the
COil is

required is 5kyf/ton dead weight of locomotiv~. The8

weight of lccc~ctiv(~ is 2~OO TortS.
4 Write short notes on :

(a) NDT of components.

lb) Advbntage of pulvcri~~tiun.
(cl Effect of vaccum on heat rate.
(d) Role of alloying elE~ment irl high tCIIlEJ· ~;t(~el.
(e) Free mineral acid (fMA)
(f) Equivalent mineral acid lEMA).
(g) Boiler safety i:lterlocks system '·Iith !,·\('Lt.?d diagram.
(h) Fluidi7sl.' bed combu:;t'..on s,/o::tem.
(i) Steam Turbine cold :;t~lrtur to synChT"Oll i :.i !\IJ.
lj} Furnace oil specific':'I._l.On cIS !,Jcr I~;-I'J')j-\~71 codes.
Q .•
f! "\'lrite
'sr?ecific various
aspect t.ests with executioll procedure and its
l?es idua 1
to be conducted dUI i..n(J
ignific ?i\\:
, ':''llll tion .

Ci:llI;;eS' plant Resp('l,:',

Acti.on I for the [ollo' ..Jin'J Pli1nt :\bnocrnal i.,:ll.::;.
i Air ~re-heater fire
11 Slag in the water ~alls

iv Condenser tube fil~lll['e.

v Clinker formation Il AFTIe/CFee

.•. boiler.

me: 3.00 Hours BOILERS & HEAT ENGINES Max.Marks 100

te:- Answer any Five question, No,l is compulsory. All questions

carry equal marks),

1 Pick up the mo&t correct answer from the four options against
each question.
1. On throttling:d real gas through a porous plug, temperature
of gaa-' ,
(a) I'ooreases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains same (d) Depends on initial

2. Frictional heating inside an insulated chamber is-

(a<, Reversible adiaba tic Proces 8
...#B1' Irreversible adiabatic Procoss,
(c) Isothermal Process.
(d) Isenthalpic Process.
3, Value of Joules Nechaniccll Ollulvalerot of hei:lt; in S.l,
units is-
.(4) 4.18 (b) 6.023 x 1023
\c) 22.4 (d) 1

~. Head developed by a pump depends on-

(a) Density of-fluid (b) Temperature pi fluid
(cJ Speed of the pump ~d) All of the above.

5. TlJrbine exhaust--condenser is operating at '50 nun Hg abs, on

'steam side and 0.5 atg on water side. AS per I.B.R.
i' Condenser tubes are to be subJected to a hydraulic test
pressure of-' "'" ,._ -0.

(a) 100 mm Hg abs. (b) 1 ~tg

,( c) 2 Kg/Cm2 (d) 70 Kg/Cm2

6. In a 'vertical water tube natural circulation Boiler, water

in bottom headers 1s-
~ Saturated (b) Super Sdturated
(c) Sub cooldd (d) Super heated.

7. Hydcazine doeing to feed water is controlled by monitoring

residuathyd~azine as-

Ja) 0.02 ppm (b) 0.04 ppm

(d) None of the above.
«c) 2 ppm
8. for Thermal Power Plant-
(a) Capacity factor = Load factor X Use factor
(b) Load facdtor ; Capacity factor X Use factor
(c) Use factor ; Capacity factor X Load factor
\d) Load factor X Capacity Factor X Use factor = 1

9. T QK ; Average temperature of Chimney Gases

Tl OK = Atmospheric air temperature.
W = Kg of Air Per Kg of fuel
K r = Draft in terms of gas column
H g Height of Chimney
Condition for maximum discharge through Chimney is-
(a) T = 2Tl (W+l)/W (b) H = H 1
\c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above.
10. Useful heating value of coal is- .
(a) Higher heating value (b) Lower heating value
(e) Calorific value X Boiler Efficiency
(d) None of the above.
Con td. , .2 ctfi.-
Ratio of Primary air to Secondary air flow is-
( a) 1: 2 \b r--2 :l (c ) 1 ; 3 (d) 1: 4.
(5) The Ratio of Primary air velocity to Secondary air is-
(a) 1 (b) les8 than 1 (c) More than 1 (d) Any value.

(6) Mill fineness for - 200 mesh should be -

(a) 70% (b) 50' (c) 30' (d) 20%

(7 ) The latent~heat is su~p1ied in a Boiler in -

\.~)/waterwall (b~ Superheater (e) Down comer (d) Rehea;er.
(8 ) In natural circulation the driving force is due to-
(a) Force exerted by Drum pres £lure• , .'
.,(j;yPOensity"difference ot Steam and"wa'ter
(c) Pressure of BFP
(d) None of the above.

(9) In a boiler Hydrazene is fed in -

(a) Main steam line (b) Reheat Steam line
(c) CEP Suction line ~dr BF? Suction line.
275 Ksc.
325 Ksc (d)
\c) The
(10) (a) 50°C
la) critical
190 Ksc (b). 100°C
Pressure 2~5 110°C
for Ste~ater ia-
Ksp (d) JOoC
rature rise in Econ~miser is-

'(12) Ash fusion temperature is important for-

(a) Heat transfer in water wall
(b) Cold end corrosion
~siag formation
(d) Flow at ash particle in Boiler.
(13) The- maincomoosi SealEil is form~c1,,_ :,,-_,-
tion of Ash .. __ , c'
Li) Iiislde'the···tube·· --- (b) Outside--the tube
--- .. .
/' On the furnace ~efr~=~tr~ (d) None "bE the ~bove. "

14. Control stage in the turbine is - I.

(a) Last stage (b) First stage
(e) One atage before last state (d) None.
': 15. Pent house i~ situated
(a) At the top of boiler (b) At the bottom ~f boiler
(e) Below drum (d) ,None of the above.
" .:
16. Down comer is-
(a) Inside furnace ~b·)/~tside furnace
(e) On water wall surface (d) None of the above.
17. The value of pressure setting of MS Safety valve is dona-
\a) Higher t(.b-r-Lower
\c) Equal (d) None of the above.

18. Three element control is used for-

(a) Spray control ~Drum level control
(e) RH steam temperature control
(d) SF? Recirculation control.

19. The Boiler efficiency in Modern Thermal Power Station is

(a) 60 t
in the range of-
(b) 80% ,tc')" 90% ( d ) 40%

·20. Volatile matter limits-

(a) Maximum temperature in furnace.
(b) Maximum Mill outlet temperature
\c) Air temperature to Boiler
(d) None of the above .

. ----.--


"\uximum Mur~:; : 100

'rtme : 3 Hours
'BOIL~n5 AN 0 II EAT --ENe. IN t::S

------------- Answer QUQstion NO,l and any (our o( the renlaining,

The n'ark~
Note quc~tlCI1~,
carded \)~I e,'.!c\) 'I U €l S l L0 11 () r c: L11 cJ I c<1I: c: (\ ,~ t the C 1\ d 0 ( the

from the (our opti,)nS o(jainst each

0.1 Pic k u P the in 0 s t co rr e c tan sw c r (20)

(i) Th,'} latell'. heat of steam vlitr increase of pl,~~sure

(a) reill ~l.llS SQ!'1IL:

(" l,.' inCL8aSC5

~l decreases
(d none of Clbove

(ii) .In :h~ rl'generati'/o cyde, part of the sL(lam ls V/ithdrav1n

'r0m the l u r bin e & USe din hi! at i n g the :

exhaust fan
~ foed water
steam being supplled to the turbine
(d) all of the above

liit) The \lLtimi'te anal.ysis uf coal is done to determine the

,. perc~ntage :

~ c';-rbon, hydFlgen, nitrogen, :.:-.llphur, as:1

tb) higher calori,fic vL'Je
(c) lower calorific value
(d) fix.,-:l carbon, ash, vol~tlle matter, moisture

(i v) '.'I'h: ::~l ':.';'\('~l the (:l11e'\'Iin ~ i~ I·.ct d regenerative air h =a tor

.";'J '-J s t rom t, Y I) <, air 11 eat c r
dipnel1yl air heat'er
TLlbdar air r,eClter
?cbble h,eater.
in the
or pralcipltation
l v 1 'rl1o l.iliC<H ant stops il'\ tho procGlSS
f' 1 r~ r. t r 0 S t <;\ tL c i>' <: L p 1 tat 0 r II ra

l. lonisation of gases & charging of dllst ,particles.

2. LJislodqing of particles from the coll\lcting 5urfa-::e.
3. Il\igration of particles to the collectol·.
4. D<:,<.IOSltion of dust p.3.rtlcles em th~ collecting surface.

The correct sequence o( dl((erent steps is :

(a) 1 .2,3.4.
(b) 1.3.2, ,4
(c) 4,3,2. I
(d) 1 .3.4 , '2

(v L) 1\ (.1r ,l\.\CJ h l i~',pro d II cad i 1'\ a b,., i'.c r :

(a) to "J o'lide adequate 5UPl)ly liir [0:." l:'E' fuel cornbustion. d
(b) to 'ischiHge the gases
(c ) t \) ex h a \l s t the gas e 5 0 f com b \.l S t i 0 r, f r 0 m t h l: r.0n,l:iu s t ion
(d) .;Ill)( the a!)Qve.

(ContcJ .. 2)
f:!lr····· . ,,(-
, .,,: 'I',

.. 3 ..

xv) The three 'T'S f.or good combustl.on ale

,'{.a0empl'rature, tim~ e. turbulanee

tll) tot'~ ail:, true f.uel & turbulanee
tc) th'otoUS;h, total air & temperdtur~,
( r' ' tot 0.1 a. i"
t\ n'e 8. t e mper a t u r e ,

(xvi) l!"r.omplete com'o\Jsllon can be bc',: juo'.lod by

smoKey chimney exit

excess 'r in flue gases
measuring e,' rbo" mono-oxlde 1n flue 9 llse::;
measuring oxygen 1n flue gases,

(xvii) Natural water circulation by convection in water tube boller:;

& with iocrea,,'. '\n pressure of boiler:

remains unaffected
first increases & I:.hen decreases

(u) :ombu.st1on e[(\.e10ncy

(b) leaKage oC air into boiler
tc) .. ultimate analysi" of fuel
~d) analysin~ the fluJ ga~ on tho SpClt

('.Lx) The commonly \1S'l ~ mer.hod oC goVeL nin:j In steam turbInes ts

(a) thro t tle go" e rnin (d
U-0-1/ nozzle cont~ol governin0
(c) ~ypass gov"rn1ng
hydraulic ~overning
(xx) POUl' ooLnt oC !'uel i~ Lho oIl
to wl.ieh oil' is heated \.n order to
(a) ,litnimum temperature vapour:; i.n sl\fflcl.pnt quantity '<')
'jive o~[ In(lam",bl.e when brought in contact with a
"gQHe monlentarlly
(\)) tcmpratut'e al whteh It ;,oUdUle" or coguals
(c) it catche:; lire w\.thout e>:ternal aid
td) none o( the OIbr)'Ie pede rmance
List out (T,ajor factors affecting plant
assocl.ated 'II the nature of coal handled. take
Ugh. WhOlt i;1cti,c;n will you
~Hll ciH ferentinl i:; it is allowed tu c'mt~.!lUC ?
wh<"t \'Illl. har '::n If

Vihat is 8 (urnacp. expl.osion 7

ld) Vlhat .\5 dl([eren~p. between \?rimary Air & Secondary

authori A.r,
;ing (5)
j :!J i~ (5)
I '1!!1 Enu.merate condition in which a certificate
i" \~
0,3 la)
: .~; use of Boiler J" to be renewed What
\b) HI? heRter" on the turbine have bp.en bypassed.
eUect ~t \'1\.11 have on the boller ;Jarameters ?
.. 5 •.


a.8 (a) Cdine equi.valent evaporati'jn (rom and at 100°C.

Foltowing observations were taken dudng a test on a (15)
750 K~.
Ouality of L' ~l burnt per Iiour
7000 V. I) ,
,'r IIf1ur
8100 KC<.ll/Kg.
C.V. of coal fired

Temp. of feed water entering eeonomiser

Temp.of feed "u(er leaviny economiser
10 Kgf/Cm2
Ste<!.m Pressure
Dryness fraction c f steam leaving
BoUer Drum

Terr.p. of stt·am leaving super heatet'

Determine the thermi.) efficiency of thr. plant. else
calculate the l~ca\: absorbed by (eee. water i', various
components as a percentage cf the total heat absorbed.

from steam table

hf :: 181. 2 Kea l/Ies... ,
at 10 Kgf/Cm"'" ts

hfg : 462.1 Keal/Kg.

hsuP 702. I. Kcal/K g.

* •
It .•

. 1 ",l ....... - .•... " .. " ... ' .

".', ;.~
" .., : .. ' .
:Cantd .. 2)
C.D -- -. !~·'···'7-····-··".
Mit,xim'wu Harks : 100

Note: Answer que~tion'No. 1 & any four of rem~inin~.

Each q~estion carry equal marks.

Q.1 Fill up >:.he blanks (each 1iub-s~ction carries 1 mark..) 20

General velocity of' dry and saturatEd ,steam and

superheated ·steam in pipes are of 'range meter/see and


B. Fo: Carbon Steel pipes specifications ~ '3 I?er IS, BS and

DIN code are and r'C!npectively.

C. Carbon Ste~l pipes are used for a ma~imum temp. of


D. volatile matter present in ~he' coal may be

cc:,\a.lstiblesgases as -'
and :--------
i or un combustibles ga~es like

E. GrL1-.iibility of standard coal is derindF.f} as Sl'h~ ';\M~ co<\\

and ':jrindibility of commercial coal vatles from -~----

tp. Excess air
:.I'-.'~'-'..' .-'- .~-.-..,..-__ ...
is determined from the

F. Excess air --r-

w~ -
~,--- rl'\1:1

G. The maximum economizer out+et temp. is ulJu'ally rnaintE..lined

\ .
~ to °C belo,,, th,e 'saturation

temfl--·to prevent anj

H. The rem~.val of gases is accomplished by heat ..

ing the fe.ed
wa.ter to °C wi';:hsubsequent, ag,it:ation in the
;~~~ipment called -+-0
I. Deaerator safety attachments are z

(i ) Tem{> ~~~

(ii) ~Y.~, I

(iii) <::A~~,\j~,,\ \{
(iv) \ {> >-II? \ 1.""cl.-.'c oJ-ov .__
(v) ~~?S,,", \-\~~, o~
( ..~,
...- ~--.- ------.-~~------..c----
-2 -.
.. :,';~~\
.",;;,.~~>,~ ',"~.'\.
Steam Turbine blade material i. __--'- ~ -\.,~
K. congens :ng Turbine eX,haust stearn temp. ~. di',\
continuous low load operation.
L. Stearn temp. duri~g tr.:ottlin9 pro~ess in
equipment .and used for
-r-e-d-u-c-t-i-o-n-.---- ._. -----
M. Condensor in Power Plant efficiency by
decreasing the exha~st pressure of s~eam below atrnospheDei
N. CFae Boiler has . combust.ion efficiencytha'n

AFBC Railer and it .is in the ,range elf

Major types of coal

% .
.'_ to

feeding system available in AFBC;Cl"BC

'",:>" Boilel3 are and'
P. Major attractive feature 9f CFBC Beiler w.r.f.• emission is

Q. since heat release rate per unit urnace cross section is

as 10' as henc the m:;\xi:uum

capa c y of-a--A-F-B-C--B-o-~-'
. TPH.
A'.'_' '_"_.'_'.

res .:r icted tc

ve~6c~~~- and easy control of'heat

'. ( ~. ,"

,~ab~orpt on al10~~_ ,. :,' . ,respoi1se,'ofaCFBC Boiler

i•.. ;'':, . 't,ov-ary n'g 10adXf-
.~. s. Hardnes; - of .steel ¥y be- def .nd ' as_

6tatict dynamic loads ~nd als. as resistance to
Steel<l\\ simlpy defined a j an allow of iron and carbon
which doe not contain more ~aan .% carbon •

Q.2 Write short not,s on
. :.~
.. ! (i) ',' : What'. is e\ersy. ,.,
....':.'-_:~:""~-r- .._,.._.-'.-::::.:.--~.,----.::..' " ," '-_--_":""~~~ __
-'..:c,--'-::.~"-- '.----'
c •••• :' ':::-:-{i-I-)' i~b.i:ftis c.•. 'culation ratio ?
(iii) What are dl':,ferentmode
, f \
of heat transfer ?
(iv) What is the )~rp06e of deaerator ?
( v) ESP
What is th· offc,,', of Bulphurp In coal on
. • ,
(}Ii) Why rotor heat ',ngis lone in turbine ?
(vii) Why chlorine added in cooling water? il
(viii) What is the cr; :ical)ressure of water ?
(ix) Name different ~I?e of governing in steam turbine ~
(x) Which cycle ha maximum thermodynamic efficiency workin~
betwe~n two ~i~'~n reservoir 1
(xi) At what press' re 'the hydraulic tes tof _ a Boiler i~
carried out af".U' erection on Bite ? I
(xii) What do you me; .1 by HGI. of coal ?
(xiii) Why stres6re:~eving is required for steam headers?
(xiv) What is normall· percentage of excess air kept in boile
for efficient , mbustion ?
(xv) What is proxim~ ,...41 ~oal ?
(xvi) Wh3t is the ,mit of dissovle oxy,ge;1 in FW afd
(xvii) What is materia' for Superheater (mo3t commonly used) ~
-_ ..~- '- •• ,.,,1_'

3. a) Draw a neat schematic layout of Demineraliser Plant 8. 10
explain the working.

b) Explain with neat sketches: 10

i) Boiler Safety Valve

ii) Steam Trap
4. a) Draw a neat sketch of Raymond Bowl Mill & 10·
explain the INOrkingof all components.

b) i) Draw a schematic layout of Oeaerator, Boiler 5

Feed Pump & High Pressure Feed. Water HeatE'lfs.

ii) Explain how cycle effiCiency improves 5

with feed vvater heaters.

5. a)
Estimate suitable size for a steam pife to carry i\ dl~ _ 5
140 Kg/Sec. of steam at 100. Kg/em pressure at 400ClC ..4" -
Assume a steam velocity of 50 metre/second.
b) Write a note on Soot Blower 5
c) Write a detail note on annllJal overhaul of boiler & explain 10
in details the inspections & testing to be carried out.
. Explain the working of the fOI~Owing : I •

i) 'Nater Sbftenirig Plant

ii) Mechanical & Chemical Deaeration
iii) 3 Element Drum Level Control
iv) Automatic Combustion Control of the Boiler




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