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Written by Carmen Godinez Flores

Once there was a mother duck named Pita, who was in a hurry setting up her nest to hatch her eggs, when
she saw that everything was in order, she wanted to rest for a moment, stretch her wings and de-numb her
legs, so she went to look for something that eating, while she was not there, came Aunt Celia, - very
compassionate woman-, who had found a chicken egg and not knowing what to do with it decided to place it
in the nest of the duck Pita.

The days passed and all the eggs were hatched, as you can imagine, among the children of Pita there was a
chick, she cleaned his feathers, brought him food, warmed him with her wings, and of course the chick was
happy with his mother duck and his duckling brothers.

Until one day the mother duck had the idea that it was time for her children to learn to swim. Very early in the
morning, she encouraged her children, who followed her to the river, and there one by one started their

But, oh! sad reality, among the children of the duck Pita, there was one, the chick that did not have the same
nature as that of the other ducklings and because of that ... he drowned.


Solve the following questions.

1. What consequences did it have for the chick not knowing what its nature was? It drawded because it
didn’t made to swim

2. Why is it important as human beings to recognize what we are and what we are not?
to be able to act according to our human nature and avoid some danger

3. Having human nature implies being an intelligent being, with a free will, which has the responsibility to
know and act according to what it is. Do you act according to your human nature? Why?
Yes, I think we are already programmed to know what is wrong or good and what we can do and what we
can not do

4. What reflection does this reading leave you?

It is important to know our nature in order to avoid any danger and know what we can do and what we
can not do. to facilitate the difference between good and bad

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