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aedra tert as CENTRAL SILK BOARD (ea HATA, HRA BRR Ministry of Textiles - Govt. of India) ara aiecdas, fa ca as, afsaret CSB Complex, BTM Layout, Madiwala airag_ BENGALURU ~ 560068 No.CSB/7* CPC/Bills/2017-18 Date: 24 July 2017 CIRCULAR Sub: Implementation of 7% Central Pay Commission Recommendations including the revised allowances for the regular employees ~ Reg. Ref: No.CSB-1(1)/2017-18/Budget/Accts, dated 11.07.2017 In continuation of the circular referred above, it Is to inform that based on the notified resolution No.11-1-2016-IC dated 6t July 2017 by the Government of India (GOI) on the acceptance of the recommendations of 7 CPC as also the committee’s report in respect of REVISED RATES OF ALLOWANCES followed by the various O.Ms from GOI received on the subject, it has been decided to implement the following w.e.f. (01-07-2017 for the regular employees of Central Silk Board: iL i i Now: With effect from 01-01-2016 the pay of the then existing employees of the Central Silk Board would be revised based on the option given by the the vidual employee and the salary except the revised allowances would be trfected accordingly from the month of July 2017 salary onwards. Pay arrears of regular employees for’ the period from 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2017 will be paid on sanction/receipt of funds for which action had already been initiated by Central Office, Bangalore. The due drawn statement for the period from 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2017 may be prepared and kept ready for payment of 7* CPC arrears on official intimation from the Central Office, Bangalore. tl. HLR.A, & Transport Allowance and other allowances! ‘as already intimated vide the circular under reference, various allowances would continue as per the existing system without any’ revision except those ‘Mowances such as Family Planning Allowance, Washing allowance, Over Time ‘Allowance, Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowance etc.,which are expressly CSB Compiex TOD FLING Road, BT Micayout, Maciwala BANGALORE ~ 860 068, INDIA Prone: +91 80 2528231926282308; Fax: +91 60 26781458 ‘Eomale dir csb@oicn ic. ceb@aov in a Satta ter até CENTRAL SILK BOARD (Fer Tee, se ATER Ministry of Textiles - Govt. of India) Stet wintery, aa wrasse, afSareT csB Complex, BTM Layout, Madiwala BENGALURU — 560068 abolished by the Govt. of India by way of O.Ms. The abolished allowances need to be stopped with effect from July, 2017 salary onwards, The relevant O.Ms such as OM.F.No.29/1/2017/E.1I(B) dated 11.07.2017 issued by Got, Ministry Encl: As Above, (R.SATHISH KUAMR) DIRECTOR(FINANCE) To All the Delecated Units of CsB epy for information and necessary action to: \4 The Deputy Director [Comp] CSB, Bangalore to uploading the same in the CSB website. 2) Account Section, Central Office, CSB, Bangalore, for information, 3) _ Establishment Section, Central Office, Central Silk Board, Bangalore, 4) Internal Audit, Central Office, Central Silk Board, Bangalore (R.SATHISH KUAMR) DIRECTOR(FINANCE) (CSB Complex. 100 FiRing Road. BT MLayout, Madivala BANGALORE ~ 560.083, INDIA Phone, +9180 28282316726282308. Fx sot 0 26781458 € ideo csb@aov in it din sbi. i ‘media tat @S CENTRAL SILK BOARD a (GEA FATT, HA BTSR Ministry of Textiles-Govt. of India) Rar aiecdes, a wr aanse, afsaTeT CSB Complex, BTM Layout, Madiwala ‘agp Bengaluru-560 068 a. Rearat Haan/ee/2017-18 feaie : 24 Geng, 2017 aia fava : Raima aeteritat & fee deities ae wigs 74 detrs aaa sri & faohet & areieaas & dae A | Hest: ai. Bat-1(1)/2017-18asrereran Fae 11.07.2017 sada after & ar a, ag afta eT & Pe ae ACHR Garr See fava ot 7 & dette dae ara fr Paoitet Fr epi en at & eh aah & dade A ania & fete wd ana Ha & ste Sree aise care HALA ‘were F. 11-1-2016- ase feats 06 Gers, 2017 & sree ae ae rote Fora ary & fe dedir ter ats & afta asteatal & few Baw 01.07.2017 F faeafefea a areieraer Peer ore: 1. ag aaa ae ediert agers sar fori 01-01-2016 & Safe ter as & acara avtental ar deer veka aster cant fae are fame & sree oe aeitftter ra sneer cer eee Ba whgax Gers 2017 weer aT aaet aaa Pea eM | errs 01.01.2016 F 30.06.2017 aa AT arate % fae ratte aetna ar Sarat wae ar ayer FARA eater BA Ae fever re Fae fare Sete apraiera, aaae SanT sect Gt artes Ht aA | Rati 01.01.2016 B 30.06.2017 ca A arf AH fae Saar HET Reh dan ax date arias, dre & 74 Sette Soar are HF ae aprare & fae arate quer Prat aa aa Tar ST | 1, wae Berar ser go Rags eT aM eT: sar delta cfu ant see @ afear Fae ae sqEr, sare Prato art, Gers aren, wre aren, fae wages (seer aa) eat arfe FSR arate area & area ses TURK cant eae Be A Barca Per wer & ne 2 faiter at orth et | area seat at gag 2017 & aaa & de awa TRE | SRG SCHR, feet saree, ag fee gant ger arat a sieer a ory eae arate Waser SA wT. Uw H. 29/1/2017/8-11CM) Rati 11.07.2017 anes Hast fae dower & 1 get ware artery ae, ora at ont etd E oantes Bohr & SRG sree artes bg ot orem | sates sepet ar wet 8 sequela se site samy feedgeneher area woh sarah & tart A wer squat aren ST | (arcarter FAR) ‘freera (fret) ane aah & waht veuifta gas Sid Auer we grees artet fy: eit Peeper, nat Ingram eed aly ok Re 1 2) Sar au, Sate arias, ae, orgy at quant | 3) River arp, Sedre are, deter bent ahs, dara | 4) siete dar aden, este archos, ater ter ats, dares | = ofhy anh Sliy nA 2 (react aT) freerer (Fart) F.No.29/1/2017-E.lI(8) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, dated the 11" July, 2017, OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Payment on account of discontinued allowances - regarding, The undersigned is directed to inform that the recommendations of the 7 CPC on allowances have been accepted by the Government with 34 modifications, Resolution in this regard has been published on 6! July, 2047. 2. In this regard, attention is drawn to Para 8.2.5 of the Report of the 7® CPC wherein it has been mentioned that any allowance, not mentioned in the Report (and fence not reported to the Commission), shall cease to exist immediately. In case there is any demand or requirement for continuation of an existing allowance which has not been deliverated upon or covered in this report, it should be re-notifed by the Ministry concerned after obtaining due approval of Ministry of Finance and should be putin the public domain 3. _Asthe recommendations of the 7% CPC on allowances have come into effect from 12! July, 2017, disbursement of all existing allowances which have nat been specically recommended for continuation in terms of the Resolution dated 6" July, 2017 shall be discontinued from the salary of the month of July, 2017. 4. In-view of the nature of the Allowances specific to Ministry of External Affairs, these allowances were not covered by the 7" Central Pay Commission. Herice this order will not be applicable to allowances specific to Ministry of External Affairs. 6. {t shall be the responsibility of the Heads of the Department to ensure that no bills telating to disbursement in respect of such allowances is drawn by the Head of Office/Drawing 8 Disbursing Orficers under their ourview/juisdicion, Pay and Accounts Offcers shall ensure that no payment is effected if any such bill relating to the disbursement of the discontinued allowances is submitted to them. If such bills are received, they should be retumed to the DDO and timation thereof shall also be given to the Head of the Department and the Chief Controller of Accounts. ang Eu ; (Annie George Mathew) Joint Secretary to the Goverment of india 1. Joint Secretary(Admn Est.) all Ministries/Departments 2. All Financial Advisors No.24/5/2017-E.1I(B) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, dated the 7® July 2017. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Implementation of the recommendations of the 7 Central Pay Commission relating to grant of Transport Allowance to Central Government employees. ‘Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission, the President, is pleased to decide that Transport Allowance shall be admissible to Central Goverment employees atthe following rates:- Employees drawing pay in Pay Level Rates of Transport Allowance per month [Employees posted in the | Employees posted at all | Cities as per Annexure Other Places Gand above Rs.7200+DAthereon __| Rs.3600+ DA thereon. 3108 Rs. 3600 + DA thereon Rs. 1800+ DA thereon and 2 Rs.1350#DA thereon | Rs.900 + DA thereon Ww (i) ww) (a) (b) (o) (0) ‘The grant of Transport Allowance shall be subject tothe follwing conditions: The allowance shall not be admissible to those employees who have been provided with the faciity of Government transport In respect of those employees who opt to continue in their pre-revised Pay-structure/Pay Scales, the corresponding Level in the Pay Matrix of the post occupied on 01.01.2016 as indicated in CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 would determine the allowance under these orders. Physically disabled employees as mentioned in DoE O.M. No. 19029/1/78-E1V(B) dated 31.08.1978 and subsequent orders in respect of the categories viz. visually impaired, orthopaedically handicapped, deat and dumbihearing impaired, spinal deformity, shall continue to be paid Transport Allowance at double the ‘normal rates, subject to fulfilment ofthe stipulated conditions, which shall, in no case, be less than Rs.2250/- .m, plus applicable rates of Dearness Allowance Officers drawing pay in Levels 14 and above in the Pay Matrix, who are entitled to the use of oficial car in terms of Depariment of Expenditure's O.M. No.20(5)-.1K(A)'93 dated 28.01.1994, shal be given the option to avail the official car facility or to draw Transport Allowance at the rates of Rs.15,750/- p.m. plus Deamess Allowance thereon. Before, allowing Transport Allowance @ Rs.15,750/- plus D.A. thereon, the option exercised by an officer will be examined by the administrative Ministry and his/her entitlement to the use of oficial car in terms of the O.M. dated 28.01.1994 ibid will require to be certified by the competent authority. In case, an officer opts to draw Transport Allowance @ Rs.15,750- p.m. plus D.A. thereon, helshe vill not be allowed to change his/her option during the remaining period of histher current assignment. Admissibility of Transport Allowance during the following circumstances: During leave: The allowance will not be admissible for the calendar month(s) wholly covered by leave, During deputation abroad: The allowance will not be admissible during the period of deputation abroad. During tour: if an employee is absent from the Headquarters/Place of Posting for full calendar month(s) ‘due to tour, helshe will not be entitled to Transport Allowance during thatthose calendar monthimonths However, Ifthe absence does not cover any calendar month(s) in ful, Transport Allowance will be admissible {or full month, During training treated as duty: The allowance may be granted during such training, if no Transport Facilty'Traveliing Allowance/Daily Allowance is provided for attending the training insttute. During official ‘our in the training course, the allowance will not be admissible when the period of the tour covers the whole ‘calendar month, Also, during training abroad, no Transport Allowance will be admissible when the period of such training covers the whole calendar month. (e) 4 5 During inspection/survey duty by Members of Special Pert but exceeding 8 kms. from the Headquarters OR during continuous field duty either in_or outside the Headquarters: Transport Allowance is given fo compensate for the expenditure incurred for commuting for both to and fro between the place of duty and residence. In case when one gets Road Mileage/Daily Allowance or free transportation for fieldinspection/survey duty or tour for period covering the whole calendar month, he/she will not be entitled to Transport Allowance during that calendar month, To vacation staff : Vacation staff is entitled to Transport Allowance provided no free transport facilty is ‘given to such staff However, the allowance shall not be admissible when such vacation spell, including all kinds of leave, cover the whole calendar month(s) During suspension: As a Government employee under suspension is not required to attend office, helshe is not entitled to Transport Allowance during suspension where suspension covers full calendar month(s). This position will hold good even if the suspension period is finally treated as duty. Where suspension period covers a calendat month partly, Transport Allowance payable for that month shal! be reduced proportionately ‘These orders shall be effective from 1 July, 2017. ‘These orders will apply to all civilian employees of the Central Government. The orders will also apply to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Service Estimates. In respect of the Armed Forces Personne! and Railway employees, separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence end Ministry of Railways, respectively. 6 In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concemed, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptrolier & Auditor General of Inia. To Hindi version is attached aly a (Annie George Mathew) Joint Secretary to the Government of India All Ministries and Departments of the Govt. of India as per standard distribution list. Copy to CRAG and U-P.S.C., etc. as per standard endorsement list. ANNEXURE LIST OF CITIES/TOWNS ELIGIBLE FOR HIGHER RATES OF TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE ON RE-CLASSIFICATION’ OF CITIES/TOWNS AS PER CENSUS- 2014 (w.e.f 01.04.2015) ‘S.No. | NAME OF THE STATES/ UNION | NAME OF THE CITY/TOWN TERRITORIES 7 ‘ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS: ai a 2 "ANDHRA PRADESH/ TELANGANA Hyderabad (UA) a ARUNACHAL PRADESH a En 4 ASSAM Dies (rte = 5. BIHAR Patna (UA) 16. CHANDIGARH a = 7. CHHATTISGARH 6. DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 5 8. DAMAN & DIU rie = 10. DELHI anes Delhi (UA) [1 [60a I = 12 GUJARAT [Ahmadabad (UA), Surat (UA) 3. HARYANA, - 4 HIMACHAL = seis PRADESH 15: JAMMU & = | KASHMIR, Bal 16. JHARKHAND = 17. KARNATAKA Bengalore / Bengaluru (UA) 18. | KERALA Kochi (UA), Kozhikode (UA) 18. | LAKSHADWEEP. f= a 20. MADHYA PRADESH __| Indore (UA) aay 24 MAHARASHTRA 7 ‘Greater Mumbai (UA); Nagpur (UA); Pune (UA) 22, | MANIPUR = 23. MEGHALAYA, a E [24 [MIZORAM a | 26. NAGALAND ss | [26 | ODISHA i 27. PUDUCHERRY/ PONDICHERRY = ii] 28__| PUNJAB = 29. RAJASTHAN Jaipur (UA) 30. SIKKIM l= [at TAMIL NADU ‘Chennai (UA), Coimbatore (UA) 32. TRIPURA |= 33, UTTAR PRADESH Ghaziabad (UA), Kanpur | (UA), Lucknow (UA) 34. UTTARAKHAND = | 35. WEST BENGAL Kolkata(UA) No, 2(512047-E. (8) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, 7 July, 2017, OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- implementation of recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Central Government employees. ‘Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay ‘Commission, the President is pleased to decide that, in modification of this Ministry's O.M, No.2(37)-E.lI(BY/84 dated 27.11.1965 as amended from time to time, O.M. No.2(13)/2008-E.1K(B) dated 29.08.2008 and O.M. No,2/5/2014-E.1I(B) ated 21.07.2015, the admissibilty of House Rent Allowance (HRA) shali be as under:- [ Classification of Cities/Towns Rate of House Rent Allowance per month as a percentage of Besic Pay only | x Fete Awe PEERS ESE HERES reer Err Ee eee Heer rete rege mace beee rH Zz % 2 The rates of HRA will not be less than Res.5400/-, 3600/- & 1800)- at X, Y & Z class cities respectively. 3. The rates of HRA will be revised to 27% 18% & 9% for X, Y & Z class cities respectively when Deamess ‘Allowance (DA) crosses 25% and further revised to 20%, 20% & 10% when DA crosses 60%. 4, The term “basic pay’ in the reviged pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed pay levels inthe Pay ‘Matix and does not include Non-Practsing Alowance (NPA), Military Service Pay (MSP), etc, or any other lype of pay like special pay, ete, 5. The list of cities classified as ‘X', ‘Y' and 'Z vide DoE’s O.M. No.216/2014-E.1KB) dated 21.07.2018, for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance is enclosed as Annexure to these orders, 6, Special orders on continuance of HRA at Delhi ("X° class city) rates to Central Government employees posted al Faridabad, Ghaziabad, NOIDA and Gurgaon, at Jalandhar ("Y" class city) rates to Jalandhar Cant, at "Y" class city rales to Shillong, Goa & Port Blair and HRA at par with Chandigarh {"Y" class city) to Panchkula, $.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) Which have been allowed to continue vide Para ofthis Ministry's OM. No.2/5/2014-€.1I(B) dated 21.07.2016 and O.M, No. 2/2/2016-E.1NB) dated 03.02.2047, shall continue ti further orders. 7. Allother conditions governing grant of HRA under existing oters, shal continuo to apply. 8 These orders shall be effective from 1* July, 2017. 9, ‘The orders will apply to all civilian employees of the Central Government. The orders will also be applicable to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Services Estimates, In respect of Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees, separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Raivays, respectively. 10. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of Indi kind version is etched rao (Annie George Mathew) Joint Secretary to the Government of India To Al Ministries and Departments of the Govt. of India etc. as per standard distribution list. Copy to: CBAG and U.P.S.C., etc, as por stanciard endorsement list ANNEXURE To _O.M. No.2/5/2017-E.I(B) dated 07.07.2017. LIST OF CITIES/TOWNS CLASSIFIED FOR GRANT OF HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES | Si. | STATES/ UNION CITIES CLASSIFIED | __ CITIES CLASSIFIED No. | TERRITORIES AS “x” AS “y" . [ANDAMAN & a a NICOBAR ISLANDS 2. | ANDHRA PRADESH _| Hyderabad (UA) Vijayawada (UA), Warangal TELANGANA (UA), Greater Visakhapatnam (M.Corpn.), Guntur (UA), Nellore (UA) 3. | ARUNACHAL a fe PRADESH ee 4. | ASSAM | ‘Guwahati (UA) _ 5. BIHAR _| Patna (UA) 6._| CHANDIGARH _[ Chandigarh (UA) | 7. | CHHATTISGARH ee Durg-Bhilai Nagar (UA), Raipur (UA) : | 8. |DADRA& NAGAR oe Ht HAVEL EE 9. | DAMAN & DIU = = (10. | DELHI Deihi (UA) oH 11. | GOA = = 12. | GUJARAT Ahmadabad (UA) | Rajkot (UA), Jamnagar (UA), Bhavnagar (UA), 7 Vadodara (UA), Surat (UA) 13. | HARYANA | i Faridabad*(M.Corpn.), fate 7 | | Gurgaon*(UA) (14. HIMACHAL PRADESH | = (15._| JAMMU & KASHMIR ‘Srinagar (UA), Jammu (UA) 16. | JHARKHAND ce Jamshedpur (UA), Dhanbad (UA), Ranchi (UA), = Bokaro Steel City (UA) 17. | KARNATAKA Bengalore/Bengaluru | Belgaum (UA), Hubii-Dharwad (UA) (M.Corpn.), Mangalore (UA), Mysore (UA), Gulbarga (UA) 18. [KERALA oe Kozhikode (UA), Kochi (UA), Thiruvanathapuram (UA), Thrissur (UA), Malappuram L _{(UA), Kannur (UA), Kollam (UA) | 19. | LAKSHADWEEP = = 20. | MADHYA PRADESH | oe ‘Gwalior (UA), Indore (UA), | | Bhopal (UA), Jabalpur (UA), | | Ujjain (M. Corpn.) -2- [SI TSTATES/ UNION CITIES — CITIES CLASSIFIED | Ne. | TERRITORIES CLASSIFIED ‘AS “Y” "AS “X" j21. [MAHARASHTRA Greater Mumbai | Amravati (W.Corpn,), Nagpur (UA), (UA), Aurangabad (UA), Nashik Pune (UA) (UA), Bhiwandi (UA), Solapur (M.Corpn.), Kolhapur (UA), Vasai-Virar City (M. Corpn.), Malegaon (UA), Nanded-Waghala (M. Corpn.), Sangli (UA) (22. | MANIPUR 23. | MEGHALAYA 24. | MIZORAM 25, | NAGALAND. 26. | ODISHA Cuttack (UA), Bhubaneswar (UA), Raurkela (UA) 27. |PUDUCHERRY _ (PONDICHERRY) | Puducherry/Pondicherry (UA) | | 28. | PUNJAB | ‘Amritsar (UA), Jalandhar (UA), Ludhiana (M. Coprn.) 29. | RAJASTHAN Bikaner (M.Corpn.), Jaipur (M.Corpn.), Jodhpur (UA), Kota (M.Corpn.), Aimer (UA) 30. | SIKKIM 31, | TAMIL NADU He a ~~] Chennai (UA) ‘Salem (UA), Tiruppur (UA), Coimbatore (UA), Tiruchirapalli (UA), Madurai (UA), Erode (UA) 32._| TRIPURA 33. | UTTAR PRADESH | Moradabad (M.Corpn), Meerut (UA), Ghaziabad"(UA), Aligarh(UA), Agra (UA), Bareilly (UA), Lucknow (UA), Kanpur | (UA), Allahabad (UA), | Gorakhpur (UA), Varanasi (UA), | Saharanpur (M.Corpn.), Noida* | (CT), Firozabad (NPP), Jhansi (WA 34. | UTTARAKHAND. Dehradun (UA) _ 35. | WEST BENGAL i Kolkata (UA) Asansol (UA), Siliguri (UA), Durgapur (UA) * Only for the purpose of extending HRA on the basis of dependency. NOTE The remaining citiesitowns in various States/UTs which are not covered by classification as “X” or “Y”, are classified as “Z" for the purpose of HRA. inatia tert HE CENTRAL SILK BOARD (Fa AATe, HITT ACH Ministry of Textiles - Govt. of India) Rat ateaee, A at wa Arse, aaa CSB Complex, BTM Layout, Madiwala aTAe Bangalore ~ 560068 NO.CSB-1(1)/2017-18/Budget/Accts. 11.07.2017 CIRCULAR Sub: Implementation of 7 CPC recommended revised Allowances in CSB - Requirement of funds for implementing the revised allowances from 1.7.2017 to 28.02.2018 ~ reg. In continuation to the Central Office Circular NO.CSB-1(1)/2017- 18/Budget/Accts., dated 4" July, 2017 on the subject cited above, it is to inform that as per the Gazette Notification of Govt. of India Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I dated 6" July, 2017 and subsequent OMs No.2/5/2017- E.II(B) and No.2/5/2017-E-II(B) of GOI, Ministry of Finance, dated 7" July, 2017, HRA and TA had been revised and shall be effective from 1% July, 2017. However, in CSB the same shall be implemented only on receipt of sufficient funds from Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, New Delhi, based on approval of our Budget / Revised Estimate 2017-18. Separate communication would be sent for the paymént of revised allowances on receipt of Budget / Revised Estimate 2017-18 approval from Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi. Till such time, the existing system would continue. In this regard, it is to inform that the funds required for the implementation of the above revised allowances and also other allowances with effect from 1* July, 2017 to February, 2018 of your unit including your nested units may be worked out in a separate statement taking into account the 7" CPC recommendations and its acceptance, Gazette Notification and OMs issued by Govt. of India on the subject, etc. and forwarded to Central Office, Bangalore immediately for taking further necessary action ¢ im (R.SatHish Kumar) Director(Finance) To All the CSB units F, No.12(4)2016-E1I,A Government of India Ministy of Finance Department of Expenditure North Block, New Delhi T® July, 2017 Office Memorandum Subject: Discontinuance of Family Planning Allowance for adoption of small family norms recommendation of the 7 Central Pay Commission. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's OM No. 7(20)/2008-E-IIA dated 24.9.2008, regarding the existing rates of Family Planning Allowance (FPA) admissible to Central Government femployees and to say that as provided for in para 7 ofthis Ministry's Resolution No. 1-2/206:IC dated 25 ‘July, 2016, the matter regarding allowances (except Deamess Allowance) based on the recommendations of the 7 Central Pay Commission was referred to a Committee under the Chairmanship of Finance Secretary ‘and until a final decision thereon, all allowances were required to be paid at the existing rates in the existing pay structure (the pay structure based on 6" Pay Commission) as ifthe pay has not been revised wes. 1% January, 2016. Accordingly, FPA was also required to be paid at the existing rates specified in the aforesaid OM dated 24.9.2008. 2. The decisions of the Government on various allowances based on the recommendations of the 7” Central Pay Commission and in the light of the recommendations of the Committee under the Chairmanship of the Finance Secretary, have since been notified as per the Resolution No. 11-1/2016-IC dated 6" July, 2017 3. As mentioned at SI. No. 60 of the Appendix -l| of the said Resolution dated 6% July, 2017, the recommendation ofthe 7 Central Pay Commission to abolish Family Planning Allowance has been accepted ‘and this decision is effective from 1% July, 2017. Accordingly, FPA Family Pianning Allowance, as admissible hitherto, shall cease to exist in all cases 4, ‘These orders shall take effect from 1* July, 2017 and hence Family Planning Allowance shall stand discontinued wef. 1* July, 2017. 5, In their application to the employees serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department, these orders are issued in consultation with the Office of C&AG. 6. Hindi version of these orders is attached. aero? (Annie George Mathew) Joint Secretary to the Government of India To, Al Ministries & Departments

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