Sylvaine (Epic Boss) - GURPS Repository

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By Mailanka
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Deep in the wildest of forests where the faerie folk frolic and the sun casts golden, dappled shadows upon the forest floor, there
Add a new page: lurks a great and powerful beast. Her scales glimmer with the brightest of greens and blues and just a hint of soft violet.
Magnificent, fetching eyes reflect dozens of fascinating colors in their jeweled depths, and her huge, colorful wings spiral with
pastel patterns. Her slim body moves gracefully, flowing through the trees as she treads lightly on her claws, her faerie and
shoulder dragon entourage clearing the way for her queenly passage.
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Sylvaine, like many dragons, has a hoard, but she collects less based on a base lust for gold (though she does enjoy the weight
Membership of it in her claws) and more for an indelible fascination for beauty. She collects everything that catches her fancy. While she can
be reasoned with (and, indeed, enjoys a good conversation), she doesn't really consider mortals worth listening to… unless they
How to join this site? too are beautiful, in which case she often snatches them up and flies them away. When she isn't collecting works of art or
Site members fascinating people, she's gathering occult secrets or writing illuminated grimoires.

Forum Sylvaine is understanding and gentle, if somewhat greedy, and very well-learned. Those who think she cannot be roused into a
rage, however, will find themselves facing her implacable occult might, her reality twisting magics and swiftly learning that her
Forum claws are as deadly as that of any dragon! She tends to save her greatest rage for Chevalier, though, whom she feels is as
Recent posts pompous as he is beautiful.
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ST: 39 HP: 39 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 17 Move: 6
Page tags IQ: 13 Per: 16
HT: 12 FP: 14 SM: +4
animal barsoom boss cer-1 cer-
13 cer-19 cer-29 cer-35 cer-36 Dodge: 9 Parry: 10 DR: 10
cer-42 cer-48 cer-52 cer-56 cer-61
construct cp150-199 dark_sun Fangs (14): 4d impaling. Reach C-3.
demon dinosaur dire_animal Fire Breath (12): 5d burning in a 5-yard cone, 6/day. Acc 3, Range 10/20.
Long Talons (14): 4d+5 cutting or 4d+5 impaling. Reach C-4.
dnd_conversion Tail (14): 4d+1 crushing. Reach C-5. Equivalent to 8-lb. weapon.
dragon earthdawn_ability
elder_thing elemental elf Traits: Appearance (Beautiful, Universal +3); Awe; Bad Grip 3; Discriminatory Smell; Eidetic Memory; Empathy; Extra Attack 1;
epic_boss faerie fodder force Extra Legs 4; Flight (Winged; Air Move 24); Gluttony (12); Greed (12); Horizontal; Miserliness (12); Obsession (Gathering
generic giant giant_animal goblin beautiful things) (12); Hard to Kill 5; Magery 2; Night Vision 8.
goblin-kin greater_worthy human Special Powers: Wild Caster, Reality Shift.
hybrid keepers_of_the_way Skills: Brawling-14; Diplomacy-15; Occultism-14.
lesser_boss lesser_worthy magic Spells: Illusion Spells! IQ+1* [12]-14.
Class: Mundane (Dragon).
mundane nazi offense or-
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 115 (OR 64 and PR 51).
11 or-12 or-13 or-15 or-16 or-17
Notes: Sylvaine is a good example of a non-physical dragon, using her beauty, her sophistication and her occult prowess to
or-18 or-19 or-20 or-21 or-23 or-
secure victory. While she isn't the sort of malevolent monster that heroes normally face, she certainly has a conflict of interests
24 or-26 or-27 or-28 or-30 or-33
with delvers, whom often want to acquire beautiful and powerful objects from the same dungeon she might be plundering. And
or-34 or-40 or-9 orc plant pr-10
her treasure trove certainly holds all sorts of wonders… Willing to negotiate.
pr-11 pr-12 pr-13 pr-14 pr-15 pr-
17 pr-18 pr-19 pr-20 pr-21 pr-23
pr-25 pr-26 pr-27 pr-28 pr-30 pr- Variants
32 pr-37 pr-5 pr-7 pr-8 pr-9
ritual ritual_path_magic rpm
slime supers trap troll undead Adventure Ideas
worthy wwii

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cer-115 dragon epic_boss mundane or-64 pr-51

page revision: 5, last edited: 20 Jun 2015, 00:41 (966 days ago)
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