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The Autumn Queen (Greater Epic Boss)
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By Gold & Apple Inc
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Known as the Harvest Queen, the Lady of Lengthening Shadows, and many other names (but never what her mother called her
Add a new page: before her coronation), the Autumn Queen is both eye-bleedingly beautiful and bone-chillingly terrible to behold. The death of all
natural things is her domain, but also the ripening of the life-giving fruits and grains. Plants and living creatures wither and die at
her approach, feeding her vitality with their own. Her goals are inscrutable to outsiders, but grand in scope, and her faerie minions
and mortal pawns are many and deadly.
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ST: 11 HP: 15 Speed: 5.75
DX: 10 Will: 24 Move: 5
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IQ: 18 Per: 16
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HT: 13 FP: 25 SM: +0
Forum Dodge: 8 Parry: 10 DR: 0
The Sickle of Autumn (14): 1d+4(5) Cutting
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Recent threads Traits: Appearance (Transcendant, Universal +5), Awe (-1 to Awe Resistance), Charisma +5, Dependency (Mana, Constantly),
Impulsive (12-), Indomitable, Lifebane, Overconfidence (12-), Power Investiture x3 (Druid), Sense of Duty (Nature), Terror (-2 to
Fright Checks), Unfazeable, Vulnerability (Iron x4)
Special Powers: Hypnotic Voice (Magical), Epic Immortality (Achilles' Heel: Iron), Vampiric Aura (Magical), Wild Talent X9 (Magic
Page tags Spells Only -20%)
Skills: Axe/Mace DX+4 [16]-14, Diplomacy IQ+1 [8]-19, Intimidation Will+1 [4]-25, Leadership IQ+1 [4]-19, Occultism IQ+7
animal barsoom boss cer-1 cer- [28]-25, Sex Appeal HT+6* [4]-19, Tactics IQ-1 [2]-17, Traps IQ [2]-18, Wrestling DX+1 [4]-11
13 cer-19 cer-29 cer-35 cer-36 Spells: Nature! IQ+5* [48]-23
cer-42 cer-48 cer-52 cer-56 cer-61 Class: Faerie
construct cp150-199 dark_sun Notes: Prefers negotiation, but not to the extent that one might expect from her sisters when she has her muscle with her. Her
demon dinosaur dire_animal sickle is a lootable Very Fine Ornate Silver weapon enchanted with Penetrating Weapon (Armor Divisor 5).
dragon earthdawn_ability Variants
elder_thing elemental elf
epic_boss faerie fodder force
generic giant giant_animal goblin
Adventure Ideas
goblin-kin greater_worthy human
hybrid keepers_of_the_way
lesser_boss lesser_worthy magic
mundane nazi offense or-
11 or-12 or-13 or-15 or-16 or-17
or-18 or-19 or-20 or-21 or-23 or-
24 or-26 or-27 or-28 or-30 or-33
or-34 or-40 or-9 orc plant pr-10
pr-11 pr-12 pr-13 pr-14 pr-15 pr-
17 pr-18 pr-19 pr-20 pr-21 pr-23
pr-25 pr-26 pr-27 pr-28 pr-30 pr-
32 pr-37 pr-5 pr-7 pr-8 pr-9
ritual ritual_path_magic rpm
slime supers trap troll undead
worthy wwii

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faerie greater_epic_boss
page revision: 3, last edited: 8 Aug 2010, 04:01 (2743 days ago)
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