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SBOTION osit5i02 Name: DUVALL, ELISA ANN : gan 8 IFICATION: OFFICE TECH It 10B_CLASS DEPT: 1000-11100 7 05122100 COVERING DATE 11/16/01 -05-1602 STEP DATE: 05/16/01 PRESENT STEP: 2 WELD COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER'S EVALUATION FORM [*] SECTION I; 4-Outstanding, 3-Above average, 2-Meets, 1-Needs Improvement SECTION I: PERSONAL PERFORMANCE 1. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OT 1 With co-workers 1 With management 1 With public i Accepts constructive criticism 1 Interacts with others in a positive way that results in cooperation 4 ©21 Demonstrates tact and diplomacy 4 ©2 1 Maintains sensitivity to the feelings and efforts of others ae eee 9008 NM NWN * kAdditional comments: Elisa works well with public and they respond great with her. 2 TEAMWORK: 4 © 21 Modifies time schedule to get job done Encourages others or compliments their work Gives and welcomes feedback Gives the effort of that "extra mile" Takes the initiative to perform duties and does what needs to be done without being asked 21 Works with others without complaints or conflicts 21 Strives to increase productivity seen ee 2000 NWN x Additional comments: HMra.rev 11988 (orgaal 01/1896 WELD COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER'S EVALUATION) 3. DEPENDABILITY: NA 4.3 @ 1 Keeps absences within guidelines 4.3 @ 1 In Office and productive from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 43 © 1 Bogins work early and stays late when necessary 43.21 Meets deadlines 43 @ 1 Priotitizes daily activities 4 ©2 1 Takes appropriate time for breaks and lunch 4 ©2 1 Procrastinates in work habits + x Additional comments: Need to work harder on being on time, I have seen improvement in that area 4. ADAPTABILITY: 4 ©2 1 Able to change priorities for efficient work flow 4 ©2 1 Flexible to change and adjust to unique circumstances 4 ©2 1 Able to meet unforeseen situations and to adapt to overcome obstacles + x Additional Comments: 5, LEADERSHIP: 4 © 2 1 Isable to influence the activity of others in a positive direction 1 Sets an example for others to follow Has drive and commitment for personal improvement Keeps peace by not minding other people's business Respects and supports others w Own + x Additional Comments: 6. RESPONSIBILITY: ©21 Accepts accountability for one's actions 4 ©2 1 Completes time sheet on time and correctly 43@ 1 Maintains confidentiality 4 ©2 1 Follows Office Policies 4 @2 1 Is organized in work habits and area * kadditional comments: ‘She always follows up with any problem and has not had very many rejects, and will complete them right away. ‘7. SOMMUNICATION: 43 @ 1 Keepsmanagement informed 4.3 @ 1 open line between co-workers 43 @ 1 Has ability to mend broken communication for the advantage of the office 43 @ 1 Has ability to listen and understand NA 43 2 1 Hasstaff meetings to keep staff informed NA 43 2 1 Promotes better ways for staff to perform * k Additional Comments: Always checks with management if not sure about something. V: JOB PERFORMANCE: 1. JOB KNOWLED( 43 @ 1 Has overall view of the job description 4 ©2 1 Uses good judgement to confer with management 4.3 @ 1 Keeps informed of statutory changes and complies with them 4.3 @ 1 Keeps informed of Office Procedure Changes x Additional Comments: She has been doing batching, & filing now and is understanding why we have to do certain procedures now. 2. QUALITY OF WORK: 42 1 Takes pride in work performance 4 ©2 1 Performs work with accuracy and completeness 4 ©2 1 Accountable for errors 43 © 1 Looks for ways to improve and promote quality 43 © 1 Applies feedback to improve performance 4.©2 1 Uses time efficiently + kAdditional Comments: 4. TELEPHONE CALLS: 43 @ 1 Receives many personal calls 4.3 @ 1 Makes many personal calls 4 ©2 1 Uses telephone etiquette 4.3 @ 1 Handles business calls professionally + kAdditional Comments: 5, EQUIPMENT: 43 @ 1 Notifies management for repairsiservice of equipment 43 @ 1 Cares for office equipment as if it was your own + x Additional Comments: EMPLOYEE'S PERSONAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 1. What do you consider to be the most important parts of your job? 2, What improvements would you make in your immediate work area? 3. What changes would you make to increase productivity and/or performance? 4. Do you have any abilities which are not being fully used in your present job? If yes, can you suggest how they may be used to make the office more efficient? 5. What improvements would you like to see in your own work? MANAGEMENT REVIEW AND COMMENTS LL 1. SUPERVISORIOFFICE_ MANAGER REVIEW AND COMMENTS: Elisa com Jearn new procedures all the time. She is now doing batching and filling and is understanding the whole procedure better now. She continues to work well with co-workers and with the public. Thank you for all your hard work. SIGNATURE: DATE: 4 eee Condoce Mondregi’ SAF 2 EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND COMMENTS: ee AGREE: \~ DISAGREE: SIGNATURE: Lone Sutbel mre 52 3. ELECTED OFFICIAL/DEPARTMENT HEAD REVIEW AND COMMENTS: Elisa, "thank you" for the willingness to learn new areas of the office. Thank you for all your hard work. Would like for you to work harder on being on time. It is important when setting an example. T recommend step increase 3. ‘SIGNATURE: Ait aad ose DATE: 06/10/02 PERSONNEL ACTION NOTICE ‘Aiways Complete Braployee TD & Nae ad Piieetve Datey Then Filta Data Thad Te Chaweng Personal Data 1 Employee ID: _3387 Employee Name:__Elisa Ann DuValt Address Line 1: Address Line 2: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Social Security # Work Exter Personal Data 2 Sex: Female Male Highest Education Level: Disabled: Y N Marital Status: MS Former Nam¢ Birth date: Birthplace: Date of Death: Smoker: YN Disabled Veteran: Y N Family Status Change Reason: Status Change Dat Ethnic Group: (circle ) White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indiau/Alaskan Native Military Status: Citizenship Status: Employment Eligibility Proof Employment Eligibility Proof 2: Job Data 1 Effective Date: _05/16/02 Effective Date Sequence #:___ Action Code: PAY Reason Code: ere Dept. # 1000-11300 Dept. Entry Date: Position #:_0044 Pos # Entry Date: Job Code 030. Job Code Entry Date: Job Title: ¢ Tec Circle One: re ‘Temporary Circle One: ~“CFul =, Part-Time ___Job-Share 50 Job Share .75 Circle One: Exempt fon-Exemy Job Data 2 Holiday Schedule: Reg None State Job Share.50 Job Share .75 Pay Group: Reg Sel Employee Type: er eS) Exception Hourly ~) Hourly Hours Worked Per Week: SS as Salary Grade and Step:___15/3___ Compensation Rate: $11.89 Grade Date: Step Date Performance Evaluation Due Date: _11/16/02_ Review (Needed for new employees, new positions, or other appropriate times) gute Bd Benefit Program Effective Date: Benefit Program: Participation Social Services Account Code: Earnings Code: Percent: Comments: ‘Authorized Signature: Mews. te pate: 67 / P22 Reviewed By Persounel Services: DEC 1 8 2002 SECTION 1: sai0z NAME: DUVALL, ELISA ANN JOB CLASSIFICATION: OFFICE TECH Hl JOB CLASS DEPT: 1000-11100 HIRE DATE: 05122100 COVERING DATE 05/16/02. 11/16/02 TEP DATE: 05/16I0Z PRESENT S' 3 WELD COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER'S EVALUATION FORM 4-Outstanding, 3-Above average, 2Meets, 1-Needs Improvement : PERSONAL PERFORMANCE 1. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS 421 With co-workers 421 With management 421 With public 4 2 1 Accepts constructive criticism 4 ©2 1 Interacts with others in a positive way that results in cooperation 4 ©21 Demonstrates tact and diplomacy 4 ©21 Maintains sensitivity to the feelings and efforts of others +k Additional comments: Elisa works well with public Modifies time schedule to get job done Encourages others or compliments their work Gives and welcomes feedback Gives the effort of that "extra mile” ‘Takes the initiative to perform duties and does what needs to be done without being asked Works with others without complaints or conflicts Strives to increase productivity nal comments: Ac evaltom sev 111998 (orginal 011996 WELD COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER'S EvALUATION) EE UEEEEEEEEEEEE 3, DEPENDABILITY: 43 @ 1 Keeps absences within guidelines 43 @ 1 In Office and productive from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 43 @ 1 Begins work early and stays late when necessary NA 43 2 1 Meets deadlines 4.3 @ 1 Prioritizes daily activities 4 @2 1 Takes appropriate time for breaks and lunch 4 2 1 Procrastinates in work habits + k Additional comments: Need to work harder on being on time, I have seen improvement in this area 4, ADAPTABILITY: 4 2 1 Able to change priorities for efficient work flow 4 2 1 Flexible to change and adjust to unique circumstances 4 ©2 1 Able to meet unforeseen situations and to adapt to overcome obstacles + k Additional Comments: 4 ® 21 Isable to influence the activity of others in a positive direction 4 © 21 Setsan example for others to follow 4 @ 2.1 Has drive and commitment for personal improvement 43 © 1 Keeps peace by not minding other people's business 4 @ 2.1 Respects and supports others + & Additional Comments: 6, RESPONSIBILITY: 4©2 1 Accepts accountability for one's actions 4 ©2 1 Completes time sheet on time and correctly 43@ 1 Maintains confidentiality 4 @2 1 Follows Office Policies 4 @2 1 Is organized in work habits and area + kadditional comments: ‘7 COMMUNICATION: 4 © 21 Keeps management informed 4 © 21 Keeps an open line between co-workers 4 © 21 Hasability to mend broken communication for the advantage of the office 4 © 21 Hasability to listen and understand NA 43 2 1 Hasstaff meetings to keep staff informed NA 43 2 1 Promotes better ways for staff to perform + «Additional Comments: SECTION IV: JOB PERFORMANCE: 1. JOB KNOWLEDG! 4 ©2 1 Has overall view of the job description 4 ©2 1 Uses good judgement to confer with management 4.3 @1 Keeps informed of statutory changes and complies with them 4 ©21 Keepsinformed of Office Procedure Changes +k Additional Comments: Elisa is now in the rotation cycle, has leamed the batching 2 QUALITY OF WORK: 42 1 Takes pride in work performance 4 @2 1 Performs work with accuracy and completeness 4 @2 1 Accountable for errors 4.3 @ 1 Looks for ways to improve and promote quality 4.3 @ 1 Applies feedback to improve performance 4 ©2 1 Uses time efficiently + x Additional Comments: EEE! 43 @ 1 Receives many personal calls 4.3 @ 1 Makes many personal calls 4 ©2 1 Uses telephone etiquette 4.2 1 Handles business calls professionally > k Additional Comments: She does receive many, but usually has them taken care of in short order. IPMENT: 43 @ 1 Notifies management for repairsiservice of equipment 4.3 @ 1 Cares for office equipment as if it was your own + kAdditional Comments: EMPLOYEE'S PERSONAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 1. What do you consider to be the most important parts of your job? 3. What changes would you make to increase productivity and/or performance? 4. Do you have any abilities which are not being fully used in your present job? If yes, can you suggest how they may be used to make the office more efficient? 5. What improvements would you like to see in your own work? MANAGEMENT REVIEW AND COMMENTS AL RVISOR/OFFICE MANAGER REVIEW AND COMMENTS: Elisa has learned the back of office with the filing, batching, phones, and is now in the rotation cycle for the back of the office work. She is now back on the line and works well with public. ‘Thank you for all your hard work. SIGNATURE: DATE: Wh 7 7, (2-6-0 2 G Guida (Wend agar 2, EMPLOYEE REVIEW AND COMMENTS: te ‘ DISAGREE: SIGNATURE! (ad yh pare: | d- UO JDEPARTMENT HEAD REVIEW AND COMMENTS: 3. BLECTED_OFFICH SIGNATURE: DATE: Learning the different areas of the Elisa, "thank you" for all of your hard work. Always use your office will give you a different perspective on the office flow. knowledge that you learn to better assist the public and your co-workers. Thank you again for all that you do. IKE Aeban \2[u[ 2002.

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